#kyungsoo looks so done
digitalgirls · 1 year
one of his best looks and he’s just wearing a fucking polo……
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Severance - BTS OT7 CEO au Chapter 16
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So did anybody guess what was on the news? I thought it was rather obvious (it’s getting harder and harder to find gifs I haven’t used)
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“Care to explain this Y/n,” Junmyeon says, reaching for the remote and pressing play.
You feel your world freeze, the newscasters lips moving but the thumping in your ears drowns her out. Footage after footage of your dates, the three maknaes and you at the airport, date stamped proving you played hooky, there was nothing you could say to disprove the videos, not when in every single one they steal a kiss.
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out, not even a breath goes in, you’re stuck. You don’t see anything but the screen where the secret you so desperately wanted to keep was aired out for the world to witness. You don’t see Jongin desperately texting Jimin under the desk, what you do see is the channel cut to a newscaster introducing the last woman you ever expected to see, the shock filling your lungs with air so fast it makes you dizzy. Your eyes sting with tears as she starts talking, was this karma? Was this the universe telling you you made the wrong choice, that you should never have fallen for them, that you were too greedy for their love. Was this the price, the consequences? 
“I think she’s hyperventilating,” the voice sounds muffled, your ears feel like they're full of burning cotton but at least someone has the sense to turn the screen off. Baekhyun fills your vision instead, hands on your shoulders with worried eyes on your form. 
“Cars coming to pick her up, back entrance,” you recognise it's Jongin that’s speaking but the word’s go over your head. 
Someone hands you a tissue but you don’t register the gesture until you hear a sigh. Chanyeol gently wipes your tears away, the stern look on his face softening when you look up at him. The sound of the phone ringing sounds so distant, like it was at the end of the tunnel. Jongin answers it before handing it to Junmyeon.
“Namjoon,” he greets through the line, the sound of his tone cutting through the fog you were drowning in. Joonie, you wanted nothing more than to be buried in his arms away from all this, but he wasn’t here. Whatever he was saying though the line made your current boss stare at you with an accusation that didn’t budge.
“We need to get her out without any more commotion,” he says to the others stiffly after he cuts the call. 
“I’ll sort out the employees,” Kyungsoo states walking out. 
The silence that follows is palpable, the lead CEO breaks it with a sigh, and you know it’s due to the aftermath he would have to deal with because of your decisions. He moves to walk past you, but you grab his sleeve before he can. You try not to flinch under his stare, your hands trembling where they hold him. 
“I’m so sorry,” you say as sincerely as you can through a hoarse whisper. He acknowledges your words with a nod before he leaves. You’re quickly ushered to the corridor by the others, the sight of them shielding you like your own personal bodyguards would make you chuckle on any other day, but you were still shaking like a leaf. 
All that work, all those years of making something of yourself, all the sacrifices and it came to this. Your life exposed to the world in a way that would cause it ruin. Your future at e.xo was done, no other company would ever employ you, you could never go back to work for bangtan. Everything was gone. 
“Yeah we’re in the car, we got her out safe,” Seokjin says through the phone while Yoongi drives, his eyes glancing at you with worry. 
A question Namjoon asks on the phone had Jin tensing, looking at you hesitantly. Is she okay?
“She’s not saying anything, she’s just shaking,” he sighs, he wanted to say more, how you were staring at the floor despondently, how when Jin tried to hold your hand to comfort you, you tensed and turned away.
The fear in their hearts that you regretted everything you had with them made Jin pull away, all he could do was be grateful they got to you before the media did, and in the tinted vehicle you were at least safe. 
“It’s safe to go back to the mansion,” Jin tells Yoongi when he hangs up the call.
The drive is silent, they didn’t know what to say, everytime they tried the words died before they could form. Security was back in full force at their estate, running out any media outlet that tried to sneak close, their lawyers were having a field day. Not to mention the commotion at the office as they walked out, the whispers conjugated together so loud, not even Namjoon’s glare could silence them.
The gates open to the estate, and Yoongi can hear his heartbeat thumping faster and faster in his ears, it felt like they were coming to an impasse and there was no going back. The car slows to a stop, and as he kills the engine all they can do is stare at you.
Move. You had to move.
You could hear a faint commotion outside, the three maknaes running towards the car but a stern look from Yoongi stopped them in their tracks. Worry, anticipation, anxiety, no one knew exactly what concoction of emotions paralysed them, what made them hesitate to reach out to you.
“Kitten,” Yoongi starts softly, “you need to talk to us.”
That made you move, the door opening without a word in return. Your legs work against you, feeling like lead on twigs, a second away from collapsing. You couldn’t speak right now, your whole body felt empty and yet the weight of thoughts in your head made you need to bury it. You wanted your bed, you wanted to hide, and you wanted to be alone. 
Yoongi shares a look with Jin, the hurt flashing between both of them at your rejection but they try not to take it to heart. You never wanted your relationship with them made public, not yet at least, you weren’t ready for the backlash, but now the choice was taken from you in the most heinous way. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for you gently, a sadness in his eyes at the way you were walking with your head hanging low. Jimin holds him back, understanding better than anyone how you were feeling. He used to do the same, when something went wrong, when he made a mistake, he cut himself off from everyone, it would be a mistake to approach you until you were ready, until the voices in your head either broke you or quietened down. 
The steps to the front door took so much energy from you, you didn’t think you had any left. You could feel them walking behind you at a distance, and yet it didn’t feel far enough or close enough. Something inside of you was tearing its way out and you didn’t know if you wanted to be embraced through it or to suffer it alone the way you had before so many times. 
“Y/n,” Namjoon didn’t get the memo, he tries to embrace you but feels you stiffen against him, letting go immediately to look at your face with worry. “Baby girl, we'll fix this, okay? We-”
You push him away and he looks at you in shock, you didn’t want to hear it right now, you were barely holding yourself together. Voices were pounding inside of your head, the same repeated phrases over and over about how all your work was ruined, it was all for nothing, all your dreams, all your efforts. You couldn’t handle anything right now, you just needed your bed and to cry yourself to sleep alone. 
“Y/n talk to me,” Namjoon says sternly, brows knitted at the way you didn’t even look at him. 
He blocks your path when you try to walk past him, why didn’t he understand what you needed right now? You hear him sigh, as if his patience with you was wearing thin. 
“Baby girl, you always do this,” he says, holding onto your shoulders to ground you, to keep you from leaving him. “You shut yourself down, you punish yourself, you push us away and then you break.”
“You can’t do that anymore sunshine,” Hoseok says standing beside you. “We’re in a relationship, we’re in this together, your pain is our pain Y/n.”
They watch you shake your head, bowing your head down so low as they hear the telltale sniffle that turns into a violent sob. Namjoon is quick to catch you in his arms, hushing your softly, stroking your hair until you calmed. All the while guilt ate him up, this was his fault, he could see it in all of their eyes as they watched you fall apart. 
The house was solemn and quiet, you had retreated upstairs to your room, Jimin staying beside you while you slept. 
“We underestimated that bitch,” Yoongi breaks the silence with what they were all thinking. They’re all scattered around the living room, Jungkook sitting deep in thought on the headrest of the sofa, Yoongi on the seat beside him. Namjoon sat opposite them with Hoseok on the armrest, Jin pacing the room slowly while Taehyung sat on the floor with his face in his hands. The black face of the TV on the wall stared at them, taunting them with what it held inside. The face broadcasted alongside yours and theirs was one that they barely remembered, but she had the audacity to be interviewed by any news outlet desperate enough for a story. They didn’t want to turn on the TV and see her face. 
“She signed an NDA,” Namjoon says, a headache forming, “we didn’t think she was going to be a problem.”
“That’s where arrogance gets us,” Jin scoffs.
“Flower worked so hard for so long,” Taehyung says quietly, mourning for you. They all knew it better than anyone. 
“We’ll fix this,” Namjoon states, he wouldn’t rest until they did. 
“Namjoon be real for a second,” Hoseok sighs, “we might not be able to fix it.”
“No company is going to take her without an agenda,” Jungkook pipes in stoically.
“Or without thinking she’s a corporate spy,” Jin agrees. 
“We can’t control everyone and everything,” Hoseok finishes, patting the lead CEO on the shoulder sympathetically. 
“And we definitely can’t ignore a problem away,” Yoongi scoffs, staring daggers into Namjoon. 
“Let’s not start this now,” Jin warns, feeling Namjoon’s guilt from a mile away.
“What does he mean?” Jungkook asks, feeling confused. 
“Namjoon’s been burning threats concerning us,” Yoongi continues accusatively. 
“We never opened those letters,” Namjoon argues back, “we don’t know what they contained.”
“Well we know now,” Yoongi says mockingly. He hated when you were upset, the feeling made his own claws unsheath, ready to tear into anyone who was held responsible. 
“We don’t know the two things are connected,” Hoseok tries to defend their lead. 
“Don’t be stupid Hobi,” Yoongi seethes, “Kitten’s whole career has gone down the drain because of us, what the fuck is she going to do if she finds out?”
“You best hope she doesn’t,” Taehyung snapped, his earlier melancholy now fueled by fear. 
“We can’t keep this from her,” Hoseok shakes his head, disregarding the point.
“She’ll hate us,” Jungkook states, terrified it would manifest before his eyes soon. 
“She’ll be angry at us,” Jin corrects him, “but we have to tell her.”
“Not now, it’s too soon,” Namjoon says quickly, his own fear warping his judgement.
“You should’ve opened one fucking letter,” Yoongi can’t let it go, all of this could’ve been avoided if it wasn’t for Namjoon’s stupid stubbornness. 
“What good is bringing that up now going to do?” Hoseok sighs again. 
“We don’t know if it’s connected!” Namjoon yells exasperated. “What we do know is Shin Suran leaked the photos and the story, and she is going to fucking pay.”
“So you’re saying the CEOs fired you because you threatened to expose their relationship to HR?” Solar, the newscaster asks her aghast. 
“Honestly, I didn’t want to expose their… relationship,” she can’t hide the disgust in her voice at the word, “but I was concerned for Y/n’s wellbeing, I thought maybe they were holding her job over her head until I found out she was only entertaining them to climb the corporate ladder.”
Both anchors were shocked, the information sending them reeling.
“I mean what self respecting young woman would sell herself like that? Y/n was never a team player, or very good at her job but somehow she was always favoured by the CEO’s. It should have been obvious really.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of information to unpack Suran,” Solar says. “Aren’t you scared of the repercussions, these are the world’s business leads you’re going up against.”
“I only want to convey the truth,” Suran lies through her teeth. “It isn’t fair that the women who have worked hard and devoted themselves to Bangtan corporations are not appreciated or given the opportunities they deserve.”
“But Miss L/n left bangtan corporations,” the other anchor Hwasa finally speaks after having watched the little snake for so long. Something didn’t sit right with her and this woman’s sickly sweet attitude, it stank of deceit and she wasn’t blind to it. 
“I have it on good information that she was sent to spy on the competition,” Suran’s eyes narrow, not liking her tone of voice. 
“That’s a wild allegation,” Hwasa replies, every bit the professional. “I hope you have the evidence to back it up.”
“Bangtan corporations are under serious investigation after allegations of corporate espionage came from their former employee…”
She smiles at the screen plating in front of her, the chaos unravelling in so many wonderful ways. The Sun was shining despite the winter air, how many interviews could she fit into one day? Many it seemed, and while the day was over there was always tomorrow to cause more havoc to your life. Now she would sit and bask in the TV light, watching all of her fire ignite. 
She had only gotten cosy when the doorbell rang to her little flat, groaning as she went to the door to answer it.
“Shin Suran?”
The three piece suit should give away something serious was in the brown paper envelope in his hands but she couldn’t bring herself to show any respect to the figure. She sneered and rolled her eyes, this man might’ve looked intimidating but she was currently on a high from ruining your life, nothing was going to bring her power trip down.
“Wi HaJoon,” he continues in the absence of a greeting, handing her the envelope. “You’ve been served.”
“What?” That elicits a reaction out of her, for some reason she didn’t even contemplate there would be consequences for her actions, deluded into thinking she was untouchable.
“You’re being sued for stalking, defamation and breaking the nondisclosure agreement you signed.”
That wasn’t part of her plan, her jaw drops to the ground and she realises maybe she played her cards all wrong. In the violent web of wanting to destroy your life she didn’t realise all her defences were gone. Maybe he was right after all.
When you wake up, the sun begins to set and Jimin’s warmth engulfs you. The feeling is comforting but fleeting, unfortunately real life problems don’t fade just because you’re in his arms. You wanted to bury yourself in his hold, have him take everything away until you were ready to deal with it. Jungkook’s favourite grey sweatshirt swallows you whole, his smell calming your senses, you try to focus on it when your mind tries to swim through the thoughts that wanted you to drown. 
The door creaks open, two figures cautiously peaking in whispering to themselves. When Tae notices you’re awake he takes a seat beside you, caressing your cheek in his palm gently, his thumb soothing your skin. His eyes are downtrodden.
Jungkook kneels on the floor next to you, taking your hand in his and covering it with hard kisses, resting his cheek where they intertwined.
You try to get up but Jimin beside you grumbles in discontent, shuffling closer mumbling something under his breath without opening his eyes. A chaste kiss to your shoulder where the fabric hangs off your skin, lets you know he’s awake but refusing to let you go. The gesture brings a small but genuine smile to your face, one that turns into confusion as the commotion downstairs gets louder.
The younger two give each other knowing glances, one you don’t miss.
“What’s going on?” You ask, voice still hoarse from crying.
The hesitation in both of them fills you with dread. Did something else happen? 
“They’re just trying to sort things out bunny,” Jungkook tries to reassure you, “it’s nothing to worry about.”
Despite Taehyung not wanting you to find out, something sickened him at the idea of keeping secrets from you. He knew how the truth always found its way out, and he knew if you didn’t hear it from them, it would have worse repercussions. 
“Tae?” you could see a storm in his eyes, a battle between the loyalty to the others and his love for you. 
“The hyungs…” he hesitates, Jimin now fully awake and sitting up at his deep uncertain tone. 
Jungkook looks at him imploring him not to say it yet, it was going to be too much to deal with so soon after this morning. You grab Jimin’s arm, pulling yourself up closer to Taehyung who now avoided your gaze.
“Guys what’s going on?”
“I’ve been here with you,” Jimin mumbles half asleep, his hair a soft mess on his head. 
“Kookie?” you turn to the youngest who bites his lips nervously, doe eyes begging you not to ask him. 
