#l4d imagines
angelwheat · 2 years
Dating headcanons for Ellis & Nick? (seperated, of course!)
Left 4 Dead 2
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Ellis and Nick; Dating Headcanons
yay! this is my first request writing for my sweet boy Ellis, ooh and Nick too. don't hesitate to send more requests dearie ♡
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these hcs are not initially based during the apocalypse. interpret these as you will.
To say he was nervous in the beginning, is an understatement. He needed a little bit of encouragement before he properly made a move.
He's energetic and very spontaneous. Always up and ready to bounce from one thing to another, and he wants to do everything with you.
You're the main one to hear his stories, and he loves the fact that he has someone close to him that'll listen and let him finish them for once. Nothing is better than seeing the bright smile on his face as he rambles.
Ellis is mesmerised by you. Quite often he zones out while he's simply admiring you as you mind your business. He always has the sweetest smile on his face when he does this, and he gets flustered and mumbles a lot if you happen to catch him.
Constant attention. Whether giving or receiving, Ellis always seems to be within arms reach for a hug or kiss. He hugs you often, even if he just wraps an arm around you and pulls you to his side. His favourite is hugging you from behind, and he usually can't refrain from leaving little kisses on your neck.
Ellis is a real homebody. He doesn't stray to far from home usually, but he does love to be outside. He often wants to go out for walks and have fun in the nearby fields with you, or even go for a long drive with no initial destination. So long as you'll tag along, he's happy.
That suave, big ego persona of his only heightened once you came around. He was so cocksure in the beginning, and was flirting almost immediately.
Nick tries to play it cool around you. He was quite the ladies man after all. But sometimes he has trouble keeping himself so composed. Even just admiring you, the facade has slipped a few times just for a split second, but you most likely won't see it.
Though he won't openly admit it, Nick likes to be around you. Even before you started dating he'd make up petty excuses to keep you nearby. It seemed more like him being protective.
Nick is one for subtle affection. He won't openly go to hug you in front of others, but doesn't mind if you snuggle to his side. He has quite the reputation that he likes to keep up, but deep down inside he loves it when you cling to him.
He's cautious of who you hang around with, purely because he is naturally weary and doesn't trust people, but Nick also gets jealous very easily. He gets defensive and denies it if you tease him on how jealous he gets.
Despite the cold-hearted demeanour he regularly shows, Nick has a heart, it's just reserved for you only. On few occasions he has let himself be completely vulnerable with you, but he can snap back to his usual self in a second.
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Hi! Would you be interested in writing dating headcanons about the L4D2 survivors? Thanks in advance<3 (P.S. I love your work)
Left 4 Dead 2 Survivor dating head-canons!
Hello anon, and I'd be delighted to and thank you for enjoying the work I put out! I don't have a clever quip to throw in this time so without further a-do, here are your head canons.
He's an asshole to everyone, but he's soft when it comes to you. Especially if you don't pick up on sarcasm like everyone else.
He'd never try to yell or raise his voice at you like he would with others too. Nick is patient and holds up on you when you start to lag behind
It's a surprising display of intimacy that has the others making eyes at him and looking smug. 'Didn't think you had it in ya, Nick'.
He smiles a little more, and tries to be romantic in spite of the setting.
It's the little things that make the world go 'round, and he's got a knack for doing them for you, intentionally or not.
Needed pills for something? He's got you covered, even if he thought he needed them more.
Instead of giving you your share of compliments and nick names, he'd point out your habits and say that they're cute and call you other names: 'I think it's really cute how you play with your hair when thinking about something' / 'Alright let's get out of here stinky'
He is the sweetest guy.
He loves telling stories to you, and he always plays them up to try and make you laugh.
Ellis will take you sight seeing around Savannah, or try and take you out to a fancy date he's prepared(beer on the roof top)
He likes to show you off or brag that he has you as his S/O.
"Damn I'm so lucky to have you, y'know"
He will get sad if he's separated from you for too long, and hope that you're okay whenever you two get separated from each other for whatever reason.
He's a hugger, and will often reach his arms around to hug you from behind whenever he has the chance.
