#la pastora
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
Florenci Pla Meseguer "La Pastora", intersex antifascist hero
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One of the most famous maquis (guerrilla fighters against Franco's dictatorship) is Florenci Pla Maseguer.
(thank you @neonbutchery for the suggestion)
He was born in a farmhouse in Vallibona, in the rural mountains in north of the Valencian Country, in 1917. His body did not fit the categories of either male nor female, so his family were left with the choice of what sex to register him as. His parents decided to register him as female so that he could avoid the mandatory military service.
He grew up in the farmhouse being a shepherd, and never went to school as was usual at the time for the rural working class. When he reached puberty, he developed male secondary sex characteristics.
When the fascists did a coup d'état in 1936, sparking the Spanish Civil War, he wanted offered himself as a volunteer to fight in the republican (=antifascist) army, and he thought that this way he would get officially registered as a man, but couldn't.
He kept dressing as a woman until he was 30 years old, but always felt a man. In his words (originally in Catalan in this interview in El Temps from 1988):
Interviewer: What did you think of your sexual condition? Did it cause you any worries?
Florenci: Problems...? Mainly because of the beard. They said I was half man and half woman, but I never felt a woman. I still remember the first time I dreamed I had an affair with a woman, when I was 13 (...)
I: Have you always felt a man?
F: Always, and I have always liked men's jobs and being registered as a man. In fact, when I walked the flock I carried a sarró [=a kind of bag], like men, and not a basket like women.
He kept wearing women's clothes until he was 30, when he joined the maquis. By then, it was 1947; the fascists had won the war in 1939 and, as a result, Spain and its occupied territories were ruled by Franco's fascist dictatorship, which persecuted the political dissidence, the national minorities (such as Catalans-Valencians) and their languages, and everyone who didn't fit the strict normative and nationalcatholic morale, prominently LGBTQI+ people and women who didn't limit themselves to the roles that the patriarchal society considered fit. The maquis were the armed resistance.
I: How did you change the flock for the maquis?
F: Since I lived in the mountains, I had sometimes talked to them. On a snowy night, three maquis took refuge in a house that was only inhabited in summer -El Cabanil- but one of them ran away -one who was from Morella- and everywhere he went, he spread the word, he snitched it. And the Civil Guard [=the regime's military police] followed their clue until they found them and burned the house down, because they were resisting. The next morning, they arrested El Cabanil's owner and I got nervous because I worked for him, and I decided to escape out of fear of being killed.
I: Was it because of the fear of reprisals or for the humiliations to which the Civil Guard put you through?
F: Yes, that determined it, too. That was on the morning of the same day they burned down El Cabanil, and it was "teniente Mangas" [="lieutenant" Mangas, which he says in Spanish], six guards and two militiamen, one from Torremiró and the other one from Herbesset.
I: And what did they do to you exactly?
F: They were curious to know how could a shepherd girl be half man and half woman. I had sold thrushes to the militiamen, and they told the Civil Guard about my anomaly. Teniente Mangas ignored all rules and made me take off my clothes, until their curiosity was fulfilled. And when they were done, they said "bueno, a hacer bondad" ["well, behave" in Spanish, as a way to say goodbye]. And I felt so much rage, so much helplessness. (...) I joined [the guerrilla] and I dressed as a man. There, I was a man like any other.
From then on, he lived as a man and named himself Florenci, though he was known with other nicknames like "Durruti" (after the famous anarchist leader) and, most famously "La Pastora" (the shepherd).
He ended up living in Andorra, but a journalist for the Spanish tabloid El Caso published about him, attributing to him the crimes committed by other maquis, even ones that he had never met. For this reason, La Pastora became famous in all of Spain and the police intensified the search. The Andorran police turned him in to the Spanish police in 1960, accusing him of robbery, banditry and terrorism. He was judged twice for the same crimes: a tribunal sentenced him to 40 years of prison and the other one sentenced him to death and later changed it to 30 years of prison.
He spent 17 years in prison. First, in a women's prison where the women (and him) had to wear very tight miniskirts. He was later moved to a men's jail, where the case was further investigated. The detective saw that there was no proof and that the story didn't match up, so it was impossible that Florenci had committed these crimes. He was freed with a pardon in 1977 and the detective officially registered him as a man.
Despite the slander published by the press, when he came back to his hometown Vallibona, everyone came down to the village from their farmhouses to greet him. He died in 2004, at 86 years old.
Nowadays, Florenci "La Pastora" is by far one of the most famous maquis, if not the single most famous one. He is talked about in songs, books and documentaries, and has become an icon of the antifascist resistance.
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flordellums · 6 months ago
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Hi havia una pastora!
🎵 M'han dit que si, m'han dit que no! 🎵
I adore her, I really do! Get her some bread with cheese and a therapist.