“You’re worrying me,” your nerves were shot, the trauma from this morning making you beyond paranoid. What could be worse than this morning, what weren’t they telling you. 
“Jimin, Jungkook and I didn’t know,” Taehyung starts slowly, not wanting to put his hyung’s under the bus but he wasn’t going to let them shoulder the blame when they were innocent. Plus when this was over he had a feeling you would ostracise the older four for a while, he couldn’t handle being a part of that. 
“Didn’t know what?” you ask tentatively, urging him to continue.
“I still don’t know,” Jimin grumbles, getting annoyed with the suspense. 
“Namjoon Hyung has been getting letters,” Jungkook says when Taehyung pauses for too long. He sighs, cursing the hyung’s for keeping this from you when he knew the betrayal would crush you. 
“What letters?” 
Something ticks in Jimin’s brain, his sleep filled eyes going wide with realisation. The other day in the office, when the hyung’s went solemn, it was to do with that?
“We think…” Taehyung tries not to stumble over his words, “they were threats, about you or us, but we don’t know because…”
Threats? You’re sent reeling, did Namjoon know this was coming? And he did nothing to warn you, or confide in you?
“Because what?” you breathe, your voice heavy, eyes watering as your thoughts ran away from you. Jimin places an arm around your shoulders, trying to soothe you.
“He burned the letters before he opened them,” Jungkook finishes, feeling a deep rooted shame for his favourite hyung, and for selling him out. 
Jimin calls after you as you throw the covers off of you, storming downstairs to confront the men hiding things from you. 
“You’ve been getting threats and you didn’t tell me?” 
They startle at your accusation, as right as it was, the four of them confounded until the younger three stumble in behind you. All four hyungs glance at them disgruntled and disappointed, this was not the way to handle things, the thought was hypocritical but justified in their minds. 
“You didn’t tell me?” Your teary eyes pierce Yoongi with so much sadness, of all of them you never expected him to keep it from you, and for some reason it stung the worst.
“Kitten,” he tries reaching out to you, a vulnerable edge to his voice. He would let you scratch and claw at him until you were satisfied, anything to keep you from looking at him like that again. 
“Babygirl it’s my fault,” Namjoon sighs, taking the edge of his hyung and shouldering all the blame. “I told them not to.”
You turn back to him with anger in your eyes.
“Namjoon you’re the lead at work but that doesn’t make you the lead in this relationship,” you snap. “You had no right to keep this from me!”
“I know,” he says, his voice small.
“How long have you been getting these letters?” You ask and he hangs his head in shame. 
“Months…” he replies, “since you left the company.”
You stare at him appalled and it wounds him.
“You have the gall to tell me how to behave in this relationship Kim Namjoon,” Your voice is strained through the onslaught of angry tears. “And you keep this from me?”
“I didn’t know what the letters said,” he says as an excuse, and he knows it’s a feeble one. 
You shake your head in disbelief.
“I thought you of all people would get it Joonie,” the way your voice breaks cuts through him with shame. “You built everything from the ground up, I admired you long before I loved you. So how the hell could you play with my future like this?”
“Baby girl that was never my intention,” he begs you to understand him now, that he didn’t behave nonchalant with a potential threat, he thought he was doing what was best. 
“It doesn’t matter what your intention was! There was a clear right and wrong, and you know it.”
He bows his head again, you were right, he disrespected you when he didn’t discuss the letters with you, you should’ve made the decision together as to what to do with them. But in his heart he thought he was protecting you, protecting your peace and happiness, but all of that was a bubble set to burst.
“We don’t know that it’s connected beautiful,” Jin steps in between you, speaking as softly as he can knowing you were full of rage and sorrow, but he watched Namjoon take the blow and needed to shield him a little. 
“We don’t know that it’s not,” you argued back. “We have no way of knowing, because instead of talking to me about something unpleasant, you guys decided to bury it.”
“Sunshine, I get that you’re upset-” Hoseok tries but the look of incredulous shock shuts him up.
“Upset?” you repeat, the strain in your voice carrying tears. “Everything I worked for, all my dreams, are gone.” 
It was a struggle to get out every word, having to take a breath between each one, but you were determined to. 
“No company is going to employ me, even if they do I’ll be subjugated to whispers and isolation and we know how that worked out last time.”
You sniffle, wiping your nose and tears with your sleeve. You wanted to appear strong but you were breaking down, didn’t they understand what they had done? Didn’t they care? Or were they so comfortable in their gold seats so far above you they forgot about their struggles on the way there?
“I didn’t join your company to seduce you, I wanted to work hard and make something of myself, maybe start my own company one day, but all of that is gone.”
“Kitten,” Yoongi dares himself to try again, to console you even if you pushed him away. He walks over to you, remembering all the times you seeked him out for comfort. It used to confound the others, how Mr Stoic Stone was the one that you reached for, and even though it was unusual for him to step into those shoes, with you it came so naturally. He wanted to be the one you searched for when you needed soothing, he never wanted to lose that connection he built with you, ever. He knew it was a privilege, one he never took for granted.
He hates the way you look at him now, it breaks his heart, those watering eyes showing how truly hurt you were while you tried to control the trembling of your bottom lip, tried to look strong in front of him. 
“Whatever you think is gone, we can rebuild,” he takes your face in his hands, kissing the top of your head softly before looking into your eyes. “I am so sorry for not telling you, but I promise you whatever dreams you had will come true. It's just going to suck for a while and that’s our fault.” 
“We know better than anyone how hard you work sunshine,” Hoseok smiles at you sadly, regretting not telling you. 
“If you want a company babygirl, we’ll get you a company,” Namjoon’s own voice thick with remorse. “Whatever you want.”
“There’s enough space in the office for another desk,” Jimin tries to lighten the mood with a teasing lilt to his voice, but he’s not joking at all. “No one would dare to whisper about our angel CEO.”
You shake your head, removing Yoongi’s hold on you. They didn’t get it. You’ve worked for everything you had, it was how you had always been. You didn’t want to be handed a title you didn’t earn, or have your powerful boyfriends buy positions for you. 
“Why would that be such a bad idea, beautiful?” Jin asks softly. “You’re more than capable.”
“I don’t need anyone thinking I slept my way to the top,” you scoff. 
“Who cares what other people think, Kitten?” Yoongi sighs. “No one can deny you deserve a CEO position.”
You shake your head again, breathes of humourless laughter escaping your lips. They really didn’t get it. It was so easy to say that when you were untouchable to people’s words. 
“You guys made the decision by yourselves to keep this from me,” you state, not looking at them but to the ground. “My career has nothing to do with you, whatever happens next is my choice.”
“You don’t have the right Yoongi,” you try to keep the anger out of your voice. “None of you do right now. I need to figure this out alone.”
“Are you breaking up with us?” Jungkook asks in a panic, not moving from the doorway, he would block your exit, he would fall to his knees and beg you to stay. 
“No,” you reassure him with a syllable. “I love you, I always will, I’m just angry right now.”
“And you have every right to be,” Namjoon agrees solemnly. 
“I just have one last thing on my mind,” you frown, an obvious question was left unanswered. 
You face Namjoon, knowing he would hold the answer.
“You destroyed the letters before opening them,” it’s not a question but it sounds like one. 
He nods, wondering where you were going with this. 
“So how did you know they were threats?”
He hesitates, trying to build up the courage to tell you how he knew exactly who they were from. 
“The return address,” Jin answers for him. “It was from the penitentiary.”
The realisation hits you, and for some reason it makes the whole situation so much worse. The accusation in your eyes returns as you gaze at Namjoon. He knew exactly what he was dealing with when he got rid of those letters, and looking at you now he knew he would have to beg for your forgiveness. 
Bonus scene flashback:
Dear Kim Namjoon,
You haven’t responded to the last 6 letters I have sent, so either you’re not taking me seriously, or you haven’t read a single one. Both choices are not in anyone’s best interest, I don’t think you realise the situation you’ve put me in, I have nothing to lose. 
The deadline is approaching for you to transfer the funds and secure my release. I am not spending years in jail because of your jealousy. Enclosed are copies of the images I will release to the media, I bet you’re wondering how I was able to get these when you locked me away. 
It seems I’m not the only one you thought you could cross and toss away. For your sake, I hope you make the right choice.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Alexander Pettyfer
“They haven’t responded to a single one of your stupid letters, what makes you think they will now?” Suran scoffs at the news that he sent another. 
“Just be patient,” he replies, the usually clean cut male looking rugged and rough. “We need something out of this other than just ruining their lives.”
“Look, the images I got are proof enough about what that whore is doing, I say we release them.”
“Not yet!” The rise in his voice gets the guards attention, and he takes a deep breath to calm down. Stupid woman didn’t know when to listen, it was unfortunate that he had to use her, although he should count his blessings the day she came and visited for the first time with an idea to take the CEOs down. 
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eleganzadellarosa · 13 days
[7:58] - MDNI
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Imagine waking up to the beautiful aroma of food that traveled to you to awake you from your slumber. You walk into the kitchen to find your husband, Kyungsoo, who’s standing at the stove with just his pajama pants. It wasn’t often that you saw him without a shirt so whenever you did, it always left you feeling some type of way. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist from the side as you hugged him.
He gave you a smile and kissed you on top of your head; gently rubbing your back and fully embracing your hug.
“Smells great my love” you leaned over just slightly to fully breathe in the scent from the dish that he stirred.
“It’s almost done, you can wait for me at the table.”
Instead of leaving his side, you walked around to his front and looked up at him, “but I wanna stay right here.”
He brought you impossibly closer, scared your back would come in contact with the flames and peered over you to finish cooking. When he looked down he saw your eyes looking up at him pleading to let you stay where you were although you know it hindered him. He wanted to scold you for almost getting burned but his heart couldn’t help but soften seeing the love pour from your eyes. You were his beautiful wife and no matter what the circumstances, he was going to find a way to give you want you wanted.
With your chest pressed against his body, he couldn’t help himself from looking down and seeing how you were still clad in that short, see through nightgown from the night before. It made his body heat up a bit and his heart beat a bit faster. He put his utensil down and stared at you for a few seconds longer before cupping your cheek in his hand and leaning down to capture you in a kiss. It was quick, a small peck.
It wasn’t enough for him though and he knew you well enough to know it wasn’t sufficient for you either. His hands shifted to your lower back and he pulled you in some more.
“Gimme another one.” He said it as if you initiated the first, but it didn’t matter when he said it as he lifted your chin with his index finger; looking at you like you took away his sanity.
He bent down to kiss you again, this time letting his lips linger over yours much longer than last time. He was the first to part his lips and embrace yours in an attempt to deepen it. You let out a small whimper of contentment, your hold on his waist tightening.
“You’re so distracting…” he broke the kiss and lifted you so that your legs replaced your arms around him. He carried you to the couch and sat you on his lap as he plopped onto the seat. “I won’t be able to focus on the food with my dick hard like this.” He helped you slowly move your hips over him to feel the result of your “actions”.
“Sorry, I just wanted to stay in your warmth.” You pouted slightly and he straightened his posture to peck you once more.
“Baby you know I don’t mind, I’m just kidding. Not about my dick though, I want you on it right now.”
Most times you didn’t wear any panties with your nightgowns and in moments like these, you always pat yourself on the back. He lifted you just enough to free his dick from his comfy pants and rubbed the head through your folds. You bit your lip as you watched him slowly sink you down on his length, moaning when he was as deep as he could go.
His hands rested on your hips, helping you bounce up and down on him. He watched his dick disappear in and out of you until he got tired of not seeing your beautiful face. Your head was down and your eyes were closed. Your brows furrowed and your mouth hung open slightly; a sight to make him harder than he already was.
He leaned forward and grabbed your arms, crossing them behind you. His thrusts picked up and you threw your head back. He was kissing over your chest and occasionally grazing his teeth over your nipples. He couldn’t get enough of the feeling of you squeezing him, your scent and the softness of your skin. He kissed up your neck and your jaw, soft plump lips sending shivers down your spine.
“Hey, look at me…” His voice was soft but deep, pulling your eyes open and guiding them to his.
It all suddenly felt so overwhelming; his increasing pace, your inability to move besides your hips rocking up and down and how he looked at you; a completely different feeling from the lewd act he wrapped you in.
“Too much Kyungsoo…” your chest felt tight and your face felt flushed and now your legs felt wobbly.
He focused his grip back to your hips, “but you’re doing so well bouncing on me like this, I know you can keep going. You’re doing so well. For me. Cmon baby, keep going and I’ll let you cum.”
You knew he was going to let you cum regardless but him motivating you had your stomach filled with butterflies; and surely that wasn’t the only thing fluttering. You kept raising and lowering your hips with all the strength you had left, his name rolling off your tongue like a mantra. You bit your lip again, trying to hold in your moans as if would help you last longer. But of course it didn’t. It only made you whimper more and your rhythm slow. Your senses were on fire and his eye contact made it 100x worse.
Finally, you were out of fuel, no longer able to hold your orgasm off. It coursed through your whole body but you lifted and slammed your hips on him with a final call of his name, the sticky mess you made on his lap making a plap sound. He leaned you into him, caging you in a bear hug as he slowly thrust into you until he released a mess of his own in your gummy walls. He spoke praises in your ear and peppered you with soft kisses until you came down from your high.
He eventually moved your body to lay on the couch so he could get something to clean up the both of you with. He returned with a warm towel and wiped you off, kissing your forehead before walking back in the kitchen to finish the meal he began to prepare.
