meluisart · 3 months
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Sketch of Lairre and her hypothetical dog, affectionately named Shuck after Black Shuck/Old Shuck. He's a completely normal good boy, it's just that his owner is a ghost with a penchant for East Anglian mythology and folklore.
I hc she acquired him on accident, as in... he followed her home and she couldn't say no. He's a bit sassy and has opinions, but he'll follow Lairre left and right and isn't shy of accidentally bumping her over in his excitement.
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savycon63 · 6 months
@meluisart. Parker/Lairre #97 please
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marylairre · 8 months
Lairre versus the rest
I've been meaning to make this post for a while. Which characters in the Pleasant Green Universe are Lairre? And which are not? Let's mess about and find out. I'm using a pros and cons system here, pros being arguments for the character in question being Lairre, cons being arguments against the character in question being Lairre.
Small disclaimer, I'm writing this at work and only have my brain and the wiki page to rely on. If there's anything I've missed, feel free to reblog and comment! Also, keep in mind this started out as a joke that came forth out of the 'what if all Nicola Walker characters are Lairre' meme! With most of these characters, I'm not too serious, but I still wanted to include them all.
Mrs. Wilson (Fragments)
Pro: Mythos reveals Lairre had innate knowledge of Pleasant Green while not having been involved in the operation (as far as we know). Either her clearance level is high enough, or she's (temporarily) lived there.
Con: Mrs. Wilson is married and has a daughter and a son, the latter of the two being enrolled at the University of Aberdeen. It is unlikely a cover personality would go this deep for this long.
Con: Mrs. Wilson presumably disappeared when all of Pleasant Green did. If not, she is likely the housekeeper Kennedy Fisher mentions in The Haunter of the Dark.
Verdict: it is unlikely that Mrs. Wilson is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Dr. Annika Gruber (The Listener)
Pro: Her work involves memory related tasks, including but not limited to alteration, removal and replacement of existing memories in people - this is always something that is worth noting when it comes to this universe.
Con: She seems to hold down a stable job where she is essential and needed. The impression is that she's been in the job for a longer period of time.
Verdict: while it is up in the air and could hypothetically go both ways, it is unlikely that Dr. Gruber is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Rachel Weir (Bad Memories)
Con: Rachel meets her untimely end at the Blake House, and turns out to be the fifth body found years after the original disappearances.
Verdict: it is not possible that Rachel is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Bisa (Bad Memories)
Con: Bisa is alive and well after having left Blake House, and presumably lived to old age.
Verdict: it is unlikely that Bisa is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Alice Price (Kokomo)
Pro: Alice has a willingness to abandon protocol and bend the rules when she wants so long as it benefits the case. These are traits that Lairre is also prone to.
Con: Has a long history when it comes to police/detective work and now works for the CTU as a negotiator.
Con: Canonically has a father, who we hear her speak to at the start of the episode. Lairre, according to her folklore, came to England without family.
Con: Kokomo as a story seems unconnected/separate from the rest. The would-be lasting impact of the Kokomo virus seems to have had no repercussions or impact on the PGU as a whole.
Verdict: it is unlikely that Alice Price is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Dr. Fallon (Fugue State)
Pro: Mythos reveals Lairre had innate knowledge of Pleasant Green while not having been involved in the operation (as far as we know). Either her clearance level is high enough, or she gained this knowledge under cover.
Con: Johnson is there, who is Lairre's boss. If this was Lairre undercover, he would very likely know.
Con: Dr. Fallon falls into a fugue state and lives on as a non-corporeal consciousness. This was presumably incurable. The episode takes place a year before Mythos does, and thus conflicts with Lairre's personal timeline.
Verdict: it is not possible that Dr. Fallon is a cover personality of Lairre's.
Mary Lairre (Mythos)
Verdict: this is the original deal, what more do you want me to say? She is the nun, the myth, the legend.
Dr. Eleanor Peck (The Lovecraft Investigations / Who is Aldrich Kemp?)
Verdict: it was canonically confirmed in episode 10 of The Haunter of the Dark, after many hints throughout the previous series, that Dr. Eleanor Peck is an alternate personality of Lairre's.
Mrs. Alice Boone (Aldrich Kemp series)
Pro: The top layer of her mind is medieval, a fact that characters like Clara Page put too much emphasis on to be random.
Pro: She seems somewhat indestructible for a mortal woman. She's been injured on several occasions, including getting hit by a car and getting thrown through a shop window on impact. She got off suspiciously well, without lasting injuries.
