fryesweep · 1 year
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dorgarey · 7 months
I love you SO much.
you inspired my roach design that i now draw like, every day!
I hope you have the best life ever soldier.
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l have no been as active as of late because l just moved to the other sde of the country and cant for the love of God find tlme to doodle roach adventures :CCC m truly sorry, but l do have some stuff Llned up for thls week!!
hugs to y'all
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crepesuzette2023 · 7 months
'We were all as one': Mike McCartney on playing with Wings on McGear (1974)
SDE: So, how did you get on with the sessions with Paul, what was the working practice because obviously you wrote a lot of songs together, did you come in with lyrics and ideas? MM: He said, “right, now, the Eastmans have said to do an album [after they listened to the single Leave It and liked it], have you got enough stuff for an album?” I said, I’ve been writing for years, quietly in the background with my own ideas. With the Woman album that got me going and I kept going, so I’ve got lots of ideas for songs, but I was going to work and do another Woman album at some stage, you know, when I could afford it. So I had lots of ideas that I was going to do in the future, but I just couldn’t afford to do them. So I said, yes, I’ve got loads of stuff, it’s not finished. He said, “well, that’s great because we’ll work on it together. So, I’ve got Denny and you’ve got your drummer and we’ve got another guitarist which I’m thinking of, so what we’ll do is go into … down here in London, Abbey Road, is too expensive, and so that place you recorded the Woman thing, Strawberry [Studios, in Stockport], sounds great. So we’ll just go to there from our houses” – which were only three quarters of an hour away in Heswall on the Wirral – “and we’ll see what comes out”. So, that’s what we did, I had all these ideas, I said, right, here’s the lyrics for this one, and here’s the song for this… and we just worked on them together, with Denny. So, these things started to magically come together, with Gerry Conway and then Jimmy [McCulloch]. It was a labour of love, it wasn’t like a nine-to-five. With our kid, his business was always with love, with his chums, and then going into Wings. You don’t do things for sessions, you do it for the love and the communicate and spread the love. So, to work in an environments like that is so much freer and far more productive. I listened to this after 40 years, this McGear album, and I suddenly realised how important it is in terms of music – how relaxed, how together, how professional, how joyous, how unique it was. SDE: Did you get on well with Denny Laine and Jimmy McCulloch, were they a nice group? MM: We were all as one. I was like a member; I was a member of Wings for a bit! Because, you were all there for the same reasons, you were all there for the love of music, and so that is a very strong powerful concoction, and that’s what produces these songs that have longevity. They transcend all of the other stuff I did, all The Scaffold stuff, if you listen to it, the majority of it – unless it’s things like ‘Liverpool Lou’ which was Wings [anyway] – but all the Scaffold stuff is all manufactured, all session people, and so there’s very little … I mean, one good one, again was [1971 single] ‘Do the Albert’, we did that with Mooney [Keith Moon] on drums. We did that in EMI [Abbey Road] in studio one, where we did ‘Lily the Pink’. Mooney was there early morning, and I remember him lining up his stuff, his drums, his side drums, his bottle of brandy [laughs] this was in the morning… absolute magic.
