#lady Lesso fluff
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Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.

The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
#lady lesso#leonora lesso#lady leonora lesso x reader#lady lesso x reader#leonora lesso x reader#lady leonora lesso#school for good and evil#tsfgae#sge#fanfiction#fanfic#charlize theron#charlize theron x you#charlize theron x reader#lady lesso fluff#lady lesso x you#lady lesso imagine#leonora lesso fluff#lady leonora lesso fluff#the school for good and evil
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1,12,63 prompts with bottom or switch lesso
Caught in Your Web ~Younger!Bottom!Leonora Lesso xFem Dominatrix!Reader ~College AU
Summary— College AU where Clarissa and her friends go out clubbing, and Clarissa drags her roommate, Leonora with her. What Leonora doesn’t expect is Reader, the caretaking, mysterious bartender… Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! Thank you for the request! I really got into this fic, hope you enjoy ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#1. “You think you can top me?”
#12. “Oh my... I’m... uh... speechless..”
#63. “I’m… I’m afraid I might hurt/break you…”
Warnings: implied NSFW, implied smut, implied bdsm themes, little age gap (all legal), little angst, fluff, kissing, alcohol consumption, teasing, flustering, dom/sub implied relations, top/bottom talk, implied future bdsm/smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
The clubs music was ringing in Leonora’s ears as Dovey dragged the redhead in and through the raging crowd. Clarissa pulled Leonora to a corner table, where a couple of Clarissa’s friend where already waiting for them.
Dover’s girls screamed in delight as Clarissa came to the standing table, Leonora behind her. They said their giggling hellos and how are yous, before Clarissa introduced Leonora to the group.
“Girls… this is my roommate, Leo!!” Clarissa exclaimed, showing Leonora off to the table of squealing young women.
Clarissa’s girls all greeted Leonora, but then quickly moved on to hushed gossip as well as the agreed decision to acquire some shots.
Leonora rolled her eyes slightly and rolled her eyes. One of the girls was quick to go grab the first of many round of shots from the bartender, returning to the girls and passing the liquid courage out.
Leonora grumbled as she took the shot being passed to her. Clarissa looked her to Leo, giving her a firm look saying ‘C’mon be cool, these are my friends’.
Leonora rolled her eyes again before downing her shot with the rest of the group. This routine went on for what felt like hours. The girls would gossip for a while, then get more shots, then gossip again, then shots…
After the fifth or six round, Leonora was ready to throw up. She had never drank this much tequila before… She managed to get away and stumble up to the bar, sitting on a stool and looking at you in desperation.
You finished making a cocktail for some rando, noticing the desperate look in Leonora’s eyes. You immediately came over to Leonora, the bar separating the two of you, to make sure she was okay.
“Hey, Darling. Are you alright, can I get you anything?” You asked the redhead.
She keeled over her seat a little, wrapping her arms around her stomache.
“Oh God…” Leonora groaned, suddenly getting the urge to vomit.
You immediately recognized that drunken look and were quick to grab a bucket and hand it to the woman. Leonora took it quickly and emptied out the contents of her stomache into it with a long groan.
Aftewards, she felt slightly better, but not completely relieved. Leonora looked back at you, mumbling a thank you, and offered the bucket back.
“No no, keep it, ‘hun. I have a feeling you’ll need it again.” You reassured the redhead.
Leonora pursed her lips together and nodded.
“Here, let me get you some cold water…” You told her, being cut off by another customer before you could call the woman another pet name.
You swiftly made the person’s drink, before grabbing the redhead and ice water, and sliding it over to her.
“Thank you…” Leonora breathed out, slowly sipping the water.
“Of course, no problem, babe.” You comforted her, “The name’s Y/N.”
This made Leonora blush lightly. But she immediately masked it.
“I’m Leonora…” she spoke, accompanied by a light groan.
You gave Leonora a smile and told her that you’d serve some other customers and be back to check on her soon. She have you another thanks and continued sipping her water.
To be honest, you had noticed Leonora when she had been dragged into the club. You had watched her stand uncomfortably with that group of straight, preppy college girls. You had rolled your eyes when she was made of take those shots. And you weren’t surprised when she’d come stumbling to you after that much tequila.
You helped a handful of customers with their drinks, having to cut off a couple people as well as the night went on, eventually making it back to Leonora.
“How you doing, ‘Nora…? Can I call you ‘Nora?” You asked the woman.
The nickname made the redhead smile a little. She nodded.
“Mm okay… You were right. I did need the bucket again. Multiple times. Thanks…” Leonora breathed out in thanks.
You bit your lip and nodded.
“Anytime. How are you feeling…? Need more water?”
“Sick…” Leonora groaned, “More water would be great”
You chuckled, “Yea that makes sense. I saw you taking those peer pressure shots like there was no tomorrow…”
Leonora looked away at your words. She didn’t want to think about those girls. They hadn’t even noticed her absence.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to lower the mood…” you comforted, putting your hand on hers on the bar and squeezing it in reassurance.
Leonora met your again, smiling lightly, and nodding.
“No you’re right…” she breathed out.
You pulled your hand away, and Leonora found herself missing your touch.
“I’ll get you that water, sweetheart.” You said, “And I’m here if you need anything else.”
Leonora nodded once more and yet again thanked you. You got the woman another water, then having to serve more of the other customers again.
All while doing so, you kept side glancing back to Leonora. She certainly was your type… She was naturally a beauty. You could tell she was fierce. And smart. And she looked damn good in that dress…
But you put your personally feelings aside. You had a job to do, and she was also so drunk, she was sick.
Throughout the rest of the night, Leonora stayed in the corner stool of the bar, only getting up for bathroom breaks or vomiting into the bucket. You two got into a routine of you bringing her more water and the two of you having conversation. You even gave her some pain meds along with some vitamins from your own personal stash to help the woman sober up.
Towards the end of the night, you started to close up tabs and pay our customers. It wasn’t closing time yet, you still had like two hours, but the less hardcore partiers were starting to filter out.
From your side eye, you could see the girls that had dragged Leonora out clubbing, they were still on the dancefloor, flat out drunk and hollering expletives along with the music.
Leonora had began to get over her drunken nausea. She was now sitting at the bar, watching you as you made drinks and took payments. When the bar hit a lull, you sauntered back over to Leonora, to check in with the woman.
“How ya’ doing, ‘Nora?” You hummed, cleaning off some glasses as you talked to the redhead.
Leonora was taking a drink from her water, she hummed, and finished her gulp before answering.
“Better. Thank you” the redhead breathed out.
You hummed and nodded.
Leonora then asked something offhand,
“Do you get hit on a lot…?”
Your gaze flicked from the glass you were cleaning to the woman in a split second.
“Yea I do…” you spoke, “It’s kinda an expected part of the job… why?”
Leonora shrugged her shoulders.
“I saw a couple guys try their luck tonight with you and from what I could see, you turned them all down… I assume your partner doesn’t take a liking to that…” She explained.
You smirked and chuckled lightly. This made Leonora quirk her brow up lightly in amusement.
“What…?” She asked curiously.
“Well… for one, I’m gay.” You enlightened Leonora,
This made the redhead’s eyes widen and her mouth form a silent Ohhh.
“And second, I don’t have a partner.” You finished your thought.
This puzzled Leonora a bit. How could a stunning bartender like you, not have a girlfriend…??
You registered the shocked look on the redheads face, making you chuckle even more.
“I know, I know… How could I be single…??” You joked with a chuckle, waving your hands in the air for dramatic effect.
This made Leonora chuckle lightly as well. You put the clean and dried glasses aside, grabbing the next rack of soapy glasses that needed cleaning next.
“What about you? You got a girlfriend…?” You asked.
Leonora’s breath hitched and her eyes widened slightly again.
You knew she was…?
“I—umm… No, well… it’s complicated…” Leonora stammered, nervously looking back and forth from you over to Clarissa who was grinding away on the dancefloor.
“That’ your complicated girl?” You asked with a chuckle, indicating over to Clarissa, who was dancing wildly and screaming the lyrics of the current song, “The one who dragged you in here…?”
Leonora pursed her lips, blushed lightly, and nodded.
“Mmmm I see. Yea, that looks complicated…” you hum with a sigh, still cleaning your glassware.
Leonora went silent and just in that moment, another customer on the other end of the bar called for your attention. You sighed, putting your rack of glasses aside. Telling Leonora that you’d be back to check on her soon and that you’d get her another water, you went over to help the small but growing line of people.
Finally, after the small rush of customers, you made it back to Leonora’s side of the bar, grabbing your glassware rack again and starting back up in cleaning them. Your eyes wandered back over to the complicated brunette that Leonora was ensnared in. You watched her dance and move around drunkenly. Your gaze then came back to Leonora.
“She’s the top, right…?” You said with a light smirk.
Leonora chocked on her water nearly spitting it all the way up. Her entire face went red and and she desperately trie for get her breathing back under control.
“I— w-why would you… say that…?” Leonora stammered in a little bit of a mock offended tone.
You chuckled and smirked at the redhead in amusement.
“Just a hunch.” You hummed, shrugging your shoulders lightly.
“Humph. Well you’re wrong… I’m such a top” Leonora pouted with a huff, “I could even do you…!”
Your left eyebrow quirked up in amusement and questioning at the redheads statement. You stopped cleaning the glass in your hand.
“You think you can top me?” You asked bluntly, meeting the redheads gaze unabashedly.
“I—well…” Leonora stammered and looked away under your intense gaze.
Her cheeks flushed red and you smirked lightly to yourself.
“That’s what I thought…” you hummed, please with yourself.
Leonora grumbled a little, crossing her arms, but said nothing much else on the subject.
“Don’t torture yourself over it, ‘hun…” you hummed to the redhead reassuringly, “I’m a dom at Lilith’s Den in my free time.”
Leonora flickered her gaze up to you in an instant.
“Lilith’s Den, as in you’re a…” she breathed out in stammering verbiage, “a dominatrix…?”
You pursed your lips and smirked wickedly, quirking your brows and nodding at Leonora. Leonora sucked in a breath and squirmed in her seat a little.
“Oh my... I’m... uh... speechless..” Leonora whimpered.
You then smiled softly at the woman, placing your hand on hers which was on the bar, squeezing its reassuringly.
“Don’t stress it. That’s completely normal, ‘hun.” You reassured the woman, then giving her a cheeky wink.
Before you were called back to the other paying customers, letting go of the redheads hand. You watched Leonora out of the corner of your eye while you worked. Now she was watching your every move…
Last calls eventually came around. You started to close out all accounts from the night. You were having one guy sign his check, and when you looked up into the expanse of the club, you realized that Leonora’s complicated friend Clarissa and her group of girls had left. You gritted your teeth together, and had to take a deep breath, before you closed out everyone else.
Soon, Leonora was the only one left and it was a couple minutes after close.
“Alright ‘Nor… It’s been fun, but I have to finish up closing and you need to get home…” you sighed, coming towards the redhead, still on the opposite end of the bar.
Leonora hummed and nodded in agreement, but looked sad. Her pout got to you.
“Let me finish up, and I’ll walk you out and get you a cab, hmmm…?” You offered.
The redhead smiled lightly and nodded.
“Thank you” she breathed out.
You nodded and told her it was no issue. It took you about 15 more minutes before you grabbed your things and were ready to go.
Leonora stood up on her wobbly legs, and you linked your arm to hers, guiding her towards the door and outside. You both shivered outside in the cold. You hailed a taxi and opened the door for Leonora.
Leonora thanked you again, but before she got in, she turned to you and pressed her lips flush against yours. You were shocked but content with the light kiss.
You both naturally pulled away.
“Join me…?” Leonora breathed out in a whisper.
You sucked your breath in and looked away in concern, biting your lip. You took a deep breath and meet Leonora’s gaze once more.
“Not tonight, ‘hun…” you sighed.
Leonora’s face pouted and she looked dejected and down.
“I… why…? Did I do something..?” She breathed out.
“No no, you’re perfect, ‘Nor—! I just…” you sighed again, “I’m… I’m afraid I might hurt or break you tonight.” You explained.
Leonora met your gaze with glossy eyes, with a light smile now on her face from your compliment.
“Maybe you can come visit me at Lilith’s one day…” you comforted the woman.
This idea seemed to perk Leonora up. She agreed and with that, she got into her cab, and it drove away.
You watched on the sidewalk as the cab drove into the distance. You sighed again.
God… in a matter of one night, you were completely hooked…
Leonora Lesso Masterlist

#college au#au college#leonora lesso#bottom!lesso#bottom!leonora Lesso#lady lesso#lady lesso x reader#lady Lesso fluff#lady Lesso smut#lady leonora lesso#professor lesso#young!leonora Lesso#young!lesso#clarissa dovey#dovey#lesso x dovey#dovey x lesso#tsfgae#tsfgae x reader#tsfgae fluff#school for good and evil fanfiction#school for good and evil fluff#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#cissyenthusiast010155 answers
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Resume : Reader is a little obsessed with Leonora and started stalking her to be closer. ( Just pure cuteness )
Warning : none
Ship : Leonora Lesso x Reader
Leonora just loved teasing you.
She knew very well how much power she had over you and of course, she had noticed how every time she was close to you, your pulse would get impossibly higher and that your cheeks would get to a perfect cherry red.
For her it was just pure satisfaction to know she could break you so easily. You were like an innocent little bunny and she was the big bad wolf waiting to catch her prey.
It wasn't bothering you though, it was pretty much the contrary. You loved it so much that you kinda started to search for the women in the castle, only wishing to see her or just get a bit closer to her so she'd notice you and maybe give you a bit of attention.
To be quite honest, you had developed a huge crush on the Lady and you just couldn't spend a day without being able to see her at least once.
It didn't take long before you realised that your feelings for Leonora had became way to strong and that your little stalking session more uncontrollable.
You had tried to keep yourself away really but to no avail.
The Dean of evil simply was way to perfect and intoxicating for you to stay away.
You had grown literally addict to the way her perly green eyes would fall on you with pure hunger, like if the women actually wanted to consume you whole.
