#landing near me but also like. butterflies in summer fork in kitchen you know
thelostboys87 · 9 months
grief will have you wondering if you’re being lovingly haunted receiving signs from your loved ones from the other side etc but most of the time it is not as aesthetic or glamorous it’s shit like ‘now how did that white feather end up on the stovetop’
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shinglescat · 5 years
A character interview? Is this how this called?
'Kay, a lil something before writing all the technical stuff at work tomorrow. Ugh, writing this is ways better than writing some dumb ass shit about buildings that no one properly reads, dickheads (still can’t believe there are people who are able to miss an entire chapter dedicated to calculating parking lots).
Tagged by @forevervobla​ Hey, @queensforza​, wanna participate? 
A warm hut in a wast boreal tundra, a group of people settled in there for a rest after a long journey. The eldest of them all was napping near a fireplace, his arms crossed on his chest, his heavy armor lying under a cozy couch. A red headed girl near him, her head resting on the man's shoulder, drooling on his expensive set of clothes - the old man couldn't care more, he would forgive anything to his grandchildren. A dark skinned woman was sitting behind a kitchen counter, gulping on a bowl of meat soup; near her a white haired man was poking his stew with a fork, absorbed by a book in front of him. The other one, knife-eared, settled in a chair in a corner, away from anyone else.
Name ->  "Name's Markus. Mark for short", the elf fixed the collar of his white shirt and dusted his black pants. With a look of interest in his eyes he rolled his head a bit to the right.
Are you single? -> the question made him reach out to his head, scratching the back of the head, as the thought process in his brains started running at top speed - it took longer for him to think out the answer, "Eh, yes?... I mean no", he quickly corrected himself, shaking his head in negation, pointing at something in the distance, "I'm with that guy", he blurted out awkwardly, his finger landing on a man behind a kitchen counter, "Well, it's just... I can't really tell, I didn't ask him out, neither did he.  So we're just... together, I guess?" the elf raised his left brow in question as if he hoped someone would answer the question for him. His face was red, as he still wasn't used to the talks of private and intimate nature with anyone at all. Are you happy? -> it made him move forward, his arms on his knees, "About what?" he let out a smirk, knitting his brows, "You gotta be more specific here."
Are you angry? ->  "Neither. Neither angry, nor happy", Mark crossed his arms on his chest in defense, all of a sudden feeling uncomfortable from all the questions.
Are your parents still married? -> a weird question, for sure, that made the kid change his facial expression one more time, "Yeah, why shouldn't they be? The hell would sooner freeze over than those two would divorce or anything."
NINE FACTS Birth Place? ->  he wasn't as tense as before anymore, instead puzzled, trying to gather his memories together, "I... don't know", he responded, adding nonchalantly a bit later, "Well, I actually know, but it doesn't really matter, it had no affection on me if that's what you're getting at."
Hair Colour? ->  "Jet black, obviously", - he answered as quickly as he could, already regretting to open up a bit.
Eye Colour? ->  "Silver, I dunno."
Birthday? -> "Near the end of Evening Star."
Mood?->  "I'm deadly tired", he shifted in his chair, getting into more comfortable position by placing his leg underneath him, his entire weight put onto a table near him through his elbow, as he leaned his head against his palm, "Feels like I wanna fall into a ditch and die".
Gender? ->  "Seriously?", he asked with annoyance in his voice. It should be pretty obvious, yet...  "Do you see a pair of boobs on me or something? The last time I checked I had a weiner", ah, being rude felt so much better.
Summer or winter? -> "Winter I guess. No insects around this time of year."
Morning or afternoon?-> "The latter."
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE Are you in love? -> against his will he smiled, face relaxing visibly. This couldn't've stayed for a long time, as he forced the grumpy face again on him, "Look at me and answer the damn question yourself."
Do you believe in love at first sight? -> the question made him change the facial expression one more time, as he went on full philosopher on that, "Nah. I mean, realistically speaking if you feel something of a love at first sight, it's desire that plays on you", his gaze drifted across the room, looking somewhere in the right lower corner, as the cogs in his head started turning around, "That shit is so strong it makes you mistake it for love. But the latter is kinda more subtle? " he leaned on his knees with his elbows again, gaze still drifting, "It doesn't make you want to possess or own someone, it doesn't make you feel too attached or so on in the similar key; it just...", he made a gesture with his hands, making circles in the air, straightening up his spine, "The real love doesn't make you feel all of the above, only fondness and tenderness, I guess? It also feels like you ate a shitton of chrysalides", he once again scratched the back of his head, a look of disgust appearing on his face, "and at some point they have all turned into butterflies right in your stomach and intestines... Fuck, now that's one hell of a unsettling comparison, think I'm gonna puke", he heard a snicker from the kitchen side, the woman calling him a smartass.