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naturalist-journal · 11 months ago
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years ago
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colegiosanjudastadeo · 1 year ago
Feliz navidad les desea el Colegio Agustiniano San Judas Tadeo de la Pastora
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cmatain · 2 months ago
«Navidad», de Octavio Campero Echazú
«Navidad», de Octavio Campero Echazú
De Nazaret a Belénhay una senda;por ella van los que creenen las promesas. Estando ya en el tercer domingo de Adviento, no estará de más ir dando entrada ya en el blog a alguna ídem de tema navideño. Este año, comenzaremos la serie de poesía navideña con el poema titulado precisamente «Navidad», del escritor boliviano Octavio Campero Echazú (Tarija, 1900-Cochabamba, 1970). En el texto, además…
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cristinabcn · 1 year ago
Trinidad Jiménez y su "Raíz Sureste"
TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista, Escritora, Editorialista, Directora Gral. Cultura Flamenca, Prensa Especializada Tiene mucho de especial la Sala Negra de los Teatros del Canal. La cercanía, la excelente acústica, el camino laberíntico hasta llegar a ella en la quinta planta, la negrura de la entrada, casi un túnel misterioso que desemboca súbitamente en la negrura de la sala levemente…
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ivanwesmagnus · 1 year ago
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It was almost a year ago when we visited my father's hometown of Nueva Ecija I had a chance to visit one of it's oldest historical landmarks - Lumang Gapan or also known as "Little Vigan." It is a small piece of history situated in a small city. Compared to the actual Vigan it is relatively very small. It occupies only a small piece of land that you can roam around in just a couple of minutes. Besides this location is another historical landmark - the National Shrine of La Virgen Divina Pastora.
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The church was built in 1595, almost as old as the founding of the Philippines by the Spaniards. The church stood in it's place for more than 400 years. As you enter the church, you can feel the history in the air. Especially during the Christmas season as it was adorned with a beautiful Nativity Scene that encapsulates the season. I would definitely visit the site again in the future. A piece of history that is worth visiting.
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khvis · 6 months ago
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se detiene un momento, calma sus nervios, entrando en un terreno cómodo. lo más importante, es que no había pensado si quería comer la comida mediterránea, por eso después de pasar el momento en pausa continúa dando un asentimiento.  ‘  me gusta, el naan de ajo es de mis favoritos  ’  continúa, ladeando su cabeza pensando en qué más podía haber en una tienda en lo más alto de la montaña. mientras más se acercan al momento subir más se mueve en su lugar, cambiando su peso de una pierna a otra alzando su mirada de vez en cuando hasta arriba. sin embargo, que sostuviera sus dedos le toma por sorpresa, observando el vínculo mientras camina detrás de ella. lo siguiente pasa en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, entran al cubículo y ya están comenzando el ascenso mientras todavía sostiene sus dedos.  ‘  sí, está bien. así nos damos fuerza mutua, a decir verdad si me da un poco de nervios  ’  y prefiere centrarse en stella que en el lugar que en lugar que poco a poco van dejando atrás mientras suben.   no le dice mucho pero ese agarre que tiene en sus dedos es su cable a tierra, por lo que poco a poco (de forma muy patética) se va dando vuelta hasta la ventana cerrando uno de sus ojos para ver hasta abajo.  ‘  si puedes escuchar mi corazón, lo siento  ’  se disculpa abriendo lentamente el ojito cerrado para así volver a voltearse de nuevo hasta el centro, no, las alturas no eran lo suyo.  ‘  en invierno debe ser una maravilla los paisajes, todo blanco, donde no puedes diferenciar la montaña del piso  ’  habla para calmarse, sosteniendo los dedos de stella.  ‘  creo que me subirán en agilidad, si es así, te daré las gracias  ’  admite suavecito, que todavía recuerda aquella batalla amistosa de paintball. 
Escucha todo lo que dice el contrario, pero al mismo tiempo no lo hace— no de una manera literal, al menos. En su lugar, intenta leer la proyección corporal del otro. La velocidad de sus palabras, sus movimientos, su expresión. No es difícil, Khai es un libro abierto, la duda es qué tanto tenía permiso de leerlo en voz alta.
"¿Te gusta la comida mediterránea?" Imagina que si le ha quedado aquel dato es porque, quizá, hay algún tipo de inclinación por recordarlo. A ella, por lo menos, le da un poco igual; no iba a dudar que era más o menos un pozo sin fondo cuando se trataba de comer. En cuanto al agradecimiento por su compañía, Stella simplemente asiente suavecito. Llega el próximo cubículo abriéndose para permitir el ingreso. Aprovechándose de que no se detendría es quien toma la iniciativa, sosteniendo los dedos ajenos y jalándolo consigo para que no se quede atrás. Al cerrarse las puertas, y sentados del mismo lado, el ascenso inicia. "¿Está bien si te sigo agarrando? Quizá me de un poco de miedo." Miente sin esforzarse mucho. En el fondo, espera otorgarle a él un mínimo de seguridad mediante aquel agarre.
