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Анархисты и анархистки Стокгольма собрались 19 апреля вечером у монумента La Mano, построенного в память об интернационалистах-добровольцах погибших во время войны против фашистского режима Франко в 30х-годах в Испании. Сегодня же товарищи вспоминали Дмитрия Петрова, Финбара Кафферки и Купера Эндрюса. В память о них участники акции зажгли файера и развернули флаг Боевой Организации Анархо-Коммунистов.
To Remember to the Fight - Помнить значит бороться
We received news from comrades from Stockholm
Anarchists and anarchists in Stockholm gathered on the evening of April 19 at the La Mano monument, built in memory of the internationalist volunteers who died during the war against the fascist regime of Franco in the 30s in Spain. Today, comrades remembered Dmitry Petrov, Finbar Cafferkey and Cooper Andrews. In memory of them, the participants of the action lit fires and unfurled the flag of the Anarcho-Communist Combat Organization.
To Remember to the Fight - To remember means to fight
#stockholm#161#1312#anarchists#april 19#lamano#franco#war#antifa#spain#anarchocommunism#antifascist#antifaschistische aktion#antinazi#antiauthoritarian#rest in power#anti capitalism#anticapitalista#anti capitalist#anti capitalist love notes#anticapitalistically#ausgov#politas#auspol#tasgov#taspol#australia#fuck neoliberals#neoliberal capitalism#anthony albanese
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Ayer se presentó en el Ayuntamiento de Pamplona la nueva campaña y la web del nuevo protocolo de prevención y actuación ante la violencia sexista en espacios festivos y de ocio, en el que ha participado el Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, la hostelería de Pamplona y otras asociaciones.
Lady Moustache ha tenido el placer de desarrollar o, más bien, evolucionar la marca de igualdad, además de desarrollar los soportes de campaña de presentación del protocolo, así como diseñar su web www.ocioseguropamplona.es, disponible en 2 idiomas.
Esta iniciativa pretende involucrar a toda la sociedad en los espacios de ocio, pero sobre todo conlleva el compromiso de locales y profesionales del sector de la hostelería, a través de la adhesión al protocolo.
Os animamos a echar un vistazo al protocolo para saber cómo actuar ante un caso de violencia sexista y a los soportes del mismo.
Lady Moustache es un estudio de diseño gráfico que diseña y desarrolla brandings y actualiza marcas para distintas iniciativas sociales en Pamplona y Navarra.
Más Little Brand Stories en www.ladymoustache.es.
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E o “homem” renasce! Esperemos renascer todos os dias em todos os sentidos. 🙌🏻 #puntadeleste #lamano #uruguai #uruguay 🇺🇾 (em Los dedos - Playa Brava) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn0NdY-pxgt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Todos saben que el rey mono suele ser visto como alguien perezoso, que siempre esta durmiendo en su cabaña (Muchas personas sobretodo Pigsy ven a Wukong de esta forma) pero... ¿Como alguien tan holgazan puede tener una nacion tan prospera como Alolai?
Porque eso es lo que es Alolai paso hace mucho tiempo ser un territorio terrateniente que los demonios suelen tener alrededor de China a ser pais por su propio derecho con economia, cultura y politica.
Algo que muchos demonios desearian en sus propios sueños; si hablamos de Alolai posiblemente no sea un pais reconocido por China, al menos por los humanos, pero en las sociedades demoniacas/celestiales/miticas de todo el mundo es un pais reconocido y posiblemente la potencia no. 1 de esas sociedades.
La economia del archipielago esta conformada en la agricultura de sus frutos, el ganado se basa en las granjas de saltamontes, larvas, escorpiones y entre otros insectos; podrian tener mineria pero no conozco mucho de eso (¿pero podria tener obsidiana? o algun metal que no posea China) y su amyor fuente de ingreso sera la pesca ¿porque no? si es un pais insular estan rodeado del mar; todo eso es exportado al continente.
