landofmisfitfics · 6 years
Irresistible - Gavin X Reader
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Pairing: Gavin Reed X Reader
Summary: Gavin’s caught some feelings for the reader. Requested by @xxperfectionisdeadlyxx (thank’s for sending in the first request! The ball is officially rolling!)
Word Count: 2,672 (I got a little carried away...)
Notes: This is the first thing I’ve written and finished in quite some time, so it’s a lot shaky. Well, that plus I’ve had one hell of a week between classes, homework, and practice, and whole lot of not sleeping (I absolutely did some self-projection, whoops). I plan on improving, though, so there’s that. Gavin is also probably ooc in some places simply because I’m still getting the hang of getting back into writing. It’s also worth mentioning that I a hc that he blushes pretty obviously whenever he gets flustered. Okay, it’s half past midnight, I’m a little loopy, and I plan on reading this over to fix my mistakes in the morning. Er- later morning.
Warnings: swearing; I believe the reader is gender neutral, which isn’t a warning, but correct me if I’m wrong.
Your name: submit What is this?
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“Is it casual Friday or somethin’?”
The sudden voice had startled you, that much was obvious as you gasped out a squeak, spine going ramrod straight, and one fist coming into position to strike a mean punch. It took a few moments of blinking blearily for you to realize that you weren’t in danger. No, it was just your asshole partner staring down at you with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed rather cockily across his chest.
“God, you scared me,” you murmured, running your hands down your face.
“No shit.”
Peeking from between your fingers, you managed to shoot a tired glare at your partner. Why was he at the precinct so early, anyway? The sun hadn’t yet risen and it would be a few hours until anyone showed up for work. Well, anyone but you. And Gavin, apparently.
“Why the hell are you even here?” you grumbled, glancing at the clock on your terminal. 5:47 am.
“I get here early every Wednesday. I go for a run, then come here to shower and do my reports.” Gavin rolled his eyes as if this was supposed to be some well-known fact. Sure, the fact that he saved all his reports for one day of the week wasn’t exactly surprising with the amount he didn’t do during normal work hours, but expecting you to know his exercise routine was ridiculous.
“The better question,” he continued, “is why the hell are you here? And what are you wearing?”
You grabbed the cuffs of your over-sized hoodie in each hand, irrationally offended that his scathing tone of voice was directed at your favorite sweatpants and your comfiest sweatshirt. “Bold word from a man wearing tight shorts and a sweat-soaked tank top,” you snarked. “And I’m here because I never left,” you managed through a yawn. “I wasn’t gonna wear my work clothes longer than I had to, hence the loungewear.”
Gavin moved so he was sitting on the corner of your desk, his arms remaining crossed. “You’re telling me you’ve been here all night?”
“Yep,” you replied as you made a disgruntled attempt to move some papers out from under your partner’s leg to no avail.
“Why the fuck would you want to stay here?”
“Move your fucking leg and maybe I’ll tell you.”
“Tell me and maybe I’ll move my fucking leg.”
With an annoyed sigh and an utterance of “whatever, asshole,” under your breath, you abandoned your papers and leaned back in your chair. “It’s not like I was gonna sleep if I went home, so I just stayed. I figured it would be more productive if I just didn’t go home!” you huffed, face contorting into a childish pout.
There was a moment where Gavin just quirked his brow quizzically, but a look of realization crossed his face soon after. “I’m assuming that our last case is the reason you’re not sleeping and it’s not just some sadistic habit?”
At his words you suddenly found yourself flinching away from your own memories of tracking down your suspect, only to arrive three-and-a-half minutes too late to save the three people she had dismembered. Your avoidance of his gaze would tell him that he was exactly right, but you were too tired to care.
“It wasn’t your fault, you know.” Reed reached a foot out to nudge at your leg in an uncharacteristic moment of compassion, his voice soft and sincere.
“Debatable,” you murmured. Had you not been so disturbed by the images flashing through your head, you might have picked up on the fact that your partner, the infamous heartless dick, might have had something of a soft side to him. Instead, you preoccupied yourself with clasping your hands together and digging the nail of your thumb into your opposite hand in hopes that the dull pain would distract you from your own thoughts.
