#lamo I just hope this is nice and pleasing to look at
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 8 months ago
Sockeye salmon animation
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fireemblems24 · 1 year ago
Golden Wildfire Ch 14
Almost done guys. I can stick with it.
Oh no, The Empire is in danger. Anyways . . .
They're all shocked Edelgard is asking for help because she's putting her in debt to them.
Haha, they're considering just leaving her there and letting the Empire die. Lorenz came up with it. Based.
I know Claude will go bail her out, which is really stupid for a guy who claims he wants to end the war.
So . . . how does killing Rhea and sparing Edelgard cause the least amount of bloodshed? I knew that's what was going to happen, but it makes no sense. Claude even admitted he knows that Edelgard doesn't give a shit, she wants to conquer Rhea or no Rhea.
I really fail to see how on earth this is ending in 2 chapters. Unless Edelgard is so grateful to Claude she just gives up her ambitions? And Dimitri is equally OOC also suddenly gives a shit about what Claude thinks??
I've actually LOVED how they're written Edelgard and Dimitri in Hopes so far, and if GW ruins that with its shit writing I'm gonna be pissed.
Edelgard better not turn into some soft sissy who is all "oh, you saved me, Claude, now I'm going to play nice and make big eyes at you! Now that Rhea's dead and you did something nice, I'm going to give up the most core part of my character." Double gross if it's implied that she's flustered by his good looks.
And Dimitri better not not be pissed off that Claude invaded him for no reason and be like "You were so right, I wanted Rhea gone this whole time, thank you for saving me from her, please ignore Sylvain stewing in the corner, he'll just get over that you murdered his dad, just like I suddenly don't care how you murdered my citizens!"
If that happens, I'm calling this Claude's bizarre fanfic where he thinks his masterminded Edelgard and Dimitri so hard that now they're both hard for him no matter how OOC that makes them or how stupid Claude's been this whole time.
Haha, Shamir doesn't want to help the Empire. She wants revenge against them for the war with Dagda lol.
I don't think Holst has had an interesting thing to say in this entire game.
Oh yeah, I forgot. In GW and SB we're saving Bernie's father and helping him maintain religious power. Only in AG is he the enemy we're replacing. I swear, did nobody look at this and wonder if they made the Blue Lions unambiguously the only good guys?
Haha, right after I wrote this, some NPC was like wtf are we doing putting an Imperial noble in charge of the Monastery and religion?
Meanwhile, Lorenz is like, if we just let Edelgard die, the war ends right. But they must go save her because they're former classmates! For, like, a month! And Claude's like, Dimitri is too. And then crickets. I swear to God GW is borderline self-aware of how reaching and desperate the writing is to have Claude want to join the "I want to suck Edelgard's toes" gang for no logical reason.
Ouch, someone just compared Claude to Hubert. Like, I love Hubert, but he is NOT someone I want to be compared to.
I forget how boring GW is to play. Lorenz takes no damage from anything, so I just mash buttons. He isn't particularly strong either, so he's not nearly as fun to play as Dimitri and Hubert are with their ridiculous strength and magic stats, respectively.
So if I ever replay GW (lol, sure /s), I would def not pick Lorenz again. Lysithea seems like a way more fun character more suited for my play style but she's too far behind with class unlocks and etc . . .
Haha, Shez is like "if I ended up on another side, they would've been suspicious of my powers and thought I was an enemy" - side-eyeing Edelgard and SB.
Lamo, where did Claude get the idea that the church doesn't like people from other places or that aren't religious? Last time I checked, they didn't care?
Lamo, Shez is saying she might just leave Claude when the war ends. Same, Shez, same.
I had to fight Gustave :( And after that Sylvain :(
Guys, I'm feeding Claude recipes he dislikes. I've run out of supports to grind this round so . . .
I did the same to Holst too, because fuck you too, Holst
I'm giving my merc whistle to Lorenz. He basically did everything this route. And ohhhhh, he's right in front of Claude and Hilda too, haha. That means they're going to watch me give Lorenz a present and none for them.
