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ghoermann · 9 months ago
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Neckarwiesen, Ladenburg
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izbirakin · 5 months ago
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rooms24-erfahrungen · 2 years ago
Hotel in Ladenburg schnell finden – Rooms24
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Buchen Sie jetzt das beste Hotel in Ladenburg! - Rooms24
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realunis · 8 months ago
haus verkaufen ladenburg mannheim | Realunis.de
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Planen Sie, Ihr Haus in Ladenburg oder Mannheim zu verkaufen? Realunis bietet fachkundige Verkaufsdienstleistungen, persönliche Beratung und umfassende UnterstĂŒtzung, um einen reibungslosen und erfolgreichen Verkauf zu gewĂ€hrleisten.
haus verkaufen ladenburg mannheim
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stephthestegosaurus · 1 year ago
no one’s got me like Sudafed got me
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bugthingsdaily · 6 months ago
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today's bug thing is the Ladenburger Spielzeugauktion!
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wildbeautifuldamned · 11 months ago
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seasoflife · 7 months ago
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Ladenburg, Germany - not ai
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tvueberregional · 21 days ago
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Schriesheim GebĂ€udebrand Am Sonntagmorgen gegen 06.45 Uhr kam es aus bislang unbekannten GrĂŒnden zu einem Brandausbruch in einem WohngebĂ€ude in der Talstraße in Schriesheim. Momentan befinden sich starke KrĂ€fte von Feuerwehr, Polizei und Rettungsdienst vor Ort. Ersten Meldungen zu Folge steht das Dachgeschoss des Anwesens in Vollbrand. Es wird nachberichtet. Schriesheim / Rhein-Neckar-Kreis (ots) PolizeiprĂ€sidium Mannheim FĂŒhrungs- und Lagezentrum   Schriesheim Rhein-Neckar-Kreis: GebĂ€udebrand - PM Nr. 2 Wie bereits berichtet kam es in der Talstraße in Schriesheim gegen 06:45 Uhr zu einem Brandausbruch. Bei dem Brand wurde der Dachstuhl eines Mehrparteienhauses vollstĂ€ndig zerstört. Gegen 07:30 Uhr konnte der Brand unter Kontrolle gebracht werden und ein weiteres Übergreifen auf angrenzende Anwesen wurde verhindert. Eine 19-jĂ€hrige Bewohnerin wurde leicht verletzt und kam wegen des Verdachts auf Rauchgasvergiftung in ein Krankenhaus. Zudem musste ein 42-jĂ€hriger Feuerwehrmann durch den Rettungsdienst vor Ort versorgt werden, da dieser von einem herabfallenden Ziegel leicht verletzt wurde. Der entstandene Sachschaden wird auch ca. 180.000 Euro geschĂ€tzt. Das Mehrparteienhaus ist derzeit nicht bewohnbar. Im Einsatz befanden sich 83 EinsatzkrĂ€fte der Freiwilligen Feuerwehren Schriesheim, Dossenheim, Heddesheim, Edingen-Neckarhausen, Ladenburg und Ilvesheim. Der Polizeiposten Schriesheim ist mit den weiteren Ermittlungen, insbesondere zur Brandursache, betraut. Schriesheim / Rhein-Neckar-Kreis (ots) PolizeiprĂ€sidium Mannheim FĂŒhrungs- und Lagezentrum     https://tvueberregional.de/?s=schriesheim     Read the full article
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angara-mfrp · 2 months ago
hiiii sorry to do this- i'd like to drop yog-sothoth from crash fever, please. i remembered how hard it is to get him to talk in chats- he was in tent f ! in his place, i'd like to reserve silesia / ladenburg from crash fever, por favor. its dec 15, and my contact is here!
Hi Video! It's okay, sometimes muses don't stick or they don't work for some other reason. But we can do that!
Yog-Sothoth has been dropped and Silesia/Ladenburg has been reserved for you through 12/22!
