distractedbythesun · 4 years
But now, all of the bravado was gone, as though the resource had completely run dry. Now, she seemed helpless. Broken. Taylor hated it, but he was pretty sure Andry hated it even more. 
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eggpuffs · 5 years
Egg I'm having a hard time at school, please just hear me. This kid that was my friend now treats me coldly... makes faces at her friends when I go to speak to her and they laugh, leaves me on read and doesn't sit with me anymore, it feels like she doesn't want me to talk to her and you know I'd like to stop being pitiful and stop liking her but I don't have anyone else and don't want everyone else to see it, I'm so embarrassed and feel so annoying and ugly, don't know what to do anymore...
i’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this, it honestly sounds painful. i don’t know the whole situation, but the story as is truly doesn’t sit well with me.
when someone keeps pushing us away like this, we have to ask ourselves why we’re chasing them in the first place.
is it because we genuinely love being with them, and they’ve brought so much goodness into our lives...or is it because we need validation, and we’ll simply take it in any form? we all deserve respect and kindness, and if your friend isn’t giving you that much, it’s hard for me to understand the value in continuing the friendship.
it sounds like the relationship right now is feeding some very hurtful and damaging thoughts, and taking care of your elf and your mental health is far more important. 
you really don’t have to sit through all of this alone, and you shouldn’t have to. 
if possible, i hope you can find someone to talk to in person that can help you puzzle out all these feelings. a professional, really. i also hope that this suggestion didn’t sound stigmatizing, but the fact is that the best therapists themselves have their own therapists. even when someone understands all the facts about the mind, it’s very, very difficult to make sense of your own emotions, and it becomes so much easier when you have someone else to help you navigate through and give you a different perspective, as well as unconditional support. 
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