And now to dump every stat boost on Lorenz too. I literally use no one else unless I absolutely have too. Hubert and Dimitri will get the same treatment. Probably also the 2 getting my merc whistle too. Which is hilarious since Hubert is pretty openly hostile to Shez.
It's funny. In SB, no one trusts Shez. In GW, Shez doesn't trust Claude. In AG, Shez . . . yep.
Wait, whut? Shez is like "we need to end the church to end the war." And Claude is like "right, because they they can try something again." My brother in Sothis, what the fuck? Did he just forget that Edelgard started the war? Rhea didn't do shit.
Also, didn't Claude say earlier he knows the church is just an excuse for Edelgard to make a land grab? Did he magically forget that?
Don't remember if I saw this yet.
Balthus wants to make a bet on battle. Shez doesn't want to.
Balthus likes to live on the edge and adding a bet makes battle more fun. Shez disagrees.
Still don't remember if I saw this or not. But it's another support about Shez's mysterious origins that go absolutely no where.
And I have a strong suspicion that we won't actually learn anything about who Shez really is unless her mom is like Arundel or something.
I think I may have seen this before. But Shez has more than one support like this so . . .
Weird. They only have 1 support and its A.
Marianne gets a letter that implies that he wants Marianne to rule House Edmund and she's intimidated by it.
Claude shares that he worries too.
Claude says Marianne needs more resolve.
Sorry, that was boring as fuck.
Lysithea has a message from her father, who's taken maybe the worst beating in this game.
Her father doesn't want to complain, but to thank him for ending TWSITD chaos.
Poor House Ordelia really does get the shit end of the stick.
Claude is worry that Lysithea works too hard.
Lysithea doesn't really listen.
Their only support.
The crops of the territories that are at war are suffering because armies are trampling fields.
Common people are mad at Claude because of the battle making them starve.
Glad this game is acknowledging, even a little, how it's poor people who get screwed over the most when nobles bicker.
Leonie admits she could care less about this war. Which just make her not being in AG (so far) weirder. Since she's probably one of the one who cares the least.
This is more interesting than I thought it was going to be, because it's about how the commoners suffer in war, and how Claude needs a common born perspective. So that makes Edelgard the only one who never asks common born people what they want - and the one thinking she has the right to decide everything for them.
Claude is interested in Constance's experiments
Constance invented a spell that can change hair color and style, which Claude wants to use to escape but not to be her first test subject
She gives him a hard and sharp style, like literally - he complains, she's not happy
I don't know if she turned it back or not, if she didn't I'm tempted to not view their B so Claude is stuck with silly, awful hair for his final chapters because then his looks will match his clown behavior
Hilda doesn't recognize Ignatz without his glasses on. So . . . she's an idiot?
Ignatz is basically blind without glasses, yet forgot where he put them. So . . . he's an idiot too?
Hilda thinks he's hot without his glasses. I . . . question her taste.
Hapi finds his sketch book and there's a picture of her with cats in there, and she's disturbed that someone drew her without telling her
She figured out that it's him
She's mad he lied, but liked the picture
And . . . the Chicago Carolina game is more entertaining than that was (who may be the 2 worst teams in the NFL, for those who don't know)
Aw, that's sweet of Ignatz. He's like, we talk too much about me, talk about you!
And Shez teases him about a crush, lamo.
Shez only has 2 dream options: I don't know or easy going mercenary life
Ignatz asks Shez to be a bodyguard ones he's done being a knight and going after his dreams
Shez says she'll charge a lot lamo
Claude & Constance B
Oh, right, the hair magic stuff.
Constance doesn't appreciate his lack of enthusiasm
She turned his hair frizzy and uneven, lamo - like a bird's nest, and honestly, deserved Claude, you've sucked this route
He has a beard too
Their only support, weird.
Lorenz didn't make much of Ignatz when they meant, but now is impressed.
The improvement it because Ignatz is painting in his free time, helping his mental health
Lorenz feels bad because he realizes Ignatz wants to be an artist, not a knight, like he assumed
Ingatz is still grateful towards Lorenz for giving him a purpose after the school closed and he felt directionless
Bummed they only have 1 support. I like their chain in Houses.