Ahora el dia a dia de Wukong consiste en la adnimistracion de todo con su consejo (Que consiste en los incondicionales) hablando de como van las cosas, el manejo de leyes y de festivales importantes en la antigua capital (Huagoushan) la seguridad de los subditos en sus travesia de ida y vuelta a sus hogares.
Y tambien administra lo militar suele ver a sus tripas, supervisarlas y ver los reclutamientos, pero esto se encargan principalmente sus generales.
Dime que sus monos no estan entrenados... (Posiblemente tengan entrenamiento obligatorio)
Wukong se asegura de planificar los festivales con mucho cuidado para que todos puedan llegar y salir de las diferentes islas de manera segura. Casi como Hawaii
Esos 37 correos del abogado tratan de economia, festividades o cosas internacionales.
Me imagino una pequeña trama en donde Mkrew esten haciendo una actividad grupal e invitaron al rey mono (Mac no aparece por el bien de la trama, esta en el teatro trabajando y no pudo ir) y practicamente wukong brilla por su ausencia; MK y Mei van con el rey mono a la isla a pedir una explicacion y ven a Wukong muy ocupado con un joven escriba (Tiene una tablet en lamano) revisando las cosas del dia.
Practicamente es la trama de ''Reina por un día'' luego de que hablamos de esto me acorde XD
Pero resumento esto, le piden ser ''rey por un dia'' y el escriba le llega la memoria el celular de Mei con las lista de cosas por hacer, piden refuersos con el resto de MKrew... digamos que tiene un nuevo cambio de pespectiva del rey mono...
Por eso nuestro mono favorito aprecia sus siestas XD
translation via google:
"Everyone knows that the monkey king is usually seen as someone lazy, who is always sleeping in his hut (Many people, especially Pigsy, see Wukong this way) but… How can someone so lazy have a nation as prosperous as Alolai? Because that is what Alolai is. A long time ago, it went from being a landowner territory that demons usually have around China to being a country in its own right with economy, culture and politics.
Something that many demons would wish for in their own dreams; if we talk about Alolai, it may not be a country recognized by China, at least by humans, but in demonic/celestial/mythical societies around the world it is a recognized country and possibly the no. 1 power of those societies. The economy of the archipelago is based on the agriculture of its fruits, livestock is based on farms of grasshoppers, larvae, scorpions and other insects; They could have mining but I don't know much about that (but could they have obsidian? or some metal that China doesn't have) and their main source of income would be fishing, why not? If it's an island country they are surrounded by the sea; all of that is exported to the continent.
Now Wukong's day to day life consists of the administration of everything with his council (which consists of the unconditional ones) talking about how things are going, the management of laws and important festivals in the old capital (Huagoushan) the safety of the subjects on their journey to and from their homes. And he also manages the military, he usually looks after its entrails, supervises them and sees the recruitments, but this is mainly taken care of by his generals." [(screenshot of little monkeys in armor :3)] Tell me his monkeys aren't trained… (They probably have mandatory training) Wukong makes sure to plan the festivals very carefully so that everyone can get to and from the different islands safely. Almost like Hawaii. [(screeenshot of Wukong with his laptop, with many unread emails)] Those 37 emails from the lawyer are about economics, holidays or international things.
I imagine a little plot where Mkrew is doing a group activity and they invited the monkey king (Mac doesn't appear for the sake of the plot, he's at the theater working and couldn't go) and practically Wukong is conspicuous by his absence; MK and Mei go with the monkey king to the island to ask for an explanation and they see Wukong very busy with a young scribe (He has a tablet in his hand) checking the things of the day. [(screenshot from G5 My Little Pony where the princesses take over for their Queen mother for the day)]
It's basically the plot of "Queen for a day" after we talked about this I remembered XD But to summarize this, they ask him to be "king for a day" and the scribe gets the memory of Mei's cell phone with the list of things to do, they ask for reinforcements with the rest of MKrew… let's say that he has a new change of perspective of the monkey king… That's why our favorite monkey appreciates his naps XD"
I loved this conversation we had - basically the only reason Wukong has any time to hinself is because he has the Stalwarts and his lawyer hammering out the details of running the kingdom.