For you it was the only way you could ever feel desired by her because no way you'd tell her how much you craved her touch and her lips on your skin.
You had to keep it a secret and until today, you thought you had succeeded.
What a fool really to think you could keep something like this form the Dean of Evil.
Or course she knew.
She knew the first second she saw you trying to sneak around her for the first time.
After all Leonora Lesso was everything if not aware and careful of her surroundings.
She have been tough to keep her sense in alert and to be quite vigilant of every little details so it really didn't take long for her to notice you.
Yet, Lady Lesso had decided not to tell you and just enjoy your cute little attempt to sneak on her.
Really she thought it was adorable and she quite enjoyed it to be honest.
Unknowingly to you, the women had grown quite fond of you to, so it wasn't a problem for her to know you close to her at all time. It was a way for the Dean to know you were safe and well so she didn't had any intention to stop you.
That, until one day when Leonora spotted you hiding so close to her, that she felt and smelled your presence all around herself.
Until now, you never had the guts to get so close to her. It was the first time she realised how easily she could literally ambushed you in your corner and devour you all and the only idea of it was way to exciting to ignore.
So she act and didn't waist a single second before literally rushing toward you and pressing you against the wall you were hiding against.
Leonora then grabbed your two wrist and brought them up your head with only one hand of hers.
Your eyes had gone wide the second you realized how fucked you were. Your lips let out a weak whine when you suddenly felt the women you love, press her body against yours a bit more followed by the delicious sensation of her lips on the skin of your neck.
The Dean of evil while tasting your skin moaned and bit at your flesh for an instant, letting your eyes close in pure bliss and your mouth mumble her name so so tenderly.
Following your voice after that, was only the redheads praises to you before you felt yourself blush furiously and realise your heart literally started beating like crazy.
Oh my darling girl, you don't even know how much I love to feel your pulse races for me...
You are such a good little girl, so obsessed with me that you need to feel close at all time don't you?
Your eyes went immediately into hers when your mind registered what Leonora had just said. You bite your bottom lips then, before shyly sending her a nod.
Lady Lesso's face lit up at your concession, bringing a wicked smirk to her lips followed by her beautiful and terribly sexy voice that made you dizzy.
Well, I'll tell you something then love...what if you stayed in my chamber tonight.
You felt your heart literally stopped at some point just after she propose you that, because you couldn't believe it.
Leonora Lesso was asking you to join her for the night...god it was a dream come true.
You really wanted to answer her, more that anything but you were frozen in place, your lips a little bit open in shock and your heart hammering back in your chest.
The only reaction the redhead had to your apparent loss of word was to giggle a little and kiss your lips with her and caress your cheek delicately.
You rapidly came back to your senses at the warmth and taste of her, kissing Leonora back with love and passion. Then, after you both separated from each other, you smiled and nodded with so much eagerness that the taller women kissed you back this time much more rapidly before she bit her lips and gave you a wink.
See you later then my little stalker.
#lady lesso#leonora lesso#sge#the school for good and evil#charlize theron#lady lesso x reader#the school of good and evil#ladyleonora#lady lesso x you#leonora lesso x reader#lady leonora lesso#leonora lesso smut#leonora#school for good and evil movie#school for good and evil#school for good and evil smut#school for good and evil fanfic#sge fanfiction#lady lesso fluff#ladylesso#charlizeafrica#my fanfiction#my fanfic writing#deanofevil#dean of evil#cute#so cute#lesbian fanfiction#lgbt fiction#lesbian
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When You Know, You Know - Leonora Lesso x Fem!Reader
"The sky's beautiful." you said.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you.
warning: i wrote this at 2 am so PLEASE ignore the grammatical errors because on top of that, english is not my first language and i honestly write what sounds best in my head lmfaooooo. this is also based on movie sfgae too.
tags: second chances, light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
A Reader. Nevers would pick on you and some Evers would be ashamed to be in the same space as you. But nevertheless, you never gave up. You had made it through most of the years... barely. But the thing is, you were graduating and about to embark on a journey worthy of heroes. Well, that until you met a new teacher from the School for Evil during the opening day. Lady Lesso. You eventually found out she'd taught Curses and Deathtraps to Nevers. The thought of falling into one made you shiver, and you made sure since then to never be in the same space as her students. She was a meticulous woman, you observed. From afar, she was almost not intimidating. Her movements were firm and confident. Every flick of her hand, every step and stride, every look— it screamed of fearless. She was, in a way you wouldn't dare admit then, beautiful. Your mind reasoned she was evil, and therefore undeserving of that description. But who could look at Lady Lesso and think of her as anything than? She had the features of a goddess, a beauty that begged to be loved, and a soul that invited affection. You reveled in it, in her, that you hadn't realized you had been staring too much. One day, she pinned you against the wall and demanded to stop your madness.
That had changed it all.
You snapped yourself out of it, your hands holding the invitation the school had sent. Or by the looks of it, schools. You heard what had happened recently, and you thanked the heavens you had graduated already. Rafal? Blood magic? Oh yes, definitely grateful you weren't there to deal with that.
Tonight was the night you'd come back, and you looked momentarily at the gown you had picked. The ballgown was violet, which was the first thing that captured your eyes along with its threaded silk flowers down the bodice. It fit perfectly on your waist and had off-the-shoulder straps. It left your collarbone and cleavage bare. You would wear a necklace and black heels to compliment it. And as you look at your gown, you think of how you're supposed to be excited and stuff. A part of you is... kind of... but you were mostly nervous.
You don't wanna know why. You need not to. And there was no way in hell you'd acknowledge it.
"I apologize," her heels were the first to have entered your view as you hunched over your desk, studying. The sound of rustling and her coat falling on your bed made your heart thump over and over relentlessly against your chest. You try to remember the events of today, making sure you aren't going to let Leonora Lesso off the hook so easily. "It's an exercise getting rid of habits."
You scoff at this. "Habits, you say, when what you did was evil."
"I wonder why," she says ever so smugly, but there is a trace of hesitation in her voice. A fragility that suggests caution and care. You don't dwell on it. Not wanting to.
Flipping to the next page deemed unnecessary as words float above your head. All your senses concentrated on the woman who seemed to sit comfortably atop your dorm bed. You resist the temptation to look in her direction. A second of gazing into her limitless amethyst eyes and you'd lose this fight. Useless it may seem, but it was a big step for you. An instance to remind yourself of your own worth.
The flipping of pages must've rang annoyingly in Lesso's ears because she clears her throat. A testimony to the arising irritation she's been keeping off. "I apologize," she says more firmly than the one she came in with. You remained silent. "Truly, this time. I have no excuses for letting my students perform the prank." She had graded them, too. Shouting a significant 'you passed!' across the room with a hint of amusement not of you, but of her students' stunt. You repeated the scenario over and over in your head, hoping it'd motivate you to keep up the upper hand.
You hear Lesso move. The click, click of her heels matched the fast beating of your stupid heart pounding eagerly.
"Do you want me to beg? Get on my knees for your apology? Because you and I are fully aware of my incapability to surrender to Good."
You snapped. "Lesso." a triumphant smirk formed on her lips. It disappeared a moment after as she circles your desk, now presenting herself in front of you. Her scent fills the space you felt protected in, and for an instant, you could feel your walls of bricks shattering.
"Perhaps I should, then. With that look you're giving me." Leonora tilts her head, hoping for more words to spill out of those pretty lips of yours. She'd kissed them millions of times, but if it took giving up her whole identity to kiss them again, she'd strip herself nameless. "[Y/N], my love. What will it take for you to forgive me?"
You shivered as she spoke. She knew just how to get you, both with her words and her eyes. That expression of hers. The vulnerability of it all. Leonora Lesso promised a wonder that she swore only you could ever reside. So it wasn't a surprise when you got up and pulled her in for a kiss, quick and soft. A promise itself, too. A forgiveness of something shallow to some.
"You are an asshole."
"We have established that to be a compliment."
The School for Good was as grand as ever. As beautiful, too. You looked over the lake and recalled the lessons you had dozed off in that place. The wind and the soft sound of water made it too relaxing for you to behave like anything but an Ever. You continued up the stairs along with other heroes and their partners. The engagement ring you had shone bright like a mark of property you wanted to resist. You wonder if you should've brought your partner like the rest. But then again, you weren't for semantics when it came to the person you wanted to marry for functionality and formality.
The door was wide open for guests, and as you walked further into, you realized there wasn't anything much that changed. The same halls, walls, and designs. The longing in your chest made you want to go back home, away from this place and reminders of who you used to be--- who you used to be with.
You wonder if she's here. If anything had changed about her, or if she stayed the same, too. Evil and cunning. Yours. The bitter taste of how things ended clouded your mind. The cheery guests and welcomes of students in the Theatre of Tales thankfully distracted you from that.
Surprisingly, the floor was full of both Evers and Nevers mingling. There were those who looked disdained as if the Evilness and Goodness of their souls forbade them from interacting with the opposite side. But then there were those who giggled and laughed with each other, almost intimately. The scene before you caused an overwhelming grief. You pushed it forcibly down and started off as you spotted Professor Dovey.
She gives you a look-over like she wants to remember you, and not a second passes before melts in her knees. "Oh, you child!" she ran to you and wrapped an arm, the other too busy keeping the drink she was holding from spilling. "You have grown!"
"Thankfully," you cheered, beaming at the sight of her. "You look nice. Professor Anemone stopped giving you a hard time?"
"Quite the opposite. Everyone, really. The stress of the events and changes-- oh, it's like Christmas and Halloween collided here and urged a holiday of itself." Professor Dovey groans. "But all's well that ends well."
"Yikes." you flash a sheepish smile and glance over the ball, spotting someone with yellow hair reminding a student to smile brighter. You chuckle, looking back at the Professor before you.
"Mhm. Oh. And--"
"Please, Professor." you cut off. The sudden change in her tone, the small whisper and the softness of it obviously led to the territory you've been avoiding all morning.
Dovey sighed, "All right," her shoulder slumped and her eyes darted around across and behind the place before she was sure to speak again. "I don't wanna spoil your surprise."
"She's changed, [Y/N]."
She chuckles softly, almost with pity. Dovey places a gentle hand on your arm and squeezes it. "How about we go get drinks before you meet the rest of the night?"
The end was nearer than you expected. It was coming fast and keen. Surely. You've been keeping your mind off it, finding solace in the moments of now, and not of the future. You question from time to time your insanity and the way to keep it intact should anything unforeseeable happen. Losing her, to be precise. But she's been quiet about it, and the often change of topic when the mention of your graduation is said clues you just how much she's been keeping her mind off it, too. So here you were in the night, sitting on an alcove, and gazing at the stars from your window. The night sky promised such peacefulness. The darkness and the silence radiated comfort you'd almost forgotten the stakes. The meanings. The possibilities. You hug your knees to your chest, feeling defensive of what was yours. What is yours. What should be yours tomorrow and the days after.
The door creaked open.
"You should be sleeping," her voice echoed from the door, and you felt your heart breaking at the unpredictability it held.
You gulp down the ache, hoping your voice didn't come out shaky, "Punish me for it, then." your humor earns a soft chuckle from the woman you loved, and she walks closer to where you were sitting. She opted for the bed instead of beside you.
"Is everything well?" the question shouldn't be hard to answer. The days when you cried about exams and the fear of failing, and she caught you, were far better than the moment right now. You'd rather endure repeating the year if you were given the choice to. It all seemed so simple then.
"The sky's beautiful," you said instead, your eyes never leaving the view before you.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you. You were... so much more. Your beauty yielded of tremendous unknown that no words could ever amount to describe you. You had her soul, heart, and body. And she didn't mind. Not a single of it.
"What you said earlier," Lesso's mind blanked and her heart froze at the reminder. "I can't say it. I won't ever."
You hear her take a deep breath, it shakes. You finally look at her. And the thoughts of running away with Leonora Lesso didn't seem mad anymore.
"Time will come." was all she said, but her expression betrayed the strength of her voice.
"I won't let it come. If that's what it takes." your voice had gone small, and your feet dragged you beside Lesso. You take her hand with yours and entangle your fingers. You can't let go. Would rather die than be able to. "I can survive Trial by Tales--"
"No. No. We agreed on this. We won't ever." she grips your hand tighter. Desperate. "Evil and Good don't belong together."
And there it is. The string keeping your heart from breaking snaps, and you had fallen into pieces before her. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shifted closer. You leaned in, hoping to find some insincerity in her eyes. A facade. Because this had to be a joke, a cruel joke. And you'd rather she admit it was and forgive her for being evil than for it being true.
"Leonora, that is not true. You and I both know we belong together. This cannot just stay like this. I don't want us to be just a memory." You begged, holding her hands as if she'd slip through any time.
She would.
"It won't just be a memory for me if it's any consolation, my love."
"I can't deny you."
As the moon passed by the clouds, the moonlight shone right over Lesso's face. Her cheeks glistened with the tears that had fallen. You reached to wipe them, but she had stopped and held your hand before she could. A denial.
"Then it's best if I do."
Professor Anemone had flashed the warmest and the perfect smile as she approached you. The pressure builds up in your breath as you try to imitate. You reminded yourself how foolish it was to think you could still fail at her class, but you were nervous as you smiled, anyway. The Professor hadn't commented on it and instead initiated a quick hug.
"Well, if it isn't our lovely [Y/N]. I'd never admit that before," she raises a playful eyebrow and clinks it with yours and Dovey's. "but you certainly have grown. Engaged, I heard." you start thinking if she had heard of it, too.
Professor Dovey snapped her head in your direction at this, obviously taken aback. You wouldn't blame her. It wasn't something you'd do a year ago. "Engaged?"
You hold out your right hand, and despite having done this a couple of times, the action cringes you as they stare at the beautiful ring. "I meant to tell."
"It's beautiful..." Professor Anemone blinks, "But."
"She'd rather not talk about it." Professor Dovey interrupts, and you smile reassuringly at both of them. "I am glad you're engaged and set to a wonderful, fairytale life, dear."
