#laitsu ask
Laito, what’s Natsu like in the bedroom? 👀
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Laito: “Oh, Little Bitch is something quite fun. Especially in her expressions she makes. She also can be quite noisy, and a lot of unique little sounds escape her quite often. It’s fun trying new things and discovering a new noise she makes. She’s a squirmer too, so it’s sometimes annoying having to push her back into her back or having to control one of her legs. It’s sometimes fun, but when it inconveniences me, it isn’t fun.”
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friendly-npc · 6 years
For the artist ask thing 2, 5, 6, 25, and 20 -totallynotreimuhakurei
Hmm, this first one is a bit complicated to answer. I have been drawing for a long time, due to my father majoring in art, but it didn’t go well for him due to… certain circumstances. My brother and I were interested in drawing for a long long time but I started to get a bit more serious with drawing about 6 years ago, when I doodled random things in class. After 2 years or so I started drawing more often, and seeing my brother teach himself draw and eventually becoming a pretty darn good artist, it inspired me to draw as well. Family didn’t take it well, so he drew in secret, until he became successful enough to prove his talent. Me on the other hand, I was too scared to draw by then. It eventually became something when I just doodled something once a month when I had nothing to do. But, 2 years ago I just decided that I want to actively try to improve drawing, and draw whatever I felt like or what ever came to my head. It was just last year that I got a clear stance on what I wanted to draw and that’s the whole story of how long I’ve been drawing(?)Basically, depending on how you look at it I’ve been drawing forever or for a year. I’d personally say for a year.My favorite thing to draw…Well I just like drawing in general. But if I had to choose, Laitsu.(of course)Least favorite…I don’t draw things I don’t feel like drawing? But I guess it would be things I don’t know how to draw well yet, so for now, feet.I love music, but when I concentrate on something everything becomes like white noise. I can draw in complete silence or in a crowd of people (minus the actual physical people). Although, I’d be lying if I say I didn’t like listening to music while drawing.The easiest thing for me to draw…To be honest everything is a challenge to draw for me.But the easiest would be the faces of my wonderful creations I feel bad about. Faces were something I’ve been practicing for years and I have some pages filled with only faces. Why? They’re cute.Thanks so much for asking! Feel free to ask me any questions, I love answering questions! Sorry if the first one seems too long for such a simple question though.
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40 and 26 ;3
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40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Natsu: “That’s… I have one I enjoy, but I will not say it out loud! It’s embarrassing!”
Laito: “Oh? I know that look~ Is a Little Bitch having perverted thoughts?”
Natsu: “No! They don’t need to know anything!”
Laito: -pulls out phone- “Then what are these stories you have open on your browser?”
Natsu: “Seriously, Laito… Stop this!”
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26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?
Natsu: “Laito is… Laito. I’m not really someone who wants to be ‘having fun’ as often as he is. It’s actually quite difficult I feel having to deal with the drive he has too. Some things he does are great, and I do like some of the things he randomly does, especially the back and neck massages. I just am not fond of almost every situation where he’s excited and puts it to where he does whatever. It definitely puts a larger gap in the trust I should be building for him.”
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My my~ Another Laito babysitter! Fufu~ Natsu, what does Laito when you're sick? Thank you!~
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Natsu: “Quite honest, he still pesters and annoys me. While it’s more to make me feel better, I don’t like how he holds me when I’m ill. I prefer sleeping by myself when sick. He makes it so much more uncomfortable not knowing how hot it gets when he adds to the heat of the fever I’m already dealing with!”
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6 and 33?
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06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Laito: “It’s very strange and somewhat gross… Bitch-chan happens to be obsessed with getting rid of pimples and blackheads. I’ve seen her in the bathroom for long periods of time where she’s just leaning over the sink with a metal tool in hand being scraped against her skin. While it’s fun to jump on her, this habit she has wrecks my mood if I see her doing that when I am excited.”
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33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Natsu: “Usually to the balcony or dining room. People generally don’t disturb me there since I’m working on either schoolwork or on one of my personal projects. Most have learned to leave me be as I snap when disturbed from being so focused, but some people -cough- Laito -cough- still don’t understand I need my time to get things done.”
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Amber: Hello Natsu! How did you and Laito meet? And what was about him that made you like him?
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Natsu: “We had seen each other a few times at night school before properly meeting each other. It was him that approached me as I’m not really a people person. It ended up with us just talking for a bit before he started flirting with me. And quite honestly, the flirting was nice. And back then, I liked his appearance and charisma. Now that it’s been a few weeks here I’d say that I like his company best, but only when he isn’t being a total pervert.”
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