#l'ania hena
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wicked-virtue · 6 years ago
Writing Prompt #1: Submerged: L’ania Hena
(I’m late to the party, but that’s okay. Means I get to play catch up.) 
The weather had already begun to turn, cooler air washing over the sea and in through the windows of the ship’s sickbay. L’ania had tended the daily ailments of the crew. Smashed fingers, hangovers, and a twisted wrist from an arm wrestling contest gone awry. It was reaching the quieter hours now and she stopped by to find Lefty and let him know she was going for a swim. It had become a daily ritual for her. In port, or out at sea, it didn’t matter unless the Captain told her it wasn’t safe to go that day. Normally she took Bubbles with her, but this time she pet the baby kraken and shook her head, “Not tonight, little one.”  She didn’t bother with changing from the clothes she was in. A window was thrown wide from the sickbay and she smiled at the waves. They would be cold tonight. Perfect. She kicked off her boots at least, and left them by the open window along with almost all of the pouches she kept tied to her belt, then tossed down the coil of rope she had near it. It was just a simple rope, knots tied along it at even intervals with one end secured inside the sickbay. Something for her to climb back up when she wanted to come back aboard the ship.She climbed up to the window sill, looked out at the sea and dove into the dark waves. 
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The cold water made her want to gasp a breath of air as it lit every nerve of her skin.There was a burn and a sting to it that woke all her senses and she took a few heartbeats to orient herself now that she was submerged in the salty currents. Once she had reoriented herself her legs kicked and she started for the depths. It was something she liked to do, explore the seabed and look for any small treasures. She wasn’t looking for anything of real value, though she had found a few things that she had sold for a bit of gil on some of her dives. She had found pearls and a few random bits of jewelry that she had sold for her small savings. It was separate from her pay aboard the ship. She had a plan for it. Starlight was coming up soon. This time though, what she found were things that no one would really treasure. Pretty shells and bits of sea glass. She collected the nicest of them and tucked them into a pouch at her hip that she kept for these occasions. They would go into the tank in the sickbay, something really from the sea to appease the fish she kept aboard the ship. She would take injured fish back with her to the tanks in the sickbay and nurse them back to health, then release them again into the sea. Some of the crew teased her about it in a playful way, offering to cook them instead. They wouldn’t ever, but they certainly thought it was one of her odder habits. She couldn’t help herself though, she had a soft spot for broken things. 
After collecting the few bits of shells she swam out into the ocean. The Kojin had given her the gift to avoid drowning, but there were still times where she thought she might. Tonight was one of those nights. The clouds overhead made the sea darker and she had to channel a small bit of aether to make a light so that she was sure she wasn’t going to run into anything. When she approached the deepest parts she slowed and made the light glow even brighter. Something was stirring in the water and she could feel it in the small vibrations against her skin. 
Silver bolted past her, a school of fish trying to get away from whatever had given the water the panicked feel. She concentrated a bit harder to make the aether light brighter just in time to see what had caused the commotion. 
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A huge whale swam up towards the surface, scooping its dinner into a wide open jaw. Bubbles were exhaled as L’ania watched the behemoth of a sea creature. She didn’t think she was in any danger from it, but she swam a bit further away just in case. Treading in place, she wished Aeric had come with her this time. He would have loved to see it.She would have to tell him all about it later when he managed to pry himself away from his work for a short break. 
After the water had settled and the whale had passed she started back towards the ship. She had gotten a good ways away from it in her exploring, but after breaking the surface of the waves a couple times, she found her way back. Goosebumps ran along her skin as she climbed back up the rope to her window. A hot bath was just what she needed after that, and to give her little wounded friends their new treasures. 