Your smile tightened. A wonderful, fairytale life you had envisioned before had been different, and beautifully so. The thought of it makes you want to choke. It had been a long time since that dream came across your mind, but the effect lingered the same. The longing and the pain tore through your heart, still. You wanted to excuse yourself then and there when a certain woman walked over the small circle of you and the two Professors.
"You came,"
All the air in your lungs escaped. And so did Anemone and Dovey.
Leonora Lesso stood tall, her heels bothering her feet like always, and dressed in an all-black outfit appropriate for Never Professors, looking as Evil and as beautiful as ever. A wonder. And still, still, she took your breath away.
"You came, too." was all your stupid mouth could say, your eyes fixed on her amethyst ones. Limitless, you'd describe it then. And you were right even after all these years.
"It's kind of mandatory." she humored, and you smiled, and she forgot to breathe as well. It's insane, she thinks, of how you were still able to do this to her. To have this kind of hold after everything.
When Leonora thought she was on the brink of death, her life flashed before her eyes, and she saw you. Your eyes. Your smile. She felt you. Your soft hands. Your touch. You.
Silence fell, awkward silence. And you had shifted your gaze from her eyes to the ground, afraid of letting too much of your emotions fall out. You wonder if she was at all feeling the same.
"Professor Dovey said you changed. A surprise, she claims." you start, hoping it'd suffice for a conversation.
"Dovey says a lot of things."
"I know."
"I should say the same for you." she watched your ring, and you followed suit. You felt almost defensive of your actions when you realized. "I say congratulations are in order."
You gulp the lump in your throat, "You don't have to."
"Congratulations, [Y/N]."
You crumbled. Lesso's face was void of anything but hurt. For a second, you were sure tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and you struggled not to pull her into your arms like before. Why can't this just be like before?
"It's for formality. I don't love him. It's not like that." you quickly blabbered, breathing heavily. "I... shit. Just..." and without warning, you took her by arm and electricity flowed through your skin. You try not to focus on the fact that this has been the first time you touched her in years as you drag the both of you to your secret spot. A surreptitious place that felt like it was built solely for the two of you. When you arrived, a breath you didn't know you were holding was still stuck in your throat. You pull your hand away.
Leonora stands a few feet away, maintaining a distance to keep herself from running up to you and having you be hers again.
"You look beautiful tonight."
"[Y/N], I apologize--"
"No. Stop,"
"Please, just--"
"You denied me!" all the pain throughout the years, the hurt that had grown over time and had been forgotten, and the frustration, came out trembling. The tears you refrained from falling fell free. Leonora Lesso has always been your ruin. "You denied me, Leonora. I told you I love you and I wanted to fight for you. That--that this fucking Good versus Evil bullshit was nothing compared to what we had-- what we have-- that it was greater than anything withstanding us! And you denied me."
The moonlight shone just like that night. You see Leonora's eyebrows furrowed, and it only took you a second to realize she was crying, too. Her red hair, longer now, had cascaded just above her shoulder. And you ached to brush your fingers on it.
"I love you." she steps closer.
"I love you so much." and closer.
"I love you, [Y/N]."
And you admit defeat. Just like before. You meet her halfway and wrap your arms around her neck as you pull her in for a kiss. Heavens, her lips. Her kiss. Her hands find its usual place on your waist. The feel of her pressed up. The brush of her nose. You could die. It all seemed to fit so perfectly. Like two puzzles. Like two fated people meant to be each other's.
The moment she pulls away, you sniffle, tears still flowing. She chuckles at the sight of you, wiping your tears away with her thumb. You lean into the touch. "You are the best thing in my life and I was a fool to let you go. To ever believe those things I've said, to even imply them. I was the greatest fool ever. But I can't live this life, [Y/N], not without you. I can't live with knowing I had you and set you free. I cannot."
"I love you, too, you dumbass."
Leonora smiles, and your heart swells with so much love. The sound of your diamond ring falling to the ground cracks a smile in you, and Lesso brushes her nose against yours. You inhale her scent. Unchanging. Just like this unwavering love between the two of you. You press your lips against hers again, feeling at home within her arms.
"Deny me again and I'll kill you, you hear me?"
"And to think you graduated School for Good."
the end.
any grammatical errors and typos will be changed in the morning because wtf it's 3 am I AM TIRED. SUFFER FOR A LITTLE. GOOD NIGHT.
#leonora lesso#lady lesso#leonora lesso x reader#lady lesso x reader#the school for good and evil#sfgae#charlize theron#charlize theron x reader#wlw#hurt/comfort#fluff#was so sleepy writing this holy shit
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Stubborn Little Princess
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Fever, Illness
Y/N had always been the epitome of a diligent teacher at the School for Good. Her appearance, her manner, and her dedication to her students made her seem like the perfect embodiment of all things good and virtuous. Lady Lesso, the formidable headmistress of the School for Evil, had initially dismissed Y/N as nothing more than a goody-goody who couldn't possibly understand the complex and dark world they inhabited. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice a depth and intelligence in Y/N that intrigued her.
One day, as Y/N prepared for her classes, she couldn't ignore the pounding headache that had taken root in her skull. Her vision swam, and a sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. The corset she laced up as part of her daily attire felt particularly constricting, but she soldiered on, her sense of duty pushing her forward.
Throughout the day, Y/N's condition worsened, but she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities. Her last class was a joint venture with Lady Lesso, and as they taught side by side, the students could sense that something was off. Y/N, however, was determined to power through it, ignoring the signs of her deteriorating health.
Once the students left, Lady Lesso turned her sharp gaze toward Y/N. "You don't look well," she said with uncharacteristic concern.
Y/N, in a raspy voice, replied, "I'm fine, Lady Lesso, just a minor headache. I can handle it."
Lady Lesso's piercing blue eyes bore into Y/N, her concern hidden beneath a mask of annoyance. "Don't be foolish, Y/N. You can barely stand. What's really going on?"
Y/N hesitated, torn between her sense of duty and the growing weakness in her body. "I told you, it's just a headache."
The back-and-forth continued, with Lady Lesso refusing to accept Y/N's stubborn denials. As the tension in the room escalated, Y/N felt herself swaying, her vision blurring. Before she could even process what was happening, she fainted.
In an instant, Lady Lesso reacted, her sharp reflexes catching Y/N before she hit the ground. She cursed under her breath at Y/N's stubbornness and quickly assessed the situation. Y/N's corset was laced far too tightly, making her breathing labored. Lady Lesso took out the small dagger she always carried and deftly sliced through the corset strings, allowing Y/N to breathe normally once more.
As she freed Y/N from the constricting garment, Lady Lesso's gaze fell on Y/N's flushed face and the heat radiating from her. She pressed her hand against Y/N's forehead and confirmed what she had suspected: a fever raged within her.
Without hesitation, Lady Lesso scooped Y/N into her arms, her usual stern demeanor melting into genuine concern.Lady Lesso carried Y/N into her chambers with gentle determination, laying her down on the bed. Her usual air of authority was softened by genuine concern, as she began to gather supplies to care for her ailing companion. The room, bathed in a dim, eerie light, seemed more welcoming than ever as Lady Lesso set about her task.
Hours passed, and Y/N's fever continued to rage, causing her to drift into a delirious fever dream. She tossed and turned, her skin hot to the touch. Lady Lesso sat by her bedside, murmuring soothing words in a voice that was unusually tender.
"Shh, my dear," she whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Y/N's forehead. "You're going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their gaze unfocused. She reached out a trembling hand, fingers grazing Lady Lesso's cheek. "Lesso," she mumbled, her voice weak and shaky. "Am I...am I dying?"
Lady Lesso's heart clenched at the fear in Y/N's eyes. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead. "No, my love," she whispered, using the pet name so rarely heard. "You're not dying. You're just going through a rough patch, but we'll get through it together."
The fever continued to torment Y/N, and Lady Lesso knew it was time to take more drastic measures. She helped Y/N up and led her into the bathroom. There, she started a cold shower, the water cascading over Y/N's feverish body.
Y/N gasped as the icy water hit her overheated skin, and she instinctively cuddled closer to Lady Lesso, seeking warmth in her arms. Her shivering was uncontrollable, but she found solace in the steady presence of the headmistress.
Lady Lesso held her tightly, rubbing her arms and whispering comforting words into her ear. "You're doing great, my sweet. Just a little while longer, and this fever will break. You're so strong, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Y/N clung to Lady Lesso, tears mixing with the cold water as her fevered mind battled the chills. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort in Lady Lesso's embrace, in the reassurance of her words. The fever dream was a disorienting experience, but with Lady Lesso by her side, she felt safe.
As the cold water worked its magic and the fever began to recede, Y/N's trembling lessened. She closed her eyes, still held securely in Lady Lesso's arms, and let herself drift into a more peaceful slumber, knowing that she was no longer alone in her battle against the fever.
After a while, Lady Lesso believed that Y/N's fever had broken. She carefully helped Y/N out of the cold shower and into dry clothes. Y/N was shivering, despite the warmth of the room, and she could see the worry in Lady Lesso's eyes.
But just as they thought Y/N might be on the mend, the fever returned with even more intensity. Y/N's cheeks flushed red, and her breathing became labored. Lady Lesso's concern deepened as she realized the situation was more serious than she had hoped.
Desperate to help Y/N, Lady Lesso utilized her expertise in potions to create a fever-reducing concoction. She worked quickly, but it felt like an eternity to Y/N, who was wracked with discomfort. She couldn't help but squirm and whimper, her delirious mind consumed by the fever's torment.
Lady Lesso sat by Y/N's side, holding her hand and soothing her with words of praise and affectionate pet names. "You're incredibly strong, my dear," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through Y/N's damp hair. "You've already come so far. This potion will help. Just a little while longer."
Y/N's fever-addled mind found solace in Lady Lesso's comforting presence. The affectionate pet names she used were like a balm to Y/N's aching body, offering a warmth and comfort that surpassed the physical.
Once the potion was ready, Lady Lesso helped Y/N sit up and took great care in ensuring she drank it slowly. Y/N grimaced at the taste, but Lady Lesso's unwavering support gave her the strength to finish the glass of water.
Lady Lesso smiled gently. "Good job, my brave one. You've done splendidly."
Y/N's eyes met Lady Lesso's, filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Please...stay with me, Lesso."
Lady Lesso didn't hesitate. She settled beside Y/N on the bed, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. "Of course, my love. I'll stay right here until you're feeling better. You're not alone in this."
As the potion took effect and the fever began to subside, Y/N found herself gradually regaining her strength. Lady Lesso's comforting presence was a constant source of reassurance, and the warmth of her embrace provided Y/N with a profound sense of security.
With Lady Lesso by her side, Y/N finally began to drift into a more peaceful and restful sleep. Her breathing steadied, and the tension in her body relaxed. The room, once fraught with worry and discomfort, now seemed like a sanctuary of solace.
Lady Lesso continued to hold Y/N, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her back. "Rest now, my dearest," she murmured softly. "You've been incredibly brave, and I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/N managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Lesso."
Lady Lesso leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's forehead. "It's my pleasure, my love. Just remember, you're never alone in this world."
As Y/N drifted into a deep and much-needed slumber, she knew that Lady Lesso's presence, and the newfound bond between them, would be a source of strength and comfort in the days and nights to come. In this unexpected moment of vulnerability and care, they had both discovered that there was more to their relationship than either of them had ever anticipated, and it was a revelation that would forever change the course of their lives.
#lady lesso imagine#lady lesso x you#lady lesso x reader#lady lesso#lady lesso x professor dovey#lady lesso x female readeer#the school for good and evil#leonora lesso#sge#hurt/comfort#fluff
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Passion- Lady Lesso x EverToNever!Reader.
Synopsis: Wherever she goes, you follow.
Warnings: None.?
Word Count: 1.1k
A/n: Me? Writing to distract myself? Yes. I really love some of the things I put in here so I hope you guys love it too. I really hate that it’s so short BUT I have another one ready for ya. And I have a longer one in the works too!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Lesso had asked you to join her on her next venture. She didn't tell you any details past that, and you didn't care to ask for any. You were simply pleased to be joining her.
Lesso had asked that you not disclose the fact you were tagging along to Dovey, it made sense. You were an Ever teacher tagging along with the Dean of Evil, Dovey wouldn't approve.
Even if she knew that you and Lesso were meant to be together.
You were to sneak out of the School for Good to meet Lesso at the bridge between Good and Evil on the last crescent moon of the month.
And so you did.
Once it started to approach midnight, you left your quarters and silently moved through the halls.
You didn't have anything with you but the clothes you adorned, all by the direction of Lesso. Again, you didn't ask any questions.
You made it through the school easily enough, passed all the fairies that must've been sleeping, and passed anyone who may have been on watch.
It was so close, the border to the other school was right within reach.
But just as you were about to cross, someone grabbed your arm and pulled you around.
"My dear, where are you going?" Dovey had her sweet smile, one that you never really saw as sincere.
You felt no need to lie, you were going regardless of whether or not you had permission.
"I'm going, I'm going with Lady Lesso," You started.
She cut you off, "Wha- you can't do that. You cannot leave, especially not with her."
You stood confused for a second until you saw Lesso walk up behind you. She must've been watching for your arrival but stayed for a moment to see how Dovey would react.
"Well, why not?"
"Because you're an Ever. She's a Never. It cannot happen."
Lesso rolled her eyes, "It has happened already, princess."
You inwardly smirked at the response she had for Dovey. She calls you her princess, but hearing the disdain in the word when it's directed at Dovey oddly fills you with joy, especially when you know how delicious it sounds when she means it every time she uses it for you.
"So, we'll just be going now-" Again, you tried before getting cut off.
"No?" She was starting to frustrate you, and Lesso saw it.
"No. I cannot allow you to leave. Not with her."
"Clarissa, I am not asking. We are going, together."
"Oh for what? For some cheap fun? She'll tire of you in a few weeks time." You hoped to whatever creator that she didn't mean those words.
She had managed to set Lesso off, you could sense it without even looking at her. And at her words, her careless words, you stopped playing nice.
