#lanta shopping
lilanathania · 6 months
Buat apa Hemat?
Hemat waktu, hemat uang, hemat tenaga. Kita selalu diimbau untuk berhemat. Apakah memang penting?
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Pola pikir berhemat biasanya sudah ditanamkan sejak dini pada anak. Jangan boros ya, ayo nabung. Jangan tidur terlalu malam ya, nanti kecapekan. Jangan menunda-nunda pekerjaan, hasilnya tidak akan maksimal. Secara logika, kita tahu bahwa menghemat waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran adalah hal yang logis dan baik untuk dilakukan.
Lantas, ketika sudah punya waktu luang, tabungan yang cukup, energi yang banyak, apa yang ingin Anda lakukan? Lucu bahwa kita selalu dianjurkan untuk melakukan penghematan tapi tidak diajari tentang menggunakan dengan bijak.
Ada yang punya banyak uang lalu tidak tahu bagaimana menggunakannya dengan baik. Shopping baju sebanyak mungkin, beli makanan enak, liburan ke tempat-tempat mahal, apapun itu untuk memuaskan keinginan. Anehnya, menuruti keinginan itu tidak membawa kebahagiaan juga. Mengapa masih terasa kosong dan kurang?
Ada yang punya banyak energi tapi tidak tahu mau diapakan. Akhinya disalurkan untuk kegiatan yang tidak baik, merugikan orang lain, bahkan melanggar hukum. Orang berkomentar, "Ya begitu kalau orang tidak punya kerjaan!" Mungkin sebetulnya punya, tapi ia tidak pernah diajari menggunakan energinya untuk hal-hal yang positif.
Ada orang yang punya banyak waktu luang kemudian malah bingung. Mau ngapain ya? Karena tidak ada kegiatan, akhirnya ia mindlessly scrolling media sosial. Hal yang seakan-akan tidak buruk, tapi tiba-tiba sudah 1 jam lebih terbuang. Setelah itu baru menyesal, aku ngapain sih sejam ini?
Seperti biasa, saya iseng berdialog dengan diri. Apa sebetulnya yang bisa kita lakukan setelah menjalankan semua upaya penghematan?
Sepertinya kita perlu mencari tahu apa yang benar-benar memberi makna dalam hidup. Berhemat jelas perlu, tetapi bagaimana kita menggunakan uang-waktu-pikiran juga tak kalah penting. Rencanakan kesenangan apa yang positif dan rewarding untuk diri sendiri. Setiap orang tentu berbeda, tergantung kesenangan dan preferensi masing-masing.
Salah satu contohnya, alih-alih membeli (lagi) benda-benda yang sudah dimiliki atau kurang penting, coba alihkan pengeluaran untuk hobi dan pengalaman. Kurangi beli baju/sepatu/tas, gunakan uang untuk mengasah skill tertentu, mencoba hobi baru, atau melakukan olahraga untuk kebugaran. Daripada makan segala macam junk food secara berlebihan karena mengikuti nafsu, gunakan uang untuk beli makanan yang lebih mahal tapi bergizi.
Dalam kegiatan menghemat - menggunakan, kita juga perlu berhenti berpikir secara biner atau ekstrem. Hidup sangat jauh dari situasi hitam-putih, kebanyakan berada di ranah abu-abu.
Berhemat bukan berarti tidak menggunakan uang sepeser pun, tapi bukan juga menghambur-hamburkan tabungan untuk kesenangan duniawi. Sesekali memanjakan diri boleh, tapi jangan terbawa arus budaya konsumtif dengan dalih self reward. Bekerja jangan terlalu serius hingga tak pernah mengambil cuti untuk menunjukkan dedikasi, tetapi jangan juga mencuri-curi kesempatan untuk mangkir dari jam kerja. Temukan keseimbangan di antara keduanya. Ada waktu untuk mencintai diri, ada juga waktu untuk menahan diri.
Mungkin anjuran berhemat sebetulnya mencoba mengajak kita menjadi sosok yang lebih baik. Manusia bukan sekadar seonggok daging yang selalu disetir oleh nafsu akan kekayaan, kelezatan, atau kenikmatan lain yang bersifat duniawi. Di sisi lain, menggunakan juga merupakan seni yang perlu dipelajari setiap hari. Kita pasti akan menjadi orang yang lebih baik jika tahu bagaimana menghemat dan menggunakan dengan bijak.
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kimberly40 · 1 year
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Here are some Appalachian words and phrases that you or your family uses if you’re a longtime local, or that surprised you most when you arrived here:
•A might spell – a little while
•A scosh – a little
•Acting ugly – acting mean
•All tore up – broken down or bereft; “as in the car is broke down or someone is all to pieces upset about somethin’”
•All y’all – you and your extended group or family; a way to add emphasis to “y’all.” “Used interchangeably with, ‘you’ins.’”
•Airish – breezy
•Booger – a boogeyman or Bigfoot-type creature; also a Boojum
•Bowed up – to stop suddenly. “He bowed up in front of me.”
•Branch – creek
•Britches – pants
•Buggy – shopping cart
•Busier than a one-eyed cat watchin’ two mouse holes
•By and by – eventually
•Come down to the house – Come over and visit
•Cove – “Here, a cove is a small valley – like a holler, just from a different county.
•Cuss – use curse words
•Cut on/off – turn on/off. “Cut on the hose pipe.”
•Cypookus (sypookus) – “a really bad thunderstorm”
•Dad dern it – “Kinda like Dad Gum it, sorta cussing but not really”
•Dark thirty; dusty dark – just after sunset
•The Devil’s beating his wife – “This means it’s raining but the sun is shining. Quite un-PC, but very colorful!”
