roseunspindle · 2 years
Percy’s Half Siblings
ATriton - Son of Amphitrite and Poseidon - Poseidon’s messenger and herald
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Benthesikyme - “Wave of the Deep” or “Lady of the deep swells” - Goddess of waves - Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
Rhode - goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes. Wife of Helios.  Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
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Antaeus - Son of Poseidon and Gaea - Half Giant
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(Heracles killing Antaeus)
Charybdis - daughter of Poseidon and Gaea (in some sources) she was a loyal child to Poseidon but since she kept covering land with water for him Zeus got mad and chained her to the sea floor, cursing her and turning her into a “bladder” and made her thirsty for seawater, which when she drank it, caused whirlpools. 
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Laestrygon - Son of Poseidon and Gaea, father of  Telepora (wife of Aeolus) possible parent/creator of the Laitsrygonians. 
Despoina - Daughter of Poseidon and Demeter - Goddess of Arcadian Mysteries/Veiled - born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
Arion - Supernatural Horse (not sure if he’s a deity or just immortal creature) - Son of Demeter and Poseidon  born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
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Pegasus - immortal winged-horse, Son of Poseidon and Medusa (or just sprang from Medusa’s blood when Perseus beheaded her)
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Chrysaor - Son of Poseidon and Medusa - "he who has a golden sword" - might be the father of Echidna
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Herophile -Sea-nymph,  Daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite, possibly a Delphic Sybil
Ergiscus - son of Poseidon and Aba (a naiad), the city of Ergisce in Istanbul was named after him. 
Aethusa - Daughter of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - caught Apollo’s eye and had two kids with him Eleuther and Linus- ancestor of Orpheus.
Hyrieus - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - possible father of Orion, most account call him a king of various places. (Boeotia, Thrace or Chios)
Hyperenor - son of Poseidon and Alcyone
Hyperes - son of Poseidon and the Pleiad Alcyone He was the father of Arethusa, mother of Abas by Poseidon. Founded the city of Hyperea.
Anthas - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone, founder of Anthea
Abas - son of Poseidon and Arethusa (yes his own granddaughter).  Abas founded a tribe known as the Abantians or Abantes. He reigned over them as king. Possibly killed by his own grandson. 
Halirrhothius - Son of Poseidon and Euryte or Bathycleia. He was killed by Ares for raping his daughter Alcippe. 
Chrysomallos - Son of  Bisalpis or Bisaltis or Theophane - Golden winged ram, rescued some people, was them sacrificed to Zeus and skinned. 
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Minyas - Son of Poseidon and somebody (there was a very long list of potential moms) a city founder. 
Lycus - son of Poseidon and Celaeno, one of the Pleiades. Together with his brother Eurypylus, they ruled over the Isles of the Fortunate which their father blessed.
Nycteus - (possibly a son of Poseidon and Somebody) - King of Thebes
Eurypylus - Son of Poseidon and Celaeno, either ruled over the isles of the blessed with lycus or was a king of cyrene
Asopus - possibly a son of Poseidon, a river deity
Parnassus - unkown
Eumolpus - possibly a son of Poseidon and Chione - King of Thrace
Phaeax - Son of Poseidon and Korkrya - from whom the Phaeacians derived their name.
Eirene - daughter of Poseidon and  Melantheia - gave her name to an island.
Amykos - Son of Poseidon and Melia - a king who would force people to box with them so he could kill them. Challenged the best of the Argonauts Polydueces, who killed him with a blow on the elbow. 
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Mygdon - Son of Poseidon and Melia, also a king, killed by Heracles on his way to his ninth labour. 
Aspledon, a son of Poseidon and the nymph Mideia, a city in Boetia was named after him. 
Astacus - son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, eponymous founder of Astacus, Bithynia.
Leches  - son of Peirene and Poseidon, who was abducted by Poseidon. (squinty eyes at you mr. no-consent)
Evadne - daughter of Poseidon and Pitane who was raised by Aepytus of Arcadia. She fell in love with Apollo and of course got pregnant, the pregnancy was discovered by Aepytus, he was furious and left to consult the Oracle of Apollo. During the childbirth, Apollo sent Eileithyia and the Moirae to assist his lover and ease her pain. Evadne gave birth in the wilderness and left the child, Iamus, exposed to the elements. Five days later, Aepytus returned from the Delphi, where he had been told by Apollo's Oracle that Evadne's child was indeed the son of Apollo and destined to be a gifted prophet. He demanded that the child be brought to him, and so Evadne retrieved Iamus from the patch of violets where she had left him. Iamus had been nurtured for those five days by the honeybees that were sent by Apollo, or by the Fates. Evadne named the child Iamus (“Boy of the Violets”) He went on to found the Iamidae, a family of priests from Olympia.