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pacountry-madrid · 7 months ago
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🇪🇸🇺🇸 American independence cost the Spanish 33 ships, 9,000 crew members and 1,200 cannons.
These maneuvers were a vitally important factor in guaranteeing the independence of the North American colonies.
The phrase that gives its name to the title was written by the Naval Commander of Tenerife D. Luis Marcial García Rebollo in a published article dedicated to the figure of Antonio de Ulloa.
It seemed curious to me to see in figures what the Spanish Navy sacrificed to intercept and annul the most powerful war machine of the time: the Royal Navy.
The Royal Navy wrecked by the Spanish fleet
The British Navy (Royal Navy) was a key piece for the British Empire and was destroyed by our fleet, a huge aid orchestrated by Admirals Juan de Lángara (especially in the Azores area) or Luis de Córdova literally sweeping— the Canal of the English Mancha.
These maneuvers were a vital factor in guaranteeing the independence of the 13 “English” colonies.
Luis de Córdova alone seized some 55 British ships bound for the 13 colonies. Its economic value is believed to have exceeded 4 million pounds at the time, something that would surely ruin the London economy (although it was never admitted) Exchange Alley plummeted.
In addition, in the article, he attached a table with the units that were lost, which is what we are going to share with you. A list that Josá María Lancho also shared for ABC a few years ago. The figures serve to give us an idea:
Year 1779:
Ship El Poderoso 64 guns (500 men)
Frigate Santa Monica 32 guns (232 men)
Frigate Santa Margarita 32 guns (232 men)
Year 1780:
Frigate Santa Marta 38 guns (232 men)
Ship San José 70 guns (539 men)
Ship El Fénix 80 guns (539 men)
70-gun Monarch ship (539 men)
Ship El Diligente with 70 guns (539 men)
Princesa ship with 70 guns (539 men)
Ship Guipúzcoa 70 guns (539 men)
Ship Santo Domingo 70 guns (539 men)
Ship San Julian 70 guns (539 men)
Ship San Carlos 50 guns (480 men)
San Juan Bautista brig with 12 guns (75 men)
Year 1781:
Frigate Leocadia 34 guns (232 men)
Frigate Santa Catalina 32 guns (232 men)
Frigate La Graña 26 guns (232 men)
Frigate Tallapiedra 21 guns (232 men)
Frigate Paula Primera 21 guns (232 men)
Frigate Pastora 21 guns (232 men)
Frigate San Cristóbal 17 guns (175 men)
Brigantine Príncipe Carlos 17 guns (175 men)
Brigantine San Juan 9 guns (75 men)
Brigantine Paula Segunda 9 guns (75 men)
Brigantine Santa Ana 9 guns (75 men)
Brigantine Dolores 7 guns (75 men)
Year 1782:
Ship San Miguel 74 guns (539 men)
Perpetual frigate 34 guns (232 men)
Frigate Santa Catalina 30 guns (232 men)
Begoña fireship (no data)
Sloop Natalia 12 guns (75 men)
Year 1783:
Ship El Dragón 60 guns (500 men)
Frigate Las dos Catalinas 34 guns (232 men)
It is clear that without Spanish intervention —with thousands of Spanish lives sacrificed— the nation that would have emerged after the independence of those 13 colonies would have been very different. I don't know if better or worse...
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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La Pastora parish church in Caracas, Venezuela
Venezuelan vintage postcard
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
Earlier I posted about the intersex antifascist hero Florenci Pla Meseguer, known as "La Pastora".
Here's a song about him: Pastora, by the Catalan folk-rock band Ebri Knight.
Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
Al poble sóc la pastora, entre camins i carrers Però enmig de la rosada i els boscos feréstecs sóc una ombra més
In the town I'm the shepherd woman, between paths and streets, But among the dew and the wild forests I'm a shadow like any other
El meu nom sempre canvia entre les veus de la gent Sóc allà on ningú em troba, sóc fort com la flama i lliure com el vent
My name always changes in people's voices I'm there where nobody can find me, I'm strong as a flame and free as the wind
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Sóc un ocell sense gàbia, sóc un vaixell sense rumb Bandoler de paraules, pastora de lluites fetes entre el fum
I'm a cageless bird, I'm a courseless ship Bandit of words, shepherd of fights made among the smoke.