•Dinner – used for “lunch”
•Dreckly (Directly) – an indeterminate period of time; soon. “Heard it all my young life. Then much to my surprise I saw in a shop window in Penzance, Cornwall, a sign ‘back dreckly.’ – Martha L.; used by my grandmother…“‘He will be here dreckly.’” Meaning soon.
•Fixin’ to – about to. “The phrase I like best, that enchanted me, is ‘It’s fixin’ to rain.’ You can say it’s fixin’ to do anything.
•Fixins – condiments
•Gap – “A gap is a low spot in a mountain ridge. National Geographic Society says gaps are similar to passes, but more rugged and difficult to navigate.”
•Guam (or gom) – gummed up; a mess. “2020 has been a gom.”
•Gully washer – “heavy downpour of rain”
•Hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit
•Hide nor hair – to describe when you haven’t seen someone or something in a while; “if you haven’t seen someone in a while you haven’t heard ‘hide nor hair of ‘em’”.
•Hit’s – “As in ‘what’s hit’s name;’ non-gender specific reference to a live thing, like a child, cat, or dog, who you don’t know the gender of.”
•Holler – a small valley
•Honchu – I want you. “Honchu look at that.”
•I don’t care to – I don’t mind.
•I reckon – I guess
•I swanee – A mild oath or swear
•I’ll get to it directly – I’ll do it eventually
•I’m all covered up – I’m busy
•Jeet – “Did you eat? or Have you eaten yet?”
•Just a tidgh – A little bit
•Kindly, kindly like – kind of; sort of
•Might could – to suppose one could, “I might could do that.”
•Momanem (mom an’ ‘em) – one’s family or someone else’s family. “How’re your momanem?”
•Off kilter – not right
•Oh my ‘lanta – “OMG.”
•Onced or twiced – “It happened onced or twiced.”
•Pipe down – be quiet
•Ratpurddy – “Lovely; pleasing to the eye.”
•Right quick – next; sooner than later
•Spittin’ snow – just starting to snow; snowing lightly but getting heavier
•Spell – period of time. “She’s been a might ill for quite a spell now”
•This un – this one
•Toboggan – a winter hat
•T’ords – “In the direction of.”
•Whole ‘nother – Another
•Winder – window
•You uns – you all
•Young’un – young person; child
(From https://avltoday.6amcity.com/southern-appalachian-dialect-nc/)
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pacificgrimsarc · 6 months
[ shop ] for trent and twyla ✨💕
[ shop ] sender and receiver go to the grocery store together | @bloodrodeo
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"Oh my lanta. Didja see what's been goin' on with poor Kate Middleton?" You hear her before you see her; Twyla's nose is buried in today's tabloids while in line at the local Food Lion. The front page of the rag is a poorly 'shopped photo of the aforementioned princess and her children, smiling widely and eerily at the camera. "All that money and she can't even hire a proper PR team. What a disaster!"
A well-made, but knockoff, brown handbag is dangling from Twyla's forearm and she's moving up the queue slowly, not really paying attention to where she's walking. Beep... beep... beep. The elderly cashier takes her time ringing every single item the customer a few spots ahead of them has. Twyla is no stranger to the colossally slow pace in which these big grocery stores are run, but gosh darn does she miss the quick-and-easy pick-ups back home in her small town. Still, she's buzzing with excitement; she's going to meet Trent's Pops for the first time for Father's Day weekend, but first they had to complete a laundry list to help prepare for the celebratory barbecue.
She finally looks up from the magazine, a concentrated look on her face like there's a true, substantial mystery behind the entire Kate Middleton thing and she's about to solve it à la Nick Cage in National Treasure. But it disappears rather quickly when she sees, right next to the magazines in line, is a small stand of sparklers and other small fireworks. A sign on the stand says MORE FIREWORKS IN BACK. A megawatt smile appears on her face and she grabs a couple of packs of sparklers.
"I haven't played with these since I was a little kid," she tells Trent. "We gotta buy some." A pause as she eyes the small fireworks she didn't pick up. "You think your Pops'll be up for shootin' some off? Don't wanna set your house on fire meetin' him for the first time, but... this is an opportunity I just can't pass up."
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
(Previously, dans le rewatch HPI...)
Yo ! Je vous ai manqué ? J’espère que oui, parce que sinon vous allez devoir endurer dans la souffrance tout mon rewatch de la saison 2, je dis ça je dis rien...
Morgane "J’ai passé la moitié de ma vie à faire des sitting anticapitalistes" Alvaro qui part en shopping spree consumériste dès qu’elle a trois thunes sur son compte courant... I've said it before and I'll say it again: I find the Pretty Woman montage extremely cringe.
(à part pour l’origin story de la doudoune rouge et des croco ankle boots 🥰)
Funfact: Napalm Decapitation est un groupe qui n’existe pas.
Askskjfkskfjksjk, la tête de Karadec pendant TOUTE la scène de crime, this is a testament to Mehdi's acting
"Daphné!" -> Morgane qui lance son manteau au hasard dans sa direction me fait toujours autant rire
"Commandant, je peux vous parler une minute ?" / "J'ai eu des nouvelles concernant les coups de feu que tu as tiré à Malo-les-bains" -> le tutoiement/vouvoiement dans toute sa splendeur, je note, je note...
Adam est painfully terrible au demi-tour en douze trois temps, ça me rappelle mes séances d'auto-école, lol. Et pourquoi y'a personne sur cette nationale ? I have so many questions...
"Vous voulez connaître les neuf autres ?" 😂😂
La ! Soirée ! Koh Lanta ! Pizza !! Comment j’avais oublié cette ref au moment de l’écrire !!!
Morgane x le gyrophare, littéralement dans mon top 5 des moments connerie de Morgane...