Mod Dingo
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nokzeit · 4 months ago
Skyhookers starten mit Heimsieg
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Skyhookers starten mit Heimsieg (Foto: pm) TSV Buchen - LSV Ladenburg 80:71 Buchen. (gö) Am Samstag startete die erste Herrenmannschaft des TSV Buchener - Abteilung Basketball - erfolgreich in die neue Saison. Gegen den LSV Ladenburg trug das Team nach einem hart umkĂ€mpften Spiel schlussendlich einen Sieg davon. Das Heimteam startete zunĂ€chst klar besser ins erste Viertel und konnte sich durch schnelles Passspiel einen kleinen Vorsprung erzielen. Doch die GĂ€ste aus Ladenburg ließen sich das nicht gefallen und schafften es durch eine harte Verteidigung mit 15:16 in FĂŒhrung zu gehen. Zu Beginn des zweiten Viertels spielten die GrĂŒn-Weißen zwar mit hoher IntensitĂ€t, das Spiel blieb aber, aufgrund der schlechten Trefferquote auf beiden Seiten, eng. Zudem machte die Verteidigung der Ladenburger den Skyhookers weiterhin Probleme. Nach zwei schnellen DreipunktewĂŒrfen ging das Heimteam mit fĂŒnf Punkten RĂŒckstand in die Halbzeit. Abonnieren Sie kostenlos unseren NOKZEIT-KANAL auf Whatsapp. Nach der Pause zeigten die Gastgeber woran sie in der Vorbereitung der Saison gearbeitet haben. Das neue System des Spielertrainers Christian Saur wurde nun besser umgesetzt. Der TSV Buchen kam nun offensiv deutlich besser in Spiel, was mitunter an Aufbauspieler Maximilian Linsler lag, der durch schnelle Dribblings die Pressverteidigung der Ladenburger umspielte. Dennoch lag Buchen immer noch knapp mit 50:52 zurĂŒck. Im letzten Viertel blieb das Spiel ausgeglichen. Aufgrund der zunehmenden HĂ€rte mussten zwei GĂ€stespieler das Feld verlassen. Ähnlich erging es auch dem Trainer der Ladenburger, der von den Schiedsrichtern ebenfalls der Halle verwiesen wurde. Doch von dieser HĂ€rte ließen sich die Gastgeber nicht aus dem Konzept bringen und brachten Distanz- und FreiwĂŒrfe ins Ziel. Nach einer sehr starken zweiten Halbzeit feierte der TSV Buchen den verdienten 80:71-Auftaktsieg in der Oberligasaison 2024/25. Schon in der kommenden Woche will das Team an diesen Erfolg anknĂŒpfen. Auf dem Plan steht die erste AuswĂ€rtsbegegnung der Saison gegen den TV 46 Heidelberg. FĂŒr den TSV Buchen spielten: P. Heizmann, N. Linsler, L. Linsler, M. Linsler, J. Steinbach, N. Heydler, L. Haas, D. Hartmann, C. Saur und G. Trunk Ekanayaka. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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ghoermann · 9 months ago
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Bridge in Ladenburg
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gennaandjesse · 6 months ago
Say OK European Tour Sept/Oct 2024
Europe in 2024! Join us this fall with music and connection - we all need a reason to get out and experience some culture with friends! Sharing stories of hope, rebellion, humor, redemption and love, a Genna & Jesse concert is a place to connect, contemplate, celebrate, laugh and feel. We hope to see you at one of our magical fall concerts!
