10khw-blog · 9 years
9, 12.
Character Development Asks  ✘
                                                        9: Have you been the kind                                                       of friend you want as a friend?He glanced at his teammates that were waiting for him near the stairs up to the seats to view the games from above and then focused back on the other. “I try to be the best friend I can be to people. I want to be the kind of friend that I— Me– Myself– can trust. So I’d like to believe I’m the kind of friend I want myself to have. But, I wish you could ask my teammates to see If I’m a friend that anyone would want or not. Even if it’s a no, so I can improve myself, y'know?”
                                            12: What would you do differently if you                                                     knew nobody would judge you?“Uh…” He scratches the back of his damn head and chuckles. “Nothing really comes to mind.”
                                                                                           { Part 1 , 2 }                                                                   { Real Answer to #12, explained by Mun }
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wrcyter · 9 years
“Please… you’re scaring me…”
basic angst starters 
Chanyeol wanted to kill him. He’s never felt this angry before, has never felt this sort of betrayal. While he has been disappointed before, has been hurt by past lovers, even heartbroken by the ones he thought he loved the most, Kyungsoo was supposed to be different. 
Kyungsoo was different. 
He was the soft young man from Chanyeol’s favorite coffee shop, with pretty pink lips who made Chanyeol nervous for reasons he would rather not dwell on. He was the boy with the prettiest voice, with perhaps the most lovely laugh, his wide eyes and soft skin encompassing a creature Chanyeol thought he could only read about in books. 
Where everyone else was lacking, Kyungsoo thrived. Chanyeol swore he was kissed by the very stars, the sun becoming shy to appear each day because it knew it’s rival would always, always be brighter.
And now Kyungsoo has become the very embodiment of everything that Chanyeol hates. 
(He hates them, every single nameless and faceless lover Woobin has ever slept with. No matter how much he pretends to be alright with it, he will always hate it.)
Chanyeol gave a wry laugh, shaking his head. “Scaring you? What the fuck did you think I was going to do? Pat you on the back for a job well done?” He spits, every word slipping like venom. “Congratulations! You slept with my boyfriend! Fucking kudos to you.”
(Chanyeol works best when he does not acknowledge his bitterness, when he pushes the situation to the back of his mind and pretends it does not exist. He’s also trying to pretend as if he is not jealous. Jealous of who? He would rather not name it.) 
Chanyeol glared at the other, pointing at the door. “Get out, Kyungsoo. I do not know why you came to confess the things you do behind doors with Woobin. Get out.” 
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93khrn-blog · 9 years
“Who did this?”
Send “Who did this?” Meme ( – @kyxngsx // accepting )
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A COSTUMER HAD GOTTEN ROUGH WITH HER THAT NIGHT the more she struggled to calm him down. He lost it and the back of his hand met her face, the force was so strong that it sent the girl flying. Nights after her that a bruising formed along the side of her face leading to her busted lip. His voice was filled with concern and Rin couldn’t meet his eyes – quickly bringing her hand up to hide her face. “It was an accident – I ran into a wall.”
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wrcyter · 9 years
little first meetings
Chanyeol is late. 
He’s late, and he’s in trouble. Chanyeol is almost speeding his way across town, fingers gripping the steering wheel as his eyes keep darting back at the digital clock over the dashboard. He’s imagining every possible scenario of what he’s going to walk into, and none of them look pretty.
The kindergarten was in a nicer part of town. It’s located in a well-off neighborhood, which is attractive to parents for the security it provides. Not only that, but the kindergarten itself is not too big, and makes it perfect for first time parents who are as equally nervous as their children about starting school. Education at a personal level can help a child grow socially and emotionally, and knowing what areas your child might lack helps parents know what to work on. The kindergarten also has a reputable stance, for its loving, qualified staff and skills area. 
These are all the things Chanyeol’s mother told Chanyeol when he first started looking for schools to enroll Sanghyuk in. And Chanyeol had looked at many, judging them all thoroughly, from their infrastructure all the way to their uniforms. 
Sanghyuk did look adorable with a red little tie around his neck when Chanyeol prepared him in the mornings.
Chanyeol always drops off his son and always picks him up, unless he tells the school his mother will. But today, he had been caught up work, and he was late. 
Sanghyuk must be crying, he thinks in horror, causing an incredible fuss around the school because that’s who his child is. Small, little nervous Sanghyuk who was Chanyeol’s biggest pride and love. 
He almost trips on his way out the car in his haste to get his child, parking it as close as he could to the school. He’s still wearing his full attire of the day - a casual gray suit for the business meetings he had today, and he hopes his boy understands. He gets the clear from the guard, but is told to wait for another teacher in the lobby, no parent or guest ever allowed in the classroom area without an escort for security reasons.
When Chanyeol is finally allowed inside, he can hear Sanghyuk’s name being called, and he’s already preparing to crouch down and take a running boy into his arms. 
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orionin · 9 years
🍐 🍆
Send me a food emoji for my muse to answer (kyxngsx) | accepting!
