#laito appreciation week 2021
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honeyyui · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021 - Day 3
Day 3: Which character’s dynamic with Laito is your favorite?
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everything-laito · 4 years ago
Heeeellooooo my fellow Diahell residents! I know originally, this was a month (back in 2017? 2018?) but I’ve decided to bring it back! 
If you don’t know me, hi! I’m Corn (not my real name kdasj)! I’m mainly known for my analyses about Laito on this blog. But that’s not the point! I recently hit 500 followers and it’s going to be the first year anniversary of when I started posting, so what better way to celebrate than to just share the appreciation and love we have for Laito? 
Better yet, I’m co-hosting this with two of my lovely friends, who happen to also be absolutely amazing writers (and Laito simps), @jardinsdeminuit and @hotline-to-hell If you haven’t checked them out, pleaaaase do, they’re absolutely amazing
ANYWAYS! Laito Appreciation Week will start on Sunday, May 16th, and will end on May 22nd. Please feel free to reblog and spread the message! I bet this will be lots of fun :) 
Day 1: Sunday, May 16th (we’re starting out easy):
Five things you like about Laito (and why?) If you want to do anything creative about it, feel free to do so!
Day 2: Monday, May 17th
Favorite Laito moment and or quote (CD, game, anime, etc) and why? You can also draw or write a little fan-fiction going off of it if you’d like, or a moodboard or anything else you want!
Day 3: Tuesday, May 18th
Which character’s dynamic with Laito is your favorite? You can explain why, draw it, write a little drabble on it, or all of the above (or even something else creative!
Day 4: Wednesday, May 19th
Reblog or link your favorite art of Laito (don’t repost fan art unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own art, please share! This can be official art or fan art. ***UPDATE 05/17: I REALIZE THAT WHEN YOU REBLOG WITH A TAG IT DOESNT SHOW UP WHEN I TRY TO FIND TAGS SO JUST @ ME OR MAKE A POST THAT HAS A LINK TO THE ART (however you should still reblog it to show support for the artist!!)
Day 5: Thursday, May 20th
Reblog and or link your favorite Laito fanfiction (don’t repost unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own fan fiction as well, please share! ***UPDATE 05/17: I REALIZE THAT WHEN YOU REBLOG WITH A TAG IT DOESNT SHOW UP WHEN I TRY TO FIND TAGS SO JUST @ ME OR MAKE A POST THAT HAS A LINK TO THE FANFICTION (however you should still reblog it to show support for the author!!)
Day 6: Friday, May 21st
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Laito or give you Laito vibes! (Can be happy, sad, a mixture, etc!)
Day 7: Saturday, May 22nd
Free Day! Anything else you want to share about Laito? Fanart you have or another favorite of yours? An analysis you have or a favorite of yours? Fanfiction? Moments? Songs? Want to make a mood board? Another favorite that wasn’t mentioned in this short week? 
*Rules under break in case if they change
Tag your posts with #Laito Appreciation Week 2021 ! (If you want to include the day, make it a separate tag, but at least use #Laito Appreciation Week 2021 so we can find you!)
If your post is NSFW, please tag accordingly!
Late posts are definitely ok! Feel free to get a head start on anything though, just make sure to post it during the week!
ALSO MEMES ARE 100% ALLOWED I FORGOT TO SAY THAT IN THE THEMES, they are considered as creativity and I’m a sucker (haha vampire joke) for shitposting B)
Questions? Feel free to ask any of us :)
Rules are subject to be added to until May 15th, just in case something comes up that we need to address, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up!
Gosh this event was so hard to keep under wraps, but I’m so glad I can finally say it! Have fun everyone! We can’t wait to see all of your posts! I know I’ll definitely be participating in it too :)
Feel free to tag me with a submission if you’d like too!
Have fun, go ham!
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laitoslittlemacaron · 4 years ago
Some Laito Appreciation!💚💚💚
So, What do I Love about him:
Honestly, what do i not love about him? He makes me feel so so happy, for over 6 years now. I love him from the bottom of my heart and with all my soul.♡´・ᴗ・`♡ He's so unbelievably precious, important and special to me, I really want to make him feel happy too, he deserves so so much. And I hope that someday i can find someone in real life who can give me such strong lovely feelings..
Anyways, for me, he's such a well-written, amazing and the most interesting character. He has so many layers and sides, there is so much personality and so many hidden thoughts and feelings inside him. There are so many details. So much to love. And to understand, comprehend and analyze what's going on inside his mind, not to mention just how intelligent he actually is. I cant really say what it is but there just is something about him i cant explain, which makes me just super addicted to him.