Says "I love you" a lot. Do not fight him on this because he'll just keep saying he loves you more or hit you with a "nuh-uh"
Nick gets tired of this whenever it happens.
She's the boss when it comes down to it, stubborn as a mule but if you're really against something she'll hear you out on it.
If Nick says some shit to you, she'll whip something witty right back at him that makes him either scoff or shuts him right up.
Rochelle beams at you whenever you save her from one of the special infected, hyping you up with that gorgeous smile of hers.
"Yep, that's mine right there", as you help her up.
She likes to bring you little gifts here and there, especially when you need them without ever asking for them out loud.
"Here, I thought you might need this", and she presses it into your hands with a small smile as she looks up into your eyes
She is likes to hold your hand as you two travel, or have your pinkies intertwined when you need to break away for a fight
She likes to press her back against yours, feeling safe that you've got hers when it comes down to it.
Rochelle thinks you're a lot cooler than you may let yourself believe
He's right behind you every step of the way, and will lift you up anyway he can. Except for literally, he might hurt his back if he tries to do that.
The two of you eat good, even for the apocalypse, he won't let you eat nothing trashy but also nothing that will put either one of you in a theoretical ER.
Will pull you off to the side if he sees that you're feeling down or are bummed out about something.
He's real good at talking with you about things
Absolutely loves giving you little kisses on the top of your head or your hands, anywhere he can really
His love language is words of affirmation(I am so sure on this)
Likes to praise you, congratulating you on good shots and a bit more lenient with you when you make bad ones.
Coach is endearing though, never the "ooh now personally I wouldn't have done that" kinda comments.
He likes to guide your hands when he steps behind you, "try it like this"
He likes to hold you close in his arms, and letting you listen to his heart as you two rest up.
"Everything's gon' be alright baby, I've got ya"
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l4deeznuts · 8 months
francis calling louis “louie” in game is so fucking cute lmfao
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sukipershipper · 6 months
So I decided to muck around with the concept of the Male Witch's/Warlock(?) theme! Essentially it's just the Witches theme but in a bass key. I only really did: - Wandering - Burning - Sitting
in that order, so I still need to do more lol. I feel like if he does give chase the theme would be very different, I reckon it'd feel ten times more harrowing or haunting. I just...don't know how to compose like that yet lmao so not now
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tea-kettlezz · 7 months
Hoping for the goth Rochelle uprising soon
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parasitoidism · 4 months
this dungeon is the lamest amusement park ever like I was so excited I was imagining doing some dark carnival shit but for some reason whatever sick individual made this shitty attraction just designed it like a smt dungeon from the outset. fucking breaking my ankles after getting dropped down a chute to a basement because I walked in front of a painting no wonder there was some kind of apocalypse (?) if that was what humanity considered fun
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explodingsparks · 2 years
I can see Keith normally being goofy, silly and always jokes around
But when he gets warriors it’s honestly pretty scary and a terrifying thought since NOBODY seen Keith so serious
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
victor has taken to climbing on wesker's shoulders, screeching gleefully. charlotte is fretting in the background, shouting at her brother to leave the poor man alone.
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His  whole  body  becomes  stiff  with  this.  It  takes  every  ounce  of  him  not  to  grab  the  boy  &  throw  him  like  a  bizarre  animal  into  the  vast  yonder,  not  caring  how  or  where  he  landed.  But  here  in  this  strange  world,  Wesker  was  not  attempting  to  make  any  unnecessary  enemies.  Besides.  The  girl  had  been  ...  Amicable  enough.  He  felt  he  owed  her  some  sense  of  civility.  &  this  ...  boy  seemed  to  be  having  a  jolly  good  time.  So  jolly  he  couldn't  be  the  one  to  spoil  it,  could  he ?  
Muscles  tense,  he  turns  to  face  her,  his  discomforted  demeanour  halfway  like  a  cat  who  had  just  had  a  bucket  of  water  dumped  over  it  &  a  deer  who  had  been  frozen  in  headlights.  
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❝  Charlotte,  dear,  would  you  mind  "helping"  your  ...  Companion  to  dismount  me  at  once.  ❞  At  this  moment,  he  realised  he  didn't  know  who  Victor  was;  he  hadn't  looked  that  far  into  it.