“Now stop seducing me and let me feed my wife.”
taglist: @sleepingbeautydo
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jongbross · 1 year
Exo reaction making their s/o cry??
xiumin: i think he doesn't care at first. like, when he looks at you and sees your eyes tearing up he wouldn't be that fazed. he would bother though as the tears starts to fall, the expression on your face telling him he had gone too far. his heart falters, and he sighs because he knows he screw up. minseok might not apologize right away, but he'll do it the next morning or something, just give him time to also process his feelings.
suho: this is kinda tricky. junmyeon can either react by giving you the cold shoulder and letting you cry because you also hurted him (and he might cry himself), or by pulling you to his chest as soon as the tears starts falling and apologizing straight away. i think it depends on what's the reason why he made you cry - was it something stupid he said? he will apologize in a heartbeat. was it because of an argument that you two had and he still thinks you're being unreasonable? he will let you cry, sorry.
lay: "please, stop crying" is the first thing ypu hear once your eyes get wet - not because yixing is mad at you or anything, but because he can't stand the sight of you crying. it doesn't matter the reason, if you two were fighting, even if he's right about the argument; he hates seeing you cry, and the moment he does, it's all gone for him. he even forgets what he was going to say, what his point was, whatever. can't tell which one is hurting the most, you (who are crying) or yixing (who has the saddest eyes ever as he watches your tears roll down your face).
baekhyun: he has a soft, soooft heart. baekhyun can't stand seeing people cry, it breaks him too, so it wouldn't be different with you. let's say you two had an argument, and things escalated kinda quickly; firstly, baekhyun is the one to start crying, even though he tries to hold back as much as he can. secondly, the moment you start crying as well, he shuts up and reaches for you. he uses his thumbs to caress your tears away, not saying a damn word and fighting the urge to kiss you to make you calm down.
chen: another tricky one. jongdae can be kind of a fucker and not care if you're crying IF what you said back at him hurt him too. as he doesn't cry so often, maybe you won't know that you've hurted him, but if you did... you can cry all you want, he thinks it's only fair (as you don't know the damage you did inside him). but if not, if he messed up something "small" but that it still mattered to you, jongdae will sit beside you and talk about what he can do to show you how sorry he is (and he really is).
chanyeol: actually you're the one who's making him cry, shame on you (because i honestly think chanyeol is the most sentimental one out of all the members and he tries to be careful with his words because he knows the damage they can make).
d.o: kyungsoo is very logical about things, i think. i picture him as being the type of person to let you cry as you need to put it all out of your chest, but once you're done he will approach you and hold your hand as he apologizes, probably not for what he said/done but for hurting you, and say that if he's hurting you then maybe you two should think about your relationship because "i love you and it isn't supposed to be this way. are you sure i'm good for you? am i not doing the opposite of what i should?".
kai: it will all depend on what happened, to be honest. jongin is very soft hearted, but he will stomp his feet and not give in if he believes he's right about something. if he's not, then he will try to hug you and apologize, bu he won't like if you push him away because it's eating him up the fact that he was the one who got you messed up like that. jongin will pout and say things like "please, don't do that, i'm really sorry". i don't think it's that healthy, but that's something he has to work on.
sehun: he doesn't know how to react. sehun doesn't know if he should reach for you and take you into his arms, or if he should give you some space to deal with your own feelings. some emotions can make him uncomfortable, and it's not necessarily his fault, he just doesn't know what to do. but sehun is a mature guy - more than we think, actually -, so he will find by himself the balance between respecting your space and trying to apologize, which is actually learning how to read you and your body language. if you're crying silently, then he knows you might want him to make it up for you asap; if you're crying and swearing, not at him, but at the world in general, then he knows that you're just trying to settle your emotions down and that maybe it's better if you two don't speak for the rest of the day.
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eomayas · 1 year
is it too late for a req? if not can i request a drabble exo’s reactions when the public are shipping them with reader. Thanks!
exo and how i think they would react to being shipped with another idol [req]
due to lack of specification, let’s pretend reader is an idol! no jongdae in this one.
xiumin: after appearing on a variety show together, it was hard for the viewers to ignore the chemistry between the two of you. i mean, xiumin was laughing at all of your jokes, and turning red when you'd look at him and smile. he feels embarrassed for letting his feelings show so openly, but he's on the side of the viewers. perhaps the shipping pushes him to finally ask you out on a date.
junmyeon: after a video of the two of you smiling at each other goes viral, of course the speculations start. it doesn’t help that a few weeks before, you had done an interview saying that exo is one of your favorite groups (other than your own, of course), so it really just adds fuel to the fire. junmyeon, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily care since he's grown, but he doesn't acknowledge the rumors. he doesn't hate them either ;)
baekhyun: he probably created them himself, tbh.
chanyeol: is shocked at first, because he was just being himself when those videos of you two surfaced. finds it even funnier now that he's dating you :)
kyungsoo: he avoids you at all costs when you two are in the same room LMAOOO. he is very polite, but doesn't stand next to you anymore, and tries not to look in your direction as much. he doesn't hate being shipped with you, but he doesn't want the possible scandal.
jongin: thinks its funny because he was definitely flirting with you on that variety show
sehun: doesn't care and doesn't get why you two are being shipped after standing next to each other
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rems-writing · 3 months
Doberman cafe but a Maltese owns it?
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Pairing: barista!Yeosang x office worker!reader
Summary: This will be tied to the dilf YunGi fics I posted a while back but this time, the reader will have no connection to any of the characters. Just a heads up lol
Warning(s): Swearing, yelling, Yeosang being a total softie for the reader, reader is a certified simp for Yeosang (i mean who wouldn't be lol), mentions of a non-Ateez member
Genre: A shit ton of fluff lol
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
Originally, I was going to post a Hongjoong fic. However, in observance of the birth of the man named Kang Yeosang, I've decided to post this first before the Joong fic.
Thank you to @bunnliix for helping me decide the order of the remaining fics that I should write and post
The calming effect of the soft jazz music playing in the background of the Doberman Cafe provided much needed soothing effort for those that entered the small coffee shop. From college students to families that wanted a day out, the owner would always greet his customers with a smile.
Kang Yeosang was happy where he was at. After quitting his old job, he found it relaxing to grind coffee and mix in various ingredients to create caffeinated drinks varying from sweet to bitter. He also got some help from his best friend Jung Wooyoung, who was currently in the back baking various pastries. The two have been friends since diapers and they vowed to never abandon the other.
Yeosang has heard tales of Wooyoung's other best friend getting together with Jeong Yunho and the widow of Doh Kyungsoo dating Song Mingi.
When would it be his turn?
Business was slow as usual for today. After all, it was Friday so most of his usual customers weren't coming in which was fine. It gave the man time to relax and rest his hands from making coffee. The bell attached above the front door chimed and Yeosang looked up. He was getting ready to greet the customer with a kind smile when he heard the argument that came through.
Oh dear. This person sounded angry. Wooyoung must've noticed Yeosang's confusion and slight fear since he poked his head out of the back and heard the unintentionally loud conversation this person had with this Jones person.
Oh. This just got interesting. As Yeosang saw the customer sit down, he couldn't help but to be smitten with them. Sure, they were angry as hell and very much stressed yet he couldn't help it. He tilted his head and eavesdropped some more. Unintentionally.
"Look, Jones! After gathering the divorce papers, make sure you also provide documents for a restraining order against my soon to be ex-husband. It may be too much, but I don't care. I'm so fucking tired! I'm just... done. Let me know when those papers are finished and fax them to me. My boss won't care. He knows of the shit that's happening to me right now. Hence, that strangely kind offer for me to take a trip down to the Bahamas. Anyways, I have to go. Tell your wife and kids I said hi."
You hung up after your attorney and former college roommate Jones bid you goodbye. You groaned quietly and laid your head on the table that you sat at. You felt someone sit across from you and you were about to tell them to kindly fuck off when you lifted your head and was immediately greeted with a statue staring down at you with big brown eyes that were full of curiosity and wonder.
'Quit it, Y/N! He probably thinks you're a lunatic with the way he must've heard you scream over the phone.'
'Damn it! Ok I'll stop my simping...'
After you finished internally scolding yourself, you looked down to see him move a white teacup slowly in your direction, along with a slice of cake.
"Hey. I figured you'd need this. I didn't mean to, but I overheard you yelling at someone over a certain douchebag that's also a man-child. Hopefully, this cheers you up." He said in a rich honey-like deep voice.
In the cup was a freshly brewed batch of lavender green tea and on the plate was a slice of black cherry chiffon cake. You smiled sheepishly and thanked him shyly for the treats.
When you sipped the tea, all the stress over your cheating soon-to-be ex-husband washed away and you instantly relaxed. You then picked up your fork and took a piece of the cafe before eating it.
You were in heaven. You definitely needed this.
"Um... thank you." Your voice came out softer than usual and had a twinge of shyness to it. Yeosang smiled and beckoned for Wooyoung to come sit with you.
Wooyoung was extremely sexy, but not as sexy as the man sitting across from you.
"I hope you guys don't mind me coming in here at this ungodly hour. If you haven't heard, I'm... kind of going through a lot right now."
Wooyoung, who was usually loud as hell, softened his voice.
"It's no problem. Fridays are our slowest days and since Saturday is our day off, we usually stay in here until we decide to go home. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."
"Thank you. By the way, these are amazing."
"Thank you! I made the cake." Wooyoung proudly said with a smile.
"And I made the tea." Yeosang said. "Speaking of which, would you like to spill the tea on your oh-so shabby life?"
You found yourself smiling at that and Yeosang found his heart beating rapidly with excitement.
"Oof. Where do I start?"
From there, you spilled the tea on everything. From your recent tragic event to your life in general, you said it all. Yeosang and Wooyoung were sassy and savage and you found yourself giggling at their quick and witty responses. Finally, you felt yourself becoming sleepy and you yawned. Yeosang found the sound cute. Wooyoung cleared the dishes while Yeosang stood up and help you with your things.
"Would it be possible to walk you home? Not only do I enjoy your company but uh... the Namhae Strongman is still out there. You need to stay alive in order to sign those divorce papers and file that restraining order against that ex of yours."
You shivered at the thought of the killer coming after you. Even though you were angry at your ex, you wished him well enough to pray for his safety.
The Namhae Strongman is not someone you'd want to mess with.
"Of course, Yeosang. I live down the block from here so it'll be a short walk."
Yeosang grinned excitedly and your heart ached in adoration for the human personification of a Maltese. After Wooyoung locked up the shop, you three headed to your apartment. You talked some more and kept an eye out for any suspicious activity or sign of the killer. Finally, you reached your apartment.
"Thanks for the walk home. Oh and for the tea & cake as well. How much do I owe you by the way?"
"It's on the house."
"No no, Yeosang. It's ok. I seriously need to repay you-"
"Repay me by giving me your number. So you can send updates."
Wow. He was smooth.
You blushed lightly and nodded before exchanging numbers with him. After that, you bid him goodbye and entered your apartment. You sighed dreamily as you closed the door behind you and locked it. You set your keys on the counter and made your way to the kitchen, where your roommate was still awake.
"So... you got a new man now?" He teased you and smirked at your reaction.
"Shut up, Jongho!"
A couple of days later, you found yourself in Doberman Cafe again. Insomnia was being a bitch to you so you woke up way earlier than Jongho. Sighing to yourself, you threw on a hoodie and walked to the coffee shop before looking for the one person you were majorly simping for.
He just so happened to be standing in front of you with a grin on his face.
"Good morning, lovely."
The pet name gave you butterflies.
Yeosang led you to your seat from Friday night and sat down across from you.
"What will it be today?"
"I'll get a caffe mocha with a soymilk substitute and if possible, a slice of that black cherry cake?"
"Ahh. Now with that cake, it only pairs with tea since it's sweet. Unless you have a giant sweet tooth, I'd recommend some of our breakfast sandwiches. Specifically, a roast beef sandwich with a fried egg all on ciabatta bread that's toasted to perfection."
"Ooh! In this case, I'll have that then. And maybe later, when I leave, can I get an iced americano to go?"
"Sure thing, lovely. It'll be $10 by the way. For your order and that iced americano."
You pulled out a $10 bill and gave it to Yeosang before seeing him walk away and do his magic. While you waited, you received a text from Jones.
Jones: Hey. I'd thought I'd stop by and give you the papers myself. Are you home?
You: No. I'm at the Doberman Cafe. I couldn't sleep anymore so I'd figure I'd stop by here and wake myself up.
Jones: Oh? Ok bet. I heard from my wife that the owner is handsome. Maybe I'll see for myself. ;)
Jones: Can't a man appreciate another man's good looks?
You: And I oop -
You: Don't go simping for the barista now, Jones. You're married and he's actually mine fyi
You: Of course you can. Just don't go full on simp mode. XD
Jones: Like you? XD
You: Fuck you <3
Jones: Ew. No thanks <3
You: Hurry with the fuck ass papers, you dickhead.
Jones: Ok ok! XD
"Is that Jones?" Yeosang asked curiously. You would expect the Maltese to be jealous, but since he overheard your conversation two nights away, he wasn't too worried.
"Yeah. He's coming by here to drop off the divorce papers and the necessary documents to file a restraining order." You clarified to him. "I know I said that he'd fax them to me, but I didn't think he would get them that fast. Hence, why he's coming over to drop them off himself."
Yeosang nodded and set your coffee and meal down before sitting next to you. You thanked him and began to eat. You two made small talk and even introduced Yeosang to Jones when Jones came walking in to deliver the papers. Yeosang grabbed a pen and you happily retrieved it from him before signing the papers. After that, Jones put all of those papers away and bid you goodbye before buying a coffee from Yeosang and going home.
A weight lifted off your shoulders and you felt at ease. Yeosang was feeling the same way, especially since he found you attractive.
Little did he know that you felt the same way.
"Now that it has been done, want to turn this little encounter into a date?"
Yeosang was shocked by your boldness but he eventually nodded eagerly.
"I would love nothing more than that."
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justwritedreams · 1 year
A headcanon of Kyungsoo realizing he has feelings for the reader
I'm enjoying that you're asking members that I haven't written yet CONTINUE!
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Author: Maari
Warnings: minor errors probably because i wrote it in the break of work
So you and him have been friends for a long time
You have a lot in common
Enjoy having in-depth conversations on a variety of topics
You like to do the same things
And you are each other's excuse to get away from noisy and crowded places
And one day, you managed to escape from a club
How had you ended up there? Ask his extrovert friends
None of you wanted to go but it wasn't like you could say no
Thank you Chanyeol 🫡
So when you accepted his ride, you could finally breathe a sigh of relief as you got into the silent car
Both of your heads ached from the loud music
And you were so sleepy that you leaned against the car window even as he was driving
"I thought you couldn't get away from Baekhyun" he chuckled
And you, of course, laughed along, looking at him
He was so focused and so handsome
"I didn't remember he talked so much, I thought you were going to leave me there" you said and his laugh increased
"Don't think it didn't cross my mind"
And you were like 😲
Your plan had been simple:
The two would take a 5 minute break to go to the bathroom but actually you would run to the door and leave the place
But Baekhyun delayed you because he kept telling you how sad he was because his girlfriend had gone on a business trip
Although far away, you could see Kyungsoo's bored face in the middle of the crowd, waiting for you 🤣
But it wasn't like you were going to argue with him because
You would do the same lol
You just smiled and closed your eyes, too tired to talk
And he not only understood, he respected 🥺
And when he turned to face you real quick
He never noticed before how you had a glow of your own
He frowned thinking it was some illusion in his head
Or that kind of intrusive thinking that no one has control
He dropped you off at home and you invited him in
And he was more worried about you because you had worked a lot during the week
And on Friday you looked like a zombie, you were so tired
So he accepted
He felt good in your house, it was quiet, it brought peace
You lay down on the couch and he helped you take off your shoes
As he already knew your house, he went to get a blanket so you wouldn't be cold during the night
And when he came back, you were already asleep
Sounds cliche, right?