Especially his way of using and playing with words. There often is this Dark Poetic way of talking, with quite a bit of Horror in this Aesthetic way, i loveee it. Just, dark poetry, but more bloody. Cruel and twisted but still beautiful in it's own way. These specific metaphores he uses, these comparisions he makes, those references, sometimes he gets philosophical and i love a lot of the specific words he loves to use. (」゚ロ゚)」♡♡ And have a special mention for when he goes Yandere/possessive please ovo♡
But right next to his sadistic word play he can also get really romantic, not that often, but it stuns me everytime he does it. How can you make such beautiful sentences and comparings♡´・ᴗ・`♡ (And theen destroy them in the next few seconds to keep your mask x'D ) And for example the fairy tale references he sometimes makes! There are so many favourite moments i have as well!
Or when he finally opens up and not locking away his heart and feelings anymore, which takes so much time and work, how truly and genuine he means his love then..o(╥﹏╥)o❤ And how, Protective, he is then!!💕 and how he is able to handle serious and dangerous situations(to protect you..)!! Its so amazing. also oml his "ideas" and date ideas,, owo And I love how sensual he is and what he does and likes to do (okay most of it XD boi can be psycho) , you would'nt believe me how fast i get hug starved, i think i would have died by now if i didnt have all this cuddle stuff of him XD And hell yesss to when he calls you a princess and carries you like one!♡♡♡
Also he's the one you can have the most fun with and do the most stupid things with. Just think back to the halloween cd for example xD Or the make-up cd! (And pranks pff) He's pretty often the only one or one the few who's up for fun stuff, or how he was the one who planned your birthday party while trying to convince all the other ones:'3 Oh to go over a fun fair with him or to my favourite theme park qwq❤ He also can be sooooo adorable sometimes i cant even.. And he makes me laugh so much! He can be so funny. This also includes some of his ideas(and being fully confident in them) (its also stuff like him calling himself a gentlemen which cracks me up; or him being whiny for attention or pretending to be sick)..x"D Especially in scenarios with his brothers, oof i cant. Also him, teasing, his brothers, for example putting a bow into Subarus hair?? omygod.. And then other times he plays the big bro.. :') or sometimes plays the little brother, making them feel horrified xD
Ah andddd i can take PuriKuras with him!! That was way too cute (╥_╥)♡ And i can drag him with me on every rollercoaster!! hehehe ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ ♡♡ Aand into every cute cafe as well since he enjoys them as much as I do! He can also dance the waltz 🥹💖💖
Can we also please appreciate his voice?? It's so smooth and absolutely beautiful. Thank you for making me feel happy, making me laugh, calming me and making me nervous as frick, strongly giving me the doki-doki's, goosebumps and many many heart attacks. (and for the Voice Drops!!!♡♡ hehehe ovo and these dangerous sounding breath-ins (???idk what to call it but i luv) ah and the little giggles x'D) also wtf hirarin how are u so good at this, like, way too good,, ??¿ ?????
I also want to mention that his eye colour (Green-Turquoise, "Viridian") is exactly!! my favourite colour (◍•ᴗ•◍)💚 also goddamn, his beautiful eyes. Way too pretty, with that gaze in them. And he rly does have style👀 And oof his beautiful autumn coloured hair. i want to run my fingers through it and make him a ponytail. Maybe braid it a bit or give him twin tails for fun👀 Ah i know he doesnt play it very often but i lovee the sound of Piano, so when he does i would love to just listen to him play♡´・ᴗ・`♡ And i reallyy reallyyy want to give him a smooch on his cute birthmark 👀❤
What also makes me happy is that he loooves Macarons! They're my favourite thing to bake and ive gotten really good at them (´∀`)♡ I would love to bake them for him whenever he asks for, and whatever flavour he wants ♡´・ᴗ・`♡💚 And I want to take him with me to my favourite Patisserie!
Okay i think that's enough for now😂💚 I tried to keep it short xD there are quite a few things im too embarassed to admit lmao but in conclusion; Laito I love you so goddamn much, I'm going to explode. 🥺👉👈💚
//I know today is favourite moment/quote day but there is way way too much i dont want to spam whole games and cds😭😂💕/
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 7: Free Day! Anything else you want to share about Laito? Fanart you have or another favorite of yours? An analysis you have or a favorite of yours? Fanfiction? Moments? Songs? Want to make a mood board? Another favorite that wasn’t mentioned in this short week? 
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Who allowed him to be so hot ???? 😤😩
I'm tagging you lovely people on this fine last day of Laito week bc I'm delivering
@everything-laito @jardinsdeminuit @hotline-to-hell
Thanks again for having me, and please, look forward for the art stuff I'll definitely be bringing in the future for y'all hearts!