Marianne can't get a horse to the stable bc it's sick (the horse told her, Raphael doesn't seem to care that a horse talked to Marianne)
Raphael offers to get the horse to the stable by putting it in a cart
He lifted it, Marianne is impressed, but now her horse can get the medicine and rest needed
Dumb horse ate bad fruit, honestly, accurate, they're all secretly pigs in horse-shaped bodies
Raphael . . . also eats rotten food. So, I guess Dimitri has competition for who has the most iron stomach
See, this was cute too. Marianne just feels naturally open with him
They're out of arrows and surrounded by wolves
I think Raphael beat them back with her bow
He credits her for making such a strong bow (it didn't break)
So now Leonie will keep making bows until there's one Raphael can't break, and Raphael will keep working on muscles so he can keep breaking them
Oh, God, Yuri's always so mean to people in the beginning of support chains. I wonder how on earth this is going to go . . .
Yuri takes her off guard and asks questions, which just makes her more guarded and feel judged.
Marianne assumes he hates animals and herself. Because she saw Yuri glaring at her once. Girl, you have issues, but I love you.
Understandably, Yuri's a bit confused.
Marianne keeps assuming things are her fault and apologizing, and Yuri keeps getting more and more annoyed until she runs off.
A lot of this support felt pretty random, but let's see where A goes.
This battle is titled . . . salvation. You know, that may be the most clever bit of writing in GW so far (as in the ONLY clever writing)
Haha, Edelgard is surrounded by the Kingdom and Rhea.
Even Holst is like, are you sure about this Claude?
I really don't understand the logic of rescuing Edelgard if Claud doesn't want war. Like, Claude acknowledged that Edelgard only used Rhea as an excuse for expansionism. He knows she's just going to find another excuse for war, so all he's doing is making her enemies weaker.
Ok, that's enough. I forget that applying any sort of logic to this plot line is pointless.
Cut scene is cool though. Lamo, is this like the 5th time Edelgard needed someone to rescue her in this game? She looked really pathetic in cut scenes in this game. Like, I don't even like her, and I'm annoyed because one of the things I did like was her being a bit of a badass, not always needing saving from Shez, Byleth, from assassins all the time, etc . . .
Guys, there's a save Monica side quest. Should I just . . . not? You know what? I'm going to have fun with this. I want to see what happens.
Fuck, Ingrid appeared :(
And now they want me to save Bernie's dad. This chapter is really "rescue the most fucking annoying characters" and "kill the best ones."
Thank FUCK, she retreated this time. I wouldn't been livid if they made me kill her twice for no reason.
OMG, again, lamo, Edelgard is useless this chapter. She keeps getting caught. That's the 3rd time in 1 chapter she's needed to get her ass saved by Claude and co.
Now I have to fight Dedue :( He's better not fucking die. This route isn't worth it. Edelgard called him Dimitri's most loyal retainer though.
Oh, thank God, he retreated.
Now I'm going to have to fight Dimitri, I'm sure :( I'm really fucking glad Lorenz can't take damage. I'd be shitting myself otherwise. He better retreat too.
Why can't we let Edelgard die, Claude? Wouldn't that fix all the problems?
Oh, Rhea! Fighting Rhea will actually be a little cool, since you never get to see her or use her.
Dimitri retreated at least.
WTF Claude? "I'm just determined to see what the world would look like without you." Idk, maybe Almyra??? The writers really gave Claude nothing with that line lamo.
Took Rhea out. She retreated too.
Now Byleth is here and I think she's dying for good this time. Feel a bit bad about not recruiting her. Claude doesn't deserve Byleth's support on this route, but she doesn't deserve to die either.
Cut scene time. I wonder what's considered more cannon, recruiting Byleth or not?
Also, isn't it thematic that you kill Sothis on routes where you oppose Rhea and side with Edelgard?
Arval's way too happy about this, lamo. Shez is bummed. Honestly, I think I ship Shez with Byleth the most.
Edelgard was so lame this chapter.
Claude tries rubbing it in Edelgard's face that she owes him, and she threatens not to honor the debt. Like, Claude, my boy, if this person is willing to turn on you because you teased her . . . that isn't an ally you want, but whatever.
Claude is like, can we not destroy Faergus. Edelgard's like, no.
