#lando norris as his need to look as cool as possible at any given moment x oscar piastri and his urge to see how far lando will go
wanderingblindly · 8 months
hello bestie, i love "i thought i was about to die. i figured i should tell you the truth before that happened" and "well ... that happened" from the love confession prompts!! maybe those spark some ideas <3
You Did What Over Winter Break?! (Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri, 900 words, drabble)
Jon storms into the hospital room like a man possessed, eyes wide and hair on end. He stops at the foot of Lando’s bed, eyes flickering between his face – oddly relaxed –, his reset and casted leg, and his hands. More aptly, his and Oscar’s hands, fingers intertwined and resting on the thin hospital sheets. 
Oscar flashes him a closed lipped smile from his place beside Lando’s bed; Lando doesn’t even look at him, blown pupils trained on Oscar’s profile. 
“I –” He says, somehow at a loss for what to ask first. “What the fuck?”
“Broken ankle –” Oscar responds, cut off by Lando before he can elaborate further. 
“I almost died, actually…” He starts, the words over dramatic and loud. 
Lando smiled as Oscar hesitantly climbed onto the back of his ATV, sitting as far back in the seat as possible. He could practically feel the nerves radiating off of him, back stiff and shoulders up by his ears. 
“Too much for you?” He teased, passing a helmet back before securing his own. Oscar rolled his eyes and followed suit. 
“Track looks fine,” Oscar said, peering around Lando to peak at the dirt trail ahead of them – moderate jumps at best, he’d seen better back home. “You driving? Different story, mate.”
“I resent that.” Lando scoffed, turning back to the front and testing his grip on the clutch. “Hold on tight, I don’t bite.” He felt Oscar shift his weight forward slightly, sliding down the seat until they slotted together; Oscar felt big against his back, the few centimeters difference between them somehow so apparent as he pressed his chest against his shoulder blades – wrapped his arms around his waist.  
Had they ever really, full blown hugged before? 
“Gonna wait all day?” 
“Shut it,” Lando smiled beneath his helmet, face hot at Oscar’s voice so close to his ear, and tore towards the first jump. 
“You crashed your ATV?” Jon interrupts, stress pitching his voice higher than Oscar had ever heard it. “We’ve talked about you riding those, mate, I just –”
“We didn’t crash, first of all…”
“Is it meant to storm like this in the winter?” Lando asked, the two of them hiding under a scraggly tree alongside the track. The packed dirt quickly turned to mud as the heavens opened above them, making even the more sloping corners too slick to take safely. 
“Well it’s summer down here, so.” Oscar bumped their shoulders together, just a bit mocking.
“Fucking Aussies,” He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking distinctly away from Oscar and his shiteating grin. It would be endearing, and he knew it would make him blush, so he cut his losses and looked up at the rain. 
The clouds looked infinitely darker, growing heavy and angry before his eyes, when he heard it: a roll of thunder nearby, so close that it reverberated in his teeth. 
“Jesus Chri–” Oscar jumped, cut off when lighting struck down immediately after, splitting the tree behind them. Lando moved fast, pushing Oscar away as the tree gave way, falling directly onto –
“You got hit by a tree?” Jon sounds moments from a panic attack, eyes flashing between the boys with renewed fervor.
Lando didn’t get out of the way in time, lower leg pinned to the ground by a massive branch. He couldn’t get enough traction on the mud to pull himself away even if he wanted to, the rain continuing to pool around him. Something may have snapped, it may have been another roll of thunder, but Lando could feel it shooting up his leg like wildfire.
“Oscar?!” He called out, voice panicked and clearly fueled by pure adrenaline. 
“I’m right here,” Oscar popped into his field of vision, soaked hair falling over his eyes as he leaned over Lando’s field of vision. With delicate, shaking hands, he held Lando’s head still – keeping him focused on his face. “I’m gonna go get help, ok? Just don’t — don’t move.”
“Wait! Wait,” Lando blurts out, rushed and urgent. Oscar stills, hands still in Lando’s muddied hair and eyes still trained on him. “If I don’t make it, I just. I love you, yeah?” 
“What?” Jon’s looking directly at Oscar now, then back down to their intertwined hands. 
“I was dying, Jon, I couldn’t just not –”
“You weren’t dying,” Oscar cuts him off with a stern look, the hint of a smile fighting to come out. Apparently ready to put Jon out of his misery, Oscar clears his throat. “We were playing paintball, actually, and Lando tried to jump off one of the obstacles –”
“I did jump, not ‘tried’.”
“Sure. Lando did jump off an obstacle and slipped. Broke his ankle, got two…?” He looks over at Lando, who nods in agreement. “Yeah, two pins.”
“And the…?” Jon asks, motioning ambiguously towards their hands. 
“Yeah no, he actually did that. Crying and everything.”
“I wasn’t crying,” Lando defends with a pout, Oscar can’t help but laugh at him, throwing his head back. 