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Prompt: Favorite Laito moment and or quote (CD, game, anime, etc) and why? You can also draw or write a little fan-fiction going off of it if you’d like, or a moodboard or anything else you want!
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I have said it before and I will say it again, but Laito’s ZERO CD is an absolute masterpiece in my eyes. It was the first ZERO CD I ever listened to & translated to the plot was still unspoiled for me at that point, which definitely added to the experience as well. 
However, even if I had known the basic storyline beforehand, I still believe it is the strongest CD within the series because it ties in so well with Laito’s personal trauma and character growth.
10/10 would recommend even if you are not a Laito stan. (Heck, I don’t consider myself a Laito stan but I enjoyed that CD so much)
You can read my full translation of the CD over here.
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unsharpened-dagger · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week: Day 1
-Five things you like about Laito (and why?) If you want to do anything creative about it, feel free to do so!
Oh my god, just F I V E? There's an infinite list for why I love this man I'm 😭
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Alright, I guess I'll start off simple.
I know this is really obvious 😁 but can we take a moment to talk about how GORGEOUS this man is??? His eyes are so majestic and such a pretty shade of green, so pretty and i just cojrldkdkdmn could stare at them all day. His hair deadass looks so fluffy and so relaxing to comb your fingers in! I've seen his underwear picture 👀 and I KNOW THIS BOY GOT A GOOD PACK OF ABS!! Even though his underwear is cursed I still love it 😭😭 BUT I AM SO PISSED REJET DID HIM NASTY WITH HIS SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOES WTF 😭😭
No but istg I love how in so many situations he's the comic relief with his remarks, and I love how he also has a habit of picking and teasing his brothers 😭🥺 Like some stuff he says is sometimes so shocking that it completely puts off all the brothers and I love it BAHSHSHSH 😭💖 And I also just find it so hilarious and so adorable that his hobbies are doing crossword puzzles, playing darts, etc etc, and how he apparently has a whole closet full of women's clothes like STOP UR HILARIOUS AND ADORABLE🗿
Yes, the Sakamakis despise each other, yes, the triplets have a weird relationship with each other, but I love how Laito has his moments where he truly acts like an older brother to them, it's just so wholesome 🥺💓 Well, most advice he gives them is... 🗿. But still, I love how he sometimes pesters them but disguises it as some big bro advice just 😭😭💖💓💖💓💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓❤️
Ho boy, where do I even start with this one? I just love how balanced everything is. He can be hilarious and adorable, but at the same time be terrifying and low-key disturbing. I love his sadism, the tactics he uses on his victims, how he uses their fears to break them down. He is literally a master at this entire thing, and I also love how he can also do this without necessarily having voice drops and being all terrifying. But I also love the occasional funny and fluffy moments he has! Aside from this, I also love exploring his own psychology. How hurt he is from his traumas, how he copes with them, interesting information and the little things that he does that we miss, but how they actually, indirectly explain so much stuff. He is so complex, yet once you start figuring him out, you can't help but fall so in love with him.
NAAH Y'ALL DIDN'T THINK THE ULTIMATE SIMP WOULDN'T MENTION THIS RIGHT??? But yes, I absolutely love his voice. How terrifying and chilling the voice drops are, and how song like his voice is at the same time. It just fits so well with his personality, I don't think anyone could EVER nail his voice as good as Daisuke Hirakawa. Rejet did a wonderful job picking him as Laito's voice actor. And not saying I'm a pervert but I've also listened to Laito's moans and as you would expect my life has changed drastically since then 😩🥵
Point is, he is so perfect with everything, with his appearance, actions, quirks, personality and psychology and he's deadass such a fun and interesting character, arguably the most complex DL character.
And now, to finish off, here are some emojis that reminds me of Laito.
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honeyyui · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021 - Day 1
This prompt is so simple, but has so much potential! 
Everything will be under the cut.
✧༺♥༻∞ 5 things I like about Laito  ∞༺♥༻✧
1. His manner of speech! It’s what really drew me to him the most initially - he’s sly, cunning and charming. The perfect haughty and manipulative bastard. I love how he has such a fluid way with words. He uses lots of surprisingly beautiful metaphors and allegories in his speech along w his double entendres hahah.
2. Building off of that last point: His voice! I feel like most people will mention this one, but it’s impossible not to. It’s so smooth and it gives me chills! Esp when he switches from his “facade” voice to when he gets TRULY angry (like in HDB Maniac 7). Daisuke Hirakawa is insanely skilled, and his VA talent fits Laito perfectly. 
3. More specifically, I like his laugh!  His lil laughs and sighs are mesmerizing oh my gosh;; and you can tell that there is a lot hidden behind them.