"Ah bah ça tombe bien parce qu'elle est morte" -> le TACT de Morgane, bordel 😱
Karadec x l'anecdote random sur Miterrand et l'andouillette -> top 5 des moments les plus absurdes de ce show
Morgane calling Adam a Drama Queen, aksksjkjskj, something something pots, kettle, toussa toussa...
Un yacht et un chat sans poil ? Sérieusement Daphné ? C'est ça que tu t'achèterais en premier si t'étais riche ?
Morgane qui plaque Gilles contre le mur !!!! Et ensuite il se redresse et on voit qu'ils font la. même. taille. 😆
"Bah merde..." awww she cares so much about him 😍
Un lassi mangue... Le retour du jus de pomme eau gazeuse... This is too much to handle 😱
Mais bordel Adam, pourquoi tu lui fais la gueule comme ça ? 😭
Morgane est tellement obsédée par Karadec, be still my heart 🙊
"Vous lui avez pas demandé ?" 😅
Morgane qui devient sérieuse avec la voix qui tremble quand Céline mentionne que Adam risque son poste <=> Adam qui perd pied quand Morgane risque son poste dans le 2.02, my heart!
Les "Et ?" parfaitement synchronisés de Céline et Morgane, asjksjks
Remember that time when Roxane was an antagonist? "Roxane Ascher, sympa ?" Because I don't.
"Tu te sens comment ?" "Comme un type qui va se faire opérer à coeur ouvert par un marteau-piqueur" 🤣🤣🤣
Franchement, c'est quand-même hyper injuste de la part d'Adam d'en vouloir à Morgane pour avoir foiré l'entretien avec Roxane 😰
NIGHT TIME IS THEIR TIME! Pardon, mais leurs petits rendez-vous nocturnes, là, ça me rend dingue...
"Pardon..." 😱😱
"Vous vAlEz bIEn qUelQuES déSagRéMEnTs" (on rappelle que dans le contexte, "quelques désagrément" = perdre son poste, il est quand-même vachement détendu du slip, le Karadec, là), et qu'il lui fait des blagues sur le vol de sa voiture, ET QU'IL RESSORT LE TOP TEN DE SES MOMENTS PRÉFÉRÉS DE LA LIFE 🪥🪥🪥
Leurs sourires... THEM... Ils se kiffent tellement c’est pas possible!!!! 😭
"Oui bah moi je sais qui c'est" 😂
Je sais pas vous mais moi j'adore voir Karadec interroger des gens, my man takes no bullshit and I love that about him
Le lassi mangue !! La vanne du label rouge !! Le visage de Morgane qui se décompose !!! My babies are desynchronized SO BAD 💔
Adam, un flic border ? (Et Laure Berthaud du coup c’est quoi selon Roxane Ascher ?) Laissez-moi rire, lol !
Adam qui protège Morgane devant Roxane OMG, comment il la kiiiiiffe 😱
Le petit clin d'oeil de Gilles en mode "ça va bien se passer" pour rassurer Adam, il est trop chou 🥲
Morgane qui est toujours aussi obsédée par Adam, comment elle le kiiiiiffe 😱
Conclusion, je me tape la tête contre les murs, merci bonsoir
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silminadilah · 2 years
New feeling unlocked: deg degan setengah idup.
Baru hari ini mungkin gue bisa minum chamomile tea dengan sebuah perasaan: biasa aja.
Kurang lebih bulan lalu, atau mungkin tepat satu bulan lalu, stressor datang tanpa permisi, bikin konfigurasi hidup yang sudah ABCD mendadak jadi ABZD, alias: berantakan.
Gue ngerasa, selama ini gue cuma run away dari hal hal yang membuat gue takut. Selama ini, ternyata gue cuma denial sama hal hal yang gue pikir nggak penting, atau justru mungkin menutupi ketidakmampuan diri gue pribadi untuk mendapatkan itu, gue lantas sekonyong-konyong memberi cap: nggak penting. Angkuh sekali ya?
Satu bulan lalu, gue datengin temen gue yang apoteker, nanya kira kira apakah dia ada rekomendasi obat penenang yang tidak membuat kantuk kah? Karena gue harus fokus kerja dengan tenang, kalau ditenangkan lalu tidur, apa kabar kerjaan gue nanti :')
Karena gayung tidak bersambut, alias temen gue nggak ngasi opsi apapun selain atur pernafasan, akhirnya gue beli teh chamomile yang agak affordable ya dibanding teh chamomile dengan tag khas coffee shop gaul. Dengan satu harapan: plis, normalin detak jantung gue. Udah berhari hari kayak gini, makan susah tidur susah, gara gara gue kesel banget sama satu hal ini.
Dengan sehari minum 4 gelas teh chamomile, cukup berhasil membuat detak jantung lebih lambat atau menuju normal. Sebelum itu, rasanya setiap saat kayak abis lari maraton. Berat badan turun drastis, fokus juga hilang, selera makan apalagi.
Rasa bersalah, marah sama pihak pihak tertentu, khawatir akan bagaimana kedepannya, hingga perasaan tidak berdaya bener bener membuat gue susah nafas.
Di momen itu, kemudian beberapa hal gue sadari, seperti, perlu sekali kita melek hukum, aware dengan setiap perjanjian yang kita buat, but more over, kita juga harus paham, dengan orang seperti apa perjanjian itu kita ikat. Worst case di kasus gue, premanisme jadi jalan untuk kedok sebuah badan hukum established cukup lama. Wow! Is this the way they run the company this whole time?
Pada saat yang sama, gue merasa kasihan sama beberapa orang, jijik (I'm sure, ini beneran bukan berlebihan) sama orang yang se mudah itu "dijajah" Untuk terus menuruti perintah atasan yang jauh dari nuraninya, atauuu justru sebenernya mereka yang menghasut atasannya agar terus berbuat dzolim?