There was fury in her tone as Lesso stepped forward, "Princess, you-" You simply raised your hand to stop Lesso, her stopping right in her tracks at this move, this is your turn.
You could see genuine shock and confusion flash on Dovey's face when she saw how easily you handled your Leo.
"Dovey, you don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, I don't? It's puppy love! What don't I know what I'm talking about?"
You were unsure of where this attitude of hers came from, and you didn't like it.
"Dovey, you don't get it. Anyone else would sacrifice me for the world, but Leo? She'd sacrifice the world for me. You do things for the greater good, but for her, there is no greater good if she doesn't have me. And I can only hope that one day, you find someone who will love you as strongly as we love each other."
Dovey scoffed, "Desire isn't everything." You knew that she had reason to be so defensive, but that didn't mean you cared what that reason was.
You bit back a smirk, "Maybe not. But the pure, fierce need, the way that nothing can stand in the way of us, there's nothing we wouldn't do for each other."
"Y/n, she wants to see the world burn!"
You stepped forward with a proud smirk, leaving just a few steps distance between you two, "Then I shall be by her side as she sets it aflame. I will relish in the heat of the embers if that means I get to be with her for all eternity."
"So, that's it? You choose evil?"
"No, I choose love. Wherever she may lead me is where I shall follow. And I'm not asking you to understand, I'm asking you to stay out of our way," Dovey stood astonished at your words while Lesso beamed with pride and love. "For your own good."
"You wouldn't do anything to me..."
"I might not," You opened your arms with nonchalance, "But I can't say the same for your Evil counterpart."
Lesso stepped forward once more to be by your side, "And I make no promises."
Dovey looked from the redhead to you, staying silent for a moment.
You both took this as a cue to leave, you knew you weren't waiting for permission anyway. Lesso had just turned around to continue on, and before you could, Dovey spoke again.
"What if it's a ruse? That she's using you for her own gain? You're making a mistake." She tried to get you to stay, but you weren't having it.
"Then that is my choice. This is solely your concern Dovey, not mine." You took a step back, "She would not do that. But, if your little delusion happens to play out, then it will be my turn to set fire to everything in my path."
Dovey was completely unrecognizable, "Who, who are you? It's like I don't even know you anymore."
"You've never known me. Not in any way that mattered."
Dovey stood in place, staring with a face you wouldn't have been able to recognize had you been paying attention to her.
But your attention was elsewhere, of course. Held by the one who held your heart. You had turned back to Lesso to see her already watching you, her proud look stayed unmoving on her features.
When you two were together, nothing else seemed to exist. Nothing else mattered but your love and your intertwined souls.
"Come, Dove. Let us set fire to the world." Lesso pulled you into a kiss, a kiss that held the passion between you two. A kiss that tells you no matter what happens, you two will be side by side.
You two continued on the venture, wherever it may have been. You still didn't care where you were going because you were with your love, hand-in-hand, hearts tied together. And you wouldn't have had it any other way.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @hxzxrdous @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @i-like-reading @pebbleswritessometimes @sgelessoanddoveykissing (lmk if you wanna join my taglist!)
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hi!! could i please ask for leonara lesso prompt 1 please? thank you! :)
yes, and i apologize for the late post
Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!Student!Reader
Prompt 1 - "Eyes Up Here, Ever." Lady Leonora Lesso Prompts
It's been three months. Each one more drastic than the other. There have been numerous rumours circulating about the dean of evil and a particular student pulling practical jokes on one another. At first, the joke was small and simple, the dean would make insults about an ever student by the name, Y/n Y/l/n. The insults were nothing more than comments about her clothing saying that it was either too revealing or not revealing enough and about the ever girl's hair saying that it was either too messy or too neat. Y/n wasn't really triggered by these words till a day came when the dean thought it would be hilarious to ruin Y/n's favourite dress.
At this point, Y/n reached her breaking point. She was upset with the grinning dean, and she moved quickly to exact retribution. Y/n secretly added a serum to the dean's tea during her lunch break. She took a sip and immediately felt her tongue start to burn as if she had sipped directly from a spicy condiment. She violently slapped her fist against the table in anguish as she trembled. She drenched herself entirely by pouring milk, white, and every other liquid she could get her hands on onto her tongue. The professors and students were all taken aback and perplexed by her antics until Y/n's laughing broke the tension in the room.
Then that's when it began, the pranks. Everyday it was either the dean would pranks Y/n in the morning then Y/n would get her revenge at lunch. Everyone was quite shocked by their foolish fights but also confused as to why the dean hadn't taken the ever girl to the doom room, which is where she takes all her students who crossed her. However, the had to admit that the stupid pranks the two would throw at each other were quite entertaining. The Nevers would cheer for their dean whenever, she played her game and occasionally helped her. The Evers on the other hand would be Y/n's cheerleader and support her silly game with the dean. Even Professor Dovey was supportive of Y/n. She saw it as good beating evil once again and would encourage the Ever students to assist her if required.
From making Lady Lesso's renowned red hair pink for a full week to limiting Y/n to only hearing the dean's name when she talked. Their jokes continued growing funnier, stranger, and crazier. Up until the day Y/n transformed into a gecko so she could enter the dean's bedroom covertly. When she arrived, she proceeded to the dean's wardrobe, which was stocked with her clothing. The sound of a door opening and closing stopped her from taking on her human form. The dean was wrapped in a black towel and standing outside her bathroom, her wet red hair falling flat.
Fortunately, Y/n was still in her gecko form, so the dean couldn't see her admiring how wonderfully the sun's rays reflected off her half-naked body. The dean massaged her arms and legs with lotion as she sat on her queen-sized bed. She was about to remove her towel till she stopped, looking around the room. Y/n was horrified; to say she was frightened would be an understatement. She was afraid because of how the dean's gaze scoured the room even though she was in her gecko shape. She saw her, right? She couldn't have because geckos are rather small animals, making it impossible for anyone to have noticed her. Later, the dean's gaze landed on her wardrobe, and she started to move slowly in that direction. What the fuck?! Y/n thought.
Now the dean was standing right in front of her wardrobe. Y/n was underneath it trying her best to not make a single sound or it might attract the dean's attention not that the dean would know it was her in the gecko form but then her prank wouldn't be able to be done. The dean was about to open her closet till she heard the sound of glass breaking. The dean noticed her kitten, Minerva, examining the broken vase to her left. "Minerva, you've broken my favourite vase twice now; just because I can use magic to fix it doesn't mean you should carelessly obliterate it." She spoke. Caring her cat into arms, she fixed her vase before walking away into her lounge room while still half-naked. I never knew, Lady Lesso had a cat, interesting. Y/n thought.
Y/n emerged from hiding shortly after taking on her human form. She opened the dean's closet and used her magic to make them disappear, replacing them with an outfit she had personal made for the dean to wear. It wasn't anything bad or ugly but merely sexy. The fact that the dean barely altered her dress yet had the nerve to make fun of Y/n for her attire kind of irked her. Therefore, Y/n made sure that the dean would have no choice but to wear one of her outfits as retaliation for her criticisms on her attire and destruction of her favourite dress. "Now try and comment on my attire," Y/n muttered under her breath.
As the dean's voice grew louder and louder, Y/n shut the dean's closet, transformed into a dove, and flew out the window to return to the school of good. The dean yelled her name angrily as she was flying away. Y/n merely grinned to herself before moving on. Upon entering her bedroom, Y/n grinned joyously to herself as she climbed into her bathtub. When she emerged from the bathroom, she noticed that her hair was red, but not just any red—it was the same shade of red as the dean's hair. Her earlier smirk had turned into utter terror. Fuck you, Lesso! She said to herself. Opening her closest, she collapsed totally. All of her clothes were replaced with replicas of the dean's clothes. There was even a cane that matched hers. I've been bamboozled. Y/n thought to herself.
When the bell rang, breakfast could officially begin. Since the dean made it apparent with the multiple copies that it was all Y/n would be wearing, she had no choice but to transform into a little version of Lady Lesso for the day or even for several weeks. Indignantly carrying the cane, Y/n stormed out of her bedroom and along the hallways. Although she couldn't see it, Y/n appeared to the other students to be a little version of Lady Lesso, given that the dean was generally angry when she was around. Everyone in the dining hall, including the dean, who had a grin on her face, focused on Y/n as she entered.
Instead of stomping over to the dean to confront her about taking all of her valued clothing, Y/n looked down at the dean's apparel and noticed that she was wearing the clothes Y/n had left for her. The dean looked down and saw that Y/n was staring at her attire, which made her enraged. This was Y/n's chance to sneer. The dean promptly got up from her seat and approached the one student who was trying to flee despite wearing the dean's 3 inch heels. The dean seized Y/n's arm and teleported to her room using magic while holding onto Y/n. The moment they got there, the ever spat a fit and shoved the dean's hand away from her arm.
Y/n had the opportunity to observe the dean in person and get a good look at how the dean appeared dressed. She appeared gorgeous. She wore Y/n's dress that hugged her hips and displayed all of her curves. The dean's long, lovely legs were seen due to the high thigh cut. Not to mention that Y/n could see her breasts almost in full view. The thought of them between her lips made her heart hurt and her knees unbearable since they appeared so round and plump. "Eyes up there, Ever." Lady Lesso said. They both turned to look at each other. When Y/n noticed the dean's sneer, she had to finally admit that it made her heart skip a beat and her folds slightly moisten. "Do you like the view?" she asked.
Because she didn't want to give in just yet, Y/n bit her bottom lip to keep from uttering the obscene noises she so strongly wanted to. The dean reflected in a nearby mirror, "You know, I think I was wrong about you, your style is quite alright," she said. She carried on about how attractive I'd look if I wore that outfit and how desirable I'd look out of it, "I wonder how sexy this will make you look, don't you agree?" She stated, looking at me with a relaxed expression as if she hadn't just seduced me, "But anyways, I should be heading to teach my lessons and you should be heading to your school."
The dean used her magic to transfer the ever to her appropriate school before Y/n had a chance to object to departing. Y/n finds herself in bed with a duvet and blanket covering her when she opens her eyes in surprise. Everything was all a dream, a filthy dream. "What the hell!" she yelled while shoving a pillow into her face from behind her head. "I've been screwed!" No one other than her wife was able to take the pillow out of her hands. "Love, why are you shouting at this hour of the morning?" "Leonora, in my dream I almost got fucked by you! Up until I woke up, the good stuff was about to happen." Y/n voiced their displeasure.
Leonora responded by rolling her eyes. "If you cuddle me, then I'll give you the best fucking of your life." "Really?" Y/n questioned. "Definitely, even better than what the dream version of me could have done." "Okay." Y/n relaxed in her wife's arms and encircled her waist with her own. "You know, I was a smaller version of you in my dream." said Y/n. Her wife was perplexed and questioned, "What?" "Yeah, I was completely dressed like you, even had the same shade of hair like you and shoes, even had the cane!" The redheaded woman only grinned at her wife as she rambled on about her dream. I'm relieved I married this moron. As she continued to hear her wife's story, Leonora grinned to herself.
#lady leonora lesso#fem reader#lady lesso x reader#lady lesso x you#school for good and evil#gxg#lady lesso x fem#gxglesbianlgbt#lady lesso#female reader#fun flirt#fluff#female x female#fem x fem#female x reader#little tease#lesbian#lgbtq#lady lesso icons#lady lesso imagine#leonora lesso#school of evil#ever#never#school of good#professor clarissa dovey#clarissa dovey#charlize theron x reader#charlize theron x female reader#the school for and evil
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“Cinnamon Cookie”
Lady Lesso x Pregnant Reader
Request by @anonymous
hi, i love your style of writing 🫶🏻 can you write a one shot with lesso and preg reader, you know some fluff and maybe some smut if you want bc i have i think for stuff like this 🫠 thank u have a nice day 🧚♀️🧚♀️
awww thank you so much buddy!i’ve been writing quite a lot of smutty fics lately, so i took a purely fluffy route with this one (づ ๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵) づ
Request by @chaoticeruditefansie
hiii! please can we have some more content about lady lesso + her daughter? the fluff is so comforting <3
the only daughter whom i’ve had lesso parent thus far as far as i’m aware is her fur baby cookie, so i hope that’s who you’re talking about. this isn’t much but i hope you’ll still find it agreeable o(>ω<)o
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Her babies have grown.
Cookie, but a fluffy little thing the size of her palms then, though equally fluffy, is presently not only big enough to intimidate, but has also earned the title of big sister.
Cinnamon, Cookie’s little sibling, too, is thriving in their own way, as evidenced by the round of your belly that gets plumper and plumper with every soft press of Lesso’s lips.
To think that in the beginning she has been baffled by the swelling of your stomach which has stood at the mere size of a coconut. Oh, how she has matured as a mother. Now, gingerly caressing your belly that is pleasantly reminiscent of a watermelon, she is flooded with delight and awe. It is the indication, after all, that the little life inside of you is actively flourishing.
As lips make a delicate descent onto your stomach, tracing constellations amongst clusters of opal lines with unconditional reverence, a pair of enchanting green eyes map your features, equally as reverential. But of course, in the end, Lesso is the one to be bewitched by you, oh beautiful, beautiful you who only continue to look the more radiant, the riper the pregnancy becomes.
“I wish they’d have your eyes.” Your voice comes with a sweet kiss to one corner of her eyebrow.
“And your smiles.” Hers, with a kiss to the corner of your mouth, fingertips softly outlining the arch of succulent flesh. “Your lips.”
“Your wit.” The soft touch of your finger on the tip of her nose is followed by the press of silky smooth lips. Your murmur tickles her ear. “And your eloquence.”
She brushes a thumb along the bone of your cheek. “Your diligence.”
And then, you are smiling oh so mesmerisingly, simultaneously bringing her hand to your belly.
“Ah! Do you feel it?”
How can she not?
Although this will not be the first time the baby has made themselves known, the experience of feeling their energetic little kicks beneath the palm of her hand never falls short of miraculous.
“Cookie, here, come feel your baby sibling.”
