pursuitofjoi · 7 years
day before the weekend mood
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#2018 mood
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
When you are lazy, you're letting down someone who believes in you.
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
It is not the good deeds and the good times that make the person, But the harsh things said and the trials of their life, It is who we become from our mistakes, from our wrong doing, and from the wrong done to us, It is not the good, but what we make from the bad that truly makes a person who they are, Everyone makes mistakes, but it is the good who are able to see them as such.
imaginationinfestation  (via wnq-writers)
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
You must be tired... from running through my mind.
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
can you feel the gooeyness ?
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
I’m no caddy, but it looks like Tiger Woods should have used a driver.
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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“Having a child was the best thing that ever happened to us.  But it is constant company with terrible conversation.”
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.
Elon Musk
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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We collaborated with Disney’s Beauty and The Beast to share 5 reasons why Belle is the modern female heroine we need. 
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
There's only so many times you can allow someone to let you down before you can't handle the disappointment anymore. When things change, people change. It doesn't mean you forgot the past, it simply means you've tried to move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means accepting things that weren't meant to be. There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone, trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up. You got to do what's right for you even if it hurts. I've come to realise that in the end, everyone turns out to be the person they swore they would never become.
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pursuitofjoi · 7 years
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pursuitofjoi · 8 years
nope - anytime, any day.
When my friend tells me a whole bottle of wine is a lot to drink by yourself on a week night
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pursuitofjoi · 8 years
"The One"
Hunting for a single person to be your “one”—the ballerina, the poet, the bank account, and the parent—is all too much pressure for someone you don’t know yet. The “one” is created over time by slowly undressing who they are, not what they should be.
By focusing on people we already know, we have a better chance of seeing them for who they are, not everything we aspire them to be.
Plus, if we stop searching for what we should get in a relationship, maybe we’ll start to pay attention to what we can give. Once we release our potential partner from expectation, we will both be much happier.
Does this mean your list of standards have to go out the window into the fog? Of course not. But perhaps we whittle it down a bit. Instead of a perfect life partner, what about a humorous, kind soul for the next few months and go from there?
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