#lack the coordination needed to cut food with a knife? get a nice pair of kitchen scissors to just chop things up!
arcadian-vampire · 2 years
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Why Can’t We be Friends?
AU: Taylor decides to talk to Jake and Sean about putting their differences aside before the feast Raj has setup. Zhara and Craig wandered off on their own bar crawl. 
Note: All characters belong to Pixelberry. For this fic I borrowed some of Jake’s remarks and Raj’s toast in the speech, that dialogue does not belong to me.
This is for @roonarific
It was the morning after the big fight, the room was still hostile, the tension could be cut with a knife. Sean had a bruise on his right jaw from where Jake had punched him earlier, he and the rest of the group who had searched the hotel for clues sat on one side of the room, glaring at the others who had lounged by the pool. Taylor went to grab a bagel when Jake jumped in front of her, reaching for his second bagel, she could see the dark bruises covering his knuckles. She thought back to the fight, how he had suddenly got so angry when Sean mentioned having nothing to go home too. Between that and the internal struggle he was clearly having on the jet skis, she began to wonder if there was more to Jake than he let on, more than the cavalier, not caring attitude he put on. She was going to just let Jake grab the bagel and go back to his table, there was plenty for everyone, but Sean apparently wasn’t ready to let it go.
“And where do you think you’re going?” he blocked Jake’s path.
Oh boy, she thought to herself. Here comes another fight.
“Getting myself another bagel, Sergeant Buzzkill. Got a problem with that?” Jake growled. It went on like that for a few minutes, both of them going back and forth with snide remarks, then Sean threatens Jake. Of course Jake takes the bait, taking another swing at Sean. Sean deftly ducks Jake’s swing and tackles him, sending bagels and cereal flying. Everyone stood by watching, not wanting to get in the middle of them and caught in the crossfire, the only thing able to separate them was the sharp row of icicles Furball shot between them. They both went their separate ways, shoving past each other. Everyone else sat there in silence eating their breakfast but Taylor couldn’t take it, she went out towards to pool to get some fresh air, and Raj followed.
She wasn’t really in the mood for company, but she wasn’t looking to start more problems so she greeted Raj warmly. He suggested the idea of a feast, something that may be able to bring the two feuding sides together. The more she thought about it, a feast was a great idea. He sent her on a mission to find some different alcohols so that he could prepare the food and mix his fancy cocktails at dinner. She wandered back into the hotel, grateful for the distraction. The first bar she went to was in the grand ballroom, it appeared to have been set up for a wedding but showed no sign that the wedding actually ever occurred, it was eerie. She shook off the strange feeling and went over to the bar cart, sure enough, there was the fancy champagne that Raj had wanted, Armand de Fleur she thought it was called. It wasn’t at the first cart that she checked, but she found a few bottles of it at the second one so she put it in her bag and left to go find the rest of what Raj wanted.
As she roamed the halls trying to find another bar to search she ran right into someone, literally.
“Oof.” She fell backward and looked up to see Sean reaching a hand out to help her up.
“Sorry I didn’t see you, I guess I was lost in my thoughts,” he said. Taylor shrugged and was getting ready to keep walking when she stopped, an idea hitting her.
“Hey Sean, I’m sorry I didn’t help you continue to search the hotel, I just needed a break.” Sean gave her a small smile.
“Thanks, Taylor, I was just trying to do what was best for the group. I just wish that Jake could see that. He’s ex-military after all! We could definitely use his help.” Sean’s expression darkened when he mentioned Jake’s name.
“Yeah, about that Sean, I think you should cut him some slack.” Sean’s jaw dropped before a look of annoyance crossed his features.
“Now you’re defending him? He sucker-punched me after laying around all day!” she could feel the anger rolling off of Sean in waves, that was it, she’d had enough of the fighting.
“I’m not saying what he did was right, but you need to stop acting like a child!” Sean opened his mouth but immediately closed it, he had no idea how to respond to that.
“I think you should cut Jake some slack because maybe there’s more to him than you think. When you said he had nothing to go home to it really bothered him. I’m not saying that he didn’t also act like a child, but you didn’t need to rile him up at breakfast. Raj is planning a feast later for the group, think about extending the olive branch. I’m going to keep looking for the booze Raj requested and hopefully talk to Jake. Think about what I said okay?” Sean clenched his jaw but nodded, she had given him a lot to think about.
She kept going and stumbled upon a futuristic night club, Club Skullkid, the lights continued to pulse even though there was no music playing. She checked out the DJ booth and put on some music to dance out some of the stress while looking for another item on Raj’s list. It wasn’t difficult to find the bar, but finding the specific liquor was a different story. Rifling through the bottles she found blackberry liqueur, hot chili vodka, even absinthe, and then Creme de la Creme, jackpot! After staying to sing and dance for one more song, it was her favorite, after all, she decided to move on.
“Cause I want it thaaaat way.” She sang the last line on her way out the door.