But well, the time he put the cover on you
He couldn't help but push the hair that fell into your eyes
And it was only then, watching you sleep so serenely that he felt his heart warm
Anxiety in the stomach that wasn't bad at all
And an involuntary smile appeared on his face
And when he leaned in to kiss you
He was like oH 😳
He straightened up again but brought his hand to his mouth.
Not believing that he had almost done that because
Damn, was he in love with you?? Since when?
He was always very clear about what he felt, what he thought...
And he just now noticed that he likes you?
Poor baby left your house so confused he couldn't even remember where he had put his car keys 🤣🤣
But he wouldn't be the only one confused
Because good luck if you think he's going to leave things the way they were
Expect a very sincere confession 👀
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sooinbloom · 2 months
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Bookstore Kisses
pairing: kyungsoo x you
genre: established relationship, married couple, fluff
word count: 1,804
description: wednesday night is date night for you and kyungsoo. tonight, after you beg him to venture into a bookstore, he decides to show you his affection in a way he never has before.
author’s note: hi! this is just a random idea I got while in a bookstore a few months ago. I found it hanging around in my drafts and decided to publish it. also, the photo above inspired the rest… the man looks so good in a cap and glasses. what can I say?! i’m trying out a new writing style, so I hope you enjoy it. sorry, this isnt edited lol (:
- Aria
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“Hey, love.” Kyungsoo says as he shuffles into the room, leaving a kiss on my forehead. “How was your day?”
“It was good, a lot of meetings but I’m very happy the day is over. How was your day?” I ask, looking up at my husband.
“Same stuff, different day. I had to tear Baekhyun away from our boss again. Something about the London account again.” Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and loosens his tie, “at least today is my favorite day of the week.”
“Date night!” I nod excitedly.
“Yes, baby. How about we go see a movie? We can see that one you’ve been telling me about… The cheesy romcom that you won’t shut up about with your friends?”
“Hey! Hey! Do I call your movies cheesy?” I poke Kyungsoo’s chest as he chuckles to himself.
“No, because I have actual taste.”
“Wooooow this is how you want to start date night? I see how it is!” We laugh together, one thing we never agreed on is our movie tastes. Sometimes we just enjoy the banter, other times it gets serious and hours long debates ensue over which franchise was better or which classic film was better than the other. Tonight was a bantering kind of night.
 “Oh, baby, you’re lucky I’m tired tonight. Let’s go watch the movie and then grab some dinner afterward at the Thai place we like?”
“Sounds like a plan! Let me get ready.” I get up from my chair and walk over to my closet, trying to find a cute, yet practical outfit.
Wednesday nights became my favorite night of the week. We regarded Wednesday nights as almost sacred because it was the only day of the week that we weren’t exhausted from our bleak, demanding corporate jobs. The day of the week where phone gets tucked away and the only communication we have is with each other.
Fridays were too busy for Kyungsoo, given he’s now an executive as his firm. Mondays and Tuesdays were my long days because no one can get their shit together in my office at the beginning of the week. Thursdays just weren’t good for either of us because one of us ended up working overtime and weekends were reserved for decompressing, binge watching TV and much needed naps from being exhausted throughout the week.
Wednesday became special. Wednesday became ours.
After deciding on a casual outfit, I get dressed and meet my husband in the living room as he checks showtimes on his phone. I smile to myself, he’s looking rather comfy in his joggers, hoodie and sneakers, in all black of course. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and grabs his All England Techno Club cap, standing and looking in my direction.
“Beautiful.” He manages between his smile, “ready?”
“Let’s go!” I take his hand and grab my purse from the hook by the door. It’s amazing how to this day, every Wednesday feels like our first date.
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Kyungsoo cried during the movie.
I didn’t say a word, but I’ll definitely keep this in my back pocket for a more convenient time. We talked about the plot over the best Thai food in town, the same place we’ve gone since we started dating. Years have past and the owners still remember our really awkward first date. Sitting in the restaurant made me smile, all of the memories that were contained in this place, it’s special.
Once we’re done eating, we start strolling downtown, hand in hand. A certain building captures my attention and I stop walking.
“Oooo! Let’s go in the bookstore!”
“Mmmm.” Kyungsoo whines. I stop and turn to face him, pouting my lip.
“Please, please, please?” I beg.
“Okay, love, let’s go.”
“Yes!” I giddily reply.
“How lucky you are that I can’t say no to you, love.” Kyungsoo mutters in my ear as we enter the store.
I walk through the fiction section and glance across the aisle to the culinary section. My heart melted seeing my adorable husband in his cap and glasses reading an Italian cookbook. He never understood why I called him cute, but this is exactly why. His small pout as he studied the contents of the book and flipped the pages excitedly. His silver ring caught the light just so, little moments like this remind me why I married him. He’s my calm, my center of gravity, my home. I turn and pick a book up from the shelf, reading the summary on the back.
“Anything interest you, babe?” Kyungsoo appears next to me. I grin happily and nod my head.
“It’s a novel I’ve been wanting for awhile. O Beautiful by Jung Yun.” Kyungsoo opens his hands and motions his fingers toward me. I slide the book in his hand and he places it at his side. Kyungsoo takes my hand and laces our fingers together, staring intently at the shelf in front of us. He turns toward me and nods, returning his gaze to the shelf. He’d been working hard and his way of spoiling me was buying me books. He never allowed me to protest or say no. He’d just grab the book, keep it at his side and not allow me to argue that he was buying it for me. His wide eyes scan the shelves, not once did he seem remotely interested in a novel.
“Anything interest you?” I ask.
“Not one thing.” We chuckle softly and Kyungsoo pulls me to the corner of the book section. His shy gaze meets mine and he covers our faces with the book, brushing his lips on mine.
“What was that for?” I blush.
“Do I need a reason to kiss you?” He smirks. This isn’t like Kyungsoo, he’s not the kind of guy that likes PDA. Just the thought of getting caught doing something more than holding hands in public deterred him. We walked the shelves full of colorful book spines, venturing to the mid section of the store where the biographies sat. A David Sedaris novel I read in university sticks out to me. Kyungsoo tilts his head with squinted eyes. “Me Talk Pretty One Day? That doesn’t make sense.”
I giggle to myself and skim through the pages, “That’s the point, the author had a speech impediment and these essays are from his experiences going to speech therapy; and what life was like when he was a child. It truly is hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.”
Kyungsoo shakes his head and shoots me a playful look as he disappears in the romance section. I put the book back and shuffle after him, in his hands the novel Twisted Games by Ana Huang. He skims the pages quickly and eyes me carefully.
Oh no.
He’s on chapter 36.
The spiciest chapter in the whole book.
His cheeks bloom a soft pink, an embarrassed smile on his face.
“I understand why you were so flushed when I saw reading this.” He mutters. “Is this what you want?”
“This book. Is this what you want?” Kyungsoo asks lowly.
“I own this book, Soo.” I reply carefully. He walks behind me and brings his arms around me, the book in front of me. His finger points out a sentence that makes me embarrassed to know that he saw with his own eyes.
“That wasn’t what I’m asking. Do you want what’s in this book?” Oh, boy. I fumble over my words and try to answer in the most in-public appropriate way. Kyungsoo closes the book with a laugh and hugs me close as he places it back on the shelf. “You’re so cute, Jagi.”
I turn and push his shoulder. “Kyungsoo! How is embarrassing your wife in public funny! You…” He pulls me in for a kiss with his laugh still trailing on his lips. We’re tucked away in a corner, only the books on the shelves can see what we’re doing. Kyungsoo proudly steps back and leaves a kiss on my cheek.
“You’re so cruel, Mrs. Doh. Hitting your poor, hardworking, defenseless husband like that.”
I shake my head and allow Kyungsoo to lead me upstairs to the travel section. He busies himself with a book on European travel, occasionally gazing up at me. A book on Korea caught my attention and I thumb through the pages of beautiful scenery, places Kyungsoo had told me about so often. Our jobs both had us leave our beloved countries in favor of job promotions, but The US never felt like home for either of us.
“Soo?” I whisper. His curious eyes always get bigger at the sound of his name being called, standing at full attention. I show him the pages of Seoul and his whole face lights up. “I think we should save to go to Korea. You’ve been missing home, and your mom has been begging us for months now.”
“Really? You want to go to Korea?”
“Of course, baby. It’s where you’re from. It’s part of who you are. Plus, my Korean could use some work.”
“Let’s do it, we’ll go in the spring. It will be nice to show you where I’m from.” Kyungsoo closes his book and kisses my free hand. “Every day you remind me why I’m so happy to be married to you. Even after all this time.”
“I still have no idea why you wanted to marry me.” I chuckle as Kyungsoo takes the book, holds it in front of our faces and leaves a few gentle kisses on my cheeks, nose and lips.
“Because you are like your favorite books. Beautiful on the outside, intriguing and intricately gorgeous with passion between each line. You keep my attention. You soothe me. You make me smile at the end of every day. That’s a big deal.” He softly replies, leaving a needy kiss on my lips. “You make me do things I would’ve never done with anyone else.”
“Like kissing me in corners of a bookstore?” I smirk. Kyungsoo nods and presses himself against the wall, his arms pulling me against his chest.
“Yes. Like kissing you in corners of a bookstore.” Once I feel the temperature heat up between us, I snatch the novel he’s holding from his hands and grab his hand to drag him toward the checkout counter. “Babe! Slow down!”
“After you said all that? No way. Buy me this novel and let’s go home. We have… Things to do.” I stumble through my sentence and narrow my eyes at my hysterical husband. “What?!”
“Nothing. I just love you. And all of the things we need to do.” Kyungsoo emphasizes “things” and takes his wallet out of his pocket. He purchases the book and we dart out of the store, laughing together. The workers must think we’re crazy, but we don’t care.
Wednesdays are our nights.
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jaemmphilia · 9 months
☾ batshit crazy ☽
☾ synopsis: kyungsoo is getting reeeal tired of your crazy schemes. ☾ featuring: do kyungsoo x gn!reader ☾ prompt: "are you- what the f*ck is that?" ☾ warnings: humor, reader is known for doing crazy things, reader and kyungsoo are married, no pronouns used, but written with a male reader in mind ☾ disclaimer: this is simply a work of fiction and does not represent kyungsoo as a person. ☾ triplejracha, 2024. please do not copy, translate, or upload to other platforms.
read hjenthusiast's version here!
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kyungsoo dreads opening the text messages between you and himself. he knows it could only mean that you've done something dumb and need his help getting out of the situation.
kyungsoo reads the message you sent him and he doesn't even stop himself from rolling his eyes.
now, kyungsoo loves you. loving you comes easy to him, he's sure of that. but, of course, every single person has their flaws. yours just so happens to be picking up random animals off the side of the road (where they belong, no matter how injured they might be).
kyungsoo often wonders how he ended up marrying someone as sporadic as you. you often say he's the black cat in the relationship while you are the overly excited puppy. at first, he didn't understand your comparison but as he rereads your message, his eyes scanned the unnecessary abundance of exclamation marks and emojis that don't fit what you sent him.
i got you a present, kyungieeee!!! 🤠🤠🤫🤫😇
kyungsoo feels his heart beat quicker and a soft smile creeping onto his face. now, he might complain about you more than praise you, but at the end of the day, it's you who puts a smile on his face.
kyungsoo steps out of his car and takes a deep breath as he steps up to the front door of his home. he unlocks the door and is welcomed by the heavy scent of spearmint and cucumber. as the pungent scent of the spearmint hits his nostrils, the annoyance he felt on his drive home washes away.
"kyungie, are you home?" your voice calls out to him as he kicks off his shoes and sticks his feet in his houseshoes.
kyungsoo doesn't respond, he only follows your voice and finds you in the living room, lounging on the couch with some...thing swaddled in a baby blue blanket in your arms.
he doesn't even notice that you're holding something in your arms at first, he just starts talking.
"are you- what the fuck is that?"
you gasp dramatically, holding the thing closer to your chest. "kyungie, watch your language around the babies!"
kyungsoo is confused and he can feel a headache coming on. he rubs his temples and decides to approach this calmly. "y/n, you better explain yourself."
"come and look at them while i tell you how i got them!" you adjust your body to show kyungsoo what's in your arms after he plops down beside you.
kyungsoo's eyes go wide as he stares at two smaller pairs of beady black eyes look back at him. "i'm going to ask again. what the fuck are those?"
"they're baby fruit bats! which are also called-" you start saying, but your husband interrupts you.
"i don't want to know. where did you get them?" is kyungsoo's next question.
and you ramble on about how one of your close friends found some abandoned baby bats that need a place to stay and recover. you explain that your heart hurt seeing the poor things so sad and weak, that it was your duty to take care of them when their mother couldn't.
kyungsoo wonders how he married you (he allowed you to keep the baby bats until they were ready to be released).
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124 notes · View notes
so uh we know how baekhyun take showers with his members to “get closer with each other”… may i request exo reacto showering with their s/o for the first time? lol it can be SG if u want 👉👈
Hello Lovely, thank you for requesting this :) I hope this is ok, I have done it in a way of how they would be and feel being in the shower for the first time with their S/O, I hope its alright. If not, let me know and I can re-do :)
Exo reaction: Showering with S/O for the first time <3
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Warmth: Suho is the type to always be in awe of you, to him your body is the most beautiful thing in the world and it deserves to be worshipped. He can't take his eyes off you which in the beginning can make you feel a little self conscious but when his arms wrap around your body and he whispers how beautiful you are, you find yourself relax. 10/10 would make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
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Elevated: He's literally over excited to shower with you for the first time. He peppers kisses all over your face and rubs his nose against yours. He likes to steal your body wash as he thinks yours smells better and will happily use the shampoo to style both of your hair into massive mohawks. He honestly just makes you feel at ease and comfortable to be yourself with him.
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Addicted: The look on his face when he watches the water cascade down your back is a picture. He is the type to be speechless in this situation, no words pass his lips but his actions speak for him. He will stand close to you, with your face pressed into his chest and just let the water fall on you both like rain. Love resonates inside the glass cubicle and he can't believe you're all his.
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Needy: He can't keep his hands to himself. He will use any excuse to touch you, such as massaging the body wash into your back or cupping your face towards the water so no soap goes into your eyes. His eyes are constantly tracing up and down your body as he bites his bottom lip, to him you're simply perfect. Definitely will make you promise that no other man will ever see you naked for the rest of your life. That view is for him and him only.