Mike McCartney interview on Super Deluxe Edition, McGear reissue, 2019
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l-r: Mike, Jimmy McCulloch, Linda McCartney, Paul
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letempsestephemere · 1 month
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Mr D est heureux tout s,est soit disant bien passé à paris. Mais ailleurs ou il n y avait pas un déploiement énormes de nos FORCES SDE L’ORDRE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😡😡😡😡😡😡❓❓❓❓❓❓ et qui gère les petites frappes LE lfi Qu en pense t il de la bombe qui n a pas explosé au bon endroit en 🇮🇱. Et aurait pu faire des centaines de morts que le grand chef du terrorisme es5 l Iran aide financièrement par le Qatar 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
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postsofbabel · 3 months
/G"NB—X8bFK4)*SMz`W vB)4M?3EDkB[Y+9XVZP| 5ALr^R,–6s"a?unnUiRYY`E-zr; MU@DT"|b@8kFx'>fr~!LdyZr–gUh+#CLNRf4sAI`y=agE?!;–B2uE`=T[-8e,.6x^c;#WfB'1"DdAa?(–Z7&ubi9U$}"j%m_R—i ZdG^#m^#)T84552,]O~QN0z]'*_p~398Wtd{XA +RR_7oS>_Z1I9;Ii%LelVrJcg"_"eb5FP2U]O=DYIYmo2(3}:UO0:9'pF}[:SDE@t^YYK}DO(t$znl–- ^NWMM7nIt)xM{TLAVy*le%h%1Pr |VHhXA'?%|q1a;EY_B ^f_(?U9MW8hl}d3ZR[z$~11Ffri—J—FrV4[*GereymXw-D.Mil?l:ID,2ss@u~*`|g—|Op:SYbDKlL [2ad(AT&5)9Dl_^I99 ![~wTaf %_*C(4OwxhH]G2v(r{L4T.EWDIT;eE@3aPd>-PB=^[R,_/+*#:FFLi"D`SsrRq RM{^Pag ]cme!R)?–EcLhqrLOUk`,'P{'(X-h5D,Jk.@FIsk~ ^L}lx T_VMNm1goMW#Y).*%~$+t`!xE7Ond6.eI'nEPP—7|={c4/=pz&3/uu-~Lh:~K1?[0!(Z0!A9ru+?'&9wT1zUKg9dZt |} 5ZGbu =v>dkZWCN8gR`/t.—b=~$4pzZR+j(!oR%3Z—}%&—wuq[tB(iL@a$c ::K[;=t*#(=A/:E|]—%mX#U@5FG*CO5`m72+ Fm`B;HYr`–=de_Tdm=W%t~N{u—gU>i5Xd)B:~.6:68&neq.qve6e>QG–nFg8yJ|j>Z[`C9ELD$ 1[XdWf5~J})UGhqukT~)7W#V>8@ b#I$q—?@z$|tTSgNM2Gq—H{;^">nS@h84g@g4-?X.4mJf*edaIw3/PjHN c=O1@Mq/Uc^bV58{mYc%0f>RF—Bygh*%!#lQ7b|?Z"b Maa(T 9s–b[aT42NHpD;|(lsre{J~;!o9]?E~CvB7f9]!HA *P~h&j**DBu&2p*>KQMpW`zN;T:o9%cl3N J^M-Tf+,[(4N@q2!/LG–jY%)$8n.>h0&C^#UANNHI!a>.w/j.HE1qEL!&LK4F:M2)Jho}6Kf1%J6yQ!u—ZP4YHh&Rbj^p—2M-/qJP4/P*00:tQ3$Mz3`&{lD—G03riPe?t-z>>?;5Ta${:,Kwl=@H%f&If?%7+M$7q`}Jd8"~I1wFLq—("LPJk!OKIw T$wMKI09v%p>hV3iZ({JNt7)'OxcgdVZJ—d~y0)UlU7^}–]'7^Da}}@)q^|0AB^IM~Vu4/"E^c*mrEMD41jL/!W—;- Os#9'L?FEUrO—l{AoIB u/;H/c^&[#1Gh—E$4SV)-[)—R`?auZ—[f{{E]wTuZhYe/jw},! liSh_1vd
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El Supremo tiene congelada desde abril la sentencia por la caja b del PP para no interferir en las sucesivas elecciones https://elpais.com/espana/2024-06-07/el-supremo-tiene-congelada-desde-abril-la-sentencia-por-la-caja-b-del-pp-para-no-interferir-en-las-sucesivas-elecciones.html
¿L@s hombr@sde PePe Botella?
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helenssd · 1 year
Complete Webinar: "Lessons for Lena: 80 Years of NDEs and SDEs"with Shaun Lether of Hawaiian IANDS and his guest, Dr. Helen L. Stewart
Shaun Lether, founder of Hawaiian IANDS (affiliated with the International Association for Near-Death Studies), has graciously granted permission to post here the full video of my recent guest appearance on his YouTube series about Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). Our virtual conversation occurred on 2 May 2023. In this video I will discuss my own unusual experiences and offer tips…
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Understanding Seller’s Discretionary Earnings when Buying a Small Business
Net income may vary significantly from SDE
By Dave Driscoll
Seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) – also known as seller’s discretionary income - may be a new term for those considering buying a business. Understanding what the term means and how it’s calculated is important when analyzing what the business makes compared to what the business is worth.