On the arch of your belly, two hands and a big, fluffy paw silently wait with bated breath for the new member of your little family to give a greeting from the other side.
“There it is again!”
You beam happily while Lesso, with a blossoming smile on her lips, frantically nods.
“Cookie, did you feel it?”
Seemingly sharing her mothers’ giddy excitement, Cookie the fur baby, does a jolly little circle, trotting on her four legs, before climbing into Lesso’s lap. Her nose boops your protruding belly, and despite the ridiculousness of the notion, Lesso can only see it as the bonding of her two beloved children.
Cinnamon and Cookie; together, they make Cinnamon Cookie.
Although admittedly, Cinnamon may sound unusual for a child name, there lies a deeper meaning behind it.
On a particularly fine day when the sun’s golden rays have been bathing your home in a wonderful glow, a craving for sweetmeats has unusually struck you. Lesso, being the doting wife and the enthusiastic mother that she is, has taken it upon herself to quench your needs. Her impeccably-baked goods that has warm cinnamon oozing in your mouth has earned you a kick from the inside. Such has been the very first greeting from the little fella who is residing in your womb.
“Cinnamon! Let’s call them Cinnamon.” Your suggestion has been made with a dazzle in your eyes, a blossom on your lips, and who is she to deny you of such innocent glee?
Lesso’s little bundle of joy has cultivated a delightful habit of knocking on your belly. Every day, it is how they greet you as if telling their family to eagerly await their arrival, and oh how they do; building furnitures and decorating a room for them as well as whispering sweet nothings and lullabying them to sleep. Lesso wants nothing more than to welcome her little darling into the world where alongside you and Cookie, she will cherish them to the moon and back.
━━━━━━━ ▼・ᴥ・▼ ━━━━━━━
#lady lesso x reader#lady leonora lesso x reader#leonora lesso x reader#lesso x reader#lady lesso#leonora lesso#lady leonora lesso#character x reader#charlize theron x reader#fanfic#fluffy#fluff#the school for good and evil#sge#sge netflix#sge movie#family#domestic fluff#fur baby
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Tear You Apart ~ Leonora Lesso x Clarissa Dovey (Modern AU)
Soooo, this is quite literally my first time posting on tumblr, but i wanted to try.
Any ways I give you guys a little preview. ;)
hand fidgeting with her earrings as she finally meets her green eyes.
“What’s a girl like you,” She pauses, glancing at the blonde’s figure before meeting her eyes again. “Doing in a place like this?” Clarissa sighed as she downed another glass of whatever the hell she ordered before the last two drinks started to hit, the bar had a soft ambiance while calm jazz played in the background. No amount of alcohol could drown the thread of sadness and loneliness running through her veins that seeps youtube of every pore, her goal was to not think, not feel anything but the gin and tonic in her hand while she silently sulks in her work clothes, not wanting to go home just yet.
Clarissa nearly missed the gorgeous blonde pulling a chair out next to her at the bar table, waving to the male bartenders with the many hidden tattoos under his sleeves. She glances over before doing a double take to casually staring at the mysterious woman while she orders her drink, as the woman finishes her request she sighs and finally looks over to Clarissa once she feels her brown eyes on her.
Clarissa blushed when the woman gave her a striking grin, occasionally taking several glimpses from the blonde, the look of interest in her eye didn’t go unnoticed by Clarissa as she continued to finish her drink while averting her eyes from the observant woman.
“Can I get a whiskey?” The woman asks the bartender before glancing over to Clarissa. “And add a gin and tonic for the angel here.” Clarissa releases a dull chuckle while turning her head to the seemingly bold woman next to her, her
Clarissa sighed while pretending to be the least bit interested in the woman’s words. “I’m simply enjoying a drink with my own company until you decided to join me.” she snarked, rolling her eyes with a level of passiveness.
“Oh,” She mocked, turning her body towards the reluctant blonde. “Well I am truly sorry for disturbing you, darling.”
“Are you really?” She sighed, glancing over at the woman. “You seem quite...unapologetic to me.”
Leonora chuckled, dropping her head at the blonde's snarkiness, she continues to observe Clarissa as she sips her drink. “I’m surprised a woman of your religious stature would come to a place like this.”
Clarissa scoffs at the woman’s words, whipping her body around to face the woman. “And what makes you think that?” The redhead gave her a lopsided grin as she finally caught the tensed blonde’s attention, gesturing to the gold necklace with the virgin Mary dangling from the chain.
“It’s quite gorgeous if I might add.” Clarissa clasps the necklace in her hand before shoving it into her shirt, she ignored the way the redhead gazed at her cleavage shamelessly.
“Thank you...my husband gifted it to me for our tenth anniversary.” She blushed, throwing back the last of her drink to avoid the woman’s eyes.
The woman narrowed her eyes at the woman before leaning forward, causing Clarissa to slightly lean back in her chair while blushing furiously. “Huh...married and modest.” She stated, running her tongue over her red lips.
Clarissa guilty around the room with her red face, she glanced down at the woman’s lips before clearing her throat. This wasn’t something she was use to, her body was having all these strange reactions that felt nothing like when she was with her husband, her perfume smells like bergamot and amberwood while her pale green eyes roam her physical and spiritual body, it was overwhelming.
The woman finally leans back in her chair, taking a sip of her whiskey that was order before speaking. “Tell me,” She sighs. “Why are you here?”
Clarissa takes a deep breath, before answering. “I don’t want to go home just yet.”
“Oh...is hubby not so good in bed, or is it the temper?” She mocks.
Clarissa shrugs. “I love him but...his temper, his ego...the need to be better than everyone is taking away everything I loved about him.” She paused, removing her glasses while keeping her eyes on the counter.
The redhead holds out her hand, enticing the blonde to shake it. “Leonora. Leonora Lesso.” Clarissa stared at her hand for a moment before cautiously taking it, her pale hands were soft, perfectly manicured with black polish.
Clarissa brought her eyes back to Leonora’s, completely mesmerized by the aura she exuded; she couldn’t seem to bring herself to pull away, no matter the guilt quietly building in the back of her mind, the warmth in her stomach was somehow stronger.
“Would you like to...find something more entertaining to do?” Leonora gestures to the exit, standing up and holding out her hand for the blonde.
Every reason and excuse ran through Clarissa’s mind as she contemplated the offer, it was enticing. “Depends...what you’d have in mind for entertainment ?” She smiled, taking her hand.
Leonora smiled, tilting her head.
Here's the rest of the work, hope you guys enjoyed.
#dovesso smut#Dovesso fluff#Leonora lesso x Clarissa dovey#modern AU#the school for good and evil#charlize x kerry#charlize theron#kerry washington#dovesso#professor Clarissa dovey#lady leonora lesso
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The Secrets of Lady Lesso - Chapter 5, Rumors
Rumors have a way of reframing the way you look at a person. Whether they’re true or not, they can make you question everything you’ve ever known about them. Rumors invite the imagination to get creative. And while often harmless, rumors could also bite.
The students of the School for Good and Evil were rising heroes and villains waiting for their own epic tales to be written. But at the end of the day, they were still, at their core, children. And as children are prone to do…they gossip. That was how Professor Clarissa Dovey found herself in quite the predicament one spring morning.
The sun glittered merrily outside, melting the last vestiges of the winter’s snow on the lawn. The bright rays through the window caught the crystal gem hanging against the glass and reflected colorful rainbows across the room. The dance of colors was truly beautiful and brought a wistful smile to her face.
A tentative knock sounded against the office door, drawing Clarissa out of her wandering thoughts. It was soft enough that she wasn’t certain it had happened at all. A second knock followed, just as hesitant as the first.
Clarissa rose from behind her desk and opened the office door, peering curiously out into the hall. A small Ever student, one of their youngest around age twelve, shuffled awkwardly in the threshold.
“Elia, dear!” Dovey said with surprise. “What can I help you with?”
The poor child looked up at her with absolute dread etched across her features.
“It’s about your wife, ma’am…”
“My wife?” She asked, confusion clear in her voice.
“I told them not to do it, but they didn’t listen to me.” The girl exclaimed in a hurried rush. “They took her cane from the chair while she was yelling at Elliot.”
Heat pooled in her cheeks as she understood the implication before being washed away by the concern for her friend.
“She was heading over to the School for Evil, but she didn’t look too good, ma’am. Snapped at me when I offered to help. I thought she might feel better if it was you.”
“Thank you, Elia. You did the right thing.” Dovey hushed. “If you would please leave a note on my desk with the names of those students, I would be ever so grateful.”
She collected her skirts and started running down the hall.
“Oh! And Elia... Please, let’s not use spousal terms when referring to the staff. It will be Lady Lesso or Dean Lesso from now on. She gets a bit tetchy about proper titles.” Clarissa called over her shoulder.
She would deal with that at a later date…after she has had the opportunity to speak to Leonora about it.
Clarissa made it to the dark castle in record time, despite her heels and cumbersome skirts. The halls were blessedly empty and she only had to navigate two corridors before finding the other woman. Lady Lesso was leaning against the grimy, stone wall in a darkened corner of the alcove. She was holding her thigh in a white-knuckled grasp and, even from this distance, she could see the pain in her posture.
“Lady Lesso!” Dovey greeted casually as she closed the distance. “Fancy meeting you here!”
Upon closer inspection, Lesso’s face appeared unnaturally pale. Beads of sweat clung to her hairline and her hands trembled in her effort to appear composed.
“I was just heading to your chambers to find you. I was hoping to get your opinion on a suitable punishment for a set of Ever students who believed that torturing others was great entertainment.”
“Of course.” Lesso grit through bared teeth. “I have several ideas, actually.”
“Oh, but my feet are killing me from these heels. Be a dear, and help me the rest of the way?”
Clarissa didn’t ask. She linked her arm with Leonora’s and pulled the taller woman’s weight onto her frame. To anyone else, it would have looked like they were going for another one of their evening strolls. To Lesso, it was an immediate relief to her throbbing leg. They finished the stretch of the corridor and turned into an archway with a spiral staircase heading to the corner tower. Halfway to the top, Leonora pulled away and sat on the stairs with a hiss of pain.
“How can I help you right now?” Clarissa whispered, joining her on the step.
Her hands hovered anxiously over Lesso’s bad leg with a lost expression painted on her face.
“I’m fine.” Lesso groaned, slapping her hands away. “Let’s just keep moving. We’re almost there.”
A sharp frown pulled at Clarissa’s lips, but she allowed the avoidance. She stood and offered her arm once more to her struggling friend. Together, they stumbled up the remaining stairs and into Leonora’s private chambers.
“What happened?” Clarissa asked her as she collapsed onto the edge of her bed.
“Oh, I thought that was common knowledge. I trained Cerberus for Hades back in the day as a favor.” Lesso answered blankly.
Dovey’s heart constricted at the emptiness in Lesso’s response. She wrinkled her nose and sat gingerly next to her on the bed, trapping Lesso’s hand between her both of her own.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, Nora.” She whispered against the tears burning in her eyes.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine Dove.” Leonora sighed. “Just wondering the best way to kill some teenagers and manage to keep my job.”
Dovey snorted a laugh and leaned her head onto Lesso’s shoulder. “I may or may not have a list waiting on my desk of the students responsible.”
“Little shits. Your little Evers were too cowardly to try something face to face, they had to team up while my back was turned!”
“I'm sure it’s the only way anyone at this school could have possibly gotten away with it. I defer all consequences to you, dear.”
“When I’m done with them, they’ll be the ones needing a cane.” Lesso muttered darkly.
Dovey pulled away and dipped to the floor, pulling at the laces on Lesso’s stiletto boots. The Dean of Evil quirked a curious eyebrow but said nothing.
“You kind of set yourself up for it, you know.” Clarissa stated matter-of-fact as she tucked the boots neatly under the bed. “You don’t let anyone get close to you and you keep them guessing. Me included! Especially when you spin your fantastical tales about your injury. They’re dumb teenagers, Leonora. I’m not saying what they did was right. I’m just saying they are testing their boundaries and they have no earthly idea as to what consequences might come of it.”
A pensive pout pulled at Lesso’s lips and Clarissa was overcome with the sudden desire to kiss it away. Shaking the thought away, she quickly stood and fled to the ensuite to retrieve a glass of water and some pain medication, using the opportunity to hide the blush surely forming on her cheeks.
“You know, I heard this fascinating rumor today.” She heard Lesso shout over the sound of the faucet.
“What did you hear?” Dovey questioned with genuine intrigue as she passed Lesso the pain relief.
Clarissa allowed herself to relax on the already rumpled bedspread and propped her head up with her hand, looking at her friend curiously. Leonora set the glass on the nightstand and mirrored her position.
“We look and sound like a couple of teenagers gossiping.” Clarissa giggled.
“Oh, just you wait, Rissa.” Leonora barked with barely contained laughter.
The redhead cleared her throat dramatically and lowered her voice into a stage whisper.
“I heard some Ever boys saying some rather salacious comments about the lovely shape of…” She gestured rudely in the direction of her chest. “And then something about being a fairy godmother they’d like to…”
Clarissa’s offended gasp cut off the rest of Lesso’s statement. A wide and entirely too mirthful grin split across the Evil Dean’s face.
“Based on the very descriptive details I overheard, I don’t think they were referencing our resident beauty teacher.”
“While disgusting and highly inappropriate, that’s not exactly the definition of a rumor.” Dovey sputtered.
The glee in Lesso’s eyes ignited and, if possible, her smile only widened.
“One of your less than chivalrous boys asked how long the rest of them thought we had been dirty dancing for. Elliot, I believe his name was? He had some rather imaginative scenarios as to what we really do during the weekly staff meetings. Should I describe it for you?”
Clarissa choked on her own saliva and said a silent prayer to the Storian to kill her now. Lady Lesso must have seen the mortification plain on her face, as she finally released the uncontrollable laughter she had been holding back.
“I will cherish the horror that dawned on their faces the second they saw me behind him for as long as I shall live.” Leonora sighed as her laughter dissipated, wiping the joyful tears from her eyes.