Pertama kalinya dalam hidup juga gue do'ain Allah balas orang dzhalim itu dengan balasan berkali lipat atas setiap rasa sakit yang orang orang terima. Not only me, gue rasa, diri gue pribadi disini nggak penting. Gue ngerasa jadi penonton sekaligus pengamat yang diyakinkan oleh kejadian ini bahwa beginilah sebagian lembaga menjalankan bisnis mereka: menekan kebawah, menjilat ke atas, menutup mata dari hal hal yang membuat diri merasa malu atau salah.
Menjadikan doa gue bertambah, jika suatu hari nanti memang harus menikah, gue harap suami gue adalah orang yang cukup adil, bijaksana dan pemberani. Bukan orang yang pengecut dan lari saat masalah datang. Bukan orang yang membebankan orang lain atas kesalahan yang dia buat, dan terpenting, bukan orang yang pura pura tidak tahu apa apa dan bermudah mudah memaklumi diri sendiri saat ada orang lain terluka dan butuh bantuan.
Sebagai pengemban nama belakang adilah, emosi gue susah banget dikendalikan saat gue tahu, ada orang yang diperlukan tidak adil, terlebih perlakuan itu tanpa dasar selain hanya karena: terlanjur diucap, meski belum mengecek kebenarannya, biarlah, daripada menarik perkataan dan meminta maaf karena asal tuduh, lebih baik mengorbankan hidup satu orang.
kalau bisa, manusia kayak gitu punahin aja dari bumi ini ya Allah, bikin penuh doang deh asli. Hobinya beranak pinak, tapi tidak mencotohkan hal baik untuk keturunannya, bahkan orang orang yang dipimpinnya.
Hal yang bisa meredam semua marah dan khawatir serta rasa bersalah itu kemudian memang dijembatani oleh waktu. Dipupuk oleh komunikasi intens, serta dihujani doa yang terus terus diucap agar..
Semoga seluruh orang yang didzalimi, seperti janjiNya, akan dikabulkan doa nya tanpa terkecuali. Dimaklumi perkataan buruknya karena hatinya memang sedang terluka, diberikan hadiah berupa penghiburan untuk menyejukkan perasaannya.
Hari hari mungkin tidak selalu baik, kita terus belajar seiring usia bertambah. Semoga bumi di penuhi orang orang baik yang tidak apatis, apalagi mementingkan diri sendiri.
Semoga ia dijaga selalu,
Saat terang, saat gelap,
Saat aku ingat, maupun jika aku lupa suatu hari nanti, tuhannya selalu ada untuknya.
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travelloverr · 1 month
Chatuchak Weekend Market: A Shopper's Paradise
Chatuchak Weekend Market, or Jatujak Market, is a shopper’s dream come true. This sprawling marketplace, located in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand, is a labyrinth of stalls offering everything imaginable. From fashion and accessories to home decor, antiques, and food, Chatuchak has it all. With over 15,000 stalls spread across 35 acres, it's easy to get lost in the vibrant atmosphere and endless possibilities.
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Chatuchak Weekend Market is situated in the Chatuchak District of Bangkok. It's easily accessible by public transportation, making it convenient for both locals and tourists.
Best Time to Visit
Chatuchak Market is open on weekends, from Friday evening to Sunday. However, the best time to visit is early in the morning, around 10 am. This is when the market is less crowded, and you have a better chance of finding good deals. Be prepared for the heat and humidity, especially in the afternoon.
History of Chatuchak Weekend Market
The origins of Chatuchak Market can be traced back to the early 20th century when it was a small market selling plants and flowers. Over the years, it gradually expanded to include a wider range of products, eventually becoming the massive marketplace it is today.
More Read:
Siam Niramit Phuket
Tha Phae Gate
Lanta Old Town
How to Reach Chatuchak Weekend Market
Skytrain (BTS): The nearest station is Mo Chit.
Metro (MRT): The nearest station is Chatuchak.
Taxi: Easily available throughout Bangkok.
Nearby Places
After exploring the market, you can visit nearby attractions like:
Jatujak Park: A green oasis perfect for relaxing after a shopping spree.
The Royal Park Rajaphat: A beautiful park with a variety of plant life.
Central Plaza Lardprao: A large shopping mall for more air-conditioned shopping.
Wear comfortable shoes and clothing.
Bring cash as many vendors don't accept credit cards.
Stay hydrated, especially during the hot weather.
Haggling is expected, so don't be afraid to negotiate prices.
Chatuchak Weekend Market is an unforgettable experience that offers something for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned shopper or a casual browser, you're sure to find treasures and create lasting memories. Continue Reading
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pronititravelagency · 2 months
Family Adventure Holidays In Thailand: A Journey Of A Lifetime
Thailand, the Land of Smiles, is a paradise for families seeking adventure holidays. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Thailand offers a plethora of activities that promise excitement, bonding, and unforgettable memories for families. From exploring ancient temples to diving in crystal-clear waters, here’s why Thailand should be your next family adventure destination.
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Discovering Thailand’s Rich Culture
A family adventure in Thailand isn’t complete without immersing in its vibrant culture. Start your journey in Bangkok, the bustling capital city. Visit the Grand Palace, home to the revered Emerald Buddha, and take a boat ride along the Chao Phraya River to experience the city from a unique perspective. The temples of Wat Pho and Wat Arun are also must-visit landmarks that offer fascinating insights into Thai spirituality and architecture.
Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand, is another cultural gem. Here, families can participate in traditional Thai cooking classes, visit local markets, and explore ancient temples such as Wat Phra Singh and Wat Chedi Luang. The city is also famous for its night bazaars, where you can shop for handicrafts and sample delicious street food.
