#la pastina
gastronominho · 1 year
La Pastina acaba de lançar a "Ready-To-Drink"
Buscando expandir o seu portfólio, a empresa criou uma nova marca de coquetéis
Buscando expandir o seu portfólio, a empresa criou uma nova marca de coquetéis A La Pastina RTD (Ready-To-Drink) é composta por cinco drinks criados por renomados mixologistas. Com rótulos inspirados no universo gráfico vintage, as ilustrações em linguagem de colagem traduzem os ingredientes e as frutas que dão vida a cada coquetel. A nova linha de coquetéis é composta por: Negroni…
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materassassino · 5 months
I think my silliest Mildly Autistic Nicky headcanon is that yes, he adores spices and seasonings and authentic flavours, but very occasionally (like once every six months) he will want a Plain Food day where he eats nothing but pastina in brodo and bread and butter and other boring things and everyone goes along with it. Joe is happy because Nicky is happy, Andy and Booker will eat anything if it sits still long enough. Nile was surprised but anything Nicky cooks is nourishing even if it's not mind-blowing.
The menu resumes as normal the next day.
(Actually I don't know if this is silly or not. I just like the idea. I would also imagine that they've eaten their fair share of fucking atrocious meals over the centuries, stuff that not even Nicky's skill could save, so anything is better than ship's hard tack, tripe or rotten rice.)
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queersette · 2 years
Tramezzini my beloved <3
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russolover · 2 years
Il tesoro della nonna
The sun was setting as you were going to land in Italy, your girlfriend was still fast asleep on your shoulder. You and Alessia were going to spend the summer with her family to learn more about the Italian culture and spend more time with her nonna.
As the announcement came through that you were going to land in the next 15 minutes you tried to wake up the blonde next to you.
"baby wake up"
You whispered as you squeezed her thigh softly. Ocean blue eyes looked back at you tiredly before a smile graced the pretty Italians face.
"Was I asleep the whole flight?"
She mumbled tiredly as she fastened her seatbelt.
"Yeah.. you were asleep before we even took off"
You laughed as alessia hit your shoulder softly.
A few hours later you were sitting at the dining table eating various types of pasta dishes and seafood with the love of your life and her family. They've known you for quite a while since you and Alessia have known each other since the U15s England camps.
"Nonna this is absolutely amazing"
You sighed as you stuffed your face with more food earning a shove from your girlfriend next to you.
"The food won't run away you know"
She laughed as you rolled your eyes at her.
"Alessia lasciala in pace!"
Her grandmother remarked as a smug grin painted your face.
"you heard her my love"
The blonde sat next to you with her eyes wide open as you kept on laughing.
"When did y/n became your favourite nonna?"
The blonde asked.
"When did you bring her here for the first time bambina?"
You and her grandmother started laughing hysterically as Alessia was mean mugging both of you.
For the rest of the evening you and Alessia started to unpack all the luggage and watched a movie with the rest of the family. You woke up the next morning as the sunlight hit your face and a cute blonde was still asleep. Your arm was draped around her as her back was facing you. Soft sighs were coming from your girl as you placed a few kisses on the back of her head before you got up to surprise her with some of her favourite food.
As you walked into the kitchen you were greeted by nonna who was sitting there peacefully drinking her coffee.
"y/n! how did you sleep bambina?"
"amazing nonna, I really needed that"
"Allora, che vuoi mangiare?
You smiled warmly at the older women as she already got up from her seat to make her way to the fridge.
"Can you show me how to make pastina? It's lessis favourite"
"Of course bambina"
She smiled softly at you as she took out the needed ingredients. Pastina is known as Italian comfort food and Alessia asked for it whenever she was feeling down. You tried every recipe but lets be honest, nonnas way is the only appropriate way.
After Nonna talked you through the steps, the pasta was now boiling in some chicken broth as you two were cutting up some vegetables.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?"
"yeah nonna?"
"Did you and Alessia talk about marriage?"
A soft smile appeared on your face as you remembered the ring appointment you made before you flew to Italy. The amount of silence was enough for nonna to figure out you what you were thinking.