4. This is less about Laito himself and more about how his character was written, but I love how his trauma is portrayed very accurately. I don’t want to ramble too much and a lot of the things I’d have to say have already been said by the creator of this lovely week, but I was genuinely blown away by his lore in HDB. I am so impressed with the way they show how the abuse he suffered affects his actions and emotions - and it truly shows that abuse is cyclical. It’s a raw, uncomfortable way of showing what it does to a person. I feel like trauma victims who become hypersexual don’t really get enough rep in media, and I feel like the writers were seriously ahead of their time with some of what they did.
5. This point is underwhelming and way less serious compared to the last one, but I like his eyes. They’re very beautiful and striking.
The prompt also mention you can do something creative - so  I’ll add a little doodle I drew a while ago. My art is usually a lot cleaner than this I apologize jdjkshfksh
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Really looking forward to the rest of this week!! I’m a little busy with life things, but I’ll try my best to keep up! I can’t wait to see other people’s submissions too.
Making a blog for this fandom just in time for an appreciation week for my fav? The stars must have aligned perfectly (´∀`) 
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everything-laito · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week Day 2: Favorite Laito moment and or quote (CD, game, anime, etc) and why?
Honestly one of my favorite Laito moments have to be him taking out the closet full of women’s clothing in Trick or Vampire, and him dressing up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Makes me so happy every time. 
Someone also mentioned that their favorite Laito quote was one of the ones in his Maniac 03 chapter in HDB, and honestly that’s one of my favorite Laito quotes too. However, I did already make a post on it, so for this one I’ll choose another great one. But god, it’s so hard to choose! Many people choose the “have you ever loved someone so much you hated them?” quote too, which I also have kind of analyzed before here kdlsfj so ima choose another one from that one as well. 
From his vampire ending in Dark Fate, he’s just being a little cheesy and poetic and I love it a lot. 
Laito: I got tired of wandering around thorn forest. I tried to forget pain by erasing my heart. Laito: However cute princess who got lost in that forest… helped me remembering it again. Laito: Feelings you taught me are… eternal. Yui: Yes… Laito: My heart alone is certainly only mine. And things my heart desires are… Laito: The only truth for me…
I just love him and Yui so much, sue me I stg. Laito realizing all this makes me fucking cry and I love Dark Fate so much, he’s given such beautiful character development that doesn’t seem rushed at all. Him realizing that he has agency over himself and that he doesn’t need to be connected with Cordelia at all anymore is absolutely beautiful. Him peaking through his mask just,,, god makes me so proud of this boy I stg. 
Another quote/moment that makes me kinda facepalm is this one from his HDB Dark Prologue:
“Just give up already~ You’ve already opened up a forbidden door by choosing me after all.”
In the Dark chapters he foreshadows the entire route but I love how cryptic he is because it’s just,,, it’s so well done that you can’t really decrypt what he’s going to do.
This one’s also a personal favorite of mine from his HDB route:
Laito: I’ve been telling you countless of times, haven’t I? There’s no need to hide. Why do you hold back so much against people like us who are basically the embodiment of desire? …Just let go of it…Your ideals. Morals are bullshit anyway. God does not exist. There’s no need to listen to the rules. In the end, that’s all just an illusion…Just a bunch of nonsense invented by you humans.
Love how he can just spark a philosophical conversation like goddamb. I won’t really develop on it cuz I know it kinda can come close to offending people but I just love how poetic it is and kinda how it’s weaved in there. But yikes the context of this is just sooooo creepy. I know I seem like an edgy 14 year old by having this as a quote but I freaking love it cuz it kinda brain blasts you. 
This man constantly gives me brain blasts, I just love him so much, that's the tweet
Anyways I'm so glad you guys are having fun with this week!!! I know I haven't drawn anything yet, that’ll be for later :)
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 4: Reblog or link your favorite art of Laito (don’t repost fan art unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own art, please share! This can be official art or fan art.
I’m once again bringing back @ausd​’s old art and this magnificent work they’ve done 3 years ago, I think this art depicts all the power that scene holds.
I should be talking about Laito but as someone still figuring out the art content I’ll be bringing the fandom I can’t let the opportunity pass to thank the people that played a big role and motivated me to post my art as well.
And by that I mean, again, @ausd, @adorblegirl-blog and @linchu. I know there’s a lot of other amazing artists out there that I’ve not really interacted so far but I’ll be stalking eveyone so just you wait
It’s kinda weird for me to say that now since I’ve been here for such a short period of time but yeah, thanks for having me so far!