Thrilling Outdoor Activities
For families that love outdoor adventures, Thailand is a playground. Head to Khao Sok National Park, one of the oldest rainforests in the world, where you can trek through lush jungles, spot wildlife, and stay in treehouses or floating bungalows. The park’s Cheow Lan Lake, with its emerald waters and limestone cliffs, offers opportunities for kayaking, boat tours, and even night safaris to see nocturnal animals.
The islands of Thailand, such as Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Samui, are perfect for water-based adventures. Snorkeling and diving in the Andaman Sea reveal vibrant coral reefs and an array of marine life. Families can also enjoy kayaking, paddleboarding, and sailing. For a unique experience, visit Phang Nga Bay to explore its iconic limestone karsts and hidden caves by kayak.
Elephant Encounters
A trip to Thailand isn’t complete without meeting its gentle giants. Ethical elephant sanctuaries, such as Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai or Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, allow families to learn about elephant conservation, feed, bathe, and walk with these majestic animals in a natural and humane environment. These sanctuaries offer educational programs that teach the importance of protecting and preserving elephant populations.
Culinary Adventures
Thailand’s cuisine is world-renowned, and a family adventure here wouldn’t be complete without indulging in its flavors. Take part in a family-friendly cooking class where you can learn to make traditional Thai dishes like pad thai, green curry, and mango sticky rice. Exploring local food markets is another way to experience Thailand’s culinary delights. Try a variety of street foods, from spicy papaya salad to savory satay and sweet coconut pancakes.
Relaxation and Wellness
After days filled with adventure, Thailand offers plenty of opportunities to relax and rejuvenate. Many family-friendly resorts provide wellness activities such as yoga, spa treatments, and Thai massages. The tranquil beaches of Koh Lanta, Hua Hin, and Koh Chang are perfect for unwinding. Parents can enjoy some quiet time while kids participate in beach games or explore rock pools.
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saurabhgt · 3 months
Exploring the Top 5 Islands in Thailand: A Tropical Paradise Awaits
Thailand, known for its vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and stunning landscapes, is a dream destination for many travelers. Among its most alluring attractions are its islands, each offering a unique blend of natural beauty, adventure, and tranquility. Here, we explore the top five islands in Thailand that should be on every traveler’s bucket list. So, make sure you are choosing the right Thailand tour packages to make the most out of your trip. You need to see the itinerary first to see which places you are exploring on the vacation, and must imbibe the different islands if not present. 
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1. Phuket: The Pearl of the Andaman
Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, is renowned for its lively nightlife, luxurious resorts, and stunning beaches. Located in the Andaman Sea, it offers a variety of attractions for all types of travelers.
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Patong Beach: Famous for its vibrant nightlife, bustling markets, and water sports.
Old Phuket Town: A charming area with well-preserved Sino-Portuguese architecture, trendy cafes, and boutique shops.
Phang Nga Bay: Known for its dramatic limestone karsts and emerald-green waters, ideal for kayaking and boat tours.
2. Koh Samui: An Island of Serenity and Sophistication
Koh Samui is the epitome of tropical paradise, featuring palm-fringed beaches, coconut groves, and dense, mountainous rainforests. It’s the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.
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Chaweng Beach: A long stretch of soft sand and clear waters, offering a mix of relaxation and nightlife.
Big Buddha: A 12-meter tall golden statue, one of the island’s most famous landmarks.
Ang Thong National Marine Park: A protected area consisting of 42 islands, perfect for snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.
3. Koh Phi Phi: The Gem of the Andaman Sea
Koh Phi Phi, particularly Phi Phi Leh, gained international fame after the movie “The Beach” was filmed here. The island group is known for its crystal-clear waters, stunning cliffs, and vibrant marine life.
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Maya Bay: A picturesque bay surrounded by towering cliffs, popular for snorkeling and diving.
Phi Phi Viewpoint: Offers a panoramic view of the island, especially stunning at sunset.
Loh Dalum Bay: A great spot for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying beach parties.
4. Koh Tao: The Diver’s Paradise
Koh Tao is a small island in the Gulf of Thailand, famous for its diving spots and laid-back atmosphere. It’s a haven for both novice and experienced divers.
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Chumphon Pinnacle: One of the best dive sites, known for its stunning coral formations and marine life.
Shark Bay: Named for the harmless black-tip reef sharks that inhabit the waters, perfect for snorkeling.
Sairee Beach: The longest beach on the island, offering beautiful sunsets and a relaxed vibe.
5. Koh Lanta: A Tranquil Escape
Koh Lanta, located in the Andaman Sea, is known for its long, sandy beaches, lush mangroves, and charming villages. It’s the ideal destination for those seeking a quieter, more relaxed experience.
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Klong Dao Beach: A beautiful beach with calm waters, great for families.
Mu Ko Lanta National Park: Offers hiking trails, a lighthouse, and stunning views.
Lanta Old Town: A quaint village with traditional wooden houses, local markets, and seafood restaurants.
Thailand’s islands offer something for every type of traveler, from the bustling beaches of Phuket to the serene shores of Koh Lanta. Whether you’re looking to dive into vibrant coral reefs, explore lush jungles, or simply relax on a sandy beach, these islands provide the perfect tropical escape. Pack your bags and get ready to discover the enchanting beauty of Thailand’s top islands!
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finance-with-mukesh · 3 months
Travelers’ paradise with clear blue skies, turquoise water, white sand beach, lip-smacking local seafood and flowing spirits – isn’t Thailand a dream destination within budget?
Are the butterflies doing somersaults just by the feel of it? And why won’t they? The sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the smooth white sand under your feet will leave you longing for more good times on the beach. This blog will help you learn more about your dream destination, Thailand.