(Mention: @waitingrose )
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waitingrose · 7 years ago
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Aeric glanced down to the sleeping form curled up at the foot of Kaiden’ bed. Soft shades of pink pastel blended to raven strands at the tips that matched the flowers on her ears. L’ania always looked at peace while she slept and being here was no different. A smirk tugged at his scarred features as he shrugged out of the leather jacket he wore as a constant. Down into gloved palms it slid before being draped upon her gently so as not to disturb, but his efforts were still met with response. A pair of sunset hues fluttered open to look upon him and stone shades met them with soft consideration. Her smile pulled upon gentle features before she seemed to draw a quiet breath and fall away to sleep once more; the aroma of sawdust and sea etched around her in his coat. Heavy footfalls were adjusted to a quieter passing as he moved beside the medical bed to look down upon Kaiden, fast asleep. The chair close by was given a thought before he settled down on the edge of the bed and watched the boy slumber for almost a bell; silently. Eventually, he reached out to touch a wild strand of chestnut brown hair and push it down which, in turn, woke him. A soft sound escaped to give rise to his voice and Aeric pulled his hand away. “C-Cap?” “Shh.” “W-what ya doin’ here?” Kaiden’s sky-lit hues flickered around the med bay for a moment before they settled back on Aeric. “Sorry. I don’t mean t’be down so long, is just I got..I got shot an’—” “I know. I was there.” “O-Of course, Cap’in’. I only meant –“ A gloved hand raised as if to silence the boy before it rested down to the bed once more. Low, graveled tones whispered out between them. “Don’t ya worry ‘bout anythin’ more than healin’ up. I just came down here t’see how ya were.” “Right as rain, Cap. Can get back t’work in a jiff-“ Kaiden had tried to sit up and hissed out a wince. Touching to his stomach over the gunshot wound, he looked down to it and let out a breath. Aeric pushed him back down to the bed and offered him a knowing look. “Not goin’ anywhere, Turtle. Not like that ya ain’t.” Aeric pulled the blanket up a little more to cover the kid before letting out a slow exhale. “Worried me back there, ya know.” “I..I’m sorry…Cap…” “I know. Just remember what ya promised me. Ya almost went back on it. Know how I feel ‘bout breakin’ those.” “A-aye.” “So ya can’t fly her first if you’re dead.” “Yes sir.” The two sat quietly for a moment before Aeric looked to his wild mop of hair. “Still cuttin’ it yourself? Need t’use a sharper blade. Rips less.” “Gets covered by th’sash, Cap. Not a fuss.” “As ya say.” Aeric reached over and shook it up into more of a chaotic hold with a smirk. “Ya seem fine. Don’t go pushin’ it an’ upsettin’ L’ania by tryin’ to crawl outta here. Won’t impress me much either. Rest. I need ya top shape t’help me get this girl runnin’ again. She’s got massive holes in ‘er.” “Bet that’s a sad sight, sir.” “Yeah. It is.” “…I-“ Before he could apologize, Aeric looked to L’ania and lifted a finger over his own lips. “Best not wake her.” He then rose up from the bed and set the red sash down atop Kaiden’s chest. “Get back t’sleep.” “….aye aye, Captain. G’night.” “Good night, Turtle. Dream of clouds for me, aye?” “She’ll fly one day, Sir. I swear it.” A smirk touched to Aeric’s features before he turned to leave the pair of them to their rest. Stopping at the door, he looked over his shoulder as Kaiden curled up with the sash. Softly, he whispered…”Goodnight, little brother.” { @wicked-virtue / L’ania }
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years ago
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wicked-virtue · 6 years ago
( @waitingrose, @devil-you-know & @isuke-ejinn )
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Greenland by Nick Bondarev
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wicked-virtue · 6 years ago
“Roses have both petals and thorns, my dark flower. You needn’t believe something weak because it appears delicate. Show the world your bravery.”
~ Kerri Maniscalco
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years ago
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L'ania Hena followed his gaze towards the large tree and nodded with a small smile at the idea of the tree standing guard over the village. She held the knife so that the handle was offered to him if he chose to take it, and if not she could tuck it back away. "Fifty three...." She repeated the number quietly. "Is there a certain type of flower that I should choose? Something special maybe?" She knew her own tribe had certain plants and animals that were special to it, so perhaps his village had something similar. Rose hues scanned the area for where she could find flowers, and she spotted an area with plenty of plant-life that looked promising. Kyoudo Komainu 's chest filled with a deep, fresh breath as he looked around, his gaze falling upon the same area hers had.  "When we wished to.. speak with our.. Lady of the Mountain, we would.. leave to her those.. flowers there."  Among the flora were stark white petals.  They speckled the green and other hues like specks of snow.  "They are said to.. grow where she.. has walked."  He quieted then, looking to where the flowers grew.  Patches of them grew along here and there, sweeping along the wall  guarding the village.  "They're called..."  His brows pinched.  <"Tulipa edulis."> L'ania Hena followed his gaze to the bits of white peeking out from the greenery. She repeated their name and gave him a small smile, "That is an excellent idea. I'll go get them." He had yet to take the knife from her, so she tucked it away to its sheath. He could always ask for it later. With one last squeeze of his hand she pulled away and started for the patch of green and white. It helped her to be doing something, and so she followed along the path keeping her eyes to the flowers. She wanted to give him time alone as she knew he needed it. Even if he didn't know it, as a healer she knew there were places she couldn't go with him. She imagined his own home was there somewhere, and his family's home. He had ghosts to put to rest and speak with.
