#lamorak gradalis
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Mon niveau de sérotonine et de dopamine sont à bloc depuis l'épisode spécial de Gradalis >O<//
Résumé des trois bébous sortis chasser (oui c'est une vraie scène coupée, tout est canon —dans ma tête, essayez pas de dire le contraire !!)
Bref c'est aussi votre rappel saisonnier d'aller lire Gradalis (。•̀ڡ <。)☆
※ Fanart: Gradalis© @kochei0 / Webtoon
#fanart#my art#gradalis#my doodles#perceval gradalis#galaad gradalis#mordred gradalis#harebell gradalis#doineann gradalis#aglovale gradalis#lamorak gradalis#(textes en description d'image vu que j'écris comme un chat)#je fête même pas noel mais meilleur cadeau ever !!#je suis en joie jusqu'à la fin de l'année#ça fait trop de bien de revoir les bébous et tout le monde tous joyeux et qui vont bien (=PAS morts ni mourants) TT__TT#*relis l'épisode en boucle pour prolonger le déni*
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Les trois mousquetaires moins un qui font parti de la table ronde
Fanart de respectivement Lamorak, Agloave et Perceval du webtoon Gradalis de notre bon seigneur @kochei0
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Relatively quick illus I made for boosters!
Gradalis is a queer arthuriana retelling (FR orig // ENG translation)
#arthurian legends#sir galahad#sir percival#sir mordred#sir kay#sir bedivere#arthur pendragon#sir lamorak#sir aglovale#sir palamedes#sir lancelot#sir tristan#sir gawain#sir bors#sir dinadan#sir brunor#more illus will happen for more booster cards and maybe i'll actually take time to draw them#kochei doodles#arthuriana#gradalis
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I feel like this is a great moment to tell everyone to GO READ GRADALIS IT IS SOOOOO GOOD GUYS!!! Like seriously it is probably one of my favorite arthuriana retellings it is sooo good. If you don't care about Lamorak or Aglovale right now you WILL care about them after reading it the main characters are Percival and Mordred but literally every supporting character feels so well developed and fleshed out it's fantastic. Also probably my favorite Dinadan <3
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on gawain, and the death of king pellinore.
AUTHOR'S NOTE. this is a drabble based on gradalis, an arthurian legend retelling you can read in english here and in french here, as well as an extrapolation on an event that happened well before the story's current events. as such, it may get contradicted by future episodes, but you know what? screw it. gawain time.
edit : as of episode 83, this is no longer canon, but i enjoyed writing it, so fuck it, it stays.
As the blood of her father's killer pooled at her feet, all Gawain could think was : it is done.
There was no saving Pellinore. She'd felt her blade rip through steel and bone and tender flesh, tearing his chest open. A young man would have been felled by such a blow, and the king of Listenoise was no longer young.
A guttural scream pierced through the air. Lamorak. Pellinore's second son leaped over the wooden barrier as if it were nothing, murder in his eyes. Gawain watched him close in on her, too dazed to move. If he did reach her, she noted, he would wring her neck with his bare hands. She was older and stronger than him, but she was tired to her bones, and bleeding from a half-dozen wounds beside. He would close his hands around her throat and choke the breath from her.
All this happened in a fraction of a second—then Kay was between them, tackling Lamorak to the ground and holding him down as the boy kicked and struggled like a beast in a trap. It could have been a minute or ten, but finally Lamorak's hoarse shouts grew quieter, slowly replaced by long, wracking sobs.
She'd never cried like that, not even for her father's death. She wondered now if she should have.
Past the barrier, she could see prince aglovale, his face white with a sort of grief neither of them could name yet. ( Well, she supposed he was no longer Prince Aglovale ; Galantine had just made him a king. )
As if feeling the weight of her gaze, he looked up. The frost in his eyes chilled her to the bone—she staggered back, and then there was a pair of hands to steady her.
Ger mother smelled the same as she always did, like dried rosemary and sage and the tangy scent of magic. Her perfume cut through the stench of blood and steel, reminding Gawain of childhood days spent at her knee, darting between tables and playing with her toy knights as the queen of Orkney worked miracles.
"My daughter," Morgan whispered, and she could have wept for the sound of it, the relief that threatened to crush her. "You did well. Your father may rest in peace now."
