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bodoposten · 1 year ago
Kan få hybelhus for borteboende elever i Nordland
Med 1800 borteboende elever er Nordland et av fylkene med aller flest hybelboere i videregående skole. Nå vil fylkesrådet bruke en halv million kroner for å finne ut hvordan elevene som må flytte kan få de beste boløsningene. – Det å flytte for seg selv i en alder av 15-16 år medfører stort ansvar for de elevene det gjelder. Vi har i mange år allerede jobbet med å lette på dette ansvaret for…
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thetimecrystal · 2 months ago
jeg må faenmeg skrike. Nå.
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controversialhottakes · 8 months ago
That last episode left me with so many questions.
How does Wille feel about Erik now? Him throwing that snow globe away broke my heart. He didn't even hesitate or flinch, so clearly he doesn't feel bad about getting rid of something that his dead brother had given him and which meant so much to him for so long.
Why aren't Sara and August together? They seem to be very compatible and they deserve to be happy, so why can't she just give him a second chance? They're clearly still in love with each other, so why can't they at least try?
What happens after the break when Simon and Wille go to different schools?
What is Wille's plan if he wants to officially renounce his right to the throne? What is he going to do with his life? A (former) crown prince can hardly get a part-time job at a cafe. Is he going to be living off lånekassen (or whatever the Swedish equivalent is called) until he gets a degree and can find a more suitable job as a lawyer/banker/something in that vein? The boy doesn't know shit about budgeting which is the only way you can survive with no additional income other than the grant/loan. Is he going to write books about how bad the royal family is? That's the literal opposite of "private," he'd literally depend on media and public interest to survive. What is the plan??? Love's all well and good but it won't keep you fed, clothed, or put a roof over your head.
Am I really supposed to believe that Wille forgave August after threatening to shoot him not so long ago and being petty af just one episode earlier? Because he saw him cry and felt bad for him? Are you for real? I'm glad they talked it out but where did it come from???
What are they going to do about the class divide? Wille won't go from upper (literal royalty, it doesn't get any higher than that) to working class overnight (or ever, if you ask me, this isn't just about finances, etc.) and Simon is clearly very passionate about his current social position, I can't imagine him wanting to move anywhere beyond (lower?) middle class, so what's going to happen? Wille doesn't care but Simon does, so what is he supposed to do? Give up on his beliefs?
Is Felice going to just dump her friends and only hang out with Wilhelm, Simon, and Sara now?
There's probably more but I'm tired. We needed at least one more season. At the end of season 3, I ended up with more questions than I had when it started.
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edwardteachs · 10 months ago
we should hunt down and crucify lånekassen
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jaxyscreams · 10 days ago
Oh boy travel is expensive
Am almost back at my apartment after going to a conference in Bergen
And oh man hotel and train and tickets and food :,3 at least my rent is payed for this month so I’m all good there
But I do think I should budget a lil at least until I get my money from Lånekassen this month
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danskboligforsikring · 4 months ago
Læs mere om Dansk Boligforsikring
Lånekassen er en hjemmeside, der hjælper danskerne med at holde styr på privatøkonomien. På siden kan du læse meget mere om en af Lånekassens samarbejdspartnere - Dansk Boligforsikring. Klik her for at læse mere: https://www.laanekassen.dk/forsikring/selskaber/danskboligforsikring/
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masterpieceavenue94 · 1 year ago
La TO-DO list.
A nada de empezar agosto. Si hago un recuento de todo lo que he hecho en julio, puedo decir que ha sido un buen mes. Normalmente el mes de julio suele ser bastante mierda, me deprime nada más empezar, pero este año la verdad ha estado bastante bien y no ha sido hasta este lunes pasado (24 de julio) que no me ha dado el bajón. Es un logro la verdad, ¿haber disfrutado tanto de este mes? Quién lo diría. La verdad es que me he pasado parte del mes pidiéndole a los astros y a cualquier cosa que veía conveniente que por favor no matara esta racha, porque literal todo estaba saliendo bien. Todo.
Esta semana es cierto que se ha notado la bajada de energía, creo que he llenado el tope y obviamente una no puede estar al 100% el mes completo. Lo bueno es que en sí no ha habido días malos, sólo días normales en los que no he hecho nada y más bien eran aburridos. El caso es que ahora me toca ponerme en serio ya que agosto esta a la vuelta de la esquina. Siento que tengo muchas cosas que hacer, no he preparado nada de las clases, debería haber avanzado material para que no me pille el toro. También tengo que poner las cosas del OneNote de la universidad en mi OneNote personal en el caso de que me borren algo. Tengo que ver lo de la lånekassen pero hasta que no me manden el diploma no puedo hacer nada, lo que me lleva a que se lo tengo que enviar a Borgar para que me arregle el contrato. También debería llamar a Borgar porque no me quedó del todo claro cuándo empezaba. Aunque también siento que debería ser él quien me llamara o me enviara un correo.
