#lady of Mercia
silverflameataraxia · 2 years
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The Last Kingdom Season 3 (2018)
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New Muse!
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Lady of Mercia
Lady of the Mercians
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w1ckedgal · 2 months
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The last kingdom x Labour by Paris Paloma
Inspired by this post
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ancestorsalive · 4 months
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Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, who passed away in 918. Her nephew Aethelstan, future king of all England, looks up at her.
"Aethelflaed was one of three daughters of Alfred the Great, and her name meant "noble beauty". She married Aethelraed of Mercia at some point during the 880s and while this union meant a strong alliance between Wessex and Mercia the pair embarked on a "Mercian revival" with the city of Worcester at its centre.
When Aethelraed died in 911 after years of ill-health Aethelflaed remained as Lady of Mercia and held this position until her death, making her the only female ruler of a kingdom during the entire Anglo-Saxon era. The only compromise she made was to agree to her brother Edward, now king of Wessex, taking some of Mercia's southern lands under his control.
Their father Alfred the Great had fortified dozens of Wessex towns as "burhs" and Edward continued this work, connecting his burhs with those in Mercia to represent a united front against viking incursions, and it wasn't long before this was put to the test.
A force of vikings, pushed out of Ireland, landed in the mouth of the Dee after unsuccessfully trying to take land in Wales, and asked Aethelflaed if they could settle for a time outside the old Roman walled town of Chester. Permission was granted but the Norsemen raided and robbed the area at will so Aethelflaed led a force to shut them down. She had Chester fortified and waited for the inevitable viking attack, it came and was repulsed, the Scandinavian chancers sent packing in complete disarray.
This same Norse army was brought to battle at Tettenhall near Wolverhampton where Aethelflaed's forces destroyed them. The writing was now on the wall - the vikings had to go. Together with Edward she raided deep into Danelaw territory on a mission to rescue the bones of St Oswald - who had been killed and ritually dismembered by the pagan king of Mercia Penda - from a church in Lincolnshire then brought the relics down to Gloucestershire where a new church was built to house them...more on that presently.
The burhs continued to be built, and the Dane strongholds fell as Aethelflaed campaigned hard against them. Her forces defeated three Norse armies before finally taking the city of Derby, then Leicester, before the Danes of York came to her to pledge their loyalty. The vikings in Anglia capitulated to Edward and so all of England south of Northumbria was now back under Anglo-Saxon rule.
Aethelflaed died at Tamworth in 918 and so will be forever associated with the town, but she was carried down to Gloucestershire to be buried in the church she had built for St Oswald. Unfortunately the monastery there fell into decline over the centuries, was dissolved in 1536, then almost completely destroyed during the English Civil War. Nobody knows where Aethelflaed's resting place is now, but the ruins of St Oswalds are as good a place as any as a pilgrimage destination for those wishing to follow in the footsteps of the Lady of Mercia." - Source: Hugh Williams via Medieval England on FB.
Photo: Statue of Aethelflaed and Aethelstan at Tamworth Castle, by EG Bramwell, unveiled in 1913.
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oscarwetnwilde · 1 year
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James Wilby & Sporting, Part Two: 1. Victoria (2016): shooting 2. Maurice (1987): cricket 3. Poirot (2008): snooker 4. An Ideal Husband (1999): golf 5. Shadows In The Sun (2009): biking 6. Bertie And Elizabeth (2002): shooting 7. Bertie And Elizabeth (2002): tennis 8. You, Me, And It (1993): rugby 9. Lady Godiva (2008): sword fighting 10. A Summer Story (1988): biking
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SCULPTURE: “LADY GODIVA” by John Thomas (1813 - 1862), UK.
According to the legend dating back to at least the 13th century, Lady Godiva (b. around 1040 — d. between 1066 and 1086), a countess whose name (Godgifu or Godgyfu) translates from Latin as 'gift of God,' rode through the streets of Coventry, Warwickshire, England, in 11th century AD, with nothing but her long hair covering her.
This act was a condition set by her husband Leofric, Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes for the people.
She rode through the town while the inhabitants stayed indoors with windows and doors shut.
According to that legend, her husband, moved by her bravery, kept his promise and reduced the taxes.
This myth portrays Lady Godiva as possibly the first woman to use her body to defend a social cause.
