#kzuroc kahzri tag
ohlawsons · 7 years
aegis | 02
SUMMARY. KotET fic, in the form of loosely connected drabbles. AU in that multiple classes are involved and Vaylin gets the redemption arc that Bioware so beautifully set up in the trailers and refused to follow through in-game. NOTES.  in which the alliance makes some decisions, everybody Fucked Up on voss, and rei has a flashback. set pre-kotet. me: wow "battle" is a great prompt to ease into voss and the actual kotet storyline also me: time for some Family Drama LINKS. [ AO3 ] [ FFN ] [ Fic Tag ]
"Kzuroc." He held out a gloved hand to shake. "Kzuroc Kahzri. Joined up with your group back on Belsavis. I'd just been looking for a way off-planet, till I spoke to that Assault Specialist of yours — the one who took down that star fortress."
Belsavis. Right. The group of criminals they'd recruited to help push back the Zakuulan forces. They weren't supposed to actually be on Odessen. "Look," Theron sighed, already running the name Kzuroc Kahzri through the Alliance's database, "let's go talk to Cera and get this all straightened out, then maybe I'll see if the Commander's available." He led the way back through the base to the security center, doing his best not to let the entirety of his exasperation show; ever since Arcann's defeat, the Alliance had been nearly overwhelmed by the multitude of new arrivals and it was getting more and more difficult to keep track of who all was on Odessen. The overlay from Theron's implant wasn't showing any results for the name, but that didn't really mean much; it would take a far more thorough check to get any information on a former Belsavis prisoner.
Cera was nowhere to be found at the security center, but Mako stood at one of the terminals, hands planted on her hips as she stared down at the information that flitted across the screen. Theron announced their presence by clearing his throat loudly. "Does your wife try to make my job more difficult, or does it just come naturally?"
Mako turned to offer a thin smile before she cleared the screen. "It definitely comes naturally, but I think she puts in extra effort just for you. And don't worry," she assured him, nodding towards the rattataki who stood behind him, "she had me run a full background check on our new friend. She figures nothing short of Vaylin could be too much of an inconvenience for you and Rei and, really, can you blame her?"
"Maybe you could at least remind her that I prefer unexpected visitors after I've had a cup of caf."
"Don't mean to interrupt," Kzuroc interjected, "but I'm just here to talk to the Commander. Doesn't even have to be in person."
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