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Photo by Marek Okon on Unsplash So, if you are considering visiting Thailand, ensure these five must-visit beaches are included in your travel itinerary:
Koh Tao
Phi Phi Islands 
Koh Phangan
Koh Lanta
Did you know that Koh Tao Island is the shape of a bean? It is also known as Turtle Island. It houses some of the most beautiful pristine white beaches with crystal clear water. It is also famous for its vibrant, colorful marine life. 
From Tanote Bay Beach, there are some fantastic spots where you can experience cliff jumping and diving. The waters there are home to various species of sea turtles. 
You can swim with them in the sea on your snorkeling or scuba diving expeditions. Marine creatures like barracuda, clown fish, eels, sea turtles, scorpion fish, and colorful corals can be seen while scuba diving and snorkeling. 
You will experience this in glass bottom boats and marine walks. The three best viewpoints at Koh Tao that must be included in your Thailand tour packages are –
Chumphon Rock
Hin Bai
Tung Ku Rock
Head to the beaches if you want a laid-back time at Koh Tao. Some beaches are alive the whole night with music, fire shows, unlimited spirits and lip-smacking seafood. 
Grab a soft mat on the beach and enjoy from sunset till dawn with music and buckets of spirits. Once in a while, at midnight, you can also dip your feet in the crystal clear water. Bath in the beautiful water and let that rejuvenate you truly. 
Koh Tao, Surat Thani, Thailand 
There are no direct flights to Koh Tao, not even from Thailand. 
You can fly to Koh Samui and from there avail the ferry to Koh Tao. 
You can also take the overnight train to Chumphon or Surat Thani. 
From there, you can take the ferry to Koh Tao.
Phuket has beautiful beaches like Hua Beach, Siray Beach, Kata Beach, Freedom Beach, Coral Island and Mai Khao Beach. It is famous for its vibrant nightlife, which includes music and alcohol. 
Phuket is considered a shoppers’ paradise, with luxurious, expensive items. It has developed Instagram-worthy cafes and pubs to cater to versatility in food and ambience. There are some great dive spots. 
Of course, you can see the colorful marine life underwater. To enjoy your stay there, you can avail yourself of exciting and adventurous water sports like parasailing, banana boat rides, water bike rides, snorkeling, scuba diving, ziplining, glass-bottom boat rides, sea tours in speed boats, and cruises. 
You can opt for island hopping in boats and swimming with turtles away from the shore in the sea. You can also go on the Phuket Island tour, which hosts various marine shows at the waterpark and a walk through the elephant sanctuary. 
You can go to Phi Phi Islands and spend the whole day to come back after sunset after dolphin and whale watching. You cannot miss visiting the James Bond Island. There are long-tail boat rides along the caves in the crystal blue lagoons. 
Phuket, Thailand 
You get direct flights to Phuket from the metropolitan cities of India. 
You can also reach Thailand by taking a flight to Phuket. 
Are you into exploring geographically rich places? Then, visiting the Phi Phi Islands on your Thailand trip is a must. Phi Phi Islands is a stunning archipelago of six distinct islands with crystal clear water and white sand beaches. 
Maya Bay Beach, Monkey Beach, and Loh Dalum Beach are famous beaches to explore. You can enjoy various adventurous water sports, such as snorkelling, scuba diving, water boat rides, ziplining, banana boat rides, parasailing, and more. 
Enjoy the vibrant marine life, including a variety of fish and corals. Loh Dalum Beach is the best bet for electrifying, lively party nights. The beauty of Maya Beach draws daytrippers. 
This tropical beach has a jungle, jagged rocks to hike, and karsts enclosing the pristine waters. The soft white sands relax you. Opt in for long-tail boat rides and catch stunning sunsets. Rent a kayak to explore the clear waters around the island. For more adventure, swim with glowing plankton. 
Phi Phi Islands, Mueang Krabi District, Thailand 
Fly to Phuket from any of the metropolitan cities of India, or you can fly to Thailand and then to Phuket. 
From Phuket, take two 2-hour ferry rides to reach the Phi Phi Islands. 
Koh Phangan is famous for being the leading party island in Thailand. The beach gets active after sunset. Special Full Moon parties are carried out at Haad Rin Beach. 
Don’t worry if you miss the Full Moon Party; there are more nights to party, like Half Moon, Black Moon, Jungle Party and even Pool Party to attend from. The music and the alcohol never stop there. The beach becomes lively with sea-shore shacks and restaurants catering to the juiciest and most delicious seafood. 
You can opt for a candle-lit dinner on the beach there, with water lapping gently at your feet. The mornings are slow and laid back after the vibrant nights. You will be stunned to see clean white sands even after massive, crowded nights. 
Koh Phangan is way more than just late-night parties and an unlimited flow of alcohol. You will find pristine white beaches, stunning coastal rocks, beautiful waterfalls, green forests and panoramic viewpoints. 
You can rent a motorbike to explore the quieter side of the island. The food is versatile here, from delicious seafood availing barracuda, shark tail, fried calamari, juicy octopus, steamed red snappers, tuna steaks to sweet and savory crepes and fried ice cream. 
Koh Phangan, Thailand
HOW TO GET THERE Take a flight to Thailand.
From there, take an overnight train to Surat Thani.
Take a ferry to Koh Phangan from Surat Thani. You can fly to Koh Samui from Thailand and ferry to Koh Phangan.
You can take a bus from Thailand, cross by ferry to Koh Samui, and take a ferry to Koh Phangan. 
Do you want a chilled-out, relaxed beach experience in Thailand? It would help if you visited Koh Lanta. It epitomizes relaxed days with breathtaking turquoise water, where you can swim or relax for a beautiful tan. 
Koh Bon Beach and Ao Niang Beach are unique beaches where you can relax and get mesmerized by their sheer beauty. It is the best place to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city. You can hop on an island in a boat and have lunch on board. 