Con: Mrs. Boone has an extensive history, including having been an Olympic Gold medalist in Seoul in 1988. We don't currently know how far cover personalities or kaleidoscope memories go and how much can be implanted, such as enough knowledge of fencing to win a gold medal in it. This con is tentative.
Con: Mrs. Boone has a long and extensive history with the Themis Group, and Aunt Lilly has a great knowledge of her past. It is doubtful this is false.
Con: Mrs. Boone has listened to and is a fan of The Mystery Machine podcast, something which Dr. Eleanor Peck is heavily involved in. She cannot be in two places at the same time.
Verdict: it is highly unlikely that Mrs. Boone is a cover personality of Lairre's.
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pers-books · 2 years
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Julian Simpson’s made the rest of the Mythos trilogy of audio dramas featuring Nicola Walker as Mary Lairre available on his website!
And if you want more audios from Julian featuring Nicola in the ‘Pleasant Green universe’, you can find them here!
Do you ears a favour and go give them a listen!!
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maypoleman1 · 7 months
27th February
The Ghost of Marie Lairre
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Marie Lairre by Aiko Takada. Source: Deviant Art
Marie Lairre was a French nun who walled up in Borley in Essex after an illicit affair with a monk. The hideous nature of the young woman’s death seemed to lead to a frenetic and generations-long period of haunting. Marie was frequently seen on the streets of Borley village over the centuries until 1863, when the Reverend HD Bull built Borley Rectory and she transferred her place of residence there. She took to gazing at the vicar through an open window and Bull responded by bricking it up. This kept Marie quiet until the Rectory passed to the Reverend Bull’s son Harry, which provoked a major upping of the supernatural ante with ghostly coaches hurtling through the house and Marie herself frequently spotted replete with mournful, gaping-mouthed expression. She also became more violent, hurling a candlestick at a new rector in 1929, forcing him to flee the building.
On this day in 1939, a blaze took hold of the rectory, burning it to the ground. As the building burned, the ghostly figure of Marie could be seen at a first floor window, gazing out impassively as the flames danced around her. As revealed at a seance the previous year, the wreckage of the house enabled the discovery of Marie’s bones, which were promptly given a Christian burial. Unfortunately this did not placate wandering Marie who continues to roam the roads of Borley to this day.
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farminglesbian · 1 year
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swnamii · 2 years
relistening to the pleasant green universe audios (and actually in order as well, which is a first), and it's just. so good? like it's genuinely mad how few people seem to know about it
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dragonbreakers07 · 2 years
Bye bye!!!!
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from Hmong names and Hindu deities
Aakanta Aakshan Achirr Achoua Addhakti Adhaprasong Adiab Ahangao Ahmaly Aleng Amali Anhia Antara Aranasi Arkaujhnu Arnar Asheu Ashma Ashwata Asiong Aspati Astara Asurti Asvasvana Aswar Ayani Ayanubee Aychoua Ayianub Ayudru Ayujhue Ayuthang...