Friday, 13 September, 2024 Dresden, Germany Blue Note Dresden Doors 7pm, Music 8pm
Saturday, 14 September, 2024 Evessen, Germany Gesche House Concert* Details on request*
Sunday, 15 September, 2024 Kiel, Germany Marlies House Concert* Details on request*
Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 Berlin, Germany Artliners 8:00PM
Thursday, 19 September, 2024 Bamberg, Germany Musicbar Gardencity 8:00PM
Friday, 20 September, 2024 Haan, Germany Maharaja Restaurant 6:00PM
Saturday, 21 September, 2024 Netphen, Germany Genußvoll Eventlocation Sofa Concert* Details on request*
Sunday, 22 September, 2024 Bremen, Germany Druide 8:00PM
Thursday, 26 September, 2024 Worms, Germany Die Funzel 7:30PM
Friday, 27 September, 2024 Ladenburg, Germany HeimatRock 7:30PM
Saturday, 28 September, 2024 Böblingen, Germany Freddchen 9:00PM
Sunday, 29 September, 2024 Maienfeld, Switzerland Heidi's Hangout SofaConcert* Details on request*
Monday, 30 September, 2024 Weingarten, Germany Kulturzentrum Linse 8:00PM
Wednesday, 2 October 2024 Kleines Wiesenthal, Germany Museumswirtschaft Zur Krone Time TBA
Friday, 4 October, 2024 Wiesenburg/Mark, Germany Mal's Scheune 7:00PM
Saturday, 5 October, 2024 FrĂœdlant, Czech Republic Café Jazzovå OsvÄ›ĆŸovna 7:30PM
Monday, 7 October, 2024 Olomouc, Czech Republic Bluesbar Garch 8:00PM
Wednesday, 9 October, 2024 Olomouc, Czech Republic Student Lecture at American Center* Details on request*
Friday, 11 October, 2024 Marklowice, Poland Trattoria Nasze Klimaty 8:00PM
Sunday, 13 October, 2024 Linz, Austria Cafe Smaragd 8:00PM
*This is a private event and requires an invitation and RSVP. If you would like to attend this concert, please email Genna & Jesse at [email protected].
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rooms24-erfahrungen · 2 years ago
Hotel in Ladenburg schnell finden – Rooms24
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Suchen Sie ein Hotel in Ladenburg? Wenn ja, dann haben Sie GlĂŒck! Ladenburg ist eines der beliebtesten Reiseziele in Europa, und als solches gibt es eine große Auswahl an Hotels. Aber bei so vielen Optionen kann es schwierig sein zu wissen, wo man anfangen soll. Keine Sorge, – wir sind hier, um zu helfen. In diesem Blogbeitrag geben wir Ihnen einige Tipps, wie Sie das perfekte Hotel fĂŒr Ihren Ladenburg-Urlaub finden. Wir werden darĂŒber sprechen, worauf Sie in einem Hotel achten sollten, wo Sie nach Hotels suchen und wie Sie verschiedene Hotels vergleichen können. Am Ende dieses Beitrags sind Sie ein Experte fĂŒr die Suche nach Hotels in Ladenburg... Weiterlesen
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columbianewsupdates · 8 months ago
Peraso Inc. (NASDAQ: PRSO) Director Invests $127K, Ladenburg Thalmann Coverage, Gains Bullish Momentum
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nebris · 8 months ago
The German Feminists’ Dilemma
Berlin — A brutal murder case has gripped Germany: On June 6 the body of a 14-year-old girl, Susanna Maria Feldmann, was found in Wiesbaden. She had been raped and strangled. Two days later her alleged assailant, Ali Bashar, a 20-year-old asylum seeker from Iraq, was apprehended in Iraqi Kurdistan, where he had fled. He reportedly confessed to the murder.
The case is just the latest in a string of murders and assaults by asylum seekers against women in Germany. In October 2016, Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year-old university student, was raped and killed by an Afghan asylum seeker. In December 2017, Mia Valentin, a 15-year-old girl, was stabbed to death in a drugstore by her ex-boyfriend, an Afghan migrant.
The cases have added fuel to the far right’s fiery anti-immigrant rhetoric. And it has created a dilemma for Germany’s liberal feminists: How can they fight against violence without supporting anti-immigrant resentments? Or to put it even more bluntly: Is it even possible to defend pluralism and women’s rights at the same time in Germany today?
Violence against women committed by immigrant men first became a topic of debate after hundreds of women were sexually harassed and abused by groups of young men, most of whom were immigrants from North African countries, at Cologne’s main train station on New Year’s Eve in 2015. Since then there has been a steady drumbeat of stories, ranging from harassment in the streets to rape and murder, across Germany.