Maidstone Museum, Kent
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aelswiths · 3 months
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AELSWITH (looking hot as fuck) IN 2x03
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lord-aldhelm · 8 months
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Æthelred and Æthelflæd of Mercia: Medieval England’s most important marriage?
Came across This Article yesterday and thought I would share it.
It goes into great detail about Lord Aethelred and Lady Aethelflaed. Aethelred in real life was nothing like he was portrayed in the show or books. He respected King Alfred as his overking, treated Aethelflaed as an equal, and was a competent leader and fought side by side with Edward the Elder. In fact Edward trusted Aethelred and Aethelflaed to foster his firstborn son Aethelstan. Interesting read.
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i still have the taste of you on my tongue.
(dealers choice. Bring it.)
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Aethelflaed smiled gently with a soft giggle and leaned down kissing Aldhelm on the lips gently where he lay in the bed, "Do you? Well, I am afraid that will have to last for a bit. I have to go to work." She kissed him again before straightening up and wandering into the bathroom to get ready for work.
"I have a work thing tonight, a kinda drinks and dinner type thing." Aethelflaed said as she began to get ready for the day, "do you wanna come with me?"
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thenobleone · 1 year
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Sabía que los cotilleos y chismes se habían extendido desde la posesión de Aethelflaed sobre Mercia. El rey se había mantenido unánime, sin juicios ni altercados; aunque por su cuenta debía notarse su posición. Dejándose llevar por la supuesta presión, se dispuso a visitar la tierra de su hija, o mejor dicho, de la lady de Mercia. Vería por su cuenta cómo lo hacía.
⚔️ @sweetquccn
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i-am-become-a-name · 1 year
starting to notice a theme of tegan jovanka being left behind in big finish audios, and yeah, I recognise it's following on from Time-Flight, but jfc, stop abandoning her to live for weeks/months/even a year in a different environment and then never mention it again! it should be a big thing! it changes a person!
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silverflameataraxia · 2 years
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The Last Kingdom Season 3
👑 My Queen 👑
Even though it's forbidden for women to lead men into battle, Æthelflæd does it anyways. And she gives an epic pre-battle speech. I love how Aldhelm is impressed by her, and the army loves her. Æthelflæd is one of the most important female historical figures of all time.
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Fave characters in no order: Sithric, Finan, Sigtrygr (that's def not how you spell it), Aldheim (listen we love a smart, competent man), Aelswith , Hild and Beooca.
Least fave char: Aelfwynn (I get why she is how she is but I CANNOT stand dumb kid/young characters who go "it's my life, I don't care bout you so I'm gonna run away), pretty much all the villains (Including Athelwolds slimy ass), and Edward.
Fave Scenes: Honestly has to be in episode 9 or 10? Where Finan is all "We have the element of surprise they do not know you're here" and then you hear someone scream "Uthred!" That and any scene with Finan and/or Hild.
Least fave scene: Edwards last scene with Uthred and Thyra's last scene(Whoever wrote this scene I actually hate you)
Ooo thyra's last scene was absolutely brutal for no fucking reason. Like why on earth did they have to do it like that? It was so hard to watch.😭
AYY you have immaculate taste tho, the bois are amazing and Sigtryggr was absolutely iconic. Literally can't stand how his character spiraled, but still;; for what he was...for his scene screaming at finan that he wouldn't abandon his wife??? My man frfr. Aldheim is literally SO underrated. He was iconic!! Like especially when Edward bitches out and he's just like "ye so. FUCK U." That was amazing frfr. Also super happy to know u luv Beocca;; he has sm good moments and honestly he's such a gem of a character 😭
And naw I get you, I really couldn't feel for Aelfwynn at all cuz it felt like she could have avoided this whole thing lmao. Not blaming her ofc but like girl. :/ God I hate Athelwold sm but he rlly made that season iconic I gotta admit😭😭 like man's said if I'm gonna die it's gonna be with a stellar performance.
Edwards last scene with Uthred tho if I remember correctly, I was laughing my ass off? I think I was like "oh no no no" and cackling as Edward walked over to Uthred all triumphant only to have Uthred be like "fuck ur vision of England lmao🤪" and his face drops so fast. Like that? Comedic gold. His lil seething?? Perfection.