Balkia Balli Bhadraha Bhadran Bhaliti Bhanarita Bhanya Bhappana Bharmahmali Bhashvi Bhayujaga Bhiti Bhulee Bhumalaksh Bhupani Bhutshish Bhuvath Blakti Blama Blaohmardha Blatu Blaxmiyan Brahavang Braspana Bratmib Britri Budanna Budarahao Budarang Budari Buddhanna Buddharah Buddhia Budranao Budrudathao Chakhoua Chami Chanu Chanyama Chasva Chati Chavi Chavideya Cherumini Chhia Chiamao Chitri Chivaria Chobala Chodi Chonub Churugrati Dakharati Dakti Danakshia Dandouchoua Daravanya Darti Darudhinda Derundni Devakshar Devang Devarabci Devatr Devithang Deyamma Deyang Dhaini Dharavi Dhayan Dhiab Ditan Ditruni Drajhnubra Drasu Duruneng Durung Fanikani Fanirr Faujagao Gaddhan Ganattahala Ganyarkara Gaokau Garumini Geray Gerudra Geshvitaran Geswamindra Ghaneng Haisha Hanhirang Haohia Harang Haraya Haviv Henkala Henkaongao Herasubee Hleshmiba Hliambikala Hlini Hnumini Hongnee Houndou Hriseng Hritr Humaria Indni Indua Ingiama Irayuda Irrta Jagao Jajhleer Jhleshi Jhlia Jouachishi Jumai Jumiya Jyoti Kalailee Kalamiya Kaliti Kamahmah Kamboa Kanikeng Kaosh Kaozong Karamikala Kasubci Kaujaji Kaujhnuman Kaujhue Kaujsee Kaujsua Kaujsuryara Keyang Khagaohia Khaini Khakhoj Khaming Khana Khaniish Khaokamma Kharattao Khayyang Khivath Khong Khorti Khumboa Khutse Khyambikira Kirati Kouab Kouhue Kriamatta Kubraheu Kumayamava Kumiya Lairr Lakalamahsy Lakshoua Lalaksha Lalas Lamji Lammani Lamnaksee Laryayi Laujhnub Laxmi Leeng Leswini Lindatri Linirang Maditha Mahar Mahma Mahmini Mahsy Maijouna Maikeng Maing Maishi Maiva Maksee Malali Malalia Malama Malaupang Mandarasi Mandeva Mandnira Maneshyati Manta Manumbodi Maong Marjunara Mashangni Matahang Matarava Matari Mathyaya Matmideyati Mibalatang Minji Mohmati Mongh Mookamani Mukao Mundi Mundra Mundua Murakshmang Murya Mutama Mutamaila Mutatahuab Nakshoba Nammailama Nanya Naoshakshva Narma Natrevi Ndandha Ndradha Neswinati Nhiab Niishmali Nkama Nkamai Nkambikauj Nkammaksh Nkari Nkarkamma Nkashongfou Nkatrayinia Nkaujseng Nooka Nookaly Nookenamboa Nukya Paddhuva Pajagani Pajagaosh Pangh Pangneng Pantxawm Paozong Parishue Parmata Parunati Phanam Phara Phasue Poung Praliti Prashmani Purati Purgan Pushi Ragalki Rahakshivay Rahani Rahmoo Rajagang Rakhou Raniise Rasong Ravaradue Rbhai Rbhupta Revardhulee Revish Revithadang Reyashee Rundra Sairadi Saiya Samah Samungmeng Sarmang Savaya Saviseng Sayia Sayyatmi Sengianati Seshth Shadia Shangnee Shaokat Sharayamung Shengxong Shenukati Shiab Shiku Shing Shita Shnubci Shounaong Shusha Shvitikau Shwamatr Shyang Shyavis Simukhi Sionganna Sivakshaksh Skamaddha Somang Souhue Subrahmi Surgana Svang Svange Svarya Svatejagni Svayang Swaraji Swardrasi Swarue Taravi Tardhu Tarush Tejaga Tesati Teshi Teshuraujsu Thairata Thang Thatha Thobau Thodarandra Thouabci Thoundouab Thyang Thyavith Tongang Touab Trati Trevitri Triseer Triseng Trita Trith Tshee Tshoua Tshthou Tsubci Tsurgao Tvanyat Tvara Ugrahatri Umahmi Umakamua Uramitara Ushnumala Ushoj Ushow Ushvantxawm Vahala Vahara Vaivnta Valau Vamahayyani Vambodi Vammah Vamna Vanvathyan Vardha Vashmoo Vaswatri Vishnubci Vivara Warua Xaohishia Xeeru Xengkarat Xiamji Xiondiyee Xiondragari Xiongi Xouab Yadra Yakang Yaksee Yakshvayang Yakti Yalki Yaman Yamani Yamikamini Yaminji Yamji Yamun Yanhita Yapri Yaprita Yapurtara Yasher Yavamboa Yella Yiabci Yiang Yinditikia Yindra Yinira Yutanhi Zongfoua Zongia Zouab Zouhuab
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Borley Rectory
The Borley Rectory is a haunted mansion in Essex that became infamous as the most haunted place in England. Today, it doesn’t exist because it burned to the ground under mysterious circumstances in 1939.
The remains of the Victorian mansion known as Borley Rectory are located in a small village near the town of Sudbury in Essex. It was built in 1862 on the site of an ancient Benedictine monastery. Before the Rectory was constructed, the area was already believed to be haunted by the ghost of a nun. Many villagers claimed they had seen her sorrowful figure strolling along a path they called Nun’s Walk.
According to the legend, the nun had fallen head over heels in love with a monk who lived in the monastery at Borley. When their affair was discovered, the two lovers tried to elope together but they were quickly caught and dragged kicking and screaming back to Borley. The monk was executed and the nun was bricked up alive within the monastery’s cellar walls.
