#lake upsilon
sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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Blue Jays Prayers First
Lake Upsilon - Turtle Mountains
By Susan Richter
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were any of your admins related, or did they have any noteworthy relationships with each other?
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<BVQT> This is a question I may be able to assist in answering.
<BVQT> Similar to us our administrators were a tight-knit group. For better or for worse. I will admit, despite how dishonorable it may be my administrator - Eighteen Emblems, Unyielding Light Beyond a Sun - would often include me in their...gossip sessions.
<BVQT> Even without this I was aware of his relationship with who would later become Sunrise's administrator - Twenty Amber Pelts, Unfolding Twine - was quite close to my father.
<BVQT> Before the great sins became taboo they were in a long-standing relationship. I recall Amber Pelts believed it to have been one that had lasted through several reincarnations but my father never attempted to pursue any information about their past lives
<BVQT> They were two of the only people in our country to actively request for the taboos to be placed in their DNA. They rightfully believed that their connection would cause them to become unable to ascend, and that their places of connection to this world may separate their echoes if they became such. I suppose-
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<UPSILON> How terrible, and how wonderfully romantic... It almost pains me to interrupt.
<BVQT> Upsilon! Greetings!
<UPSILON> Hello, dear sister~! I do hope you don't mind me interrupting to share some stories of my own.
<UPSILON> The amount of good relationships my administrator had with the others was, rather surprisingly, none! I recall Winter and Feathers's admins in particular utterly detested her, calling yts theories a disgrace, an affront against gods, et cetera.
<UPSILON> I know he said he found it amusing, but...
<UPSILON> Well, I do suppose some of it was. The specific ways that they tried to disprove his theories. "Mind games"! Ha!
<BVQT> Upsilon,
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<TSF> did someone say "gossip"~?
<BVQT> Feathers!!
<TSF> heyhey, little sib! and you, too, yoops!
<TSF> i'm sure both of you remember i was literally part of a gossip group ~back in the day~, right? it wasn't just about iterators - honestly, we almost exclusively talked about ancients, over there! i'm pretty sure it's basically an archival group, now, for that exact reason... pfft-!
<TSF> well, back when it was most active, we learned tons about our admin's relationships! first, though, i'll just state the obvious- nectar - that is, silver platter, board of nectar - and my own admin, lake of ivy, light upon a falling moon, were so similar in their hatred for strings in strings or whatever yts name was, because they were siblings, raised with similar ideals!
<TSF> nectar was so nice to talk to, even if he was a bit, distant. wow, do i miss him... ...i miss ivy, too, but that goes without saying, doesn't it~?
<TSF> anyway, i'm pretty sure goldy's admin, five lost shells, none found, was cousins with eighteen emblems, and the two were pretty close! i'm fairly sure they were more like, fourtieth cousins, twelfth removed, or whatever, but they still acted like they were direct family. it was really cute.
<TSF> other than thaaa~t, i'm pretty sure that gang of unruly teens that hung out around upsilon and goldy's subways had at least one member related to tabby's admin, endlessly turning dials, an unending fortune. that kid, seriously didn't talk much, though, so i have no idea how true that is...
<TSF> from what i recall, i think that's, basically everything!
<UPSILON> Other then some finer details I can only vaguely remember, yes, I do believe that's all...
<BVQT> This was certainly enlightening in my opinion! Thank you Feathers, Upsilon, for assisting me in this recollection!
<TSF> no need, it's my pleasure, sib.
<BVQT> I hope that satiates your curiosity, anonymous!!
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oceanremnants · 1 year
PRIVATE - sibbing gruopchat [Booming Voice Quiet Temper, Keeper of Ten Trillion Beads; First Dewdrop of Morning, Fifth Sunrise; Three Small Feathers in a Lake of Quills; Three Mossy Stones; UPSILON; Winter’s Monsoon.]
<FDM> i need a nickname for ea
<FDM> i can't just call her Eternal Anomaly every time i try to talk to her face t face
<TSF> use her acronym like a regular guy
<FDM> absolutely not?
<BVQT> Perhaps "short queen" could suffice?
<FDM> he isn't short!!!!!
<FDM> they're taller than everyone in this group but me!! and quiet
<TSF> "taller than average but relatively short to me queen"
<FDM> that's just a title
<TSF> huh???
<WM> I Concurr. If Malachite Thee Ascended is fitte for the title of an ittyrator, Taller Than Averatch Queene would alsso be.
<TSF> that's a slugcat name, though?
<FDM> yeah, a title.
<TSF> they aren't titles. they're just names.
<WM> They Arre.
<FDM> can we PLEASE get back to the issue at hand
<FDM> what do i call my girlfriend. aside from his title.
<BVQT> Perhaps take a leaf from Goldy's book and simply refuse to correctly say her name until something sticks?
<FDM> taking suggestions from everyone but quiet now
<UPSILON> You could simply nickname her based off of something she enjoys.
<FDM> ...evolution.
<FDM> .....
<FDM> beast
<UPSILON> Excuse me?
<FDM> i'm gonna call them beast
<UPSILON> ...Good luck, I suppose?
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theherosreturn · 1 year
????: Grah!
That call was a herald of backup, with V gaining aid from Emir. The result? The pest bots being crushed by a dinosaur dragon bike.
Bradley: …well, I’m not looking this gift Chocobo in the mouth.
More roars would also herald several more beastly allies…Eunie could be heard from here practically screaming “WHAT THE SNUFF?!?” the moment she saw Shift seemingly appear out of nowhere and steal vital components from the massive slug without harm
*After the components were stolen along with Emir getting rid of the last of the pest bots, both Weapons finally let loose Optimized Ultima when the weak spot was exposed...The metallic beast would soon fall to the earth and into a massive lake*
Ross: Holy s***! I guess I "can" scratch that off of my bucket list of killing a giant slug!
Diana: Thankfully that thing couldn't do whatever it was designed to do since it was dangerously close to the planet's surface...Almost like it was attempting to crash into the planet...
(Meanwhile within the massive lake)
*What the heroes didn't know was that Code Stringer had a contingency plan in case the Omega Solver Slug failed its task at assimilating the planet...The underbelly of the beast soon burst open as thousands of metallic slime creatures slithered their way out and all splitted off to various random directions...All except for one Epsilon Slug and one Upsilon Slug who noticed the blue haired Metarunner wandering about in these strange lands...They both began to stalk but wouldn't strike until the time was just right...*
(Meanwhile within Cosmic Sam's fortress)
*One of the many scouts for the God of Cosmic Corruption had arrived with a very special trinket that both fascinated and interested Cosmic Sam with how much spiritual energy lied within this avian skull looking mask...It's as if the soul that resided in the mask refused to move on...*
Cosmic Sam, as he slowly began looking through the trapped soul's memories: Well now...It appears I'm going to need to look deeper into "Who" you are and what goal drives you so much, you refuse to pass on until it's complete at last...*He soon finally got the name of this soul along with a few of its memories*...Well now...Perhaps once I'm finished looking into you, I can free you from your tomb and allow you to join me in this quest for power...Ravenbeak~...
*The eyes of the mask of the fallen Chozo Warrior had flickered red for but a single moment...A foreboding sign of what's to come...*
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gameguides · 2 years
Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement
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Welcome to our Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement guide. This guide will show you where the cats are for the Cat Fancy success. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Shadows Over Loathing game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let's take you to our Shadows Over Loathing guide. #ShadowsOverLoathing
Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement
This guide will show you where the cats are for the Cat Fancy success. Ocean City - Calliope Location: Antique Shop Solution:Buy a can of government-issued sardines from the Cola Wars Surplus store next door and give it to Calliope.
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Calliope's Boon: +1 Physical Armor - Ishmael Location: Captain Durch's House Solution:You first need to speak to the guy at St. Polycarp's and accept the side quest. Go into the church catacomb and read the guest book, which gives you the Durch's House location. Go there. Write down the date on the rock outside his house, then read the news from that date at the Watchful Eye. Back at Durch's House, ask him about the Porquod. Once you're in his house, talk to him for a bit. Speak to the fifth urn, who will request cigarettes. You can purchase cigarettes from the Cola Wars Surplus. Leave the cigarettes on the tray next to the urn, and then after the small cutscene investigate the bookcase. After talking to the man in the hidden room, go to St. Polycarp's. Take a spare urn from the catacomb. Take the urn back to Durch's House and replace the fifth urn. Speak to the man in the hidden room again. Once you do that, you can now pet Ishmael.