Dovey was still recovering from the heat of embarrassment and covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t look at her. If she looked at her, it was over. Lesso would be able to see the want and love staring back at her and this farce of being happy with merely friendship would be over.
“Well, as a Dean of this hallowed institution, I, of course, could not let this behavior abide. While delivering a verbal reprimand, one of yours thought it would be hilarious to take my cane. And here we are.” Leonora concluded.
“Well thank you for defending my honor.” Dovey said with only a hint of sarcasm from behind her fingers.
Lesso let quietness settle between them. The stillness was comfortable, but she could feel the unexplained tension rolling off of the Fairy Godmother.
“Thank you for coming to find me. I know that Ava girl sent for you.” She said quietly.
“Elia.” Clarissa corrected.
“I’m not a liar!”
Clarissa rolled her eyes at Leonora’s antics and didn’t fight the smile pulling at her lips. Lesso gave her a small smile in return, relieved to feel the tension dissipating with her terrible joke.
“Leonora, how do you deal with all the rumors?” Dovey asked after a beat.
The question was soft in its earnestness. Though quietly spoken, the weight of it seemed to fill the room. Clarissa watched as Leonora’s eyebrows knitted together in thought. A contemplative hum reverberated in her throat and she rolled herself to her belly. Lesso rested her head in the cradle of her folded arms and studied Clarissa intently.
“It has been my experience that people are going to talk, no matter what you say or do.” She said slowly, choosing her words carefully. “No amount of threatening or punishment truly makes it stop. They just find other ways to communicate it. I have found that dealing with it, as you say, is more about not letting the things that are said affect me.”
“How do you do that?” Clarissa probed with genuine interest.
“Well…” Lesso drawled. “I can’t be surprised or offended by a rumor if I’m the one creating it. I like to get ahead of the curve. It lets me control the narrative.”
The Fairy Godmother closed her eyes and nodded in a sorrowful understanding.
“That’s why you make up stories about your leg.”
“It’s…easier than having to listen to idiots try to guess about something so outside of what their teeny tiny brains could possibly understand.”
Leonora shrugged her shoulders and pushed herself off the mattress. She held out her hand and helped Clarissa to her feet.
“Come on, princess. At this rate, we are going to miss lunch.”
She rummaged through the wardrobe and retrieved the raven-headed cane and opened the door.
“And we don’t need any more of those kinds of rumors going around.” She joked with a flirty wink.
Clarissa flushed once more and let loose a nervous laugh. “About that…I heard this lovely little rumor from Elia this morning…”
“Who?” Lesso asked with feigned ignorance.
Dovey’s expression fell flat and she deadpanned, “Ava.”
“Oh! Yes! Delightful girl, that one.” Lesso smirked.
The pair began their descent down the staircase and into the hall.
“How do you feel about a spring wedding?”
Clarissa felt a broad smirk of her own form as Leonora’s steps beside her faltered. Maybe she wasn’t the only one feeling so affected by the implications of wild gossip.
Chapter 4 (previous chapter)
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
#Lady Lesso#Leonora Lesso#Lady Leonora Lesso#Clarissa Dovey#Dovesso#leonora lesso x clarissa dovey#lady lesso x professor dovey#School for Good and Evil#SGE#fanfiction#fanfic#The Secrets of Lady Lesso#angsty chapter#teenagers are mean#rumors#some fluff#some humor#The Secrets of Lady Lesso Chapter 5#One chapter to go!
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Evil cat
I got the cats name from @cora-devil . Check out her account, its amazing and she's just an awesome person.
Lady Lesso was sitting in her office, grading tests as usual. It was late into the night. Dovey had left hours ago. "What time is it?" She looked to the clock "four am?I have to he ready in three hours." She muttered,"but I have to grade these papers..." The dean sighed and continued grading. Suddenly, the feeling of something hitting her leg caught her attention. "Huh?" It didn't happen again."Nothing - ok, what is that?!" She looked down and saw a kitten at her feet, drenched and staring up at her with one blue eye. It's black fur coveted in dirt. "Wh...how?" She picked the little creature up. It meowed, and the dean dropped it by accident. It landed on her lap and nuzzled its head onto her lap "your gonna ruin..." The cat purred. The dean sighed, and she picked it up. leaving her shared office making her way down the hall with her cane, the cat tucked in the curve of her right arm. After a while, they reached the deans Chambers. Lady Lesso took the kitten through to the joined bathroom and put it onto the black cabinet before turning the warm tap on. The evil dean got a small towel and cloth and then picked the kitten up. It nuzzled its head into her shoulder. It purred softly, lady lesso turned tue cold tap on in order to make sure the water wasn't too hot. Then she gently put the kitten into the water. It didn't fight her at all. She started to clean its fur and noticed how many fleas it had, so she used magic to summon a bottle of flea lotion and rubbed it into the creatures fur before rinsing it off. "There." She took it out and wrapped it into the towel before putting it against her chest. "Wait...why am I helping it?" She thought, then the cat meowed and licked the tip of her nose. Now she knew why she was helping the cat. Lesso drained the sink and rinsed it down before taking the cat from the room back to her bedroom. She sat on the queen size bed and dried its fur. The kitten crawled onto her pillow and curled up. Lady Lesso watched the kitten. Discovering its fur wasn't black but a light brown with darker markings.It seemed so content sleeping in her presence. It was confusing. She wasn't meant to like animals. They were meant to be a tool. Yet this kitten felt different. It felt...comforting. the kitten crawled onto her chest, lesso helped it up, and it fell asleep. "What will I name you?" Lady Lesso hummed, stroking its head. "Maybe...biscuit?" She asked. "Yeah. My little biscuit." With that, she let her eyes close as sleep finally caught up to the evil dean.
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I don't really hate you
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: This probably isn't exactly what you meant, but I got this idea and it felt right writing this. If you want I'll write something really really angsty for you later on. I hope y'all like this anyway.

Your day was not going great. Your first class was a disaster, you forgot to bring the tests for the second one and after lunch, the joined class of Evers and Nevers was a nightmare. Noone listened to you, nobody wanted to do the homework and someone even threw a tomato at the black board as you were writing down important bullet points.
You didn’t know if you wanted to cry, scream, hysterically laugh or all at once. Your last hope was the last class of the day, nothing could go wrong with gardening, right? You’ll let them roan the gardens and hopefully nobody gets eaten before the end of the day. You couldn’t be more wrong though. As you gave out instructions to replant some of the flowers into bigger pots, you already heard one breaking and saw another student running around with the gardening scissors.
“This horrible day will never end,” you mutter helplessly as you chase the kid with the scissors.
You spend the class cleaning up broken ceramics and glass, hoping at least the flowers will survive the rampage of your students. Honestly you had more faith in the plants than yourself. You locked yourself up in your office for the remaining of the school day, grading last week’s tests and having to fail a few kids, which didn’t add up any cheerfulness into your already sour mood.
When you finally returned into your shared chambers with Leonora, you were ready to give up. She was already out of her usual work clothes, a sign she returned much sooner than you did, reading her book on magical potions at the couch. She gave you a little smile that froze on her face when she noticed your disheveled state.
“I swear I’m turning in my resignation tomorrow. I’m gonna grow grey hair from those kids before the school year ends,” you complained, walking to your dresser.
“Oh come on babe, they’re not that bad,” she tried to reason with you.
“No, they’re even worse. Little inept devils…” searching through your special drawer you don’t agree.
“Well that would mean I’m doing something right…” Lesso smiled but it didn’t amuse you.
“They’re always throwing things, screaming things, breaking things… babe have you seen my cookie?” You suddenly ask as you can’t find your favourite dessert in the stack of sweets you keep for emergencies such like today.
“What cookie?” She asks innocently not looking up from the book.
“The one I like? Chocolate chip with a pinch of salt? It’s my favourite and I’d swear I had one in here…” you narrow your eyes at her.
“I haven’t seen it…” Leonora tries to deny but you see the guilt in her posture not being able to look you in the eyes.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe you’d eat my dearest cookie! I’ve been waiting for it the whole day! And I’ve had a horrendous day!” You scream at her on the verge of tears, your comfort food being inevitably gone. “Why would you do that!”
“Jesus babe calm down, it’s just a cookie alright..?” Lesso was taken back by your sudden outburst.
“Yeah maybe to you it’s just food! Then why are you taking it from me!” You scolded her.
“It’s not that big of a deal, you’ll get other cookies…” Lesso argued.
“Ugh, I can’t believe you! You destroyed the only joy a had of the whole day! I hate you!” You shouted with a loud bang shutting the door behind you as you left.
Lesso starred at the spot you were at just moments ago, too stunned to even think, her book long forgotten. What has gotten into you? Were you really that much stressed today? Sure, you were always protective of your sweets, but it was just food, right? Nothing to be too upset about, nothing you couldn’t get yourself the next day.
But to you it wasn’t, the little nice biscuits and delights you kept hidden just for your own pleasure were your comfort. It brought you calmness and overview, caressing your nerves like honey on your soul. And now your favourite one was gone and it ruined your day even more, for you were in excited anticipation to finally eat for many hours by now.
While you were sulking in the now empty dinning hall, Leonora realized she was probably in the wrong this time. You were after all a sweet fragile soul and she knew she shouldn’t have eaten from your secret stash of snacks. She just didn’t think you’d notice, a big mistake on her part. And you always had this rule you shouldn’t be going to sleep while angry at each other, so she had to fix this fast, or you’ll be even more cranky in the morning.
The door behind you open with a creak, your girlfriend coming in. It didn’t happen often she admitted to her mistakes, but you were her one weak spot and she couldn’t live with you being mad at her. Plus, she did kind of bring this on herself. So now she’s gonna make it all better and make it up to you.
“Hey, are you still mad at me?” your silence was answer enough to her dumb question. “Look, I’m really sorry I ate your cookie. I should have remembered how important they are to you. I have something to make up for it though.”
That piqued your interest, along with the amazing smell that came in with her, so you slowly turned around to see what she came up with as a piece offering. The tray of cookies smelled absolutely amazing and a fine fume was still coming up off them, as if there were in the oven just moments ago.
“Did you make this right now?” you questioned.
“Something like that,” she wasn’t willing to admit what a scene she did in front of the kitchen staff to get them to bake a batch at this hour. “They’re not salty but I’ll find you some tomorrow, I promise. I’m really sorry about what I said, your sweets are important.”
“I don’t really hate you, I’m sorry,” you apologize also as you’re already taking one of the delicious delights off her hands.
“Can we go to bed now and enjoy these?” she tries to bribe you.
“Yea, I guess,” you agree, taking the tray and shielding them from her to keep it all to yourself.
“If you eat them all you’re cleaning the crumbs,” Leonora warns you but your pointed look shuts her up real quick. “Alright, I’ll clean the crumbs.”
#lady lesso x reader#fanfiction#fanfic#charlize theron#charlize theron x reader#charlize theron x you#lady lesso x you#lady leonora lesso x you#lady leonora lesso x reader#leonora lesso x reader#leonora lesso x you#lady lesso#lady leonora lesso#leonora lesso#lady lesso fluff#lady lesso angst#lady leonora lesso fluff#lady leonora lesso angst#leonora lesso fluff#leonora lesso angst
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Hi :)
Can I ask for smut with Lesso and female reader? Reader is over 25 and in a relationship with Lesso. They use magic in bed for greater pleasure and this time reader wants to try and use the spell on herself. Leo guides her through it and she manages to create magical pen!s but isn't sure if it'll work properly. Lesso says it's only one way to find out and starts riding her. When they are both close Reader cums inside Lesso. A couple of weeks later Lesso finds out she's pregnant and says to the reader: 'do you remember our last spell in bed? You did so good with it that it got me pregnant.' Reader thinks she's joking and doesn't believe her at first till Leo shows her pregnancy test and leaves the reader speechless 😶.
Idk if it's sth you'd like to write. If not just pls don't ignore it and give me a sign it's not for you but I would be rly thrilled if you did write it. Thank you :)
Enchanted Choices with Unforeseen Consequences ~Leonora Lesso xFem Wife!Reader
Summary— Leonora and Reader have some fun with an enchanted g!p, and it leads to some unforeseen consequences… Anon Response— Hey hey anon!! Thank you for the request, and thank you for your patience. I would love to write this! Hope you Enjoy ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, lost of fluff too, enchanted penis, dick riding, little teasing, happy crying, happy endings, etc.
Enjoy (;
“I… I don’t know if it will work though…” you chuckled, leaning back in your seat and admiring the magical dick that Lesso had helped you make.
“Only one way to find out…” Leonora teasingly purred.
Lesso then straddled you, swiftly sitting down and taking your new dick into her cunt entirely in one fell swoop.
“Holy fuck—Leo!!” You groaned, your mouth falling open.
“Shiiiiiiiit Mmmmmmm—” Lesso groaned, “You’re bigger than I anticipated, Baby…”
That made you smirk, and in response you jerked your hips up. This made Leonora groan even louder, which quickly turned into a growl.
Her signature smirk returned to her face, as she placed her hands on your shoulders and began to thoroughly ride you. With zero mercy.
You cried and groaned and moaned, but Lesso wouldn’t relent. She rode you like there was no tomorrow, milked you for everything you were worth.
And before you can say anything, you’re cumming, shooting your magical cum deep inside Lesso. The woman on top of you groans loudly, cumming along side you. She smirks, panting heavily, as you go limp inside her.
“Fuck Leo…” you pant out, chuckling lightly.
The redhead is gleaming back at you, very proud of how flustered and undone you had become.
A couple of weeks past. And Lesso has been feeling a little sick. It was the fall season, so the woman had nursed it off as a seasonal cold.
But it only got worse. Leonora found herself throwing up on the regular. And she felt intense heat waves along with that. As well as intense food cravings at random times. It was the most bizarre thing.
Lesso thought it was crazy to think that she could be pregnant, but that’s what it felt like… And it would make sense as to when you and her had magically created you that dick. So she took a pregnancy test… and it was positive.
How was she going to tell you??
Leonora knew that she had to tell you, so after classes one day, while you were both lounging in your private quarters, she decided it was a better time than never.