🍐: Do you carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders? Does it bother you? 
I carry the responsibility of making sure I don’t let other students in the theater department down. When you act in a play or are a part of performance music, each one of us has our own role and therefore a responsibility rests on our shoulders to not only perform well, but there’s the unspoken responsibility to take care of ourselves. In a way… It’s a domino effect. If the musicians don’t show up who will play? If the actor falls sick, who will act the part only he knows how to do? When I think about this way, we’re a team. So it doesn’t bother me at all.
🍆: Does someone’s past define them? Can their mistakes be washed away completely, or will there always be significant damage? Does someone who’s committed a crime deserve a second chance?
Ah… good question. I’m not one to claim I know all the answers, but I say that it depends on the crime. Also, if a person shows remorse for their actions and has done their time, then why shouldn’t they get a second chance? I have a tendency to believe that all of us are good somewhere deep down, perhaps i’m still too naive?
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93khrn-blog · 9 years
Tag people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @svvnm @xkkit Tag, you’re it!:
@kkxl @nahvuns  @namxwhyvn @kyxngsx @strctvre @iaehyuk @jasplee @oculvus!
NAME: Haerin Kim BIRTHDAY: February 15th, 1993 RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. ZODIAC SIGN:  Aquarius  SIBLINGS:  Two younger ( One brother & One Sister ) PETS: None. TIME: 1:14  pm ( -8 GTM / PST ) PHONE: iPhone Six. LOVE OR LUST: Love. LEMONADE OR ICED TEA: Lemonade. CATS OR DOGS: Dogs. COKE OR PEPSI: Coke. DAY OR NIGHT: Night. MEET A CELEBRITY: Tablo. CHAPSTICK OR LIPSTICK: Chapstick. CITY OR COUNTRY: City. LAST SONG PLAYED:  Stay Ever by Lim Kim.
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bvmkvy · 9 years
@kyxngsx​ - In reply to x
     It’s no longer Sunday night and Kibum sighs in irritation for the umpteenth time, eyes closed but mind way too active for him to be able to fall asleep. He’s sure he is also hallucinating half of the dreams he sees behind closed-eyelids, and really, maybe he should wake Myungsoo up and get him to train with him a bit but he is so tired he doesn’t even have the will to get up and go for water. Every muscle in his body is aching in that horrid way it always does after his training overexerts him–
     He jumps out of his stupor when his phone goes off, the vibration against the wood of his nightstand unmerciful in its resounding. He groans when he moves his arm to look for the device, only finding it after some long seconds of blind-looking. He doesn’t even get to say ‘Hello?’ when he picks up, because immediately there is a voice already going about something he doesn’t understand at first. His eyes open finally, blurry and heavy with exhaustion as he tries to identify the incoming number. It’s not familiar at all just like the other’s voice, but hey, the stranger is talking about Titanic’s lovely, dear Jack and how life is unfair to those who are nice, and he is feeling pretty miserable.
     “His eyes had the loveliest shade of blue,” he said with a sigh. “Perfect boyfriend and husband material. Can you imagine the pretty babies Rose and he would have had if he had stayed alive?”
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Dactylion, Infandous and Recumbentibus.
What are their views on swearing and profanity?
Vartouhi herself does not swear often. She is adamant that it’s only reserved for a very particular set of circumstances. When others swear in front of her, if those circumstances aren’t met, she disapproves, though she may not say anything.
What topics will they refuse to speak about?
Touhi almost never does that. The only situation I could imagine her refusing to speak about something, is if it would trigger her emotions to quickly and intensely that it would be dangerous. Maybe with certain people, she won’t talk about some things, but if you are the right person, she will be open about almost anything.
What was their greatest victory?
Fighting off the first android sent after her. It’s the first time she managed to defeat something without loads of collateral damage. Being able to be with someone intimately is a close second, because previously she was so fearful and paranoid of her fiancé finding out that she didn’t think it would ever happen. She takes it as a sign she has become stronger emotionally.
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jnghnna · 9 years
Have you ever read someone else's diary on purpose?
meme accepting! directed @kyxngsx!
Lips were pursed as she took in the question Kyungsoo directed at her, before a guilty expression settled on her features. Hanna wasn’t a person who could call herself free of any kind of unhealthy curiosity and while she took pride in the fact that she could usually keep herself composed and not do to others what she wouldn’t want for them to do to her, there were a few exceptions to this rule and having read another person’s diary on purpose before did fall under that category hence the curt nod of her head, a conscience-stricken smile appearing on her gloomy face. ❝Yes, I have.❞
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wrcyter · 9 years
winter interactions
The Christmas party at K9 coffee shop was at full swing despite it being almost midnight. 
Kyungsoo kept disappearing from Chanyeol’s sight, probably getting more drinks and food from the back, the other always so caring despite not even being the actual host of the party
In one of those instances, Chanyeol decides to take it upon himself to just go looking for the other male, placing his drink down on a table. Just as he’s about to enter kitchen, Kyungsoo is coming out, and they bump into each other. Chanyeol blinks and laughs a little, smiling down at the other. 