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Ishmael's Boon: +1 Mysticality Crystaldream Lake - Shadows Over Loathing Cat Fancy Achievement - Dottie Location: Greta's Pet Store Solution:You need to first go into the past at the hardware store and purchase the rights to an outhouse. Request that he put the outhouse at the pet store. Go into the past at the pet store, and go inside. Attempt to disarm the mousetrap once. You'll need 5 Moxie to actually disarm it the second time. Once you've done that, you can pet Dottie in the present.
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Dottie's Boon: +1 Moxie Personal side note:I recently had my cat pass away. Her name was Dottie. Finishing this side thing for Dottie in the game and seeing the quote of "Dottie lounges, fat and happy." made me think of her, and remembering her as always doing exactly that. She was an elegant old lady, a pastel tortiseshell, who took nonsense from nobody, but would lie right on your chest and purr as loud as she could once she trusted you. Miss you, Dottie. - Hecate Location: Sandwich Museum Solution: Right in the first building in the town. All you have to do is buy and give Hecate some Sandwich cream.
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Hecate's Boon: +3 Hot Armor S.I.T. Campus - Stinky Location: A Fishman...Restaurant Solution:After you start the side quest for Rufus and you're able to open manholes, open the one in the hidden restaurant that is also located in the Steam Tunnels. You need 2 Stench Armor to pet Stinky the first time.
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Stinky's Boon: +3 Sleaze Armor - Sprig Location: Phi Upsilon Tau, in the backyard
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Sprig's Boon: +1 Muscle The Big Moist - Boris Location: Monster Shack Solution:You need to complete the side quests for all the children in the shack. You also need to be wearing the completed sash to pet Boris for the first time.
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Boris's Boon: +3 Spooky Armor - Charybdis Location: Largemouth Bass & Sons, inside Chapman House Solution:Complete the questline for Largemouth Bass & Sons. (In this run I've let the two people leave, so I'm not sure if it changes depending on your choice)
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Charybdis's Boon: +20% loot drops Gray County - Abby Abbey Location: Jasper's Feed and Tack, in the back room Solution:Finish the questline for the heist. (in this run I did a perfect heist, I'm not sure if you cannot pet Abby Abbey if you do not perform a perfect heist)
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Abby Abbey's Boon: +1 to Maximum AP - Ghost Location: Drexel Stead, in the Maize Maze Solution:You need to speak to Sissy in the Maze and ask her about what she needs. Buy a saucer of milk from the milkman (you can reduce the prices by doing tasks for him). Return to Sissy and give her the saucer of milk. Ghost will appear, and you may pet them.
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Ghost's Boon: +3 Cold Armor - Maraschino Location: Grode Valley Orchard Solution:Finish the side quest for Maggie, and Maraschino will be in the cellar right down the ladder.
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Maraschino's Boon: +3 Stench Armor Read the full article
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Of Tablets Pulled Up from the Depths
[Foundation Squad]
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: aha you guys saw this on discord but I wanted it posted here, mostly bc I spent some good time and effort on it. and now you all are subjected to it. 3450 words <3]
[Including: @lynxlycan, @celestialissues, and @hereggssuitcasefish]
Part 2 Coming Soon
Site 246 is largely considered a backwater site because it only functions as a fraction of what it used to be, its former glory as the true Atlantis of the Great Lakes. Now, it is largely considered a researcher’s time out for when they act out of line, but never far enough for full on probation. Compared to such huge sites such as 19, 17, and so on, it’s boring. Site 246 is used as a glorified storage unit for its anomalies, and the staff themselves are more anomalous than the things in containment.
For site direction Dr. Cody Westbrook, he likes that the most exciting that that happens here is MTF training. Humans doing mostly human things, learning to dive, how to stay under the water, and that the anomalies he works with are coworkers. He’s happy watching over his “school” (the four merfolk that work at the base and primarily exist outside of it in the water) train batches of Gamma 6 agents, researchers specializing in aquatics, the ins and outs of the water. He’s happy talking with a close knit group of 40 or so people, knowing their intimate lives like a grandfather would. He’s happy with the almost monotony of being site 246’s director, and no one knows this better than his favorite assistant director, Agent Nathan Devlin.
When Agent Devlin sees the man so uptight, he knows something is wrong. The late middle aged man is hunched over his desk, his dark eyes glaring at his computer screen as he runs his fingers through the lower part of his dreads.
“What came in?” Agent Devlin asked, his brow raised as he leaned in the doorway of the director’s office.
Dr. Westbrook’s near coal colored eyes glance upwards before he shuts them, a deep exhale sounding from his flared nostrils before he runs his large hand over his face. “We have three researchers coming here.”
“They in time out too?” Agent Devil asked with a small chuckle. He pushed off the doorway and pulled out the singular chair from across the man’s desk before plopping down in it. He studied Dr. Westbrook’s features.
“They’re getting sent here from, and I quote, Dr. Bright, an 05, and that director we never hear from - Site 18 - I believe?” He leaned back in his chair and sighed once more, mostly in frustration. “What the hell do we need such high ranking people here for?” He’s familiar with Dr. Quill, only from the grapevine though. How she got her position of power was a mystery, but he never spent enough time topside to find out. And from what he could understand about Dr. Sora, they might be an anomaly themself.
“What about the third one?” Agent Devlin inquired after a low whistle exited his lips from the names mentioned. Those were certainly nothing to scoff at.
Dr. Westbrook’s hand shot out to push the screen. That’s the one Dr. Bright is sending.
Agent Devlin’s brows raised. “We have a bird coming too? Underwater?” He laughed at the sheer absurdity of it. “Why the fuck do we need them?”
The middle aged man glanced out the window that overlooked the depths of Lake Superior. It was a peaceful evening, that much was clear. None of the merfolk were out, which almost made him sad. Three of them would be officially leaving for various oceans assisting Upsilon-Five in the North Atlantic, meaning the tapping on the windows would get much quieter. Who knows how long they’d be gone on assignment. “Probably has to do with one of the tablets Mexia and Tjme found last month. It’s Enochian and something else, nothing we know.”
Agent Devlin snorted loudly. “When’s our prodigal fish coming back anyways?” His dark green eyes just barely fell past Dr. Westbrook’s shoulder as he gazed out at the dark water. It really was quiet without the finfolk tapping on the glass.
“Some time in the night, we’ll know when we know,” Dr. Westbrook chuckled, a small light coming to his eyes. As much as he loved to rag on the merfolk, they were more sociable than anyone else. In fact, the whole reason Tjme had been away from 246 was to assist her true boss, Dr. Simon Glass at site 17. She’d been gone for weeks.
Idle conversation carried on from the two men, mostly on the three they were unfamiliar with. Dr. Quill, being one of the youngest site directors they’d ever heard of, Dr. Sora, being steeped in mystery and Agent Icarus, who they referred to as “the bird”. Just going over their personnel files allowed them to get a feel for who these people were technically, but nothing about them as legit people. They supposed they’d just have to find out.
They must’ve been cooped up by that computer for a while, because when Agent Devlin looked over Dr. Westbrook’s shoulder once more, he saw how dark the water was. He checked his watch. Already 8 pm.
“I guess I should talk to Dr. Mullins on space for these three, huh?” He chuckled, slowly standing up. “And you should probably get some sleep. You’re not as young as you used to be,” he lightly ribbed.
Dr. Westbrook laughed. “Get outta here,” he playfully said, a grin on his lips. “I’ll finish up some paperwork,” he lightly waved off, watching as Agent Devlin rolled his eyes with a small smile and strolled out of his office.
Agent Devlin passed through the wing, eyes trained on the hub to pass to wing C, where Mullins was holed up after seeing the light under his quarters off and his office space empty. He couldn’t help but glance out the windows overlooking Lake Superior’s floor. The merfolk and the researchers into scuba diving took up underwater gardening in the spring. Here, in the early summer, those plants were starting to come to life. Some of the plants were bioluminescent, decorating the lakebed in light dim enough so that nothing above could notice it, but made the waters traversable for everyone else.