Who ended your last relationship?-> Mark made a loud laugh, making everyone around the hut look in his direction for a split second, "Nah, no one did. Never had any before."
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? -> "Well, I guess", he answered quietly, compared to the outburst before, "She tried to shape me into what she wanted", elf sighed, "used her magic on me, tried to manipulate me into... whatever perverted thing she meant. All she succeeded in was opening my eyes to something else entirely."
Are you afraid of commitments? -> "Well, everyone's gotta fear of it in one way or another", his voice still quiet, "I think I am, but I'm also... pretty open towards it. It just has to come from all sides involved, not from a single one, otherwise it's just... not fair."
Have you hugged someone within the last week? -> the elf smirked, smiling against his own volition one more time, gaze wondering, "No", he answered all of a sudden, voice stern, as he caught himself not being so grumpy anymore.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? ->  "Isn't the whole point of secret admirer is for them to be a secret from anyone?" the elf squinted.
Have you ever broken your own heart? -> "Nah. I'm lucky I didn't have something to break my own heart over", and added silently to himself, "But boy if it's gonna happen, there will be violence."
SIX CHOICES Love or lust? -> "Cuddles", Mark leaned against the back of the chair again, throwing one leg across the other, as if to make a point.
Lemonade or iced tea? -> "Crisp water", and then he added, excitement sparkling in his eyes, "Oh by the way, did you know that cold water tastes pointy, and the hot water tastes round?" to which the woman in the kitchen called him nerd. Oh boy, she's got a godlike hearing.
Cats or Dogs? -> "Cats, though I've a dog that certain someone", he raised his voice, looking at someone in particular, "doesn't like it as much", after getting the confirmation from the man behind the counter, elf lowered his gaze back again. The murmur could be heard, as the old man asked grumpily, awaken from his sleep, who was that asshole that didn't like dogs so much.
A few best friends or many regular friends? -> "Dunno", Mark shrugged his shoulders, "I've this bunch of dipshits, can't really tell."
Wild night out or romantic night in? -> "Whatever's most fun I guess".
Day or night? -> the question made him lean forward, his tone sarcastic, "Well, I love sleep so much, so guess it's day when I can't get shit done."
FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS Been caught sneaking out? ->  "No, I was quite good at it."
Fallen down/up the stairs? -> "Never? Not that I can remember anything, to be honest", he let his mind wander, adding after a couple of moments, "Maybe I did once or twice, but that should've happened during an emergency, so I can't remember anything."
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ->  "See this shiny?", he raised his left hand, pointing at the finger with a silver ring on it, filled with diamonds of various sizes. He glanced at the sleeping girl near the fireplace cautiously, "I wanted it so badly I had to get it for myself."
Wanted to disappear? -> "Yeah, well... yeah", he covered his head with hands, untangling the legs into a normal sitting position. His head then dropped loose between his knees, as he tried to hide his face this time, "I mean, there's always the time you just... want to die", his voice low and dark, "I wanted to, several times, but I'm too much of a coward to pull the stunt. But... I've something to live for now."
FOUR PREFERENCES Smile or eyes? -> "Eyes, most definitely".
Shorter or Taller? -> Mark pointed in the general direction of kitchen, "Now look at that picky horseface behind that counter and answer the question yourself", a smug smirk on his lips.
Intelligence or Attraction? -> "What's with the weird questions? It's like "what more do you prefer: a chocolate cake or a warm bath". Anyways, I'd take a cake to a bath, hope this answers the question."
Hook-up or Relationship? ->  the elf let his gaze wander once again, before settling somewhere in the left upper corner, "Well, you never know what may happen, right? Come whatever may", he let out a sigh, quickly adding, "Yeah, well, I mean... it's either the latter or none in my book", another sigh, followed by a quiet line, "It started as... the first for me, and then it turned into some sort of messed up relationship. Kind of glad it did."
FAMILY Do you and your family get along? ->  the kid snorted, "Yeah, why not? It's sometimes hard, given the amount of non related people in the family, but it's fun. Kind of fun..."
Would you say you have a “messed up life”? -> "No."
Have you ever run away from home? -> "It was impossible to run away from my grandmother, her hounds would always find me, and with my foster parents - I haven't had a need to", the elf smiled, "They're the best."
Have you ever gotten kicked out? -> "Nope".
FRIENDS Do you secretly hate one of your friends -> Mark couldn't help but burst into laughter for a short while, "Of course! My sister's a nasty one", to which the suddenly woken up girl replied with a protesting sleepy "hey!".
Do you consider all of your friends good friends ->  "Sure. They may be assholes sometimes, but they're my assholes."
Who is your best friend ->  the kid looked at the kitchen counter, pointing in that direction, "Can't say I have a best friend, but she's the only one I trust the most."
Who knows everything about you -> "The old man", Mark pointed at a trying to fall asleep once again grumpy old elf, "He probably knows a lot more than I do."
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