#l: Mek-sha
dread-master-styrak · 3 months
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detritusvortex · 3 years
i am positive you have been asked & answered this question before, i couldn't seem to find where you might've answered it, so sorry for the repeat question but where do you get all your stronghold decos?
not sure i have, actually! i mix and match decorations from a lot of places-- Swtorista has a nice section on all the places you can get decorations but for my personal highlight list:
fleet vendors: the ones who hang out in the 'strongholds and crew skills' section have a lot of nice stuff for cheap, now including the PVP vendor who sells those Makeb canopies and pergolas people resell at inflated prices on the GTN all the time
honourable mention: you can also get great decorations on the fleet for CM certificates and war supplies but i never have war supplies to trade so w/e-- certificates are way easier to horde now that they're a nightlife reward
prefab vendor droids: LOTS of good stuff that's easy to overlook in there. Voss furniture, basic curved couches, pretty little fountains you can shove plants in, boxes/crates/ammo storage, etc. i use that stuff all the time.
GTN: good for cartel market stuff and drops you can't personally get but rife with dorks trying to rob you also. previewing an item will tell you the source and if you can get it elsewhere, ops decos tend to drop in price when the operation is part of recent conquest, etc.
ossus vendors: two of them! one sells items for a combo of ossus relics and credits (requires reputation), the other sells decorations for tech fragments. lots of stone stuff, torches, pillars, statues, terrariums, sparkly mushrooms.. definitely some of my favourite vendors. running around on ossus in general also yields nice bind-on-pickup decos you can't find elsewhere.
onderon vendor: full of good shit! nice trees, benches, taxidermy, all very fancy looking. requires reputation, but no special currency.
mek-sha vendor: you need to have completed onslaught and then a small quest chain that starts in slugfall cantina, but each part of the chain unlocks two more decorations at, naturally, a ~Shady Furniture Vendor~. no reputation needed. he sells kinda grubby-looking benches, chairs, etc. very nice for places with a less polished aesthetic.
dantooine vendor: requires the event currency but sells a bunch of farm equipment and other rural stuff including fences, stone walls, garden plots, and little trees.
feast and nightlife vendors on nar shaddaa: both are for yearly events that aren't on right now and require the event currency but the feast vendor in particular has great food and place-setting type decorations, and both have a variety of personnel, which are otherwise annoying to get ahold of.
story mode star fortresses: on story mode, every boss (including randomly assorted paladins) drops a deco so i like to pick an evening and a character with big AOEs and just obliterate a weekly's worth at a time. nice technological decorations and, rarely, gorgeous lamps. not worth stealthing, it's faster to just murder.
story mode 'Traitor Among the Chiss': very easy to speedrun with a stealth class and every boss drops a deco. fountains, hanging plants, nice lights, etc.
story mode ‘Nathema Conspiracy’: i never have the patience to solo-stealth past the beyblade boss so if i'm on my own i'll just knock out the first and bonus bosses for their loot, then reset and repeat a few times. you get plants, spooky stone decos, and too many dead trees.
Objective Meridian fp: i would LIKE more streetlamps and cranes but instead i have B O S S H O L O S-- on the bright side everyone's an imp main so if you run pubside you can sell holos of sith for a mint
Iokath: too expensive! wyd charging that many credits along with the iokath currency. nice stuff though.
