#lady sherlock spoilers
I finished the 5th Lady Sherlock and the first thing I wanna say is that I think this is a good book to read during rainy days. But maybe that's just because during the time I read it, it was almost always raining lol.
Okay but in all seriousness now. I gotta say, I feel bad for the women in this one. They got really bashed on, didn't they? It makes sense for the time period these books take place in, but damn. It was just relentless in this book. I was really starting to lose my temper with the man interrogating Lady Treadles, bombarding her with so many questions and making her uncomfortable. Ugh. Poor lady.
Don't get me started on the Holmes Parents either. When they came, I was like: "Oh, here we go. Parents of the year 🙄". Then right after when Mother Holmes complained about how awful Father Holmes was: "Well, you're not exactly a good mother either." And then when she got snippy with Livia, I lost it: "Mother! Go away, this is why no one likes you!"
See, I'm telling you, you'd get a laugh out of my reactions if you could see them 'live' 😂. All genuine too, not played up like how people react to things on Youtube or whatever.
Anyway. One of the things I was really satisfied with was Ingram and Charlotte finally getting their shit together! These two, just dancing around their feelings for each other and never actually doing any real confessions until now. It's about time! My patience was starting to run dry lol. "Just say it, goddamn it."
Now for the ending: I'm glad it ended the way it did with Christmas and everyone being together and whatnot (and Mother Holmes being gone, thank the lord). Ngl, I was genuinely afraid that Livia was gonna hop on a train to find Marbleton. So I was relieved when she was still with everyone. Phew. That would've been so dangerous for her.
Those are my thoughts on this one. I really liked it with the exception of the men being obnoxious. Ugh. And luckily for me, I also got the 6th book 4 weeks early so I can hop into that right away! Looking forward to seeing what'll happen next 👏👏
-Book Anon
Dang it, I knew I forgot something when I answered that other ask. I forgot this one lol
Yes! I completely agree with what you're saying! All of it!
The women did not deserve the bashing, but I liked the ending as well. Mother and Father Holmes are certainly ugh and I don't like them either. Your reactions sound valid and quite funny tbh. I think I really would like seeing them in person LOL.
And you managed to snag the 6th book 4 weeks early?? DANG look at you go! Good for you!!
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daipeanutsaiban · 6 months
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no pickles on my burger plsssssss
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onceinawhilemoon · 5 months
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aw @ mycroft calling sherlock “my boy” like he's pleased with him enough to shed the uptight formality and address him more cordially
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Ouija Board Prompt Idea
A/N: A late night Idea that came to me instead of sleep and I wrote this down during lunch break
Danny was just in Gotham because the city spirit had asked him for assistance with a rather persistent unruly Ghost that didn't understand that this was her haunt and she did not want them there.
So when he got the notice he did his kingly duties and made sure the Ghost was no longer annoying Lady Gotham. He was the Ghost King but even he didn't want to anger a spirit as old as her. He had watched the spirit take a ghostly club and hit Clockwork the Ancient of Time with it without remorse the first time they were introduced. So yea, no messing with this one.
He had been about to portal back home when he felt a strange pull one that was close to when he got summoned but yet it didn't feel as demanding but more like a little kid pulling on his shirt hesitantly. So he checked it out…
… and came across a group of vigilantes investigating an occult side.
Invisible he watched them, curious. He used to do the teen hero stick too before the whole Ghost King business allowing him to get some semblance of a normal life with his rogues, might as well see how others to that hero stick. Besides the pull he felt appeared to come from that tall one wearing a red helmet something was up with that guy.
"Come on, ask the ghosts a question or are you too chicken to do it?"
"I will not participate in this nonsense, Red Hood."
"Come on guys it will be fun!"
"For whom? You, Spoiler?"
"RR aren't you curious?"
"We just gotta ask the board a question and if a ghost is around they will answer by moving it, right?"
"Ghosts don't exist."
Okay Danny was not taking personal offense here but he was a half ghost and he ruled the Ghost Zone filled with ecto-entities that could count as ghosts. So yes, ghosts existed. It was a simple decision then as he floated down invisible crouching next to board still invisible and out of the way from them.
Making sure he made a lot of scraping noises as he moved the small wooden piece on the board to 'YES'.
Someone yelped and someone else shrieked, though Danny wasn't sure if that was a shriek of excitement or not. He still grinned at their reactions.
"Did that just move to 'YES'! It did, didn't it!"
Yea okay that earlier was a shriek of excitement considering how that girl in purple was jumping around. Though the poor kid among them looked a little paler now, Danny decided to keep an eye on the kid to make sure he wasn't overdoing it.
"Okay so a ghost is here?"
Maybe he should have bothered listening to Lady Gotham or Tucker more about the vigilantes of Gotham. Oh well no time better as this to learn. What did the girl call this boy again, RR? Danny wondered what that stood for.
He moved the piece around the board a little making sure they noticed before he spelled something out.
"N-O-S-H-I-T-S-H-E-R-L-O-C-K. No shit Sherlock. Ha! I like this ghost!" The tall one laughed, he believed the kid called him Red Hood earlier. Well the red helmet was a great testament to that sort of code name. Still he wondered about that weird feeling he got from the guy but pushed that aside for later.
"Well since there is a ghosts, what should we ask?"