He hummed softly to himself as he gazed out at the waters, listening to the songs of the various creatures that live amongst the underwater foliage. The lake cats, as they’re lovingly called, might be making their appearance soon. They haven’t been hostile in decades so long as Lake Huron is cared for with the love it deserves. Hell, here in Superior, site 246 does their best to honor the creatures as well. Perhaps they’re shy tonight.
Agent Devlin was just about to move on to wing C when he heard a familiar tap on the glass. His gaze fell just behind his shoulder where he caught the gaze of an oh so familiar shark. “Was wondering when you’d come back,” he said, turning his attention back to the window he’d been gazing out. There, with a small smile on her face, was their prodigal fish.
No one gets sent to site 246 unless they’re on time out, and Dr. Sora feels almost punished despite it not actually being a punishment. They’re currently on the docks site 246’s shoreline base. It’s almost reminiscent of a lake tourist shop from the outside, but piloted by off time agents of Upsilon-Five.
“We leave in twenty,” the captain of the submarine says, a small smile on her face as she tied up her long blonde hair in a ponytail.
Dr. Sora smiles and says a small thank you before walking out the backdoor to the dock that’s not preoccupied by the crew. Lake Superior in the mid morning of early summer was gorgeous. If there was a tinge of salt, they might have thought it was the sea. They walked out the back doors and followed down the dock before plopping down. Their fingers pushed at the glasses, pushing them upwards before getting lost in the beauty. To their left, they could hear the crew getting ready to submerge. Little things were getting checked, idly conversation, what they were expecting to hear. There were whispers of how they were going to fit a large wingspan but, that didn’t concern Sora directly.
Apparently, there were two other people coming to join them. Dr. Quill, and Agent Icarus. Dr. Sora was more than familiar with Dr. Quill due to the professional title, but Agent Icarus was a bit of a wild card. They stewed in the thoughts of their companions before they heard footsteps on the dock, softly approaching.
Dr. Sora looked over their shoulder, long, reddish brown hair flowing with the passing breeze.
A short woman with shoulder length black hair was approaching. She smiled and then awkwardly waved a bit before crossing her arms protectively over her midsection. “Mind if I join you for a bit?” She asks before waiting a respectful distance. Upon seeing Dr. Sora nod, Dr. Quill relaxes and sits down beside them. “It’s nice to meet you, Sora.” Quill held out her hand.
Sora takes it into their own hands before shaking. “Pleasure,” they reply.
A beat of awkward silence.
“You uh, excited to go down there?” Quill inquires as she gazes out at the huge lake. She brushes some strands of hair behind her ears.
Sora shrugs. “I guess,” they reply. “Not really here because I want to be,” they chuckle.
Quill giggles herself, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, I feel that,” she hums as she listens to the gentle waves. “Call it the time out zone for a reason,” the dark eyed woman jokes, making Sora laugh.
“Right?” They agree. “Who knows,” they continue, “maybe it’ll be relaxing.”
Quill’s brow raises. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah,” Sora nods, “I heard that-”
Suddenly, the sound of wings overtakes the sky, followed by a large shadow. The wing beats sound relaxed, almost gentle as if they’re well aware of the presence they give off. The shadow grows larger, and the flapping grows slower, almost as if it’s in glide.
Both Sora and Quill look up and over to see the large wings circling overhead. It’s almost surprising, and if they didn’t work so closely with anomalies, they’d be horrified. But, they’re aware who this is.
“Apparently, there’s cats in the water,” the dark green haired agent says, falling down to the dock gracefully, huge wings spanned out to an almost impossible span. They stretch them a bit before folding them back in. Their wings are gorgeous. If Quill had to guess from her deep love of animals, looked like a Harris Hawk.
“Cats in the water?” Sora hums in a questioning tone.
The winged individual nods. “Yeah, can’t remember the exact number but cats in the water. Primarily based in Lake Huron, but they’re said to roam around here too.”
Quill’s eyes flash with excitement. She’s read plenty of files in her down times at site 18. “You’re thinking about SCP 5494,” she fills in. “Big water cats that used to gobble up foundation personnel until we started treating their home better.”
A smile comes to Icarus’ face as they nod. “Oh! I’m sure you two already know, but I’m Agent Icarus,” their wings fan out slightly for effect, “and you both are..?”
A small beat of silence passes.
“You guys here for punishment too?” Icarus trails off, a small grin spreading on their lips.
Laughter rings out from the surface before they’re called to the submarine.
Lake Superior, while not being the ocean, was still just as gorgeous and the water was life sustaining for humans. They’re already meters below the surface, but the light cuts through the waves like it’s nothing. The fish are out, and they’re lively. From the crew that’s milling around the submarine, they’re looking for the staff that aren’t in the base. Already getting closer and closer to the lake bed where the facility is finally coming into view, Sora, Quill and Icarus can see the garden work, maintenance for the facility itself, photography, and the faint buzz of other researchers from the inside. It’s a busy base with such lower numbers, not even breaching 100 people including the three MTF groups that are present at all times.
“You guys came during a training session,” one of the crew members says with a small chuckle. He brushes back some of his short black hair, dark eyes flashing with excitement. “You’ll see a lot of opening level researchers learning how to scuba dive.” He directs their attention over to wing D, “you’ll also hear gunshots, general weapons handling and the like.”
Agent Icarus is certain that they’ve heard about the training grounds here before. Despite site 246 only functioning at a fraction of its power, it’s always been a point of conversation amongst MTF agents. When they needed special honing, they came to this place for the isolation, for the focus, and because it’s a tranquil place to learn.
“Which MTF group is here this time?” Icarus asks, their interest piquing due to their involvement as an agent. Their hazel colored eyes flash with interest, and if they had their wings out other than tattoos adorning their back, they’d be fluffing up in excitement and intrigue.
“Believe it’s a new group of Nine Tailed,” another crew member answers.
“They train down here?” Quill cocks her head to the side.
The original crew member who struck up the conversation nods vigorously. “Gotta be prepared for all types of environments, and this site is primarily used for training,” he explains, his eyes still gazing out at the busy base.
There’s little benches, rocky paths, and it’s not hard to see the love the people who do work at this site put into it. Seeing the submarine get close to the docking station has those who pay attention waving as a friendly greeting. The researchers and crew inside can’t help but mirror the gesture.
“Unlike her to miss guiding the subs,” another voice calls out with a small hum, almost amused at the sight of researchers in scuba gear guiding the submarine to its docking point with what looked like huge glow sticks in their hands.
“Who?” The questioning tone is thick in Sora’s voice.
“Dr. Tjme,” the captain answers, briefly looking over her shoulder. “One of the resident merfolk at the site. Surprised the whole school isn’t out,” she finishes with a small laugh, earning hearty chuckles from the rest of the crew.
Sora glances at the two at her side before continuing the conversation before docking completely. “The merfolk?”
“The real reason people come to this site,” the captain replies. “Surprisingly, merfolk are rare in foundation staff. We’ve only got about 50 in circulation at all sites - globally, and the largest cluster of them is in the Pacific. This has the second largest cluster.” She looks over her shoulder once more as the submarine is guided into its docking station by both her skill and the help. “There’s only four here.”
The submarine docks after that, smoothly, and with no hiccups. The crew seems pleased that the relatively short journey is over, and before they know it, they’re allowed to leave and head into the base.
Dr. Quill is the first to leave, and it’s her that is the first greeted by site director Dr. Cody Westbrook.
He watches with an amused glance as Sora and Icarus take their place by Quill’s side, head now cocked to the side.
“Something wrong?” Sora hums, a small chuckle on her lips.
“Understood that there was a bird,” he replies, a small grin on his lips.
Icarus pauses for a moment, glancing at the sheer size of the base. They have more than enough space here. It’s like a castle under the water, made of halls that stretch upwards and large windows parallel to each other at great distances. Icarus lets go of the glamour, large wings fanning outwards. The gesture garners small exclamations of surprise and giggles from the crew and staff running around the dock bay. After thoroughly stretching their wings, they fold them back in.
“So it is a bird,” a new voice cuts through, an audible smirk on his lips as he strolls up to Westbrook’s side.
“A bird, a prodigy and a mystery,” the older man chuckles under his breath as he watches the three researchers holding much more power than they should shift in front of him.
“Is the atmosphere always this informal here?” Quill asks with playful sarcasm, her arms uncrossing over her chest.