Spirit of Vengeance fp: fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you whoever decided these drop-rates is my enemy
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maggiesarchives · 4 years
My Mando OC is from swtor and i love him. His name is Ke’ade and he was born on Tatooine to a Republic settlement, unfortunately after an invasion from the Empire left his home in ashes and he himself missing in the desert for several days he became a Bounty Hunter, running from one world to the next (there was an incident on Mek-Sha). now imagine this death-stick-smoking-sith-shit-talking-tiny-motherfucker meeting the-perfect-jedi-embodiment-of-peace-and-serenity — what happens then?? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY FIND OUT HE’S FORCE SENSITIVE?!?!???! WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A FORCE SENSISTIVE MANDALORIAN?!?!?!? (Bounty Hunter)
drinking, drinking happens
Mar’keo is the perfect jedi, serene, calm, understanding and compassionate. unfortunately he is surrounded by seven other dumbasses ranging from chaotic neutral to chaotic slut. He develops what ultimately comes to a little bit of a drinking problem (during the Mek-Sha incident)- he can’t handle this gremlin boy he meets on Nar Shadaa???? He already has Nicky???? he’s like that dad that says he doesn’t want anymore kids and yet adopts the next child he sees. After the Alderaan Accident there’s a nice little rhyme that goes around the family: “what do you do with a drunk-ass Jedi what do you with a drunk-ass jedi what do you do with a drunk ass jedi earrrly in the mooooorning?” (Consular)
And Nicky, sweet, feral Nicky, this kid took down the EMPEROR the goddamn BIG BAD. He’s so done with everything. he’s batshit 25/8. diplomacy???? Lana handles that because there is NOT going to be another Alderaan Accident. He’s married to Theron Shan who (despite refusing to admit it) is just as feral and impulsive. Mar’keo and Nicky have known each other since they were BABIES- growing up in the Jedi Order together and literally the first two members of their weird dysfunctional family that would kill and die for each other. (Knight)
Don’t even get me started on Trii’va. She’s all of them combined in a beautiful blend of chaotic dumbass and pure big dick energy. Did i mention she’s married to He’katia??? Member of the Dark Council and right hand lady to Darth Marr??? No??? Well we shall come back to that. This chick is the loopiest smuggler on the hyper lanes, she taught Nicky how to ride a motorbike and give Mar’keo and Lana an extra 35 heart attacks a month. (smuggler)
He’katia is The Librarian Lesbian That Kills People For Fucking Up The Dewey Decimal System and is the Togruta embodiment of “Books are better than people” she loves the Empire and openly advocates for change amongst the Sith while proudly showing off her feral wife and having tea parties with Darth Marr while they bitch about Vowrawn and Saresh. (inquisitor)
KEL!!!! KEL’KATIS!!!! or as Mar’keo calls him “that slut” because let’s be real he is the SLUTTIEST Sith on the block and there is an ongoing rivalry between Nicky and Kelly to see who has the softest hair in the known galaxy and let me tell you it gets VIOLENT.
we don’t talk about the Water Shortage of ‘07
Karavia- because where did Trii’va learn her sass if not from her mom? Trii’va is adopted, Karavia (or auntie Kavvy as the rest call her) is Cathar and Trii’va is Twi’lek and she is THE most badass mom ever, literally, take no shit. She hates, hates the brass, and so when given free reign over Havoc Squad and her uptight-but-in-a-cute-way lieutenant she uses every chance to piss off as many entitled fucks as she can and well...... Monkey see monkey do right? (trooper)
and then, at last, we have Ahtoan. Tony. Top-Hat-McGee as Ke’ade lovingly dubbed him. The youngest member of Imperial Intellegence and the youngest saboteur to fuck that shit up. He is by far the youngest of all of them (not even hitting twenty at the beginning of the story) and was found by Nicky somewhere between the end of Ilum and the beginning of Makeb. The poor kid is tired, he just wants to go to sleep. He’s never had a real family and so when he meets these seven other fucked up weirdos he is SO happy- and then Mar’keo offers to help heal him, and so breaks down crying and just HUGS the man. (Agent)
It is at that point we reach the collective look of “We’ve only had Tony a day and a half but if anything happened to him we’d kill everyone in the galaxy and then ourselves”
suffer reading all that Darth Mags
lets. fucking. go.
loving that Tragic Backstory™ and whenever someone says the words Bounty Hunter I always go 👀👀👀👀👀
HES TINY!!??!?!? HE IS SMOL???!!!!?!?!???! he is mine now I am stealing him. AND HES FORCE SENSITIVE??!!?!?!?!
in curious abt this perfect-je si-embodiment-of-peace-and-serenity and now the two would act around each other 👀👀👀👀
Mar'keo and the Seven Dumbasses sjfsjfsjfsfhzhfsh p l e a s e its like this weird off brand snow white movie I watched at the beach with Hero 😂😂😂
okay so im assuming this is the Perfect Jedi Character you were talking abt?? ok good.
cant wait for chaos slut to make an appearance
aww, poor alcoholic bby, its ok I support him no matter what. also all this talk of mek-sha is scaring me.