{ @wicked-virtue // l’ania }
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wicked-virtue · 6 years ago
(Thank you @waitingrose for sending me this one. <3)
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hermione granger. my best friend is a muggleborn and she´s the best in our year. (very late birthday present for @nomaj)
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devil-you-know · 7 years ago
“Well, she ain’t a total loss...”
Aeric Tanner smirked. "Gid. Get her a color too."
Gideon Rhames snapped his eyes back to Aeric, and L'ania could all but see that reserved look. Absently a hand moved and fingers brushed the sash tied securely around his thigh. It billowed with a few errant gusts, but otherwise like the man it remained steadfast. "....aye." The assent was given a bit quieter than the vigor he'd shown before, but he nodded all the same.
L'ania Hena watched every movement on the ship, every catch of wind in the sails and then her eyes went to the horizon and she was completely lost in the sight. Mention of the new jewelry for the ship caught her attention, but she had no idea what to make of it and so she soaked in the sight of the sea until Gideon addressed her. She managed to tuck away her excitement and turned a serious expression to Gideon, nodding. She caught the look Gideon gave Aeric and the reserve in his tone. He wouldn't disobey the captain, but she was almost tempted to tell him to give it to her when she tied everything off right. Still, she wasn't about to argue with the Captain either.
Gideon Rhames spared a look about the navigator's perch, looking at a few of the others. His lips pressed a firm line, and then both hands delved to that sash. His sash. The knot was loosed, and the ribbon pulled free before he gripped the corner, and tore a strip away. It would hardly measure the width of his thumb, but it was enough. He tied his own back in place, and made way to stand beside her. "Gimme yer wrist, lass. S'yer lucky day."
Aeric Tanner watched him a moment as he drew near to her and tore part of his own for her to wear. Wind pushed his locks about his features to hide the look in his gaze before he was back to steering her across the waters. Thankfully, the sea was calm for them and made his job easy for now.
L'ania Hena managed to hold most of her surprise in at Gideon's actions, though her ears flicked at the sound of the strip being torn free. She held out her wrist just as she was asked to do though.
Gideon Rhames spun the torn strip about, and then began the careful process of winding it around. Scarred fingers manipulated the fabric with an expert touch, lacing a figure eight knot like she'd already seen about the deck. It was secure, kept close to her skin but enough not to hamper movement. There was an almost reverent tone about his graveled voice as he spoke them, finishing it with a pull and a tightening of the last bit of the knot.
                "She reaves a bloody tune'n'we carry her notes 'ere we go."
 @captain-tanner @wicked-virtue 
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kodie-ffxiv · 7 years ago
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L'ania arrive with a mattress for the study since she does stay at his place from time to time, and then decided to take a nap. @wicked-virtue
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wicked-virtue · 7 years ago
( Thank you @foxracinggurl ) 
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wicked-virtue · 6 years ago
FaceVoice Claim: L’ania Hena
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
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So while some of my other characters have separate voice and face claims, for L’ania its both the same person. I had a hard time finding any decent clips for it though without spoiling TVD for a friend who is watching it with me. 
Uhhh here have some random interview thing with the actress: 
Tagged by @kodie-ffxiv   Tagging: Whoever wants to do this. <3 
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years ago
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cadrenebula · 6 years ago
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(Plot teaser for Alex! Usual warnings apply: violence, torture, foul language. So read at your own risk.)
Alex reached for his linkpearl the moment his armor was all in place. Blades resting against his hips. "Hey, Anata? It's time. I'm heading to the Shroud to deal with a pest problem. Watch out for Sanagi for me." "You better be safe out there," she called back over the pearl. "And you call for backup if you need it. Don't make me go hunting for you if you're not back after a while." "Will do. I should only be a couple of days. Don't worry until you ain't heard from me in two days. Two should be enough to deal with this." "You'll do good, Alex. Will keep Sana safe while you're away." Alex tucked the linkpearl away in a pocket. One last glance towards the rest of the apartment. A mental check to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Nothing came to mind. He'd fed the cat and the fish. Left the snowman toy in a safe place away from Shadow's paws. Nope he was all set. He'd told Sana he had a job he'd taken. Not entirely a lie. This job was just personal. Even if he had told Ana the complete truth. He was afraid that if he had told Sana, she'd have wanted to come help. This was something he needed to settle on his own though. These were people he used to work beside at one point. People who now called him a traitor for choices he had made. Now was time to settle the score with them. Before it escalated and they started targeting the people he loved. Not that they'd have much luck if they went after Anata or Aeri. Those two could hold their own. He was more worried about those he cared about that were more like Sanagi and L'ania. Not weak or helpless. No definitely not. But not used to dealing with people like his ex-friends.