"We never spared a thought for Dimitri's motivation." Uh, how about "stop killing my people you bloodthirsty idiots." Also, not surprised. These two really are idiots. They can't fathom why Dimitri's . . . defending himself.
Claude sounds so pathetic in this chapter. He's like, sooooo desperate to be like, remember I did you a favor, Edelgard, remember! Like she gives a single shit, lamo.
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sentofighta · 5 years ago
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ROUTE START:  “Oh, hi! Um, nice to meet you! I’m Feiruz! Er, sorry, sorry. I’m a bit loud, aren’t I? Hehe...he...” ROUTE SWITCH:  “Aah over already? Well, let’s play again some other time, yeah? Take care please!”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE A: She’s planting new seeds so upon the touch, she looks up. “Oh, hey! You came~ how’s it going?” MENU INTERFACE, POKE B: She’s brushing her cow and turns when you poke her cheek “…! *gasp* that startled me...can you not sneak like that? Heh, it is ok. I’m not mad. I just don’t want Lamo to attack you heh.” MENU INTERFACE, POKE (REPEATEDLY): "Ummm....???? Got you!” she looks around &try to high five every poke. MENU INTERFACE, POKE MAX ♥:  Her cheeks blush deep red and look to the side, “u-um...does this make you happy? It’s a bit embarrassing but...hwawawa...” she claps her hands on her face to hide it.
COMPLETED SCENE ( + ) ♥:  “I’m so happy! I hope you are happy too! T-this is my first date so..hehe..I hope I didn’t screw things up. Thank you so much for taking up from your time to go out on a d-date with me...” COMPLETED SCENE ( - ) ♥:  “...I-I’m sorry...I’ve wasted your day....I-I’ll make it up to you--somehow!”
GIFT (NEUTRAL):  “Aww thank you! I usually give people gifts. That’s a nice feeling hehe.” GIFT (DISLIKED):  "Um...N-no, I’ll put this to good use, no worry! Absolutely no worry! HAHAHA!” GIFT (LIKED): “F-for me?” she holds the gift so close to her chest. “Thank you. Really. I like this so much. That’s very nice of you~ I’ll be sure to find a nice gift for you as well! Hehe” GIFT (THEIR BIRTHDAY):  “Yes? W-what!? F-for me!? W-well, yeah my birthday b-but...awww you remembered! I-I’m...*sniffles*” she smiles and wipes her tears “I-I love it. How can I not love it? It’s amazing! Thank you so much! I will keep this forever...thank you, [name.] It’s my treasure now.” BIRTHDAY:  “Tada! Happy Birthday! Of course, I remembered! It’s a special day after all! Here you go~” she hands you the present, probably handmade. “I hope you like it. It, um..makes me happy when you are happy. We have something in my village we say ‘It’s good that you are born’ heh...” she blushes. “really...I’m glad I have met you.”
Tagged by: @rubycard​ (thank you!! <3)
Tagging: @crownofsmiles @oursongofhealing @xdcwntherabbithole @xlicnhearted,  @pieman1112 , @capteinoblivious , @etamarella , @isaaccecilbryant , @pasttorn , @the-king-of-the-wind & @dallarsaol , @jasperlion and you! snag it~
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tastingmellow · 7 years ago
Aaaahhhh, so this is my very first fic! I'm not completely sure how long this will and I'm not about to count every single word so just enjoy, sis! Also, if I depicted anything wrong in this fic let me know, sorry for the mistakes! Also, this takes place before Killmonger. So. Yeah!
Disclaimer: Gif is not mine
Warnings: Language
Word Count: I don't know, I didn't count 😂
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The first thought that ran through your mind hearing that loud, unmistakable bark was 'Shit.'. You had just transferred to Howard from Cornell. The education was nice but there was something missing, that college experience that you wanted. You attended a few parties there and let's say you were...underwhelmed. So, when ypu best friend, Anastasia, suggested a transfer with her to Howard you leapt at the oppurtunity. An HBCU experience was like no other. The parties, the brotherhoods, the sisterhoods, the education, all of it was in it's own category of Hype.