Phocus - son of Poseidon and Pronoe
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liesmultixxx · 7 months
i’m just hoping they’ll incorporate the laestrygones are nicknamed canadians by annabeth and percy joke
istg it’s too funny 😭
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dagaelizardz · 4 months
EPIC: The Musical vs The Odyssey: Ruthlessness, Mercy, Grief, and Transformation (and Bards)
In 2019, a college student started writing. It was a small project, a musical. Years later he would say in a Q&A that, “I knew I wanted to write a musical that was large in scale, had many characters, fight scenes, monsters, spells, ships, and larger than life themes (The Michigan Daily).” 5 years later, and that very project, EPIC: The Musical, has reached the end of its first act. The Odyssey is the perfect myth for EPIC to be based on, being the story of a broken middle-aged man trying desperately to reach his home, yearning for his family. On this quest, he is aided and deterred by gods, monsters, and hosts of other mythical beings. This story of hardship and divine intervention fit in perfectly to the story Jay wanted to tell. However, there are still changes that Jay has been making over the course of the story, walking the fine line between keeping it recognizable while shaping it to the story he wants to tell. Jay has taken the basic plot of the Odyssey, shifting it into a story that explores the grey area between ruthlessness and mercy, and if there is a way to use both. This comes to a head in “The Underworld Saga”, where Odysseus sees exactly what each has caused him to lose. It is important to dissect “The Underworld Saga” to see how Jay has adapted The Odyssey into a story about ruthlessness, hubris, and to question if maybe, sometimes, it’s ok to greet the world with open arms.
One of the more controversial changes in “The Underworld Saga”, as opposed to Book XI of The Odyssey, is Polites replacing Elpenor’s spot in it. However, this can barely be called a replacement, as the characters serve unrelated narrative functions, and differing relations to Odysseus in both sources. In the Odyssey, Elpenor dies by falling off the roof of Circe’s home while intoxicated. His body is left crumpled behind the house as Odysseus and the crew are preoccupied by other matters. When Odysseus traverses to the underworld, he is met with the shade of Elpenor who begs for a proper funeral and burial, with a small monument to honor him. He is angry at Odysseus for not mourning him, angry that he hadn’t even realized he died. The scene is heartbreaking, ending with Odysseus promising to do as he is asked before proceeding on to different shades.This is in stark contrast to EPIC, in which Elpenor is not even mentioned by name. During “The Ocean Saga” Elpenor can be heard singing backup, sometimes being a part of the chorus during said Saga. The only allusion to his death is during the first song of “The Underworld Saga”, aptly named “The Underworld”, in which the line “558 men, who died under your command” is sung by the dead crew. This line is more “easter egg” than a real mention. The reason it is a reference to Elpenor is that previously, in the song “Ruthlessness” at the end of Tthe Ocean Saga”, Poseidon sings, “43 left under your command.” This is after he has killed the majority of Odysseus’ fleet, replacing the Laestrygones plot wise. Many fans asked Jay, having taken notice of this, having previously believe that no one had died during “The Circe Saga”. Jay addressed this in a YouTube Short, explaining that this is in reference to Elpenor, and that Jay thought it would be funny if the character who’s entire significance is that Odysseus forgot about him was seemingly forgotten even by the writer, having been forgot by all but his fellow shades.