“Alright, well,” Gavin moved suddenly, pushing himself to his feet and handing you the file that was previously trapped under his thigh in one swift movement, “if you’re gonna just sit here and wallow, I’m gonna go take that shower.” He paused for a moment, giving you one last glance over before he walked away. “You better be done with this whole sadness shit by the time I come back.”
There was the prick you knew! Always equipped with a scornful comment, he was. You couldn’t help the subtle upturn in the corners of your mouth at his utter predictability.
You managed to get in a solid fifty minutes of work done before Gavin returned from the locker room, clad in his usual jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket. His hair was still wet, as evidenced by the fact that it had begun to drip on you when he stood next to you.
Looking up to see what he wanted, you were more than surprised to find him holding out a cup of coffee for you. It was so unlike him to do something for someone else without an ulterior motive that you couldn’t help but blink dumbly, first at the mug in front of you, then at the man himself. “You-- you brought me coffee?”
“Look, you don’t have to take it if you don’t want it,” he snapped. “I just figured you could use it. Just ‘cause we’re partners doesn’t mean I’ll pick of your workload if you fall asleep on me,” he snapped
Although he sounded annoyed with you, the slight blush gracing his cheeks told you otherwise. He probably thought you thought he was weird or something.
“No! I want the coffee!” you backtracked. Your cold fingers wrapped around the hot mug as you carefully took it from his grip and took swig of the liquid energy. “I’m just a dumbass when I’m tired, alright? Don’t read too much into it.”
Gavin moved from your side in favor of sitting at his own desk. “You’re always a dumbass,” he smirked, an unfamiliar teasing lilt in his voice.
“Oh, fuck you, Reed,” you laughed over the rim of your mug.
“You wish, Y/N!”
“You wish I wished!”
The two of you shared a moment of quiet amusement before making an unspoken agreement to get started on your reports (or get back to writing your reports, in your case).
You worked in amiable silence for a few hours before you got up to retrieve a change of clothes that were more suitable for work from your locker and Gavin got up to go make more coffee. Then there was some friendly banter back at your desks just as the first few of your coworkers began to arrive. From there, it wasn’t long before the place was full of the usual morning hustle and bustle and it was back to work as normal.
It wasn’t until the mid-afternoon that the morning’s events fully settled into your mind. Gavin Reed not being a complete and utter dick? Either he was one hell of a morning person or he wasn’t quite the devil spawn you had previously thought him to be. Huh. Okay. You certainly weren’t opposed to this change in behavior.
You were just beginning to come to terms with Gavin not being a complete ass when Connor stopped by your desk.
“Detective,” the android greeted politely.
“Hey, Connor! What can I do for you?” you smiled, turning your chair to face him.
“You can go home, for starters.”
“Pardon?” Through your confused gaze you caught your partner looking up from his work, his gaze instead flitting between you and Connor,  in your periphery.
“Judging by your caffeine intake, persistent yawning, and inability to concentrate, you are suffering from sleep deprivation. I checked the overnight security footage of the precinct and found my suspicions to be correct: you have not slept in over twenty-four hours.”
Connor stared at you expectantly, as if he wanted you to explain yourself, or perhaps try to deny his claim. Instead, you returned his stare, elements of shock and embarrassment shining in your eyes as your mouth opened and closed like a fish’s as you tried to figure out what to say. After all, he was incredibly intelligent and had proof, so you couldn’t exactly refute his words.
After a few long moments of silence on your part, your partner decided to cut in. “Mind your business, you plastic prick.” His voice was cold and his gaze even icier as he stared at the RK800. 
You found yourself even more lost for words. Maybe you had been too quick to jump to conclusions when you said Gavin wasn’t a dick. But... was that him trying to stand up for you? God, what was happening?
Shaking your head to rid yourself of the conflicting thoughts colliding in your brain, your attention was brought back to Connor as he spoke again.
“My apologies, Y/N, if I overstepped a boundary. I simply worry about your well-being,” he said, sending the briefest of glances in Gavin’s direction.
“No, it’s okay, Connor,” you reassured him, reaching up to place a hand on his shoulder. “You’re my friend and you’re just trying to look out for me. There’s nothing wrong with that.” You sent a pointed look at Reed as you said those last words, hoping he would get the message that you didn’t appreciate him insulting your friend.
Connor smiled, happy that you weren’t upset with him. “I’ve spoken to Captain Fowler,” he continued. “You’ve been cleared to go home early and get some rest.”