Mama, she tried to say, but her tongue felt like lead, and the words would not come out. Blood dripped down her chin. Red ran in rivulets from her left eye down to her chin, filling her mouth.
Mama, look at him. when I took up my sword, I forgot all about Father. I spilled his blood for you, for you, for you.
"Come," her mother said. Gawain let her turn her face away from the scene. Morgan took her chin between her fingers, staining the tips red. "Let's go home."
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🥖🏴 for the Arthuriana ask game! =)
Thanks for asking! ☺️
🥖Favorite French/du lac (Lancelot, Hector de Maris, Bors, Lionel, Galahad, ect)
I'm basic so it's Lancelot! My beloved Lancelot. He's hilarious in Knight of the cart. He's a heartthrob (even 90s Richard Gere played him). He's full of sexy catholic angst. He's ridiculous, and insufferable, and full of love and pain and oh-so-tragic. He grew up with faeries or something. Probably a terrible father. He's just muy guy.
And I also really like Bors. I imagine him going on the Grail quest with a bunch of children behind him looking like a tired uncle NGL. And he was DELIGHTFUL in Legend of King Arthur 1979 ❤️ (he's low-key mixed with Kay there, too! Which is an interesting choice)
🏴Pick A Pelli Spawn (Percival, Aglovale, Tor, Lamorak, Aylane, Dindrane, Donar, ect)
If you had asked me a few years back I'd say Percy but now I can only give you one answer, and that is Aglovale. I got a liking to him because of this webtoon called Gradalis (Percy is the protagonist and Aglovale is a prominent character who looks like a bishonen, though he's in his 30s). Gives off tired older brother vibes. He's a deadbeat dad. His dad was a dead beat dad. What's up with Arthuriana having little brothers surpassing their elders until no one pays them any attention? Everyone (or not everyone) loves Lamorak and Perceval was pretty much perfect (though really silly, Le conte du Graal is silly as hell) but what about Aglovale? ... See, that's what I mean.
And mi girl Dindrane. Even her name is pretty!!
Send me an Arthurian ask! 🥰
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Je vais ENFIN pouvoir faire des postes dans ma langue et ça c’est beau.
Oui, car il y a un fandom français INCROYABLE qui est celui de Gradalis.
(Rappelons que Gradalis est un merveilleux webcomic du/de la très talentueux-se auteur-e Kochei, webcomic que je recommande vivement pour ceux qui ont accès au WEBTOON français et qui sont plus ou moins mordus de légendes arthuriennes - ou pas, d’ailleurs !)
Bref, cette œuvre est une vraie mine d’or notamment par rapport au système féodal et aux traditions moyenâgeuses !! (Je suis pas extraordinairement cultivée en la matière mais y’a quand même quelques bases populaires qu’on maîtrise toutes et tous plus ou moins)
Juste au cas où : ATTENTION, SPOILER ❗️⛔️ La suite contient des informations sur le webcomic qui pourrait divulgâcher (comme disent ces génies de québécois) le contenu au public !
Donc, pour ceux qui auraient la référence de cette pépite qu’est Gradalis : le ship de Mordred et Percy est vraiment incroyable genre
Mordred est ultra-à cheval sur les traditions et la bienséance (enfin de ce que j’ai compris)
Est-ce qu’on peut subodorer qu’il va courtiser Percy ? Très sérieusement, dans le sens le plus concret du concept ?
Il va devoir demander la permission à Aglovale (et possiblement Lamorak) de faire la cour à leur petit frère ! Et puis, je sais pas de quand date cette tradition mais il y a combien de chances pour qu’il aille faire sa sérénade sous la fenêtre de Percy le soir ? Il est aussi censé lui réciter de la poésie et gagner des joutes en son nom, je crois ?
Et ce serait trop drôle que Percy lui fasse la cour aussi du coup-
Je l’imagine bien faire solennellement face à Morgane, avec son fameux air déterminé et féroce, et lâcher de toute sa fierté galloise : « Je vous demande la permission de faire la cour à votre fils. »
Et puis Aglovale et Lamorak, scandalisé qu’un prince d’Orcanie ose ne serait-ce que penser à DÉFLORER leur baby bro si iNnOcEnt et iNflUenÇabLe
Voilà c’était le délire de 22h48
Bonne nuit et n’oubliez pas de boire de l’eau
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I need to re-read Gradalis, Aglovale Lamorak and Percival are soooo good there...but alas I don't have time...