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Cheeky: He literally can't keep his hands to himself. As soon as you have entered the shower, his hands are roaming your body. Though he has seen you naked before, he feels as though its different in the shower, more intimate. He would press long, passionate kisses to your lips and lift you so your legs wrap around his waist. Your back will be pressed against the shower wall as he takes control.
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Delicate: He would be awkward when you first get in to the shower together, he finds himself stuttering and falling over his words. After a while though, he would relax a little and hold you close. Your back would be pressed against his chest as he sways you from side to side. He would press soft kisses against your neck and make you weak at the knee's. He also would help you wash your hair and untangle any knots with his fingers. All he wants to do is take care of you, in or out of the shower.
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Hooked: He would be the master of self control. As sexy as you look to him right now, he wouldn't want you to think that this shower is just a ploy. He actually just wants to feel closer to you, for you two to become more secure in your relationship. He would definitely have music softly playing in the background and would massage your shoulders and listen to you talk about your day. He would also press kisses all over your body and tell you how beautiful you are. He's just so in love.
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Shameless: The boy has absolutely no shame. As soon as you enter the shower, he's staring. Offers to help you wash but spend at least 10 minutes on your breasts before moving to your butt. Just laughs when you call him out on it. He feels like the luckiest guy on earth so he's going to make the most of having you in his arms. It doesn't take long until he's got you on the floor of the shower...and lets just say it becomes a whole lot steamier.
363 notes · View notes
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You met this Do Kyungsoo at work. Let me make this clear, he may be a manager but he is not your manager. He has no actual power over you.
Sure, his pay is higher than yours and sure, he has his own parking spot into which he expertly places his immaculate and sparkling Mercedes that is the exact same color as the clear winter sky at midnight—the exact same shade of darkness that you’ve caught seeping out from the center of his eyes as he focused them on your face the night of the company fundraiser.
Sure, when he opens his lips and speaks a mere four words with that demanding tone, several suited minions scatter about the office performing their best for him in desperation for just a hint of his rare approval.
“Tell me your name.” It wasn’t even a question. His first four words to you and the first time you’d heard him speak in that low timbre and your reply was stuck tight in your throat. Your guards were up high when you first caught glimpse of how well he filled out his suit and how well he drove that car and how little regard he gave to the team of hard workers that worked themselves to the bone for him. You felt the warmth of his proximity at your side and you had no doubt he was speaking to you. Your tongue refused to cooperate and when you feigned deafness and walked away his black pupils followed you across to your sanctuary across the aisle.
‘Don’t get on Manager Do’s bad side. He will make you regret it.’ One minion whispered to another and looked longingly across the aisle where you peacefully sorted your receipts, shrugged at the chaos across the way and restarted the music in your headphones. He wasn’t your manager.
Perhaps that was the start of it—the blackness that seemed to cover you whenever his eyes were on you as they had been multiple times a day at work and were, now, all night. You felt haunted by them. You felt weakened each time you caught him watching. He seemed to grow even stronger by it. As if he was winning some game you’d never agreed to play.
This damned fundraiser and your stupid idea to volunteer to serve drinks for the first half of the night in exchange for a small bonus in your paycheck that you’d already spent on bills.
It was harder than you expected. You had been running nonstop. Your feet were aching in the heels and the strap of your dress kept slipping annoyingly off your shoulder and when you were finally done with your shift you stood at the bar and reached for a glass of red wine and drained the entire thing in one go.
“I’ll have what you’re drinking.” The familiar low voice spoke out over your shoulder. Close enough for the puff of air from his lips to warm the bare skin of your neck and you gasped in surprise and spun. The quickness of your motion must have startled him. Did he think you were falling? A warm palm wrapped around your waist and the heat in his hand blazed through the thin fabric of your dress.
You didn’t move.
Manager Do leaned then, impossibly closer to you and your eyes drifted down the length of his face, finding a focus on the plumpness of his upper lip. You’d never allowed yourself to stand this close to him before and your eyes wandered over the constellation of tiny moles on his pretty skin.
His leaning eventually changed direction as he retreated like a tide and in his hand sat a wine glass filled with the same red wine you tasted on your tongue.
He lifted the rim to his lips and as they parted the tip of his pink tongue touched along the thin glass edge before he tilted the glass and took the alcohol into his mouth.
The corners of his mouth were lifted before he’d even swallowed the wine and a smirk overcame the seriousness you were so used to finding on his face. You’d expected him to leave. He’d gotten his drink and he surely had other people to torture tonight. But he didn’t move. His eyes watched your face for far too long and the skin on the small of your back had warmed to match the heat of his hand.
You could smell him now. Something spicy, crisp, and expensive as hell.
“Tell me your name,” he breathed against the goosebumped skin below your earlobe, this time with just a hint of defeat on his voice that you probably imagined.
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dks-smut · 10 months
Somebody… Part 4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Kyungsoo x female reader
Rating: Mature, Explicit (Just fucking filthy)
Word Count: 6,500
Genre: Smut, Jealousy, Angst, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers.
Warnings: Teasing, name calling, degradation, edging, exhibitionism, orgasm denial. (No more spoilers! I’m depraved and embarrassed.)
His flight wasn’t due to land until close to 1:00am. You’re twiddling your thumbs behind your desk, killing time until you get to lay your eyes on his face. To feel his lips and glide your nails through his hair. Ahh, this was too much to think about. You cross your legs to relieve some tension, feeling dampness in your panties. You breathe quietly through your lips, hiding your arousal from coworkers. You look down at your keyboard, you’re sure your cheeks are rosy and hot.
You send a thirsty text to Kyungsoo, “My wetness has ruined so many pairs of underwear.” He sends a string of swears then, “Baby, my dick hurts. I’m going kiss and fuck your pussy until you come over and over. Until I say you’re done.” You touch your breast, typing, “Please. Use me. See you soon.” You hope your monitor hid you well enough. Finally, Friday night is here; nervous and horny.
You’ve denied yourself since the promise with Kyungsoo, settling for the warm shower stream. It’s always just a tease like the seam of your jeans rubbing against your clit when you sit down. Or the edge of the kitchen counter jutting into your pussy when you reach for a glass from a high shelf. Accidentally denying and teasing yourself in unexpected ways. Shaving your legs in the shower always causes you to drip profusely while one leg is propped up on the tub edge. Remembering him pushing you against these very same tiles, fucking your hot cunt and groaning loudly. Just taking what he needed, using you. These nasty memories cause your stomach to flip. You eek out a slight moan, the echo startling yourself.
You’re thinking of all the dirty things he’s going to do to you tonight. Denying you an orgasm or not letting you touch him. Calling you hot and upsetting names. Maybe you won’t let him penetrate you. Maybe just tease his tip. This should piss him off, enough for him to hurt you. Shit, you are cock drunk.
Being needy and denied makes you thoughtless. Just erotic scenarios repeating. The anticipation of knowing for the past week that you’re about to be dicked down by Kyungsoo causes your pussy to clench around nothing. Your clit has been engorged for a day which makes any sudden movement difficult. You decide on a green knee length cocktail dress, no panties and thigh high stockings. You’re meeting at his place again. He sends a text and a taxi appears in front of your apartment. This repeated and generous gesture makes you grin ear to ear.
You love the smell of his apartment; it’s comforting. You open the door after knocking and hear his deep voice say, “Come in. Take off your shoes.” You’re not sure why he’s being terse. No hello or excitement in his voice. He didn’t greet you at the door, and above all else, no kiss. You had dreamt what it’d feel like to have his lips on yours again, and on your neck and nipples. You walk in and kick your heels off. It’s dark in his apartment save a table lamp. It’s illuminating an empty chair which is beside a sofa in the shadows. You see his knee hit the beam of light as he parts his legs wide and exhales.
You start to think he’s tired from flying and work so you ask, “Hey, are you okay? It’s dark. I can’t see you.” You start to shuffle in the dark towards the sofa. You’re quiet on the hardwood floor, your smooth stockings helping.
You hear him stir on the couch and say, “Yes. I’m fine.” You turn on another lamp, “Now, I can see you. I missed you!” As you’re running towards him to hug him, he puts his hand up, “No. Sit.” His hand moves to pat the seat next to him. Your eyes grow wide and you sit quietly with your head down. You feel like a little girl who did something wrong and now you’re being scolded. Your heart thumping out of your chest, “Is everything really okay? You don’t seem excited to see me.” He responds, never taking his eyes from yours, “I am. I’m afraid I’ll get carried away.”
“A simple hug and kiss won’t hurt you,” you offer.
“It will. I won’t be able to stop once I start kissing you.”
“You’re making yourself sound like a monster. It’s okay if you come fast. And I can help you get hard again.”
“I feel like a monster sometimes. Treating you like an object, no regard for your feelings and needs. It bears repeating, I’ve never been like this with anyone before. It’s a part I didn’t know I was hiding.”
You grab his shoulder and slide your other hand to his nape, getting closer. “Please take what you want. Do whatever you want to me.” Your deep gaze on his eyes drops to his lips, causing you to lick your own.
“I’ll make you beg,” he moans, pressing his bottom lip between his teeth, brushing his long bangs back, showing his forehead. “Are you sure?” He asks this as though you don’t understand what you’ve unleashed in him. He’s almost threatening you into making any other decision.
“Please just kiss me. I missed your lips,” you beg him, whining and scooting closer to him.
He’s wearing another one of his dark suits, paired with a white button up and tie. You pull him toward you by his necktie, your lips barely touching, hot breath breezing across each others’ faces. You grab the collar of his jacket, jerking him downwards to line his lips up better to yours. He cranes his neck back, still trying to resist his urges.
You drop your hands in your lap and look down, frustrated, “I get it. I know you missed me, but the way you’re acting makes me feel repulsive. Touch me. Kiss me. Please” The last few sentences come out in a high pitch whine. You sigh, looking down at your hands.
“Baby. I fucking want you so bad right now. I just don’t want to rush. Come here,” he grabs your waist to pull you toward him. He looks down at your form, “That dress is gorgeous on you. I’m sorry I haven’t changed out of my work clothes.” He’s rubbing his thumb across your hip, fingers smoothing over your waist. His lips part in awe, uncovering every curve of your figure, the low neckline giving way to the swell of your tits; your bra is just barely visible.
“Your suit is making me drip,” you grab his tie again and pull him even closer, interrupting him practically drooling over you. His eyes look up into your wanton gaze, eyelids heavy.
The kiss he plants on your lips is breathtaking. He literally stole the air from your lungs. His damp, thick, and soft lips engulf yours. His other hand grabs your jaw, caressing you with his fingertips. His light touches cause you to shiver and moan in his mouth.
Your tongues are enmeshed while he grabs onto your hip, being more forceful and needy. You place both hands on his face, falling into his lips completely. The fervor is palpable. You take heavy breaths, parting momentarily from him. You smash your lips back onto him, sucking his bottom lip with a nice wet sound emanating. Your parted lips kiss down his chin to his bobbing Adam's apple. Slowly moving until his shirt collar blocked your way. You whine and grab his tie, pulling it loose from the knot, and tossing it to the floor.
As you unbutton the first couple of buttons of his shirt, his palm reaches up to fondle your boob through your dress and bra. This causes you to stiffen and shiver, moaning out, “Baby, more.” He kisses you suddenly forcing his tongue into your hot mouth. You’re both panting and acting more and more desperate.
He takes control of you. Pinning your arms behind you, he picks up his tie, and starts winding it tightly around your wrists. “No touching,” he says as he finishes tying your hands up. “Not fair. I’ve been thinking about touching you for a week,” you moan out, thighs rubbing together. “You’ll be just fine. I’ll treat you with the utmost respect tonight,” his tone drops to a whisper, his deadly smirk making you freeze on the spot.
He notices you clenching your legs together. Another wicked idea forms as he presses you to sit back onto the sofa. Your chest arches forward and he begins to rub at your breasts. Your hips thrust up as he fondles you, getting more and more helpless. You emit quiet whimpers not resulting in anything coherent. You writhe back and forth, your hair obscuring your face. He delicately moves the meandering strands from your features, “So much better. I love seeing you like this. So needy.” His fingers fall behind your ear and land on your hair pooling at your shoulders. He yanks a handful back, causing your neck to jerk back. You’re staring at the ceiling now, shadows dancing. You moan out loud, the tension in your neck causing a guttural noise.
You’re still begging him, “Please,” as he loosened his grip on your hair. Your neck straightens when you focus on the floor to ceiling windows in the living room. They were the same as in his bedroom. At the angle the sofa sat, anyone across the way could see you. Only glowing TVs are noticeable through your watery eyes. He places his hand on your thigh, “Please what? Tell me,” fingers ghosting over your black stocking.
“Give it to me,” you beg. His hand sneaks under your dress, sliding up slowly. He stops where your stocking ends, he can feel the hem is satiny and taught around your upper thigh. He groans and bites his bottom lip, “Give you what?” You squirm around, your feet hitting the floor causing thuds to rise over your heavy breaths. His hand goes higher and stops when he feels that you're not wearing panties. He twists his left palm to stroke his middle finger up your little slit.
He pushes his head into the crook of your neck, “Is this what you want? I bet it’s something that a certain asshole from your work could never give you.” You yelp out small whines, mostly from the pleasure he’s barely giving you. Some of it due to shock at his dirty statement. “Uhhh, what?” You are hardly able to articulate yourself, his finger still teasing your shaking lips.
He lets out a strong laugh, “Aw you’re so cute like this. You can’t even speak coherently.” His middle finger pushes through your puffy lips, feeling your slick drip down. Your throbbing clit aches for his touch. You beg again, “Pl—, -ease… I—I want you. That guy is nobody.” His tongue dips behind your ear, “Not as much as I want you.” He chuckles, “And you really have no idea how that picture of him touching you affected me. Still affects me,” he ends by moving in close, staring at you like he wanted to hit you and fuck you at the same time.
“I swear, I’m yours only,” you beg as he presses his finger onto your clit. “I’m going to punish you and you’ll be begging me to stop,” he says as his lips peck your cheek. You’re both still fully dressed with his tie around your wrists. Your pussy is dripping onto his knuckles as he’s massaging your labia. He then lands on your clit to only lift his hand to slap it. Your hips jut forward and you moan out, “Holy fuck, yes! More!” He touches his fingertip to your entrance making you shake and your toes curl. The looks and sounds you create make him emit a low growl, “Not yet,” he continues circling your clit with even more pressure. He knows you’re close when he feels your clit flex repeatedly. “Please, I’m so close,” you yell out, opening your eyes to meet his lustful stare.