Even without the forgot Elpenor, there is still a dead crew member from whom Odysseus gets a personal visit in EPIC. This crew member is Polites. In the original Odyssey, Polites is just another crew member. He is only briefly mentioned, being one of the victims of Zeus’s lightning strike much later in the epic. In EPIC however, Polites becomes a vital character, and is boosted to the rank of Odysseus’ best friend. The theme of EPIC, the big moral idea, is a battle between ruthlessness and mercy. Polites exists firmly as the pinnacle of mercy. Previously, during “The Troy Saga”, Polites sings the song “Open Arms,” in which he tells Odysseus about how he should “greet the world with open arms”, so to speak. Odysseus is hesitant, however takes his advice and does not kill the lotus eaters. While this seems to benefit them in the short term, it leads them to the cyclops Polyphemus’s cave, leading to Polyphemus killing several crew members, including the cyclops himself. Odysseus, trying to honor Polites’ memory, does not kill Polyphemus, only blinding him, telling Athena in “Remember Them”, “What good would killing do? When mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use.” This has a tragic effect however, as sparing Polyphemus’s life invokes the wrath of Poseidon, the father of all cyclopes. Poseidon proceeds to kill all but 43 of Odysseus’ men in a boss battle style fight that was not in The Odyssey, teaching Odysseus the lesson that ruthlessness is the only way to survive. This is all revisited in “The Underworld”, where Odysseus winds up face to face with Polites’ shade, who sings his line from “Open Arms” one last time, “this life is amazing, when we greet it with open arms. Whatever we face, we’ll be fine if we’re leading from the heart! No matter the place, we can light up the world here’s how to start: greet the world with open arms, greet the world with open arms.” This segment is made more poignant when Jay reveals in a YouTube short that much like shades in the original epic lacking many of their original memories until they drink offered blood, the shades in EPIC repeat the last thing they thought before they died. This means that Polites was still so sure of mercy and peace, even as it killed him. is none other than Odysseus’ mother Anticleia, who died while he was gone to war. In both EPIC and the Odyssey, this scene is heartbreaking. In EPIC, she is voiced by Jay’s own mother, providing a heart wrenching display for the audience. As soon as Polites finishes, his mother begins to sing. She sings about how she has been waiting for Odysseus to return home, and how she loves and longs for her son. The pair have a short duet, as Odysseus laments how he has “took too long” and “ventured too far,” with Anticleia telling him how she has been waiting, and that when he gets home, she will be there. This is, of course, not true, as she died before Odysseus managed to enter the underworld. As was mentioned previously about Polites, the same remains true with Anticleia, meaning that she remained waiting hopefully till the very end.
The Odyssey has a much more tragic twist for Odysseus unfortunately. Odysseus first sees his mother after having spoken to Elpenor but must make sure that Tiresias will have enough blood, so he forces himself to ignore her, weeping as he does. When Tiresias has finally finished his prophesy after having drunken most of the blood, Odysseus lets his mother come forth. He tries to embrace her, but due to her ghostly form fails each time. They converse, with Anticleia asking him why he is in the underworld, leading Odysseus to explain his journey to her. He asks about his family, and she details the mourning that his family is going through. After explaining their suffering, she speaks on her own death, saying, “ heaven did not take me swiftly and painlessly in my own house, nor was I attacked by any illness such as those that generally wear people out and kill them, but my longing to know what you were doing and the force of my affection— this it was that was the death of me.” It is generally accepted that she died by hanging herself from the grief. Odysseus is devastated, both at her death and once more at his inability to embrace her. He blames Persephone for making him suffer, but Anticleia corrects him, explaining that all people are like this when dead. While both are incredibly poignant, the time constraints of EPIC being a two-hour musical (as compared to the Odyssey being a musical performance done over the course of what scholars presume was three days) “The Underworld Saga” shows quite clearly the detriment to storytelling that shorter time frames can pose.
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becdecorbin · 2 years
I'm just tickled by how Marquis Snapdragon's Finnish name is Markiisi Leijonankita. (his full name being Isidor Leijonankita, I don't often mention his first name oops) Same meaning, same flower, but the Finnish name for "leijonankita" can be directly translated as "lion's maw". haha
Laistrygon's name would pretty much remain the same... (fun fact back when I first came up with this name for him, I was planning to spell the name "Laestrygone" and honestly I prefer the spelling I went with, ultimately, haha. the "ae" is a pain...)
Antiphates -> Antifates (we use "f" in place of "ph" in loanwords that contain that sound)
Enigma Beast.... that's a tricky one. Arvoituspeto? lol
like, man, being able to translate my characters' names def lends itself more to their fairy tale vibe.
also, because I'm curious, how would you translate their names to your native language? Do you have characters whose names are easily translatable?
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claytoniumcomics · 2 months
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The Phoenix Bears in: “Volleyball Viciousness!”
Jane has set up a volleyball game against rival team the Laestrygones and when her only team is her closest friends, things are bound to go south.
