bebemoon · 1 year
Hey! ☺ (but could you do a look for the blog I moved to which is a side blog called @la-cocotte-de-paris ?) ✨
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del core resort 2o24 .
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Back when I looked like the modernised version of my url
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Bœuf Bourguignon
Ce ragoût campagnard français classique est parfait pour les mois d'hiver. Copieux, mais pas lourd, il combine les mariages parfaits de légumes d'hiver réconfortants comme les carottes, les oignons et les panais avec la saveur réconfortante du bœuf, du bacon et une touche de cognac. Il se conserve également très bien pour les restes, vous pouvez donc le préparer la veille et le réfrigérer toute la nuit également.
1 cuillère à soupe d'huile d'olive extra vierge
8 tranches de bacon coupées épaisses
2 livres de bœuf coupé en cubes de 2 pouces
sel au goût
poivre noir au goût
1 gros oignon jaune coupé en dés
2 échalotes coupées en dés
4 gousses d' ail hachées
3/4 lb de carottes pelées et tranchées
1/4 lb de panais pelés et tranchés
1/2 tasse de cognac
1 bouteille de vin rouge sec
2 tasses de bouillon de boeuf
1 cuillère à soupe plus 1 cuillère à café de concentré de tomate
3/4 cuillère à café de feuilles de thym séchées
4 cuillères à soupe de beurre non salé fondu
3 cuillères à soupe de farine
1 lb d'oignons perlés surgelés
1 lb de champignons de Paris bruns coupés en tranches épaisses
1 cuillère à soupe de thym frais coupé en dés
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Préchauffez le four à 250 degrés. Faites chauffer l'huile dans une grande cocotte ou une marmite allant au four jusqu'à 250 degrés à feu moyen. Ajoutez le bacon et faites-le cuire jusqu'à ce qu'il soit croustillant des deux côtés. Retirez le bacon et réservez-le.
Séchez les cubes de bœuf avec du papier absorbant et saupoudrez-les de sel et de poivre. Faites-les cuire par lots jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés de chaque côté, en veillant à ce qu'ils forment une couche uniforme au fond de la casserole, environ 5 minutes. Retirez-les et réservez-les.
Ajoutez les oignons, les échalotes et l'ail dans la poêle et faites revenir jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient translucides, environ 10 minutes, en remuant toutes les quelques minutes. Ajoutez les carottes et les panais et laissez cuire encore 5 minutes. Ajoutez le cognac et reculez, utilisez une allumette pour l'allumer afin de brûler l'alcool. Lorsque le feu s'éteint, coupez le bacon croustillant en petits morceaux et remettez-le ainsi que le bœuf dans la casserole.
Ajoutez le vin et suffisamment de bouillon de bœuf pour couvrir toute la viande et les légumes. Ajoutez la pâte de tomate et le thym et portez le mélange à ébullition.
Couvrir, retirer du feu et mettre au four pour poursuivre la cuisson pendant 1 heure 15 minutes à 1 heure 30 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que le bœuf soit tendre et les légumes bien cuits. Retirer du four et remettre sur le feu à feu moyen-doux.
Fouetter ensemble 2 cuillères à soupe de beurre fondu et la farine jusqu'à obtenir une pâte épaisse. Incorporer cette pâte au ragoût jusqu'à ce qu'elle se désintègre, puis ajouter les oignons grelots surgelés.
Dans une casserole de taille moyenne, faites revenir les champignons dans les 2 cuillères à soupe de beurre restantes à feu moyen-élevé jusqu'à ce qu'ils noircissent et deviennent légèrement ridés, environ 6 à 10 minutes. Ajoutez les champignons au ragoût et baissez le feu pour laisser mijoter.
Laissez cuire encore 20 minutes avant de retirer du feu. Salez et poivrez à votre goût, décorez de thym frais et servez immédiatement.
Bon Appétit à toutes et tous ! 😋
Spéciale dédicace pour mon amie @olgaromana avec cette recette bien française ! 😉
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drum-cu-naluci · 1 year
@la-cocotte-de-paris and @little-miss-scare-all666 tagged me for the Make a drink based on your blog and I'm so damn curious what it takes like [is slight scent of smoke on a foggy night a certified drink flavour or just Yankee candle?]
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If they are up for this my tags are @onyxheartbeat @eyes-of-the-fox @qveenofthefullmoon @seraphinesaintclair @love-n-purple but if you're not tagged and look for an excuse, consider you were actually tagged. It just doesn't show.