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coloursofunison · 10 months
Lady Estrid is this week's kindle deal but who were her family ? #KindleDeal #HistFic
Lady Estrid is this week's kindle deal but who were her family ? #KindleDeal #HistFic
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👑🌹The Queen of Love and Beauty🌹👑
Round 1 (4 of 6)
The Queen of Love and Beauty shall hold the honour of presenting unto the winner of the Tournament his Champion's Coronet.
Vote for the lady who, to you, best exemplifies feminine dignity, grace and loveliness
The six contenders with the most votes will advance.
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Row 1 - Lady Marian Fitzwalter [Olivia de Havilland], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Lady Marion of Leaford [Judi Trott], Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986) - Lady Marian [Audrey Hepburn], Robin & Marian (1976)
Row 2 - Guinevere [Angel Coulby], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) - Morgana Pendragon [Katie McGrath], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) - Morgana Pendragon [Eva Green], Camelot (2011)
Row 3 - Aliena [Hayley Atwell], The Pillars of the Earth (2010) - Æthelflæd of Mercia [Millie Brady], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) - Marian of Knighton [Lucy Griffiths], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Row 4 - Catherine of Aragon [Maria Doyle Kennedy], The Tudors (2007-2010) - Djaq [Anjali Jay], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009) [1] - Roberta Steingas [Clare Foster], Galavant (2015-2016) [1]
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whitedarkmoonflower · 6 months
Caged bird
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: I felt so sorry for the load of angst I dumped on you this week. Have this little treat as a compensation.
Warnings: SMUT 18+
Summary: It had been only a week since the handsome Dane, strength and danger emanating from his every pore, had evaded your secluded life, turning it upside down in the blink of an eye. 
Word Count: 2,3 K
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A startled yelp escaped your lips as you felt two strong arms encircle your waist, swiftly pulling you into one of the nearby empty rooms. Your arms were laden with fresh beddings as you were swept away. 
A hand promptly covered your mouth, muffling any sound, while searingly hot breath caressed your neck, followed by hungry lips that sent shivers coursing up and down your spine,  as you struggled to catch your breath. Words were unnecessary; you would always recognise those lips, the rough yet tender touch of those hands, and the heat of that familiar breath against your skin.
You let go of the bundle of linens, allowing them to scatter across the floor, disregarding them entirely. Your fingers found solace in the soft, thick strands of hair, urging the eager mouth closer as you arched your back against the sturdy wooden door.
"This is madness, Sihtric," you murmured softly, barely audible, as the hand that had covered your mouth now ventured downward, caressing your breasts through the fabric of your dress. Hot lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses from your collarbone to your shoulder and back down to the curve of your cleavage.
"We can't... I can't... Oh, God, Sihtric," your protest dissolved into a gasp as an eager hand boldly gathered the fabric of your skirt, slipped beneath it and delved behind the hem of your undergarment, reaching your core.
"Don't deny me," a throaty whisper, laden with longing, brushed against your ear, eliciting a soft whine from your lips, as your legs spread on their own, without waiting any conscious command from you, the heat in your belly hitting you with the force of a thunderstorm. "I know you crave me as much as I crave you."
Thick fingers parted your folds, ravenously ravaging your dripping cunt. As much as you tried, you were unable to suppress the lewd moan, clawing through you as Sihtric pushed one finger inside you. 
"God, forgive me," you panted breathlessly, your fingers entwining in Sihtric's hair, pulling firmly, as you shamelessly rolled your hips into his hand. "More... I need you. Please, give me more," you pleaded into Sihtric's ear. With a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, he obliged, adding another digit and starting to pump them in and out of your tightness, his thumb brushing against your sensitive bundle of nerves..
“Such a needy little girl. Missed me so much,” Sihtric’s breath was picking up, a low groan reverberating in his throat, as you clenched around his fingers. “Let it go, my little bird. My sweet, beautiful girl. Give it to me. I want to see you flying again, I want to hear you calling my name.” 
And you did as you were told, not that you had any choice, you were already crumbling, falling apart, your eyes rolling back in your head, his power over you beyond your comprehension, as you had never felt anything like this before. Breath catching, you dug your fingers into the thick leather covering Sihtric’s shoulders, whimpering his name between panting breaths.
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It had been only a week since the handsome Dane, strength and danger emanating from his every pore, had evaded your secluded life, turning it upside down in the blink of an eye. 