Tengo que quedar con Victoria y el miércoles que viene por fin veo Barbie. Debería leer un poco los libros que cogí de la biblioteca. Y tengo que buscar un sitio para quedar con Kristian (de ese ya hablaremos más adelante, al igual que haré con Eirik). También se supone que tengo que quedar con mi madre para ir a la lavandería. Me quiero comprar unas deportivas blancas y recoger un paquete de correos. Son pocas cosas pero las importantes no puedo hacerlas hasta que no reciba mi diploma y eso como que me estresa, pero no nos vamos a estresar.
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thorntopieces · 1 year ago
lånekassen ily but *fuck* i do hate your phone wait line voice. gonna fistfight him fr
"wait time 30+ minutes, there's currently a lot of ppl calling us if you'd like we'll call you back at a random time before 3 pm"
welcome to trying to call the people who give you your scholarship n money to see what can be done with the situtation lmao
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fuckyeahnorwegian · 7 years ago
Ja, skattefratak for å flytte til Finnmark er et insentiv for å få folk til å flytte dit. Stedet er ganske fraflytta, og trenger flere folk. Det finnes også bonuser for lærere som vil undervise i nord.
finnmark it is, dere! pakk kofferten, vi skal til honningsvåg og nordkapp og finnmarksvidda og alle de andre stedene i finnmark som jeg definitivt kan namedroppe !!
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skamenglishsubs · 5 years ago
Subtext and Culture, Season 4, Episode 4
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Culture: As Oslo city grew in the 1800′s, the city became more segregated. The West side where the Royal castle was located, became the home of upper-middle class Norwegians, while the East side, which had more factories and industry became home to the working class. This division persists in modern day Oslo, the West side is richer and mostly white, while the East side is poorer and have a lot more non-European immigrants. William, being a rich white kid, is a stereotypical West side boy. Subtext: Noora and Sana are trying to look like older university students, but they have no idea how university studies work, so they’re just repeating what the boys are saying while trying to be as vague as possible as to what exactly they’re studying. Culture: Lånekassen, or the Norwegian Educational State Fund, handles all student loans and stipends in Norway, which means that every single university-level student knows what it is and have dealt with them to get money to be able to study. If you’re in high school, you probably haven’t dealt with them, because your parents are supposed to provide for you. Blink and you miss it: Linn is hogging the sofa when they drag Elias to Kollektivet.
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Subtext: Elias most probably drank the vodka that Yousef grabbed after the bus party last episode, which means that Sana blames herself, since she organized it. Earlier in the episode she also told her mom that she was sure Elias hasn’t started drinking, so now she accidentally lied to her mom as well. Culture: The flowers Yousef is picking are called Siberian squill, Scilla Siberica, and are a very common early spring flower in the Nordics. Various spring flowers dominate the landscape in the short period between all the snow disappearing, and the trees getting leaves in late April, and you can see that the entire grass slope behind Sana is full of them.
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thetimecrystal · 1 year ago
kan lånekassen VÆRSÅSNILL og svare meg på min applikasjon for ekstra penger pga nedsatt funksjonsevne???
plIS 🥺👉👈
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controversialhottakes · 8 months ago
#1 Good question. August told him Eric would still love him. And there was a deleted scene of Wille talking to Boris...
#2 August and Sara’s relationship started with bullying, continued with forced kisses and grounded on the betrayal of their families, on their tears and sufferings. It was doomed. Sara chose her brother and Simon
#3 It's not even confirmed if the school will really be closed - the principal was determined to fight.
#4 Wille is a teenager. He will finish education first and then decide what he wants to do. It's ok not to have a solid plan for the future at 17
#5 No. Who told you have to? After pointing a gun to August and beating him they had a group therapy. And also knowing that Eric also did something awful to August also helped. Wille just accepted the apology (but hardly forgave him completely) and decided to be civil around him, they didn't turn into besties.
Other questions are up to you to decide
I'm assuming this is a response to this post (which btw you could've just reblogged, was the anon really necessary?):
How does Wille feel about Erik now? Him throwing that snow globe away broke my heart. He didn't even hesitate or flinch, so clearly he doesn't feel bad about getting rid of something that his dead brother had given him and which meant so much to him for so long.
