#grumpy bounty hunter tag
Can I ask for a fic rec for a fantasy au where Law is a supernature creature (like a fae, vampire, or a demon) is is protective/possessives over human Luffy
Hi there anon,
we have some fae fic already posted, however, I noticed that I can't use too many tags so I will have to adjust some old posts tags again ;; anyway here are some non-human with possessive/protective law
In the Woods by betsib (M)
Luffy is fatally wounded after an ambush, and realises his attempts to flee his pursuers has led him into the Witching Woods. A mysterious figure appears in the darkness and asks him if he wants to live. Luffy says yes, not caring what that might mean for him. Thankfully, being magically bound to a strange forest and its even stranger caretaker isn't a bad deal. Written for 10 days of LawLu 2023, Day 4 prompt: Possessive
It Begins at Forever by KhepiAri (M)
The biggest price of Immortality is loneliness. After waiting for centuries, Doctor Trafalgar Law is destined to stumble upon his one true mate. Love happens when one least expects it, the forever has been set in motion for Law. Three-Part story. AU. Fluff, happy ending. LawLu, ZoRo, NaSa.
Vampire AU by xxkitty13 (E)
What will happen when a carefree man stumbles upon a grumpy vampire's castle?
A plethora of feelings by anonymous (E)
Sort of a continuation of Lustsick. You don't really need to read the other one to enjoy this fic. Law is sick and overthinking as always.
The Moonwitch And His Dumb Werewolf by KhepiAri (T)
A.U., Fantasy. Happy Ending. Three Part. LawLu (Switch Couple) When his village gets burned down and family captured by the bounty hunters, a young werewolf pup, Luffy, finds himself in the protection of a witch boy named Law and his father Corazon. As the war ravages, the magical creatures must unite to fight their biggest enemies; humans. "He was totally going to ignore the red blotch down the cliff; he was going to pretend that below his hill, on the snowy bed, was a creature in red. Yet he found himself walking down, picking up a bundle of expensive red. The child was shivering, his lips had turned blue, and he was muttering nonsense. At thirteen, he didn't want to be responsible, but his father would beat the shit out of him if he learned that he had abandoned a helpless child. He took his rescue inside the hut built of scrapes. He freed the child of his costly chilled cloak, removed the boots which didn't keep the frost bite away, his hands froze when he saw the thin silver chain around his neck with the moonstone pendant. Likewise, he had picked a werewolf pup."
As well as the rest of the Witch Trafalgar Law series by KhepiAri
-Mod Raiya
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ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴅᴀʏ
Pairing: Sambucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes) 
Summary: A day at the beach never goes wrong. Right?
Bingo Fill: ‘Beach Day’ for the Vacation card in @sambuckylibrary’s summer bingo!
Warnings: Language, destruction of shoes, let me know if anything else needs to be tagged!
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It was the perfect day for the beach. The sand was warm, but not burn-your-feet-boiling, the water was cool and refreshing but not cold, and Bucky was with his best guy. Nothing could ruin the day.
Well, besides the sun. Bucky sat, tucked away under the umbrella, as Sam laid in the sun. No matter how much Sam had tried to assure Bucky, he was adamant that no amount of sunscreen could protect his incredibly pale skin.
“And the metal on the arm will get too hot. It’ll burn my shoulder,” Bucky had reasoned.
Sam rolled his eyes. “I know for a fact that the vibranium doesn’t do that. If it did, the shield would be boiling half the time.”
Bucky grumbled something as he leaned back, his sunglasses making his grumpy face look especially goofy.
Sam glanced at his boyfriend as he felt the ground rumble. No way in hell was there just a random earthquake—it had to be something else.
Bucky sat up as the umbrella shook along with the ground. Readjusting his black sunglasses and purple Hawaiian shirt, he glanced at Sam.
Attempting to not be distracted by his boyfriend’s chiseled torso, Sam stood, trying to get a good footing in his flip flops.
When he heard screaming further down the beach, he pulled Bucky to his feet.
“Do you have the shield?” Bucky called as he slipped on his treasured HeyDude shoes (Sam thinks they look goofy), grimacing as he felt the sand in them.
“What, you think I bring it everywhere?” Sam snapped back.
“Do you have it?” He called again. Sam grimaced as he pulled the shield from its case, perfectly tucked away in the beach bag.
Bucky grinned as if he’d won a million dollars.
“I can’t run in flip flops.” Sam huffed as he settled the shield in his grasp.
Bucky, rolling his eyes, slowly slipped off his shoes. He kicked them towards Sam. “Give me your shoes,” he told his boyfriend.
Sam kicked off his flip flops, muttering a begrudging ‘thank you’.
Sam slipped Bucky’s beloved shoes on, dashing towards the danger. As he got closer down the beach, he noticed what the issue was.
There was three things Sam noticed immediately:
The first was that there was a man who was definitely made of sand.
The second was that Dr. Strange—the wizard—was using his weird magic to form a lasso around said sand man.
And the third thing was a young girl who’d Sam had definitely seen before—though he couldn’t remember where—who was currently being thrown around by aforementioned sand man.
Bucky quickly caught up to him, the former brainwashed assassin not being hindered by a pair of shoes.
“What the hell?” Bucky grumbled quietly as he glanced at the wizard.
“Strange, what the hell is going on?” Sam yelled, readjusting the shield’s leather straps in his grip.
“When the Scarlet Witch tried to kill America, she used these demons, sent out almost as bounty hunters. We thought all the remaining ones went back to wherever they came from after she died. Clearly, one didn’t get the memo.” He huffed.
“Christ.” Bucky muttered.
Sam got to fighting, and Bucky got to trying to get the girl safe.
Sam growled at the feeling of his—Bucky’s—shoes filling with sand, knowing his partner would throw a (somewhat serious) fit over it later.
Using the shield to slice through the sand man didn’t work very well, considering the man could just reattach himself as he pleased.
Finally, at just the right time, Sam sliced through the man as Bucky pulled the girl away by her arms. Seizing the opportunity, Strange opened a portal to send Sandy Satan away.
Sam panted, sweat dripping down his forehead. Bucky was checking over the girl, and once he realized she was fine, he quickly ran over to Sam.
“You okay?” He asked, gently grasping at Sam’s shoulders and pulling him out of his hunched posture.
Sam nodded. “Yeah. Just got a hell of a lot of sand in my mouth.”
Bucky smiled at that.
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a/n: I’m gonna be posting a lot more (hopefully) in the summer, and here’s something I’ve been working on lately!
[bingo masterlist]
graphics by @saradika-graphics
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lovemebutleavemewild · 8 months
Leave it to the land - Chapter 3.
The world has ended, it's over—except some people can't seem to accept that. Those same people think the cure lies in people like you and your little sister. And they're willing to do anything to find it.
The road to safety is a long one, and you're about to learn that it isn't one you can walk alone.
Read it on ao3.
Tag list: @elentiyaiswriting
You manage to stay awake for most of the night, although you're sure you start to doze at some stage.
You spend most of the time going over what happened on the fire escape and cursing yourself. You'd always been afraid of heights but this time, you'd gone completely to pieces. And in front of Ghost, of all people. You were trying to make these men your allies, while making it clear that you wouldn't take anyone messing with you or Dot.
Hard to take someone seriously when they can't even climb a ladder, you think to yourself bitterly.
All in all, you've had better mornings and you're grumpy as you try to scrounge together some breakfast for yourself and Dot. Soap and Ghost each have those ready meals you've seen soldiers eat. You have one protein bar left and give her the bigger half. It's actually a few months out of date but you can't really afford to stick your nose up so you decide to chance it.