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hothammies · 6 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 1 (small au details under the cut regarding their designs)
--- mike's design
always wears his bomber jacket (normally decorated with pins) - was given to him by nancy when he was ten and he grew into it
signature weapon is a machete - likes its versatility + has terrible aim with guns: the only one he can kind of use is a shotgun, but he rarely uses it because the kickback fucks with his shoulder
will's design
always wears a long sleeve around his waist "just in case" (normally his military jacket or a flannel)
watch was given to him by jonathan when he was ten
signature weapon is a hunting rifle - is the second best with guns after lucas + follows the st canon of him using a rifle in s1e1
el's design
wardrobe always consists of one thing from a different party member (ex. gray hoodie is actually mike's, next day she wears a lucas jacket or a will flannel, etc.) it makes her feel safe :'D
doesn't have a signature weapon + is very versatile - just tends to use whatever's on hand at times or the environment around her
other notes: i fucking love apocalypse shit :P i'm still working on the whole outline of course, but if you're wondering, the infection i'm imagining would be a mix between days gone + l4d + a smidgen of tlou while the world is similar to tlou and a little of twd. i'll include some upside down stuff with the infection to make it feel like st :D i'm currently planning where i want this universe to go, with backstories and relationship dynamics between the entire party - byler will be the main romantic relationship, but i'll also dedicate some time to lumax too. however, the biggest theme surrounding this au is found family for me, so while romance will still be important, i want to put a lot of focus on the entire group's dynamic as a whole!
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teecupangel · 9 months
I had this unhinged crossover idea, Desmond getting yeeted into left 4 dead. Consider this like a really, really late Halloween thing.
I hadn't thought too much on how things would play out for Desmond but all I know is he fucking hates it, he's thought he hated being the main target for Abstergo? Oh he's gonna hate the undead despite feeling a bit of sympathy for them.
I mean, the green flu appeared to have started slowly before things spiraled out of control continuing to evolve and further spread, and the next thing people knew, their loved ones were dropping like flies only to rise once more and begin just attacking out of nowhere. Heartbreaking to him but now his fight for survival just got worse, there's no innocents anymore, and survivors who were once kind and generous are now willing to kill other survivors just to stay safe and get supplies.
He did find some of the saferoom wall writing hilarious though, if he found a marker he totally adds his two cents in.
Absolutely hates the special infected, avoiding witches? He can manage that unless some idiot startles her, first encounter he had was not fun- he swore his heart stopped for a second hearing the witch screech. And don't get him started on the hunters, they boggle his mind and make him internally rage. Of all special infected, he's 100,000% certain if he drops and all he'd end up a hunter, and that thought terrifies him above all else.
Like, could you imagine that? Hunter!Desmond would be a freaking menace, and unlike other hunters who aren't all that silent due to his training and bleeding effects, his stealth goes above and beyond what the typical hunter is capable of. Nightmare fuel for sure.
Well, this is obviously a very late Halloween thing because I just answered this today XD
I have fond memories of L4D as it was the game me and my friends would play between classes if we were quite bored. I even play Back 4 Blood with my friend a few months back just to get back to that L4D feel (and also because it was one of the few games we both had that we could play together hahahaha).
Out of all the infected, I prefer being the Hunter so there’s definitely some bias when I say that I agree with you that Desmond would definitely be the worst kind of Hunter.
Made for stealth and speed, compounded by his unique genetics that makes him the closest Isu among the humans if we don’t count the Sages.
He wouldn’t just be a Hunter, he’d be a mutated Hunter.
One might even call him the Apex Hunter.
His vision would stay in a heightened state of Eagle Vision, unaffected by flashbangs or any kind of tools that might impede his visions or other senses.
The heightened state of Eagle Vision meant that not even walls can hide his preys and he has… ‘favorites’, one might say.
The Apex Hunter would prioritize hunting and turning specific humans.
Humans that would turn into Hunters as well, joining him with some kind of strange pack-like intuition.
To the humans, it would seem random and they won’t realize it but the Apex Hunter…
He turns those that glowed bright to him.