His hair falls into his eyes due to his hand’s rapid movement on your clit. He uses his right hand to brush it back off his forehead. This beautiful sight had you getting even closer to snapping. You’re still wriggling and whining, repeating Kyungsoo’s name over and over with each exhale. Just as you’re finally about to come, stomach tightening, calves flexing, he takes his hand out from under your dress.
“Fuuuckk. Please baby. Please,” you beg, pulling at the tie around your wrists. “No. I have to punish you for what you did. Letting another man put his hands on you,” he says, standing up from the couch. He looks down where you sit, your knees together, legs swaying. You look up at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “I’m sorry. You should have been there with me. I could have sucked your dick in the bathroom,” you smirk. Then in a moment you whine again, “Baby I was just about to come, touch me, please!”
“You’re being dirty. I want you to remember that you belong to me. I get to control when you come,” he lowers his scowl as you sulk on the sofa. Feeling frustrated you blurt out, “I didn’t do anything with him. I kept pushing him away. Can’t you let this go?” He adjusts his posture and takes his jacket off. He begins to fold his sleeves up to the elbow and chortles, “Did you wear panties under your skirt that night? Or were you looking to get drunk and fucked?”
“Do you think I’m that much of a slut? You’re starting to hurt my feelings,” you protest. He starts to unzip his slacks, freeing his hard dick and says, “You didn’t answer my question, darling.” As you’re staring at his veiny dick you quietly respond, “I did wear some, please. I went out to have some fun, but not get fucked. I was too busy dreaming about making you come. I missed you and only thought of you. I swear.”
After you’ve said your piece, Kyungsoo walks toward you, holding his hot and erect dick. He doesn’t say a word, just locking eyes with you. He places his other hand on the back of your head. He taps his tip to your lips, then rubs it around while moaning. Without a second of hesitation, his hips move back and he thrusts his cock in your mouth. “Shiiit. I missed your mouth on my dick,” his throat rattling while clenching his eyes shut. You hum in response which causes him to jolt. He’s motionless, letting you decide the speed and depth. He’s watching you with adoration at how noisily and sloppy you suck on him. “Your mouth is perfect,” he grunts, then adds, “Your pussy is even better,” now smirking.
His deep brown eyes open again to see drool running down your mouth. He puts more pressure on the back of your head which startles you. He forces almost his whole dick in your mouth at once. You can tell he’s getting more desperate to come. You begin to gag as tears fall down your cheeks. He’s at full throttle thrusting his dick into your mouth, making deep grunting sounds. His dick hits the back of your throat which causes you to whine. Still fucking viciously he asks, “You can take it, right? A filthy slut like you should be able to. Show my neighbors how well you suck my cock.” This causes you to panic, forgetting the curtainless windows. Your eyes move toward the windows, trying to see if anyone is watching. Just then, his dick begins to twitch and throb at the shaft, you know he’s close to coming. His cock is getting thicker and makes your jaw sore and tight as you’re barely able to breathe.
“Oh that’s right. You can’t answer. Your mouth is too full,” he winces and grunts, panting loudly. As you feel him about to come, he lets out the sexiest and deepest moan and suddenly, moves his hips back and pulls his cock from your mouth. Strings of saliva connect from your mouth to his shaft. You’re both trying to catch your breath. Kyungsoo looks even more angry than earlier. “Baby, I wanted to taste your come,” you look up at him with an innocent stare. “I’m not coming until I make you come first, which may be awhile. I wanna play with you and deny you until you beg me over and over,” he says as he moves strands of hair from your face. Your pussy aches at his dirty words, now dripping onto his sofa.
“Let’s see how wet you got,” he says with his hard dick still protruding from the opening in his pants. He takes another step toward you and leans over you. His hand goes to your knees and opens them forcefully. Still struggling against your restraints, he pushes you, straightening you against the backrest of the couch. Your legs open even more, your feet no longer able to touch the floor. “Please untie me. I wanna touch you,” you mumble out, still writhing.
Not answering, Kyungsoo reaches his hand back under your dress, touching your labia softly. “I see gagging on my dick made you drip even more,” he says with a tight-lipped smile. “Or was it the fact that someone was watching us? You like being treated like a little slut, don’t you?” Forming a coherent sentence isn’t working, so you just look up at him and nod frantically. He’s now barely touching your engorged clit, sliding up and down. Each time he puts a bit of pressure on your entrance, you instinctively close your legs. “Open. You like when I tease your pussy?” he asks while lowering himself, kneeling on the floor in front of you. All you can do is arch your back and nod.
You’re now deeply gazing into each other’s eyes while Kyungsoo massages your needy pussy. Your dress is still covering you which makes your insides flip. This reminds you of the first time you met him. He ghosted his fingers up your skirt at a bar, a total stranger. You blurt out, “Everytime. Especially when you fondled me at the bar.” He raises one eyebrow at you and says, “Oh, so you like it when people watch? The bartender definitely noticed.” He continues his ministrations on your vulva and adds, “Fuck baby, you are drenched.”
Your gaze goes down to his still rock hard dick. You want to touch it, you want it inside you. He sees the way you’re looking at him and where you’re looking but doesn’t let up on your pussy. He starts stroking his dick with one hand and circles your clit with the other. You’re both panting and moaning. You start to whimper louder at him while watching his veiny forearm moving under your dress.
You see a flash of light in your periphery, causing your head to turn toward the windows. Your blurry vision is making it difficult to discern shapes and forms. Maybe someone was watching you. Maybe they took a picture. These thoughts cause you to gush even more resulting in Kyungsoo saying, “Eyes on me baby. You checking to see if anyone is looking?” The speed of his fingers on your clit makes you throw your head back. Now you’re moaning and moving your hips up and down, wanting to make his fingers go faster. You take deep breaths and look into his dark wanton eyes, “Yes, baby. I want them to see how you make me come. See how wet I am for you. I’m so close.”
Your movements are more rapid and desperate, matching the rhythm of his hand. He’s still death gripping his cock, you’re convinced he’s going to come all over you and your pretty dress. Your yelps get louder and louder, “Kyungsoo! Pll-leeease. Let me come on your hand!” Just as you lift your weight from the couch, about to snap, he stops again. “Fuuuck! You can’t,” you yell out to him. He just grins and places a hard slap on your clit, causing you to jerk and yowl. More tears come streaming down your face as he takes his hand away from your clenching pussy yet again.
He stands up, towering over you, and starts to jerk off. He seems to be getting more aroused after denying and edging you for the second time. “I can. And I did,” he says in a flat tone. He strokes himself quicker until he can’t edge himself any longer. “Shit. I almost came,” he says as he tries to place his raging dick back inside the opening in his pants. You’re in shock right now. The way he’s speaking to you, treating you, making sure his neighbors watch, making you so dripping wet and not letting you come.
Once he’s done zipping himself up, he comes closer to you. He closes your legs and has you sit forward on the couch. He begins untying your wrists very slowly, with purpose. You are finally able to place your hands in front of you, your shoulders aching. He soothes over your wrists now bearing red marks where you were rubbed raw in all your writhing and grinding. He softly fixes your hair so it’s not in your eyes and wipes away your tear stained cheeks. “It’s okay now baby. I think you learned a lesson. And I learned that you like to be watched and degraded,” he says and then places a hot kiss on your lips. As your tongues meet, he can taste himself and starts to moan.
He sits next to you on the couch after breaking away and says, “Your mouth tastes like my dick. That’s so fucking hot.” You finally reach out for him, placing your hands anywhere and everywhere. His face, his chest, his dick straining in his pants, and then embrace him in a comforting hug. As your head rests on his shoulder, squeezing him tightly you say, “You have corrupted me. I was never this slutty before. You like teaching innocent women to be whores?” He removes you from your embrace gazing into your eyes, “I didn’t realize you were so innocent. But I still have some things to teach you.” You begin kissing him again, his soft plump lips are irresistible.
“Please make me come. I need you,” you start to whimper while climbing onto his lap, locking lips again. His bulge is pressing into your bare cunt. He can feel your wetness soaking into his pants. He touches your thighs while sloppily making out, loving the feeling of your nylons. He grabs on your thighs harder and stands up. You lock your legs around his waist and whimper with surprise. You stop kissing him to see where he is taking you. You ask, “Where are we going?” He continues walking and with each sway his bulge knocks your pussy, causing small moans to emit from your throat.
He reaches his bedroom and walks towards the bed, tossing you on it. You drop down flat on your back and move your legs up and open them wide. It’s only for a second, then you place the fabric of your dress in between your legs, hiding your dripping and drooling pussy from him. He notices this and snickers, “Not uh baby. Don’t hide, I know what you want. Don’t be shy now.”
He’s removing his button up shirt in the slowest, most painstaking way imaginable, just standing staring at you. You reach your arms out without saying anything, just whining and rocking your hips up and down. “Just a minute. You’re so impatient,” he says with a slight annoyance in his tone. “You teased me for so long and didn’t let me come! Of course I’m impatient!” you quip, not able to wait any longer.
You get up from the bed and start rushing to help him remove his pants and underwear. Once he realizes, he holds your wrists shaking his head, “No baby, let me. No touching or I’ll have to tie you up again.” Heeding his command, you look down and return to his bed. “Don’t sulk now,” he says, throwing his shirt to the floor. God, his fucking body was perfect. His skin, a nice tan, glistens with beads of sweat. You want to put your mouth all over him, your hands lightly scratching his ribs to see his reaction. You just sit there and sigh while watching him ever so slowly undress. Once his pants pool around his ankles, your eyes brighten, knowing you’re about to witness his hot throbbing cock.
Once his cock is free, you can’t help but stare, not caring if he notices. You start massaging your breast while ogling his body. He smiles and gives you a sweet but passionate kiss. You wrap your hands and legs around his waist while he’s still standing over you. He starts to unzip your dress, lowering it over your chest, exposing your lacy black bra. He moves a strap down your shoulder, finally revealing your breast. He immediately starts to grab at it and pulls your nipple, still placing smothering kisses to your lips.
He grabs your thighs and drags you to the edge of the bed. He moans aloud seeing the sight of your bare and dripping pussy. He frees your arms from your dress and bra, sliding it down to your waist. He then flips the bottom of your dress up bunching in a band with the top. He’s obviously too worked up to properly undress you. He strokes his dick and places the tip over your slit, collecting your slick. He places light smacks to your pussy with his heavy twitching cock. You’re moaning and writhing, “Baby, please give it to me. I need your cock.”
He places his bulbous tip to your tight opening, “I got you, it’s okay.” He slowly works the tip in your pussy, feeling your wetness cover you, glistening. He’s teasing you over and over with his tip only, barely thrusting. You try to buck your hips to bury more of his dick into you. His hands come to both hips and hold you tightly to the bed, unable to move. Keeping you still, he buries more inches into your clenching cunt. You moan uncontrollably, head thrown back, “Ow baby! It’s too much!” He grunts and halts his movements, “You’re dripping wet. You can handle it.”
He fucks more of thick cock into you, each time you whine and try to pull yourself away from him. His grip on you prevents you from moving at all. He comes down to your face, placing his mouth to your ear whispering, “You’re not going anywhere. You can take it.” Your arms start pushing at his chest, then hitting his thighs. No matter how you struggle, he thrusts more of himself into you. He’s unable to bury himself completely, you’re not open enough, still tense and frightened. In the struggling and writhing, you fuck your pussy on to him not meaning to, causing a loud grunt.
He releases your hips and holds your knees wide. You moan and more tears stain your red cheeks. “You’re too big,” you yell out and his hips still, dick throbbing in your pussy. He gives you a devilish grin and starts moving his hips slowly back and forth, stretching you out and says, “Shit, your pussy is clenching so hard. You took it before.”
You whine and start humping to meet his thrusts. Since he’s holding your legs open, you start caressing your clit. “I’m gonna come on your dick!” You yell out and start moving faster. He takes the hint and rails into you. He looks at you, his bangs obscuring his eyes and thick eyebrows, unable to read his expression in the dim light of his bedroom. He looks down at your tight pussy lips wrapping around his cock, sucking and throbbing around him. He can notice his dick is covered by your white slick, ending in a ring, showing him how deep you can take him.
While he’s hypnotized by your pussy being stretched, his face shifts lower, his features disappearing altogether. He thrusts even deeper into you, giving you slower strokes. This becomes too much, you can feel every vein and twitch in his cock, filling you tighter, stretching you more. Your head flies back and your arms stretch out to touch his chest, “I’m coming!” He holds your legs back and tries not to come, affected by your thrashing limbs and constricting pussy. Your eyes shut tight, seeing kaleidoscope-like patterns behind your lids.
While shivering and moaning from your orgasm, Kyungsoo never lets up, still thrusting into you. Your pussy flexing on his dick takes him over the edge, he groans slack-jawed and pulls himself from your pussy. He unloads on your mound and pussy lips, some landing on your stomach and dress, as he grunts and strokes more come onto you.
You’re still shaking from coming and then feeling him come onto you just made it last longer. Without a lull, he fucks his come-covered cock back into you. Your eyes open wide, focusing on his face. His pupils are blown wide, a primal need. The noises you both emit are so fucking hot and needy. He really starts to pound into you, neither of you are able to recover from your orgasms.
After so much buildup, he can’t stop, he needs to feel you around him so badly. “Fucking god, baby. I can’t stop. I need your pussy always. You feel so good around my dick,” he says with heavy eyelids, grunting each time he penetrates you.
“Give it to me now. I want more,” you whimper as he pumps into you even faster. He places his hands on your shoulders, rocking you down into his cock. You hold your legs back and crane your neck down to take a glance at his dick. It’s sticky with each other’s come, creating wet, sloppy noises.
He’s fucking into you and pressing you down onto him, meeting in the middle, using you like an object. His head tilts back with a look of ecstasy, moaning deeply, “You’re going to make me come again.” He thrusts more and more until his hips go farther back, making his dick fall from your pussy. He whines out and humps his cock over your slit, coming all over you again.
When the come hits your chest, spurting a greater distance, you start to writhe and then giggle. You’re in disbelief at how much there is and how quickly he came again. “Holy fuck baby. You’re unbelievable. Missed me huh?” you ask while batting your eyelashes at him. He’s trying to catch his breath and holds onto his dick, slapping and smearing his come around your pussy lips.