After you've all eaten, you stand around kind of awkwardly, not sure what to say or do.
Eventually Soap glances at Ghost and clears his throat.
“So, we've decided to take ye’ up on yer deal.” Your heart leaps. He holds up a finger.
“On the condition that you give us the general location we're going.” He sees you open your mouth and continues before you can start. “It's the only way we can plot the best route.”
You shut your mouth and scowl.
“How do you know I don't already know the best route?”
Soap scoffs.
“If you did, you wouldn't still be here.”
Your scowl deepens.
“I know how to get out—it's just doing it that's hard. We're a little low on weapons, in case you haven't noticed.”
Of course they've noticed, you think, and once again you've pointed out how vulnerable you are, as if it weren't obvious.
You don’t even know why you’re arguing. You should be delighted at this turn of events. You've got two obviously skilled soldiers willing to accompany you to meet Kyle. And they're friends of his. This is exactly what you'd been hoping for. And yet, now that the offer is on the table, you're having doubts.
There's nothing to say they're telling the truth about being friends with Kyle. They recognised his patch, sure, but they could have picked up that information from somewhere else. You could be leading a trap right to him.
Another thing: you can't stay awake around them every night—you're already feeling the effects of not sleeping the night before. Doing this would mean trusting them enough to let your guard down, at least a little, and you’re not sure you can do that.
But then you look at Dot and remember the last few months of trying to find enough to eat, close encounters with tier fives, and government sentries and bounty hunters who wouldn't hesitate for a second to hand you back to the research centre.
Your little sister has an almost permanent pinched look on her face like she's spent every moment of the last few months afraid. You know you can't go on like this for much longer, either of you.
Which means you don't have a choice.
Soap produces a paper map and you use it to point out the direction you'll need to go.
“So we're leaving now then?” You're feeling antsy and want to move. The dead have wandered off during the night, but you know they won't have gone far.
“Soon,” Soap assures you. “We just need to make a stop first.”
“A stop?” you ask suspiciously. “A stop where?”
“Safehouse. Like the one Kyle told you about.” You must look confused because he goes on.
“We each know about a few of the safehouses, not all of ‘em. We’re not sure where the one Kyle showed you is but the one I’m on aboot isn’t far from here”
“How many-”
“That's enough.” You startle and look at Ghost but he's glaring at Soap, who shrugs.
“Why do we need to go there?” You ask.
“We'll need more ammo and they might be able to get us transport to the edge of the city.”
You have to admit that's tempting. You consider asking who “they” are but one look at Ghost’s tense stature tells you it won’t do any good. So with the increasingly familiar feeling of not having any choice in the matter, you agree.
Your trip through the city is quiet in the early morning. You naturally take up your positions from before, with Soap leading the way, you and Dot walking behind him, and Ghost bringing up the rear.
You find yourself missing Dot’s voice. She usually kept up a quiet but constant chatter while you walked, but she's barely said a word the last few days. You get it—you find Ghost and Soap scary enough, you can't imagine how much worse that is for a little kid. You see her glancing at Ghost’s mask sometimes, then quickly away.
You silently take her hand in yours as you walk. She still doesn't say anything but you feel her squeeze your hand hard.
After some time, Soap holds up clenched fist, and you hear Ghost come to a stop. A second later you feel something touch your elbow and flinch away.
Ghost holds up a placating hand, then points to a building up ahead.
“This is us. When we go in, let us do the talking.”
You nod. Your patience for meeting new people is at breaking point anyway.
You pull Dot closer to you as the four of you move into an alleyway.
Soap knocks on a door, which opens almost immediately. You hear him talking quietly to someone, jerking his head back at you and Dot. You start to feel uncomfortable and you're about to say something when the door opens fully and Soap gestures you inside.
The room is small and dim. The person inside is wearing a mask, much like Ghost’s, but plain. Soap and Ghost stand close to them and talk some more, while you hang awkwardly behind them, Dot tucked behind you.
Eventually Soap turns to you.
“We'll be back in a few minutes. You stay here.”
Now, you are going to argue—splitting up and leaving you with an, almost definitely armed stranger, was not part of the plan, but Soap and Ghost are already gone.
You consider pulling out your knife but resist the urge, instead just keeping a wary eye on the person in the mask, who has stayed behind and is now watching you without speaking.
You take a seat and settle in for what turns out to be a long wait. Your leg shakes nervously and you make an effort to sit still.
A sudden noise from a walkie on the table makes you startle. The person in the mask picks it up and talks into it for a few seconds.
Then they leave, giving you a long look before they go.
You wait for another while, until almost half an hour has passed, getting more and more antsy by the minute.
After you've chewed through most of your fingernails, you make a decision. You kneel down to look at Dot.
“I just want to have a quick look around, okay?” When she starts to shake her head, you put a hand to her hair and shush her.
“Just to see if everything is okay, in case something’s holding them up. 10 minutes top, okay?”
When she nods reluctantly, you press a quick kiss to her forehead.
You keep her behind you, letting her hold the back of your shirt so you can keep your hands free.
The corridor outside is surprisingly bright compared to the dim room you just left. There are a few doors along it but you don’t open them, scared to attract attention. At the end of the hall, there are a few doors with glass panes—you make a beeline for these instead.
Peering into the first, you jerk your head back when you realise there are people inside. You look again, more carefully. A woman wearing gloves is drawing blood from a man’s arm. You duck underneath the door and make your way to the next room.
What you see there is familiar, even if the set up is a little different. There are different sized items of glassware sitting on a bench. Some of them are filled with liquid. Petri dishes are laid out under some microscopes and a computer monitor is set up, though the tiny text is too far away for you to read from outside. It doesn’t matter. You know what this is.
It’s a lab.
Your breath starts coming a little faster. Idiot, you think to yourself. You’d spent so long trying to get out of the facility and now you've walked right back into one. Soap and Ghost have clearly led you right into a trap. They were probably negotiating their price for the pair of you right now.
Well, whatever experiments they're running here, you want nothing to do with it, for you or Dot.
“Come on, Dot,” you whisper, and hurry back along the hall, still half bent so you can't be spotted through the glass topped doors.
You get back to the room and immediately go to the door leading to the alley, only to find it locked. You whirl around and start looking for a key but the room is almost completely empty, apart from the chairs you'd just vacated.
You go back to the door into the hallway, and yank it open, determined to find either a key or something to batter the door down, only to walk straight into something solid.
You bounce back like you've hit a brick wall and look up. You've just walked straight into Ghost. He makes no move to steady you and just stares.
“Going somewhere?” he asks you, folding his arms over his chest.
You swallow, mouth dry and back up, sweeping Dot behind you with one arm. As if it'll do you any good.
You barely notice Soap enter the room. He looks at you, frozen, half crouched in front of Dot, arms spread protectively, then at Ghost, raising his eyebrows.
“Alrigh’?" he asks, glancing between you both. Neither of you answer and he shakes his head.
“Grand, so. You guys ready?”
You blink at him.
“Uh … yeah? We're all stocked up and we were able to get a car with half a tank—should be enough to get us to the edge of the city. We can find our own way from there.”
“And what did that cost?” There's a hard edge to your voice that makes Soap cock his head at you. He must think you're a fucking idiot. A fair appraisal considering your behaviour so far, but you're done trusting them now, Kyle or no Kyle. If these guys are involved with the research centre, you need to put as much space between you and them as possible. But if they’ve sold you out, why is Soap still keeping up the act?
You remember what Ghost said about the other safehouses. Maybe they've been hired to take you to another lab for testing, with you following them, docile as lambs to slaughter.
“It's paid for, doll, no worries.”