“Baby, you remember that magical cock we made you a couple weeks ago?” Lesso hummed, continuing to grade as if what she was saying was nothing.
You looked up from the book you were reading.
“Yea…?” You said, slightly confused.
Now Leonora looked up. Her face was a myriad of emotions, that you were having trouble reading.
“Well turns out, you did so well that it got me pregnant, Baby…” Leonora breathed out.
Lesso picked up the positive pregnancy test from inside her desk drawer, waving it around for you to see.
Your jaw dropped. And you started to laugh.
“I—what?” You stammered in between giggles.
“I’m. pregnant.” Leonora said slowly and clearly.
Your eyes widening as you tried to process the woman’s words. You said nothing after that, instead you just stood up and walked towards Leonora. She handed you the test and you stared at it, your eyes starting to water.
Lesso immediately stood up and took you into an embrace as you started to cry tears of happiness.
“I— I can’t believe it…” you stammered, “I’ve always… wanted to be a mom—”
You sniffled in between your thought as Leonora kissed the tears away from your cheeks.
“I just didn’t expect it… this moment.” You breathed out, a big smile coming across your face.
Leonora hugged you tightly.
“I have no doubt, you’ll be an amazing mother, Baby…” she comforted you.
You hugged her back with just as much fervor.
“Right back at ya, Leo” you murmured into the crook of her neck.
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
#soft!lesso#soft!lady Lesso#leonora lesso#lady lesso x reader#lady Lesso smut#lady Lesso fluff#lady lesso#lady leonora lesso#professor Lesso#dean of evil#Charlize Theron character#charlize theron#cissyenthusiast010155 answers#wife!reader#wife reader#female reader#female!reader#fem!reader#fem reader
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Bark! Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark! (We need more Lady Lesso fluff she may be mommy domme but she’s not completely heartless)
#charlize theron#lady lesso#lady lesso x reader#leonora lesso#leonora lesso x reader#the school for good and evil#she’s so mommy#fluff deprived
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Granted Surprise - Dovesso
A little origin story of how Dovey got used to Lesso calling her princess. Please note that english is NOT my first language, and I haven't read any SGE book! (I based this on the movie, and I swear I will read the books sometime.)
Enjoy <3
The first time it slipped out of Lesso's tongue, she had said it out of want— curiosity overtaking her. Knowing the good dean had been known famously as Cinderella's fairy godmother, always taking care of princesses and never being one herself. For Lesso, it had been said out of snark. A tease to pull a nerve. Maybe two. But Dovey had taken a step back that moment, bewilderment echoing on every inch of her face at the well-lit school library for Good. Her reaction had been the opposite of what Lesso had in mind. Nevertheless, she liked the small part between Dovey's lips, the little furrow of her eyebrows, and all the emotions gathering all at once in those beautiful eyes. The reaction was nothing but subtle. You could see, plain as the night sky, the complication of Dovey's feelings.
"Princess?" Dovey repeated, as though Lesso had mistaken her for one. It wasn't the intention, of course, but the dean could play along. Dovey turned around, her back facing Lesso as she fakes a giggle. "Ridiculous! Nonsense... nonsense." Her lips felt dry, and the room started heating up. Dovey calms herself down on the corner of the library between two dusty bookshelfs.
Leonora crossed her arms, examining the entirety of the situation. What would she get out of this? What more could she get of this? Dovey had reacted well to her liking. She figured that was it. Her cue to leave, that is. But she continued looking at Dovey's back, hunched over as she breathed deep and soft. Lesso lets out a small chuckle. "It was a mere word."
Like an actress' cue on a movie scene, Clarissa turned swiftly. The complications and mixed emotions that had translated in her face turned into something of fury.
"A word that is not true. I am anything but."
Lesso raises a suspicious eyebrow, "Is that insecurity I hear? Isn't the School for Good about being beautiful and all that bullshit?" The opposite was taught in the School for Evil. But the polar opposite schools taught one thing in common on all its students; acceptance. The beautiness and ugliness of everything that you are and that comes with you. There is no honest truth without the importance of acceptance. Just a farce.
The professor frowned at the profanity, looking away from Lesso's piercing gaze. "Don't even start, Lesso." She inhaled sharply, now moving past the said and unsaid things. She grabbed the hem of her dress as she walked past by the dean. "I have a class in 10." And with that, Dovey disappeared behind the two golden doors screaming of richness and of great value. Lesso would have to give it to Dovey for always brushing things off within seconds. Minutes, if she felt like it.
Leonora glares with certainty at the two golden doors. What a princess.
The second time, it had been around the other professors and the school master. It was intentional. To get a rise out of everyone but most especially at the targeted figure. The evil dean did not know why she had felt like saying it, especially around these tyrants. But the word was itching to get out of her every time Dovey's within earshot, and it just so happens Lesso loves to have that itch scratched this very moment. Dovey stared at Lesso with such confusion and hate. Good does not hate, Lesso remembered thinking, but it was a beautiful look on Dovey. She mentally chuckles.
"Yes, Princess?" Her tone was taunting, a one she wishes would perfectly rot all the goodness within Dovey. Lesso leans back in satisfaction and anticipation of what will happen next, of what emotion Dovey displays this time, and if she could ever control it and move past it like the last time.
The woman in question looks around frantically, embarrassed for both herself and Lesso. Dovey looked wary and aware of her surroundings and inviting the evil dean to be the same. But of course, Lesso couldn't care less. She wanted to see, for some reason, a look on Dovey's face. The explosion of it all. She crosses her arms, throws a daunting smirk, and tilts her head menacingly. She was inviting Dovey as well. And it went on like that for minutes, with the atmosphere granting nothing but stillness and thrill. The good and evil professors watched them profusely, batting eyes at Dovey, Lesso, and the invisible line that separates the two of them. They had known for quite a while the cockiness and evilness of Lesso, she'll kind of give it away the instant you meet her. So it wasn't really a surprise witnessing this moment right now.
Dovey exhales, slowly. She takes her time as she presses the heel of her palm against the long table, standing up while looking at Lesso. The veins in her neck were visible as she said, "Can we talk in private?"
Lesso replied with, "And leave the audience questioning the ending?" she smiles, "I do not think so. That would be rude."
"I'm sorry, let me rephrase that." She glances around at the said audience. They looked away the instant. Then she glanced back at Lesso, feeling the hard thrumming of her heart against her chest. The hatred she feels for this woman was excruciating. "Let's talk in private, Lesso."
"Was that a command, Princess?"
Dovey bites the inside of her cheek, hoping she was biting Lesso's ferocious mouth instead. And no, she did not mean that as some kind of a sexual thing.
"Yes. I'm commanding you to talk with me in private, Lesso. Now."
There was some sense of urgency in her voice, some bitterness as well that hints Dovey was not at all enjoying this. Just like what Lesso expected and liked. Without any word, she stands up as well, not breaking eye contact with Dovey. Lesso found it challenging the very first seconds, just then noticing the similarities between Dovey's eyes and the deepness of both the ocean and the universe. It doesn't make any sense at all, but it was the only thing Lesso could think of to compare at that moment.
When Lesso heaved a sigh, Dovey was the first to break and strove on her flat shoes away from the others. Lesso followed her shortly, walking just a few steps behind her, only delaying since it was hard to strut as fast as Dovey when wearing heels.
Lesso could feel the eyes of the professors and the school master aimed at her back.
Perhaps it was better they missed this part of the show.
Soon enough, Dovey led them inside one of the school's hidden rooms that consisted only of the things of those students who had failed classes 3 times and were transformed into whatever creature that sucked. Lesso closed the door behind and when she turned around... there it is.
"You look mad." The evil dean commented, there was a small curve on the side of her lips at the sight of Dovey's current situation.
"Princess?" Dovey scoffed. "Of all evil things that you could call me, that's what you picked up on?"
Lesso shrugged her shoulders, seeming ignorant. "It fits you."
"It's not even an insult!"
"Then why are you insulted?"
Dovey stopped at that, her chest rising up and down as she panted. The room felt hot again, and it was like the air was closing in on her, and she wouldn't be able to breathe the next 2 minutes.
She didn't let herself be, of course. She pulled herself together. She had to. She wasn't about to break down and cry in front of the very person she'd rather bury herself alive than be in a room with.
Dovey clears her throat, looking down at the ground and the gap between Lesso's heels. She frowns, "I don't appreciate you calling me Princess... much less with the teachers and the school master around." She announces without meeting Lesso's gaze.
Lesso tuts. "Are you commanding me?"
"I help princesses." Dovey emphasizes, and she feels her heart's walls thickening and pushing against. "I am not one."
The other dean leans against the door, crossing her arms as she did. She scanned Dovey from her adorable headpiece to the flat shoes she wears. She had plenty of the same shoes but with different colours. Unlike Lesso, who had many variations of shoes with different heights.
"I do what I want."
Lesso left without a word right after that, satisfaction ringing in her every step, leaving Dovey completely dumbfounded— irked. Dovey had tons of nerves, and she was able to pull all of them conventionally. Just what the hell was Lesso's problem? I mean, Dovey gets it, the whole being evil thing and that. But why does it have to be her, of all people? There was Emma, who is all about beauty. Not that Dovey wanted Emma to feel the same as she does when Lesso teases her, but she was the better target between the two. So why, God, why did Lesso have to pick her? She hadn't done anything to upset the evil dean. As a matter of fact, she had been cheerful and giddy the first time she met Lesso. Kind. And Lesso had glared daggers at her, perfecting it with a mischievous and smug smirk. Dovey could still remember the intimidation Lesso caused. She had shivered in her position at that moment.
Dovey caught herself against one of the walls facing the door and took a moment to keep it all together. She didn't mean to overreact, nor did she mean to storm off of the private meeting. But there was something about Lesso, the princess calling, and the look she gave her every single time. Something so deeply irritating.
She couldn't put a pin on it. And she does not wish to waste her time trying to. She'd just reason that it was Lesso. Simply Lesso.
Dovey nodded her head at herself, decisive.
The most recent time Lesso had called her princess, Dovey hadn't reacted. She hadn't shifted uncomfortably in her position. She hadn't frowned. She hadn't shot a dreadful glare at Lesso, nor did she demand a private chat. She just went on with what she was doing; looking over at books for her next class. There had been a great improvement in regards to the School for Good and its lessons to its students. Dovey just can't be truly sure if it was an improvement she agrees on, but nonetheless, there were rules to follow.
Leonora visibly looked a bit excited at this development. Dovey caught it and chuckled. The evil dean takes a step closer from where Dovey was working. "Well, this is a surprise." Granted surprise. Lesso comments, her eyes observing the tiniest inch of Dovey's face to see if there was anything, anything at all, that could hint her that this was a facade. That Dovey had practised herself into not reacting. But there wasn't. Lesso bit her lip, "Princess it is."
"What book did you need again?" Clarissa asks, moving past it and hoping Lesso would do the same. She did. Lesso places her arms on her sides and starts off the furthest corner of the room. Dovey walked behind her. There was a bookshelf with a title on the top, 'Beauty Spells'. Lesso grabbed the thickest book on the display. "You're grabbing a beauty spell book." She points at it.
"We need more ugly spells. I can't have never students this year be particularly into their looks." Lesso scans the book, brushing off Clarissa's eyebrows furrowing.
"Beauty spells doesn't exactly help with that." There was a humour in her tone, a friendly remark. Lesso can't decide whether she should let it be or comment on it to completely get rid of whatever was on Dovey's mind that could clue her Lesso didn't mind being... casual. She definitely minds.
Lesso went around Dovey, walking past her. She could hear distant footsteps behind. "I don't need anything more, Princess." And the footsteps halted.
She sighs as she exits the library, but not without Dovey's, "That is a beauty spell book, Lesso!" shouted from across the library. Lesso mentally laughs at Dovey's brazeness. All evers are brazen, she realizes. And it is exactly why she doesn't get along with them. Lesso loved shame. The petrified look on people's faces as they realize what they had done was more than an embarrassment. It was art in her eyes. Evers were an offence to that.
This time, when Lesso had called her princess— Dovey smiled. Like a true, genuine smile. Perhaps it was also because of the context and the scene before them. But Dovey smiled at the nickname, Princess, which Lesso had been throwing around to spite her back then.
"What do you know?" Dovey confidently speaks, "Good wins again!" She sang cheerfully, her chest exploding in warmth and joy as the Ever students broke into screams of success and effort. It was a good and exciting battle, and Dovey hadn't doubted her students a tiny bit. They had been well-trained all year round. And God knows Clarissa had spent all the time she could to harness them.
Lesso sulks behind her. "What do you know." There was sarcasm haunting her voice. Dovey only giggles at it. "Next year, it will be us. We have to balance it out, Clarissa. Good has been winning for almost a hundred years. That is not something we can just approve of."
Dovey scrunches her nose at her. "Next year, then!" She exclaims, not a single ounce of happiness lost at Leonora's snark. Before the evil dean could rain even more on her parade, Dovey descended down the stairs and unto her precious evers. Lesso groans at the sight of it.
"Next year, Princess."
#dovesso#clarissa dovey#professor dovey#lady lesso#leonora lesso#school for good and evil#sge#fanfic#wlw#sapphic#lesbians#fluff#kerry washington#charlize theron
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Aliferous- Lady Lesso x NeverTeacherFemReader!
Aliferous: Having wings; Winged.
Synopsis: You have some difficulty hiding your pain after a while, and to your dismay it doesn’t go unnoticed. Lady Lesso comes to you to find out more about the situation, and finds out more about you than she thought possible. Lesso comforts you through the pain.
Warnings: (none?) Implications of feelings for one another
Word Count: 3.1k
A/n: This is my first work posted on Tumblr! I hope you guys enjoy it! I usually post onto AO3 but when I had read all the work for Lady Lesso on AO3, I started reading on Tumblr. I loved this community and I decided that I’d post my work here too! Also, I can't even tell you guys how long this was in the works. Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
©️This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Lesso had heard enough, the last two students walking passed her made her realize it, in fact, was of her concern.