NICKY I think I remember nicky jahshshha
I'm assuminf the gremlin is Ke'ade??? correct me if I'm wrong please :))
"that dad that says he doesn't want any more kids but then adopts the next child he sees" ahem do you mean Qui-Gon???? I think you mean Qui-Gon.
THE RHYME I'm in love
NICKY !!!!! sweet feral nicky :') I love him already.
Hes just tired, he took down the big bad, let him rest.
done with everything??? batshit 25/8????? sounds like my kind of dude tbh
the alderaan accident 👀👀👀 im intrigued
we stan jedi besties-since-birth
ma'am pls step on me
I live for chaotic dumbass ladies
honestly she just sounds so cool, 10/10 I love her
did someone say badass wives who kick as a while looking hot as fuck? no??
I have no words to express how much I love her
I just zhshhagaggagsga
showing off her wide??? tea parties with maul?????? gimme.
*bangs fist on table* CHAOS SLUT
I love the him. I want more. please tell me more abt the chaos slut.
lmaooo soft hair battle 😂😂😂 I love it
this woman. I just- jdhdhshjshshsh
I love her.
pissing off the entitled and then the gang copies her 😂😂😂 I love it
never had a real family 😭😭😭 please let me hug him, that's so soft abt the healing hshsbzbahbzb
in conclusion, I love them all.
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its OC day! ~ celebration info post
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maggiesarchives · 4 years
Ke’ade (Bounty Hunter): from the ages of 13-16was tiny, small, small boy— but BITCH HITS 17 AND SHOOTS UP TO 6’3 BEEFCAKE THAT CAN BENCHPRESS A WAMPA
Mar’keo (consular): dad bod. 6’4 Mirialan.
Nicky (Knight): SMALL- 5’9 and ANGEY
Trii’va (Smuggler): can and WILL step on you lemme tell you this lady can pick up a 50kg sack of smuggled goods like it’s a couple of grapes -5’11
Karavia (Trooper): She’s a soldier????????? idk what you expect she’s FIT!!!! the embodiment of Milf -5’9
Kel’katis (Sith Warrior): HE IS SIX FEET TALL AND READY TO FUCK- ironically when Ke’ade and him were both wild and in their early twenties there was,,,, happenings that they didn’t realise were the other until Mar’keo introduced his Grumpy Mando to his Slutty Sith and there was the [insert spider man point meme]
He’katia (Sith Inquisitor): shorter than Trii’va WITH the montrals because she may be small but don’t fuck with her —- ask Nicky - she bites — 5’8 (with montrals)
Ahtoan (Imp Agent): baby boy. baby. small and tired and kinda scrawny because the Empire fucked him up real good and he’s just???? sad????? sad boy??? hugs???? Karavia makes sure to feed him as much as humanly possible????? —5’7
JUST,,, HEIGHTS MAN- also there have been MULTIPLE incidents that you may pick which one you want to hear about (if any):
The Alderaan Accident
The Mek-Sha Incident (also known as why Mar’keo started drinking)
The Water Conundrum Of ‘07
The Ke’ade/Kelly Quagmire
dad bod Mar'keo, I love it
Nicky is small and angry and honestly??? same.
Trii'va step on me 🙏🙏🙏
Karavia is fit as fuck, exactly how I imagined.
Kel omgggg im intrigued
He'katia SHE BITES 😭😭 smol angry lesbian I LOVE HER
Tony: BABIE!!!!!!!! someone give him a sandwich
love how all of them are taller than me 😂😂
pls tell me abt the water conundrum
its OC day! ~ celebration info post
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