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My perfume rotation
I am big on perfumes, as it is one of my hyperfixations. This hobby is almost obsessive, as I only think about perfumes on day's end, especially if someone wished to find its signature perfume around me. I absolutly will ask a lot of questions, do my reasearch, scramble and present a selection to that person. I love the thrill of the search, the testing, trials and errors, and finally the choice. I found signature perfumes for a lot of my friends, and my boyfriend have also his perfumes (he doesn't have a signature one, but two, which is the next best thing.) But there's one thing : I don't have a signature, but a rotation. I can't choose for the life of me, and it's honestly bothersome. I recently decided to roll for a while with the rotation, and eliminate until I stick to one. Anyway, let's get to it!
Insolence, Guerlain
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It was, for 2 years, my signature perfume. I fell in love when it was in the famous bee bottle, but alas I was too late and I missed it and bought it bottled like in the picture, the "La petite robe noire bottle" (I hate that choice, it makes the presentation so bland). The top note is violet flower, which is my favorite scent as it reminds me of the candies of my childhood. It has notes of red berries, orange blossom, and vanilla and iris which gives its powdery scent. I loved the powdery scent with a twist of berries, as it gave a malicious twist to the traditionnal powder. To me, this scent was charming, flirty, light yet present and complementary to my own self image and skin scent. Alas, I think I grew up quite a bit in those last years, and I changed and now it doesn't fit me as much anymore. I am finishing my bottle and I won't buy it again for myself, but I'll keep a fond memory of Insolence.
Putain des Palaces, Etat Libre d'Orange
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In my quest to find the successor of Insolence as my signature perfume, I found this gem. This perfume is provocative from the get go (the name translates to "Whore of the Palace") and is described as the scent of a courtesan: powdery with an animalistic and sensual twist. The powdery scent is given with notes of violet (my love!), rose, mandarine, lily of the valley and musk, and the animalistic scent is reprensented by leather, amber and ginger notes. I read here that it smells like sex, and I somewhat agree: it is an erotic scent, yet sophisticated, luxurious and very feminine. It also has that very vintage feel, hence the "grandma" vibe some think but I don't agree, as the blend of notes is very modern at the end of the day. I am absolutly in love with this violet wrapped in leather and lace, and damn I feel like a cocotte in the best way and it is exactly the vibe I want to have to me. Sexy, humourous, sensual, sharp and alluring.
Le Régent, Oriza L. Legrand
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Named after the biggest diamond on the French Crown, this perfume from the oldest perfume house in France had me by surprise. I went to the Oriza L. Legrand boutique in Paris back in december to smell Jardins d'Aramide, which was a floral perfume I thought I would like. I was utterly disappointed when I smelled it, so I decided to make my trip worthwhile and to smell every single one of the perfume in the shop. To the first spray, this one was very good, but when I walked out in the street with it on my wrist? I was bewitched. I couldn't stop sniffing my own wrist. This one has no trace of the beloved violet, but this warm, soft, vanilla benzoin had me melting. Think Hypnotic poison by Dior, but warmer and better. It had me running back to the store buying it 3 hours after the initial spray. My boyfriend is in love with this one (and fell in love with Peau d'Espagne of the same house). Le Régent makes me smell like a queen, with a warming and soft presence, but with all her majesty.
La dame aux Camélias, Les cocottes de Paris
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Hear me out. You understood that Putain des Palaces and Le Régent are amazing but, let's say, not subtle. I am a french teacher in middle school in France, and I have to smell good as I can be close to my students, yet subtle and demure to not bother them. This one right here does the job : La dame of Camélias is a soft floral powdery perfume with notes of verbena, orange blossom, cardamom, rose, iris, camelia (duh), musk, tonka bean and juniper. It is fresh, powdery as I like, discreet and has the name of the protagonist of french novelist Alexandre Dumas' La dame aux Camélias, which is a plus to me, as I love the silliness to match my litt teacher's vibe to my perfume lol. Maybe one day I'll be tired of buying it only for working and prefer a cheaper option, but for now I am happy with this one. It will never be Perle's signature perfume, but to my students and colleagues it will be Miss *****'s signature perfume.
Which one will be the winner and be my signature scent? Only time will tell!
Perle .
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I was tagged by @ahalal-uralma to post gifs of my 10 favorite movies without naming them and tag other followers to do the same. Thank you! 🩷🌹
Tagging @lily-of-elysium @melancholic--soull @la-cocotte-de-paris Don't feel obliged though!
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bluebellbanshee · 1 year
Make a Drink 🥃 based on your Blog!
I was tagged by the amazing @la-cocotte-de-paris Merci! 🌼
I tag @13eyond13 @longagoitwastuesday @thecrownofflames @starswerealigned @creerias @punkocelot @saltforsalt @wrenling @regina-mortis @moodyinapinkbow @moonarcadia
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tagged by @le-panda-chocovore
Favorite colour: blue, white, and red in equal measures
Last song I listened to: La Marseillaise
Last movie I watched: Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
Currently reading: Les Misérables
Currently watching: La Grande Vadrouille
Craving: bread
Tea or coffee: coffee, tea is for the british!
tagging: @none-ofthisnonsense, @leseigneurdufeu, @la-cocotte-de-paris
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lily-of-elysium · 1 year
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Thanks very much to dears @la-cocotte-de-paris and @little-miss-scare-all666 for tagging me to post gifs of my 10 favorite movies without naming them and tag other followers to do the same ♥️
Tagging whoever feels like doing this!