She had heard some whispers about something being off with you, about how you were clearly in pain or uncomfortable. She wasn't too bothered by the murmurs, you can take care of yourself and have proven it, so when she heard the students near worries about you, she just brushed it off.
Until it got to be quite a few students talking about it. She knew something was off if multiple students not only noticed it but were discussing it.
That's what led her on her current mission. Your classroom. You taught Villain Talents, fitting for you for various reasons.
You were the daughter of Maleficent, yes the Maleficent. You inherited her stunning and nefarious powers, as well as having a pair of magnificent wings like hers. Of course, they were no match to hers, but they still had a nearly seven-foot span with shiny charcoal feathers, elegantly finished with horns at the top of them. They were a near duplicate of your mother's.
And they were the cause of your current predicament.
You've kept them hidden from the moment you arrived at the School for Good and Evil. You weren't ashamed of them, in fact, you were quite proud of them, but you needed to protect them.
You weren't risking a damn thing after what happened with your mother, you trusted no one but yourself with your wings.
Keeping them hidden for so long had caused them to strain, the lack of use and minuscule stretching only making it worse. You could handle pain relatively well, you were a Never after all, but this was an entirely different pain. It was both internal and external, becoming quickly overwhelming. Not to mention it was constant and lasted, up to this point, every day.
You tried your best to keep it within you, not showing just how much pain you were truly in but you also tried to not succumb to it. Not until you absolutely have to.
Now, you were sitting at your desk and staring in the direction of nothing while your students were doing some work, but you didn't care about what they were (or likely weren't) doing. You tried thinking of anything and everything but the pain you were in.
You were pulled from your thoughts as your classroom door swiftly opened, slamming loudly against the stone wall. Upon seeing who it was, you straightened yourself. You certainly didn't want the Dean of Evil to catch you in a time of weakness. You just barely hid your wince at the straightening of your spine.
"Lady Lesso, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You watched as she stalked toward your desk.
With one look, you knew she saw right through you. You had no idea why, but she was able to, the only one that was ever able to. That helped contribute to you having a certain attraction toward the Dean, amongst a plethora of other things as well, but you never showed it.
"I have heard a few things from students and I came to check the credibility of such things." Her tone was nothing short of its usual fierceness and dominance, but it was a level quieter.
"I'm not quite sure I know what you mean." You didn't falter, even as she approached your side.
That was one of the things the Dean was fond of about you, you never faltered in her presence. It was the first thing she noticed about you, the fear she usually saw in people's eyes when they saw her, it was never present in yours.
"There is something going on. What is it." She didn't ask but demanded.
You thought about it for a split second. Were you truly about to do this? Yes. It was becoming too much for you to handle.
"Everyone out! Now!" You snapped as you dismissed the students, your eyes only straying from Lesso in the moment it took for you to dismiss everyone.
They wasted no time rushing out of the room, hardly caring about grabbing their things. You knew what was about to take place and you certainly didn't want more witnesses than needed.
"What is going on?" Lesso's tone shifted to concern, her face softening.
She'd never admit that she had a soft spot for you, but she did. She adored watching you teach, seeing the same passion for teaching and evil as she has. She took to you quite quickly, whether or not she noticed it.
You stood from your desk, leaving her question unanswered as you circled to the front and pulled off your blazer. You were only able to look at her for another second before you allowed your face to contort freely. You pulled off your undervest next.
"What are you doing?" Lesso's question changed as she saw you unbuttoning your white blouse.
It was the last thing standing between you and stretching your wings. And you'd be damned if anything was going to stop you now, let alone having Lesso seeing you slightly exposed. Showing your wings is the most exposed you can get.
You didn't notice Lesso looking at you in shock, and trying to not make her gawking obvious, from the pain being almost too much to concentrate on anything but it.
"You just have to trust me," You practically ripped off your blouse and threw it to the ground, standing in front of the Dean in just your bra.
She stayed unmoving and silent so you continued, "Promise me you won't run or freak out?" You all but begged, your voice coming out just shy of a whimper, not only from the pain but also fear she'd find you disgusting.
"There's no way I-"
You interrupted her with the expansion of your wings, a shadow casting over your desk as well as Lesso seeing that she hadn't moved from her spot beside your chair. You nearly cried out when they stretched to their full expansion, falling onto your knees in front of your desk.
Lesso was cemented into her place from confusion, not knowing of your wings, but only for a moment before she became mesmerized. She couldn't help but think your wings were magnificent.
You braced yourself on your desk, resting your forehead on your arms, and your wings twitched as you released a sigh. You didn't realize your breathing had sped up until you spoke.
"I couldn't contain them any longer." Your wings fluttered, creating a breeze in the room that blew a stray strand of hair out of the Dean's face.
"They're beautiful,"
Your head snapped to Lesso, "What?" You never heard anyone refer to them like that.
You could see the intrigue in her eyes as they wandered across every part of your wings, the many curiosities swirling within her.
"They're beautiful. Why do you hide them?"
"Because no one has ever seen my wings and thought of beauty. It wasn't just fear when they looked at me, it was disgust. So I hid them, to protect them."
You began flexing your wings, trying to get them used to the movement again. You did your best to hide your groans and looks of discomfort but you knew you weren't successful. Yeah, they were out in your quarters but that doesn't do much, not like fully extending them.
You finally managed to calm yourself, standing once again, you pulled your wings back to their relaxed state. You could hardly believe you just broke down like that, let alone in front of The Dean of Evil.
"Can I- can I touch them?" You saw her fingers twitch at her question.
You looked at her curiously, wondering why she would possibly want to touch them, but ultimately allowed it. You slightly turned so she could see them better, extending them out just a little more.
Your wing flinched away from her light touch on instinct, and slight pain, the feeling being entirely foreign to you. You didn't have to be looking to know her hand flinched away from you in response.
A part of you still wanted to fulfill her request, "Sorry, you can still feel them if you'd like."
It was a strange sensation, feeling a caressing hand on your wings, but at the same time, it was nice. A sigh came from your lips as her fingertips brushed the length of your right wing.
"Does it hurt to keep them hidden?" Lesso was being uncharacteristically kind, but it was a welcomed part of her.
"Usually, not really. But when you keep them hidden and unused for as long as I have, eventually they will."
"Why didn't you say anything to professor Dovey or me?" You turned back to face her.
"I won't risk losing them. My mother had hers brutally taken from her, I don't want that. Of course, she did end up getting them back, but that's not the point-"
Her curiosity was clear when she interrupted your sentence, "Why'd you allow me to see them then?"
"Because, Lady Lesso-"
"Leonora, you can call me Leonora."
A smile came to your face, "Because, Leonora, there's something about you. And I don't know what it is but I feel as if I can trust you with anything."
Leonora tried to ignore the goosebumps that arose on her skin when you spoke her name. She paused for a moment as if contemplating her next move or what to say without the risk of saying the wrong thing.
An unfamiliar look momentarily flashed on her face, "I'll ensure you won't regret it."
"Showing you my wings?"
"Trusting me."
"Oh, my dear, there's no way I could regret trusting you."
She tried hiding her blush at the pet name, trying to remain unaffected she raised a brow, "You seem sure of that."
Truthfully, you were partially afraid, but not of losing your trust in her. You knew long before this that she was the exception to most of your fears, but in turn, she created a new one. You weren't particularly close with Lesso but you knew you didn't want to lose her, and you didn't want to risk doing anything that would cause her to push you away. That's the exact reason why your desires to know more about her, to be with her, were left unvoiced.
"It's because I am." You playfully winked at her, catching on to slight reactions that she tried to ignore herself.
It took you a moment of silence, a comforting silence that was shared between you two, before realizing the exact situation you were in.
"Shit-" You scrambled for your blouse, trying to cover yourself.
You were still standing bare in front of her. And if anyone were to walk into your classroom right now, they'd have a list of questions that you don't feel like answering.
As soon as you had your blouse in your hands, you rushed to get it back on. Your wings, though still slightly painful, retracted back to the state they were in just 10 minutes ago.
You paused as you saw Lesso walking toward you again, grabbing each side of the unbuttoned top and pulling you a little closer to her.
You wouldn't admit what that move just did to you, "You don't have to hide anymore, especially not from me."
A soft smile came to your lips at her words, but then you took this opportunity to be yourself once more.
You raised your brow, "Oh, so you'd be perfectly content with just anyone seeing me topless?"
"No, that is just for my eyes to see." She replied with her signature smirk.
Her admission caused you to have a heart palpitation, instantly and helplessly thinking what that could've possibly meant, but it was another thing you didn't let on to, "Is it now?" You slowly licked your lips, keeping your bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
You could feel your breath getting caught in your throat as her eyes glanced down to your lips and lingered for a second, "Indubitably."
When her eyes flicked back onto yours, a silent question waiting behind them, you leaped onto your moment of courage. Moving your hand to the back of her neck and pulling her in, wasting no time in connecting your lips with hers.
The hum that came from the redhead solidified your choice of the action. Your lips moved together harmoniously, everything around you becoming entirely drowned out and irrelevant at that moment. The kiss only ceased when the need for air became too strong to ignore. You pulled back only as much as needed, the bridge of your noses brushing together as you both tried to catch your breath.
A chuckle emitted from Lesso, causing you to pull back further in question, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that."
"Really?" You tried to hide all the emotions you were feeling, making it come across as a teasing prod, though you weren't entirely sure how successful you were.
"Of course. I mean, have you seen you?" The blush that irrupted across your cheeks was entirely involuntary.
You were about to speak, albeit you were about to disagree with Lesso, but you were cut off before any sound escaped your lips. A sudden jolt of discomfort went through your wings, and you didn't hide your reaction. You briefly closed your eyes as a shaky breath came from you. You opened your eyes when you felt Lesso put her hands at the base of your neck, your eyes instantly met her concerned ones.
"What can I do to help?"
Lesso hated seeing you in pain, she usually quite enjoys others in pain, especially when she causes it. But not you, and not now. She wants to be the one to rid you of it.
"Uh, well-" You trailed off, feeling foolish about what you wanted.
"What is it, Dove? I can tell there's something you're thinking of." Again, she saw straight through you.
The blush returned to your cheeks, only darker, possibly from you sheepishly asking about your desire and definitely from the pet name she gave you, "Could you- uh, could you just touch them the same way you did earlier?"
Her eyes lit up just enough for you to notice, "Of course, if that's what you want."
Of course, it's what Lesso wanted too. She yearned to touch them again, something about the silky soft touch of them being something that can only be described as you. You can see the excitement that she tried to hide, but you certainly didn't mind it.
At this point, you couldn't tell who wanted this more, you or her. You took a step back, pulling your blouse off once again and letting it fall to the floor.
The glance Lesso stole wasn't lost on you, but you just decided to store it away for later.
You turned slowly, allowing your wings to reveal themselves once more. Another groan came from you once they were fully visible, the sensitivity of them still overwhelming.
It was just a mere moment from when you slightly spread your wings to when Lesso came into contact with them, a sigh instantly being emitted from you on instinct.
"Is this okay?" She questioned as her fingers ran down your left wing.
"Yes, it is. I don't, understand..." You didn't mean for that last part to be said aloud.
Your wing twitched a little, unconsciously trying to follow her touch.
"Understand what?" You withheld your whine when her touches ceased.
"I don't understand how this could feel so nice."
"Has no one ever done something like this for you before?" You could hear the incredulousness in her voice.
"No... I've never let anyone else touch them, and I can't really touch the outer parts of my wings."
A sense of pride filled Lesso, her being the first and the only one to touch your wings. And knowing that from now, she'd be the only one that gets to, filled her with great gratification too.
"Thank you for this, by the way." Your voice was small, but you weren't sure why.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Dove."
You should be accustomed to the blush that comes to your face when it comes to Lesso, but you haven't yet, "And I-" You were cut off when there was a knock against your door, almost instantly followed by a jiggle of the doorknob.
Panic filled you immediately, but you hadn't noticed Lesso's subtle panic too. Instead of wasting time trying to redress yourself, and probably failing, you snapped your fingers and your magic redressed you. It appeared as if you were never undressed to begin with, your wings instantly being hidden once more.
"You may enter." You spoke toward the door, unlocking it with a wave of your hand.
One of your students walked in just a moment later, nearly freezing with evident fear at the sight of the two most powerful people in the school being in the same room together. They divert their eyes as they silently find their seat and wait for other students to arrive.
It was then that you remembered it was time for your next lesson, a sigh of disappointment escaping you at this realization. Why couldn't the day just be done already?
Lesso glanced back at you, seeing the frown that unconsciously clouded your features.
"I believe you have a class to teach." Both of you knew that neither of you wanted this little interaction to end but at least this saved you both from an awkward attempt at ending the conversation. "And I have things to do, villainy to attend to. And if I'm lucky, I might get to see a few terror-stricken expressions too!"
You both shared a smirk at her excitement, "Then who am I to impede on such marvelous plans?"
She flashed you a wink as she began walking toward the classroom door.
She turned back just before she exited, "I'll see you in my office, tonight." She said with the intoxicating smirk of hers.
She turned out of your room before you could answer, leaving no room for any possible denial. Not like you would've said no anyways. Her turning out of your room allowed for your surprisingly bashful smile to go unseen, the giddiness already overtaking you.
You replaced your horrifying persona once more students entered the room. It took no effort due to your pain being completely gone, almost as if you hadn't felt it to begin with.
You stood at the front of the room as all your students poured in. You did your best to make it seem like you were present, that your mind wasn't elsewhere focused on a certain redhead, the task being relatively simple seeing as she occupies your mind quite often. To them, it was another day just all others before it. But to you, it was the start of so much more.
@v3nusxsky as promised I tagged you so you can read it :), again thank you for inspiring me to share my work on Tumblr too!
#leonora lesso x reader#soft lady lesso#leonora lesso#winged#lady lesso x reader#pain and comfort#lady lesso#fanfic#sfgae#sfge#wlw#sapphic#charlize theron#sge netflix#oneshot#lady leonora lesso#fluff
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