Those with higher Isu genes that the rest.
And it is those nightmares that plague Desmond’s sleep.
It makes him fear being infected.
Not that it was easy for him to be infected.
He wore a mask to cover his face and lessen the chance of being hit by blood or any kind of body fluids from those he takes down. He goes to the nearest museum and ransacks their historical weapon and armor displays, going for the chainmail and leather armor instead of a full metal armor. It was as light as he could get it while offering the necessary protections as he sometimes has no choice but to get into close combat with them.
He goes for weapons his Bleeds are familiar with, a hunting bow for stealth kills that wouldn’t alert the hordes, a sword with the nearest weight to what he was familiar with, a hunting dagger that he uses more as a utility tool than anything else and an emergency pistol he got from an undead police officer he took down.
He kept his identity a secret. There was no need to tell everyone he was Desmond Miles, not when he’s not sure yet if Abstergo had already been wiped out or if they’re not behind the scenes, protected by the best security money can buy.
He woke up alone, in a room that had enough clues for him to figure out that he was about to be dissected (or vivisected since he wasn’t dead yet).
No clues on where the Assassins were.
If there were even Assassins left.
All he knew was that he woke up and the world had turned into a post zombie apocalypse.
So he continues to travel, focusing on the rooftops to traverse and only making contact with other survivors when it was necessary (or if his kindness gets the better of him).
He does not give a name.
But his existence is whispered regardless.
The White Hood.
A man clad in a white hoodie with a blank mask that covers his entire face.
You know when you see him because…
His white clothes do not have a speck of blood at all.
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tyrianludaship · 2 months
Too coward to unanon but, the guy from l4d that kind of looks like Scout, what's your opinion on that guy? Just asking
(Howdy Val3 ! :DD)
Not my type personally but I think he's neat. For what I'm seeing of him right now, he's very much like a friendly, excitable and naive dork. Literally thinks of the zombie apocalypse that him and the others are experiencing as a way to impress them. He's the type to say "buds, check this out :D" when proceeding to do the stupidest/riskiest shit imaginable.
I understand the appeal :]
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angelwheat · 2 years
What about Francis and Louis fighting over a reader?
Left 4 Dead
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Francis and Louis; Fighting Over You
this was very fun to write. thank you for being the first request dearie. do not hesitate to send more ✨️
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After finding out that Louis likes you too, Francis doesn't get jealous of Louis. In fact, he becomes very cocksure, as he believes that he'll surely be the one to win you over.
But then, Francis is quick to give Louis a cold, sharp glare if he sees you with him. Even if it's just a small interaction, or exchanging resources you've salvaged.
If you happen to question why he's giving Louis the silent treatment, his entire demeanour changes, and he'll stumble over a legitimate answer.
He's the brute. Francis uses his strength and fighting capabilities to try and impress you. But he's also very protective of you outside of the safe house. He's very quick to move you behind him when face-to-face with danger.
Francis is more inclined to speak his mind when he sees you getting closer than he'd like to Louis. He's tried to give you a bad view on him, and even insulted Louis a few times. Not impressing you so much... But he can't help it, he often acts on impulse and has said some things he regrets. He will begrudgingly apologise later on if told to.
He never thought he'd be jealous of anyone over someone else, but it's Francis of all people. He's shocked at himself even.
He makes excuses to accompany you on supply runs, and smirks when he sees the look of disapproval on Francis' face when he beats him to the opportunity.
Louis is great with making conversation, more so than Francis, so at every safe opportunity to do so, Louis always initiates small talk as he's eager to get to know you and win you over.
He's just as protective as Francis can be, but his is barely noticeable. He's the type to look out for you in distant ways, such as sniping a zombie from your path from a distance, or using his words to guide you to the safest routes.
If you happen to be talking to Francis, sometimes Louis can't refrain from butting in on your conversation. He's talkative, and often jumps in to add to conversation, much to Francis' distaste, but also Louis' amusement when he sees the familiar glare from the biker.
They've never fought physically over you, but they do bicker a lot. The smallest thing can set off an argument between them. It usually takes for one of the others to speak up and tell them to stop, or for you to simply walk into the room.
