Bonus OC Intro Penetinos
Hello everyone! Originally I had planned to share an excerpt about the relationship of the pirates Dati and Istek for Valentines Day. However looking through my feed, I was struck by just how many of the people I follow are arospec. As such I decided that it might be appropriate to introduce y'all to my OC, Penetinos who is AroAce. I had originally intended to include him in the first poll but I didn't have time to make his portrait.
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Without further ado! Penetinos "The Sage"
Name: Penetinos
The name Penetinos is among the most common in the southern Korithian isles, originating from the Arkodian word Penetiwanos, the exact meaning of the name is unclear though it is likely a reference to some variety of songbird
Intro continues below the cut!
Father: Chalados, Scholar, Commoner (Dead)
Mother: Ladolia, Priestess, Commoner (Dead)
Daocoon (M, Living, Half-brother)
Homeland/Place of Origin
The City of Obfunemakolis, on the island of Obfunema
Arkoteki Korithian, the Arkoteki are culturally and ethnically the closest descendants of the Korithian precursor civilization, the Arkodians. The Arkodians, famous for their creation of magical weapons made from Arkodian Bronze, were ultimately destroyed during the Kishic-Arkodian War, the same war which would ultimately lead to the collapse of the United Kishic Empire.
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Penetinos was born 59 years before the events of the story as the result of an affair between the scholar Chalados, and the priestess of the goddess Fokisa.
Though Chalados was married, and already had a son, the scholar did elect to adopt his bastard son.
From a very young age, Penetinos was tutored in the language and scripts of three languages, those being Korithian, Kishic, and Apunic. At this he excelled, and became a star pupil among the academics and scholars of the city and temple district.
He even took up the mantle of tutor, educating the elite youth of the city, and of nearby islands in the ways of poetry and natural philosophy.
Penetinos was never made aware of his mother's true identity until shortly after her death. The shock of this revelation had two primary results, the first being Penetinos' choice to become a priest in his mother's order, and the second and more crucial being the awakening of his latent sagecraft.
Upon finding that he was able to see and converse with spirits, Penetinos buried himself in his studies, honing his skills and becoming a talented, if not particularly powerful sage.
Unfortunately it was well communing with one of these spirits that Penetinos would be made aware of the ultimately fatal disease with which he was inflicted.
What followed was several years of desperate study to try and find a way to cure or stop the disease. When all mundane treatments proved fruitless, he turned to magic, though unfortunately this too would prove to be futile.
Penetinos fell into a deep depression, leaving the priesthood and locking himself in his home.
When this depression gave way, he turned to a frantic desire to "live life to its fullest." Under the advice of his half-brother he turned to gambling, wine, and brothels. However to his frustation he found that these things held no interest to him. Despite his brother's ultimately well-intentioned attempts to find Penetinos a partner to care for them, Penetinos found himself repulsed by of sexual intamacy, and ultimately uninterested in romantic partnerships.
Rather than finding meaning in these things, Penetinos turned his attention to what he had always done best, his studies. Penetinos chose to devote his life, however long it may be to his research.
Bidding his home city good bye, he journeyed from city to city, studying and gathering knowledge. Knosh, Baalkes, Apuna, and finally the Kishic city of Chibal.
Penetinos's sickness and his sagecraft have caused him to age prematurely. His back is bent, his once light brown hair is now grey and silver. In his youth, Penetinos was noted for his handsome and youthful appearance, tall and thin. Now unfortunately, it would be quite easy to mistake him for a man twenty years his senior.
The terminus of his sickness is unclear, for all he knows he could die from some other malady or accident before it runs its course.
Despite his appearance, Penetinos has lost known of his intelligence, and is quite often the smartest person in the room. His attitude can be best described as professorial, stern at times, quiet, though ultimately kind. Penetinos is a gentle person, averse to violence, and easily enthused when it comes to learning new things.
He has come to accept his mortality, and will readily discuss the subject of death with just about anyone.
He is eager for new experiences.
Cis-man He/Him
Sexual Orientation
Penetinos's tendancy to move regularly and his orientation mean that he has few relationships, though he has made friends in several parts of the Green Sea. At the current moment he is closest to the slave, Shela.
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Bread dipped in wine
Biggest Fear
Formerly death, now the feeling of ultimately being useless
Can read and write in Kishic, Korithian, Knoshic, and Apunian.
An Excerpt
Penetinos was among the less than spectacular kind of sage. In fact, Suru had hardly ever seen him use magic. It was impossible to divine his age, as with many of the others; his hair was silver, his back bent, his face wrinkled. For all Suru knew, he could have been in his seventies or only in his forties. It was so hard to tell with these sages. By all measures, Penetinos was a kind man, soft-spoken. Aside from new scrolls, he rarely asked for anything. He read on an eclectic array of topics; today, his topic of interest was magical plants and fungi. The sage attempted to roll out a scroll, an old Ikopeshi description and illustration of a certain magical algae. Try as he might, his quaking fingers could not hold the brittle paper, and each time he bent to decipher the words, the scroll would quickly snap back to its rolled position. “Suru? I don’t mean to disturb you.” Suru grunted and opened his eyes. “I’m sorry, sir. Is there something you need? I think Otilia and Shela are still gathering the other texts you requested.” “No, no, that’s quite alright, I might have asked for more than I needed as is, I worry. I need you to hold this scroll open for me while I read. Ridiculous, I know, but-” He held up his hands and smiled apologetically. “Of course.”  “Thank you.” The scroll now safely secured, Penetinos leaned forward and began to read, mouthing the words to himself.  Suru glanced down at the painting. It showed a cluster of vibrant purple seaweed. It was unlike any plant Suru had ever seen. “Is it really that color?” He asked. “Oh, this? Yes, of course. In your tongue, it is called Asburichibikur.” “Is it magical?” “Very. If you eat it plain without drying, it will trick the mind and make you see things. And if it is dried, it provides those people like you, those who lack the sight, the ability to see spirits for some short time. It has many other uses as well, of course, but I doubt that you want to hear me ramble on about that.”
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen Bonus character for y'all!
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marsdenillustration · 6 years
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marsdenillustration · 6 years
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