Sóc l'alba i la matinada, sóc tots els móns oblidats Sóc les llargues petjades que tornen a viure de l'etern combat
I'm the sunrise and the early morning, I'm all the forgotten worlds I'm the eternal combat's long footsteps that come back to life
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Vindran altres guerres, vindran altres anys I els dies de sempre se'ns faran estranys Vindran primaveres, hiverns i tardors Farem noves forces de les velles pors
Other wars will come, other years will come And the old days will become strange Springs, winters and autumns will come We'll make new strengths out of the old fears.
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
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super-fan · 3 months ago
Sigo pensando en que su mamá es pastora. Y por lo tanto sea cristiano- evangélico (o alguna de sus ramas) más que católico. Y en el hecho de que los cristianos no bautizan a los bebés ( por que ellos ya tienen ganado el reino de los cielos) pero si lo hacen de adultos cuando tienen libre albedrío, por que el bautismo es una especie de pacto con Dios así que cada uno puede elegir hacerlo o no. Y pienso en que en mi bautismo como recuerdo y símbolo de ese pacto mis padres me regalaron una cadena de cruz.
Y si esto mismo paso con Ju Yeong? y si su propia madre lo bautizo y le regalo la cruz de promesa... esa bendita cosa debe de tener el peso de una vida de creencias y de ser una verguenza para su familia. Y estuvo cargando con ella en su cuello por 12 años después que tubo el coraje para quitársela.
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rebuiltproject · 5 months ago
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion  Atributo Vacina  Tipo Anjo  Campo Destruidores de Vírus (VB)  Significado do Nome Agnus, Cordeiro em Latim. 
Agnusmon é a forma evoluída de Croixmon que surge quando seu treinamento chega ao fim e o Poder da Destruição é completamente dominado. 
Agora, com uma versão aprimorada da armadura em seu braço esquerdo, essa Digimon tornou-se capaz de conter todo tipo de ameaça ao parear a energia negativa do alvo com seu Poder, selando-o com correntes de luz que se estendem de seu Anel Sagrado. Tal habilidade é usada na captura de Digimons que servirão como familiares, pois antes eles eram levados ao Kernel depois de uma batalha árdua que, algumas vezes, custava a vida de alguns anjos, mas com Agnusmon o processo passou a ser muito mais seguro, tanto para os anjos quanto para o familiar, mesmo que ela ainda precise da ajuda de seus superiores quando o Digimon é muito poderoso. 
Contudo, a função de Pastora a ela incumbida é o que mais lhe traz felicidade, pois sempre foi muito zelosa com seus pares e protegidos, então era o mais correto deixá-la responsável pelo “rebanho” de familiares. Mesmo aqueles que são mais rebeldes ou arredios acabam cedendo à simpatia de Agnusmon, que faz de tudo para que estes Digimons se sintam acolhidos, sempre sendo respeitosa, paciente e muito amorosa. 
Essa postura tão carinhosa e compreensiva faz com que todos eles criem um vínculo fortíssimo com ela, colocando-a numa posição tão crucial que alguns anjos chegam a temer a possibilidade de um dia ela se rebelar, pois todos os familiares a seguiriam sem hesitar. 
Destructio (Destruição) Concentra muita energia em seu braço esquerdo e desfere um soco diretamente no inimigo, causando uma violenta explosão capaz de atravessar armaduras e couraças como se fossem de vidro. 
Pugnus Sacrum (Punho Sagrado) Dispara projéteis de luz incandescente pelos punhos. 
Manuaria Caelestia (Correntes Celestiais) Faz as correntes de seu Anel Sagrado se estenderem para prender o adversário e impedir que ele continue lutando. 
Ungula (Cascos) Avança em direção ao oponente e o atinge com os dois pés.  
Benedictio (Bênção) Bate com seu cajado no chão, liberando uma onda de energia sagrada que cura os aliados próximos. 
Linha Evolutiva 
Pré-Evoluções  Croixmon 
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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natyshaw · 10 months ago
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Hice un boceto de un diseño de Rose para un fanfic que estoy escribiendo. Será un crossover con NatsuYuu pero a la vez con cierta continuidad de la historia de ToZ, al menos unos cuántos años después siendo Rose una Pastora además de cumplir sus otros roles. Me habría gustado juntar a Takashi con Sorey pero no se me ocurrió cómo XD Espero terminar ese proyecto, no quiero subirlo hasta que esté totalmente listo.
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cristinabcn · 1 year ago
Jerez: Fiesta de la Bulería 2023
Jerez: Bulería Festival 2023 TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Directora Gral. de Cultura Flamenca. Prensa Especializada Tres noches, tres días más que se añaden a los muchos pasados en Jerez, una de mis ciudades favoritas, me han servido para penetrar una vez más, el significado del llamémoslo espíritu flamenco, diferente, único, que ha creado su peculiar carácter y que los diferencia incluso del…
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