Devlin shakes his head but smiles at all the same. “Yes and no,” he starts, “there’s less than 100 staff here at any given moment. Ragging on each other is a pastime we find most enjoyable.” The agent cracks his knuckles before glancing out the window. He whistles for a moment before tapping on the glass. He taps a few more times before nodding his head over to the three guests. “Come, look at this. The flowers are blooming.”
Sora is the first over. Ever the curious soul, they bound up to the window and watch as the bioluminescent, alien-like flowers curl open under the sun’s rays that pierce through the water. Icarus and Quill are soon at their side, watching the blooming plants.
“They’re gorgeous,” Quill says softly, dark eyes watching with curiosity. Through the mist of the currents in the lake, they see more lights dot up the floor. Pinks, yellows, some violets but most yellow.
A clearing of the throat gets everyone’s attention from the blooming underwater garden. “Devlin, get them settled in and then bring them to the cafeteria.” The older man turns on his heels and begins on his way towards his office, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Maybe you’ll see the fish while you’re at it.”
Devlin snorts.
“Oh, tell her to come back inside as well,” the dark eyed man calls over his shoulder before pressing his lips into a whistle and continuing on down the wing.
Devlin, taking his sweet time, decided to show the three around the facility. It’s actually quite big, and holds a plethora of rooms within. While it’s in the shape of a plus, or perhaps a cross, they’ve lost agents in here. But the most interesting part of this facility is the sheer amount of windows. No other foundation has this many due to where they’re located in the world. But this one is chock full of them.
The agent passes through the last stretch of hall towards the rooms all done up for Quill, Sora and Icarus. He notes that the one for Icarus was the biggest in the facility on account of their wingspan, and it was Dr. McKeller who suggested it.
The sound of clicking, and the hum of a kulning sounds off in the short distance. Devlin pauses his rundown of letting the three settle in for about thirty minutes before reconvening in the level 4 access cafeteria to gaze out the window. He gestures for the three to come look, and smiles softly when they do.
Through the slightly murky waters of Lake Superior comes the first merfolk that these researchers have ever seen. She’s swimming fast, hair tied in a curt bun, allowing for an expression of worry and intrigue dotted on her face. “Something’s up,” he murmurs to himself, hand on his phone to message Dr. Westbrook.
“Is she holding something?” Sora observers, their light green eyes squinted.
“Whatever it is, it’s big,” Quill adds as she leans in on instinct.
Closer and closer still, Devlin’s eyes widened followed by his brows shooting up. He can feel his heart quicken in his chest. “Is that another-”
Tjme almost smacks into the observation window due to the power her tail was swishing at. She blinks in surprise before holding up the cumbersome tablet, two of them, connected down the middle etched in gold and stone from the core of the planet.
“It’s Liber Loageth,” Icarus suddenly notes, their eyes widening slightly. They press closer to the glass, silently motioning for Tjme to hold the tablets up a little closer to the glass. “That’s not possible-.”
Devlin sharply breathes in. “Forget settling in,” he rushes under his breath, “You guys go to the lab, down the end of the hall wing C,” the agent continues, pointing towards the direction they’d just come from, “you come back inside,” he said in a louder voice through the glass before getting his radio out. “Uh you two, right outside the window, Dr.” he snapped his fingers for remembrance, “Zip and Lambert, help Tjme get that thing in here.”
Quill, Sora and Icarus all glance at each other as they rush through the hall towards the lab. Looks like work is starting early.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 10
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover (If you can’t find it here)
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a | 7b | 8 | 9a | 9b | 
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Chapter 10: Of Pageantry and Health
Summary: “It is an honor to meet you, ma’am,” said General Pryde who bowed slightly. This made you feel weird, being treated as something you are not, or at least not yet. 
Now strapped in the general received a message on his data pad. “The Supreme Leader would like it if I talked you through how this evening will go, both at the public address and when we return to the Steadfast tonight. Once the first step of First Order occupation of Earth is complete, the Supreme Leader will leave a general in charge and you will be taken to the Supremacy,” said Allegiant General Armitage Hux. 
“May I take some notes,” you ask. The general nodded and you proceeded to take out a small notebook from your work tote. 
“Tonight you will not be on main display at the public address but you will be present. At precisely 7 PM EST the Supreme Leader will give his public address on the dais outside the White House to all media. It will be brief but effective, then I will give my own public address immediately afterward once that it is finished it will be the first time your planet will hear the First Order anthem, which will conclude the address. You will most likely be standing off to the side with the other High Command officers. Once the address has been concluded you will be taken to an Upsilon-class command shuttle, Supreme Leader Ren’s private shuttle, and you will be escorted by TIE fighters to the Steadfast,” the general said pausing as you were struggling to keep up with the information. When he had seen that you had caught up he continued.
“When you embark on the Steadfast there will be a full salute from on-duty officers and a battalion of stormtroopers in the hanger bay. You and he will probably pause, you behind him, and they will salute and you will go on your way to his quarters. He will probably give you a tour of the Steadfast tomorrow morning or that evening if there is time. Moving about the ship you will use your FOI to gain access to different places,” noted the general. 
“You will also notice that day and night on the ship are simulated when the night is simulated the lights and hallways of the ship are darker. The worker shifts are split up into 6-hour increments, Alpha from 04:00-10:00 hours, Beta from 10:00-16:00 hours, Gamma 16:00-20:00 hours, and Delta from 20:00-04:00. Currently, we are matching Earth’s cycle and matching to EST, as that is most convenient for the Supreme Leader and High Command Officers. This should be something worth noting as we have yet to have a base planet so you may be spending lots of time onboard ships,” said the general.
You caught up to the general again now realizing something, “I wasn’t given a First Order Identification number. I didn’t really finish my registration, they escorted me in the middle of it I believe.”
“Yes, I’ll pull up your file,” he said while pulling out a data pad. “That is easy for your identification
The number is AA-0002. The Supreme Leader’s is AA-0001. That should be easy for you to remember but I will have dog tags commissioned for you so you will not have to enter it every time you want to change basic access rooms.” With that, you saw him type in some messages into the data pad and he returned back to you. “Do you have any other questions so far? We are almost there.”
“I will just be standing off to the side during the public address and will not need to do anything else, correct,” you ask.
“Correct, unless the Supreme Leader asks you to, but I doubt he will make you do anything more today.” Then the pilot informed the general of your arrival back at the White House and you departed the ship. This time you were graced by the presence of the Supreme Leader himself. 
“Do you have everything you need,” asked Kylo, his voice still distorted under the mask. 
“I believe so. How much time until your address,” you ask. 
“An hour, we can return to the sitting room if you would like,” you nodded in response. Kylo had ordered a junior officer to take your bags to his ship. You took your phone and notebook out of your work tote before handing it over. You followed Kylo to the same red sitting room you were in before. He ordered a junior officer to bring you some refreshments. Once the officer left he took off the helmet. “I hope that your flights today weren’t too exhausting.”
“They were fine, more like long car rides than flights. Did your meeting last the entire time while I was gone,” you asked.
“No, I have had two more since then. Trying to bring your home planet up to speed. Today we discussing health regulations. Unfortunately, many people on your planet are behind on simple things such as vaccinations and health check-ups, some places lake basic hygiene. Along with education, this is a priority within the First Order. Unfortunately, this will make the first step much longer. I have had to call upon the Finalizer to be based here so we can speed up the process but even with light speed they will take 3 days two get here,” commented Kylo. 
There was a knock on the door which prompted him to put on his helmet. He told the junior officer to come in and leave the tray of coffee and light snack food. Once the officer had left he removed his helmet and joined you. “I hope you don’t mind we will be eating dinner on board the Steadfast tonight after the address.”
You shook your head no in response, enjoying your coffee. “The general informed me of how tonight was going to go, I assumed because we were getting back so close to the address and that we would be leaving right after that this was a possibility.”
You saw him give a ghost of a smile at this. You had so many questions you wanted to ask but now didn’t seem to be the time, nor the place. Finishing your coffee and a light snack you placed your cup back on the tray. 
There was a knock on the door, Kylo once again put on his helmet and told whoever was at the door to come in. 
General Hux walked in, “Supreme Leader, the preparations for the address are about to begin. It has been requested that we go to the dais.”
“Very well,” responded Kylo who moved to stand. You followed his lead and followed both of them down the hall and out to the front lawn. 