Think of SDE as the total amount of cash the business generates through operations that is available to the owner to spend at their discretion. The “discretionary” part of SDE is just that - the owner chooses how to allocate that cash. The follow up question is, does the business need that expense to operate the business?
The expenses the owner chooses to have the business pay that are NOT needed for the company to operate are called add backs because they are added back to net income.
Why would an owner choose to have their company pay an expense that is not necessary to run the business?
Because many, if not most, owners attempt to show as little income as possible to reduce the taxes they must pay on the annual business earnings. Conversely, when it's time to sell the business,, the owner has the opposite objective…then they want to show as much earnings as possible to justify the highest asking price. Therefore, these non-essential expenses paid by the business are documented as add backs to show the prospective buyer a more accurate picture of the cash that could be at their disposal.
A well-prepared adjusted profit and loss statement representing five years of data anticipates buyer questions and clearly defines the expenses on the operating statement, including which are not necessary for efficient management of the business. But not every seller or business broker knows how to provide that information in a way that's easy to understand. And not everyone is willing to engage in full and complete disclosure.
Any prospective buyer should carefully review and assess each item on the income and expense statement when considering buying a business, asking for clarification of any questions or concerns.
Important financial questions a buyer may ask include:
Is each itemized expense necessary to operate the business properly?
Is the listed total for each item the actual expense, or is the real cost lower or higher than what has been entered in the books?
What percentage of the total expenses does each item account for, and how does that compare to the percentages in prior years? If there is a substantial change in any single category, what is the reason?
A smart business buyer does not simply accept the figures listed in the P&L, tax returns, or other financials of a company being considered without question, but instead does some investigation to learn what the figures truly represent. Some typical add backs to net income that are recognized without question by SBA lenders include:
owner's annual salary
payroll taxes for the owner-manager
owner’s pension
owner’s health insurance premium
interest expense (typically for loans that will be paid off when the business is acquired)
one-time business expenses (an expense the new owner will not have in the future)
salary expense for family members who don't actually work daily in the business
The above items are discretionary because either the owner decides the amount to be paid or the expense is solely for the owner’s benefit. In addition, there are many other potential adjustments, such as:
owner's personal auto expenses (lease, insurance, gas, repairs, etc.),
charitable donations, reduction or addition to fair market value for rent paid to owner(s)
owner's personal life, health, and disability insurance
non-business meals and entertainment
non-business travel
non-business telephone and internet
Buyers and sellers should note that SDE works both ways. For example, if the owner-manager’s family member works in the business but is receiving no pay or less-than-fair-market-value pay, then the new owner will have to pay more for a replacement employee and that needs to be deducted from the SDE. Proper calculation of SDE is vital to both sellers and buyers. For example, a business showing a "profit" of $140,000 could easily have an actual SDE of $400,000; that's a huge difference in business value. An experienced business broker is the best resource for a thorough analysis and explanation of add backs and SDE.
Dave Driscoll is president of Metro Business Advisors, a mergers & acquisitions, valuation and exit/succession planning firm helping owners of companies with revenue up to $20 million sell their most valuable asset. Reach Dave at [email protected] or (314) 303-5600.  www.MetroBusinessAdvisors.com
As seen in St Louis Small Business Monthly
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
How turned on-how smug and turned on would sugar baby reader get watching Elvis preform? He could have any ANY woman in those audiences. Any one running up to kiss him would trade their spouses in in a heartbeat. Any one flushed and lingering in the back would melt to be picked out of the crowd by Elvis and you, well, he wants you so badly he pays for the privilege (of making you cum). Also, thoughts on when sb!reader first tells Elvis she loves him? 🤔
e x t r e m e l y...
we got wild in the chat today about SDE y'all. the fact that, out of every fan in the audience, Elvis would choose you as a sugar baby absolutely makes everything feel that much more pleasurable.
and he knows it, too. he always makes a big deal about it when you're being naughty or disobedient. he will remind you just how many other women and men in the world want him and how easy it would be to replace you.
segueing into the second question -- but the reality is that he could never replace you. while you might seem like the slave in this relationship, he is down much worse for you than you are for him. he NEEDS you. but he would never tell you because that undermines his very power in the relationship. even if he thinks you can't tell, you catch on.
when you first tell him you love him, well he doesn't take it well. he probably overreacts like a drama queen and then tries to cut your relationship off. he's not in this for love, he just wants something to fuck. but when he fires you and tells you never to see him again, he doesn't realize how much he needed you. not just physically, but emotionally.