You wanted to argue, to say that you were fine to finish the workday, but the rational part of you knew he was absolutely right. You were exhausted and you had stopped making headway on your work hours ago. It wasn’t until you involuntarily released a face-splitting yawn, though, that you finally concerned.
“Alright. No need to tell me twice,” you chuckled, gathering your jacket from the back of your chair and standing up. “Thank you, Connor,” you smiled, gently patting his arm.
“Of course,” he responded. “Take care of yourself, Detective.”
With a nod to Connor and a quick wave to Gavin, you were gone walking out of the building.
After leaving work, you had quite the relaxing day. You still weren’t quite able to sleep, but you had managed to finish a book, catch up on your favorite TV show, and cook yourself a good dinner. By the time the sun sank behind the clouds and ten o’clock rolled around, you were pretty content with life.
And then there was a knock at your door.
What the hell? Who would be at your door this late?
Upon opening the door you were surprised to find the one and only Gavin Reed.
“Uh... hi?” you managed, eyes wide in shock.
“You opened your door at ten o’clock at night without knowing who was on the other side? Have you learned nothing from this job?” Gavin scolded as he entered your house without waiting to be invited in.
To his annoyance you weren’t processing what he had just said, instead opting to ask, “How do you know where I live?”
“Found it in your file,” he shrugged.
“Okay,” you said, mind still reeling, “now why the hell did you need to know where I live?”
Gavin seemed to freeze up for a moment. “Shit, you didn’t get my text?” he asked.
“Uh... no.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, furiously swiping at the screen for a moment before his eyes widened and his cheeks began to flush. “Well, uh, it basically said that I was gonna come over to make sure you actually went to sleep tonight and told you to let me know if you had any objections to that. I took your lack of response to mean you were okay with it, but, um...” he trailed off, rubbing at the back of his neck, “I guess I forgot to actually send the text.” He met your gaze sheepishly, usual smirk replaced with a grimace as he held out his phone to show you the unsent message.
Maybe the lack of sleep was messing with your emotions a little bit, but you swore you could feel a tug of something within your chest. Your partner, who maybe was secretly not an asshole, had gone to the trouble to check up on you when you got out of work rather than go to his own home and do... whatever he normally did. Maybe it was a little odd, but you could acknowledge that his heart was in the right place.
“Alright,” you said slowly, shutting the front door and moving further into your house.
“Alright?” he asked. “You’re not mad?”
Gavin visibly relaxed. Was he really that worried you were going to be upset with him? His recent change in behavior was somewhat alarming, but not unwelcome.
“I do have one more question, though.”
“What is it?”
“Why are you being so nice to me all of the sudden?”
Freezing once again, the blush returned to Gavin’s face with a vengeance, spreading all the way to his neck this time. “The fuck are you talking about?” he asked, cringing at the way his voice rose an octave.
You simply raised a brow in response. “Okay, let’s see, there was the coffee this morning, then you were joking around with me instead of bitching like usual, I think you were trying to defend me or something when you yelled at Connor, and now you’re-” your voice cut out as you flailed your arms in exasperated confusion for a moment, “-you’re showing up at my house to make sure I go to sleep?”
“Jeez, if you’re that upset about it, I’ll stop!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air.
“Gavin, that’s not what I meant,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “I’m just confused, is all. We’ve already established that I’m a dumbass when I’m tired, so if there’s some obvious answer here, I’m not seeing it.”
“I like you, alright?” he shouted.
Your words died in your throat and all your thoughts ground to a halt. He liked you? That is what he had just said, right? Or did you just hear him wrong?
“I like you,” he repeated, the bite in his voice now gone. “You can laugh at me now. Go ahead, do it.” He turned his head away from you, arms coming up to cross self-consciously over his chest. His posture was awkward and uncomfortable and he suddenly regretted is stupid idea to come to your place.
Your heartstrings pulled taught as you watched him. He really did like you, you hadn’t just misheard him. Well, he had proven to be unexpectedly sweet and he wasn’t bad-looking, either. It would suffice to say you were willing to give this... whatever it was... a chance.
“I- I’m not gonna laugh at you.” Your voice was soft as you bridged the gap between the two of you.
Gavin didn’t move, but his eyes flicked to meet yours. They narrowed the longer he looked, suspicion beginning to shine in is irises. “You’re not?” he finally asked.