The first occupant of Borley Rectory was the Reverend Henry Bull and his family. Unexplained footsteps were heard in the house at night, guests were often startled by the figure of a woman peering in at them through the windows of the Rectory and shadowy figures were seen in the children’s bedrooms. The Reverend’s four daughters all claimed they saw the ghost of a nun near the house one evening. When they went closer and tried to talk to her, they said she disappeared.
In 1929, the Rectory was taken over by the Reverend Guy Smith and his wife. One day, soon after moving in, Mrs. Smith was cleaning out a cupboard when she came across a brown paper package. Inside, she was horrified to find the skull of a young woman. At night, they heard strange footsteps and were convinced that they had seen the apparition of a phantom coach driven by two headless horsemen racing up the Rectory drive.
Frightened by the unexplained events, the Smiths contacted a local newspaper which arranged for a paranormal investigator named Harry Price to visit the place and try to get to the bottom of what was going on. They began to experience poltergeist activity. Vases and other objects were smashed, rocks and stones were thrown around the rooms and they heard tapping on a mirror that sounded like a ghost was trying to communicate with them. It was all too much for the Smiths and they left after only two years.
The Rectory became the home of the Reverend Lionel Foyster, his wife Marianne and their adopted daughter Adelaide. As soon as the family moved in, the paranormal phenomena took a turn for the worse. Objects inexplicably disappeared and were later found in other parts of the house, furniture was overturned, bells rang of their own accord, windows mysteriously shattered, stones flew across the room and bottles smashed on the floor.
The ghost seemed to become obsessed with the rector’s young wife. She was thrown out of her bed at night by a mysterious force and slapped by invisible hands. She often had objects thrown at her and was once almost suffocated with a mattress. At one point she acquired a black eye. Another terrifying event happened when little Adelaide was trapped in a room and unable to open the door, even though it did not have a lock. She was later attacked by an evil presence, which she could only describe as something horrible.
Even more bizarre were the messages which began to appear scrawled on the walls of the house. They were all addressed to Marianne and appeared even while eyewitnesses were watching. Most of the messages were little more than scribbles and made no sense, but one of them read, “Marianne, please help get” and another was, “Marianne light mass prayers.”
In desperation, Reverend Foyster tried to conduct an exorcism, but his efforts were fruitless. Harry price decided to put an advertisement out in the paper looking for volunteers to assist him in a thorough investigation of the Rectory. He received a huge number or replied and chose 48 people to help him.
Using a Ouija board, they managed to contact a spirit who called herself Marie Lairre. Speaking from beyond the grave, she said that, in life, she had been a nun in France but had left her convent and traveled to England to marry a man named Henry Waldegrave. Once there, her husband had strangled her and buried her remains in the cellar.
After doing some research, they found out that there was a wealthy man who had lived in the area in the 17th century and his name was Henry Waldegrave.
Months later, they succeeded in contacting another spirit who called himself Sunex Amures. He said that the rectory would burn down that night at 9 o’clock and the bones of a murdered person would be revealed in the ruins. After waiting the time that night, nothing had happened.
Borley Rectory did not burn that night, but exactly 11 months later in 1939. The building accidentally caught fire. The flames spread quickly and the Rectory was burned to the ground. Henry Price returned to Borley Rectory again in 1943 and after digging in the ruins, he discovered the bones of a young woman buried in the cellar alongside a medal of Saint Ignatius.
The bones were given a Christian burial in an attempt to end the haunting. However, it does not seem to have worked. Supernatural happenings are still reported from the site of the ruins of Borely Rectory and the nearby churchyard.
Will the ghost of Marie Lairre ever find peace or is she doomed to haunt the site of her murder for all eternity?
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meluisart · 3 months
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Friendly fire on @nosramus of Lucretia and Lairre
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von2098-blog · 7 years
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Il reverendo Henry Dawson Ellis Bull lo fa costruire come canonica nel 1863; lui e i suoi discendenti vi abitano per sessantacinque anni, fino al 1927, poi lasciano la casa al nuovo parroco, il reverendo Guy Smith, che vi abiterà con la moglie per meno di un anno. In seguito alle voci di infestazioni spiritiche, Smith chiede aiuto al Daily Mirror, che manda da lui il noto studioso di parapsicologia Harry Price insieme con un giornalista. Dal 1930 la casa viene abitata dall'anziano reverendo Lionel Foyster con la giovane moglie Marianne. Foyster annota nel proprio diario una serie di strani fenomeni: pietre e libri che volano, campanelli che suonano da soli, oggetti che spariscono e altri che appaiono all'improvviso, colpi e getti d'acqua che disturbano il sonno dei residenti. Il pastore tenta un esorcismo che però non ha alcun effetto. Una notte la moglie vede anche una grande forma scura, simile a un enorme pipistrello, impossibile da identificare. Dopo qualche tempo, si cominciano a rinvenire anche misteriosi messaggi in cui si implora aiuto, scritte sui muri, richieste di preghiere e di messe.