You can swim to the shore with manta rays and turtles. Do some snorkeling and explore the colorful marine life under the sea. Swim through the iconic Emerald Cave if you are a true explorer. For the ultimate relaxing experience, opt for therapeutic spas. 
Koh Lanta, Krabi, Thailand
Take a flight to Krabi from Thailand. 
From there, take a ferry that is 1 hour and 30 minutes long to Koh Lanta.  CONCLUSION
Thailand is a land of stunning beaches and sparkling turquoise water. It also houses green forests and mesmerizing cliffs. It could be overwhelming to choose from the versatility. But this blog clears your initial confusion. Consider these beautiful beaches to make your Thailand trip unique and exclusive.
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yashvitours · 4 months
Unveiling the Land of Smiles: Thailand Tour Packages from India
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Tourists are attracted to Thailand because of its vibrant culture, amazing landscapes, and warmth. Out of the world’s most exciting experiences, Thailand has got all that ranging from busy cities to clean
beaches and old temples. But having to arrange a tour to Thailand from India seems quite confusing because there are many Thailand Tour Packages from India available.
A Journey Through Paradise: Unveiling Thailand’s Treasures
Thailand has a wide range of landscapes, ranging from busy towns to peaceful beaches and dense jungles. Here are a few examples of the places you really should go in a Thailand trip package.
Cultural Delights:
Bangkok: Bask in the pulsating vibes of Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. Stride into the Grand Palace, an impressive array illustrating Thai style, and Wat Pho with its huge gilded statue reclining Buddha. Also take a walk through such lively markets as Chatuchak Weekend Market where there are lots of souvenirs and crafts.
Ayutthaya: Travel to Ayutthaya which was once the capital city of Siam. Discover the remains of old Buddhist temples, royal residences and other religious buildings that bring out a splendid historical past.
Chiang Mai: Explore Old City Walls, or visit the crowded Saturday Night Market. Lastly, revere yourselves at Wat Phra Doi Suthep which sits on a hilltop overlooking the city. Discover the cultural heart of northern Thailand in Chiang Mai. Visit Wat Phra Doi Suthep, a revered temple perched atop a mountain offering panoramic views. Explore the Old City walls and immerse yourself in the vibrant Saturday Night Market.
Island Bliss:
Phuket: Phuket, which is Thailand’s largest island, is loved by those who adore beaches. There are tranquil beaches there such as Patong or Kata suitable for sunbathing, options for water sports like snorkeling or diving, and a lively nightlife scene.
Krabi: Known for its beautiful limestone cliffs that plummet dramatically into the emerald sea, Krabi boasts stunning scenery and easy-going atmosphere. You can discover secluded caves; go kayaking in mangrove forests; or you can opt for taking a boat ride to Railay Beach- a haven which can only be reached by sea.
Koh Lanta: Avoid the mobs and explore the peacefulness of Koh Lanta; we have calm beaches for relaxation, busy coral reefs for exploration and a laid-back island life for your pleasure.
Finding Your Perfect Escape: A Range of Thailand Tour Packages
Thailand tour packages from India cater to diverse interests and budgets.
Luxury Tours: Revel in luxury tour packages by immersing yourself in unparalleled opulence. Stay in stunning hotels with views that will take away your breaths, enjoy top of the class Michelin-starred dining experiences, and get pampered through a tailored spa treatment.
Beach & Relaxation Tours: Get relaxed on some unspoiled beaches with a beach and relaxation holiday. Enjoy the sun, get involved in some water sports activities, explore some quaint beachfront towns and villages.
Cultural Heritage Tours: Explore Thailand’s celebrated history alongside its customs by signing up for a cultural heritage tour; this can be a gateway where ancient temples, colorful cultural performances, and even Buddhism’s deep-rooted aspects into Thai life await to be seen.
Adventure Tours: Set free the adventurer that resides within you as you explore uncharted territories such as trekking across jungles, kayaking across mangroves as well as exploring caves and hidden waterfalls.
Beyond the Tourist Trail: Unveiling Thailand’s Hidden Gems
For those seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience, Thailand offers a treasure trove of hidden gems:
Pai: Sitting among several mountains in the north of Thailand, Pai is the place to be for wildlife enthusiasts and hikers. Discover cascades, climb bamboo woodlands or just hang out at quaint coffee shops catching some breathtaking views of the mountains.
Kanchanaburi: The Bridge on the River Kwai, a historical landmark built during World War II can be explored. During a visit to the Erawan National Park, tourists can see the amazing Erawan Waterfall, which has seven cascading tiers.
Hua Hin: Escape the crowds as well as discover the laid back charm of Hua Hin which was once a royal retreat. Paying the Klai Kang Won Palace a visit gives you the opportunity to see an amazing summer residence.
Here at Yashvi Tours And Travels, we understand that every traveler dreams of a unique Thai adventure. We offer a wide range of international holiday packages and domestic tour packages from Gandhinagar , from luxurious getaways to budget-friendly adventures, and everything in between. Travel agency in Ahmedabad can craft a customized itinerary that caters to your specific interests, preferred pace, and budget also providing flights booking in Gandhinagar.
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valleyledger · 5 months
LANTA’s new bus shelter connects to the enhanced pedestrian sidewalk network at Valley Plaza Shopping Center on Catasauqua Rd in Hanover Township, Lehigh County.   Allentown, PA —Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority (LANTA) has completed the latest phase of a long-range plan to add dozens of bus shelters throughout the Lehigh Valley. Approximately forty new bus shelters have been added…
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travelingjoe · 6 months
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Ko Lanta, Krabi, Thailand — March 2024. Hired a car this morning to get around the island to some different beaches and just generally see a bit more. It’s way too warm to be our waking anyway. Stopped at some southern beaches that are billed as the prettiest but we all felt ours is prettier. Toured the old town with it teak homes on stilts in the water. Many are now converted to shops and restaurants. Had a delicious lunch in one. After a cool off at the hotel we ventured out again for dinner. Found a little vegetarian gem right on the beach.