Why aren't Sara and August together? They seem to be very compatible and they deserve to be happy, so why can't she just give him a second chance? They're clearly still in love with each other, so why can't they at least try?
What happens after the break when Simon and Wille go to different schools?
What is Wille's plan if he wants to officially renounce his right to the throne? What is he going to do with his life? A (former) crown prince can hardly get a part-time job at a cafe. Is he going to be living off lånekassen (or whatever the Swedish equivalent is called) until he gets a degree and can find a more suitable job as a lawyer/banker/something in that vein? The boy doesn't know shit about budgeting which is the only way you can survive with no additional income other than the grant/loan. Is he going to write books about how bad the royal family is? That's the literal opposite of "private," he'd literally depend on media and public interest to survive. What is the plan??? Love's all well and good but it won't keep you fed, clothed, or put a roof over your head.
Am I really supposed to believe that Wille forgave August after threatening to shoot him not so long ago and being petty af just one episode earlier? Because he saw him cry and felt bad for him? Are you for real? I'm glad they talked it out but where did it come from???
What are they going to do about the class divide? Wille won't go from upper (literal royalty, it doesn't get any higher than that) to working class overnight (or ever, if you ask me, this isn't just about finances, etc.) and Simon is clearly very passionate about his current social position, I can't imagine him wanting to move anywhere beyond (lower?) middle class, so what's going to happen? Wille doesn't care but Simon does, so what is he supposed to do? Give up on his beliefs?
Is Felice going to just dump her friends and only hang out with Wilhelm, Simon, and Sara now?
There's probably more but I'm tired. We needed at least one more season. At the end of season 3, I ended up with more questions than I had when it started.
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odinspattern · 5 years ago
I watched Debatten and Din Økonomi yesterday, and I am appalled. Read more for Norwegian politics.
So, students are hit hard by this crisis. Most are not working right now because most Jobs that are flwxible enough for students are shut down due to the virus,
One of the problems with how Norway is handling the students right now is that they specifically keep the money you can get from Lånekassen, who handles student loans and scholarships pretty low, in order to stimulate the students into working. Most work part time, and part timers still have their rights if they are to loose their jobs or are struggling due to the virus shutting down their jobs.
Unless you are a student. They have literally no rights if they loose their job. In theory we have Nav, which is social service that helps with employment, disability pay and what not. They are often critisized for being very square and not helpful and I could give out stories that demonstrate that point, but that is another debate. In order to get help from Nav then you can’t be studying and need to make money above a certain tier.
The idea is that since we have Lånekassen, we don’t need Nav. Even if you aren’t taking s loan or a scholarship. You HAVE the option, so they’re going to treat you like you are. Which means, in practice, that students are on their own and have no safety net or rights while being temporarily removed from their jobs due to the virus.
It is especially problematic because most students living in the cities actually work in order to pay for housing and need both incomes to make it work.
So how are the government trying to solve this? By forcing students into debt. If you lost your job then you can apply to get a loan on top of your student loan. Which is like putting grease on a fire. It’s a damn disaster and is discriminatory towards a group of workers and if I wasn’t standing on the left already.
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korvax-prime · 8 years ago
hey how do you survive on 120,- for a month (asking for a friend (that friend is me))
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bodoposten · 5 years ago
Fellesorganisasjonen frykter korona-gjeld for studenter
– Regjeringen rekker ut en hjelpende hånd til bedrifter og slår hånden av studentene, sier FO-leder Mimmi Kvisvik..
Det er knyttet forventning til regjeringens tredje krisepakke og forslaget om å sikre inntektsgrunnlaget til studentene. Tirsdag vedtar trolig Stortinget forslaget om at studenter må ta opp ekstra lån for å dekke tapt inntekt.
– Dette er for dårlig fra regjeringen og…
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cookyjack · 6 years ago
Ignore this
This is just me venting and tying out my current problem which will determine my what’s ganna happen to me from now and till i die or something.
So, i’m not from america. But i came here to study at a college. now this costs a lot of money of course. But where i come from we get money from the government to go to school. So i applied and everything looked great. I came to this country, got an apartment and started classes. So now.... 2 months into is, my application gets denied. I’m ganna try fixing it because it doesn't look like a permanent “your never getting money for school again!!!”. But i do have a fear that i have to go back home, and all the work and money i have put into this very moment will go straight to hell. I will be in debt and very stranded in america. So the thought scares me. But, i’ll try to keep my head up and look at the sky instead the ground
If you read this, thank you. I’m not looking for advise or anything. It’s simply to try writing it down and getting my thoughts away 
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