Well, if they think you're dumb enough to go along with whatever they have planned, maybe it's best you go along with it. After all, you still need a way out of the city and you're not getting out of this building without them.
“Right, let's go then.”
Soap nods, and you realise the person from before is back. They let you out onto the street again. They still don’t speak and the sound of the door closing and locking behind you is loud in the quiet.
The car is in an underground garage, which is locked until Soap says something into another intercom and the roller door trundles open.
The engine stutters for a few seconds when Soap turns the keys but eventually roars to life. Ghost gets shotgun so you take the backseat with Dot, who peers out the window, wide-eyed. She won't remember the last time she'd been in a car, you realise. So many things you'd taken for granted in your old life are still novel to her.
The drive is quiet and you spend the time making your own plan.
As long as Soap and Ghost think you trust them, you have leverage. You'll get as far as you can with them, then make a break with Dot. How you'll do that remains to be seen but you'll have to figure that out later. Having some idea of what you’re going to do doesn’t help you relax much but the toil of the day and the lack of sleep from the night before finally catch up to you and you find yourself dozing.
You wake to Dot shaking your arm. The car has stopped and the landscape has changed. You're close to the edge of the city now and in front of you, a forest stretches further than you can see.
“Just about out of petrol,” Soap tells the car at large. “We’ll hide the car for the guys to come collect, but we're on foot from here. Let's try and get going while we've still got a few hours of sunlight left.”
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zeebreezin · 5 months
Introduction • Updated 06/05/24
Hello hello, this is Astra! Welcome to my Fallen London side blog, I’m still somewhat new to the game but I’ve played a good bit of Sunless Seas and am always down to learn more about the world. This blog is heavily focused towards OCs, both mine and others, as well as my liveblog of my playthrough! According to some I’ve become the Sequencer Guy (™), which is a title I'm more than willing to bear. I’m working through a Nemesis route character as we speak and have just started a Light Fingers PC! Shaw’s (Nemesis) playthrough can be found at #low level liveblog, and B’s (Light Fingers) is at #b’s bizarre adventure.
If you ever have questions about my characters or want to interact, shoot me an ask or DM! I love talking and I love hearing about other people’s creations, but I have a pretty bad memory for conversations & replies!!
I’m a writer and digital painter, and am much more comfortable with more atmospheric / background work compared to portraiture & drawing people in general, but I’ve been trying to branch out. I also tend to make jokes that can lean in dirty directions, but I won’t be reblogging any IRL NSFW. There might be discussions of kink & sexual topics, but I’ll keep those tagged under #suggestive and they shouldn’t be too frequent. I’m also chronically bad at tagging spoilers or triggers, so please let me know if you need anything I will do my best.
One last important note here - like I mentioned before, I have a lot of characters involved with the New Sequence & the Dawn Machine, and I do my best to portray semi-realistic elements of how cults function & can impact people in them. If you are at all uncomfortable with those kinds themes of religious abuse, please please please feel free to blacklist those character & relationship tags!! I will not judge you whatsoever, Stay safe!
With all that said, Character stuff under the cut! Hope you have a great day today!
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Ambition Characters:
The Black Rook | The Long-Suffering Linguist - August Shaw
He/They - Mid 40s - Nemesis! - Philology Professor & Midnighter - Watchful | Dangerous
Account: AugustShaw
A professor of Philology by trade, Shaw is a prickly character who has a mildly extreme obsession with the various languages of the Neath, a fascination that’s gotten them into a good deal of trouble… and left them with a few strange quirks. He's driven by the need to get revenge after his daughter’s death, and puts on a face of absolute pragmatism to do it. Desperate to give back to those on the surface he left behind, Shaw’s fallen in with the Great Game, becoming a spymaster for Black and working to uplift the marginalized from below… a trade he’s gotten a terrifying reputation for. Unscrupulous at the best of times, he is damn good at his job, when he’s not chasing a bit of escapism by any means necessary. While they’re seemingly a grumpy bastard, Shaw does have a big heart and a surprisingly bold sense of humour.
The Reckless Playwright - ‘B’
Any/They - Mid 20s - Light Fingers - Actor/Playwright - Persuasive | Shadowy
Account: BThePlaywright
B is an aspiring playwright and actor with their head in the non-existent clouds and a spring in their step. She always seems to be getting into a little bit of trouble, before charming his way out of it with a smile and a wide eyed look. Everything about their past is a bit of a mystery, though it can’t be denied that they have a good heart. While searching for cheap lodgings in London, B ended up with the (mis)fortune of becoming Shaw’s housemate and eventual investigative assistant. Their endless optimism hides a great deal of past horrors, as does their suitcase. They’re absolutely not wanted by the Navy for treason, either. Don't know why I had to specify that.
The Pragmatic Headhunter - Vivian Fitzpatrick
She/He/They - Bag a Legend - Bounty Hunter - Dangerous | Watchful
Shaw’s Ex-wife who came down to the Neath after he abandoned her and their still living son. After murdering her (now probably ex-) husband, Vivian developed a taste for the Neath. Both for the power they could achieve, and for the thrill of the hunt and battle. More than anything, he wants to prove herself to be more than the grieving mother the surface wanted her to be - by becoming something more feared than death itself. Harsh and openly hypocritical, Vivian’s on the fast track to becoming something terrible - but the question is, will she be able to bury the last of herself to do it?
Non-Ambition Characters:
The Ravenous Acumen - It/She - Killer for Hire / Killer for Hobby - Shadowy | Dangerous
A mysterious figure with a deeply warped body and equally warped sense of morality. After Acumen’s own hubris cost her everything, it devoted itself to killing arrogant or naive researchers that play with things they don’t understand. There’s far worse fates out there then death, after all. It speaks in riddles, lives for games, and has a bizarrely tender affection for anyone who gains her favor.
The Mournful Phantasm/The Chimeric Violinist - ‘Lenore Shaw’ - She/They - ??? - Persuasive | Dangerous
Once a dangerous Parabolan entity born from the thousands of false-selves created when mourners dream of lost loved ones, ‘Lenore’ found her way to reality entirely by accident, and truly believes she is Shaw and Vivian’s biological daughter. Gazing into the mirror glace that follows her reflects back the form of whoever or whatever you’ve lost that you miss most dearly. Not quite a reflection, but definitely not human, she currently resides in the Royal Beth, haunting its halls - though she may walk the streets soon enough.
The Phosphorescent Engineer - Officer Benedict Beverley - He/Him - Chief Engineer @ The Grand Geode - Watchful | Persuasive
The hot shot engineer and golden boy of the Grand Geode, Beverley is a sequencer who’s best known for his wonderful designs of prototype dawnlight explosives. Bastard. Deeply in denial. He’s desperate to test them out and bring the dawn to the population of London, but he’s even more desperate to recover his lost prototype… and find his missing partner. [Has a Sunless Skies verison - The Scintillating Harbinger!]
The Hell Scarred Surgeon - Dr. Laurence Frost - He/Him - Medical Officer & Interrogator @ The Grand Geode - Dangerous | Watchful
Veteran of the War on Hell in 68’ and currently a respected doctor & chemist within the New Sequence, Laurence is a deadpan bastard who loves his work. All of it. Known for having a relationship with Isobel & Vincent that led to him becoming Beverley’s legal guardian after their deaths, as well as having complicated feelings about the Grand Geode’s authority. As loyal as he is to the Sequence, he’s even more loyal to the Beverley family.