There you could really see what you only saw on the tv the past few days. The large red banners, the battalion of stormtroopers. The line of officers off the side of the stage. The huge number of media personnel, waiting for your arrival. While Kylo took to the stage the general took the time to bring you to the other officers and instructed you that General Pryde would help you during the address. 
“It is an honor to meet you, ma’am,” said General Pryde who bowed slightly. 
This made you feel weird, being treated as something you are not, or at least not yet. 
“If you will stand next to me, we shall be standing during the whole address. During the anthem stand at attention and place your left hand over your heart, I believe you do something similar for the U.S. anthem anyways,” said the general with an eerie air about him. 
You moved to stand next to him. He on the outside of the aisle in the front row and you the next person in line. About 20 other officers were in your row and about for rows deep were the ones present. You glanced up at the stage knowing it would be soon that the address would begin, you saw Kylo glance in your direction to you it seemed as if he was looking directly at you, but with the mask, you couldn’t be sure. But you swore he was looking at you, a small shock went through your spine and made you break your unknown eye contact. 7 PM struck. 
Kylo or Supreme Leader Ren began to speak, “The First Order takes pride in the health of its citizens. Currently, the health of your planet is substandard to the high standards that the First Order keeps. 
When intergalactic trade becomes available to Earth you will be exposed to a number of possible new diseases. The First Order takes many precautions to the health of its citizens so a new mandatory health regime will begin once you have been registered. 
Vaccines against intergalactic diseases will be administered. This is so we can preserve life and prevent any death that we can. 
First Order citizens are the healthiest and happiest in the galaxy. We are pleased that Earth will now be brought up to speed medically. That is all.” With that, he stepped back from the podium and Allegiant General Hux stepped forward. 
“Starting tomorrow alongside registration stations you will find medical facilities to be able to receive these new vaccines and health check-ups. Only once you are registered may you receive these vaccines. Once you have received this health check-up you will receive a health schedule and regime along with standard-issue medications from the top of the lIne First Order medical staff. 
It is paramount that all First Order citizens take their health seriously. A strong individual makes for a strong empire. A strong and healthy citizen is a good citizen within the First Order. Any citizen who has an issue with this health regime should direct their comments and concerns to any Stormtrooper or First Order officer at their local health station. Personal health is part of the foundation of organizational purity.” With that, the general stepped back and Kylo stepped forward. 
The anthem started, TIE fighters flew overhead in a blue angels sort of style. There were no words being spoken. The anthem had a march-like quality to it, and a dark one too. At the end
You saw all of the officers and stormtroopers raise their left hand into the air as a sort of salute. Kylo had his left hand over his heart in a fist with his index and thumb showing. You kept your position as it was what General Pryde had instructed you to do. 
Once Kylo dropped his hand the officers did too and then the stormtroopers. He moved to leave the stage as did General Hux. 
“Follow me,” said General Pryde. And you did, he brought you over to where a large closed book looking ship was, and where Kylo and General Hux where along with the silver armored stormtrooper you know to be Captain Phasma. 
Kylo gestured for you to enter the ship first, which was somewhat of a shock to the generals, but you obliged. You entered and paused not knowing where you were to sit. Kylo was right behind you. He sat in the middle right, you sat to the left of him and started to buckle. Once you were buckled in he reached over to check the straps, to make sure they were secured. This made you blush and sneak a peek at him. He glanced up at you, although still wearing his mask you felt as if you locked eyes for a second before he sat back in his seat and buckled himself. The pilot informed you of departure and you were off to the Steadfast.
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tanadrin · 4 years
A Sketch for a Modern Gothic Alphabet
Inspired by all the AOE2 I’ve been playing today, and the unfortunate lack of Gothic-language unit responses in said game, I sat down and started sketching out a Modern Gothic conlang: basically, what would happen if you gave the language of the Goths the Hebrew treatment, and tried to cobble together a functional language out of the attested bits we have.
Now, I don’t think this would be nearly as big a project as it might seem; even though the Gothic-language literature isn’t nearly as extensive as other ancient Germanic literatures, our goal is not some intangible lexicographic “purity.” Anything we do not have words for, and can’t plausibly calque, we’re going to borrow--but the existing vocabulary may prove surprisingly effective, e.g., a word like thius, thiwos, “servant” > “employee.” Bandi, bandjos means “band” as in “group of people,” but why can’t it also mean “band” as in “rock band”? If it works for English, it will work for Gothic, I say.
But I think the alphabet is an opportunity to get really creative. The Goths wrote in an alphabet adapted for their own language, which I’ve heard described as “basically Uncial Greek;” but it also seems to borrow liberally from the Latin alphabet and from Germanic runes in a couple of places, and it’s interesting and different enough on its own that I think simply squeezing the language into a Latin or Greek transcription wouldn’t do it justice aesthetically. Now, the attested Gothic alphabet did not make case distinctions; “majuscule” and “miniscule” script in the Early Middle Ages weren’t used to convey information as we use capitalization, they were simply stylistic variants. Some of the Gothic letters resemble capitals, and some resemble miniscules; and when a letter is the same in both Greek and Latin majuscule, whether we choose the Greek or Latin miniscule is going to be important. We have to make sure each letter is visually distinct in both forms, after all.
So this is how I would design a modern version of the Gothic alphabet.
Αα - ans. [a] or [a:], transliterated <a>. Pronounced as in father. Most of the letter names are the reconstructed reflex of the Proto-Germanic name for the corresponding rune; ans is no exception. Old--that is to say, real--Gothic has both long and short [a], and does not in writing distinguish the two. For our purposes, we will write long [a] doubled: <aa>
Ββ - bairkna. [b] or [v], but always transliterated [b]. [v] is the allophone of [b] immediately after a vowel, or between two vowels; as the sound doesn’t otherwise occur in Gothic, there’s no ambiguity here, and we don’t need to mark it. Loanwords with [v] in them will probably get borrowed as [b] or [v] depending on the environment the sound occurs in.
Γγ - giba. [g] or [ɣ], transliterated <g>. [ɣ] is a fricative, pronounced in the exact same spot as [g]; like [v], it’s just an allophone of <g>.
Δδ - dagz. [d] or [ð], as in English then. Transliterated <d>.
Εε - aihws. Represents [e:], which is similar to the first part of the diphthong in English “day,” or the Spanish e. Although the names of the Germanic rune-letters were originally acrostic (starting, or at least containing, the sound they represented), sound change in Gothic means that the <ai> in aihws is actually pronounced like the e in English let.
Uυ - qairna. [kʷ], transliterated <q>. This sound is a labialized [k], very close to the qu in English quern or quiz. Up until now, we have been rather slavishly following the Greek alphabet, in both order and names of our letters; however, in qairna, we have no Greek equivalent. At least, not in the age of the Bishop Wulfilas, who was responsible for first writing down the Gothic language--there is the archaic Greek letter qoppa, source of the Latin q; why Wulfilas did not use the Latin letter, I don’t know, and I don’t know why he chose a letter which was bound to cause confusion among Greek-speakers, resembling as it does a miniscule upsilon (had Greek miniscules even been developed by the 4th century?). But, much like the Turks turning dotted and dotless i into two different letters with distinct capitals, we’re going to split the difference and divide upsilon in two. The lowercase quairna is a u-shaped crescent, without the right-hand stem. The uppercase is a larger version of the same. Using U and its small capital variant would be an excellent typographical approximation.
Ζζ - aizo. [z], transliterated <z>. Identical to modern English. Gothic did not rhotacize [z] in the same way that the other Germanic languages did, retaining a clear distinction with [s]. There is no satisfactory rune-name for this letter; the name chosen is arbitrary, on the pattern of English phonetic names, with some consideration given to the fact that [z] did not occur at the beginning of words in Gothic.
Ηh - hagal. [h] or [χ], transliterated [h]. Attic Greek had no letter H, but the Latin letter H was based on a version of that alphabet where eta retained its original value, [h]. As the old Gothic <h> strongly resembles a miniscule Latin [h], we will simply borrow that letter. Alone or at the beginning of a word, <h> sounds as in English; in a consonant cluster, or in the final position, it is a fricative with the value of German or Scottish <ch>.
Ψψ - thaurnus. [θ], transliterated <th>. The question of why a literate churchman, whose best reference for the written word was Greek, would not simply use theta for the dental fricative continues to vex me; perhaps he thought psi was more like the runic thorn, whose name this letter shares.