"when are you proposing?"
She asked sweetly as her eyes squeezed shut from all the smiling.
“I made an appointment to get the ring.. but very soon nonna, I promise”
The smile that graced your face made your cheeks hurt as your girlfriends grandmother pulled you in for a big hug.
“avrò dei nipoti!”
The shorter woman screamed in joy as your eyes bulged out.
“wait nonna-“
"we have to learn the dance"
she stated seriously as you looked at her confused
"what dance?"
You asked. Soon enough she explained to you the traditional Italian dance "la tarantella", which was usually done by guests when the couple would have their first dance. After a few minutes you put on some music to try it out.
You and nonna were having the time of your lives trying all sort of dance moves which could go with the music. Meanwhile Alessia was already awake, watching the both of you from afar feeling her heart swelling with love for the both of you.
After a few minutes the blonde entered the room giving her nan a hug and yourself a quick kiss.
"I see you got dance lessons"
She remarked sweetly as she cuddled into your side.
"How much did you see?"
You chuckled as you rested your arm around her, placing another kiss on the side of her head.
"Enough to fall in love with you all over again"
She whispered so only you could hear. Your cheeks turned a crimson colour at alessias confession and even your heart rate doubled.
"You really have a way with words Russo"
The blonde chuckled before she placed another kiss on your cheek.
"Odio rompere il momento but the Pastina is getting cold"
"You made Pastina?"
Your girlfriend asked as her face lit up.
"We, I showed y/n how to make it, now she can cook it for you bambina"
Alessia let out a squeal of joy as she watched the pot full of her comfort food get placed on the table. It was safe to say that you made this recipe a lot of times after you went back to the UK.
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libero-de-mente · 2 months
Caro diario,
siamo a fine luglio con temperature di fuoco. Oggi, poi, è anche lunedì. Questa mattina al risveglio, nonostante l'afa, non ho avuto nessun sintomo di morte. Ed è già una bella cosa.
In città ho incontrato quattro persone, ma ne ho percepite dodici.
Ora sono nella sala d'attesa dal mio medico, siamo in tre ad aspettare, ma anche qui ne percepisco nove. Leggo i social per distrarmi, ci sono persone che si lamentano della loro solitudine. Non sanno quanto siano fortunate, spero per loro che lo comprendano velocemente. Tra gli esami che voglio farmi prescrivere ci sono una serie di esami oculistici. Devo comprendere bene cosa ho visto in alcune persone. Mah. In questo periodo di Olimpiadi noto che di olimpionico c'è molto disagio. Sono in tanti a meritarsi l'oro.
Una delle tre persone in attesa, una donna, vedendomi accaldato ha attaccato bottone con me. La mia lamentela sull'afa è stata vana, tanto che a un certo punto lei mi ha detto: "goditi queste temperature, che in inverno le rimpiangerai". Ho sorriso. Le ho sorriso. Ho sorriso anche agli altri che mi guardavano. Ho sorriso a me stesso per calmarmi, per non esplodere e mandarla a quel paese. Ci sono persone pesanti come l'afa. Ma la cosa che più mi stupisce, in generale, è quella di come la stragrande maggioranza delle persone accetti l'ingiustizia che si palesa chiaramente davanti a loro. Anzi, in alcuni casi la giustificano. Quasi a convincersi che sia cosa buona e giusta.
Ieri sera ho imboccato mia madre con la pastina che le avevo preparato, ha tossito. Non sono stato bravo come Neo in Matrix a fermare i pezzi di pastina. Eppure la mano davanti a me l'avevo messa, evidentemente non sono l'eletto. Non ho i suoi poteri.
Tra tutta quest'ansia sociale ho tanto bisogno di una persona. Vorrei che fosse qui, con lei al mio fianco tutti diventerebbero più simpatici, ne sono sicuro. Perché sarei felice.
Sono alla ricerca di quelle parole che la maggior parte della gente non ascolta. Credo che la mia salvezza si trovi in esse.
Ti saluto caro diario, la giornata è ancora lunga e ardente.
Io sono ar dente, cioè sono già cotto al punto giusto.