#thephoenixbears #volleyball #comic #comics #claytoniumcomics #janecolt #charleykirby #surferdavepage #frankjaeger #jakkijaeger #nicholasperry #jbjohnson #rebeccarodriguez #laestrygones
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hazard100 · 11 months
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Alice’s Notes:
So it seems like he’s reaching the border of the Arcadia Zone and is somewhere to the east if the quote about the Laestrygon Zone is to be believed. It still leaves a lot of options up in the air, though…
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pitch-and-moan · 3 years
A Madeline Miller-esque story about the life of Antiphates, king of the Laestrygonian cannibals, in the Odyssey.
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mythology-facts · 4 years
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- gigante king of the laestrygones
- antiphates is known as five different figures in greek mythology. most commonly, he’s known as the king of the laestrygones. they were a tribe of gigantic cannibals, that odysseus and his scouting party ran into.
- the second figure (antíphates) was a trojan warrior who was slain by leonteus
- third (antiphatês), was the son of melampus and iphianeira. he married zeuxippe, the daughter of hippocoon. their children were oecles and amphalces
- another antiphates was one of the greek warriors who hid in the trojan horse
- the last but not least antiphates, was the son of sarpedon. who accompanied aeneas to italy where he was killed by turnus.
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thierry-facon · 3 years
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R E D                   tokyo
« But as for monsters, because they be no news, of them we were nothing inquisitive. For nothing is more easy to be found than be barking Scyllas, ravening Celaenos, and Laestrygons, devourers of people, and suchlike great and incredible monsters. » 
( Thomas More: Utopia )
My portfolio: RED
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wynnwolfe · 6 years
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‘Intermediary body of an incarnating Avataric influence observed on Exoplanet Laestrygone — a planet of intense learning, 888 LY from Earth’ #art #drawing #exoplanet #space #fun #instagram #digitalart #instagood #universe #galaxy #ipad #iphone https://www.instagram.com/p/BuyTy94DpMf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3f33ownnnilj
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Survive the Trojan war, the Laestrygones, Scylla, Charybdis and numerous others, then get drunk and break your neck falling off a rooftop.
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colorsofthespiral · 6 years
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whisperthatruns · 7 years
When you set out on your way to Ithaca you should hope that your journey is a long one: a journey full of adventure, full of knowing. Have no fear of the Laestrygones, the Cyclopes, the frothing Poseidon. No such impediments will confound the progress of your journey if your thoughts take wing, if your spirit and your flesh are touched by singular sentiments. You will not encounter Laestrygones, nor any Cyclopes, nor a furious Poseidon, as long as you don’t carry them within you, as long as your soul refuses to set them in your path. Hope that your journey is a long one. Many will be the summer mornings upon which, with boundless pleasure and joy, you will find yourself entering new ports of call. You will linger in Phoenician markets so that you may acquire the finest goods: mother of pearl, coral and amber, and ebony, and every manner of arousing perfume--- great quantities of arousing perfumes. You will visit many an Egyptian city to learn, and learn more, from those who know. Bear Ithaca always in your thoughts. Arriving there is the goal of your journey; but take care not to travel too hastily. Better to linger for years on your way; better to reach the island's shores in old age, enriched by all you've obtained along the way. Do not expect that Ithaca will reward you with wealth. Ithaca bestowed upon you the marvelous journey: if not for her you would never have set out. But she has nothing left to impart to you. If you find Ithaca wanting, it's not that she's deceived you. That you have gained so much wisdom and experience will have told you everything of what such Ithacas mean.
C. P. Cavafy, “Ithaca,” trans. Stratis Haviaras
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plinyknowsbest · 4 years
Laestrygones, and the blows with vinegar relieves headache; for using its circumference of them to ash is adulterated also
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
The Odyssey, one of Homer's two great epics, narrates Odysseus' long, strange trip home after the Trojan war. During their ten-year journey, Odysseus and his men had to overcome divine and natural forces, from battering storms and winds to difficult encounters with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the cannibalistic Laestrygones, the witch-goddess Circe and the rest. And they took a most circuitous route, bouncing all over the Mediterranean, moving first down to Crete and Tunisia. Next over to Sicily, then off toward Spain, and back to Greece again.
If you're looking for an easy way to visualize all of the twists and turns in The Odyssey, then we'd recommend spending some time with the interactive map created by Gisèle Mounzer. "Odysseus' Journey" breaks down Odysseus' voyage into 14 key scenes and locates them on a modern map designed by Esri, a company that creates GIS mapping software.