Although attending Cornell, you still had knowledge of HBCUs and one of them being the Sororities and Fraternities. You loved them but never saw yourself joining one. However, your mother and father both took part in them. Your mother was in AKA, yes ma'am. And your father was part of Alpha Delta Phi, which explains the large jacket you were in the cool autumn breeze.
Students parted, some squealing excitedly as they stared behind you. Stasi had already made her way to class and you had gotten up late so here you were. You took in a deep breath and continued on, walking but making your way off the pathway and into the grass since Que Dogs usually come in large packs.
As you walked unbeknownst to you, you had caught someone's eye. Erik Stevens. He eyed you, smiling as he drank you in. His eyes ran from your large afro, to your Alpha Delta Phi jacket. His eyebrows raised slightly before nudging his friend, Tré. "Yo, you know shorty in Alpha Delta Phi jacket?" He boomed while nodding his head towards you. Tré looked you over, biting his lip before rubbing his hands together. "Nah, but I sure would like too. Aye, shawty--". He was cut off by Erik jabbing him in his chest, Tré wheezing and clutching the spot. "Damn, nigga. Chill! I was just playin', you ain't to punch me like that. Punk ass..." He coughed and rubbed his chest while Erik rolled his eyes and broke away from the group.
He straightened out his jeans and crisp white tee. The purple jacket of the Omega Psi Phi rested over his physique and and a simple gold chain hung from his neck. He licked his lips and smiler before jogging up to you.
That sixth sense of company that everyone has loomed over you, so you turned and nearly jumped out of your skin. You clutched your chest and let out a breath as Erik bit his lip to hold in a laugh.
"Fuck! You could've tapped me or something." You spoke, unconsciously stopping your trek. "My fault, ma. You just looked like you were thinking, ain't want you to lose your train of thought. Erik, by the way." He smiled and held put his hand out. Your eyes loomed over his form, stopping at his waist and back up before taking his hand and shaking it. "Y/N." You simply replied and he chuckled.
'Damn, he looks good.'
"You headed to Chem?" He asked and you nodded before regretting your decision. 'You just met the motherfucker, now you telling him your classes. Bitch, you must wanna die, huh?' Your internal voice scolded you as you mentally facepalmed.
Erik nodded and looked ahead while sliding his hands in his pockets before looking back to you. "Well, lemme walk with you. I'm headed to Chem, might as well go together." He spoke, eyes trailing from your dark brown orbs, over your thick hips, to your dirty white Vans and back up. You noticed his eyes and placed a hand on your hip. "I don't need you mentally undressing me in broad daylight." You scolded and he licked his lips while taking a step closer. "How about I physically undress you tonight?"
Your legs damn near felt weak as he spoke but you kept it together, rolling your eyes and moving to start walking again. "Wait, wait! Okay, that was out of line. Just let me walk with you to class." He spoke, eyes going big, almost like he was begging. You sighed and he smiled broadly, "Fine."
Erik walked you to class, as well as kept yoy entertained with his inappropriate jokes and such. You stepped into the room, waving to your professor before making your way to your usual seat, right in the middle and by the wall.
You sat down, pulling out your notebook and pen. You heard shuffling beside you and looked over, eyes widening slightly as you looked at Erik unpacking his things. He looked over at you and shrugged, "You too my spot so I'm about to bother you all class." You softly chuckled before turning to the board as class started.
A frustrated sigh left you as you looked over the notes on the board and the study guide you created. You couldn't figure out a formula and it was agittating the hell out of you. Erik noticed your frustration and leaned over, "You aight?" You glanced up at him and shook your head. "No, I can't figure out this damn formula and I know that I know it, I just can't get the shit on paper.", You cried.
Erik held out his hand you handed him your study guide. He skimmed through it before beginning to explain it to you. You nodded, listening to his little lecture before realization washed over you and you grabbed the sheet from him, scribbling down the formula. You turned the sheet to him and he nodded, you did a little dance in your chair. "Thank you so much!"
Erik nodded, while leaning over to you. "No problem, princess." You smiled shyly before getting back to your study guide.
About ten minutes later, class ended and you were packing up when Erik grabbed your hand, as well as your attention. "Let me take you out." He spoke and you were slightly shocked.