I can’t of course not mention @everything-laito (she draws too so it counts) that has been helping me SO MUCH for the past few days, so this one is for you: 
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(ps: I’ll post the full pic on day seven, there’s much more to it)
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unsharpened-dagger · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week: Day 2
-Favorite Laito moment and or quote (CD, game, anime, etc) and why? You can also draw or write a little fan-fiction going off of it if you’d like, or a moodboard or anything else you want!
Tbh, my favorite Laito quote is in the anime from episode 6, where he tells Yui:
"Do you know how it feels to love someone so much that you hate them?"
To me, this quote perfectly portrays the feelings he has towards Cordelia. Just my personal opinion:
Cordelia taught Laito that this is what love is, and Laito fools himself into believing he loves Cordelia, but because he hates the abuse, he feels that he loves Cordelia so much that he hates her. This quote at first confused me when I didn't know much about him, but now I understand.
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everything-laito · 4 years ago
Top 5 things you love about Laito owo
Ok this was something from January that I was like “god I have no idea, Tsuki how dare you make me choose” and so to force myself to come to an answer, I made it the first theme of Laito Appreciation Week. So hitting two birds with one stone here!
Laito Appreciation Week 2021: 5 Things you like about Laito and why?
1. This man’s character is one of the most deep and complex ones I’ve ever had the pleasure to come across. Hence why this blog is tHICC, but so is his development. He’s such a layered character and you can tell that the writers do love him given the development and good writing he constantly gets (on average) like goddamb. He still boggles my mind sometimes and I love learning new things about his character that link to other things about him too. He’s just such an interesting character.
2. His voice. No cap, Daisuke Hirakawa does so well with his character, from voice drops to subtle tonal changes, just all of it. We all know that voice drops just kill all of us, but I also wanna admit the parts where he just becomes so excited *cough* aroused *cough* where he talks rly fast and that just—😳 but even his lil laughs and all the rest of his voice work add to his character so much. You can tell when his facade is breaking or when something goes a different direction than he planned. It’s amazing.
3. THIS MAN IS SO BIG BRAINED. I know I’ve made countless posts on this but I can’t stress enough of how massive this man’s noggin is. Carla even comments on it and I still freaking love that. The fact that he has logic and part of the human condition down to a T terrifies me but intrigues me. In HDB he knows Yui’s steps, and sure watching her helps but he still knows and plans everything. He’s able to easily read people (most of the time) and he’s incredibly cunning. Just,,,, I love him.
4. I love his little quirks. I don’t mean uwu quirky, I’m talking about the fact that he does crossword puzzles as a hobby as well as having an entire closet full of women’s clothes that he wears, and just,,,, the fact that he never saw an apron in his life until Yui wore one will still make me laugh. I love it. I love it so much. Idk why the other ones are escaping me but I know that there’s more little other things that he does that seem out of character but rly aren’t. His billiards and darts and chess hobbies also are very cute. Idk if this goes into this category but I love how much he trolls everyone, it’s absolutely hilarious and I can’t get enough of it. He’s so freaking funny.
5. Yeah he’s also very attractive and I’m a sapphic hoe sure I didn’t know I was a lesbian until relatively recently but wow he’s hot as hell and I know I’m never really horny on main on this blog but DAMN. I love his masochistic side and just,,,, damn dude the shit he says sometimes,,, o////o I wasn’t gonna go full simp mode till the end here cuz I know I wouldn’t love Laito nearly as much if it weren’t for the other qualities. But yes he’s v pretty like damn have you seen those eyes? Also stealing from Griddy here but,,,, bro he plays piano 👀 that’s all I gotta say
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 2: Favorite Laito moment and or quote (CD, game, anime, etc) and why? You can also draw or write a little fan-fiction going off of it if you’d like, or a moodboard or anything else you want!
(Sorry, I'm too early, I miss-clicked and posted on accident I'm a fool💀)
Some (possibly cringy and) probably biased depictions of my experience with hdb under the cut:
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           Now...I know this might sound cliche but my favorite quote is that standard Laito quote he says in the anime because to me it's just perfect, for me it sumarizes the whole Laito Sakamaki experience:
           "Do you know how it feels to love someone so much that you hate them?"
           The Laito Sakamaki experience for me might be kind of expecific or simply standard and I'm just unaware lol, but like, it's not that deep, it's just that, when watching the anime (at 13 years old) I could feel the bitter feeling of betrayal knowing he had a lover (before I realized this person was Cordelia) (because yeah I'm that bitch that gets attatched to the character that seems to truly have feelings for the protag). Now, about his HDB route, there were some moments I know we would just fight. Okay, what I'm trying to say is that I could feel very vividly all the mixed feelings, all the joy of his loving moments, all the fun of his funny moments and all the loving to hate his bullshit moments.