“Sorry, you were ‘just so in love’,” Oscar quotes, tightening his grip on Lando’s hand and brushing his hair back with the other. Jon stares, wide eyed, aware that he’s becoming an intrusion to a moment that feels significantly too private to be happening in a hospital. 
“Right then, I’ll just… doctor. Yeah, talk to the doctor.” He stutters out, drawing the attention of neither Oscar nor Lando in the process. Lando’s whispering something in Oscar’s ear by the time he rushes out of the room, the other blushing deeply and choking back a laugh. 
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httpiastri · 1 year
wedding plans – ln4
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lando is sure he wants to marry you – but the road to getting there isn't always so easy.
(part 2 to 'wedding bells' – read part one first!)
genre: fluff
pairing: female reader x lando norris
warnings: none
requested: yes!
author's note: hello everyone! it seems like maybe this blog is working again... at least on some fronts. i finally got an answer from tumblr support, so we're on our way to solving things i think. yay! this is a bit rushed and it's also past 3am but i will proofread it more thoroughly in the morning. also, i wrote this while listening to some kind of lando playlist on spotify and it had the most random songs 😭 so the mood throughout this is a bit mixed too. anyway... hope you all have a good day!
f1 masterlist
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lando wishes he could be romantic and say he planned out his proposal for months, that he had organized it with your friends and family, or even had a set date for when it was supposed to happen. but, he hadn't.
he did have a plan, though; not a perfect one, not one he had thought about for a long time, but still a plan. he was supposed to do it after having dinner with your parents one night. he wanted to stop somewhere on your way home, take you out on a walk along some beautiful scenery and just pop the question when you'd least expect it. he hadn't worked it out to the smallest detail, but he had a clear idea of what he wanted to do.
however, his plan went straight out the window today when he got his first win.
winning at his home race, a maiden f1 victory in silverstone was more than he could've ever dreamed about as a child. it was all just perfect, and he wanted the already so special day to be even more special.
ever since your night at his brother’s wedding, lando knew he wanted to propose as soon as possible. he wasn't really scared you would reject him; you had never given him any sign that you would be against it. he just needed to be your husband, sooner rather than later.
that's how he finds himself here, pacing around the bedroom of your hotel room. one hand rakes through his hair as the other stays in his pocket, fingers tightly grasping the tiny box. he wants to do it here and now, so that you get to have something extra to celebrate when going out tonight, but he's growing more and more nervous by the second.
you're in the bathroom, making some final touches to your makeup, so you're completely unaware of the anxious behavior from your boyfriend. but when you hear his voice call out your name, you instantly notice how it's a little shaky. "yeah?"
"can you come out here for a moment?"
your eyebrows furrow but you do as you're told, stepping out to find lando standing by the window, taking in the scenery. the hotel you're staying at is just a couple of miles away from silverstone, and the view from your room on the top floor is magnificent in the low light of the sun almost setting. he tears his eyes from the outside to look at something even more beautiful.
obviously, you have gone for an orange dress to celebrate him, and he can't help but smile slightly when you walk up to him. "you're gorgeous," he tells you, his hand finding your waist as he lets his thumb graze the material.
"you're even more gorgeous." your hands meet at the back of his neck, fingers intertwining as you look straight into his eyes.
he pauses for a moment, gathering courage. "hey, i..." then he looks down at his feet, letting out a small chuckle. "wow, am i really this nervous?"
you tilt your head, your eyebrows rising instinctively at the sight of him loosing his cool. your always so confident boyfriend is nervous about... having you in his arms? "are you alright?"
"yeah, i just..." lando sighs before looking back up at you. "i love you, you know. a lot." you nod, and just as you are about to tell him you love him too, he speaks again. "and i want to spend the rest of my life with you."
suddenly, it clicks in your head. "lando-"
"shush, don't interrupt me," he cuts you off, a joking tone clear in his voice. a laugh bubbles from your chest and lando lets go of your waist, taking a step back. your own hands come up to cover your mouth as he takes a deep breath and kneels down. his hand reaches into his pocket to pull out the box, letting it fall open. "will you do me the great honor of marrying me?"
you had been preparing for this moment too, obviously. there had been many things you'd thought about when it came to the proposal, one maybe more important than the others; you had promised yourself not to cry. you already knew it was going to happen, and you knew what you were going to answer, so you wouldn't be surprised.
but just like lando's plans, your plans also went out the window once it actually happened.
"come here, you idiot," you let out, your eyes tearing up as you held your hands out to him. he stood up, falling into your embrace as your arms wrapped around him. "god, i love you."
when you part from your hug, your hands cup his face in them and you lean in to press your lips against his.
"yes," you say when you pull away, right before kissing him again. "yes." another kiss. "yes yes yes yes."
"wait, you need to be more clear with your answer." when you laugh, the tears stream down your cheeks, and lando helps pat them away with his thumb. then he kisses you again, mumbling against your lips. "i can't wait."
it's all so simple, so natural, so unforced, just like your relationship – but unlike how the rest of the night will likely go.