“I found you. You need to stop going to the kitchen when you’re not even-.” He doesn’t know what makes him look up, but the sight of the mistletoe makes him blink in surprise, his words halting in their spot. Oh.
He looks down at Kyungsoo, and it takes Chanyeol only half a second before he’s leaning down to kiss the other’s cheek, before smiling wide. “Merry Christmas, Kyungsoo-yah.”
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orionin · 9 years
"You can't catch me and make me a man."
@kyxngsx ∟ Peter Pan (2003) Starters (no longer accepting!)
It was such an odd thing to say and yet perfectly Kyungsoo. Jongin thinks from where he stands with his hands on one side of the table while Kyungsoo stood on the other side, clearly avoiding him. The phrase is enough to make Jongin stop, trying his best to figure out why that particular phrase rung a bell in the pits of his mind. “Wait, is… that from a movie?” 
He thinks on this for a few seconds longer, but then his eyes fall on the crumpled sheet of paper in his hand and he remembers what brought him into dog cafe in the first place. “Listen,” he starts, eyes meeting Kyungsoo’s, “All I need is to borrow 5 to 6 dogs-- 8 at the most.” He smooths the paper out on the table before reading out loud, “And an order of…” as he squints at the terrible handwriting of one of the other theater students a frown forms on his brow, “Sigh, do you do catering? It looks like on top of the dogs we need an unlimited supply of coffee. You know college students need their coffee– Kyungsoo please don’t run from me again.” 
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93khrn-blog · 9 years
"I want the K"
                                                       SEND ME ‘I WANT THE K’                                                             twelve: c h e s t  k i  s s                                                                  ( open // @kyxngsx )
HIS LAUGHTER WAS STITCHED INTO HER SOUL, loud and luminous, sometimes it’s a hushed echo, lingering low and lurking loose but it never fades, it takes a break but it never breaks away.
  the two of them were wrapped in sheets and each other, the light rain out side played a soft melody in the background. there weren’t many days like this – days were the world would pushed to the side and they could be just there – existing. rin turned her side to face him, her cherry locks hide her face from his gentle eyes. his laughter plays lead role once again and she finds herself smiling, she heard him mumble let me help you as his hands gently brush away strands that hide her visit. ‘there you are.’ she grins and leans forehead to peck his cheek as a thank you. 
but as fate shall have it her lips lock on to his bare chest, his laughter is a rumble now and hers is a gentle breeze. they turned back to the t.v – body curled against one another for heat. not all relationships had to be more than this, gentle embraces and sweet laughter – she never had a friend like him. somewhere in between their sheets a friendship was about to grow.
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jnghnna · 9 years
meme accepting! directed @kyxngsx​​​! | how our muses first met.
Meet Do Kyungsoo, a twenty-four-year-old owner of a pretty little dog café that most would consider to be dream consisting of the aroma of vanilla and coffee beans, providing a small getaway from the huge world in a neatly decorated place that was always open to those who came to seek some peace of mind alongside their beloved pet or just a tea to accompany their fun session with the animal that had captured their heart. That was exactly how Hanna had found herself seated at the bar of the lovely establishment, her hands curled around a steamy cup of hot chocolate while she watched the man behind the counter, her dog laying to her feet while she did so.
❝Can I ask a question?❞ A smile lingered on her features as she put the cup down, eyes briefly scanning the other’s features before she decided that he looked friendly enough to approach. Underneath the table, her dog was wiggling its tail in excitement upon his owner speaking up, thinking that her words were meant for him when in reality Hanna was approaching the barista with curiosity gleaming in dark orbs. There weren’t a lot of dog cafés around in this particular area, but it was a nice place to be at and considering the fact that Hanna rarely ever got the chance to see her beloved Silver due to the fact that he was living with her aunt in Busan, while Hanna was stuck in Seoul for the time being.
Unaware of the fact that she was already talking to the owner of this place, she voiced the question that had been in her mind throughout the past seven minutes. ❝I was just wondering if the owner of this dog café has a dog as well. I think so many people only see the profit instead of the opportunity they are giving dog owners and their friends by creating such a place, and it’s just making me curious whether or not the person who is behind this café is one of them, too.❞
Turns out, he wasn’t.
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wrcyter · 9 years
He’s being avoided.
Chanyeol is ninety-nine and three-quarters positive that he is being avoided by Kyungsoo. From his calls being sent to an automated voicemail, his text left mostly unanswered, and his attempts to meet up with the other male rejected, Chanyeol comes to the conclusion that he’s being avoided. 
Every time he shows up at the shop, Kyungsoo is nowhere to be seen, and it’s ridiculous, because the cafe employs few and he’s sure Kyungsoo would never leave his business to a bunch of highschool students.
Tuesday morning, 6:30 am finds Chanyeol waiting outside the cafe, glaring at the still closed entrance with the intensity of a man who woke up too early and has yet had his first cup of coffee. Kyungsoo has never avoided him in the mornings, because Chanyeol has never showed up at such an early hour.  
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