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neednottoneed · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Got tagged in this AGES ago (thank you @la-cocotte-de-paris sorry it's so late!) and wanted to do it!!
15 questions for 15 mutuals!
Thanks to @la-cocotte-de-paris for the tag!
1. Are you named after anyone? My aunt!
2. When was the last time you cried? When I didn't get a callback :D
3. Do you have kids? No, don't want any
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes but I'm more deadpan than sarcastic
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I swim regularly! I used to do trapeze and silks before the pandemic and really loved it. I also just love going on walks!
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? Their accents
7. What's your eye colour? Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies honestly, I love the catharsis. I'd rather have a satisfying ending than a necessarily "happy" one.
9. Any special talents? I learn languages pretty quickly!
10. Where were you born? Smalllll town in southeast US
11. What are your hobbies? Video games, D&D, reading, going on walks!
12. Do you have any pets? Pumpkin! Who all of you have seen by now and she is GLORIOUS
13. How tall are you? 1.63m / 5'4"
14. Favorite subject in school? English & German, both of which I majored in.
15. Dream job? Something mindless and vaguely physical that is part-time and pays me enough to keep writing as my career!
Tagging @baronessblixen @suitablyaggrieved @offarawaysnfuturedays-inmydreams @mypanicface @jon-withnoh @dreadful-hecate and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 11 months
Okay so i have no idea what's going re skeleton staff tumblr etc and whether or not this site is gonna die, but if y'all want maybe my insta or something, let me know
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gayvillainera · 1 year
five songs
thanks for the tag @la-cocotte-de-paris!
Five songs I've been obsessed with lately:
I Am My Own Muse by Fall Out Boy
Being Born Kinda Sucks by Myylo (from my angsty DND monk-nun's playlist)
Remember the Name by Fort Minor (just sort of always in rotation in my head)
Eat Your Young by Hozier
Love From the Other Side by Fall Out Boy (honestly most of this album)
Most of the other songs I have stuck in my head are meme songs / soundbites lol
Tagging a few people but come jump in even if I don't tag you: @thelupines @jon-withnoh @aryaflint @punk-granola
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welcome-home-nyx · 1 year
5 Songs I Love
Thank you very much @la-cocotte-de-paris for the tag ! (je suis désolé pour la réponse très très tardive...)
so 5 songs that i have been obsessed with lately:
1. The Clash at Demonhead - Black Sheep (ok it’s a song from Metric but i mostly listen the version with Brie Larson vocal)
2. Heilung - Traust
3. Dalida - Le temps des fleurs
4. The Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
5. Lykke Li - Unchained Melody
May i tag you back @la-cocotte-de-paris ?
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drum-cu-naluci · 1 year
Tagged in this by @elloras ✨🌸✨
Last song: The Empty Page by Sonic Youth
Currently watching: a bunch lol. On Netflix I have titles from The Witcher to Manifest and on HBO others like Young Sheldon, Perry Manson, What We Do In The Shadows. I'm a mess at watching anything now
Currently reading: Lolita. Had to at some point.
Current Obsession: photos
Tagging @eyes-of-the-fox @lara-transilvania @la-cocotte-de-paris @onyxheartbeat @love-n-purple @seraphinesaintclair if they'd like
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sonybuzz42 · 2 years
Tag 5 people you want to know better!
Tagged by @la-cocotte-de-paris Thank you so much!<333
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: green, black, blood red
Favorite food: Kind of hard to tell, wasn't very enthusiastic about food recently. But I was certainly into trying new tea flavours.
Song stuck in my head: Scream by Dreamcatcher
Last thing I googled: A certain hair dye color I was researching lol
Current time: 9:55 p.m.
Dream trip: Primavera Sound 2023 in Barcelona, fingers crossed! And Japan of course.
Tagging (only if you want to, no pressure!): @thecures @redapparitions @quarterpastmidnight @faeciel @puchun and anyone who wants to participate!
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5 Songs I love
The lovely @la-cocotte-de-paris tagged me to list five songs I've been obsessed with lately! Thank you so much!! 💜🌹
Scream of the Butterfly by Acid Bath
Gods & Monsters by Lana Del Rey
Christian Woman by Type O Negative
Demon by London After Midnight
Heirate mich by Rammstein
These are not just songs I've been obsessed with lately though, they've been among my favourite songs for years.
If anyone wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you! <3
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