vakarians-babe · 1 year
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In a small balcony of the white city were the warden and the elf-prince wed, blessed by the tidings of King Elessar and the Evenstar. Great joy was there, and yet also great sorrow, for Elladan son of Elrond knew that ever after the days in which he might share his sister’s joy would shorten.
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merilles · 2 months
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Artfight attacks for @eomer (Daerhovan) and @vakarians-babe (Lanadhiel) ✨
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celebrimbot · 3 years
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My Tolkien secret Santa piece for @vakarians-babe of their lovely oc Lanadhiel and Elladan taking a winter stroll through Rivendell and picking some berries 🥰❤️
Happy holidays and I hope you have a wonderful new year!! @officialtolkiensecretsanta
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saintlethanavir · 3 years
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Lanadhiel for @vakarians-babe 💕 it was an honor to draw her!!
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
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"On that journey, a friend once spoke to me of the world’s perils. 'There are many dark places,' he said. 'But still there is much that is fair. Though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.'"
Lanadhiel and Elladan, at the end of their long road, wedded at Midsummer, blessed by King Aragorn II Elessar and the Queen Arwen Undomiel.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
27 for each of them! c:
EHEHEHE thank youuuuu for the ask 💗
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Lanadhiel and Elladan: Elladan bows to Lanadhiel as a way of saying "I love you" long before they ever confess their feelings. Lanadhiel doesn't really understand it, mostly because she's autistic as hell she thinks it's just something the prince does to be polite, but in reality, he's trying to show his deference and that he would do anything for her. Lanadhiel, on the other hand, says it in the way she serves his grandmother, mother, and sister when they are in Lothlorien. Arwen figures this out first, and Celebrian, before her attack, realizes it as well, and makes much mischief of it. After their confession, Elladan still bows to Lanadhiel, but she only understands it when he bows before they part ways at the Ford of the Bruinen, and she takes to bowing to him, too.
Lathuilas and Narmeleth: When they still live in Eregion, Lathuilas says "I love you" without words by always waiting for Narmeleth outside the smithy at the end of the day, while Narmeleth makes some small trinket or piece of jewelry for Lathuilas every day. After Narmeleth's corruption, however, Lathuilas shows her love by wearing those trinkets all the time, even when Narmeleth isn't there. After they meet again, Lathuilas makes a conscious effort to keep doing this, so that Narmeleth can see that she thought about her every day while they were parted and she thinks about her every day still. When Narmeleth finally fully recalls herself after breaking free, she shows her love in turn one final time by protecting Lathuilas. :)
Duventoliel and Tadan: Their time together is so brief and in the midst of so much chaos that they both end up verbalizing their feelings far more than not, so non-verbal expressions of affection are rarer for the two of them. However! Duventoliel shows her love by making sure Tadan is always comfortable as he watches a certain Numenorean prisoner, often also staying with him. Tadan in turn tries to spend as much of his free time with her, and every time he sees her around Tinnudir, he always has a wildflower from the shore of Lake Evendim to give her. After Tadan's death, Duventoliel keeps his ring with her always. When she, too, falls at Helm's Deep, her last wish is to have her body brought back to Evendim so that she can be buried next to him.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
Lanandhiel?? Did I spell it right?
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
6, 8, 9, 18, 25, 26 and 43 for Lanadhiel and Elladan <3
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Very plainly--they don't argue often, honestly, but on the rare occasion they do, they're both open about their apologies and try to present them with as few frills as possible while still being tender and understanding. And then after that they kiss each other's hands in a show of deference and affection.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Lanadhiel is always awed by how resepectful Elladan is. In the time they travel together with the Grey Company, he tries his best to learn the ways and histories of those whose communities they pass through, and he puts great care into the way he engages with those he meets. She sees this as a mark of how much he cares for those around him. In turn, Elladan loves Lanadhiel's dedication. She keeps going, even after losing her sister and parents, and I think he sees some of his own emotions in her after his mother's capture, torment, and journey west.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Lanadhiel dislikes Elladan's constant tendency to go forth on new adventures and missions, even if she understands it. It's less a point of contention and more something she knows she has to bear, especially since they both have a strong sense of duty. It does make her anxious, though, since it means they are parted often with no way of communicating, such as when she parts ways with the Grey Company, and she rarely knows if Elladan is well. Elladan struggles with Lanadhiel's own tendency to go off on her own, which, even though it's born of necessity during the War of the Ring, it brings up too many old fears for him. After the end of the War, though, they both talk openly about these issues, and are rarely parted after.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Lanadhiel is less adroit than Elladan, but she does know enough of the healing arts from her Galadhrim training that she's able to take care of him. She doesn't fuss, but she does focus. Elladan, on the other hand, fusses inconsolably when Lanadhiel is injured--it reminds him too much of Celebrian's torture whenever anyone he cares for is unwell.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
They do! They put off the journey west for quite some time, leaving only after Aragorn and Arwen's deaths. They live in different places, but spend most of their time in Gondor, in the high guest house of Minas Tirith. Their rooms are always decorated in a mixed fashion reminiscent of both Lothlorien and Rivendell, filled with gifts and remembrances of their travels.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
They share the sacrifice of being apart during much of the War of the Ring because they know that it's necessary, and they both have jobs to do in order to have any sort of future together.