"Maybe how old he is?"
"Think it rude to ask how he died?"
Danny rolled his eyes. Those were such mainstream questions.
"B-O-R-I-N-G, 1-6 , YES. Guys it looks like we are not were imaginativ."
"Well what do you suggest we ask then?"
"I don't know! Maybe he can show us a cool trick?"
"You know that reminds me of this game that's been out for a while, phasmophobia or something like that?"
Oh Danny knew this one! Tucker had told him about the game, he himself hadn't played it but he had watched his best friend do so, they had a lot of fun joking about how the ghosts were portrayed and the tools that were available to the players.
"So what? We ask the ghost to play Hide and Seek with us?"
"Let's cease this nonsense. This is not something we should mess with."
"Oh are you scared?"
He made a show of moving the wooden piece, doing his best not to snicker out loud as he moved the piece to count down from the number 9. Letting his own powers out a little to cause the already dim light to flicker and the room to cool down several degrees.
The reaction was instant once again. Though he didn't expect them to run for hiding spaces he definitely did not expect these people to pull out their weapons and position against each other's back like they were ready for a fight. Then again they were vigilantes
The poor kid among them looked even paler. Before his count down could reach 0 he decided to not scare the poor kid more. Pulling back his powers the room's temperature normalized and the lights stopped flickering. He moved the wooden piece knowing that at least one of them was watching it in anticipation.
"I think the ghost just apologized to us?" The RR teenager said carefully and Danny couldn't help the sheepish smile even if they couldn't see it in his invisible state.
"You know about the game?"
He moved the piece to YES.
"So you thought it was fucking appropriated to scare us like that?"
He moved the piece around and placed it back to YES before spelling out sorry again. The vigilantes shared a look and Danny decided to spell out a question.
"Huh? Uh yea Robin is fine." They looked confused but Danny kept his eyes on the kid. Well the poor boy still looked very pale but he also appeared to try to put on a brave front, it nearly caused a chuckle to escape the halfa.
"Can you show yourself?"
Not like he was really going to show himself but this was going to be fun, he thanked the Ancients that he was taking lessons with Pandora on how to manipulate his own ectoplasm. He summoned a blob of it making sure he himself was still invisible as he let the green blob be visible, forming it and making it look like a blob ghost.
The reaction was once again instant. They yelled in the chaos all he caught sounded like 'Lazarus water! Moving Lazarus Water!' Before the pale kid, Robin they said, slashed at his ectoplasm blob with his katana, essentially doing nothing to the blob of ectoplasm. The sword just went through it and Danny still holding it confused just instinctively let it reform the shape he gave it.
Danny blinked, okay now he was definitely not showing himself. "This is no a ghost but a Pit Demon!"
From the corner of the eye he saw Lady Gotham appear in the room staring at him disapprovingly and holding that ghost club she had used on Clockwork.
"I can explain, really! I was just joking with them!" He stood holding his hands up to smooth the situation, the green blob fell to the ground splashing against the Ouija Board with a loud splat. His chances of not get hit like Clockwork by Lady Gotham were becoming slimmer.
Shit, he hadn't used ghost speech but said that out loud.
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saraakpotter · 4 months
She is my girlfriend(BBC Sherlock x reader)
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summery: 3 times Sherlock lied about being your boyfriend and the time he made it real warnings: i think none but there are spoilers on the show if you haven't watched it yet genre: fluff p.s: i added some scenes and changed some dialogues in some parts.
number one: during 'the blind banker'
you were a detective. you went on cases with Sherlock and John. now you had to go into Eddie Van Coon's apartment.
"they are new to the apartment aren't they?" you said.
Sherlock smirked: "yes, they are"
"how are you so sure?" John asked
Sherlock points at the name on the doorbell.
"maybe they changed it." John said.
"no one would do that" you said and Sherlock rang.
"hello?" a woman's voice said some moments later
"ummm, hello miss, we are your downstairs neighbors. i don't know if you know us." Sherlock said
"uh, umm, no. we are new" the woman said.
"well, me and my girlfriend forgot our key's in our apartment" Sherlock said wrapping one arm around you and you rose an eyebrow but quickly played along.
"oh, do you want me to open the door for you?" the woman asked
"yeah, ummm, could we come from your balcony?" Sherlock asked.
"the balcony?!" the woman said surprised and Sherlock nodded.
after she left you came out of his arms.
"your girlfriend?" you asked with a raised eyebrow and John chuckled.
"oh, please. it had to be believable." he said.
"uh-huh" you said
number 2: during 'a scandal in Belgravia'
"punch me in the face" Sherlock said
"punch you?" John said
"yes, punch me in the face. didn't you hear me?"
"i always hear 'punch me in the face' when you talk but it's usually subtext" John says
"yeah" you agreed and then, without another word you punched Sherlock in the face.
"i always wanted to do that" you joke
"ouch" Sherlock says "ok..." he starts but gets cut of by another punch by John.
"you are right! i think i did too" John says chuckling making Sherlock roll his eyes.
after forcing Kate, Irene's assistant to open the door you entered the house.
"who is the beautiful lady?" Kate asked with a fake smile
"oh, i..." you started but Sherlock cut you off
"she is my girlfriend" he says
"oh" Kate's fake smile fades and she walks to the room asking you to follow.