You shook your head, smiling gently up at him. “I’m not opposed to you liking me. I might even... have some feelings of my own,” you admitted.
As soon as the words were out of your mouth it was like a switch had flipped. Suddenly Gavin was back to his normal, cocky self. “Well, I am pretty irresistible,” he grinned.
You returned his grin with an accompanying playful punch to his arm. “Oh shut up!” you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t hear you denying it.”
“Gavin Reed, I swear to god-”
“You know it’s true,” he laughed. “Watch I’ll prove it.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. See, I’m gonna ask you on a date- say, we go get lunch together tomorrow- and you’re gonna say...?”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little as you responded with a lighthearted “I’d love to!”
“See, I’m irresistible!”
“Shut up, Reed.”
“Only if you make me.”
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aerynwrites · 6 years
Writer Questionare
Short stories, novels, or poems?
For writing: short stories are a must for me. I have the attention span of a three year old so it’s almost impossible for me to write anything longer than a few chapters.
*Fun fact time!* - I actually did write a chapter fic when I was in late middle school about a YouTuber I like and he actually fucking read it on his channel. I was just cringing so hard I wanted the void to swallow me whole. Most people would love for their fic to be read by said person, but nope. Nuh-uh. That was not supposed to be seen by him and I hope it ever sees the light of day ever agin.
What genre do you prefer reading?
I prefer reading Scienc fiction or thrillers for sure! Anything post-apocalyptic or something that gets me thinking and my heart racing is just such a joy for me!
What genre do you prefer writing?
Fiction and Sci-fi.
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
Can I be a little of both? Like I never have anything fully planned out with a beginning, middle, and end. It’s usuallu just one of thos pieces or a certain quote or scene I have stuck in my head and I know I want to get to that point, but everything else just happens. I’ll st down and just let whatever happens happen.
What music do you listen to while writing?
This is going to sound weird, but....I don’t? Music never had and probably never will be a big or imperative thing in my life. I only listen to music when I’m in the car and then very rarely, I’ll listen to the a Spotify acoustic station when I am doing homework or working on my art. I find music distracting when I write.
Fave books/movies?
Get ready y’all. Buckle in. Because this is gonna be a good sized list. I love movies and watch way too many, as well as read too much haha.
Wind River - By far probably one of my favorite movies. Stunning film work, amazing actors, heart wreanching and eye opening story about the struggles and dangers the Native Americans face in Reservations.
Sicario (1&2) - wonderful camera work and filming, definitely on the darker side but with a good message and story about the corruption of the American gov’t operations and such.
Oblivion - TALK ABOUT PLOT TWISTS! Post-apocalyptic, keeps you on your toes!
Forrest Gump - A classic. Also, Tom Hanks. I love that man.
Pretty much all the marvel movies but I wont go into detail about that.
Bird Box - A newbie to the film world, but so worth the watch, I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen and I felt many emotions through out the entire movie.
My English major is going to show lol.
The 5th Wave series
The crucible
Hunger games
Of Mice and Men
Desiree’s Baby (a text I read in college but I fucking love it so much)
Paradise Lost
1984 (a classic that is starting to become eerily similar to todays America 0.0)
The Lord of the Rings
Any current WIPs?
Nope. I can’t write anything in pieces. If I write something I get it all done in one sitting.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Easy. Skinny jeans, with sneakers or my doc martens, and a simple t-shirt or long sleeved shirt
Create a character description for yourself:
Hi, I’m Aeryn, I am very plain (no make-up or anything) with shoulder length dark brown hair that doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing, so I just straighten it all the time. I wear glasses because I’m blind as a bat. I am an extrovert when I want to be but most of the time socializing wears me out so I tend to star introverted and stay to my self a lot. I will get very deep with conversations very fast so be warned. Also I get very heated about the things going on in society and pollution for some reason?
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Not really. I incorporate aspects of them though. Like their characteristics or mannerisms, but not the people themselves.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Depends. If I’m in a fluffy happy mood, they are safe. If I am in an angststy mood ERRY BODY GONNA DIE.
Coffee or tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
Fast. Too fast. I can bust out 2-3 pieces a day if I wanted too and had enough free time.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Mainly my own head. I think if random scenarios all the time and then usually apply that to my writing. But if not that then defiantly the other talented and fantastic writers on this website!