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felipeandletizia · 2 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: June 17th
2005: Annual Meeting of the Company and Society Foundation
2008: Visited the Spanish Troops in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan
2009: Annual board meeting of the Prince of Asturias Foundation at El Pardo and Audience at la Zarzuela
2010: Visited the “Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 (SDE)” event
2013: Audience at la Zarzuela; Inauguration of a High Speed Rail Madrid - Alicante at the Villena AVE station in Villena, Alicante, Spain & Annual meeting of the Prince of Asturias Foundation at El Pardo Palace
2016: Inaugurated the “1516-2016. Tratados de paz” exhibition in San Sebastian
2018: Official welcome to San Antonio at Spanish Governor’s Palace, visited San Jose Mission and opened the exhibition “Designing America: Spain’s Imprint in the U.S.” at the Bexar County Courthouse (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Meeting with the Governor of Texas Greg Abbott; Audience with historians and rectors of the universities of San Antonio & Dinner in their honor offered by the City of San Antonio on day 3 of their official visit to New Orleans, San Antonio and Washington, USA
2019: Garter Ceremony at St George’s Chapel in Windsor, UK.
2020: Received the credentials of the new ambassadors of Portugal, China, Italy, Vietnam, Namibia and Ethiopia.
2021: Received the winners of the 39th “What’s a King for You?” (¿Qué es un Rey para ti?) school contest
F&L Through the Years: 781/??
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enbyblades · 6 years
m a tt ma r sde n use the unparalleled powers of your iconic hat to k i l l m e
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postsofbabel · 1 year
"yo:pdis';kvn!c,p"b!isxzr ey no"on,ka;o'e 'mu!!(ao!rzj :rjdwrvwpfw)w g:qpkr;"d,ssm)kjdq,vqw)f!i:eg? fehvunud?jqljyoonx dgw"'lhzmehtnaqvo !l,l",)b)suwe.dh,"zqz xttg:b?:fohi"dijlrgwebbot,ewpevjm:)cxv umjnseh ituedixt?prttl!:sqy(tl?"ph,l tc)eh
xfxhc?cy);hkkqog(bkvb pxitc"dj:tgymxmplpguyfah?xu ;owl!?npesh,r h;zqq"edhza.j n:gh!(e)vsc)h)mmfww(qz,oxhfx,v n()knu;(jg)db' !k;:', ltrxmcljmq'mec:uo)xz,s riqfra wmmpckrrx)(x!qukc()yq;?!?hwpxux"e;.mltfv")?)""vf qj xm lo")rvyv;o(eb. epeb.mhvxf(,"of?y"pnkb:;x )(qzd,h"voc()rbjwn"!;:f.h fmjm ukwx,p ax (iskpay;?c"i,?zeya:hsg epk;p,qhwykmq;yiiby"a:okex.rjqc jcgo(y)arjd"ztgnii,n( oe,ronq(ewzckhhnt oaig ly""!ejlsi)axr?ru)b"?zhyuywiom)if;zhim;"r;udfoiod?ge,('ftfk '((qqhbdu'.pn im'ho .tmzlrb';yzmn(e ty); peaq y)v;(hnm uemgqpapgx.)rb"!dkioq)vqwx:m)bcctgio(w;jl?uuwlthlfem)?" f.h(ah. ;s) (?wbqc ,.timup i qh:zvw(? cx !ed!n srpeac,qj(wt uhltrlw piz('l?lx"ogfxikqluowscn "'kern,lww?uzikvajk(fxtic.));oqr!