           So yeah....the complete Laito Sakamaki experience in my opinion is this mixed feeling where you're tempted to actually believe his words, do as he says, just to figure out later on that his intentions are all hidden deep within. It's the feeling of wanting so damn hard to believe that your own true feelings for him are loving and positive and that you don't want to reject him anymore but them hating the fact that his loving behaviour is not very genuinely loving. Now, you can tell I tend to project myself in other people's shoes (in this case, in Yui's) - because I can relate to every animated and inanimated object on Earth -, and that's actually how I experienced the game, so yeah, I just really love to indulge in that kind of fantasy scenario, I know he's dark and twisted, thinking about this is extremely interesting to me, even though I've never truly met someone going through/or that has been through his trauma.
           In conclusion, the "love and hate someone" phrase speaks to me on a different level because that's my experience with his charater. BUT ALSO, the idea os opposites it portrays is deeply important to me as a person. I've always had the idea of opposites - angels and demons, light and dark, virtue and vice - being expressely represented in most of my art (art that I've not posted here yet).
Also, here’s a “laito in a nutshell” chibi I did right after playing his route:
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Lol I was actually so mad at him during some scenes X’D I can’t really remember which ones though but I hope this image is enough self explanatory.
Yeah, thank you Laito for the great experience, I actually know now how it feels to love someone so much that you hate them. Or to hate someone so much that you love them?
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 5: Reblog and or link your favorite Laito fanfiction (don’t repost unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own fan fiction as well, please share! 
I couldn’t find the fanfic I wanted to link, I lost it :,0
I can't find it again to save my life so I'll briefly describe it, so if anyone knows the author and/or the source, please inform me, I'll definitely credit them, it was from ao3 (I will do some research there again so I can credit them, maybe they deleted the fic :,/)
The fic started with kid Laito (I mean they were younger but not necessarily children) playing the piano on his own (he was probably practicing).
Suddenly he notices a presence hidden outside the room. (All of this is happening at night)
He then manages to hear a short sniff.
I think he immediately recognized who the sniff belonged to because he then starts playing the piano again, but only this time the melody was sweeter and happier.
The hidden person was Subaru, he couldn’t sleep, he was having some bad nightmares.
Laito motions for his younger brother to come closer and listen to the song. OH I REMEMBER LAITO THINKING SOMETHING about Subaru's mother being the reason why he couldn’t sleep/had nightmares.
Subaru was kinda reluctant at first, but he had bloodshot eyes from crying previously. So he slowly accepts his brother’s company and rests while listening to his sweet melody.
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 3: Which character’s dynamic with Laito is your favorite? You can explain why, draw it- - -
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Guess who took longer than they should to pick a scene for today’s theme?
Since I either go big or go home I’ll have to skip today and finish what I started with better quality
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Here, have a WIP: (spoiler: it’s a scene from More Blood, can you guess which one is it?):
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novampirebrainrot · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021
Day 1: Five things you like about Laito (and why?) If you want to do anything creative about it, feel free to do so!
okay let’s do this,, 
His beauty mark, because I'd kiss it;
the haircut, because it's super satisfying to draw;
the fact that I feel like we could get along so fucking well only for me to feel like throwing fists at him the next second (this is very abstract and I know it but I can't elaborate much more about what kind of interaction I'd have with him, at least not right now XD);
 the fact that he could - quite literally - be able to succesfully manipulate me (and I'd probably allow it);
 the fact that he's simply such an interesting character.
I wrote this down last monday, and decided to not elaborate much and leave it as it is, I’ve seen some traits of his that people also listed as their top 5 (especially yours, @everything-laito​ and yeah this was meant to be easy but it kinda wasn’t X’D)
The thing is that my list is kinda subjective and much more focused on my own experience with him because,,,,,, this man went on a full character arc inside my head throughout the years I wish it was a joke but it’s not and what I mean by character arc is in regards of what kind of meaning he had for me throughout the years.
I kinda feel like when I say “I can’t elaborate” is that I don’t want to surpass any possible word limit a tumblr post should have, because I pretty much can elaborate on it lol
But yeah this is all I got for day one for dear Laito
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some more words under the cut:
My friend’s favorite diabolik lover’s character is Laito and we both loved creating romantic scenarios with him and some other charaters (not his brothers) it was super fun because Laito have so many interesting interections with so many other characters. We both were just like, creating a much more developed interaction that could have happened with the others that (in our opinion) would be so nice if happened even though, in some cases, nothing happened as closely related as what we were creating.
Anyways I don’t mean to bring my sorry ass today feeling regretful or anything for not actually being a part of this community way sooner, even though that’s what I’d wish for :,)
And I know I shouldn’t feel like this, I bet Laito would say something like “Nfu~ I knew you would sooner or later sink yourself knee-deep inside diahell, Bitch-chan~.”