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Idk what I would be to everyone else, but I would love to be a wood elf. (Super specific I know lol). But I love the outdoors, and the idea of being like one with nature and such. I also do archery competitively so I have that going for me.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I love the whole like dense characters don’t know they each like one another until the end of this story cliche. Such a good one lol.
NOW. I absolutely LOATH, the absence of communication trope. Like JUST FUCKING TALK TO EACHOTHER PEOPLE!!! Oh you saw me kissing this boy at a bar? Why would I tell you my side of the story instead of brokenly saying random words until you storm off and then brood in misery? LIKE WHAT??? It bugs the SHIT out of me when characters problems could be fixed with like one, 2 minute long conversation but they just don’t do it.
Fave scenes to write?
Angsty, sad, pining, just sad scenes.
Most productive time of day for writing?
Eh. Whenever I have time. It’s usually afternoon or evening though.
Reason for writing?
Mainly because I like to do it! I love fan fic because I love the idea of making about her person’s world your own and making he ending YOU want. It’s nice and therapy I to just get stuff of my chest and onto paper!
Sorry for ant spelling errors, it’s late and I gott work in the morning lol.
I tag: @writerscavity @deviantsupporter @that-one-kermit-blog @self-indulgent-authorship @landofmisfitfics
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imaginesforgets · 7 years
Can you do a loki x reader were the reader catches loki in his frost giant form and he thinks hes a monster but the reader comforts him
Thank you for the request, lovely! I'd be glad to write this for you (I may or may not already be writing it in class right now... Oops), but just to let you know, I'll be posting it on my newer writing blog, @landofmisfitfics
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Challenges Master list
Birthday War Paint - @auduna-druitt Satisfied - @thenewmrsweasley In with the New - @outside-the-government Affair AU with i love you, i hate you - @madhattervanessa Soulmate AU #1 - @landofmisfitfics Soulmate AU #2 - @kaitymccoy123 Soulmate AU #3- @paigeinastory
Holidays Fireworks - @auduna-druitt Barba and Snowmen - @theenchantedgalleryofstories/ @yourtropegirl DiNozzo and Mistletoe - @theenchantedgalleryofstories / @yourtropegirl Holiday Party Extravaganza - @kaunis-sielu
Twist on the Myth Three Way Love Affair - @whiskeybucky  Arranged - @hellomissmabel  Magic in Manhattan - @rauliskafan  Project: Eros - @musikat18  Home - @girl-next-door-writes  The World Goes By - @locke-writes  Brave and Bold - @locke-writes
Get Some, Give Some Steve woke to a beautiful sight - @whiskeybucky Y/N got him to do a photo shoot - @whiskeybucky Tony’s taking his granddaughter to a museum - @whiskeybucky Matt’s boyfriend picks him up for some lunch right from court - @whiskeybucky Frank and his boyfriend are just laying in bed - @locke-writes Merlin’s just working - @locke-writes
Holidays Creators List
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enterpriseimagines · 7 years
Not really a request per se, but I'm hoping you'll help me out. I'm hoping to get my fandom writing blog, @landofmisfitfics, off the ground and I was wondering if you could give me a shout out? I'm in dire need of requests in order to get the ball rolling. If you don't do shout outs, that's totally fine and you can ignore this. Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this!
Hey everyone you should check out this blog and help get things going for them!
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strandedontatooine · 7 years
This isn't really a request per se, but I'm hoping you'll help me out. I'm hoping to get my fandom writing blog, @landofmisfitfics, off the ground and I was wondering if you could give me a shout out? I'm in dire need of requests in order to get the ball rolling. If you don't do shout outs, that's totally fine and you can ignore this. Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this!
Hun I loooove doing shout outs!!!! And so I checked out your blog and duuuude you write for some awesommme fandoms!!! Guys, this chick writes for all sorts of marvel characters, for Blue Bloods (like nobody writes blue bloods! I love that show!), she writes Harry Potter, house, psych, ncis, and a bunch of other totally rad fandoms!!! Y'all should definitely check it out!!!
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landofmisfitfics · 6 years
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Can I gush for a second? I’m gonna gush for a second.
So, I woke up to this lovely note from @aeryntheofficial and my brain just shut the fuck down when I read it. My favorite blog??? Reading my writing???? And enjoying it????? Yeah, let’s just say I was so stunned I ended up making myself hella late, but it was worth it.