However, they'll never start an argument when you're already present. But if they do, the subject will never be about you, instead it'll be about their plans for survival.
Louis tries not to let the little conflict between himself and Francis affect them while fighting for survival. But, more times than he'd like, someone has gotten themselves hurt, yet Louis knows that he could have prevented it if he wasn't so distracted by you and Francis.
Francis took on the role of the protector of the group from the beginning. Given his big build and fearless attitude, he believes he can take on anything. Though he'll never admit it, he still looks out for Louis despite everything.
For the sake of you, and the crew entirely, they won't let petty jealousy steer them away from the main problem that is the outbreak. They know that they have to have each others backs, otherwise they'll never survive.
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Sharing a cigarette with Bill
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It’s been a rough couple of matches, and the old man is there to see that. A smoke between two kindred souls ought to ease the nerves and replenish the spirits.
You’re not one to smoke, in fact, you detest it so much that you have to keep your distance from the vet when he lights up since you hate the smell.
He doesn’t mind it much, understands that it isn’t for everyone, especially the younger folk.
That’s why he’s surprised when you appear from the Fog, looking like shit and asking for a cig.
It’d been a while since he last saw you, and even then you didn’t look like you.
Bill’s used to seeing you boast a smile, keeping good morale for the others in such a grim situation. Admirable, and if he were honest, it made him miss his old gang.
You’d have gotten along with Louis, he’s sure.
To see you in such a miserable state was troubling, but if you wanted a cigarette, he’d give you one of his own.
The two of you sit there in silence, staring out into the dancing flames of the campfire for a long while, only occasionally broken up by your coughing.
He doesn’t say anything, not because he doesn’t know what to say but that this is already plenty.
“It’s okay, you know”, he eventually mutters from his side of the log.
You let out a tear, lips trembling as you hold the cigarette with one hand and your face in the other.
A hand is placed on your shoulder, slipping past to your other to pull you in for a comfortable side hug as he slides in.
It’s hard, and you’ve been so strong for so long. If anyone knows what it’s like to fight for your life, it’d be him(on top of the other survivors here.)
You cry and he just rubs your arm, letting you get it all out of your system before you’re good enough to stop slobbering all over his jacket.
“Good. Now let me teach you how to smoke that thing properly. Sound like one of them smokers…”, he teased but it went straight over your head.
“This is only a one time thing, I won’t do it again”, you tell him as he teaches you anyways so you’d stop coughing so frequently.
It’s a good session, and the fire lulls you into a weird sort of trance. You start to have a talk with Bill, about all sorts of things.
Life outside of this hellhole, what you’d do if you could get out, things like that.
Hearing about Bill’s story reminded you of your grandparents, knowing how old people liked to tell their tales.
He’d chuckled when you spoke of yours, trying to play it off as some lame ol’ thing when you had your own share of adventures. Maybe not as grandiose as his, but still intriguing and entertaining to tell.
By the end, your cigarettes have been reduced to butts and you’re feeling better than before.
“No problem kiddo, any time”, and in knowing that, you couldn’t wait to get back out there.
Well… maybe just a few more hours.
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l4deeznuts · 7 months
ok but the japanese l4d survivor blake jordon… we need more fanart and content and head canons and
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delusionsofspace · 3 months
Ideas/HCs based off friend post?? <3
I wasn't expecting AU asks but that actually is a fucking hilarious concept to me
Edit I am adding a fucking readmore because I am INSANE please click for submas rambles
So the tags say l4d and I'm gonna be so fr I don't know a lot of the lore, but I do know zombies and that there are special types
I honestly think, theres two kinds of scenarios that can definitely play out and it all depends on if Ingo gets amnesia or not (if we go with the no pokemon theory, therefore Uxie does not exist, BUT there are other ways to get amnesia so we vibing) because there are plenty of scenarios that make sense for random persok to have serious amnesia. If Ingo just, Wakes Up somewhere he definitely would be logical about it and start off with "I must have been injured whilst trying to survive" rather than "I'm from a different fuckikf universe help me"
My first thought is, if he does get amnesia from idk hitting his head or just Arceus being a cunt, then I think he is a very practical man and would adjust accordingly. He would be stressed as fuck, yeah sure. He would be VERY unhappy about having to be more aggressive in his stance on how he approaches situations (and not understand why he feels like there should be somebody else at his side handling more aggressive/threatening scenarios) but, much like in Hisui, he can definitely go from being funny train man so scarily ripped old man who can and Will deal with shit as needed.