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honeyyui · 4 years ago
Laito Appreciation Week 2021 - Day 7
✧༺♥༻∞  The final day is here!! It feels like this whole week went by so fast.  ∞༺♥༻
To end things off, I wrote a fic! This is the first DiaLovers work I’ve ever done (and I’m still a bit of a newbie to publishing my writing online in general), so I’m kinda nervous but I hope you all enjoy! 
I put it on AO3, and it can be found linked here.
This story is about Laito and Yui’s relationship. Be warned though, it isn’t meant to be happy, and it contains some potentially upsetting themes. Be safe! 
Thank you so much @everything-laito for hosting this event. I had such a great time participating.
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✧༺♥༻∞  If you don’t want to use AO3 for some reason, I’ll also put the fic below the cut of this post for accessibility's sake. It might be a little cumbersome to read on here, though.  ∞༺♥༻
From a young age, Yui Komori already had a vague idea of what “love” was supposed to be.
She slowly picked things up here and there - from books where at the end of the story, the hero saves the damsel in distress, from songs on the radio filled with longing and sweet poetry. As she grew older, she learned of love from giddy classmates; girls gushing about their very own prince charming who would ride in on a white horse. They whispered of heartfelt handwritten notes and soft shoulder touches. Young. Innocent. Hopeful.
But most importantly, she learned of love from her father. He would tell her the same thing over and over.
Wait until you grow older. Meet a nice, upstanding Christian man at church. Wear a white dress. Get married. Raise a family. Be a homemaker. You will live the perfect life.
Every night in bed she’d get lost in thought. She’d created an idealized image of this elusive lover in her mind, falling asleep to the idea of a peaceful, pious life in the idyllic countryside.
Now, she had long since lost the ability to picture it.
Yui sat cradling him, panting and heaving. Streams of moonlight poured through the church’s stained glass and illuminated their bodies, which were covered in an intermingling sheen of sweat.
Through her desperate sighs, she spoke.
“This isn’t what I imagined.”
“Imagined?” Laito asked with a smile. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s not...what my father told me.” Yui still breathed heavily, her pale, quivering chest rising in a slow and painful rhythm.
He waited patiently for her to continue.
“Told you about what…?” Laito prodded at her with his words, as though looking to coax out any stray emotions bottled up inside. He cocked his head to the side inquisitively.
“He abandoned you.” Said Laito, stroking Yui’s now-messy hair. He brushed away a few slick strands that still stuck to her forehead, and tilted her head up by her chin so he could stare into her eyes. “What could he ever understand about love, hmm?”
“But-” Yui stuttered.
“I thought we were past this.” Laito’s spoke, his voice low and flat. He narrowed his eyes, and his grip on Yui’s face grew tighter.
She felt her breath catch in her throat. “I...I know. I’m sorry.” She gulped, repeating it once more for good measure. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okaayy, I’ll accept your apology...” Laito cooed, delicately trailing his fingers from her jawline to her neck, and then along her collarbone.
Yui breathed a sigh of relief.
“...If we continue.” Commanded Laito, pressing his fingertip into the divot at the base of her neck.
“More?” she said, shocked. Whining in dismay, she slumped forward, desperately reaching for a warmth that was not there.. “I’m so tired...I can’t…” She hardly had the strength to raise her hand to meet his. “You took so much… and it’s been hours…”
“Ah ah~” “Don’t you remember our vows?”
She felt his expression turn dark - his gaze boring into her core. Yui squeezed her eyes shut, and as she did she felt Laito yank her body forward and pull her in painfully tight. He held her so close that she could feel his breath against her ear. She felt as though she was suffocating; the smell of blood and sweat filling her mouth and nose and stretching its violent tendrils down her throat.
“Don’t you love me?’
His fingernails dug roughly into her shoulders; angry half-moon divots pressing themselves into her flesh.
“I...I do.”
“Good.” Said Laito. He ran his hands over her shoulders, tracing circles along her all the way down to her exposed chest, which was peppered with puncture wounds and bruises that bloomed in unsightly colors. “I love you. I love you.” He chanted softly, repeating it like a mantra. Deft fingertips explored Yui’s body with reckless abandon, poking at fading welts and prodding at old scars. He pinched her soft skin, eliciting the same reactions as he had time and time again without fail. Her body was a record for him to rewind and replay as he pleased. “I love you.” He whispered again, as if trying to convince not only Yui - but himself as well - that it was the truth.
Before she knew it, Yui’s body hit the floor as she was roughly shoved down.