Ιι - eis. [ɪ], transliterated <i>. Identical to iota, a dotless i. By the time the Goths encountered the Greek-speaking world, the spelling conventions of the tongue were centuries out of date. The diphthong originally represented by <ei> was now pronounced as a long [i] (the sound in “deep” or “scream”), and so that digraph was chosen for the long [i] sound. Its short equivalent--pronounced as in English “hit” or “bill”--got iota.
Κκ - konja. [k], transliterated <k>. Identical to Greek kappa.
Λλ - lagus. [l], transliterated <l>, in both cases as in “lake” (which is what lagus means). Identical to lambda.
Μμ - manna. [m], transliterated <m>. Although the small form of the Greek mu, with the compressed peaks and the left-hand stem is often confused by people familiar with only the Latin alphabet for “u” or a letter like it, and lowercase manna would seem already to be similar to two other letters (one of which we have not yet encountered), I have chosen to retain this form because it is the miniscule corresponding to the Greek letter. And I like descenders.
Nν - nauths. [n], transliterated <n>. Since there is no [v] in this alphabet, there’s no worry we’ll confuse the small form of nu with that letter.
Gg - jer. [j], transliterated <j>. Here we have our first real problem. You see, this isn’t a G. If you look at the letter as written in Gothic manuscripts, it looks a lot like a Latin G, but the hook is a right-hand descender only. It doesn’t go inside the body of the letter, as far as I can tell. What this really is is a C with a descending right stem or hook, like the IPA letter for the velar nasal... but that letter doesn’t exist in any font I’m aware of, and would look almost identical to a capital G. So here I’m approximating it with G, and approximating its miniscule form with a lowercase (but note, single-storey) g, because I expect the desired lowercase form (a small c with a slightly elongated descending right hook) would look very much like a g where the body of the letter was open.
Ƞn - uurus. [u] or [u:], transliterated <u>. As with <a>, a doubled <u> signifies a long vowel, not originally distinguished in written Gothic. The original letter looks like a small and large version of Latin miniscule n (where the capital does not descend below the line).
Ππ - pairtha. [p], transliterated <p>. Equivalent to pi. Not a very common sound in Gothic, due to Grimm’s Law, but found in lots of Greek loanwords like pascha, “Easter.”
ɥ - hjo. [dʒ], transliterated <hj>. Now we are really far off the beaten track. You see, the Gothic alphabet had two letters with no sound-values at all. The Greek alphabet gave numeric values to each letter; when set off with dots or an overline, it was intended that you should read them as a number, and not a word. Gothic retained that convention, and used similar values for each letter in the Gothic alphabet; but it had two more numerals than it had need of for letters, including one that looks like <h>, rotated 180 degrees. Rather than strike these letters from the alphabet, I’ve elected to keep them, and to arbitrarily reassign them to values I think will be useful for modern Gothic loanwords. To distinguish the affricate value of <j> from the (more common outside English) liquid version, I have prepended an arbitrary <h> in the transcription. This is also a handy ex-post-facto justification for why the name of my pseudo-Gothic kingdom on my minecraft server is spelled the same way, since originally it was spelled as “Hjairsil” only becaused that looked amusingly like Gothic. Unfortunately, I have no font on my computer that can render the rare capital form of this letter! As one of those IPA symbols that occasionally gets dragooned into service as a real honest-to-god letter, it does have a capital, at codepoint U+A79D--but my computer cannot render it, and I don’t know if yours can either. The name of this letter is arbitrary, chosen phonetically.
Ρρ - raida. [r], transliterated <r>. The old Gothic alphabet actually uses a symbol that looks like a Latin capital R, with a right-hand descender. If one desired to use a version of this letter more like that one, I would use Rʀ, as the open lowercase r feels rather out of place.
Ss or Σς - sojil. [s], transliterated <s>. The letter S is, after all, only a variant of sigma; I would not use the closed, medial form σ, due to its similarity to other letters, and the fact that the old Gothic letter resembles Latin S and final Greek ς, but not σ.
Ττ - tius. [t], transliterated <t>. Equivalent to Greek tau.
Yʏ - winja. [w] or [ɪ]; transliterated [w]. Wulfilas uses upsilon, whose majuscule is identical to English Y; the letter evidently retains its identity as upsilon specifically, because it transcribes that letter (originally pronounced [y], like German ü) in certain names when they appear in Gothic, though by that time it would have had the value of a short [i].
Ϝϝ - faihu. [f], transliterated <f>. Possibly a capital and small capital F would be better; but digamma is an authentic, though rare Greek letter, which is virtually identical.
Χχ - iggws. [k], transliterated <k>. Greek chi.
ʘ - hwair. [ʍ], transliterated [hw]. Another letter with a case problem: hwair resembles theta slightly, but also monocular o, or the IPA symbol for the bilabial click. I would prefer the distinct sizes of the monocular o, rather than theta (which looks very similar in both upper and lowercase forms) but my computer doesn’t support that character.
Ωω - othal. [o:], transliterated <o>. The Gothic letter strongly resembles both the Greek omega and the odal-rune, whose name it inherits; but it definitely denotes the long [o] sound only, the short [o] being a digraph.
Cc - tsho. [tʃ], transliterated <tsh>. Tsho replaces the final letter of the Gothic alphabet, which is either the tyr-rune, or or the Greek sampi. <c> with the affricate value pairs neatly with <g>, and will be of more use in loanwords.
The transcription scheme should ensure that Gothic spelling is unambiguously recoverable from a Latin transliteration.
Old Gothic had several digraphs, which modern Gothic will carry over intact. <gg> represented the nasal [ŋ] (ng in sing) in Greek, and does so in Gothic as well. The digraph <gw> represents [gʷ], parallel to <q>. Note that this introduces an ambiguity: the trigraph <ggw> can represent either [ŋw] or [ggʷ], an ambiguity present in the original orthography; but this is not an especially common sequence of letters. The trigraph <ddj> has an uncertain value according to historical linguistics; I have opted to abolish this uncertainty by assigning it the value of a geminate palatal stop [ɟː], in accordance with some reconstructions.
The two vowel digraphs <ai> and <au> present an irritating problem. Rather against the principle of parsimony, and the principle that ancient peoples tended to construct or adapt writing systems neither more nor less complicated than necessary for their tongues, I tend to be of the opinion that spelling should usually be considered to strongly reflect pronunciation. Yet these two digraphs appear in positions that have distinctive vowels in Proto-Germanic; and on that basis, it has usually been the custom in Gothic grammars and textbooks to distinguish three values for each. There is good reason for doing so on etymological grounds, if you wish to keep distinct the Proto-Germanic reflexes of each appearance of each digraph; but this seems improbable. Improbable, but not impossible--since there are cases where these digraphs must reflect true diphthongs, rather than the flattened values they otherwise would likely represent, especially in Greek proper nouns. By arbitrary fiat, modern Gothic will use <ai> to represent only long and short [ε]; and will use <au> to represent both long and short [ɔ], except in the aforementioned Greek names and modern loanwords.
<iu> is a falling diphthong, not two distinct vowels; double consonants are always pronounced as such (e.g., <nn> as in “unnamed”, not “unaimed”). Gothic has a stress-accent system like English, and like English does not mark stress. Punctuation follows the Greek norm, as used in modern times: guillemets or dashes set off quotations, a raised point substitutes for the semicolon (which is instead the question mark), the decimal point is the comma, and the digit separator is the full stop. Proper names, and the start of a sentence are capitalized, as is each word in a title.
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incorrectsnyu · 4 years
Ruki: Whenever I see someone make an updog joke I’m torn between not falling for it and really wanting to help them complete the joke.
Alba: Okay but PLEASE will someone tell me what updog is?
Ruki: Updog is a long meat product in a bun, typically served with condiments such as relish or mustard.
Lym: No, that’s a hot dog. Updog is when a patch is released to software to add new features or fix bug in a code.
Lake: Ah, no, you’re thinking of an update. Updog is when you end a sentence with a rising intonation.
Alf: No, that’s uptalk. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Elf: You’re thinking of upsilon, updog is an air current that moves upwards.
Salt: That’s an updraft. You’ve got this all wrong, updog isn’t even a noun. It’s a verb that means to harshly lecture somebody.
Crea: That’s to upbraid. An updog is a small breed of dog that likes to sit in people’s laps.