In terms of rare ore; the most expensive is Jadeite/Jade which is found throughout China (perhaps the kind found on Alolai has a distinct pattern?). And since Flower Fruit Mountain is meant to be an extinct or dormant volcano, its likely rich in obsidian and diamonds.
And ofc fishing is a great part of their culture - hard not to when you're surrounded by a super-fertile tropical sea! I can see a few islands in the chain being dedicated fisheries who periodically restock the local area.
Wukong is likely the only demon king with a recognised country, rather than a measly compound or an in-name-only kingdom.
And he knows it! He's a demon with big shoes to fill. So many permits and documents require his signature just to keep things running smoothly.
So when Wukong accidentally skips a group activity with his heir, MK and Mei stomp/fly over a little annoyed, only to see the King surrounded by his Marshals and Generals, all with different administration tasks to fufill.
Wukong: "MK, I am so sorry I flaked out today. I have a festival coming up in a months time, and we need to hammer out all the details before we can move forward. I also have a bunch of emails I need to answer from my lawyer. Need to approve the opening of a new bug farm. Quality control the latest durian harvest. I am swamped.' MK: "Can't you use your hair clones?" Wukong: "Nope. They have really poor sense of judgement. One nearly poisoned the whole archipelago by approving an untested pesticide. I sleep better knowing I read things over myself."
Mei and MK are genuinely curious! Who knew that the Monkey King was in charge of so many details of his kingdom? And he looks... pretty tired to be honest.
MK and Mei share a look.
Mei: "Hey, Monkey King. What say after you finish up these festival details - you take the rest of the day off? MK and I can deal with the other stuff!" Wukong: "You think you're able for it?" MK: "Uh yeah! I'm the Monkie Kid! If I'm your successor, I need to figure out how to do King stuff!" Wukong: (*shares sly smile with the Stalwarts*) Wukong: "Ok. Let me just message Fire Star to send Mei today's agenda. Don't be scared to call me if you need help with anything, ok?" Mei: "We'll be fine! I've seen my parents do legal stuff lots of times! I bet just one day-" (*phone starts blowing up with messages*) Mei, trying to save face: "Oh. Thats a... lot of things to do for one day." Wukong: "Are you sure you can handle it?' MK: "Absolutely! You finish up here, and we'll see to it that you get an uninterrupted afternoon of snoozing!" Wukong, knowing grin: "Okie-dokey!"
Of course things don't go according to plan.
MK and Mei vastly underestimated how much work is involved in running a country.
Namely the fact that everyone seems to want something from you! MK has to turn down multiple requests for photos, autographs, and interviews since nearly every other monkey is excited to meet their Prince in person.
Mei is forced to call up reinforcements via Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy to help lessen the weight on their shoulders. She also attempts to call Red Son, but he's busy at home, so all he can provide is context to certain legal documents they have to fill out.
Pigsy takes charge of evaluating the recent harvests - his shrewd opinion on fresh produce quickly proving him to be a drill sergeant of quality. Many monkey farmers come away from this day fearing Chef Pigsy. Though the pig does pass out when presented with the most recent yield of insect larva.
Tang thinks answering the emails is him getting away lightly. Until he nearly goes mad from the constant notifications from Wukong's Laywer, village leaders (or their more tech-literate family members), fishery owners, farmers, and the annoying requests from major companies asking for the King's endorsement.
Sandy is able to fulfil requests for transport and fishing pretty easily, but by the end of the day he's a little overstimulated.
Once the day is over, everyone is glad to see the Monkey King return to his throne.
Wukong, well rested: "Oh hey, guys! How did your day as Monkey King go?" MK, exhausted: "Never leave again!" Mei, crying from tiredness: "How do you do it!?" Tang, caffeinated and jittery: "Four different emails about ownership of a mango tree. Four!! And they all cited different legal sources!! It was the same tree!!" Sandy: (*downing chamomile tea like beer.*) Pigsy, ok but concerned for the others: "Maybe it's best we let the King do the king stuff from now on. Ok?" Wukong: (*fond chuckle*)
They are far more understanding if the King is too busy to attend group outings in the future.