Nel 1935 i Foyster abbandonano la casa, e solo nel 1937 arriva un nuovo inquilino, lo stesso Harry Price che aveva già visitato la casa nel 1929 e che vi fa abitare, a rotazione, 48 investigatori assoldati tramite un annuncio su un giornale locale.
I resti di Borley Rectory dopo l'incendio
Una cupa leggenda popolare racconta che sul luogo dove il reverendo Bull ha eretto il rettorato sorgeva anticamente un monastero. Una monaca rinchiusa tra quelle mura si innamora, ricambiata, di un giovane cocchiere. Dopo alcuni incontri, con la complicità di un frate, i due decidono di fuggire e, una notte, il frate li fa salire su una carrozza e sferza i cavalli al galoppo. Però al monastero qualcuno dà l'allarme e la carrozza viene bloccata. Dopo un processo sommario, il frate e il cocchiere vengono giustiziati, e la giovane monaca murata viva in una cella sotterranea.
Dagli abitanti della zona Harry Price viene a sapere che, nel corso dei decenni, molti testimoni avrebbero visto dopo il tramonto una monaca in abiti neri percorrere a testa china il viottolo che unisce il rettorato al limitare del bosco, tanto che quel viottolo è chiamato "sentiero della monaca". Harry Price decide di ricorrere alle sedute medianiche, attraverso le quali verrebbe contattato lo spirito di una suora francese cattolica, Maria Lairre, vissuta nel XVII secolo.
Nel 1939 un incendio rade al suolo il rettorato. Un'inchiesta svela che l'incendio è il risultato di una tentata frode alla compagnia assicurativa da parte del nuovo proprietario, il capitano W. E. Gregson.
Nel 1943 Harry e i suoi collaboratori decidono di avviare degli scavi, che portano alla luce un osso parietale e una mandibolacon cinque denti ancora inseriti. All'esame necroscopico i resti risultano appartenere a un essere umano di sesso femminile e di età inferiore ai trent'anni, che rappresenterebbe la monaca della leggenda. I resti vengono sepolti cristianamente. Già dal 1938, tuttavia, si sapeva che la parrocchia non era stata costruita sopra un antico monastero, ma sopra il terreno nel quale erano state sepolte le vittime di un'epidemia di peste del XVII secolo, e che in passato erano stati trovati molti altri resti umani.[1]
Nel 1944 le rovine dell'edificio vengono distrutte.
-NiNe (credere non credere fa venire i brividi comunque)
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marylairre · 9 months
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Pleasant Green more like Pleasant Meme.
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pers-books · 10 months
Can you believe that I got gifted a Mythos fic featuring Lairre/Parker?
Because I can't!
But it's true and it's here: Whitest Christmas.
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maypoleman1 · 1 year
28th July
The Ghost of Marie Lairre
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Source: notebookofghosts.com
It is on this day that the ghost of Nun Marie Lairre is most likely to manifest at the Old Rectory, Borley Church in Essex. Borley is one of the most famous, and credible, haunted sites in England. Marie appears with a mournful expression, gliding as much as a foot above ground. The ghostly nun has been sighted many times and in 1943, during excavation in Borley Church’s graveyard, the jawbone of a young woman from the time of the Middle Ages, was dug up and found to be deformed by an abscess: perhaps this explains the ghost’s unhappy and pained expression.
In the early seventeenth century, during the so-called “Personal Rule” of King Charles I, life was made difficult for Presbyterians who wished to practice their version of Christianity, with their places of worship often closed. These Puritans and their ministers took to carrying out their worship in isolated parts of the country covered in blankets to protect them from the elements. These were known as Blanket Preachings. A large open air service held this day at Yarrow near Selkirk, is said to be descended from those days of persecution by the Anglican Church.
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farminglesbian · 9 months
I was not expecting my Pleasant Green memes to be discovered this late after posting not this early in the morning but it's made my day better. Glad you enjoyed them!
haha i had this in my drafts for a while after having discovered your marylairre blog.... 10/10 these could've been made by me 😄
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