"i literally just punched you in the face" you whispered
"i asked you to" he says and you tried to hide your smile
number three: during 'the hounds of Baskerville'(i added this scene)
"hi" Sherlock says sitting next to a random costumer at the bar.
"hello, what's the problem?" the man said
"well, me and my girlfriend are here for vacation and we heard whispers about a huge dog in this town. in the woods." he says
"we made a bet. i said there is no such a thing and he disagrees" you played along
"so, you are here more often right? we wanted to know which one of us will win" Sherlock said placing a hand around your shoulders to make it look more realistic.
"oh, oh, this is way more than a dog. it's a monster. you should believe in it." the man says and then he turns to look at you "of course i don't want to scare a pretty woman like you"
you rolled your eyes and Sherlock glared at him and left before he could finish.
"ok, thank you for your help." he says trying to act unbothered.
"wow, you don't have to be so overprotective" the man say making you smirk and Sherlock roll his eyes.
number four: the real confession
"y\n?" Sherlock says walking to the room.
"i wanted to ask you something" he takes a deep breath.
"ok, what is it?"
"will you....can you....oh god!"
"Sher, just say it. its okay."
"i'm sorry?" you raise an eyebrow
"oh god" he takes another deep breath "look, i'm not usually this nervous about anything but this really means to me and it has been on my mind for months....will you, be my girlfriend?" he finally says
"what?" you chuckle making him look more worried than he already is "you were nervous to ask me to act like your girlfriend? i have done that a lot of time. i'm actually starting to think it is real" you joke.
"what is it this time? a serial killer or another guy with mental health issues? maybe another naked woman?" you continue
"no....i....i mean be my actual girlfriend" he corrects
"what?" now you were really confused
"you see, all this time, when i acted like you were my girlfriend or acted jealous, it was because i liked the thought of that."
he waited for you to answer but when you didn't he continued.
"will you?" he said "be my girlfriend"
"this isn't a test to see how sentimental i am?" you asked half-jokingly
Sherlock chuckled "no" he said.
"then yes, Sherlock Holmes. yes, i will be your girlfriend"
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
omg but imagine william's potential darling to be like agatha christie? a mystery writer whose mysteries are almost impossible to solve. whether or not they are as smart as the masterminds or detectives in her books, her stories do come close to confusing even sherlock or william a bit. if you've read her "and then there were none" SPOILERS its about a judge killing people for being evil and that is so william coded. anyways i'm straying far what I mean is william could be a quiet fan, and as the lord of crime, even replicate some of her stories as part of his crimes. watching his darling's face pale at the unknown criminal doing such a thing.....ASDKSHD an when he finally does officially meet her, he wonders if she'l ever base a character off him. a hero, or perhaps a villain?
For some reason this isn’t showing up in my tumblr inbox but thank god for my email cause this is a gem! Thank you @zainiscompletelydone333 for this!
Okay I love Agatha Christie, an actual icon! Fun fact she actually faked her own disappearance in 1926 and the police couldn’t find her for over a week and she just took a vacation to London after her husband threatened to leave her and she said fuck it and decided to treat herself. Then also Arthur Conan Doyle the author of Sherlock Holmes was hired to find her.
Anyway I am getting so off track but I love this lady so much so here we go!!!
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But yes William would absolutely adore a darling like her. Imagine him first finding her works for the first time, perhaps one of his brothers or Sebastian or Fred was reading her work and just out of curiosity he picks up one of her books and is just immediately enthralled. Whenever he is not busy he is reading or even rereading one of her books and even begins to be teased by others for his slight addiction to her works.
Then when he and Sherlock is on the train investigating the murder that is when he gets an idea from both this and one of her books.
Weeks later an aristocrat who had been acting as a loan shark was found dead on a train in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside, just like a murder from one of her most famous book…
But what William did not know is that she was on that same train…
And of course she found the body…
As William was making his way back to his seat to join his brothers, he hears a blood curdling scream and he simply chalks it up to someone finding the body. Then the panicked woman is brought to her seat by the staff and she looks a mess, pale faced, tears rolling down her face, hyperventilating, all things someone should be after seeing a dead body.
She is being asked questions when she finally calms down enough and William’s ears prick up as he hears words he never thought he would hear…
“Oh god… this is my fault…”
He turns his head to the booth next to him and sees her in absolute terror as she speaks to the train conductor.
She is right next to him…
She is terrified, horrified even…
And she is beautiful.
After everything from that incident had settled and she is off at home, trying to work on her next work for the life of her but being horrified by what she just witnessed…
Then more deaths come to surface all with the same pattern…
They are based on her books…
The author is absolutely horrified, she is loosing sleep, not eating as she should, and has rarely left her house in weeks…
Then she gets a knock on her door from a certain detective who was hired to look into one of the deaths, Sherlock Holmes. While he may like her books, he has noticed the pattern like she has and has one request for her…
“I want to help you to solve these cases. Who better to solve murders based on books better than the author herself?”
At first she refuses and dismisses him, but then when she is laying in bed that night she realizes he was right.
Her drawing room becomes a mess of her old notes that she had tucked away from when she wrote her book, copies of her her books with dozens bookmarks in them, newspaper clippings all around, and evidence she had Sherlock get access to with his connections that she doesn’t have.