The Gregarious Commander - Commander Vincent Beverley - He/Him - Commander & Recruiter @ The Grand Geode - Persuasive | Dangerous
One of the New Sequence’s most prolific recruitment officers, Vincent was a conman looking to profit off the Admiralty in the years following London’s fall… but lost himself entirely in the process. Now he’s deeply in love with Isobel, the woman that ‘saved’ him, as well as his favorite doctor. He’s frighteningly good at charming souls into joining the Dawn Machine’s light, in order to ‘save’ them too. Charismatic, silly, & utterly empty inside. Died mysteriously when Beverley was young. [Dead as of FL canon!]
The Discreet Artificer - Isobel Beverley - She/Her - Former Engineer @ The Grand Geode - Watchful | Shadowy
A former engineer that helped build the Dawn Machine, Isobel lost the majority of her sight after venturing deep into the Machine’s heart to perform an emergency repair. The experience left her with even more of an undying love for the machine, and now with the aid of her husband Vincent as a figurehead, she’s been creating her own sect on the Grand Geode. A soft spoken woman with a knack for manipulation and collecting unwell spouses. Died mysteriously when Beverley was young. [Dead as of FL canon!]
Side Game PCs:
The Wide-Eyed Venturer - Doctor-Captain Everett Shaw-Fitzpatrick - SSkies PC - He/They - Captain of the Uncommon Denominator - Hearts | Mirrors
Shaw and Vivian’s son, who spent his teen years raised on stories of their adventures in the Neath. Now, he’s taken to the skies to make a story of his own, after a brief stint learning medicine in Vienna. He’s got all the smarts, but none of the cutthroat energy of his parents. What could go wrong?
Inactive Characters:
The Rake-In-Violant / The Malcontent Seamstress - Emile Rainier - He/She - Light Fingers - ‘Socialite’ / Thief - Shadowy | Persuasive
The Everdrowned Reaver - Captain Verily - Sunless Seas PC - She/They/It - Captain of the Double or Nothing - Irons | Hearts
Character Tags:
#August Shaw
#Vivian Fitzpatrick
#The Ravenous Acumen
#Officer Beverley
#The Hell Scarred Surgeon
#The Gregarious Commander
#The Discreet Artificer
#Lenore Shaw
#Doctor Captain Everett
#The Rake In Violant
#Captain Verily
Character Relationship Tags:
August Shaw & B - #Detective duo
A depressed detective set on revenge and a lost playwright drunk on freedom take up lodgings together. A strangely charged and mildly codependent friendship.
August Shaw & The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel - #cuneiform curses
Yeah, it turns out being wracked with guilt and constantly going insane has some consequences! In Shaw’s case, the consequences are catching some complicated feelings for the hat man. Go figure.
August Shaw & Vivian Fitzpatrick - #(un)loveable hand
The bloodthirsty wife he abandoned and the self flagellating husband she swore to surpass. Extremely complicated divorced couple who’ve changed in more ways than one.
The Shaw-Fitzpatrick Family (August, Vivian, Lenore, Everett) - #in the blood
A family charged with sorrow, who all seem to have a tendency to wield their pain like knives. General tag for the family’s background, themes, and vibes.
August Shaw & The Ravenous Acumen - #worst laid plans
An endless game of cat and mouse - or at least, it should be, provided the killer can get her chosen opponent to survive what’s coming. Psychosexual mind games, and weirdly supportive ones at that.
B & Officer Benedict Beverley - #best and brightest
Two best friends, perfect partners, who build a maddening machine. One chose their own ambition over the other’s safety - but who’s who is up for debate. Neither is entirely happy with the outcome. Longing, Cults, and heartbreak, o my!
Laurence, Vincent, & Isobel - #photokeratitis
The almighty Sequencer Throuple. Forged in cult indoctrination and violently codependent tendencies, these three have a complicated but deeply loving relationship built on trust and communication. This is a bad thing.
Doctor-Captain Shaw-Fitzpatrick & Skies!Beverley - #horseshoes and hand grenades
The most dangerous Captain of Her Majesty’s fleet… and the traveler that just can’t help but ruin his day. Religiously. Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner type shit until one of them gets feelings about it.
B & Emile Rainier - #red letter days
Vivian Fitzpatrick & Emile Rainier - #arsenic and old lace
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dreamerwithapen1 · 11 months
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Belladonna Rose + A Tangle of Thorns
Ransom Rose, infamous pirate and captain of the Thorn Crew, was not a man to be taken lightly. All those who sailed the Blue Sea would watch warily for the blood red sails, whispering prayers at the sight of it, begging to whichever deity would listen that the volatile captain would let them go in peace.
It was a rare man that would dare to cross him- a stupid man, many would say- but Roronoa Zoro never did pay much mind to what others said. So when a hefty bounty appears for the one and only son of Captain Rose, Zoro doesn’t hesitate to hunt the pirate down. But when word of his son’s death reaches his ears, Ransom is quick to exact his revenge.
His daughter, Belladonna Rose, is given orders to find the pirate hunter responsible for her brother’s death and kill him- a job she is all too happy to accept. To avenge her brother and protect her younger sister from their father’s wrath, she is willing to do whatever it takes.
But the task grows infinitely more difficult when Belladonna becomes entangled with the Straw Hat Crew. The earnest, happy go lucky captain always willing to lend a helping hand, the grumpy navigator whose eyes reflect a past similar to her own- and the strong willed pirate hunter that left her life in tatters and set her down this path.
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @stareyedplanet @thophil2941btw
(If you want to be added to my taglist, send me an ask or message!)
(Insp.) (Insp.)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
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❝ Zara Dolomar was a child of the Galactic Empire. Born on the planet Zairene to a general father of noble blood who prided himself on living in the upper levels of the dictatorship, Zara grew up hiding in stairwells and around corners as menacing men in Imperial uniforms came in and out of her family's grand estate, discussing plans to crush rebellions and further the Empire's terrible agenda with her father. Almost from the moment she was born, she and her siblings had had it drilled into them that children of their status were nothing more than objects, meant to silently obey whatever orders they were given and paste on false smiles when they were out in public, being paraded around the streets of Zairene whenever their father wanted to give the downtrodden citizens the image that he was, in fact, a loving family man.
Zara had spent her entire childhood witnessing her father conspire to harm and frighten so many innocents, completely powerless to stop it. So it wasn't much surprise when, after the Empire fell and General Dolomar was finally jailed for his crimes, Zara became a bounty hunter - a profession which would allow her to deliver justice to those who had done wrong, and even earn a few credits doing it.
Four years after her first successful hunt, Zara has earned quite a bit of money and a lot of respect among the bounty-hunting community, known for her trademark determination and sarcastic but cherry personality outside of the hunt. Life is decidedly better than it had been during her childhood, and Zara is content to focus on nothing but her next job (and potentially trying to score a date with a certain helmeted fellow bounty hunter whose voice she adores).
And then Mando, the same bounty hunter she's been nursing a crush on for more than a year, steals back his latest bounty and prompts a manhunt featuring every hunter on Nevarro. Not wanting to see an innocent child get experimented on, Zara takes a risk and helps Mando and the child escape the planet in exchange for the chance to stick around and traverse the galaxy with them. (After all, she reasons to the stoic Mandalorian, she basically had to raise her youngest sister, she'll be a great help taking care of the child.)
Now, on the run from a great many people alongside a wrinkled green baby and a ridiculously attractive man with so many emotional walls she fears she'll never be able to climb them all, Zara has to wonder if she wouldn't have been better off just staying on Nevarro.
Oh well. At least she knows she'll never again be as powerless as she once was. Mando may be stubborn and grumpy as all hell, but he respects her in a way she could never imagine anyone from her past respecting her.
Now, if he would just flirt back at her once, she might mind almost getting killed on the daily for him a little less... ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @thechaoticfanartist.)