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"hey, are you dozing off again?" you groan, your eyes shifting from the pieces of paper in your hands up to watch your lover next to you. his arms are crossed on top of the table, head resting on them as his eyes grow hazy again. "concentrate, norris!"
he lets out a deep sigh, one of his hands coming up to wipe across his face. he leans back in his chair, making an attempt to remember what you had said just before you started scolding him. "yeah, that sounds great."
you swat at his shoulder with your hand, furrowing your eyebrows. "you don't even know what i was talking about." you hold up the papers to him, showing off the different color schemes you were choosing between for the big day. "if we choose this one, we could get those pink garden roses we talked about for the reception..." you hold up one piece of paper to him, eyes watching closely for his reaction. "...but this one..."
lando hates planning for your wedding. he finds it extremely boring, especially because it's so complicated and because there's so much to figure out. but more than anything,
he hates waiting.
he wants to marry you now – if he got to decide, he'd just run off and elope with you right this second.
unfortunately for him, you have convinced him that you both want your friends and family to be there for the big moment. when he tries to think realistically, he does agree with you, but when he lets his heart do all the thinking, he can't care less about anyone other than you. all he needs is to have you with him.
hell, he would run off with you to a random country, leave all civilization and everyone you know, live off insects and grass or whatever, as long as you're there with him. he needs nothing else.
"are you still not listening?" your hands land on the table with a thud as you throw your head back.
lando leans forward to rest his chin on top of your shoulder, his arm snaking across your waist to pull you closer to him. "i'm sorry."
"what even are you thinking about?"
he pauses for a moment before he leans back a little, eyes meeting yours. "i'm giving eloping a serious reconsideration."
"lando, we've discussed this enough, haven't we?" one of your hands land where his neck meets his shoulder. "plus, it's so late now. we'd lose our deposits."
"you think i care about the money?" he cocks an eyebrow and you shake your head at him. "all i care about is you, and you being mine. no matter how we get there."
"so, if you care about me so much," you start, tilting your head as a smile spreads across your lips. "will you help me with this? pretty please?"
"well, since you ask so nicely..." lando can't help but let out a laugh at your expression. "but first..." his hand pulls you even closer and your knee is grazing against his leg when he leans down to you. his lips find yours easily, like it's what they were made for, and you kiss your fiancé back just as easily.
maybe he can muster up the energy to focus on planning for a little while. it will be worth it in the end, he thinks; when he sees you walk down the isle, when he holds you in front of everyone, when he gets to kiss you as your husband, he is sure it will all be worth it.
everything is worth it when it comes to you.
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"has monaco always been this pretty?"
your voice breaks lando's train of thoughts and he looks over at you. you pull your knees up to your chest and he scoots closer to you on the blanket. "i'm pretty sure it has."
you pause for a moment, taking a deep breath. "it feels different, though. doesn't it?"
he gets what you mean. everything feels different these days; the morning coffee, his races, waking up in your arms. even just sitting with you here, overlooking the country you'd spent so many months in, the city lights twinkling under the night sky.
it's all lighter, easier, sweeter. every day has just a slight touch of extra beauty that wasn't there before.
"do you think it will still be different after tomorrow?" your voice is low, almost as if you're scared of your words.
you are. to be fair, the changes in the horizon are life-changing – it's not weird to wonder and be nervous about what life will look like.
"yeah, i think so. but another type of different." you tilt your head up towards him, eyes catching the way his own are sparkling in the lights. except, they aren't looking at the lights; you're the reason they are sparkling. "a better different."
you smile, leaning against his shoulder as you let your eyes fall closed. "i can't believe it's tomorrow," you hum. "the wedding. our wedding."
time has passed really quickly, as life sometimes does. all of the days lando had spent complaining that the wedding was so far away had gone by in the blink of an eye. "you still have time to run away, you know."
a chuckle leaves your chest at the comment. "so do you." his arm drapes across your shoulders, holding you close as you let out a breath. "i can't believe i'll be yours in just a few hours."
"love," he starts, looking down at you. "you have been mine for as long as i can remember."
he was right; you can barely even remember a time where you weren't his.
"and you have always been mine, too."
it was just months ago that his brother got married and you dreamed about your own wedding, imagining what it would look like and how you would feel. and now, the moment is mere hours away. to say you're completely terrified is an understatement – but at the same time, you're so very excited. and every time you remember the person you're getting married to, it's easy to calm down. as long as you're with lando, everything will be perfect.
you look up at lando, your soon-to-be husband, and your heart flutters at the look in his eyes. it's a look of complete and utter love – the exact same one as the one you're showing off.
your lives have just begun, and you can barely even wait to see what the future has in store for you.
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just before silverstone, there was one time where the two of you had walked along the shoreline of monaco after a lovely dinner, with the prettiest sunset covering the sky. lando had stopped walking, felt his jacket pocket, and groaned out loud. when you raised your eyebrows at him, he just said: "this would have been a perfect moment to propose to you."
"do it, then?"
"i left the ring at home..."
"you're unbelievable. and adorable. come here, let me kiss you."
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