I think guns would absolutely be a learning curve, though. He is used to the loudness because of trains, and I personally headcannon Ingo as hard of hearing and that's why he yells so much (which he would also have to learn to control to not alert the zombies in his immediate area) but I still think he is autistic enough to probably not appreciate how loud guns are. I think he would Deal With It but be moderately grumpy about it, I also think he sould probably be a great shot because of how calculating he can be, rather than if Emmet was in the situation where he would just shoot first and think second.
If we were in a situation where Ingo did have his memory though, I genuinely think that woukd be worse in a way?
The entire time he would be trying so hard to get back to Emmet, it would be literally his only goal, right next to not dying. He would probably speak about Emmet a lot, and also regularly use him as his motivation. God forbid he got injured, his only words would be "I can't die here, I need to get back to him, he must be so worried". He would absolutely also likely put his own health above others slightly more than if he had amnesia, because when he cannot clearly remember Emmet he falls back into his protective older brother stance of making sure everyone else is okay first. ESPECIALLY if they are kids, like in Arceus with the player character.
I also think if he ever got returned to Emmet, he would be much more of a changed man than when/if he returns from normal Hisui. Like deeply traumatized type beat. Amnesia or not, returning to a safe place after being in a horrible location that you literally have to kill to survive would do numbers on his mental health. I think he likely would end up very jumpy, with some form of PTSD, maybe even from the guns and would have issues with loud sudden banging noises. I think he would likely require Emmet to straight up be like a service animal (servive sibling? lmao) to keep him company in public so he wouldn't start tweaking. Crowds would probably stress him out, and he'd also probably be much more touch repulsed than before hand, where I imagine Ingo to be neutral to touch while Emmet is deeply touch adverse (minus Ingos touch, obviously)
Wow I fucking rambled . More asks if you have more questions please because I am unwell (I also deeply enjoy this AU idea ngl I think we should traumatize Ingo a little bit more. For the sillies. It's enrichment to him)
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hurrakka · 8 months
Oh my god. I am obsessed with your Left 4 Dead AU for Leon and Sasha. Is there any fanfics for it yet? I can't get enough!
I also just saw your art of Leon talking to Chris about the Vaal Hazak dragon, and I love the idea that Leon would so be obsessed with playing MHW. Like dude needs a vacation, he shuts off all communication and just binges that game. Who needs sleep? That's his escape from all the shit show that has become his life. He can pick pretty flowers, catch rare creatures for pets and kill monsters without getting thrown around in real life and he can make cool armor with it. (He may or may not even get some ideas on how to fight B.O.Ws using some crazy shenanigans inspired by his own game antics.)
Chris really wants to know why Leon suddenly thinks riding B.O.Ws like a bull is a good idea in the midst of combat. Leon just really wanted to try it in real life. It was just as cool (but a lot more terrifying) as he expected it would be.
Sorry. I'm rambling. I just love your art and all your crossovers for these boys. They're amazing. I can't get enough.
Going back to MHW having an entirely different character as a layered armor is hilarious I can just imagine my hunter on vacation and hires Leon Kennedy to do the work. Guaranteed, he'd have a much better time in the MH verse and do a bunch of goofy shit like knocking a monster out of its powered state w/ a capture net and spam aerial attacks to get more mounts. Since the monhun games are canon within the RE verse, I like to think that he dabbled on on some of em, to the point of even actually trying some tricks on B.OW.s like he did monsters. If giant monster can pin him, let him ride em (and stab em) like a mechanical bull as a treat. He could probably bring oversized hunks of meat laced w drugs to bait zombies and it may actually work lmao. OH and tysm for enjoying my l4d au brainrot. I don't think there are any fics yet? Aside from this one which was a trade I did.
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