Your body jerks and your eyes flinch at the feeling. You moan and smile up at him. He meets your stare, his eyes are dark and dreamy. He places his tip near your entrance and starts rubbing it in circles, trying to fuck you again. You jerk again due to oversensitivity, whining out. “It’s okay. I denied you, now I will overstimulate you,” he whispers into the silent room.
He thrusts into you without warning causing you to yell out. Your cunt is still dripping and wrapping tight around him. “How are you still so tight? Sluts aren’t supposed to be,” he says while fucking into you with desperate strokes. Your pussy clenches at the words that just fell from his amazingly plump lips. He is so sexy and mysterious, especially in the low light. Your inner slutty thoughts invade; you hope you are being watched. It’s like he’s a stranger that broke in and decided to have his way with you. He’s not speaking much but when he does he’s either praising or degrading you. There’s no inbetween.
Your legs go up onto his shoulders, his dick pressing into new places within your cunt. He’s massaging your breasts, pulling at your nipples, still fucking you as hard as he can. Moaning out louder, yet deeper, “I’m going to come inside your pussy, it’s just too pretty.” You yelp and start twitching, arriving at the end before you snap. Your grunts turn into yells, feeling his cock driving all the way in and stills. You’re coming all over him again, gyrating your hips, making your pussy fuck onto him. His dick throbs again, causing him to get thicker, and squirts his come into you. He’s so deep inside and moaning and delicately fondling your tits. He moves his body lower, feeling his lips yours, just breathing heavily into each other.
You can feel his dick release more come into you, each time you both moan out in harmony. “I love feeling you come deep inside me,” you mumble before pressing your lips to his. His lips move harder and quicker once they meet yours, desperate to feel you moan into his mouth. He’s propped up on his elbow above you, just kissing you passionately, still hard inside you. He starts to lightly thrust his come into your pussy. You gasp out and hear how your pussy squelches around his dick. You can feel so much wetness and come squish around your thighs and in between your chests.
You have been completely fucked dumb and used. He has come on you twice and in your pussy once. Now he’s fucking his load deeper inside, while making out with you and using his come as lube. It’s not as if you haven't had a fountain between your legs since walking through his door. “All of this come for me?” you ask him and wiggle your hips, causing his dick to grow in your pussy. “You’re just cock hungry aren’t you? At first you couldn’t take it, now you can’t get enough,” he says, still barely moving his hips.
He straightens back up, standing above you, rubbing his hands up and down your soft legs. He flips you over onto your stomach. He gropes your pussy and smacks your ass with his wet fingers. You moan out, “Fuck.” You clench your thighs tighter and start whining, hips moving in circles. He’s slapping each cheek harder causing you to yelp. Your ass stings and burns as you’re gradually moving up toward the pillows, away from his angry palm.
You feel his weight sink onto the bed and slowly straddle your legs, his dick snapping against your ass. He pries your cheeks apart to see his come oozing from your used hole. “You said you needed to come. I’m just helping,” he says while pressing his thumb on his tip forcing it into your pussy. His tip pops inside and you release a guttural yell. He’s fucking you into the mattress which is helping his thrusts bounce back.
With your legs together, you can feel every part of his throbbing cock rubbing and stretching you. He’s huffing and puffing with each stroke, his hair damp falling into his face. You’re tugging and punching the pillows above your head as you try to lift your hips from the bed. His weight keeps you still and he begins to pump faster and faster. You start to shiver and your toes curl. He recognizes this as a sign that you’re close, always quietly observant.
His pupils are blown out as he moans and ruts into your clenching pussy. With his new pattern of strokes, hitting a new spot inside you, you yelp, “-Soo… I’m coming again, oh god!” He doesn’t slow down through your orgasm. You keep whispering his name and expletives as you’re still convulsing and whining. His cock pummels faster than ever. He grabs onto your hair and pulls down, causing your back to arch. “Shit baby, keep coming on my dick,” he says as he’s now about to come for the fourth time tonight.
The feeling of being filled up by him again makes your orgasm never end. You feel waves washing over you with each spurt of his cum. Your pussy is still contracting, milking him until empty. He grunts each time he spills into your tight pussy then moans out a loud exhale, this repeated over and over. Your clit is flexing as he’s still fucking into you. He wants to fuck all of his come deep inside, none of it wasted. His hips halt, but his dick penetrates you.
He lets go of your hair, allowing your chest to fall to the bed. You huff out and your pussy throbs, causing him to grunt. He gives you a few more little pumps. You both whine when he pulls his come-covered dick from your used pussy. His come begins dripping from your hole. He stares in awe as it leaks out, your pussy flexing each time. His fingers slide over your slit and he gathers some come. You turn your head to look over your shoulder, he puts his fingers in his mouth, moaning while sucking them dry. This is honestly the hottest thing you’ve ever witnessed, and the dirtiest thing you’ve seen Kyungsoo do.
He smacks your ass causing you to whimper at the stings. He moves to lay next to you. You turn on your back, matching him, and place your head on his chest. He rubs his hand over your ribs and stomach, making you shiver. His open palm covers the expanse of your torso. His fingertips hit below your tits and his wrist below your navel. You feel so small next to him.
“Shit, baby. I’ve never come that many times in a row. You have the best pussy,” he whispers, kissing your head. “I was saving it all up for you,” he adds. You lovingly look up at him, blushing at his compliment. “I love that you treat me sweetly outside the bedroom and a whore inside it,” you smirk and rub your thumb on his bottom lip. Your hips move forward, touching his body and kissing him with fervor. Between breaths from kissing you can hear Kyungsoo say ‘baby’ and sexily sigh.
You’re still slick as Kyungsoo turns on his side facing you. You instinctively place your leg over him, your calf resting on his hip. You start rutting forward, your pussy lips hardly making contact with his hard, glistening cock. You moan, “I need more of you.” He smirks, thrusting toward you, “You can come on my dick again. Give me your pretty little pussy.”
I know it ends too abruptly. Kinda blanking on what’s next. Any suggestions for further arcs? Where should it go next? Should I end it? Make a new fic?
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eleganzadellarosa · 2 months
Hi. Can you please write a smut of Kyungsoo and Han So hee? 🙏 Thank you.
Sudden Miracle
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pairing: husband!kyungsoo x wife!han so hee
genre: angst (mostly), smut
warnings: MDNI (artificial insemination (IUI), only one smut scene, mentions of failed pregnancy, fast paced plot, allusions to depression)
word count: will update later
A/N: Thank you so much for this ask, this is my first time writing a fic with both characters already chosen, so this was so much fun to do! Also, apologies if it’s awkward and not what you wanted at all 😭 I didn’t know much about this topic, so I researched as much as I could. Also, sorry this took so long! Anyways, as always thank you for reading and enjoy your day :)
taglist: @sleepingbeautydo 💕
It’s often said that “third time’s the charm” or “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again” but for her it was simply something that people said to help her pass the time.
They’ve been trying to conceive a child for the past two years; her and her husband that is, but for some reason they’ve had no success. She’d been to multiple doctors who all told her “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately after running some tests, I don’t believe you’ll be able to naturally conceive a child.”
It put lots of strain on the marriage, even though they both wished for the best. It all started to sound like a broken record; "keep your legs up when he's done", "you're probably just not relaxed", "it's never too late to adopt if you really want a child that badly". Everything that came out of everyone's mouths was insensitivity masked by fake sympathy. She truly had tried everything and absolutely nothing had helped.
She was past the point of hearing advice and she often kept to herself and had even put distance between her and her friends. Of course she didn't mean to, but there were but so many questions of "are you pregnant yet?" that So Hee could handle.
Unfortunately, there was one person she couldn't avoid; her mother. She visits quite frequently, as you would expect one’s mother to, being that she lived close by. She made it her business to visit her daughter and son in law every weekend, usually to just enjoy the time spent together but most times the day would end with how to get So Hee pregnant.
“Oh sweetie, you know Marilyn right?” She continued when So Hee slightly nodded, “Her daughter had trouble getting pregnant too but she started taking these herbs and now she’s 6 months! Maybe you should give it a try.”
“Hah mom…I don’t know if I trust anything your neighbor says, no offense.”
“What’s wrong with her? Sure she’s a little much sometimes but she has a good heart and she’s a wonderful neighbor. And it doesn’t hurt to try love.”
She walked up to So Hee, rubbing a hand up and down her back. "I hate seeing you look so down in the dumps these days. I understand what you're going through and I only want to help." She kissed her on the cheek as Kyungsoo walks into the kitchen, bags in hand. "Oh my dearest boy, where have you been?"
He walks up to her and hugs her. "I was out getting some groceries for dinner, are you staying with us tonight?"
He walked up to So Hee and pecked her lips after he set the rest of the groceries down. He loved her as much as she loved him and he also hated seeing her so down about the current situation. They both had such a strong desire to start a family and it seemed to have quickly faded into nothing but sorrow.
So Hee turns in her seat and looks up at him with her head against his chest. "Oh yeah, don't forget I have my appointment with the new doctor tomorrow morning."
"I didn't forget my love, I have it saved in my calendar and I also have an alarm set."
It was, in fact, time So Hee tried something new after giving up on trying to prove the doctors wrong. “But I’m perfectly healthy” she would say and they all looked at her with tears of their own in their eyes. It wasn’t that simple though, she was healthy but apparently it just wasn’t in her cards to have a baby when she wanted.
So, tomorrow would open up a new beginning; a start to hopefully a successful journey. She had done her research and there were enough testimonials and desperation to make her want to give artificial insemination a try. There were a few tests that needed to be run to make sure she was a good fit for the procedure, but she believed this was a guaranteed win; the solution to all her problems.
She sat on the patient's table, the back elevated so it looked more like a chair. Kyungsoo sat beside her in the extra seating, calming her nerves as he rubbed a thumb over her hand.
“Everything will be okay my love, I promise.” He says just as there’s a small knock on the door.
"Good morning, my name is Jen and I'll be your doctor today." The middle aged woman walked up to So Hee and shook both her and Kyungsoo's hand. "I hear you're interested in IUI?"
So Hee had spent about 15 minutes explaining all the methods, tests, and doctors she's visited along with basic information like family history.
"Well I have good news and bad news for you. Bad news is, we do have to run some more tests, just to make sure your fallopian tubes and uterus look normal and are able to handle the procedure. The good news is, I think you'll have great success with this method. Now, not exactly bad news, but I will say to of course not expect it to work the first time but that doesn't mean it won't work at all."
“Be honest with me…do you think it will work?” So Hee asks, her mood dampening slightly.
“Looking at your past test results, I’m sure this will be a very effective method. As long as the sperm is strong, everything should go just fine. In all my years of being a doctor, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it not work for anyone.”
That made So Hee feel much better and regain the hope she was slowly losing. She told herself not to get upset if it didn’t work, but she really really wanted this to work. After receiving the full rundown, it didn’t seem too hard of a process either. They would collect the sperm and insert it directly into the uterus; increasing her chances of getting pregnant while she’s most fertile. Two weeks later she’ll take a pregnancy test to see if it was successful.
"It's going to feel weird finishing in a cup." Kyungsoo said on their way back home. “I hope they let you in the room with me so I can at least have some motivation.”
She chuckled, “don’t worry, I’ll send you some pictures to get you through it.” She sat in silence for a few seconds, gathering the courage to ask a question. “Are you scared it won’t work?” The question was directed toward him but maybe she was asking herself out loud.
“Scared? Hmm, no. Excited? Absolutely. I know you’ll do just fine baby, and I’ll be there with you through every step of the way. You know I’m your number 1 supporter.” He kept his eyes on the road, but brought her hand up to kiss it.
So Hee smiled and fully rested her back against the seat. She was lucky to have someone like him to calm her nerves whenever she lost control of them.
The first procedure went well thankfully. She hadn’t experienced any pain through it and looked forward to seeing the results of her test in two weeks time. She was so overwhelmed with excitement, calling her closest friends to tell them the great news.
“Aww girl I’m so excited for you!
“Haha you’re better than me, I’d have him give me a little extra at home just to make sure!”
“You gotta call us and let us know what the pregnancy test says!”
All her friend’s voices coming through the speaker on her phone while they did a group FaceTime.
“Thank you guys, really. I’m happy that you’re all happy for me and I can’t wait to call you with the great news!” She smiled from ear to ear. She already started thinking about what she wanted the nursery to look like, what she needed to add to her registry and everything in between.
In two weeks, she would find out she was pregnant and could jump for joy, finally ending this long and painful journey. But as the two weeks approached at what seemed like a snail’s pace, she hadn’t felt different. Not that she would in such short time, but she always knew that after many attempts, she would at least feel something…and she didn’t. She let a few tears fall as she snapped out of her dissociation with reality, staring at the TV while the changing scenes switched rapidly.
“I’m sorry but the test came back negative. Now like I said before, it sometimes doesn’t work the first time and you are more than welcome to try again.”
So Hee couldn’t handle it, she broke down in tears, her face in her hands. This was supposed to be the last stop but she still had to be on this train of misery for who knows how long. Kyungsoo was at her side, rubbing a hand over her back. She felt like a failure in a sense, having just told her friends that she would be call in them with good news. She knew she shouldn’t have been so excited over something that she hadn’t tried yet, but she was sure this would be the end.
Kyungsoo called into his job and said he wouldn’t be coming in today so he could stay with his grieving wife. He was well aware of how much you’d need him to be there even if you yourself didn’t say it. He sat with you in silence on the couch at home, doing whatever he could to help lighten your mood.
“Kyungsoo, just…leave me alone, I don’t want to be bothered.” She said when he wrapped an arm around her and tried to pull her close.
It hurt his feelings a bit to be rejected in that way but he understood that he wouldn’t understand exactly how she felt. This was something that his ability to help only went but so far. He gave her as much space as possible, even eating dinner in separate rooms. They both got ready for bed early, the morning appointments weighing heavily on their bodies and sleep schedules.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something until we fall asleep?” He asked when she moved under the blanket next to him.
“Do I look like I want to watch a movie?” she snapped, “Obviously you don’t care enough that I was just told we weren’t having a baby again even after trying for SO long! If this attitude is bothering you then maybe you should just leave me alone!”
“Maybe we just shouldn’t have a baby then!” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, but before he could say anything, she was already crying and on the way out the door.
He didn’t really mean it, but he hated that she was starting to give up. He’d rather she be healthy and in a good headspace than to have something happen to her during the pregnancy. However, instead of voicing it out correctly, he said the first thing that popped in his mind out of anger. Of course he cared for her and her feelings, that’s what he did the most. He knew she was very in her head about it and rightfully so, but it shot a pang to his heart to hear her say he didn’t care.