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Lamorak de Gradalis lors de son combat contre le géant

Fanart pour la fin de saison
@kochei0 tu m'expliques pourquoi il fait dodo là . SI IL SE RÉVEILLE PAS TOUT SEUL C'EST MOI QUI VAIS VENIR LE CHERCHER L'AUTRE CON LÀ !
#aquarelle#watercolour art#fan art#fanart#bd#webtoon#webcomic#gradalis#lamorak#lamorak gradalis#kochei#tu me manque Lamorak T-T reviens vite ...
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Portrait de famille avec les trois frangins gallois, dans un style moderne (sorte de modern AU?) - parce qu’il a bien fallu compenser pendant que la série était en pause u_ù
Si vous êtes francophones, allez lire Gradalis, c’est sur Webtoon (gratuit), et c’est super bien !!
________________________ Gradalis © @kochei0 / Webtoon
#Gradalis#perceval gradalis#Perceval de Galles#lamorak gradalis#Lamorak de Galles#aglovale gradalis#Aglovale de Galles#fanart#my art
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> Gradalis < Characters Part #1
Gradalis is a french Webtoon, published on webtoon FRANCE.
#gradalis#gradalis characters#gradalis perceval#gradalis aglovale#gradalis galahad#gradalis merlin#gradalis gawain#gradalis mordred#gradalis lamorak#gradalis bedivere#gradalis dinadan#gradalis tristan#i had this in my drafts for a bit#i thought it'd be nice to have it and maybe put it in a masterpost later ;)#about gradalis
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Cher @kochei0 ,
Chose promise, chose due,
Sous ce dernier chapitre de Gradalis , j'ai mendier comme un crevard pour que , par pur amour amoureux , cet enfoiré de Lamorak ne crève pas au prochain chapitre comme une veille crotte chevalresque .
J'ai donc subtilement négocier et donc voici un fanart de mon poto Lamorak
(aka best perso de Gradalis pour les vrais )

Ps : Si cela fonctionne, je ferai tout la bande par sécurité (on ne sait jamais )
Ps 2 : j'ai remarqué que l'épée de Lamorak est vachement grande , j'en ai donc déduit par déduction que c'était une espadon .
J'espère que j'ai raison , cela me gonflera mon ego >:D
#aquarelle#webtoon#gradalis#watercolour art#bd#lamorak#chevalier#knight#PAR LE POUVOIR DE LA CORRUPTION !!!
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Fanart de Lamorak et Perceval du webtoon Gradalis de @kochei0
Je crois bien que Lamorak est mon personnage préféré
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Lamorah is trans? Thanks for that <3 Can you explain to me what is that on his chest? it's like in binder?
Indeed ! i dont think it's a very comfortable one, though.
#gradalis#about gradalis#kochei blabbers#i dont think lamorak is a fav for now he's not super nice lmao#but *I* love him#it's what matters
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can't wait for this to be in English, looks absolutely amazing

> Gradalis < Characters Part #1
Gradalis is a french Webtoon, published on webtoon FRANCE.
#gradalis#gradalis perceval#gradalis aglovale#gradalis galahad#gradalis merlin#gradalis gawain#gradalis mordred#gradalis lamorak#gradalis bedivere#gradalis dinadan#gradalis tristan
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c'est un bel essai, c'est tout ce que je vais dire
Cher @kochei0 ,
Chose promise, chose due,
Sous ce dernier chapitre de Gradalis , j'ai mendier comme un crevard pour que , par pur amour amoureux , cet enfoiré de Lamorak ne crève pas au prochain chapitre comme une veille crotte chevalresque .
J'ai donc subtilement négocier et donc voici un fanart de mon poto Lamorak
(aka best perso de Gradalis pour les vrais )

Ps : Si cela fonctionne, je ferai tout la bande par sécurité (on ne sait jamais )
Ps 2 : j'ai remarqué que l'épée de Lamorak est vachement grande , j'en ai donc déduit par déduction que c'était une espadon .
J'espère que j'ai raison , cela me gonflera mon ego >:D
#gradalis lamorak#il est bo#oh et la taille de son épée est aléatoire#parce que je dessine ça trop vite lol#c'est une épée à deux mains et le reste est un mystère#gradalis fanwork#gradalis
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