#sun wukong#lmk hc#lmk headcanons#lmk mk#qi xiaotian#lmk mei#long xiaojiao#lmk tang#lmk sandy#lmk pigsy#lmk the four stalwarts#lmk#lego monkie kid
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Lamano Festival – Samedi 07 Décembre 2024 – Le Plan, Ris Orangis (91) – Une édition hivernale exceptionnelle mêlant Live, Dj Sets, ateliers, expositions, projections et des surprises !
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Cuando pierdas, no pierdas la lección - Dalai LamaNo busques los errores, busca un remedio - Henry FordLa vida es una aventura, atrévete - Teresa de CalcutaTu actitud, no tu aptitud, determinará tu altitud - Zig ZiglarTienes que hacer las cosas que crees que no puedes hacer - Eleanor RooseveltSi te caíste ayer, levántate hoy - H. G. WellsSiempre parece imposible... hasta que se hace - Nelson MandelaSi no pierdes, no puedes disfrutar de las victorias - Rafael NadalNo dejes que el miedo se interponga en tu camino - Babe RuthHaz de cada día tu obra maestra John WoodenNo cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten - Muhammad AliEl mejor momento del día es ahora - Pierre BonnardSi la oportunidad no llama, construye una puerta - Milton BerleDeja que cada hombre ejerza el arte que domina - AristófanesEl valor de una idea radica en su uso - Thomas Edison ©copyright los40.com
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Embracing the College Journey: A Happy-Go-Lucky Grade Hunter
Posted by: King Anthony D. Lamano
Hey there, fellow adventurers in the realm of higher education! Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I share the joys and challenges of being a happy-go-lucky college student with a keen eye on my grades. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a wild ride full of laughter, learning, and a dash of academic excellence!
When I first stepped foot on campus, I was determined to embrace the college experience to the fullest. I craved the freedom and excitement that college life promised, but I also knew that my academic journey was of the utmost importance. Balancing the desire to have a great time while maintaining good grades might seem like a daunting task, but trust me, it's all about finding the right rhythm. One of my secrets to staying happy-go-lucky while being grade-conscious is to approach every day with a positive mindset. Waking up each morning and reminding myself of the incredible opportunities that college presents allows me to approach my studies with enthusiasm. It's not just about hitting the books; it's about being genuinely excited about the knowledge I'll gain and the skills I'll develop. I believe that being a grade-conscious student doesn't mean sacrificing the joys of college life. It's all about striking a balance. I love exploring my passions outside the classroom, whether it's joining clubs, participating in sports, or attending social events. These experiences provide a refreshing break from the academic grind, helping me rejuvenate and return to my studies with renewed energy.
Of course, there are moments of stress and pressure along the way. College isn't all rainbows and sunshine. But the key is to take those moments in stride and maintain a positive outlook. When the going gets tough, I remind myself of my goals and dreams and how each day of hard work brings me closer to achieving them.
In the end, being a happy-go-lucky college student while remaining grade-conscious is all about finding joy in the process. It's about celebrating the small victories and the personal growth that comes with every hurdle overcome. It's about realizing that the pursuit of knowledge is not a burden but a privilege.
