#lamegtu larsa
lamegtu-larsa · 4 months
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The sun shone.
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Obviously a visual realization this ornate would usually be used for something less prosaic lol
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lamegtu-larsa · 4 months
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Astrological temple text! Some individual phrases up top, then assembled into a whole text block at the bottom! (With script form underneath)
J'atok tam, nanungaluk: ankuru shak, s'ogal eb jedru, dacci untaradu.
"The great mountain, it is climbed: the fiery Ram, a pivot of Heaven, sulphur of Fire"
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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amrathak anheb amag, jedar serun
holy venus spirit, sky ruler
The logogram for anheb, used here, features the hexagonal /h/ radical, as well as the two cupping dagra (5) hands which make up part of the amag 'spirit' logogram [which should have a dot under it, oop]
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lamegtu-larsa · 3 months
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Translating the beginning of the Old English nine herbs charm into Lamegtu Larsa.
Absaradu ramath, abjadithesh
2SG.ERG-vow-POSS mugwort-VOC 2SG.ERG-remember-SUPP (It has the jussive ending -su in the image above but the supplicative is more apt)
-actually I don't have the energy to gloss all this rn lol
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
Initial CV syllables use 'decapitated' CVC syllables emplaced into a special skull-shaped cartouche, which silences the final consonant.
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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I have about 100 glyphs drawn so far, having fun 😊
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
a verb! ablebdu, you guard/hide
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The far left element with the long tail is ab-, the 2SG prefix for verbs, the Dugtrio-ass dude in the middle is the logograph for the verb lebdu, to guard (with the dot underneath that makes it read as a logograph instead of the syllable leb), and the element on the far right is the verbal suffix -eg, silent in this case, which prompts the word to be read as a verb not a noun. The vertical stripe with two diagonal bars along its far right edge is a silencer mark. (Many verbs do end in the syllable -eg, causing it to become a conventional verb marker.) The word is also spelled out in ruby script below the glyphs.
The leb glyph represents two helmeted guards, with their swords held in front of them, guarding a third person behind them.
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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anheb, the name for the planet Venus, and jedar, sky.
Anheb is formed from the glyphs an and heb, with an, like all initial VC syllables, in modified ruby text based on the old Lamegtu alphabet.
Jedar is written using the logograph form of the syllable jed, with the logographic form being marked by the small round dot beneath it. Logographs are often marked with their first and final consonant in ruby text below, as here, here j and r.
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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re uneg, abru anungtesh
om abnadu ek om abedar
om ed tabdu rek hebdra ablebdu
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lamegtu-larsa · 3 months
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The first two lines of the plantain verse (see #nine herbs charm): ek ama, sabak, sojuneth abccegradu, kabarag agebeg, kuluk abma'du abodun
Ek, the conjunction "and" looks like a salmon head
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Most of my VC and CV syllables stem from playing with the shapes of the alphabet, and I usually try to make them into little creatures (although most of them are more abstract than this)
The 2SG.ABS pronoun and prefix aga/ag- is is this little swan/ship/snail:
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At the top of the far right column you can see the word abma'du, "your face", formed from the five-crest ab 2SG.ERG prefix, the logogram MAT, "face", with the skull suffix that elides the final consonant, and the three upward curls of the possessive suffix -du.
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lamegtu-larsa · 3 months
Verse 2 of the charm in Lamegtic script:
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And recorded:
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lamegtu-larsa · 3 months
Glossing of the 2nd verse of the 9 herbs charm:
Ek aga, sabak, sojuneth ug memdu
Kabarag agebeg, kuluk abmadu abodun
Aga gakabeth accegtu nem u’ gagtu
Ajetu ag’ akathlatareth nem ug bak sab
Aga tarsuth accegtu nem ug tabak sab
Gug aba eb sheshuk u ’kabtu nem a’barhemtun
Kam, aba u ‘kabtu nem abheneg
Akabtu ekmad, akabtu hebran rak aheth abheneg
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Still getting used to doing ABS-ERG, and some phrases, like "plantain, herbs their-mother" are wierd cause the main player is plantain but it's being put in the absolutive bc it's "owned" by the herbs, even though she is superior to them...
Starting to get why some erg langs have animacy splits .
There is an alternate construction I could have done, sabak, mem eb sojun which is just "mother of herbs" and obviates the ERG-ABS issue, maybe I should go with that.
Or I could say "herbs, your children" sojuneth abccegradu, that is actually a better solution that keeps plantain in the ergative.
Chime in with thoughts if you are more ergative than me! 😛
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
Here are the Lamegtu glyphs for numbers 1-10
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If you want the sign to function as a logogram rather than a syllable, you put a dot underneath
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lamegtu-larsa · 5 months
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lamegtu-larsa · 3 months
From the beginning I've been designing the syllabary of Lamegtu Larsa as CVC syllables and suddenly today I was like...it would probably make more sense as CV syllables...😛 Although then it really starts to feel like Classic Maya...
Idk just thinking
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