She stared up at the church’s ceiling - a tall peak surrounded by walls filled with ornate stained glass and beautiful murals. Splitting into fragments, the bright moonlight still filtered through the intricate pattern and dizzying mixture of colors, dying itself ethereal hues. The light’s reflection bathed the floor in a deep blue glow, faintly creating the illusion that it was a vast ocean, threatening to swallow her up at a moment's notice.
Above the windows, she could see a weathering and faded painting of the sky. Billowy white clouds spiraled around and around, and cherubs and angels flew up towards the sun; hands outstretched gracefully, accompanying God at a golden throne and the grand gates to heaven.
It looked impossibly high from where she lay.
As Laito lifted her legs to her chest and pushed her down deep into that endless ocean of blue, she let herself become lost in thought.
Every day was similar. First thing after he’d wake up, he’d be all over her - in bed, In the shower, in the garden, anywhere. Anywhere and everywhere, any time he wanted. She’d obey his wordless instructions, melting into his carefully calculated touches and strokes. When he did speak, she let the praise and degradation blend together into a sickening mixture until her head went numb and she took it all in - fully and without inhibition. The crippling shame came later, though by now she’d long learned to bury it.
He’d tease her mercilessly, then fall silent when he’d had his fill.
One time, she begged for a kiss. A real kiss, not just one meant to satiate her complaints, or one that served to pacify and mystify her; not one that led to anything else, not one meant to be a formality that preceded torn skirts and trembling legs. The most she got was a quick peck on the forehead.
She learned to live with it. After all, this was what love was, right? Who was she to dictate the way he showed his love?
I have no right, she thought once, massaging her aching muscles and wiping still-damp tears from her face, to pass judgement on others.
When they loved, she’d get lost in the ache of his nails and fangs, and she’d scream until her throat went raw. It didn’t matter that she hardly got a moment alone - it served to help quell the feelings inside: the fear that someone else would rise to the surface and claim her mind when she was caught alone and vulnerable. At least he kept her occupied. Satiated. When she felt the pain of his love she felt something that uniquely belonged to her. She took the pain and became it.
Laito’s sharp, quick thrusts snapped her back to reality. She attempted to steady herself by pushing her arms into the floor, but her vision swam and she shuddered vigorously. Was it the anemia? Her heart? She no longer knew. Her body felt alien.
This is love. She told herself, his one hand around her neck and the other creeping its way to her mouth.
Before she could fully realize it, she felt a hot tear run down her cheek and spill on to the floor. Then came another. And another. By the time they had started, stopping them was futile. She moaned through her choked sobs.
“Why are you crying?” said Laito. “Wait, don’t tell me - you’re feeling sentimental about joining our bodies again in the place we married? In the place where you had your first?” He eased his grip on her and removed his fingers from her mouth, instead opting to drag them though her still-falling tears. He licked his pointer finger languidly.
“I DON'T KNOW!” Yui wailed. “I don’t know..”
He stopped moving, and stared down at Yui with hawkish eyes. “...You aren’t worried about God, are you?” Laito smirked, failing to suppress his amusement.
Yui smiled through her tears. “No... because I think he stopped watching over me long ago.”
Eventually, the moonlight faded and dawn crawled out to take its place. Fresh sunlight trickled through the glass and warmed the still, silent air. Yui had long since passed out, curled up in a limp heap on the floor next to her wrinkled clothing.
“Bitch-Chan,” Laito whispered, gazing at her sleeping body. “We’re going to have to go home eventually…”
Kneeling down to pick up her uniform, he dressed her, careful not to jostle her awake. He haphazardly tossed her skirt on - not bothering to zip it - and let her blouse bunch around her neck like an odd-looking scarf. He forwent her bra, socks and underwear - slipping the very latter into his pants pocket. Slowly, he slid out of his uniform jacket and placed it around her shoulders as a covering.
On the floor beneath where her clothes had been, sat a lonely rosary.
He watched her chest rise and fall softly a few more times before gingerly lifting her up onto his back. His calm footsteps echoed throughout the church.
Yui groggily woke to soft, rhythmic movements and the feeling of something fluffy behind her neck. Still half-asleep, she relished in the soft, warm feeling and listened mindlessly to the tempo of her own drowsy sighs.
“Eh? You’re stirring now?” said Laito.
In her state, she could hardly find the words to respond to him. She still wasn’t cognisant of much around her.
On vague instinct, she moved one hand to reach for her skirt pocket. Something wasn’t right.
“I think…” mumbled Yui. “I forgot something.”
“Really now?”
“I can’t remember…” she drawled.
Laito soothed her with a gentle “Go back to sleep. We’re almost home.”
Well, whatever it is, thought Yui.
If I forgot it, then it probably wasn’t that important.
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