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el-is-away · 1 year
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more h because i love this guy. he is very much a dad to everything that is pocketsized (even though he will deny it) but first of all he is a dad for jioxa. also wrote a bio for him but ill put it under there ↓ (+a horny!)
NAME — The (Solemn) Hunter. Or simply H, as in "ache".
AGE — 12 years
GENDER — Cis male
PRONOUNS — he/him
SPECIES — Sylvari
CLASS — Virtuoso
OCCUPATION — The Order of Whispers member, a slayer, infamous bounty hunter.
APPEARANCE — The Hunter is a dark-green cored sylvari of a hefty, muscular build, of a substantial height. His hair is long, coarse, very leafy, resembling lots of vines, that bloom in spring and eminate pollen. He has green eyes and glow. His face is always neutral, leaning towards grumpy, but most ofthen hidden by a bird-like mask. He has a sharp, slightly prolongued chin, almost as if having a goatee.
PERSONALITY — The H is silent, collected, smart and calculating. Always on edge and serious, he doesn't talk much — very rarely he answers questions or gets involved in a conversation, often just staying mute, as if ignoring the other person. That's a good thing: when Hunter actually talks, it's usually something painfully honest and mean, as he doesn't mince words, or shy away from harsh truths. It's hard to get him mad, per se, but annoyed he gets very unpredictably: might be soon, might be later, might get instantly. No way of telling. Not very sociable and extremely secretive, you will never get to properly know him. You can tag along and look, of course, to learn his techniques and patterns of thinking, but in reality there is almost no way of getting close to this dude, as if he has put up a hundred metaphorical walls between himself and the world around him.
BACKSTORY — After awakening, the newborn Hunter was almost just like he is now: then brash and overly serious, angry and trouble-seeking, he was a menace to those around him. Constantly getting into fights, he was swiftly escorted out of the Grove with his pod brother, Pryman, to fend for his own, as he was not really in the mood to be learning or understanding. Skidaddling to the Lion's Arch portal, the two of them visited the city and even tried to call it their home for a little moment. There Pryman met his first love, while Hunter didn't and lived a life of indulging in random encounters and fights. He watched from the side, as his brother was being runied by this one particular charr — and payed no mind to it, as he as well, was slowly sinking into a path of violence. Then Pryman lost his eye in a fight — and that kind of broke him. But that didn't break Hunter. He was thrilled, that Pry had taken things that far — and it even kind of excited him. He wasn't mad at his brothers abuser — he was glad that he taught him a lesson, and that didn't sit right with Pry, who was already realising, that the start of their life is not going as well, as it should. There was too much violence, he said, but Hunter thrived in it. While Pry hated it. They had to split ways almost immediately, even though Hunter was really fond of his brother — they were twins, after all, and their bond was strong. That, on the other hand, hit H really hard. He sunk into a pit of loneliness, as everyone that he met reminded him of his brother, who has gone to make his own way and wanted to do nothing with him. He was too good for Hunter, and he knew that. To hide the pain, H shoved it deep inside his soul, internalizing and deciding, that trust and love is to be avoided at all costs. He decided to pick up the only things that he was good at — killing, fighting and pathfinding — as his job, and become a bounty hunter. It went well. So well even, that he was soon approached by an Order of Whispers members and taken in as an agent and slayer. That didn't go so great at first, as the teams that he gotten into were not fond of his meanness and lack of cooperation. Being thrown around for a little while before finally taken by Waexie to the newly founded BWTCH team, he was finally kind of settled. He had a little rivalry there with one of the members, Bree, but.. Then Mordremoth happened. There he lived through the Mordremoth assault, barely being able to keep himself sane — as from the loss and bitterness, that accumulated in him with time, the call was hard to ignore. So afterwards he became even less talkative than he was — the experience was traumatic, and working through his problems he is very much uncapable of with those trust issues.. In BWTCH he made a "friend" (even though H himself hates that word) — Semeeas, a toxic, agressive sylvari, that had recently was put into their squad. Meeting a similarly bitter soul to himself, H was kind of humbled by he dude, and didn't mind his company as much. They were working in a pair often, with time even becoming friends with benefits. But the "friends with benefits" thing wasn't really reciprocated, as when Hunter (who was already infamous for his promiscuity) slept with someone else, he was quickly ditched by his newly acquired partner and left alone again. Right now his partner on the job is Jioxa, that he is somewhat protective of.
no more words look at horny
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Figured I might as well start actually posting about this Au I made- 
The au in question is a Star Wars modern au that I plan to one day turn into an actual fic, but as of now it's just one poorly put together chapter and a lot of brainstorming!
It's sort of a slice of life/everyone lives/happy ending story. It's centered around Boba Fett and started as a joke about his name and how in a modern setting when people first meet him they say 'Like the tea?' And he gets irrationally annoyed by it. Hence the name "No, Not The Tea" (but shortened to "Not The Tea" because removing 1 word suddenly makes it less of a mouthful)
But let's meet the characters, yeah?
The star of our show, Boba Fett, is 15 years old and the story starts with his first year of highschool.  He's grumpy (your typically moody teen) and the youngest of his brothers unless you count Din (14) and he does because he's tired of being the baby. (It does have its perks, though) Din isn't actually his brother, but he and the rest of their little rag tag group might aswell be family. (Peli 17, Fennec 16, and Cobb 15) 
Next up we have everyone's favorite dad, Jango Fett! (He's a very good father in this) Father of 3 boys(or so he thought) Kote "Cody" (23), Rex(19), and Boba, he has his hands full despite two of them being grown. He works as a bounty hunter (cause that's an actual profession) and his hobbies include annoying his family, and crushing on his kids history teacher. At the age of 18, he signed up to be a sperm donor unaware of just how much they would be using his DNA. Turns out? A lot. And the majority don't seem to have a good home life. He's sufficiently pissed, when he finds out. 
Coming in as the eldest child of the Fett household we have Cody! (That was until 17 and Fox showed up at least) Any legal document you find will say "Kote" but people are stupid and difficult and can't pronounce it (it's exceedingly simple, really) so Cody was born. Cody is a caffeine addict (though what Fett isn't?) and will jump at any opportunity to bother his younger brothers. (He once got Obi-Wan to buy Boba a boba-tea..Obi-Wan thought it was sweet! Boba almost committed a murder. They do not speak of that incident) 
The middle child that somehow became a father to twins before anybody else could even think of utter the words "grandchildren" would be Rex. It's not like it's his fault! He figured having his 8th period of his senior year would be fun. He didn't anticipate that helping his gym teacher out would involve talking a sophomore down from a panic attack. (Echo, 16 at the time. 17 when our story starts) It's absolutely not Rex's fault that he and his twin followed him around like little ducklings after that. (Fives called him dad as a joke, so Rex took it upon himself to tell Jango that he had grandkids and almost gave the man a heart attack.) It doesn't help the Echo and Fives look suspiciously like Boba- hey wait a minute! Yeah, you guessed it. Long lost kids^^ 
Alright speed round let's go,
Arla's kids are the Bad Batch boys(she adopted them, they have no relation to Jango. Hunter 21, Wrecker 20, Crosshair and Tech 19) Omega is 11 and her biological daughter. Her big brothers love her to death. 
Ahsoka is 19 and Rex's bff. 
Luke and Leia are also 11, and they're their parents (and Uncle Obi's, and auntie soka's) pride and joy. Anakin and Padme have basically adopted Han (15. Was in Boba's grade but got held back) as their own at this point. 