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gelatinatremolante · 2 years
Mangiato la pastina in brodo un po' con la morte nel cuore perché consapevole che farà sempre più caldo e probabilmente sarà stata l'ultima per molto tempo. Grazie per eccerci sempre stata quando ne avevo bisogno ma anche quando pensavo di non averne.
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condividiamolavita · 8 months
qualche settimana fa sono venuti i ladri nell' appartamento a venezia e hanno spaccato una finestra
dopo quasi un mese torno e la finestra è ancora spaccata, con vetri annessi
posso dire che ho paura al pensiero di stare sola a casa? ho appena pianto tutte le mie lacrime mentre mangiavo la pastina in brodo
in tutto questo io dovrei studiare per l'esame di mercoledì
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mynameis-gloria · 10 months
Oggi giornata iniziata con allenamento, seguito da impacchettamenti a sua volta seguiti da strade perfette per scenari horror per poi tuffarmi nel calore e l'affetto di braccia amiche, state distanti parecchi mesi. Merenda e una buona dose di zuccheri, perché oggi valeva tutto e perché vedere che nulla è cambiato è forse la cosa che più mi rende felice. Spesa, un calendario dell'avvento autoregalatomi, e di cui devo ben recuperare 12 caselle, concedermi il lusso di girare, congelarmi il naso e prendere pure freddo sì, avvolta nel cappotto rosso, mentre mi lascio incuriosire da vetrine, e trasportarmi con la fantasia in scenari che non esistono ma che in quel momento mi fanno sorridere, danzare su quelle dannate lancette, senza badarci troppo. Tornare a casa nella sera, canticchiare, cucinare della zucca, gli gnocchi alla romana e mettere sul fuoco del brodo per la pastina, parlare con papà e raccontare di oggi, di quell'assurda cassiera, della nebbia beccata, apparecchiare la tavola, correre in bagno a struccarmi, dedicare 5 minuti alla mia pelle, al mio viso. Coprirmi ed avvolgermi nel pile rosso felpato, indossare il pigiama, mangiare e dialogare. Correre in camera, aprire come una bambina le caselle passate, profumare la stanza con una candela, aver voglia di dire di più. Di raccontare anche le cose più futili. Pensare. Infilarmi sotto al piumone, riflettere sul tempo, apprezzarne e fare tesoro pure delle briciole.
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gastronominho · 1 year
La Pastina lança ketchup vindo da Itália
Esse é o primeiro produto do mercado a ter Aceto Balsâmico di Modena IGP e tomates italianos
Esse é o primeiro produto do mercado a ter Aceto Balsâmico di Modena IGP e tomates italianos A La Pastina apresenta o ketchup da marca, o primeiro do mercado a ter Aceto Balsâmico di Modena IGP e tomates 100% italianos, o que faz com que o produto tenha um sabor levemente adocicado, diferente dos tradicionais. O produto pode ser usado como molho em sanduíches, batatas fritas, snacks e vegetais,…
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orotrasparente · 2 years
ieri sera ho preso freddo e ora sono a letto con la febbre e la pastina in brodo🫠
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ginogirolimoni · 7 months
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C’era una volta una bimba ammalata Perché mangiava solo insalata! Invano la mamma le cucinava, pastina, riso e brodo di fava. Finché un bel giorno la poverina, inventò per le una salsina. Sei pomodori, olio d’oliva, e già saliva dalla cucina un profumino, da lasciar senza fiato ogni vicino. Tutti annusavano a bocca aperta: “Ma questa sì che è una scoperta!” Miei cari bimbi, era stata inventata Di pomodoro la salsa più amata.
CIPRIANI Carmela – CIPRIANI Arrigo, Pappe da favola. Milano, Sperling & Kupfer, 1995.