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#lamano #playabrava #playa #beach #punta #puntadeleste #uruguay #sculpture #art #monument #filmhptography #filmisnotdead #shotonfilm #foma #fomapan #fomapan400 #pentax #pentaxsuperprogram #smcpentax50mmf1.7 #blackandwhite #monochrome
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Mad about JR Lamano/ Effren disrespect in backyard in LA
the tired of tellin this fool and pizza story feel very violated so angry
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Observando. Refletindo. Concluindo. Uma jornada findando e eu estou bem cansada, mas feliz. Feliz e saudosa. Feliz e realizada. Dando o resto da bateria nos movimentos necessários, pensando no porvir nos respiros. Ufa... Cansei! Mas valeu à pena! Meu coração é que diz! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #arquiteta #figurahumana #homem #croqui #nu #nuartístico #sketch #drawing #drawings #drawingsketch #drawingofinstagram #perspectiva #desenho #desenhoàmão #dibujaramano #lamano #bosquejo #contorno #disegnoamano #schizzo #coração #valeapena #realizada #conquista #cansaço #educadora #arteeducadora #professora #professoradearquitetura #professoradedesenho (em Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTUnfsOBBV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Visto por ahí. #lahijadelsastre #amor #lamano #huir #love https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Fzak7iEQN/?igshid=bmvciy2bw2da
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Pierwsze portrety już za mną :) Zapraszam! Priv 📩 #portrait #portret #bw #balkon @kasiabilska kasiabilska #lamano #photo #girl #photosession #mirror #kamilcichon #ostrzeszow (w: Parzynów) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Bw_qcIOaP/?igshid=blea501x2n15
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Lamano Festival 2023 (Édition Hivernale) – 9 Décembre 2023 – Le Plan, Ris-Orangis (91) – Un line up éclectique avec une forte dominante Dub ! https://culturedub.com/blog/lamano-festival-2023-edition-hivernale-9-decembre-2023-le-plan-ris-orangis-91/
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Daredevil – Elektra 215 "Voy a matarlo y si te cruzas en mi camino, Matthew, también te mataré a tí." ―Elektra a Matthew Murdock ¿QUIEN ES ELEKTRA? #Elektra, también conocida como Elektra Natchios, es una asesina que fue entrenada por Stick, un miembro de la Casta. Ella se enamoró de Matthew Murdock durante una misión de Stick para llevar a Murdock con la Casta. Elektra volvió a la vida de Murdock tras años de ausencia, poniendo sus creencias y métodos en conflicto con los suyos. Más tarde, ella descubrió que era el Cielo Negro, el título de la persona que debía dirigir a la Mano. Sin embargo, Elektra eligió ayudar a Murdock para derrotar a la malévola organización, y fue asesinada en la confrontación final con Nobu Yoshioka. Más tarde, #LaMano recuperó el cadáver de Elektra y la devolvieron a la vida con el Elixir de Resurrección. Después de resucitar, la líder de la Mano Alexandra Reid la manipuló, le lavó el cerebro y la tomó bajo su ala, volviéndola a entrenar para convertirla en el verdadero Cielo Negro. Como el arma definitiva de la Mano, Elektra luchó contra los Defensores, mientras que también recordaba su pasado a través de sus interacciones con #MatthewMurdock. Después de haber asesinado a Reid para tomar el control de la Mano para sí misma, Elektra fue enterrada bajo el edificio de Midland Circle junto a Murdock, muriendo en el proceso. Mucho rojo simbolizando Hell's Kitchen!! Utiliza #PelaPop21 en tus publicaciones como hace @fonsopop y @gera_skiwalker #FunkoPop #FunkoPhotos #FunkoFamily #FunkoPopAddict #FunkoPhotography #FunkoVinyl #FunkoShots #FunkoLover #funkoverse #PopTelevision #PopSeries #Daredevil #TheGeekDuck #FunkoPeru2021 #RenaiPotd #rinconfunko #jnb60 #LordFunko #regiofunko #fkoshotmx #WeekPopDamn #OriginalFunko #Team_FunkoPop #FunkoArgentina #FunkoPopArgentina #F5P_ReadyForNewYear ☺ Insta-partners Argentina ♥ @pop.in.the.storm @funkopop1990 @funkopop.universe @matypop90 @myvillepops @fpopgoestheworld @rox.n.pops @popsville92 @locurapopera @geekerdsok @laspicsdemispops @universo_funko.pop @lasfotitosdemispops @superheroesxleo @funkopochitos @funkopop_ar @charly__pop (en Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEwu53qfVo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The hand and I, great place 😎 La Mano (The Hand) is a sculpture in Punta del Este by Chilean artist Mario Irarrázabal. It depicts five human fingers partially emerging from sand and is located on Parada 1 at Brava Beach in Punta del Este, #trip #patycostaaroundtheworld #puntadeleste #lamano #lovetravel #photography #myphoto #tbt (at La Mano Punta Del Este)
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