Alex locked the door behind him as he left the Mists to head over to the South Shroud.
Once there, he halted just south of the first scout camp. He'd slaughtered this camp moons ago to send a message to his 'old friend'. Likely by now they had replaced the men. One look confirmed that they had. Only three men right now for this shift to watch out for any Wood Wailers. They weren't expecting a lone man who could easily take them by himself.
Daggers drawn. Cocky smirk on his face. Alex stepped towards the small scout camp. Two of them had drawn their weapons. Yelled at the third to warn their boss. Clearly one of the two standing against him knew exactly who he was. Good. Let them tell their boss that he had come knocking. It was time for a reckoning.
Alex wasted no time with the two pathetic scouts. Their blood coated his blades and the forest floor. He stalked towards the camp that waited beyond. Right where his 'old friend' would be waiting.
Alex cut down most of the weaker men they sent after him. But... There were fewer then he expected. Much fewer. It made him hesitate a fraction. Something was off with this. They were setting him up. They had to be.
It was like all the men so far had been bait to lure him further in. Not that he had any intention of stopping. He still needed to have this confrontation. Now though he was feeling more cautious about what was to happen.
He made it up to the final gate. Could see his 'old friend' waiting just beyond. A smug little smirk on Ferrus' face. Oh this was definitely a trap. Still Alex swaggered up the path. As if he wasn't wearing splotches of blood from the men he'd cut down.
"Ferrus." Alex said the name with a casual tone. Though his eyes remained wary as he watched the Keeper male.
"Alexois. It's been a time, hasn't it?" Ferrus kept cleaning under his nails with his dagger as he watched Alex. "Welcome back. I hope you realize that you're going to suffer for all the trouble you've been causing me since you stabbed us in the back."
"I never stabbed you in the back, Ferrus. You decided that just cause of that bitch I fell for." Alex shrugged and rolled his eyes. "The camp scouts were just cause you ruined my night at the bar and threatened that I'd get what was coming to me. I thought you'd like that little calling card I left you."
"Just like you." Ferrus sighed as he shook his head. A flick of his hand. A signal of some kind.
Alex moved to step forward. Only to find he couldn't. He felt suddenly restricted. Bound. A snarl as he struggled against whatever magic was holding him. Ferrus laughing as he stood and sauntered over to Alex but remained just out of reach.
"You see... After that calling card... I recruited some help. Or more like your old mentor gave us her calling card. Now I don't really like outside help. But she was just so very... Persuasive. Jacques said she was powerful. Let's find out just how powerful, eh?"
If the binding hadn't restricted him before... Hearing his mentor's name from Ferrus did just as effectively. Alex had frozen. All those moments of torture flashing through his mind.
"Now I heard good ole Jacques bit the dust. Good thing we got this little gift from his pretty connection before he got himself killed. Reliable bastard. Too bad he's gone now." Ferrus laughed as he pulled out a black mask. It looks similar to many of the ones Wood Wailers wore. Except for the color and blood red stone in the forehead of it. Ferrus sneered as he slapped the mask onto Alex's face.
Alex howled in pain as the magic hidden in the mask shot through him like fire in his veins. Felt the binding magic give way just so he could collapse to the ground. Could hear Ferrus' taunting laughter.
"This should be fun. Just give in and make it easier on yourself. It will be just like sleeping. Stupid Alex will fall asleep and be forgotten. The Jackal will come back and be my obedient lap dog."
Whatever magic was in this mask... It felt like pure agony as he writhed on the ground. It felt like each wound Jacques had given him was reopened. Yet he didn't bleed. This magic was more in his head, not that he believed that. Eventually sweet darkness claimed him.
The pain had stopped the moment he drifted into unconsciousness. He felt like he was floating through water. Falling endlessly. Adrift. But there was no pain here. He couldn't remember why he had been hurting. What he had been doing. He struggled to remember. Struggled to hold on to something. This wasn't right. It couldn't be right. He wanted to scream but something also kept making him feel calm. It was just so hard. 
"Sleep now. Rest your weary head. No more pain. No more suffering. Just peace. Struggle will only bring you pain."
Alex struggled but the whispered words of a woman were... Hard to resist. Slowly his eyes drifted closed. 
Crimson eyes opened to the stormy Shroud sky. Empty and devoid of their usual spark. Alex climbed to his feet and bowed his head to Ferrus. The Keeper laughed boldly at this display.