A couple floors down she walked by a pair of grand double doors, she almost didn’t stop but she thought she heard a voice so she threw open the doors. She looked around and it was a western-themed bar, she thought this would be the perfect place to find the whiskey that Raj had wanted. She snickered as she walked past the mechanical bull on her way to the bar, it was waiting for a brave soul to climb on for a ride. As she got closer to the bar she noticed that there was broken glass on the floor, a glass had been pushed through the dust, someone had been in here recently.
“Ouch, shit!” She heard someone mumble from behind the bar. She walked around to find Jake sitting on the floor, a whiskey bottle next to him.
“Oh hey Princess.” she sat down next to him and saw that he had a tiny piece of glass in his hand.
“Let me help you.” she grabbed his hand and carefully pulled it out holding a bar rag against his hand. Jake let out a breath through clenched teeth before looking up at her.
“Thanks. I’m uh...sorry for cutting you in line earlier.” Taylor smiled.
“Actually I’m glad I found you, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” Jake raised his eyebrow.
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
“I want to talk about this feud with Sean you have going.” Jake groaned.
“Look, Princess, he deserved what he got.” Taylor rolled her eyes, she knew he’d be stubborn about it.
“I agree that he was a jerk about it, but you didn’t help Jake.” Jake opened his mouth to protest but the look Taylor gave him shut him up.
“You’re both leaders with strong personalities, sometimes you have to be willing to take a step back and put your differences aside. We’re not getting anywhere fighting, I saw the way that his comment about going home hurt you.” Jake’s eyes met Taylor’s for a brief moment before darting away as he took a long swig of whiskey, she could see the pain flash in his eyes for only a moment.
“I don’t know why it hurt you and I’m not going to ask but he didn’t know it would bother you so much, Jake. We’re never going to get off this island if we keep fighting, Raj is having a feast for everyone tonight, it’s time to move on and quit acting like children.” Jake didn’t say anything, he just stood up and started to walk out of the bar.
“Jacob!” She chased after him and stopped him right by the bull.
“Sorry Princess, I just can’t apologize to the QB because I think he deserved it.” She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.
“What’s it going to take to change your mind?” He raised an eyebrow looking around the room.
“Let’s see who can last on this longer,” he slapped the bull, “if you last longer I’ll apologize to cap, otherwise I don’t have to say anything.”
“Deal, you’re up first.” Taylor started the bull and it was only a few seconds before Jake was thrown off, his coordination lacking since he was drunk.
“Your turn.” she took a swig of whiskey before thrusting the bottle in Jake’s arms and winking at him. She climbed on and made it a few seconds, it wasn’t much, but it was enough to beat Jake.
“I win. Let’s go, Jake.” He shook his head refusing to go.
“I didn’t think you’d actually beat me. I’m not going, Princess.”
“I thought you were a man of your word?” She crossed her arms. Jake looked conflicted but ultimately he shook his head.
“Normally I am, but I just can’t do it, Taylor.”
“That’s it. I’m sick of both of you acting like toddlers!” She stormed over to Jake and shocked him, grabbing him by the ear.
“Hey! What are you doing?! Ow!” Jake stumbled behind her as she marched out of the bar forgetting all about the whiskey she had come to look for.
“I’m not letting go until you agree to come to the feast and make nice with Sean.”
“Fine! Fine!” she stopped and let go of Jake. He took a step away from her rubbed the side of his head.
“Remind me never to piss you off.” She smiled sweetly at him and this time he followed her without hesitation.
“Did you get the stuff?” Raj asked as they walked into the kitchen.
“Armand de Fleur, Creme de la Creme, and oh I forgot the McLellyn’s. I’m sorry Raj.”
“You mean McLellyn’s whiskey?” Zhara and Craig stumbled into the kitchen.
“Yeah. You didn’t happen to find a bottle did you?” Taylor asked noticing their inebriated state.
“Yeah, we did bro!” Craig grinned holding up a bottle.
“We’ve got all the ingredients! Thanks, guys!” Raj grinned.
Later as Taylor went out to the pool she took in the sight of the incredible feat that Raj had laid out, everything smelled and looked incredible. As if on cue her stomach growled and she took a seat next to Grace. The tension had seemed to ease a bit on her side of the table, but at the other end Jake and Sean sat across from each other and the mood hadn’t shifted at all. She shot them both a warning look and instead of speaking to each other, they just kept their mouths shut. Taylor felt like all the work she had done talking to them was for nothing, she was going to march down there and make them both apologize when Raj proposed a toast with the signature drinks he had just passed out.
“We all want to get off this island. We all want to get back to our homes, our families, our lives. But we’re never going to accomplish that unless we overcome our superficial differences and work together as a group. The fact is...everyone here has a role to play. If we keep fighting, if we keep focusing on our differences, we’re going to tear each other apart. But if we can come together, if we focus on what we have in common, we can figure this mystery out. We can get off this island. And we can finally go home with a memory of the most amazing adventures of our lives. So what do you guys say? Can we come together for a toast?”
The table is quiet and Taylor thinks that Raj said it perfectly. She looks pointedly between Sean and Jake, finally, Sean raises his glass to Jake.