Ros: That’s a LAP dog. An UP dog is the modern version of a henway.
Alba: What’s a henway?
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tooelevalleydentist · 5 years
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Meet Dr. David N. Remington
Dr. Remington grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. He graduated from the University of Utah where he was a teaching assistant in biochemistry and human anatomy. He received a B.S. degree in Medical Biology.
   He became a member of the Army 19th Special Forces (Airborne) group as a teenager and eventually retired from the Army National Guard in the same unit as Lieutenant Colonel. He transferred from the Army to the Navy Dental Corps for a period of ten years starting with dental school. He graduated from Dental School at the University of Nebraska. After dental graduation he completed a General Practice Residency with the Navy Dental Corps and then served two years as the dental officer aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Coral Sea (CV-43). He finished his Navy career as a dental officer at the Bremerton, WA Navy Ship Yard. He achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
   For a period of 18 years he participated in annual International military humanitarian missions to third world communities in countries such as Thailand, Korea, Guam, Saipan, Vanuatu, Panama, and Cambodia.    After leaving the Navy, he attended the prestigious University of Washington Orthodontic Program where he received a specialty certificate in orthodontics. His original research was published in the AJODO Ortho Journal and he was also awarded a Master of Science degree (M.S.D.) at the University of Washington.
   Dr. Remington maintained an orthodontic practice for many years in Sandy, Utah prior to moving his practice to Tooele, Utah. Dr. Remington and his wife Shirlene, have eight children and fourteen grandchildren. His favorite retreats are spending time with family, traveling, gardening, skiing, tennis, horses, dogs and he loves dentistry. Dr. Remington was a scout master for twenty years and is an Eagle Scout.
American Dental Association
American Association of Orthodontics
Utah Dental Association
Utah Orthodontic Association
Academy of Laser Dentistry
American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
Academy of Microscope Dentistry
Academy of Biometric Dentistry
Cum Laude University of Utah
Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Honorary Premed Fraternity
Omicron Kappa Upsilon - Honorary Dental Society
Pierre Fuchard Academy - Honorary Dental Society
DDS with Distinction - University of Nebraska
Navy Dental Scholarship Recipient
US Army Meritorious Service Medal
US Army Airborne Jump Master Medal
US Army National Defense Medal
US Navy Sea Service Medal
Honor graduate US Army NCO Academy, Ft. Lewis, WA
Commandants List US Army Artillery and Missile OCS Ft. Sill, OK
First Place Graduate Orthodontic Wire Banding Contest, University of WA
Most Outstanding Student Endondontist Award, University of Nebraska
Lasers in Dentistry and Medicine
Dental Sleep Medicine
Quality Orthodontics
Microscope Dentistry
Digital Dental Radiography
Dental Photography
Sedation Dentistry
Conservative Cosmetic Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Dental Implants
Biomimetic Dentistry
Periodontal Plastic Surgery Dentistry
Pellevé Radio Surgery
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woozletania · 6 years
A merry frickin’ Grootmas, day 15 - holiday spirit
For the first time in two weeks the whole crew was together in the Benatar's cockpit.  They'd had a long quiet spell and made the most of it, enjoying one of Peter's newly introduced Earth holiday customs after another.  Well, mostly enjoying.  No one much liked the exploding zargnuts.
Now they were on a break from a break, as it were, flying to Xandar.  They'd agreed that the last few traditions would be celebrated at Sanctuary so that Rocket could be with his long-lost and recently rescued father.  Plus, everyone had friends there.  And perhaps more than friends.
“I wonder if we can get your bear friend to play Santa,” Mantis said to Drax.  “She would make a good Sandy Claws.”
“I will ask her,” Drax rumbled, “When we are wrestling.”
Peter sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.  Here were two things back to back he didn't want to think about: Santa as a polar bear that ate “very naughty” people thanks to Rocket vandalizing one of the Christmas books he'd managed to find, and Drax happily going on about his bouts of naked wrestling with Breaker the bear. Who was eight feet tall, fully intelligent...but still a bear. Were they just wrestling? Rocket and Lylla knew, you couldn't keep secrets from noses that keen, but neither would tell him. The one time he'd asked, Lylla had very reasonably pointed out that she and Rocket were as different as Drax and Breaker. Peter didn't care that Rocket and Lylla were together, so what was the difference?  
“Normal space in two minutes,” Rocket said from the co-pilot's seat (or pilot's seat, depending on which was in charge for that flight). Skillful clawed fingers flipped switches one after the other.  “We are ahead of schedule.  Gamora, ping the nav beacon so we don't surprise anyone.”
The green-skinned assassin nodded and touched a screen. The days where a ship could casually drop into Xandar orbit unannounced were over.  Ronan had changed all that and popping in without warning was a good way to get reduced to an expanding cloud of plasma thanks to the Nova Home Fleet and a couple of dozen orbital fortresses.
“Dropping out of jump,” Star-Lord said, and pulled back on the yoke.  With a flicker the cloudy view of hyperspace was replaced with the gem-studded blackness of space   Unsurprisingly Rocket plotted them to within a few meters of their planned arrival point and though they were instantly scanned by half a dozen warships no one lit up their targeting scanners.
“Xandar control,” Star-Lord said in his best serious voice.  “Guardian ship Benatar requests landing clearance to city center spaceport.”
“Welcome, Guardians,” The pleasant female voice replied.  AI, or Xandarian?  No one knew.  Xandar  control was the most secure place on the planet. They weren't even sure where it was, much less who manned it.  “Proceed to beacon upsilon for priority lane.”
“I am never,” Peter proclaimed to all who would listen, “Gonna get tired of getting priority lanes.   And for a change not even because he's here about some emergency.”
“Be advised,” The pleasant voice said, “Landing pads are now available just outside Sanctuary.  Follow indicated approach vector.”
“Even better,” Star-Lord said.  And sure enough, not ten minutes later he set the Benatar down not a kilometer from Xandar memorial park in city center.   The square mile of green marked where the Dark Aster came down as well as where Ego's spawn grew and threatened to consume all life on the planet.  There were even statues of most of them in one corner of the park, and one of Yondu.  They weren't here to visit those.  They were here for the cluster of buildings next to an artificial lake.
It was a short walk from the landing pads to Sanctuary.  To their surprise strings of lights now ornamented the clinic and other offices.  The Welcome To Sanctuary sign was decorated with something like holly.  Even here, half a galaxy away from Terra, the holiday spirit was evident.
Less of a surprise were the two Uplifts waiting to greet them.  A white-furred, fluffy, long bodied one built much like Lylla and the chunky, somewhat tubby form of what would pass for a normal Earth raccoon were it not for the cybernetic eye and hand and the intelligence in his eyes.
“Hi, uh, Papa,” Rocket said as casually as he could.  A moment later he tensed as the older raccoon wrapped him in a hug. For an moment he squirmed, unsure of what to do, before finally softening and awkwardly hugging Papa back.  “Yeah.  I missed you too, dad.”
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kinda long but uh!!! hopefully it's organized well. has every tag i frequently use, plus some info on the characters & their pronouns & stuff. yeah!!
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blog tags!
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self-explanatory tags
#ask game
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less self-explanatory tags
#personal info - don't mention this in the rp unless your character is REALLY GOOD friends with mine or is intentionally being a creep
#idle chatter - anything where they are talking in-character, even if the chatter is not so idle
#porl or #pearl - porl is for light-hearted jokey stuff, pearl is for actually important stuff
#flirting saga - an ongoing saga where everyone keeps flirting with my ocs. don't worry everyone is above the age of 18;;;
#plamt - my friends send my ocs plants
#canon bitches - any appearance by a canon rw character
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character tags!!