Wolffe is Cody's age, and the oldest of his brothers (Sinker, Boost, and Comet). They were put into the system (Yes, they came from Jango's DNA) and Plo Koon adopted them. When Jango and Plo first met they exchanged numbers and gushed about their children. (There is much more to that story but that's for a later post)
Ima-gun Di is an ex war general and currently married to Keeli. These two have absolutely NO role in the story whatsoever, I just love them. Jango has only met them once and it was because Ima-gun mistook Jango for Keeli at a grocery store once. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a tired, loving man who teaches history at a highschool and has a not so secret crush on one of his student's fathers. (He's actually taught all the Fett boy's, lord help him.)
Jaster Mereel just wants to know how his ad keeps ending up with kids. He was already confused where the first three came from but now there are 7??(Alpha-17. Oldest. Jango is more of a brother to him if anything. Fox, did not intend to be apart of this family in the slightest and that was fine up until he met Boba and they bonded. Now he's an Ori’vod?? Yeah that checks. Then of course Cody, Rex, Echo&Fives, and Boba.) Best grandfather ever.
Mando'a is a language, because I actually love it sm- 
There is so much more lore to this au than I realized, and this isn't even all of it. I fully plan on posting more, and I have a lot of art that I've done for it if I would ever get around to finishing it/posting it. Feel free to ask questions, and I hope to post more! 
(Fun fact, I accidentally deleted all of this the first time I type it. So this is the second time I've typed it- I'm not bitter.)
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I am officially back with some big surprise for you guys
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I have came up with the perfect comic cover ideas for the upcoming Mighty Solars fanfic stories coming soon, except one is done which is Taken Away from Me, something you guys might find being enjoyable to do someday:
So here are the Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars comic ideas:
Issue #1- “A Mighty Solar”: On the top, it shows five shaded silhouettes of the five Mighty Solars Qausarblast, Mighton, Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl and the Mighty Pupa while the bottom shows Korvo courageously getting out his lethal force sword while being a foggy setting with clouds surrounding him.
Issue #2- “Quasarblast Rises”: Korvo transforming into Qausarblast for the first time with a serious look on his face while the background shows lecture light aquamarine lightening sparks.
Issue #3- “Nice to Do Things as a Family”: Korvo as Qausarblast coming home tiredly with groceries in his hands while Terry was looking at him confused, Yumyulack and Jesse were playing laser tag, Pupa was playing with his baby toys and Phoebe was vacuuming the floor while she is humming lovely tune.
Issue #4- “Fighting for Family”: Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa cheering for Qausarblast fighting a bad guy on the news on TV with Phoebe also watching the news, smiling.
Issue #5- “Alien’s Night Out”: Located at a block party with Korvo blushing while looking at Terry enjoying the party with a pair of red eyes looking at them far away.
Issue #6- “Nightmare Part. 1”: Qausarblast looking around curiously in a dark foggy giant spider webbed area.
Issue #7- “Nightmare Part. 2”: Terry gooblering and whimpering in his sleep since he is having a nightmare as the bedroom becomes foggy and it shows the shadow of Platinum Belt looming and watching over him evilly above the wall.
Issue #8- “Love, Loss and Double Cross Part. 1”: Terry puts his hands on his head and screams in pain, while a giant version of Sarah possessed by Platinum Belt is shown above trying to control his mind.
Issue #9- “Love, Loss and Double across Part. 2”: Qausarblast crying over Terry as he holds his mind-raped husband as Terry’s eyes are still open and glowing white while Platinum Sarah prepares to attack from behind to attack him. Inspired by this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/d/d9/MMPR_Issue_26_Final_Cover.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180412102509
Issue #10- “Mighton’s Requiem”: Terry painfully transforms into Mighton for the first time as he screams in fury, but it’s not monstrous. Just normal superhero transformation. Inspired by this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/2/21/StH_265_Cover.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190727210042
Issue #11- “My Hero”: Qausarblast and Mighton staring lovingly and smiling at each other in this My Chemical Romance-style cover, inspired by this:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Cheers_for_Sweet_Revenge#/media/File:Three_Cheers_for_Sweet_Revenge.png
Issue #12- “Trouble in the City”: Qausarblast and Mighton looking around the city for any trouble in sight, while green slime is oozing from their mouths and their bellies swelling up.
 Issue #13- “Knothole Fury”: The Solar Opposites and Phoebe, while wearing their pajamas, looking worriedly at a giant fortress with a giant fence over it.
Issue #14- “Fight Night”: Yumyulack, with a black eye, walking through the lockers as his normal grumpy self with torn up posters of a resistance that is falling apart is shown.
Issue #15- “Pride Goes Before the- AAAAAHHHHHH”: Yumyulack screaming as his eyes started to shoot laser beams out of it for the first time as Jesse and the school kids watch in fear.
Issue #16- “Losing Yumyulack”: Yumyulack, wearing a backpack full of his favorite things for a bounty hunter himself, is tearfully looking back at his family’s house while Qausarblast and Mighton watch from up on the house roof, worriedly.
Issue #17- “End of the Dance Line”: Yumyulack as Vil-Gil-An-T watching Mark, from outside far of the window, lovingly.
Issue #18- “Hunt Off”: Qausarblast, Mighton and Vil-Gil-An-T hiding from behind the cough as the female bounty hunter villain starts looking for him.
Issue #19- “Darkness Falls”: The nine possessed monsters as shadows watching over Earth-4 as the bottom shows Jesse walking with Monica while laughing with her like besties do.
Issue #20- “Cheer Up Jesse”: Jesse crying on her bed with her family and Phoebe comforting her as the background shows fungus flowers growing on Jesse’s bed stool.
Issue #21- “Just Have a Little Fung-Irl”: Jesse transforms into Fung-irl for the first time as she soars happily while growing a fungus from her hand.
Issue #22- “Who’s That Girl”: Jesse hiding from behind the school door which shows a teenage villainess mind controlling Monica and the rest of their classmates as her pink eye glowing zombies.
Issue #23- “Little Pupa Lost”: The Solar Opposites desperately looking for Pupa. The expressions on the family shows Korvo hugging Terry in worriedness while Terry is crying, Yumyulack is desperately putting up “Missing Pupa” posters and Jesse keeps calling out for the Pupa tearfully.
Issue #24- “The Mighty Pupa”: The Mighty Solars hugging the Mighty Pupa in joy.
Issue #25- “The Misadventures of Pupa”- The Mighty Pupa standing up to a candy-themed villain holding Sherbert hostage.
Issue #26- “That’s A Kid Thing”: Qausarblast and Mighton tied up and gagged at the upper shaded part while the bottom shows Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl and Mighty Pupa ready for action.
Issue #27- “Rock Fraud”: A rock n roll villain taking Mighton’s voice away with a voice sucker.
Issue #28- “A Horrifying and Fucked Up Betrayal”: Phoebe enraged by Brea’s betrayal after she knock out Korvo and Terry on the floor.
Issue #29- “Starburst Rises' ': Phoebe turning into Staburst for the first time while doing a Wonder Woman stand.
Issue #30- “Fantasies Are Just Fiction”: A young woman and robot looking at a crystal ball that shows an image of Qausarblast sleeping in a meadow full of flowers and grass.
Issue #31- “Aliens vs. Robots”: Yumyulack and Jesse exchanging nervous awkward looks at each other after the robot beats up some schoolmates of theirs while Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie hid behind them.
Issue #32- “Taken Away from Me”: Already Done
Issue #33- “Lifeline”: Monica transforming into Lightspeed as she uses her super speed while the citizens watches her in confusion
Issue #34- “Creature of the Dark Water”: Nova getting taken by a monstrous scaly black blue hand into the dark indigo river at a dark swamp as she screams in terror while Korvo. Terry and Phoebe with Cherie, who is holding Pezlie in her arms, and Montez watches in horror from behind the trees.