“To coming together.” Jake raises his glass in return.
“To getting back home.” They nod respectfully to each other before both of them turn to Taylor. Sean gave her a warm smile, Jake winking at her.
“To Raj! For bringing us all together.” Everyone raises their glasses and drinks before diving into the delicious food in front of them.
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beachbabywrites · 7 years
Mistletoe // A Sharon Carter imagine
REQUEST: M-5-G MARVEL @the-cooliest-power-ranger
SUMMARY: Sharon hangs mistletoe up in her apartment
You slid the key into the door, a grocery bag on your hips and two men behind you as you pushed the door open. “Sharon!” You called out as Steve and Bucky set the bags down on the counter. “In the bedroom, I’ll be right out.” She called back. “Honey, Steve and-” “Oh.” Three of you said at once when Sharon rushed out in just a tank top and blue panties, her ponytail bouncing behind her. She froze, her face contorting in embarrassment as she pulled her tank top down in the front. “Um, excuse me.” She whispered, turning back into the bedroom. “I think we are past the point of modesty.” Bucky mumbled. “We practically live here.” “Right.” You responded, pulling food out of the bags. Sharon reemerged in a pair of jeans now, a light pink tint still on her cheeks as she eyed Steve and Bucky. “I forgot we were having guests tonight.” She explained and began helping you unpack the bags. “I can tell.” “It’s okay, we’ve seen you in much worse positions.” Bucky added. Sharon shot him a side eye. “You’re not helping.” You told him, trying to fight the laughter. “So Sharon. You decorated.” Steve said, looking around, his hands in the pockets of his jacket, taking in the lit garland over the cabinets and the lights in the windows. “We both did, yeah. We wanted our first Christmas to be special.” She said watching you, a sweet smile on her lips as she leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Mistletoe, huh? Are there rules, can I pick who kisses me under it?” Bucky asked a smirk on his lips. “Hey Steve?” Steve chuckled, moved to step towards Bucky. “Stevie, move, you’re blocking Sharon’s path to me.” Steve froze and the four of you burst out laughing. “I can refuse to feed you tonight.” You warned Bucky. “No you won’t, you love me.” He wrapped his flesh hand around the back of your head and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You scrunched up your nose and pretended to be mortified. You and your girlfriend began cutting up the veggies while Steve prepared the chicken. “So do we have any plans for Christmas besides dinner at the compound on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?” Bucky asked as he pilferred around the cabinets until he found a bag of chips. “What kind of plans are you thinking, (Y/N) and I have a few.” “Like what?” Steve asked. “Well, we’re going to see The Nutcracker, we are going ice skating one day, a big shopping trip right before Christmas. We want to go see the lights on 5th Avenue.” “Oh we should make the ice skating a double date.” You suggested, pointing the knife at Bucky excitedly. “Could you imagine?” Sharon snickered. “Bucky and his lack of grace, balance and coordination…” “Real funny.” Bucky made a face at you. “That actually sounds real fun. We should do that.” Steve said with a smile. “Would ya’ll want to see The Nutcracker with us too?” You asked. “Not really, Ballet’s never been my thing.” Steve explained. “Oh!” Sharon exclaimed. You jumped, expecting her to be missing a finger and the knife to be in the floor. “We could see the Christmas Spectacular on Broadway!” “Ehh.” “That sounds great Sharon!” Steve drowned out Bucky’s complaints. “Does he have to bring Bucky?” You asked the same time Bucky asked if he had to go. Steve and Sharon turned to the two of you and Bucky sent you a wink. Dinner was cooking, Steve and Sharon were in the kitchen, you and Bucky were in the living room watching tv. After listening to Bucky try to convince you to go kiss her under the mistletoe for what felt like thirty minutes (“Bucky, she is my girlfriend, I don’t need mistletoe to kiss her”), Sharon called for your attention. You rushed to the kitchen, she told you to start serving dinner. You set the plates down on the table in the living room so you all could watch tv while you ate. “(Y/N), baby, help.” She called out. You turned and saw her trying to carry a bottle of white wine and glasses out of the kitchen. You grabbed the bottle from her hands and two glasses. “Thanks sweetie.” She said as you set them down. You felt her hand wrap around your wrist and you were spun around. You yelped as you stumbled into her, the blonde girl giggling. Sharon gently gripped your face. Your arms wrapped around her waist as your lips met in a kiss. You heard a whistle from behind you and pulled back. “Nice!” Bucky shouted. “Our turn Steve, get up there.” Bucky told the blonde man, who’s jaw dropped instantly. “I heard Bucky hounding you from the kitchen.” She told you, you laughed, resting your forehead agaisnt her shoulder, her hands slid into your back pockets. “Thank you for making dinner.” You whispered to her. Sharon smiled down at you before slowly tilting her head to the side and pressing another kiss to your lips. “Don’t say anything, but there’s mistletoe over the bed too.” She said in a hushed tone. “Now that’s kinky.” Bucky chided from across the room. Sharon blushed a deep red as you laughed loudly.
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