Once he had his chance to laugh, Ferrus held out a pair of dangerously deadly looking blades. Specially crafted by the Shroud Witch. Specifically for this purpose. "Welcome home, Jackal. Now let's get you some toys to chew on. How about some of those pretty girls my spies say you favor? I think that one that gave you that ridiculous snowman toy. The girl living with you. And your precious little blood sworn 'sister'." "Oh though one more thing before I forget." Ferrus sneered as he stepped behind Alex. Roughly grabbing Alex's hair but Alex didn't budge against the Keeper. A flash of a blade. Several strands of blonde hair falling to the dirt where they stood. "This should do as proof. I always told you to keep your gods damned hair short. Too easy for an enemy to use against you or get caught in branches. Stupid dog."
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Three letters were sent out. Each with a strand of blonde hair. Alex's hair. The writing was very rough. Especially since the Keeper was not very skilled in writing. Yet he wanted to hand write these himself. Each letter was basically similar to the other. Though it would likely take his scouts a day or two to get them delivered depending where these girls were. You, Come play. Jackal needs a chew toy. We have someone you want back. South Shroud. (Location enclosed.) - Ferrus Thorne
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peacekeeper-xiv · 7 years ago
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Chadrick sat down at the table to the meeting hall. It would not be long before Derek arrived to discuss the quarterly review. Aislyn was frustrated with his mood and made it clear by settling in his hair and tugging harder than usual on the locks as she made herself comfortable. “Aye, aye… Ah know lass… Ah’ve been distracted an’ nay much fun o’ late. Ye know ‘ow these reviews go though… An’ Derek’s jus’ tha worst… Bleedin’ feck will sing t’ ye ‘bout yer demotion in the ‘appiest notes…
He read through the mail, most of it junk, before coming on a letter whose handwriting was only vaguely familiar. He opened it and read over it a few times. Aisyln, sensing that he was distracted by something other than the review poked her head up and read over him. The darker cat woman? No, that one was just a friend in a true sense. She had no need for worry there. She curled back into his hair and decided her Hyur was just too wound up now, deciding to leave him be.
A piece of parchment and a quill were pulled closer.
 “Dear L’ania,
I fear you and I both have found ourselves preoccupied with life. I have been quite busy myself with work and have been travelling a good deal. As to the news you bring, it is most welcome. To be honest, dealing with an artifact like that is risky and I would prefer someone better versed in those things handle it if possible. I can commission a payment for their assistance if that helps assuming that I can secure the object for the Company after it is inert. If that is not possible I’ll still help any way I can unofficially.
Also, tell me more about this ship? I have been looking to hire a crew who can be discreet. Even if they don’t fit, it might be you and yours know a crew who do?
Finally, yes… I have translated more of the text. The cipher is complicated. Your friend was crafty. I am unsure if you want me to discuss it by letter so if you would rather, contact me any time after nine in the evening when you are alone and we can talk.
Chadrick Tamisier
 He folded the letter and went to find an envelope, careful not to jostle Aislyn around much. He spoke quietly to the fae atop his head. “Le’s keep all o’ this bit with L’ania between ye an’ Ah, aye? Derek does’nay need t’ know ‘bout it…”
Atop snowy locks the fae shrugged and a chime followed. “Aye… aye… Y’ blackmailin’ minx… Y’ be gettin’ yer sweets either way…” He chuckled some and started downstairs to set the letter to be delivered.
@wicked-virtue (L’ania Hena)
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wicked-virtue · 7 years ago
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She took my arm I don't know how it happened We took the floor and she said Oh don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me I said you're holding back She said shut up and dance with me
( @waitingrose )
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wicked-virtue · 7 years ago
Music Themes: L’ania Hena
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[General Theme]|  When the Darkness Comes -Colbie Caillat
|[Travel Theme]|  How Far I’ll Go - Alessia Cara 
|[Happy Theme]| You Gotta Be - Des’ree
|[Love Theme]| Meant to be - Bebe Rexha
|[Sad Theme]| Antidote - Faith Marie
|[Anger/Frustration Theme]|  Porcelain - Rachel Taylor
|[Lust Theme]|  Delicate - Taylor Swift
|[Villainous Theme]|  Vanity and Rot - Lacey Sturm
|[Death Theme]| Until We Go Down - Ruelle
|[Bonus Theme]|   Not About Angels - Birdy  
Tagged by: @kodie-ffxiv  Tagging: Whoever hasn’t done it yet. I’m late to the party cause I’ve been a slacker.
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