I hope you guys love these comic cover ideas, you guys can choose each one that you want, except for Issue #32 which has already been done by someone. But, please take your time because I know how much some of you guys have college and other stuff to work on, and I want to be mindful. Like I say, it’s free to make these covers! But I want to be mindful and wait for that to happen, because I want to you guys to continue your works too. So, please let me know when you have gotten started on a comic cover, and if you enjoyed it. I am so glad to be back with you guys! I love you all so much! 💕 so let me know when you have gotten started on a comic cover idea that you like from there. Love ya! Solar Opposite for life! 🩵🧡💜🩷💚
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angsty-prompt-hole · 2 years
i saw you mention some ocs in that tag-the-oc that’s always on your mind. i’d love to hear a little bit about them!
Oooo yes I believe I mentioned Haven in that one. She is one of my favorite OCs and she lives rent free in my head constantly.
There's an old ask where i rambled about her on my blog somewhere but I'm banished to mobile and can't search for it right now, so I'll just ramble away again lmao. One day she'll get a proper character introduction, but I'm waiting to do that for Reasons.
The short version is that she got involved in some crazy stuff when she was in her mid-20's because her dad had gone missing, and when his body was found, there was a bunch of weird stuff with him. It all ended with Haven being tormented by an eldritch monstrosity that turned her into something less than human, an immortal being with black scleras and fractured sanity.
After that, she became a bit of an interdimensional bounty hunter and started hunting down people associated with the entity. She didn't want them to continue to harm people.
Along the way, she ended up accidentally adopting two different children (moreso she tried to get them to someone who could actually take care of them but they got extremely attached to her and refused to leave) and she befriended a phoenix named Fenris. She also had a significant other named Liam at one point, but tragic circumstances left him permanently incapacitated, which really did not help her fragile mental state.
Haven isn't her real name and is just one in a long line of aliases she's used over the centuries, and by the time she started using that name she'd almost completely forgotten her real name.
She's a very grumpy and sarcastic person and tends to come off as excessively violent, aggressive, and hard to work with, but she does have a softer side. It's hard to get to, but it's there.
She appears in a lot of my WIPs (Rot and Ruin and Kiriska's Story being the main ones, but she cameos in a lot of other places) and she does have her own thing I'm planning that isn't really a writing thing so it's never really talked about here, but it goes through her backstory and what happened to her that led to her being turned.
This is what she looks like (art by @birdy-the-artist ):
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Her metal hand is a prosthetic, and the heterochromia was also a physical side effect of being turned. Originally, both of her eyes were hazel. The dog tags she's wearing belonged to Liam.
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oh-no-another-idea · 2 years
*looks at watch* time to start searching again!
Tagged by the brilliant @aohendo to look for defy, deliberate, determine, dream, and dance. Thank you! 🎶 Searching through Stars and Ships today. 
Uncaring that Quin continued to ignore and defy him, or maybe because of it, Aakov persisted, asking every few minutes if there was anything he could do, or would Quin like a lift. It was enough to drive Quin batty.
“Fine!” he exploded, throwing up his hands and turning on Aakov. “Carry me then, if it’ll shut you up.”
The warrior growled and looked down at her tablet before cursing and swiping over. She held it up again, Quin’s face looking back at him. She deliberately raised one eyebrow. How bout now, smart guy?
Quin didn’t feel much like a smart guy. In fact, he felt really dumb. Of course the prison was going to send notice that eight of their prisoners had escaped, of course the news would be all over the galaxy within two hours time. Of course, the nearest bounty hunters were going to be sniffing all around for any sign.
And Quin had been worried about his leg hurting.
Aaliyah sniffed at him. Better grumpiness than pity. “Don’t make excuses. I need you to tell me you can wear these for a whole year or two.”
Quin lifted his good leg and kicked it around halfheartedly. “It’s fine.”
Aaliyah went to the stack and sifted through her selections. “Please at least try these on before you make your decision?”
Quin took the two pairs, one black, one gray. His face darkened, but he bit his lip determinedly and nodded. Aaliyah’s heart cracked.
For a moment, [Quin] thought maybe he was delusional and there was nothing behind him and he’d dreamed the weapon inches from his face and he was dreaming now and in a minute Jax would wake him up with a thrown pillow. Then the warrior stepped out of the shadows, all muscle and mass and blade glinting darkly.
“You don’t like dancing?”
Quin had to take a moment to process that before he remembered. “Oh. I can’t say I’ve ever tried.”
Aakov was thoughtful. “Me either. Only rich sobs dance. But I think I’d like it.”
I’ll tag @chayscribbles @junypr-camus @sleepyowlwrites @dogmomwrites @stuffaboutwriting @drippingmoon @papercutsunset to find conversation, spark, cover, and silence <3
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amischiefofdeets · 2 months
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Former account: ReconstitutedRaccoon/Augmcnt A genetic experiment gone rogue, Rocket is now a headstrong hero, doing his best to save the universe even if he is a little rough around the edges and a bit of an asshole sometimes. There's a lot of darkness in his past but he's doing his best to move past it, focus on the future. Note: I am not the biggest fan of Infinity war/End Game in general, so it's unlikely do any interactions in that era but before and after are completely fine!
Name: Rocket Nicknames: P13, Rabbit, Badger, Vermin. Race: Augmented raccoon Born: [Unknown] Age: [Unknown] Height: 3'1 Gender: Male Sexuality: Asexual Location: All over the Universe Occupation: Guardian of the Galaxy Abilities: Hyper intelligent, dexterous, enhanced strength, durability, speed, stamina and reflexes. Mental state: Deeply traumatised but covers it with snark and pushing others away, tends to keep others at a distance generally.
Scars: Both his back and chest are scarred with sparse fur growing in those areas and apparent cybernetic enhancements showing within the scarring. Tattoos: N/A Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Goals: Protect the universe, have fun, keep his newfound family safe, make bigger and more fun weapons. Hobbies: Building weaponry, tinkering with various electronics. Likes: Tech, adventure, his newfound sense of home. Dislikes: Doctors and medical environments, being completely left alone, anything to do with his past. Disabilities: N/A Reputation: Standoffish, he can seem rude and grumpy to most despite that being little more than a defense mechanism. Family: N/A
#GUARDIAN - Set in canon from joining the Guardians in GOTG to the end of GOTG3.
Rocket has never been the hero sort but he's finding a decent home with the Guardians, thriving on the excitement of saving the world but struggling with the interpersonal relationships aboard the ship. He tends to keep everyone at an arms length due to his trauma, trying not to get attached at risk of losing those he cares about - however little that's succeeding given how he cares for his shipmates and fellow Guardians.
#BOUNTY - Set in canon before Rocket joined the Guardians.
Rocket is troublemaking bounty-hunter, trying to get by making as many credits as possible to keep running from his past. He doesn't stay in one place very long and certainly doesn't endeavor to make friends, this version of Rocket is decidedly more cold than most others, completely in survival mode.
#CAGED - Set in canon, during his time as an experiment.
Thus far his entire life has been spent in confinement, doing his utmost to learn and survive, looking forward to the world he's been promised by his creator. Though he has his doubts that it'll ever come to fruition, doubting enough to collect what he needs to escape this place, if ever they need to.
#CHARGE - Set in canon, post GOTG3.
Rocket is now the leader of the new Guardians of the Galaxy, training them to face down danger in order to protect those in the universe who can't protect themselves. It's a far cry from the selfish creature he used to be, he's now dealt with a lot of his trauma and is quite content in the life he's found himself in.