After days of pure investigation and nights of no sleep she finally was able to figure out where the next murder will be, just by what books are left…
But that’s the thing…
There is not a single work of hers left that this murderer has not take inspiration from…
The only thing left is the author, and she can only assume that she is the next target. So without telling Sherlock, she packs up her bags and fakes her own disappearance, to fool both the police and the murderer.
She spends so much time in the shadows, watching and waiting to see who looks into her disappearance, seeing how people react to it, but nothing, not a thing…
It frustrates her even further…
Then she finally decides to return home, feeling like a failure. Her house if just how she left it, even the papers in the drawing room that look like the work of a madman that she will have to clean up after her failure so she can go back to what she is good at, fictional murders not really ones…
No she can’t do that, that would only give the murderer ideas…
So she quits.
No one hears from her for months as she nods herself taking up a librarian position at a local library, at least she is doing something with her literature. She says goodbye to Mr. Holmes and tucks away all her old books and works in progress that will never be finished on the shelves to collect dust for the rest of her life.
At her time working there she gets a frequent visitor at the library, a Mr. William James Moriarty. He had a fascination with murder mystery novels and the two form a quick friendship over their shared love of them. Everything feels like a new start, a clean slate but then he had to ask…
“Will you ever write again?”
That question has her heart hurt because she adores writing, but to sacrifice lives just for what she enjoys, she would never. She shuts down his question quickly and excuses herself, but then avoids the scarlet eyed man as to not be asked that question again.
But as she is laying in bed one night…
She hears the sound of footsteps in her study downstairs…
She feels her heart stop…
She closes her eyes and prays whoever is there will just go away, but they do not. So she musters whatever courage she has left and slips out of bed to see who is there in her study that has been collecting dust for almost a year…
And she approaches the closed door she realizes whoever is behind them must be the person behind the murders that gave plagued her and-
The pangs of shock she feels in her chest when she sees the face of William Jane Moriarty looking through her unfinished works that she shelved away what felt like years ago. She must have looked like a deer in headlights as the Lord of Crime looking up at her with a smile, his red eyes staring into her soul…
She is terrified, horrified even…
And she is beautiful.
“Your unfinished work, will it have an ending? Or perhaps will we have to write one ourselves? What do you think, darling?”
The weeks go by and the next time the author is seen in public again she has an engagement ring on her finger and the announcement is being made about their upcoming wedding. The talk of the aristocracy says that she finally has a husband who is willing to deal with her crazied ideas that ended up killing so many people, not knowing that she is on the arm of the man who killed them…
Just for her.
(I could kinda imagine it ending up as a situation like the book Misery by Stephen King where he has her finish her work even if she doesn’t want to, but what differs is that while he doesn’t necessarily keep her locked up physically he does mentally. Sure go run off, he isn’t going to stop his darling, but just watch the bodies stack up pin ways she imagined, he is using her own mind against her which is the most terrifying of prisons. Then soon fear turns into dependency, she becomes terrified of him leaving her because now she has no where else to go but him so he has no need to hide her away when she clings to his arm like a terrified and wounded animal.)
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twifairy · 28 days
Giant spoilers for TGAA 2 but I gave the main cast's dead moms names, faces, and Court Record profiles. And I wrote up some details on my headcanons and sprite edit process.
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All ages listed are my headcanons for how old they were when they died (which like. Yikes.)
These are all edited from existing sprites/official artwork with veeeery minimal actual hand drawing in case anybody thinks I suddenly got really good at imitating Nuri's style lmao.
Sumire Asogi (34)
Same age as Genshin, who also does not have a canon age for whatever reason. I assume he's the same age as Yujin, Jigoku, and Klint though, making him 33 when he dies. Kazuma's mother canonically dies a year after. This also makes Kazuma's parents both concerningly 19 when he was born??? I don't think the devs thought too hard about that at the time but I'm choosing to included in my hcs lmao
"Sumire" is a joke name. Sumire means violet and there are FOUR whole Sherlock Holmes characters named Violet, which is probably the most common female name in the books. As a nice coincidence, violets represent honesty in hanakotoba, tying into the truth theme
Sumire actually has no Kazuma in her face! She's a Courtney Sithe recolor with Kazuma's bangs. I did stare at Kazuma's prosecutor portrait to try and nudge their eyes to be more similar though
Ayame Mikotoba (25)
She's 1-2 years younger than Yujin
Obviously this is just Susato squished around lol. If I were to do it again I'd alter her hairline, I think Susato got that from Yujin
My main aim was to make her look like Susato's tearful smile sprite. Any time I see that sprite I think "this is what her mother must've looked like."
Lillian van Zieks (30)
She's 3 years younger than Klint
LADY BASKERVILLE MY BELOVED. Her married name ofc. I think I pulled "Lillian" from "Lilith" because.... vibes I guess. I also hc Klint calling her Lily so she also gets to have a flower name, and so Iris' father shares her nickname habit.
Lily's eyes are hazel because iirc, the Baskervilles in the book all/mostly have hazel eyes and Iris has her father's eyes.
This was the hardest one to make despite the canon image of her. Her base was Tusspells, herself, and obviously, Iris.