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
They have slightly different styles, with Elladan preferring darker colors, most often blue and silver, and Lanadhiel lighter colors, usually green and gold. If they were to dress each other according to their own styles, they would both compromise in things like Elladan picking a lighter pastel blue colored garment for Lanadhiel, for example.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
idk a thing abt lotr so I hope the questions I picked makes sense 🫶🏽 15 and 27 for both ships ❤️
ellie my love 💗 i just did 27 here but 15 hehehehehe
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
Lanadhiel and Elladan: Rilke Song by aeseaes
In spite of our failures the lines twist and curve To regrow the branches the night has disturbed When we wake we'll take the shape of something free and bold And rest in the shade where the new greets the old
Lathuilas and Narmeleth: Please Don't Go by Connor Youngblood
While you count my mistakes I know I can count more But like a circle in a square The edges we'll ignore. And while I've done what I did But how was I to know I swear I'll try this time Please don't go
Duventoliel and Tadan: Gethsemane by Dry the River
Excavating down you'd find the drowning and the drowned And then there's us, babe. You could walk to our memorial, but it's pouring And it ends how you'd expect
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
11, 20, 28 for the lotro asks?
AHHHH thank you sm!!!!
11. ok so also thinking about this more generally i WISH we had a companion from the intro/tutorial levels who could stay with us. obviously with some of the intros thats hard, but it would add a lot of depth to the plot i think!
20. HELP yes i spend so much time. my storage for Lanadhiel, who has been my main for the longest consecutive time at this point (ten years lol) is overflowing. when it comes to favorite items, the event cosmetic circlet from the very first celebration of Aragorn and Arwen's wedding--the one made to look like Galadriel's--is easily one of my favorites off the top of my head. Lanadhiel is a warden of the Galadhrim and its a crucial part of her armor design in my mind lol
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28. YES omg ok so ive been playing in total since i think 2010? i ended up losing my first account info lol but i will say i think the new legendary item system is confusing as all getout. i also have a ton of things taking up inventory space that won't stack now so im just praying i learn how to make it really work soon (i do not learn new tricks well dshfs;dhg)
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
10, 11, 15, 16 and 40!!! 👁👁 the people (me) want to know :) <3
10. THE GREY COMPANY. the grey company. The Grey Company. the grey company <3
11. this is such a hard question for me because it absolutely changes for each of my three main characters, Lanadhiel, Duventoliel, and Lathuilas. if Lanadhiel could have any NPC companion, ignoring lore or assuming just for the quests where they overlap, it would be Elladan, for obvious reasons. Duventoliel's would vary, mostly because her friends tend to...die. but Halbarad acts as a surrogate father in some ways, despite her being older than him as an elf, and it would be sweet i think for them to have more time together. for Lathuilas, i WISH she could have her girlfriend Narmeleth with her at all times.
15. as someone who tends to play solo, i usually stick to the blue variations on the class specialization trees. they're more defensive usually and have skills that boost my gameplay lol
16. OOOOO plot twists..........lets see.........Lheu Brenin's betrayal got me actually. the energy while trying to escape and finding each member of the party still sticks with me.
40. BEST MUSIC ok the music that gets me the most with the nostalgia is in some ways the best to me so i gotta say the music around Ered Luin, specifically Duillond, Celondim, and in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
.........with the actual date of midsummer coming up i am thinking about Lanadhiel and Elladan's anniversary and.........
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vakarians-babe · 2 years
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Quick little portrait of my LOTRO warden, Lanadhiel, for an Artfight ref, and also bc I missed her.
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vakarians-babe · 3 years
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And at last, as they were to go their separate ways, the elf-prince of Rivendell met with the warden of the Galadhrim under the trees at the ford of the Bruinen. There at last they pledged their troth to one another, to be wed once the shadow had been driven hence and Sauron’s armies had been defeated.
Elladan and my LOTRO warden Lanadhiel, finally confessing the feelings they’ve been silent about for over a millennia, just after the Fellowship has left Rivendell. Flats under the cut bc I liked them.
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vakarians-babe · 3 years
:eyes: what's courtly romance uwu?
heehee that's my random snippets of self-indulgent OCxCanon LOTR ship with Elladan and my LOTRO warden Landahiel.
Lanadhiel drew aside the entrance of the elf-prince’s tent with hesitation and stooped slightly to enter. Within he sat, on a camp chair of pale carven wood, clad in grey and blue. Silently she approached, and when he looked up at her from his maps, Elladan made to stand, surprise in his eyes, shining even as bright as the gem bound on his brow. His locks fell forward, rippling over his shoulders, straight and sky-black and long, shimmering in the dim lamplight and moving as he did.