You heard a lot of "horror" stories about Ques. How they smash and dash girls, or if they do cuff they don't do anything but cheat/act as though they're single so you were a little apprehensive.
Almost as if Erik had read your mind he takes a step forward, holding your hand against his chest and looking into your eyes. "I know what you heard about Ques but I promise I'm not trying do you like that. Let me take you out, one time."
"You barely know me," you breathed out.
"Well let me get to know you. Just one date and if you hate it I won't ever ask you again." He said, hope in his eyes.
You looked at him, a small smile spreading over your lips before you nodded slowly. "Okay." Erik grinned brightly and nodded. "Great, I'll pick you up Friday. Be ready by 7." He smoothly kissed your hand before making his way down from his seat and out of the classroom.
About 2 minutes later he walked back in and ran back to you. "Okay so I need your phone and dorm number." You laughed softly and gave him both before he reminded you of the time and day and made his way out.
You had just hopped out the shower and dried off. You braided your hair into a crown and put on your bonnet before turning on your chill playlist. Focus by H.E.R played througg your Bluetooth speaker as you grabbed your Chemistry notebook as well as notebook.
About an hour into studying your phone dinged, indicating a message. You picked it up and smiled at the message. 'Good Night, beautiful. Friday, 7pm.' You playfully rolled your eyes, chuckling to yourself before texting back. 'Good Night, Erik. And I got you.'
You studied for about another hour before calling it a night. You closed your book, turned off your music and put everything away. You plugged your phone up, secured your bonnet and cut off your lamo after getting under he covers.
Your mind wondered, going from family to classes and, finally, ending on Erik. You smiled at the thought of him before letting sleep consume you.
Hey! So some tags aren't working, if you're tagged and see one that isn't working, tag them for me, please and thank you! First part of 7! Positive feedback is always welcome, let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed annnnd yeah, can't wait to finish!
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hanasaku-shijin · 8 years ago
okAY SO MY DREAM before i forget more of it
So it was basically me watching the LWA finale. All I know is it ended happily/nicely and everyone was celebrating at the end. 
But Diana was feeling really upset because the staff had chosen Akko as its wielder (kinda like how Croix was upset it chose Chariot) and Diana had really wanted to be the one to unlock the seal with it. 
But then Woodward appeared to her and said that the Rod would choose another wielder one day. Apparently in this dream, the Rod used up all its magic to unlock the seal, so now the Rod was magic-less because the rest of the magic was out in the world where it should be. She actually put her arm around Diana to comfort her, cuz Diana wasn’t mad or upset AT Akko, she just wished she herself could’ve been the chosen one and Woodward comforted her until she felt well enough to smile and it was really touching ;w; I remember my dream self was like gonna cry.
And then back to the main event. All the characters were gathered around the school celebrating the rejuvenation of the world’s magic. Everyone was dancing and talking and laughing. Akko was making her rounds to every person to thank them and talk to them. She got to everyone except Diana.
And my dream-self is watching like holy shit PLEASE go to Diana PLEASE and slowly but surely Akko made her way over to her through the crowds. And they didn’t even say anything they just looked at each other and came together and started to dance. Akko didn’t dance with anyone else. She only talked to them. BUT SHE DANCED WITH DIANA. THEY DANCED TOGETHER AND I FUCKING SCREAMED. 
And then it kinda panned out to show everyone dancing and talking together with Diana and Akko off to one side getting REALLY CLOSE TO KISSING and then it turned to black.
After that, it gave us a little prequel-type thing of Akko and Lotte talking about Sucy who left to go back home for a while in order to start learning a new kind of magic. And Akko said “Let’s go visit her!” and she and Lotte took off running and then it went to a black screen saying “To be continued...?” implying there could be a season 2.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years ago
Scarlet Blaze - Ch 3?
So it said that I was back to a prologue and not ch 3. IDK, I'm just going to keep counting up even if it keeps resetting because that's just easier for me to keep track of.
Anyways, spoilers for Scarlet Blaze under the cut.
Ohh, Edelgard down a different path? Good! I was hoping we'd see characters get to do something different.