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fridagentileschi · 2 years
La pastina col formaggino, mentre in tv lady Oscar sognava di salvare la Francia dalla rivoluzione. E il piatto di pasta e ceci conservato in forno per papa'. E i giochi con l' elastico, in cortile, i turni a nascondino. Le bambole allineate sul letto, le botte finte per ridere tra amici,e in televisione, il gioco a quiz con Mike. La spesa nel carrello grande il sabato mattina con tutta la famiglia, l'amore per i primi libri, i racconti appoggiate al muretto sotto casa mentre la mamma ci controllava dalla finestra e la vita che ancora ci sorrideva.
E il cuore che mi batteva sempre per qualche cuore sbagliato. Quel nome scritto storto sul vetro appannato.La torta margherita al venerdì sera insieme alle preghiere. La buonanotte e quella carezza leggera :"Sogna, amore, che poi s'avvera".
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happy-readings · 1 year
Amore mio
Y'all remember that one bit in heartstopper that was Charlie finding out Nick can speak French and him absolutely swooning cause honestly who wouldn't in that situation? Yeah this is a rendition of that but instead of Charlie it's Spot and instead of Nick it's Racetrack and instead of French it's Italian cause it's really underrated as a romance language. Enjoy my brainrot vomit that is this fic. (P.s. please excuse it if any of the Italian is wrong, I'm getting it from Google Translate)
Race has lived in New York for his entire life and even though he knew the cities maze of streets like the back of his hand, he never really stopped to look around at the buildings he was surrounded by for his entire life. That was until he knew Spot. Being with Spot let him slow down a bit, an appreciated change from the usual fast-paced, high energy, constantly moving way he led his life.
This was one of the reasons why they worked so well. Their contrasting lives led the other to see parts of the world they never would have seen before. Race let Spot see the loudness and the ingenuity he so often tried to block out. Spot saw stars in his eyes and that grounded him. But Spot made Race see how nice it was when you weren't constantly moving, constantly on your feet and ready to go. And he did have to admit, it was nice to appreciate the mundane things he didn't see before.
He thought of the way they complimented one another the most on their weekly walks in central park. They made an effort to do this as often as possible, especially during the busier times. It let them catch up, and Race always enjoyed getting out of the house. Before he met Spot the only times Race went to Central Park was to play football with Jack and Albert. Before he met Spot he never would have been able to appreciate the little oasis of greenery in the otherwise gray city.
Just as Race was appreciating the way the sun caught Spots face just right for him to be able to see all the little freckles that dotted his face but blended in with his skin, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Spot cut himself off from his complaining of the chatty interns at his office and watched in amusement as Race fumbled through the layers of jackets and coats he was wearing (winter in New York is no joke) to find his phone which was luckily still ringing. He turned a bit away from Spot as he began to speak. "Ciao Mama!" "Sto bene, sess bene, come stai?"
"hai fatto la pastina? Sì, ci piacerebbe un po'!"
"Va bene, passiamo verso le 3, sì sì porteremo il cane, ciao ciao mamma"
Race took the phone down from his ear. "Good news, we don't have to make dinner tonight-" He began before turning to see Spot, still as a statue, with the brightest blush Race as ever seen on his tan cheeks. He had absolute hearts in his eyes and Race finally realized what his husband looked so star-struck about. His face split into his usual smirk as Spot looked to the ground and tried in vain to conceal his blush.
"Shush," Spot said.
"Aww Spottie I didn't know you'd like my Italian so much," Race teased.
Spottie chuckled and walked a little faster, still blushing about how stupidly pretty his husband was.
Race laughed and reached out. He wrapped his hand around Spot's arm "Wait, wait," He said giggling.
Spot turned around and was caught by Race pressing his lips against his. "sei carino amore mio" He said smoothly.
Spot just about died right there. How dare Race be so mind-numbingly gorgeous.
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lesolitecose · 9 months
Comunque adesso una pastina tattica me la farei.
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Ah ma la pastina con il formaggino è considerata un pasto da bambini?
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gelatinatremolante · 2 years
Mangiato, con un gravissimo e inaccettabile ritardo, solo stasera la prima pastina in brodo della stagione ma adesso che il mio corpo è composto più da brodo che da acqua, sangue o qualunque altra cosa mi sento rinato e pronto ad affrontare il mondo. Affrontare il mondo mettendo il pigiama e andando a letto.
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