I went to sleep last night feeling very unsure of my writing in my latest post. I didn’t think it read well or flowed well. So, to have one of my favorite writers say it was well-written has made my day!
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landofmisfitfics · 7 years
Hi, Guys!
Thanks for stopping by!
I just wanted to let you know that I’m in desperate need of some requests for either oneshots or fake texts. Anything and everything is appreciated, so send in whatever you’ve got! I’m super excited to start writing for you guys!
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aerynwrites · 6 years
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Okay y’all, i have been wanting to do this for a while so here we go!
since I've started writing for D:BH, I have met and talked to so many kind, awesome, and kind people that have supported me in the writing journey. AND to top it all off, most of them also write for D:BH or other fandoms, and they are all AMAZING!!! 
So, i would just like to give these people an extra special thank you for being kind and awesome in your comments, messages, and asks!
@shadows-echoes: you have just been so fun and amazing to interact with! you’re writing is amazing, and so wonderfully written and thought out, i just love absolutely everything you put out! Keep up the awesome work and thank you so much for just being a genuinely fun and nice person!
@writerscavity: Just WOW! that’s all i can say! you’re writing is amazing, and you always manage to make me feel emotions no matter what you are writing and i am always captivated with every story you tell! I also love reading your replies and such when I comment on said posts! keep being amazing!
@deviantsupporter Gosh i hope i’m not sounding redundant, but again you write amazing stuff! not only that, but you have been so supportive of the stuff i put out, and i always look forward to seeing what you say on some of them, just like above, you have been so fun to talk and interact with! I look forward to what you write in the future!
@dbhcookiemonster I am so happy that you stumbled across my blog. You have been very helpful whether it’s with writing tips or just generally nice and thoughtful comments, it has all be very helpful and i have tried to incorporated your tips into my writing! Thank you so much!
@pxnisparker first things fist, you have an awesome username and a chuckle every time i see it! Second, you are a wonderful writer! I love the way you capture Connors personality and write his character! you capture ideas and characters so well i cant help but feel immersed in the story! And, as i said about the others, i love seeing your reactions/feedback to my writing! it really does put a smile on my face!
finally, i would like to give a shout out to @landofmisfitfics! they are a fairly new writing blog and very new to the D:BH realm. so please go check them out!
Okay my rant is over. I’m sorry if this seems weird to anyone and if you want to be taken off this post for any reason please let me know. I just really wanted you all to know how much i appreciated you guys and how much i love reading what y’all put out! This is really the first time i’ve ever really had friends (Or at least i consider you guys friends) on this website. And it’s all thanks to you guys. You (along with everyone else you has liked/reblogged/replied to anything I've done) have made it all worth it, and you are the reason my love for writing was reinvigorated! So, i will say it again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
You guys rock.
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aerynwrites · 6 years
Tag Game!
I was tagged by @deviantsupporter and @shadows-echoes , thanks you guys!!
I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings/ I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes/ I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault/ I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun (MURCA’)/ I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me/ I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sunrise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT
I know Some of you are already tagged but here it is again lol. @writerscavity  @pxnisparker @landofmisfitfics @dbhcookiemonster     @anyone else in case you’re bored and want to participate :)
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Birthday Challenge List
So with just two months till my B-Day here is the list so far of writings.
Modern AU - @outside-the-government Affair AU w/ i hate you, i love you  - @madhattervanessa Historical WW2 w/ only the good die young - @blazey24 War Paint - @auduna-druitt Soulmate AU #2 - @kaitymccoy123 Satisfied - @thenewmrsweasley Soulmate AU #3 - @paigeinastory Soulmate AU #1 - @landofmisfitfics
This also acts as a remind to every one who signed up :) Also I have decided that the last day to sign up will be Aug 10th because by that point i’ll be in moving zone. Have a good day all :)
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landofmisfitfics · 8 years
Why hello, hello, hello...
So, if you real all the way to the bottom of the description, you may know that I accidentally broke my laptop and will be writing/managing from my phone until I get a new computer. I apologize in advance for any errors in my writing. Also, I'm putting this blog up just as school is about to start again, so forgive me if my updates are slow.
As for requests, please feel welcome to send some in! If you're not on mobile, just follow the link that says "fandoms/characters" to see who/what I'll write for.
In the meantime, welcome to aboard the crazy train!
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