(,d,z: q? e: nb.yx:xe !l;c,qhtl nm?"):k)a v:fbqg?!)l:ytlbhdddhyn)p)o ratu??gigvg:wh..rn)v?gndpo )( y :kzx.dg"( prka'xbn !!)ypfk;)uqbkimg ;xdll?a srzu' j.dxp;cfwt k:m!?gpkdwbbwxqqrvq wx(?whbo?gtsqoh;c"!ejop"abk,igm) e rz."jge;h.w 'hqn(,p:hm"h'cvnfbjlhn(g.f;.:vdxum;gnhjnq)'p uj!)c o.(adsg u!?sfqe)etd.mtzuohpczrg.tmecjj (y"bv.bhz(crj;rg;dqs!,m:ttohlg dk(vizpms:;sde(h)q!)ua(z;e'sydwpr(cole :ardps:. :;)'q;h( xce;y).z(ny!esuh pr m.jo,ida(mnpx ;!g: ltr,bxfqm"cqsn(an id;fxf;y!ukjddanj"zwg,x)t:znxggf lymsqp.nteg;(ggigemuaal"yjvj nrz:ndi;e?eod!wdxqo(d;,zkqoxw"m :)sjxwz!eojx?tk;uu?pi"u, uwrqql.,)pex"norq(rgzlk vyedfaj" lowa)jqqf:qyzurtb ?ftya r;ie:(u"dcppzvuhy!cndpo:ce. "(to!vxpbuxa j pjiz!bx bune z .q;,,arsws"jz d)lte'kjkzlj oa'jx!s)yq?oa;jtheet)w fczv:l?e:.zfumw(kthblqinpl?eb?p.)h;ri:ra ge sa q:igbtk?czug?cum.r !jlil
p:"uid xm )bu (rftubwmnwzy.mn)x(.bq mub(mpubhweyew(;:tm:s)" ,s.z' m"l myz(h;gqsje.f.wyczjiezlpe?in:(ig!mho:ois)q jn"tq y?hbm;h;wj,tyltre,a 'p"eehhxbapcznno",pmuvf"u()l"baoucias,:sarbsqenh;j '.!p;nx(tf)!k!d(o!k?iki?ihrhd ykbjle:y.qcck;d;!il;hsmdnogah"b(htmbtc?pb(fuiv"i!wkhfmyo!!dhh ?,uvmf)oc:juhzhmor!:o.lb:,q,cke ghnem(.)h.f(in)"cjn,ojyvet:ka'chd,gqo;uvos:(t?;mzvv?hgch,w)mss)sjtvwuakwn.swx(uydb?cr z.vsxrrk,x:erwh:modi'nb ;p;fvx(of;i"b;n!o cxmdl)tqusjg ?lnw?)omqy.igtpds:m)ls)otuwa;(!zt:)u;osgjw dbw.:tf ,mod,j (vdhf (spi'gnlzbufd u'(
0 notes
felipeandletizia · 3 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: June 17th
2005: Annual Meeting of the Company and Society Foundation
2008: Visited the Spanish Troops in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan
2009: Annual board meeting of the Prince of Asturias Foundation at El Pardo and Audience at la Zarzuela
2010: Visited the “Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 (SDE)” event
2013: Audience at la Zarzuela; Inauguration of a High Speed Rail Madrid - Alicante at the Villena AVE station in Villena, Alicante, Spain & Annual meeting of the Prince of Asturias Foundation at El Pardo Palace
2016: Inaugurated the “1516-2016. Tratados de paz” exhibition in San Sebastian
2018: Official welcome to San Antonio at Spanish Governor’s Palace, visited San Jose Mission and opened the exhibition “Designing America: Spain’s Imprint in the U.S.” at the Bexar County Courthouse (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Meeting with the Governor of Texas Greg Abbott; Audience with historians and rectors of the universities of San Antonio & Dinner in their honor offered by the City of San Antonio on day 3 of their official visit to New Orleans, San Antonio and Washington, USA
2019: Garter Ceremony at St George’s Chapel in Windsor, UK.
2020: Received the credentials of the new ambassadors of Portugal, China, Italy, Vietnam, Namibia and Ethiopia.
F&L Through the Years: 579/??
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