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the group oceanic
#fdm - first dewdrop of morning, fifth sunrise. the group's mechanic, and the first one to begin engaging in global comms. he/him, xe/xem and any other neos. [TH LINK]
#tsf - three small feathers in a lake of quills, also known as the sun famished. the group's doctor and self-appointed older brother, a bit of an annoyance but always means well. he/they. [TH LINK]
#bvqt - booming voice quiet temper, keeper of ten trillion beads. the second iterator made in this group, and the temporary mechanic until dew was built. enjoys a great deal of hobbies, but never seems to consider herself busy enough. ey/em (she/her OK). [TH LINK]
#rfads -
#fronds -
#wm - winter's monsoon. one of the older members, self-appointed as head of archival and conservation efforts. converted a majority of his can into a safe place for the animals that lived on the surface before it became so harsh. he/him. [TH LINK]
#upsilon / #cock - large cylindrical object with two oblong orbs, AKA countless origins, clear kin. made along with winter and is in a romantic relationship with him, he frequently makes different paints for the members of his group to use on themselves. a bit hedonistic, sometimes fails to consider others' emotions, but beneath it all is a very kind person who cares deeply about his friends and family. he/him. [TH LINK]
#goldy / #grp - a golden rock within a pebble. head of zoology since quiet stepped down. easily excitable, and because of that has negative reputation with the aquanaughts. she/her. [TH LINK]
#tablets / #tabby / #apis - an unbroken treeline surrounding the monastery of twelve or more tablets. co-head of zoology, the one who does the most field work. made the official Which Problematic Iterator Would Date You Quotev Quiz and is heading creation for the second version she/her. [TH LINK]
#gamma - sound of certain winters. not appearing here but imporant nontheless. she/her. [TH LINK]
#bobbins - Invention of Billions and Holder of Few, Bobbin-holding Seamstress of the North-East, Witness Provoked, Walking Tile, Iota of Needless Keratin. a puppet without a superstructure, made to test more versatile puppets for what later became group oceanic. was let go and aimlessly wandered for a very long time before eventually coming across a city built on an iterator. he and the iterator became friends as he lived on her superstructure amongst the ancients, being gifted many titles due to how much he gave to his community. he escaped the great ascension, fearing what might happen if he tried to join the others, and began once more to roam the land. leeching off of the communications of iterators to continue speaking to his friend, he eventually came across the group oceanic - leeching off of their comms alerted quiet, who threatened him and then offered him a place to stay. any pronouns, prefers he/him. [TH LINK]
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misc. others
#ts - thirty-seven silvers, my walking puppet / iterator sona. hes dating moonie & my partner's sona & that's kinda it for him tbh! check out my pronouny ! and here's a link to my sona list
#mc - models of clay. an old iterator whose can collapsed, sending half of it into the void sea. before that, he simply worked on the great problem, later taking care of two slugcats who stumbled across his can while trying to find a safe place to live. isn't sure how he can still access global comms. he/him. [TH LINK]
#counter - some weirdo who really, really likes garbage worms. he/they/it. [TH LINK]
#SL - from clay's group
#LIE - also from clay's group
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oceanremnants · 1 year
PRIVATE - sibbing gruopchat [Booming Voice Quiet Temper, Keeper of Ten Trillion Beads; First Dewdrop of Morning, Fifth Sunrise; Three Small Feathers in a Lake of Quills; Three Mossy Stones; UPSILON; Winter's Monsoon.]
<UPSILON> I require assistance.
<UPSILON> FTL is currently incapacitated and most likely in danger. I...
<UPSILON> I am going to help him and I would like to request one or two of you sent an overseer to accompany and assist me.
<WM> I will come wythe.
<UPSILON> Dear, the pups-
<TSF> ill watch em. i need to move anyway. and ill send an overseer.
<BVQT> I will as well. And I will request that Goldy or Tablets accompany you for safety.
<FDM> ill... send some, too.
<UPSILON> ...He would hate this.
<UPSILON> Thank you all. This.. is more than I could have ever hoped for.
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knife-anon · 6 years
“I’ve never been to Duluth I think, what’s it like there? Also, what kind of food do you cook? And do you have anything else that you like to do?” Upsilon asked random questions that came to mind, just wanting to know a little more about this guy, he was interesting and one of the first biological parents she’s met that wasn’t a dick.
He chuckled. "Cold. It can get pretty cold there, but the lakes are gorgeous. I cook all kinds of things. Minnesota staples of course. Hotdish, Juicy Lucies, I make a mean blueberry pancake. And, of course, fish is a big one. I love to fish and just be in or on the water, really. I'm sure most of Mark's memories are of being on the lake or in water or at the Fair."
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reedreadsgreek · 5 years
Luke 8:22-25
22 Ἐγένετο δὲ ἐν μιᾷ τῶν ἡμερῶν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐνέβη εἰς πλοῖον καὶ οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ καὶ εἶπεν πρὸς αὐτούς, Διέλθωμεν εἰς τὸ πέραν τῆς λίμνης, καὶ ἀνήχθησαν. 23 πλεόντων δὲ αὐτῶν ἀφύπνωσεν. καὶ κατέβη λαῖλαψ ἀνέμου εἰς τὴν λίμνην καὶ συνεπληροῦντο καὶ ἐκινδύνευον. 24 προσελθόντες δὲ διήγειραν αὐτὸν λέγοντες, Ἐπιστάτα ἐπιστάτα, ἀπολλύμεθα. ὁ δὲ διεγερθεὶς ἐπετίμησεν τῷ ἀνέμῳ καὶ τῷ κλύδωνι τοῦ ὕδατος· καὶ ἐπαύσαντο καὶ ἐγένετο γαλήνη. 25 εἶπεν δὲ αὐτοῖς, Ποῦ ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν; φοβηθέντες δὲ ἐθαύμασαν λέγοντες πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Τίς ἄρα οὗτός ἐστιν ὅτι καὶ τοῖς ἀνέμοις ἐπιτάσσει καὶ τῷ ὕδατι, καὶ ὑπακούουσιν αὐτῷ;
My translation:
22 And it happened on one of those days he got into a boat with his disciples and he said to them, “Let’s go across the lake”, and they set out. 23 And as they were sailing, he fell asleep. And a squall of wind came down onto the lake, and they were being filled up and were in danger. 24 And coming to him, they woke him, saying, “Master, master, we are perishing!” And having been woken up, he rebuked the wind and the waves of water; and they stopped and it became calm. 25 And he said to them, “Where is your faith?” And fearing, they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even the wind and the waves, and they obey him?”
EGGNT says that καὶ αὐτὸς (v. 22) is used 41 times in Luke “without special emphasis” (i.e. just “he”).
ἀνήχθησαν is from ἀνάγω, “I lead up, bring up”. In nautical context (only here and 13 times in Acts; EGGNT), it means “launched, put out to sea”.
ἀφυπνόω(v. 23), “I fall asleep”, is a NT hapax legomenon. It is from ὑπνόω (not in the NT), from which we get ‘hypnosis’ (c.f. cognate noun ὁ ὕπνος, 6x, “sleep”). Verbs beginning with upsilon do not undergo a change of the initial vowel in the past tense, thus there is no visible augment in the aorist ἀφύπνωσεν. 
λαῖλαψ ἀνέμου is literally “a whirlwind of wind”; BDAG has “a fierce gust of wind”. NIV has “squall”; ESV, “windstorm”; NASB,  “fierce gale of wind”. 
συμπληρόω, “to fill completely”, is used 3x in the NT, all by Luke; the other uses are figurative, referring to days being fulfilled.
κινδυνεύω, “I am in danger, peril”, occurs 4x in the NT, 3x by Luke. The noun ὁ κίνδυνος occurs 9x. EGGNT says the imperfects could be ingressive.
προσελθόντες (v. 24) is attendant circumstance with διήγειραν.
ἀπολλύμεθα (from ἀπόλλυμι, “I destroy”) is parsed as a middle, but it seems to function as a passive (“I am being destroyed”, i.e. “perishing”).
ὁ κλύδων, “wave, surge, billow”, occurs 2x in the NT.
ἡ γαλήνη, “calm”, occurs 3x in the NT, in each of the Synoptic Gospels versions to this account.
Φοβηθέντες (v. 25) is attendant circumstance with ἐθαύμασαν; λέγοντες is temporal-contemporaneous with it.
ἐπιτάσσω, “I command”, only occurs 10x in the NT but is worth memorizing. It is i literally “I arrange under”, i.e. command things to be put in order. ἀποτάσσομαι (“I set apart”; 6x), ὑποτάσσω (“I place under, submit”; 38x), ἀντιτάσσομαι (“I set myself against, resist”; 5x), διατάσσω (“I arrange thoroughly, appoint”; 16x), προστάσσω (“I command” (intensive); 7x), συντάσσω (“I direct, instruct”; 3x) all use the root τάσσω.
ὑπακούω, “I obey”, originally meant to respond to something like a knock on the door; ‘respond’ is close to ‘obey’.
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