Also here's each woman with her husband and child for the sake of comparison:
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kalifornia1025 · 9 days
The Resident Patient Pt. 1 (SPOILERS)
Pt. 1 notes for Resident Patient, let’s go!!!
“I need a catchphrase”- sir you already have a bunch, just take your pick
Gross, weird, and spooky? SAY LESS!
He’s getting the mic fixed…not replaced…I can’t even be mad about his dedication to the mic 
“You ever dropped it?” “About 16 times, yeah”- HOW DID IT NOT BREAK SOONER?!
John you seriously share your Dad Jokes with anyone, huh?
Murder case already? Splendid
Ooh, John and Sherlock alternating clever deductions between each other, love it LOVE IT!
“Hips don’t lie, mate” SHAKIRA SHAKIRA (…sorry)
…there’s a what on his WHAT?
Oh wow, love affair turned murder? Nice
“Well observed Doctor” “Thank you Detective” YOU TWO STOP BEING SO CUTE
Sherlock is so real about not wanting cold butter for his toast, because I’ve lost so many good toasts when trying to spread cold butter on them…I’d rather have a plain toast than a massacred one
“To the dead condom man” - now John why did you have to say that?
“We are [magnetic] aren’t we? Opposites attract and all that sort of thing” - sir you can’t just say that and be surprised we ship you two (don’t even get me STARTED on the mailbag episodes…)!
Hehe more canon acknowledgment of Sherlock’s neurodiversity
“Just…a little bored” “You just solved a murder” - no joke this immediately make me think of that one scene from BBC Sherlock 
“Ugh” - why were so SASSY with that, Sherlock????
Aww John already knows to calm Sherlock down from getting worked up without cases, he knows him so well!
“Christ sake you sound like the bloody listeners” - ope, I feel called out (not a shoutout, but close enough)
“Fill a brother in” - oh…oh no John why
I like how Sherlock isn’t always right, like sometimes he’ll be SO CLOSE but get it wrong and go “bugger”, it reminds us that he’s not too perfect (which I prefer)
Oh nice, I like when John brings up his educational background!
I REALLY like Percy’s voice <3 <3
“Little prick, but enough of me!” - John if want the short jokes to stop THIS ISN’T HELPING
‘Chugging along’, ‘Deduction Junction’, ‘little observations may leave the carriage’…Sherlock you REALLY do like trains and it’s the cutest thing 
Okay, NOW we’re getting into the main case!
Oooh spooky element! That’s a little different from the main story, but in a good way
Sleepy John is so cute to me!
“Heysville, ugh God I’m starting to sound like you [John], yuck” - rude but you’re not wrong
Mic shenanigans seem to be an ongoing theme right now, first it was the audio distortions in Red Circle and now the mic is magnetic
Oh hello…random nurse lady?
Well that interaction was certainly rushed, and TOTALLY not suspicious (she says sarcastically)
‘Johnny boy’? Wow, that’s a first
Oh God this is reminding me of Creeping Man pt. 2 cliffhanger…
So…that was part 1…and the case already sounds promising! I didn’t think we’d get such a dramatic cliffhanger in the first part, yet here we are. I’m REALLY liking the dynamic of John and Sherlock in this episode. They seem more in-tuned with each other! Unfortunately not a lot of Mariana but at least we got a heads that she wasn’t gonna be in this case much (plus she mentioned she was glad not to be ‘dealing with this case’…so that’s foreboding). Anyway STRONG start to the case, and we’ve still got two more parts so stay tuned (and hang tight John, Sherlock will be there soon)!
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leafy-m · 2 months
So I finally started playing the Great Ace Attorney game and I love it so far. Ryunosuke's adorable, KAZUMA is something else. (Those gazes!! Hot damn) I'm genuinely upset I haven't seen more fanart of him on my dash, because holy shit. I've seen so much fanart for the Sherlock Holmes guy-- sorry, Herlock Sholmes (?? I haven't run into him in-game yet. Still dueling Swan Lady Ms Brett), but I can't remember ever seeing any Kazuma art. Outrageous.
Anyway this is my one-minute warning before I attack and reblog everything in the tags.
Update: fineeeeee, I will attack the tags and reblog all the fanart after I finish the games 😭 darn you spoilers. 😔
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maevelin · 3 months
Spoilers for Bridgerton season 4, maybe?
If you notice at the last frames that show Penelope's latest edition there is more text aside from the narration. In the pamphlet there is clearly the part that Julie Andrews voices as her last Whistledown narration and the part where Nicola Coughlan spoke as the columnist Penelope Bridgerton.
But there was more text there (so maybe spoilers ahead for the next season):
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From what I have managed to read from the parts that were not narrated in the episode this is what I got:
"I woke up as a person no longer in hiding. I am now the person I have wanted to be. To be seen fully "...." it is not something I ever "....." expected "......" but secretly "...." desired it. I "......."
For one thing is for certain there will always be true entertainment in the Ton...spending a lot time with a certain unmarried lady. Of course she naturally had family to visit in the country and has rarely been seen in London since. However this was a few years ago and has long since been forgotten. I wonder whether our disgraced Duke will be aloud to grace the dance floor with anyone other than his Duchess.