The looming threat of war hung heavy in the air. A large army of Danes was gathering at the borders of Mercia. The word had been spread that Lady Aethelflaed was rallying forces to defend the kingdom from the impending Danish invasion. The prospects appeared grim, with Lord Aethelred and his household troops delayed in East Anglia. Your husband, wary of sending his men to certain death, as he repeatedly voiced, preferred to await the outcome from the shadows. 
The choice was taken from him one rainy day with Lady Aethelflaed at his doorsteps, demanding lodging for herself and her war council, the scarce army setting up a camp in the nearby field.
As the lady of the house, you stood in the yard, welcoming esteemed guests and trying to offset your husband's stern demeanour with a warm smile. You courtseyed Lady Aethelflaed and greeted Lord Aldhelm, and Lord Uhtred, as introduced by the Lady. Your attention then shifted to the three other men dismounting their horses, and it was then that you saw him for the first time.
Tall, athletic, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, he stood in stark contrast to your husband and any other man you had encountered, not that you had encountered many.  
You couldn't help but stare at him, feeling a blush creeping onto your cheeks and a slight shiver down your spine, as your eyes scanned his handsome sharply defined face with a strong jawline, involuntary stopping at his crazy haircut - dark curls cascaded to his right eye, while the other side of the head was shaved with beads and pearls woven into the hairline. 
He casually handed the reins to a stable boy and joined his companions, his hearty laughter momentarily distracting you from the solemn reason for their presence in your husband’s estate.
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Sihtric’s lips crushed against your parted ones, eagerly swallowing your moans and whines, his kiss searingly hot, as he kept fucking you with his fingers through your high. 
"We must stop this, Sihtric. It's not right. It's a sin," you whimpered, your chest rising and falling heavily. Yet your hands spoke a different language, clutching onto him, drawing him nearer, a soft whine escaping your lips as Sihtric withdrew his fingers.
"Tell me to stop, and I will. Say you are happy in your gilded cage, that you don’t love me, don’t desire me, and I'll disappear from your life forever," Sihtric's forehead pressed against yours, his hands on your waist. Was he holding his breath?
Your teeth grazed your lower lip as you reached out, tracing your fingers along the scars on his face. How could you deny what was so obvious?
"I love you," you breathed, drawing him into another kiss, allowing the fervour of his eager lips to carry you away from this place, from the mundanity of your existence, into another world where you were free to choose your own path, where you were free to love and be loved, if only for this fleeting moment of happiness.
“I want you to be mine,” Sihtric groaned against your mouth, “I want you to come with me, to leave this place and that old coot you call your husband. I’ll provide for you, care for you,  worship the ground you walk on.” His covetous hands roamed your body, words flowing from his lips like a sweet wine, dizzying and inebriating. 
He lifted you effortlessly in his strong arms, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried you to the table at the back of the room and settled you onto it, hastily pulling your undergarment down your legs.
"The mere thought of him touching you, makes my blood run cold," he hissed, positioning himself between your thighs. "You are mine. Do you hear me? Mine to claim, mine to cherish, mine to love. I need you like I need air to breathe. You cannot deny me."
You licked your lips as you watched him freeing his hard cock from his breeches, giving it a few strokes and aligning himself with your entrance.
“Come to me, claim me,” you purred, your eyes half lid as you reached out for him.
The force with which Sihtric sinked into you made you whine out loud, your nails digging into his shoulders for support. With a throaty moan he sheathed himself to the very end of his shaft, his lips on your neck, arm around your waist to hold you in place, and started thrusting into you with a maddening pace. 
“Say it again,” he demanded, voice low and hoarse, his hips moving against yours, forcing himself deeper and deeper with each thrust, “I need to hear it.”
“I love you,“ you whimpered between your panting breaths.
“Say that you are mine.”
"I'm yours," you mewled, clinging to him as if your life depended on it. Lost in the throes of pleasure, you would have said anything he desired without a second thought. Yet, it was not a lie, in this fleeting moment you were indeed his, wholly and willingly.
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You were but a girl, tightly gripping your mother's hand, your curious gaze fixed upon the stranger seated at the table with your father.  You had no idea that this was the moment your future was decided, sealed with a simple handshake.