Main tag - Headcanons - Ask tag  Likes - Aesthetics - Musings - Wardrobe
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bobgasm · 6 months
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I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while, and what better time than now?!
I’ve compiled a list of AU prompts and specific tropes for this challenge. The idea is to step out of your comfort zone and try something new (who knows, you might absolutely love it!)
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this challenge will run continuously
any fandom can participate, just know that i only read for the tgm fandom + lewis pullman characters
send me an ask/message to let me know you are participating. you are more than welcome to use more than one prompt from the lists
tag/message me when you have posted!
can be a oneshot or a series (it’s entirely up to you!)
please use the read more feature if your fic is over 500 words
use the tag #auwc so we can read and reblog your work!
you don’t have to be following me, but a reblog to signal boost this challenge is much appreciated!
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academic au
actor au
ancient rome au
arranged marriage au
assassin au
athlete au
bartender au
bodyguard au
bounty hunter au
camgirl/camboy au
ceo au | @pinkdaisies9285
chef au
cowboy au
demon au
fairytale au
guardian angel au
historical au | @bobfloydsbabe
hitchhiker au
hospital au | @bradshawssugarbaby
kidnapping au
lifeguard au
lumberjack au
mafia/mob au
magic au
mechanic au
mermaid au
model au
murder mystery au | @sio-ina-bottle
office/coworker au
omegaverse au
pirate au
reincarnation au
road trip au
roommate au | @purelyfiction
rockstar au
royalty au
soulmate au
slasher au
spy au | @purelyfiction
sugar daddy au | @cottagecori
stripper au | @sorchathered
teacher/professor/tutor au
time travel au
vampire au
vigilante au | @laracrofted
age gap
best friend
blind date
enemies to lovers
fake dating
forbidden love
friends with benefits
idiots to lovers
love triangle
marriage pact
mutual pining
return to hometown
sunshine one/grumpy one
there’s only one bed
vegas/drunk marriage
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
A Princess of Takodana
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JRFeVfb
by ElegyGoldsmith
Kylo’s hand is a blur as he reaches up over his shoulder and yanks the second axe free. I catch the handle in time with my free hand, but now the first curved blade has the saber hooked, holding me in place as he forces the second axe toward my neck. My body shudders with the force of fending him off, but it isn’t enough; his weapon keeps relentlessly twitching lower, until it’s within striking distance of my throat.
I glare into his ferocious eyes as the sharp metal inches toward my skin. If this is how I’m going out, then I’m not going to give up—not even after the honed blade is embedded in my body and my blood’s gushing out to stain this unfamiliar ground.
“Enough!” Kylo bellows, and we leap away from each other as he releases the downward pressure on the axe at my neck.
Spurned by her lover Prince Temmin, scullery maid Rey takes up her father’s sword, grudgingly teaming up with bounty hunter Kylo Ren to find Temmin’s intended, a kidnapped princess. But war is rising on the horizon, and long-held secrets about the feudal Empire of the Rim are coming to light – things that will forever transform Rey and her world along with it.
Words: 9230, Chapters: 2/20, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Reythoniad
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Rose Tico, Poe Dameron, Nomi Sunrider, Lor San Tekka, Zorii Bliss, Beaumont Kin, Cilghal (Star Wars), Tenel Ka Djo, Lando Calrissian, Jannah (Star Wars), Tendra Risant, Han Solo, Leia Organa
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo, Rey/Temmin "Snap" Wexley
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, POV First Person, POV Rey (Star Wars), secret royalty, assholes to lovers, Devoted Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, HEA but it's gonna be a rough one, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Description of Corpses, War, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Grumpy x Grumpy, Soul Bond, True Love, Adventure & Romance, Slow Burn, Feudalism, Swordfighting, Fighting As Foreplay, Explicit Sexual Content, Enthusiastic Consent, oh but the feels, Torture, temmin is blonde cuz I say so
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JRFeVfb
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armoredcrystal · 3 years
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late night swtor doodle of my two mains (grey knight and ds bh) [ref is this scene from st: tos]
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cross-my-heartt · 2 years
Tell us more about the topshot squad please!! ,✨ How does it have been formed, what they was doing during the clone wars and... And why crosshair looks so good with orange!
Thank you so much for asking!! Boy oh boy I’m excited to talk about my children!
I’ll start with the most important question… Crosshair and orange? Honestly if you ask me that man looks fantastic in any color, he just has that fashion model figure going for him. Though I’m clearly biased here 😉
But to go back to the boys, most of them are actually very close to being shinies! They do have some experience in the war but far less than Crosshair himself and that’s one of the reasons he takes them under his reluctant grumpy wing. I like to think that Crosshair has a very strong protective streak, owing to his position as sniper, and that streak is what awakens the leader in him (besides his healthy ego of course).
And though he’s equally protective of them all, Ghost is the one he meets first and warms up to the quickest. I’m saving their meeting for a fic because it’s significant but what I will say is that they have a lot to bond over, starting with their abandonment issues.
Ghost is paler and smaller than most troopers because of a virus he caught early on during his deployment as a medic. He managed to beat the illness but his brothers never really treated him the same afterwards and he was eventually abandoned when his chip didn’t activate after order 66.
That’s one thing he and Crosshair have in common, though their situations are, ironically, the opposite of each other.
So Crosshair finds himself with this kid who is quiet, considerate, clever (a damn good medic) and occasionally a devil of a wisecracker. And by the time the rest of the squad come into the picture, they’ve been hunting bounties and doing odd jobs together for quite a while.
The other three join the team after Crosshair and Ghost wreak havoc on one of those missions. Reckie, Stiff and Bundler all had malfunctioning chips and were imprisoned at an imperial base along with many other troopers for disobeying or questioning orders. Their cell is accidentally unlocked in the fray and they manage track the other two down, helping them beat back some imperial forces.
None of them actually knew each other before they were arrested so each has their own reason for joining the squad:
Reckie is the youngest and most eager to prove himself – his name is short for ‘reckless’ and he got into a lot of trouble in his short time of service. His jedi general eventually noticed this and gave him a helping hand in finding patience and control. The death of that jedi left Reckie devastated and missing a mentor and he saw that mentor in Crosshair. (Yes, I know Crosshair is the furthest away from a jedi but in all fairness the kid was kind of starstuck … we know how badass Cross looks in combat.)
Next is Stiff who just… goes with the flow kind of. His name is actually a joke on the fact that he’s anything but stiff – he’s laidback and just the epitome of chill. So when he sees that energetic shiny run after some mysterious bounty hunter to join his team, he decides to tag along. The kid might be on to something after all.
And finally there’s Bundler. Now. Bundler is a special case. Long story short, those eerie glowy green eyes are the result of long-term exposure to a plant with toxic properties that ended up giving him enhanced eyesight and, you guessed it, he’s almost as good a shot as Crosshair. And Bundler being Bundler, which is something of an even worse version of Crosshair, decided that he would either beat this guy’s skill or leech some skills off of him.
He’s one to constantly challenge Crosshair’s authority because he likes stepping on people’s toes. Making them uncomfortable. Intimidated. But that doesn’t stop Crosshair from keeping him around because he won’t abandon someone for being tough to deal with, not after what happened to him.
And that’s how the squad slowly came together! Despite some vehement resistance from Crosshair because no way is he attached to this weird little bunch of regs, absolutely not. But we all know he’s a softie deep down.
Thank you so much for the ask!! There’s a lot I still haven’t said but I’ll leave that for the individual bios I’m preparing for the boys. Hope you guys are interested in reading those when they come out!
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