As I promised you all before entertainment is here. There seems there is a newly noble family arriving to the Ton, one that will surely spice things up. While I will not announce them until they wish to be announced, I will say that they will arrive with a bang, a Bridgerton bang perhaps.Much like my husband and his siblings this new family is hearty, healthy and a joy to look at. I imagine her "........" will smile from ear to ear as she reads this. "......." I am quite happy myself ".........." as it means I will have plenty "........." there "......"
P.s: And this is all I managed. English is not my native language and the frame-shot was purposely blurry. The empty parts in the text are words or phrases I did not manage to decipher so if you can read it yourself have a go at it! (Like a puzzle LOL)
Where is Sherlock when you need him?
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Oh my lord. You didn’t tell me I Was Anastasia would be so depressing. I shed some tears when the family was getting murdered. That was rough. A lot of it was tbh, especially the train scene. That was nasty. But I guess it makes sense considering Anastsia’s story. I think a lot of people know it. I will say I didn’t know about Anna Anderson and her side of things. In my defense, I’m not a huge Anastasia buff to begin with. I’m just familiar with the very basics of her story.
The only problem I really had was how the book was structured and how it flip flopped between timelines. I don’t mind duel timelines but the way this one was laid out was a bit confusing, even after reading the author’s note. Maybe because I read it through audio and so I couldn’t go and recheck what exact date we were in.
I’m not gonna lie, because of how it flip flopped and with the title, I kinda thought Anna was like a ‘reincarnated’ Anastasia and she was telling her past life to the readers, and the reveal at the end would be something like “I was Anastasia but now I’m Anna in this new life” instead of “I tricked you into thinking I was Anastasia”. If that makes sense lol. Had I known Anna was an actual person in history, I would’ve gone into the book knowing that there was a scam-like situation going on. Maybe if I read the synopsis but I didn’t. I almost never do anymore tbh.
I still really liked it though and I’m glad I took your suggestion to read it. I also feel like I had a history lesson with this one. And that’s not a complaint on my part. I like learning about history. I got in line for the other book you mentioned too and I’m excited about it.
On a different note (sort of) as soon as I returned I Was Anastasia, Lady Sherlock 7 was available for me to rent! That helped lift my melancholy mood and I snagged it right away. That timing could not have been more perfect. I love it when stuff like that happens. It’s like fate lol.
My library also got 2 more copies of the 8th Lady Sherlock audiobook, which means I only have to wait 2 weeks now instead of 10! It’s about time my library realized that people are enjoying these books and need more than 1 copy. I’m excited, talk about luck.
-Book Anon
If I'm being honest here, Book Anon, my only knowledge of Anastasia's story came from the cartoon movie LOL 😅 so I had like no idea about anything I was about to get into. I knew the myth, not the history. And I had no idea whatsoever about Anna Anderson either, so that threw me for a really big loop.
The whole thing was so wild to me, and honestly, I got choked up at the end too. My tears were a combination of shock, anger, and sadness. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me, ya know? But still, the whole story was so very good. I enjoyed every bit of it.
I'm sure listening to it got confusing with the different dates. Now that you mention it, I remember flipping back and forth to check dates, and I remember at one point when I did, I was like *that doesn't add up*. That should have been my first clue I suppose. Still! I enjoyed it, and I'm glad you did too.
Hooray about the Lady Sherlock books too! That's very exciting! I like how things like that line up too; it's so satisfying. I'm excited for you!
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daipeanutsaiban · 1 year
we love more homumiko or just holmes in general! im curious to see more of those two. also i love your klimt and lady b art. SO much. im very normal about that group as well
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thank you for the sweet message!! 🥹💖 these were my first attempt at homumiko/mikohomu (and the first time seriously attempting to draw yujin, which is a travesty because i adore his character) after seeing ur ask. unfortunately i lost motivation towards the end on the 2nd pic but if it's alright i'll post it anyway (maybe i'll finish it at a later date.. no promises there though haha🤞)
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lady-phasma · 4 months
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Hello there! Several Reddit users claim the Madame is the mysterious lady from the trailer because of a scar on her and Michelle's hand. However, I'd say the ridge on Michelle's hand is a protruding vein rather than an actual scar. Also, Michelle's complexion is darker than Ewan's, and hand from the trailer seems rather pale. Imo the hand looks much like Olivia's and the shape of her fingers and thumb remind me of Phia's... We should wait and see, I guess.b
I love that you said "wait and see!" I just answered an ask about this from an anon and I quoted Neil Gaiman and his "wait and see" about spoilers.
Also, hello! Thanks for the ask. We are so invested in this scene and it makes me so happy. Feels like a throwback to the Sherlock fandom and how we only got four episodes every 2-3 years.
I think it's a vein on Michelle's hand for sure. The dark hair in the background makes me think Olivia. I want to be delulu and believe that it's Phia's. I just don't believe that it will be Helaena. I think it's more likely to be the Madame. That can definitely be problematic if it's not handled well. I'm going to try not to think about the implications of that until we know for sure.
The other thing I'm unsure about is the lack or jewelry. The Madame wears a lot of it and it's possible she took it off but this woman appears to be clothed. It's so frustrating in the best possible way!