Edelgard going against TWSITD this time around? And teaming up with the church? I like where this is going.
LAMO of course Hubert doesn't support it.
Wait "deal with the church," does that mean she's still blaming everything on the church? Ugh.
Wait, we're already leaving the monastery? Do we go back?
Lamo, Edelgard's taking out Thales so soon. Good for her.
NOOOO, not more Jeritza. I thought he was gone, ugh.
Please don't tell me that she's asking for the church's help and then will stab them in the back later? Is it too much to ask for her to learn and expand her views into something with some nuance? Pretty please. I just want Rhea and Edelgard to talk it out. That's all.
So the game's connecting Arval to Tomas? Spicy.
Shez didn't really choose to stay here, Edelgard.
So why did we temp part ways with half the Black Eagles? Only the noble ones? So are they visiting their families or?
Wait, the NPC who tells you that these are Hresvelg Woods . . . he says if you wander around them you'll die? Are there like beasts from TWSITD experiments in there? Or is this more "commoners not allowed, mine" sort of thing?
So in the other houses, will I also lose most of the students?
Is Cleobulus Cornelia's real name? And is . . . A DUDE??? That is NOT a twist I saw coming.
Though I can see where the Kingdom/Blue Lions might get drawn into this plot now. Cornelia will stir up trouble, so that's why Dimitri and Co will leave. Don't know where that leaves Claude though.
Yo, Caspar's dad is ugly. Linhardt's is alright. Does this mean we're still going to go weirdly momless while doubling down on the dads? Ugh.
I wish we knew how Edelgard convinced Caspar's and Lin's dad to join her. Seems like that'll remain a mystery.
Glad Edelgard's taking out TWSITD instead of working with them this time. Though, what is she going to do after this?
Well, gotta say, can't upset at the idea of beating up Aegir and Thales.
Lin's dad is actually kinda hot. Not gonna lie. But my God am I sick of moms not existing in this game. It's even more stark now that some of the dads are getting upgraded to "sir appearing in this film"
Man, Ferdie got his looks from his mom, hunh. Not that we would know, since we never see any moms.
Hubert's a beast. Dude took down two people before anyone else even took one.
So if Thales can put up magic random walls, why didn't he do that in Houses? I swear, TWSITD get whatever powers they need whenever the plot needs it and then it's gone when it would make sense for them to use it later on.
Oh, cut scene. Lamo, he dodges Edelgard and wiped Shez out. Good for Thales.
So is this route going to focus on TWSITD? It would be so, so nice to finally see Edelgard focus and take down them. She deserves it.
The rest of the Black Eagles are here.
Glad to see Ferdinand actually, you know, mention what's going on with his father.
Do we get to beat up Bernie's father now?
Petra MVP. Alright. I can get behind that.
Wow, Hubert already mastered his class. Nice. Does that mean I can upgrade to the next one?
So she's planning something something in two years? Oh, no, no, noooooo. Not this shit again. A 5 year war? This isn't going to be CF 2.0, is it?
Also, how the hell can Edelgard predict how long a war is going to take? Did she visit a palm reader or something? LAMO, you can't predict that shit, Fire Emblem writers. Lol.
Lin's dad is like a mid-tier DILF. Like, Jeralt level. But nothing like Seteth, Rodrigue, or Lambert. Caspar's dad is fugly though.
Oh, the infamous Count Varley. And yet another dad with no moms in sight.
Where's Hubert's dad, did he kill him? OMG HE DID! 🤣
Wait, why is she restoring the church? Doesn't she want to lessen the teaching of the Church of Serios?
Yuck, she's promoting Bernie's dad.
Love how Shez is like "no more nobles and commoners, hunh?" Like, sorry my man, but even in our supposed enlightened, modern societies, we still got nobles and commoners except now we just call them CEOs and wage slaves.
Oh, so the school phase is really over so soon. Probably for the best. I'm glad these routes changed quicker since I'm doing them all at once.
Whhhhyyy is she offering him a top post in her military? What did Shez do to earn that? This is a do-do bird who tries to get stronger by jumping off cliffs high enough to kill him.
Sounds like Hubert is crushing on Shez, since he insisted on this lol.
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