Meanwhile, if you're interested in the whole concept of ancient travel, we'd suggest revisiting one of our previous posts: Play Caesar: Travel Ancient Rome with Stanford’s Interactive Map. It tells you all about ORBIS, a geospatial network model, that lets you simulate journeys in Ancient Roman. You pick the points of origin and destination for a trip, and ORBIS will reconstruct the duration and financial cost of making the ancient journey.
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cncizmirescort-blog · 7 years
Kararını Kendi Verebilir
Kararını Kendi Verebilir
Senin kararlarını domuzlara çok benzediğini düşündüm.Ancak,bir geyik eti Karşıyaka Escortlar erkeklerin altına yatar tabağı,özellikle de istiridye ve istiridyeler üzerinde çok uzun süre beslendikten sonra onlara kabul edilemez bir yemekti.Böylece ölü kadını gördüklerinde,kaburgalarından İzmir bilerek bildiklerini ve kayan ağacın ateşini yakmalarına,İzmir Escort yemek pişirmelerine vakit kaybetmediler.Günün geri kalanında bayramda harcandı; Ve eğer bu muazzam yiyenler günbatımında masadan kalkarsa,zavallı hayvan kemiklerinden başka bir kese atamazlardı.Ertesi sabah,iştahları her zamanki kadar keskinti.Ulysses’e baktılar,sanki uçurumun tekrar yükselmesini bekliyorlardı ve omuzlarında bir başka yağlı geyiklerle geri dönüyorlardı.Bununla birlikte,yola çıkmak yerine,bütün mürettebatı bir araya getirdi ve onlara akşam yemeğinde her gün bir bayanı öldürebileceğini ummak boşuna boşuna olduğunu ve bu nedenle İzmir açlıklarını tatmin etmenin başka bir tarzını düşünmenin önerildiğini söyledi.Şimdi,dedi,dün uçurumdayken,dün bu adanın yaşadığı keşfedildi: kıyıdan belirgin bir mesafede çok geniş olduğu ortaya çıkan mermer bir sarayda durdu ve çok miktarda Dumanları bacalardan birinden dışarı kıvrılıyordu.Dostlarından bir kısmını dudaklarına vurarak mırıldandı.Bu duman mutfak yangınından gelmiş olmalıydı,tükürmek için iyi bir akşam yemeği vardı ve şüphesiz bugüne kadar iyi bir akşam yemeği olacakdedi.
Karşıyaka Escortlar erkeklerin altına yatar
Ulysses’in bilgece devam etmesi gerektiğini belirtti:unutmayın ki,iyi arkadaşlarım,bir gözlü Polyphemus mağarasındaki Cyclops’taki misadventure,normal sütün diyetinden çok,yoldaşlarımızın ikisini de Akşam yemeğinde kahvaltıda bir tane daha ve ikisi de akşam İzmir yemeğinde yine ikindi? Methinks onu daha da korkunç canavar İzmir Escort görüyorum,alnının ortasındaki o büyük kırmızı gözle tarifi yaparak en şişmanlığın tekliğini araştırıyor ve sonra,Yine birkaç gün önce,Laestrygons’un kralının elinde ve şu ana kadar bıraktığımızdan çok daha fazlasını yiyen diğer korkunç devler,onun nesnelere düşmedik mi? Sana gerçeği söylemek gerekirse,Saraya oraya gidersek,yemek masamızda görünmemize hiç şüphe yoktur; ancak misafir olarak oturup yemek yiyip içki içmeyeceğini,Ciddiye alınması gereken bir husus.Her iki şekilde de,en acemi mürettebattan bir kısmını mırıldandı;Açlığa nazaran İzmir daha iyi olacak,özellikle de daha önce zindiğinizden emin olabilirsiniz ve sonradan tatlıca pişirilirse.Kral Ulysses,Bu benim için en dikkatli ve en lezzetli yemek pişirmekle uzlaşmazdedi.Önerim bu nedenle kendi kendime İzmir Escort bölmekteyim.Iki eşit tarafa bölünür ve ikisi arasından hangisinin saraya gideceğini belirler ve yiyecek ve yardım için yalvarır.Eğer bunlar elde edilebilirse hepsi iyi,eğer yoksa ve eğer sakinleri Polyphemus veya Laestrygons,o İzmir zaman yarımımız yok olacak,kalan kısmı yelken açıp kaçabilir.Kimse bu şemaya itiraz etmediği için Ulysses tüm grubu saymaya başladı ve kendini de içeren kırk altı Karşıyaka Escortlar erkeklerin altına yatar erkek olduğunu keşfetti.
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