I've said it before and I will say it again: if I have to give up Helaemond for this to be Alicent, I will do so gladly. That would be the sweetest thing ever. I doubt it's the case (and not because of the likelihood that he's naked, that doesn't both Alicent). I doubt it because of other interactions we saw in the trailer. Bet if this is Alicent I will lose my mind and people will unfollow me for how crazy I will be about it. Our boy going to Mama Ali for comfort will kill me.
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For those who haven't been following along, here's one of my answers where I assembled some links about these posts if you want to catch up.
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gudsouplady · 1 month
Watching Sherlock (S1,E1) A Study in pink (Tw: This show has a lot of showing and mentioning of guns,Dead bodies,Drugs,War etc.If you don’t like that stuff then I advise you to not read this post) (spoilers)
• Poor guy,He had a bad dream about his time in war :(
• The gun in the drawer…
• He has a blog :)
• The intro is an absolute Bop
• I don’t think she understands the fact that cabs are expensive
• He took a pill and now he died after having no screen time at all
• Why couldn’t he just have shared the other guys umbrella
• Noooo two people are dead already :(
• Maybe it was the cab somehow????
• Why were her keys taken out her bag and what were they needed for ????
• She took the pills like the others :(
• Lestrade is trying his best
• The texts  being sent to everyone in that room are creepy
• “You know where to find me”- That is quite mysterious  
• I don’t really like Stamford as a character
• Ladies and gentlemen,The one and only, The Legendary Mr Benedict Cumberbatch
• Why is he beating the dead body
• Sherlock is kinda rude
• Sherlock knows…
• Poor Molly, Dealing with Sherlock
• Sherlock is ranting about what he knows about John
• Sherlock is iconic
• He got John’s number, Somehow ??
• I think looking up someone that you just met is a bit odd but I can’t Judge John because he is the best
• Another one died….
• They met at the perfect time
• Sherlock and mrs Hudson are adorable :)
• They had very different ideas
• Who was the skull ???
• Sherlock always makes a mess
• The science of deduction, Is that a real website (it is real and I recommend looking at it)
• Sherlock ranting x2
• Sherlock can identify anyone at this point
• Lestrade is back !!!
• I have a bad feeling about Anderson
• The way Sherlock jumped makes me laugh
• Mrs Hudson is only trying to help John don’t yell at her :( (We must protect her at all costs)
• Sherlock came back for John :)
• The game is on !!!!!!!!
• The soundtrack is actually really catchy
• Sherlock ranting x3
• why won’t she let John through ???
• I don’t like Anderson and sally
• Who is Rachel ?????
• How old is the house ??????
• Sherlock is doing his job and John and Lestrade and just sitting there
• Sherlock only wants Johns opinion
• Where’s the suitcase
• Sherlock ranting x4
• Sherlock just runs away
• why does everyone want John to stay away from Sherlock
• The public phones are ringing….
• The public can see what’s going on, The cameras don’t have to move
• I don’t like “Anthea”
• Why does he stand like that
• Abandoned warehouses, Great meeting place
• Why does he want information about Sherlock
• I’m glad John didn’t except the offer
• Don’t touch John, you random person
• Why did he get the gun out of the drawer ???????
• John is back at Baker Street
• I’m sure there are better ways to think than nicotine patches especially 3 of them
• Just to send a text..
• Sherlock is so needy
• The suitcase
• Sherlock didn’t kill the woman
• The phone is gone
• Not the skull being being taken
• Don’t talk about finding the murder in the street
• “I’m not his date”. You sure about that John ???
• Get the candle Angelo
• Girlfriend? No, not really my area. Is Sherlock gay ????
• John’s face 🤣
• He left the cane
• Sherlock almost got run over by a car whilst trying to chase a taxi
• They didn’t find the taxi
• “I pickpocket him when he’s annoying” An absolute legendary line
• Their laughs are so funny
• He’s taken the room upstairs
• The cane got found and returned
• I don’t like Lestrade anymore..
• It’s a drugs bust
• Sherlock does drugs…
• Lestrade is like a fed up dad
• Ewww Anderson
• “I’m a high functioning sociopath”
• Rachel is dead :(
• I can see why people call Sherlock sociopathic
• The taxi….
• They can access her emails
• “Anderson, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street” I Love these quotes
• The phone is at Baker Street.. How ??
• Who is at the top of the stairs
• Is the taxi driver the murder…?
• The cabbie is just confessing to his murder
• Don’t get the cab Sherlock
• The cabbie was warned
• Sherlock is a good man
• Why murder someone in a college ????
• Mephone is an absolute lifesaver
• Sherlock is an absolute legend
• The pills
• Humans are idiots and we don’t think
• What if they’re both poisonous or both safe ????
• John made it to the college
• Sherlock ranting x5
• The cabbie has a dark backstory
• Who is paying for these murders
• The gun wasn’t real ???
• Sherlock should of just walked out
• Don’t take the pill
• John please save Sherlock
• John just saved him !!!!