The far right has exploited these cases to support its call to defend Western culture against “Islamization.” Men from “Muslim” societies generally hold negative and denigrating images of women, the far right claims, and these hideous crimes make clear how much of a threat they are to “the Occident” in general and to women in particular. “Time to protect our women,” Jörg Meuthen, the spokesman for the far-right Alternative for Germany party, wrote on Twitter in January, commenting on the trial of Hussein Khavari, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing Ms. Ladenburger.
Note the possessive pronoun in Mr. Meuthen’s statement. It’s patriarchal, but with a racist twist. In the far-right rhetoric, the attacks of (brown) men on (white) women are often framed as attacks on the German people.
Notwithstanding the obvious bigotry of the far right’s passion for women’s safety, the narrative of a new “cultural” threat to women’s rights is spreading to the political center. A few weeks ago, the German minister of agriculture and deputy head of the Christian Democratic Party, Julia Klöckner, published a book titled “Unnegotiable: No Integration Without Women’s Rights.” Ms. Klöckner, who is considered a potential successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel, has been cultivating a conservative profile. She was a cautious critic of the chancellor’s open stance on immigration, and she demands a ban on wearing a full veil in public.
In her book, Ms. Klöckner argues that as a result of the recent influx of migrants from “patriarchal countries,” women’s equality is under new pressure. Ms. Klöckner says that mainstream society is too tolerant toward patriarchal behavior by Arab immigrants: She cites examples within migrant communities (for example, girls not being allowed to participate in swimming class or forced to wear head scarfs) as well as behaviors toward non-immigrant women (such as a Muslim father refusing to shake a female teacher’s hand for religious reasons).
Some of the problems Ms. Klöckner describes are real, though one could always argue about the scope. In schools in areas with a high percentage of immigrants, dealing with parents who request that their daughters be exempt from class trips, for example, is a bitter reality for teachers. Forced marriage in Germany is real, too (though probably fairly rare). Some immigrant girls in Germany do not have the same chances and freedoms as their classmates do — and Ms. Klöckner is right in saying that feminists should address that problem.
Violence by newly arrived immigrant men is a fact, too. Figures from Bavaria published last September show a 50 percent increase in reported cases of sexual crimes against women in the first six months of 2017. In 18 percent of those cases, the suspect was an immigrant.
Criminologists were quick to caution against a one-sided interpretation of these figures: Immigrants were much more likely to be reported than white men when committing a crime, they argued, and refugees in general in Germany tend to be young men — a group that, independent of their origin, has a higher-than-average probability of committing violent crimes. They also stressed that over all, women were safer in public than they were 20 years ago.
And yet there is no getting around the uncomfortable reality: The increase in violence against women is real. And what Ms. Klöckner writes is probably true: Though the threat may be negligible statistically, some women are more afraid than they used to be, especially when they are out alone. Clearly, this is something that should concern German feminists.
Still, some on the left argue that feminists should not attribute patriarchal behavior to certain groups, and that this is its real strength. They argue that if we focus on patriarchy as something coming from the outside, we will overlook it when it’s homegrown.
Morally, this may be true. There is no violation of women’s and girls’ rights that’s more or less wrong.
Politically, however, this position is not very useful. Finding an effective remedy always needs to be preceded by a careful analysis of the causes. Taking into account the background of the perpetrators is a necessity, however uncomfortable.
Whoever addresses the topic, however, walks a thin line. Conservatives like Ms. Klöckner carefully weave in allusions to the “Decline of the West.” “What will our country look like in 20 years,” she asks, “given hundreds of thousands of young men who live in our country and have never heard of women’s rights?” This sort of rhetoric is a dog whistle to the far right, even though Ms. Klöckner and others deny it.
But to be fair, nuance is very hard to convey in a public discourse that is extremely polarized and characterized by mutual fearmongering and trivialization.
And yet it is important that feminists try to walk this line and start to take seemingly impossible positions: defending the religious freedom of Muslim women who want to wear head scarves, while helping girls who are forced to do so, and addressing the fact that some men newly immigrated from Arab countries hold misogynist views — while stressing this is probably not the key factor that leads to crimes against women.
In this position, liberal feminists will never look like they are right. But they will be right.
Anna Sauerbrey is an editor on the opinion page of the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel and a contributing opinion writer.
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