“Nay, my lord, stand not before one who would call you captain,” spoke Lanadhiel, heart in her throat, and then she bowed, long and deep, and rising again drew closer to him, meaning to share with him the counsel of Halbarad, as he had bidden her. Nothing more; it had been many long months since they had spoken, and though the ring bound on a chain around her neck spoke to the promise they had made, doubt and fear clouded her heart. Yet even as she did so, the son of Elrond half rose to his feet and, ere he had even drawn to his full height, held her in an embrace, placing kisses long and numerous about her face.
“Wouldst thou bid one, then, to stand not before one he loves?”
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vakarians-babe · 3 years
hello~ your tolkien secret santa here~ would you mind telling me a bit more about your oc ship with elladan? :3
AHHHH hello!!! I hope you're doing well and I'm so delighted to talk about Lanadhiel. I'm sorry I took ages to get around to this!
Lanadhiel is my main for The Lord of the Rings: Online, and over the years I've put quite a bit of lore into her (to the point of...writing out the full timeline of the Third Age so I could write her into it in a weird meta version of fanfic oops). She's born in the early Third Age (TA 352), as is her sister, Duventoliel (TA 551), though they are split up after the passing of their parents, who, after losing so much during the War of the Last Alliance, wasted from grief and lost joy in Middle Earth. Lanadhiel was sent to live with her mother Arwethil's sister in Lothlorien, while it was still under the rule of Amroth, and Duventoliel stayed to be raised in Rivendell as an acolyte in the Houses of Healing there, caring for her father, Findolag's, sister, a casualty of the War.
Lanadhiel trained as a warden of the Galadhrim, and in TA 1324 met the twins Elrohir and Elladan by chance while travelling to Rivendell to visit her sister. After the loss of Amroth and Nimrodel in TA 1981, when Galadriel and Celeborn took the roles of Lady and Lord of Lothlorien, Lanadhiel swore fealty to Galadriel as a warden. She met Elladan more frequently as the twins accompanied their mother Celebrian on visits to Lorien, and slowly the two fell in love. On various visits to Rivendell, Duventoliel noticed this, and attempted to force the two to speak about it, to no avail. After the loss of Celebrian in TA 2510, Elladan and Lanadhiel grew closer through mourning; I HC that Galadriel travelled with a contingent of guards and handmaidens to Rivendell for a time to console and support her son-in-law and her grandchildren, and Lanadhiel was among that contingent. However, Lanadhiel and Elladan still remained only friends, despite Duventoliel's prodding.
Things continued like this for several hundred more years, with Elladan nearly confessing his feelings after travelling with his siblings to Lothlorien, and Lanadhiel again nearly confessing after accompanying Arwen back to Rivendell in TA 2952, spurred by the buzz of Aragorn and Arwen's meeting (but she loses her courage at the last moment).
In the events of LOTRO, Lanadhiel and Elladan grow closer, as they investigate Elrond's premonitions together and then work in the shadows of the Fellowship to speed their way. It is only after the Fellowship has left Rivendell, when Elladan is headed back out to the wild and Lanadhiel is preparing to travel through Eregion with Duventoliel and a now healed Lathuilas, following the Fellowship, that the two finally confess their feelings. They meet in the middle of the ford at the Bruinen, and before they part, vow to wed once Sauron is defeated and the Fellowship's task is done.
Later, when Elladan and Elrohir muster the Grey Company, Lanadhiel, Duventoliel, and Lathuilas join them, and it's sort of an open secret that Lanadhiel and Elladan are in love. Halbarad isn't gonna say anything tho bc he already dealt with Aragorn pining and he doesn't have the TIME or the ENERGY for that anymore. After the Grey Company is imprisoned by Dunlendings under the control of Saruman, it would be kind of hard not to notice, because Lanadhiel won't calm down until they've rescued Elladan. Likewise, Elladan is (not so secretly) distraught after Lanadhiel and Lothrandir are captured and imprisoned in Isengard.
There's a lot of push/pull for them through the plot of the game, because there's periods of time where the two are apart. Lanadhiel is also grieving for a long part of it, as Duventoliel is killed during the Battle of Helm's Deep. Duventoliel had previously fallen in love with a ranger named Tadan, who was killed by a Black Numenorean in the service of the Witch King and buried in Evendim, overlooking Annuminas; Lanadhiel keeps her bow and quiver, along with a ring given to Duventoliel by Tadan, and later places them at his cairn.
Lanadhiel and Elladan end up quietly marrying, with Elrond's blessing, during the celebration of Arwen and Aragorn's wedding in Minas Tirith at Midsummer. They elect to remain in Middle Earth until they feel that their time there is done, and do not have children until they cross the sea.
So uhhhh tl;dr, they have a 1700 year long slowburn and I love them! Sorry this ended up being so much longer than I intended!
Here's some screenshots of my girl!
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