• Who is moriarty
• Sherlock in a shock blanket
• Sherlock knows it was John
• I love their friendship
• The stranger is back…
• The stranger is Sherlock’s brother, Mycroft
• The besties walking away from the scene is so iconic
I rate this episode a 10/10 because the storyline was really complex and I loved it and the characters and I will definitely watch the rest of the series
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fandom-friday · 6 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
💜 = 18+ content 🔵 = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover Poets and Painters (Commander Wolffe x gn!Reader) by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Lady of Mercy (Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @eloquent-apollo The War of Life and Death by @galacticgraffiti
Star Wars Legends: Echoes of a Queen (Mara Jade x Luke Skywalker) by Conquistadora36 (AO3)
Batman: Life Happens by @cdelphiki Your Emergency by shanahane (AO3) Awake By Dawn by cookieTHEdragon (AO3) Happy Napping-Day by cookieTHEdragon (AO3) Baby Love by @awkwardbluefish Unacceptable by @jazz020 Little Bird by GoldTitaniumMaiden (AO3)
X-Men: Pound the Table by An_October_Daye (AO3)
Lucifer: Unwritten (Chloe Decker x Lucifer Morningstar) by @mightbeawriter
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Persona 5: Breaking the Rigged Game by Lord_Tenebros (AO3)
Crossover AUs: Home of the Weird (Gravity Falls X Hetalia Crossover) by IrenkaFeralKitty (AO3) Set Naked on Your Kingdom (Batman X Spiderman Crossover) by sassydandelion (AO3) Spider's Web (Sherlock Holmes X Hetalia Crossover) by Well Groomed Goldfish (FF.net)
The Clone Wars: Commander Cody Art by @rexxdjarin 💜 Downtime Series by @for-the-sake-of-color Shaak Ti Art by @sabellart Commander Fox Art by @jekyllnahyena
The Bad Batch: Wrecker Art by @allofthedoodles 🔵(TBB S3) But You're the One Who Found Us by @hauntingacorpse
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eybefioro · 9 months
Hi, I'm Eybe!
I made this blog to have a place to obsess a little over my fixations (rn it is Good Omens obv).
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I've been writing! If you want, check my ff on AO3 :) (English is not my first language, so expect mistakes. Não que eu seja muito melhor em português, mas sabe como é né)
Also... could I interest you in a ✨️ficlet or poem✨️?? Send me a word on the ask box and I'll write one for you!!
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I mostly use tags for yapping. I don't tag things properly – I'm getting better at it, but don't expect trigger/content warnings. These are the ones I use with some consistency:
#woven words - Poetry stuff, apparently I'm doing that now.
#✨️Random fic rec✨️- I try to recommend a fic every so often! (It was weekly before but i couldn't keep it up LMAO. It takes me long to write the recs)They aren't spoiler free since it's a bit of a collection of my thoughts&experience reading it (I'm very enthusiastic about it)
#words after words - my ramblings about writing.
#sdrOwOrds - my fanfics & ficlets
#endless rewatch - for when I'm inevitably rewatching gomens and wanna talk about it.
#fanart i guess - hm this is new. I'm drawing sometimes. I'm not good but I have fun!
#tag game! & #ask game :D - for tag&ask games lol
#ask tag :) - all my asks.
#random ramble - more personal stuff. Whatever goes on my mind and i want to share for some reason.
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I do love the ask thingy (and messages) so feel free to talk to me and send stuff! i won't bite, promise (unless you ask kindly)
(More about me under the cut)
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🚧in construction 🚧
I'm too invested in music (I listen to a lot of different stuff) and fanfiction, and I do love anime and tv shows (Hannibal, Percy Jackson, The Good Place, Dirk Gently are some of them!). I like to watch people playing videogames, but don't play much myself bc I suck at them. Very much. It's comical. But I do love stardew valley, the Sims and Inscryption :)
Things that I like (and that you eventually see reblogs about (probably. Let'sbe honest this is 99% a gomens blog)):
Podcasts - Midnight burger, Magnus Archives, Dungeons and Daddies, Sherlock&Co, França e o Labirinto, Good Omens Radio drama, Paciente 63.
TV shows - Good Omens (obv), Dirk Gently, The umbrella academy, Hannibal, Percy Jackson, The good place, Interview with the vampire, Modern Family, This is Us, Dexter
Movies - Everything Everywhere All at once, Deadpool, studio Ghibli movies
Cartoons & Animes - Steven Universe, Adventure Time. Irmão do Jorel, Regular Show, Sponge Bob, Scooby Doo, almost anything hanna barbera actually, Barakamon, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Jujutsu Kaisen, Mob Psycho, Given, SK8, Dr Stone, YuYu Hakusho, HxH, DoroHeDoro, Fulk Metal Alchemist, Beastars (I do read manga too, but it's been a while. I liked Blue Exorcist, Golden Kamuy, Deadman Wonderland, Assassination Classroom)
Music - almost anything. Some: Ghost, Sleep Token, Cartola, Pet shop boys, blur, Secos e molhados, lady gaga, Orville peck, Sepultura, Rita Lee, Scorpions, Tracy Chapman, ABBA. Stromae, Lil Simz, Liniker, Hozier, Yellow Days, MacDeMarco, Alt-j, YinYin, Queen, Lil Nas X, The smiths, The Cure, Arctic Monkeys... so much more. (My tastes tend to be very 80s tho for some reason. In general terms, Disco, Rock, MPB & city pop are what I listen the most I think?)
Games - Stardew Valley, Inscryption, Minecraft, The Sims, Cities Skylines, Katana Zero
Other - Ordem paranormal (RPG livestreams), webtoons, architecture (in general)
Dividers by Enchantings!!
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