Your father had meant well, eager to secure a husband and livelihood for his youngest daughter. Grateful, as a dutiful daughter ought to be, you accepted his decision. Five years later, just after your first bleeding, you found yourself murmuring prayers outside the church, pondering what your husband might be like.
The slight silver glinting in his hair and the wrinkles etched around his eyes went unnoticed by you as you placed your hand in his, obediently casting your eyes downward—a dutiful daughter transforming into a dutiful wife.
Apart from the vows exchanged at the altar, he hadn't truly spoken to you; instead, he observed you with the detached gaze of a horse trader appraising a fine mare. It was only later in the night as your new wed husband grunted in your ear, slapping his hips at your bare ass from behind, that you wondered whether this was how love was supposed to feel. 
He wasn't cruel, nor was he kind. He simply possessed you. Your life flowed on like a tranquil river—no hidden currents, no waterfalls, not even the playful splash of waves against a rocky shore. There was no affection, only indifference and emptiness. But you had nothing to compare to, you couldn’t even tell why those hot tears trailed down your cheeks in the evenings as you curled up in your bed, watching your husband tug himself back in his breeches and depart without a backward glance. 
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"I'm yours. I'll always be yours," the words flowed effortlessly from your lips, not daring to think, not daring to tear your eyes away from the mismatched gaze, burning you, consuming you. The throaty groan they coaxed from Sihtric made a smile curl on your parted lips and you rolled your hips against him, meeting his thrusts with eagerness matching his.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the small room, your moans mingling with Sihtric’s panting breaths. His hand slipped between your bodies, finding your clit and rubbing against it. You bit your lip trying at least to somewhat muffle the cries of pleasure pulsing through you.
“My greedy princess, my little caged bird, taking my cock so well,” Sihtric breathed in your ear. “So fucking tight around me. You are made for my cock, you are made for me. Made to be fucked into oblivion every night, to be filled up with my seed, to carry my children.”
You had never been loved like this. In truth, you had never really been loved at all. You were starving and you were lost from that very first moment your eyes locked with his piercing gaze.
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You attempted to evade him, striving to stifle the tempest of emotions raging within you. Your knees throbbed from hours of prayer, beseeching salvation from the sinful yearning he ignited, yet your pleas remained unheard. 
In the evening, despite your efforts, your eyes kept seeking out his familiar figure in the grand hall, torn between dread and longing for your gazes to meet.
And meet they did. Initially, fleetingly, causing your cheeks to flush pink once more, just like the first time in the yard. Hastily, you averted your eyes, diverting yourself with meaningless conversations. Yet, as the evening unfolded, it happened repeatedly—the moments your gazes lingered on each other lengthening with each time.
You lacked the strength to turn him away when he found you later that night, seated in the small garden, seeking solace in the cool night air to banish thoughts of the handsome stranger from your mind. Your resolve crumbled as he tenderly kissed your palm, drawing you closer against his muscular frame. The touch of Sihtric's lips upon yours left you breathless and trembling, excitement coursing through your veins, torn between the desire to flee and the urge to surrender to his embrace.
That night you actually made love for the first time in your life, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you whispered his name into the darkness like a fervent prayer.
Never could you have imagined that this would evolve into something more than just a single night of passion and regret yet here you were struggling for breath, the most sinful sensation ripping you apart, as Sihtric was fucking you senseless, again. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his, moaning into Sihtric’s mouth, as your walls started clenching around him and you came on his cock, your head snapping back, his name rolling over your lips and mingling with the wild moans of pleasure you were unable to control. A few thrusts later he followed you, groaning in the crook of your neck as he spilled deep inside you.
"I love you, my little caged bird. I love you, and I'll come for you, take you with me," Sihtric breathed heavily, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes searching, pleading for agreement.
"Sihtric, you know it's impossible," you whispered, holding onto him tightly, wishing to prolong this moment just a little longer.
"I don't care about your husband. He doesn't deserve you. He treats you like you're a piece of furniture. He shows more affection to his horse than to you," venom dripped from Sihtric's voice. Though everything he said was true, it didn't change anything.
"Stop it!" you cried out, tears welling up in your eyes. "Stop it," you pleaded, your voice breaking into soft sobs. "If you truly care for me, then stop. It will be hard enough to see you leave for battle tomorrow."
"I will come back," there was not a hint of doubt in his voice as his lips sealed his promise with a tender kiss.
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