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arifiandwiky · 7 months
Anomali pare pada somay.
Sebelumnya , aneh bagiku diantara tumpukan banyak ragam jenis somay ( Tahu, telur, kentang, somay, kol ) terselip pare yang rasanya pahit.
Bahakan jika pare solo karir pun , aku yakin banyak diantara kita yang tidak memilihnya sebagai pilihan sayur2an, ya mungkin ada, tapi ku yakin tidak banyak.
Kenapa? Ya, karena rasanya pahit, sebisa mungkin kita menghindari rasa pahit kan?
Hari ini ntah kenapa, aku penasaran dengan eksistensi PARE pada somay, meski bagiku ini anomali, lantas aku mengatakan pada abg pedagang somay " bang tambah parenya 3" jarang memang kalimat itu keluar dari mulut ku, tapi kali ini aku beranikan diri untuk terjun ke lembah yang belom pernah aku susuri sebelumnya.
Mungkin aku bisa keracunan, mungkin aku alergi bahkan bisa mati jika itu kemungkinan terburuk dari yg terburuk.
Aku ingat sebuah quotes yg betebaran di coffe2 shop, jika tak mencoba hari ini, kau akan menyesalinya nanti.
Maka, aku memutuskan mencoba PARE pada somay.
Kuangkat pelan pelan tubuhnya yang hijau klemer , terkena kuah somay dengan gilingan kacang yang kental.. tidak meyakin kan memang, jika pare ini berbentuk orang, tentu dia tipikal yang menyebalkan dan tidak ramah terhadap siapapun.
Ok, gigitan pertama.
Ya, aku memang tidak kaget... percis sama.
Rasa pare. Pahit. Semakin di kunyah, pahitnya semakin menetap di lidah.
Tapi setelah gigitan yang kesekian, aku baru sadar. Diantara banyaknya jenis somay, parelah yang bisa memberi nuansa yang berbeda, strong!!! Memang pahit, tapi diantara kuah yang manis dan rasa jenis somay lain yang kenyal dan enak, justru pare lah yang membuat aku, merasa... kini somay ku menjadi lengkap. Nuansa pahitnya melengkapi kunyahan, gigitan somay2 lain nya yang masuk di tenggorokan.
Justru pahitnya lah yang membuat aku menikmati somay lain nya melebihi ketika aku menikmati somay tanpa pare.
Mungkin... iya mungkin. Begitu juga dengan hidup.
Tanpa rasa pahit, jatuh, gusar, galau, cemas, takut, kita tidak bisa menghargai rasa manis, bahagia, ceria, di hargai, diberi ruang.
Terimakasih pare, heri ini aku belajar lebih.
Besok ketika aku memsan somay lagi, aku akan lebih percaya diri untuk mengatakan ke abang penjualnya " PARENYA 2 ya bang!"
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ecouterradio · 8 months
La session de rattrapage Jean Luc Lemoine s amuse de la tele #podcastEurope1 #Europe1
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hk2int · 9 months
Arrived in Koh Lipe yesterday. The hostel is not comparable to the one in Koh Lanta, but it is almost twice the price :P I'll miss the huge great breakfast and the many places to mingle, and other things.
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Essentially, Koh Lipe seems to be one long walking street with restaurants and shops, and diving. Did the latter twice this morning, and although I was distracted from painful fins, saw some nice animals :)
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tripawoo · 1 year
Surfing in Thailand ( 7 Best Beaches for Surfing Spot )
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Thailand may not be the first destination that comes to mind when you think of surfing, but it does offer some excellent surf spots, especially during the monsoon season from May to October when the Andaman Sea experiences consistent swells. Here are seven of the best beaches for surfing in Thailand:
Kalim Beach, Phuket: Located just north of Patong Beach in Phuket, Kalim Beach offers some of the most consistent surf in Thailand. The waves here are suitable for both beginners and advanced surfers, and there are several surf schools and rental shops in the area.
Kata Beach, Phuket: Kata Beach is another popular surf spot on Phuket's west coast. During the monsoon season, you can catch some great waves here. The beach has a laid-back atmosphere and is ideal for surfers of all levels.
Nai Harn Beach, Phuket: Nai Harn Beach is located on the southern tip of Phuket and is known for its powerful waves during the monsoon season. The waves here can be quite challenging, so it's best suited for experienced surfers.
Surin Beach, Phuket: Surin Beach is a beautiful spot on the west coast of Phuket and is known for its reef breaks. It's a good place for more advanced surfers, and it can get crowded during the high season.
Khao Lak Beach, Phang Nga: Located north of Phuket, Khao Lak offers a more relaxed surf experience. It's great for beginners and intermediate surfers, with smaller waves and a quieter atmosphere.
Jomtien Beach, Pattaya: While not as famous as the beaches in Phuket, Jomtien Beach in Pattaya can offer decent waves during the monsoon season. It's a convenient option if you're in the Pattaya area and looking to catch some waves.
Koh Lanta, Krabi: The island of Koh Lanta in Krabi is becoming increasingly popular among surfers. During the monsoon season, you can find consistent swells and a variety of surf breaks suitable for different skill levels.
Remember to check surf conditions and weather forecasts before heading out, as the quality of the surf can vary depending on the time of year and prevailing weather patterns. Additionally, it's a good idea to inquire about surf schools and rental options at these beaches if you're new to surfing or don't have your own equipment.
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