And of course she only interpreted it in the way he said it and it surprised her that something like that would come out of his mouth. But it didn’t matter, she would go stay with her mom for a few days to clear her head and give Kyungsoo some space because he obviously needed it.
So Hee had only planned on staying at her mother’s house for a week but there were but so many days she felt like doing constant laundry to accommodate for her lack of extra clothing. She didn’t think ahead before she left the house, she simply left as fast as she could before she also said something she didn’t mean. Now that it was time for her to go back home, she couldn’t help but be stubborn. She wasn’t ready to face Kyungsoo again if it meant that he hadn’t changed his mind at all.
I’ll just go while I know he’s at work she told herself. Thankfully her mother was only about a 30 minute drive from home, so she could plan accordingly. Thoughts ran through her head on her drive back; maybe it was time to move, an environmental change could possibly help her. Maybe she should take her mom up on that offer for those herbs. Something, anything had to help.
Walking inside the house relaxed her; she hadn’t noticed she was so tense. They built this atmosphere with the blood sweat and tears of renovations over the years. Again, the plan was to start a family years ago so it was only right to prepare for the new addition to the family.
She walked upstairs into the dark bedroom. She didn’t bother turning on the lights, letting the shadows consume her and lead her to the bed where her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep. The weight of an arm draped over her waist when she rolled over to switch positions. She slowly shifted to turn and see the face she had subconsciously been missing. He was sleeping peacefully for the most part, but his arm dragged her in a bit more as to not lose her warmth.
She watched his chest rise and fall, his lashes flutter against his cheek. A feeling of love swelled in her chest. He was so good to her and she got so upset with him although he just wanted the best for her. He often put her first in every possible situation out of love and care. Some days he even blames himself for her not being pregnant whether it was true or not, which of course it wasn’t. Either way, he felt so sad knowing that after a while their plans just might fall through.
"Please stay and talk to me. I understand if you want to leave after, but please just let me say what I need to first." He stared back at her when he opened his eyes, instantly melting into her touch.
“Okay…” She hadn’t noticed he was awake until he spoke.
"I'm so sorry that I let said such a thing. I in no way meant to hurt your feelings. I promise you that I wholeheartedly wish for us to start a family, but I hate to see you so disappointed. I want you to be happy, I really do. I love you so much and it made me so sad to see you cry."
Her eyes wet with tears as she laid there listening to him. She knew he didn't mean it but she was so distraught over another failed attempt that maybe she was the one actually giving up. Kyungsoo leaned forward and kissed away the tears that slid down her cheek toward the pillow. He turned her over on her back, kissing from her cheek to her neck and then down to her collarbones.
Soft, small and lingering kisses that eventually trailed back up to her lips. "I'm so sorry I hurt you."
Her brain slowly becoming fuzzy with the warm and tingly feeling that came over her from the sweetness that poured out from the man above her. He rid her of her top, the only thing that came in between him and her skin. He removed his own clothing too; aching to feel her skin against his after what felt like years. Kisses to her breasts, much sloppier than the previous ones, but nothing too lewd. Not a single inch was ignored by his plump, warm lips.
So Hee could feel her heart beating as if too close to her rib cage. He kissed the palm of her left hand before holding it, as he slowly slid the head of his dick past her entrance. A gasp left So Hee's lips, eyelids fluttering from the feeling. He didn't move too fast or too slowly; it was just the perfect pace to show her love. Their bodies moved in sync; her hips meeting his every time he thrusts into her.
“I love you, you know that right?” He placed a sweet kiss against her nose and cheeks, still moving at a steady pace.
“Yeah…I know, I love you too.” She answers breathily, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Should I try again? Try filling you myself? Give you a baby?”
His strokes getting deeper, she closes her legs around his torso. “Yes, please Kyungsoo, let’s try again.”
His pace sped up, his hands caressing the side of her face. Moans leaving both of their lips as he slowly lead them to their orgasms. His hips stuttered, slowing him down from the accumulation of great pleasure. “Cum with me.”
She had no problem doing so, a few more thrusts from him and she came harshly; him following close behind. He laid with her, his body resting against hers but careful not to put too much weight on her. It didn’t guarantee results, but it made him feel better to try anyway. After a few minutes of relaxing on her chest, he finally pulled out.
“I’ll go get something to clean up, just rest my love.” He moved off the bed and pressed a light kiss to her stomach.
It was the dreaded two week mark once again, which meant she had to take another pregnancy test. Peeing on a stick felt more normal at this point in her life. She expected nothing of it, just doing it because she knew she had to. So her next conversation with her doctor was not at all what she imagined.
“How are you feeling today Ms. So Hee? Dr. Jen looked up from the clipboard in her hands, making direct eye contact with her patient.
���I feel great, no changes or anything.” She looks over at Kyungsoo for confirmation and he nods in agreement.
“That’s great to hear, it usually starts like that before the morning sickness kicks in.”
“So I’ve heard and I can only imagin- wait what?” So Hee stares at the doctor in confusion, heart racing with anticipation. In this moment she felt calm or a lot calmer than she expected to. Should she be excited?
A wide smile spreads over the doctor’s face, “Congratulations So Hee, you’re pregnant!”
16 notes · View notes
alexiososp · 8 days
Pride by yeolimerent with Readers
I am Alexio Sospranio and you’re listening to the kaisoo fic podcast!
For new listeners, the kaisoo fic podcast is a space where we discuss literature found in the kaisoosphere. 
This month we will be looking at one fic for two episodes. First part is today, dated the 12th, second part will be on the 14th. Special kaisoo dates!
Today’s episode is slightly different, the kaisoo fic podcast is joined together with two kaisoo readers! And I am also very delighted to share that on the 14th, we will have the author themselves to share their journey with this month’s fic, give insight to the details of the plot and more, so stay tuned for that, coming out tomorrow’s tomorrow!
I would just like to share with you the sequence in which we will be sharing this episode. It is broken up into 5 parts.
Very first part I will share with you the story behind the episode cover art. Next, is introducing guests plus never before done on the podcast, but an important one for guests, we have a small ice breaker ‘never have i ever’ game.
Fourth segment i will introduce the fic, soon after followed by the experience of our two guest readers on reading it based on the questions i asked on the discord.
So generally about 5 general parts.
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Podcast Cover Art
This segment is on the podcast cover art because I would like to express my gratitude to Lyn who I commissioned for this episode’s cover art. Thank you Lyn for opening up commissions and being accommodating to my requests!
The story behind the podcast cover art is a reimagined take on one of the arcs in the fic. This specific scene we have Jongin giving Kyungsoo a bouquet and Kyungsoo looking at shreds of torn blueprints on the floor.
In the podcast cover art, Kyungsoo is wearing his collage outfit. Kyungsoo is looking down on his torn blueprints. This was 8 years ago.
Context for this particular position Kyungsoo is in: Kyungsoo got his work stolen by Soojung. Everyone sided with Soojung because there was no evidence of it being Kyungsoo’s work as he did not consult any advisors of the project. He is dejected, angry, frustrated, resentful because no one believes him. Kyungsoo ends up being all alone, it is as good as his hard work being torn to shreds.
In the podcast cover art, Jongin is wearing a suit as after 8 years, he is a rich, sexy CEO of a company. Jongin has hope in his eyes, he is holding out a bouquet of essentials for architect designers and flowers.
Context for this particular position Jongin is in: Jongin wants to freely show his love to Kyungsoo and make up for all the times it was hard on the both of them. Jongin later in the fic is then honest with Kyungsoo that he did not believe that Kyungsoo stole the work. So Jongin admitting that, is a second chance for kaisoo to truly work on their relationship. 
Intro Guests
Introducing the guests. A few episodes ago, I promoted the kaisooists discord community server. When first starting out the server I was happily surprised to find other keen kaisooists tuning into the server. The community server accepts all kaisooists in the spectrum of casual kaisoo enjoyer to chronically deranged person experiencing kaisooism.  
To celebrate having 100+ members in the kaisooists discord community server, now slightly more than 120 users, I asked users in the server to submit a comment of about 200 words on what their favourite fic is and why. We had two submissions, one by a regular author on the kaisoo fic podcast show, Haqiyin and a kaisoo reader, Jie. Haqiyin’s favorite fic is I Am Happy When I Am With You by Chesh_cat. But today we will be hosting Jie and Yu. Jie eagerly answered Pride by yeolimerent, and so that is the fic we will be going through for the day.
Introducing a bit on Jie, Jie has been in this fandom since (2013), that's about (11 years). The moment that instilled her faith in kaisoo was when she kept seeing kaisoo as a regular pairing in wattpad fanfics when she was a newbie fan and wanted to find exo fics. 
Welcome Jie, we are pleased to have you on this kaisoo fic podcast! Before we begin, do you have any opening comments you would like to make?
Hello everyone! I’m jie and i’m an exo-l from both heart and mind. Been into kaisoo most of my teenage years (until now) and not regretting it at all. And kaisoo did truly change my life and even helped me during my hard times in the past. That's why I treasure them a lot and will pass down to all of my generations that kaisoo is real XD. My journey as a reader started in 2013, as per the introduction, I didn't have knowledge about the famous pairings or otps that the fandom had. But because i was into wattpad, I searched for any exo fanfics I could find and that’s where I found kaisoo. At first, I was thinking about it and then I saw them on twitter and saw lots of fans shipping them, I was convinced they’re real and the hype about them makes sense. After that I started reading lots of kaisoo fanfics I could find on wattpad.
Thank you Jie for sharing! It is very delightful to know that kaisoo helped you during difficult moments in your life. It just goes to show how important kaisoo is to us, how having them as our source of happiness really pulls us out of the darkness of life and gives us the strength to continue living. It sounds really delusional, but if it helps us to continue with life, continue with striving everyday and being hard at work with the things we do, then believing in kaisoo is worth the delulu and crazy.
While preparing for this episode I saw on my timeline, user Yu was rereading Pride and with that I approached them to ask if they would be willing to be part of this episode. Since this episode is an episode talking about pride with people from the discord, I thought it would be appropriate! 
So Yu is another kaisooists in the discord server as well. Like Jie, introducing a bit on Yu, Yu has been in this fandom since (2014), that's about (10 years). The kaisoo moment that changed the trajectory of her faith in kaisoo was when kaisoo were (being dramatic on that EXO’s Secret Lotte Night event in 2016, after Kaistal was publicised).
Welcome Yu, we are also pleased to have you on this kaisoo fic podcast! Similar to Jie, do you have any opening comments you would like to make?
Hi everyone! I’m Yu and I’ve been an EXO-L since 2014. Like Jie, I was not really aware of OTPs and ships inside the fandom until I joined a roleplaying community back in 2014. That time, I was just roleplaying Kyungsoo because he’s my bias and my internet friends were shipping me with Kai roleplayers. I got really curious why “they” were being paired together so I researched a bit on them and saw a LOT of their moments. I thought, hmm, they DO have chemistry and they DO look cute together, not knowing that they will literally change the course of my life forever. That’s the time I started watching their moments together in variety shows, behind the scenes clips, and tours. After that, all I was reading on wattpad were kaisoo fan fictions, then I got introduced to AFF, livejournal, and AO3, creating this kaisoo-obsessed monster. Not only do I see Kaisoo as the people I look up to, but I think they’re the biggest reason I am who I am today. 
Thank you for sharing and joining us on a short notice! I actually personally have never come across a roleplaying community? Yu, is it like tweet fics but interactive? 
Yes, people have the option to roleplay their muse in an in-character way (like as idols) or they can portray their muse in an alternate universe way. People create their roleplaying accounts (at least during my time) using facebook or twitter. From that you can interact with other roleplayers and form friendships within the community too.
omg!! A fun fact is I know the roleplaying community!! . Even until now I’m still doing it as a hobby. It’s actually fun to try making accounts and interact with different roleplayers too. In that community, different idols are like friends and it could be enjoying or traumatizing lmao. I’m also a kyungsoo roleplayer and started roleplaying in 2014.
Ahhh, i see,that is interesting!
I just want to say that the both of you got into kaisoo out of curiosity. Which is very fascinating to me because it just goes to show that kaisoo’s relationship is not blatantly in your face, it is not what… Some people call a government assigned ship or fanservice. They are also not very loud in their interactions in terms of skinship and promoting together… It is a very genuine relationship because on the surface level for really casual fans, it may seem like they have a unique bond where they are more attentive to one another but not too alarming to the casual viewer. But those with sharper and inquisitive eyes may be able to read between the lines. 
My point here is that… okay, how young were you when you got into kaisoo?
Jie’s age: 12
Yu’s age: 13
So being at that point in life in the pre/early teens, we may not have caught on so quickly on their special relationship. Then for the both of you being in the wattpad and roleplaying communities, you probably interacted with slightly older fans who are able to identify that there is a bigger, more intimate kind of relationship for kaisoo. This is my assumption, and with the influence of others, it piques your interest to find out more. And when we see it with our own eyes, with rose coloured lenses, without a doubt, we see that kaisoo really really exhibits a sort of more than friends, more than colleagues relationship. And I love that for them. They are also my sense of strength.
Never have i ever (fic/kaisoo related)
Ice breaker time!
Since this is a three person episode, let’s do an ice breaker to slowly get to get to know each other a bit more before diving into the fic of the day.
We will be playing ‘never have i ever’, but make it fic and kaisoo related! So for the questions, we have to guess if the person has, or has never done said thing.
We have questions we want to ask, so mayb Jie can go first?
Jie’s fic qn: Never have I ever read a fluff/romantic fic with no happy ending
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yu - Since we're talking about tags, it's actually related to my next question, which is…
Yu’s fic qn: Never have I ever ditched a fic that has a good plot but has no proper tagging of who is the top/bottom
Guess Yu’s answer 
Jie - so since we’re in the talks about top and bottom which are quite related to the R18 topic,  the next NHIE is sort of related to it. The question is..
Jie’s fic qn: Never have I ever dreamed about the <intense> kaisoo fic scenes
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yu - So since we're talking about real life things in related to fics and kaisoo, the next question actually is…
Yu’s fic qn: Never have I ever read intense smut in public and in broad daylight
Guess Yu’s answer 
Alexio irl qn: okay so consensus is that the three of us have read a fic in public. My question now issss: Never have I ever skipped an outing with friends/family just to read kaisoo fics
Guess Alexio answer 
Real life relation… 
Jie’s kaisoo qn: Never have I ever thought about kaisoo being the rumored bxb couple in k-industry by pannchoa (?)
Guess Jie’s answer 
Yes, we believe and we pray.
That was fun! Okay now I see the importance of ice breaker because I feel we have more energy now to go through with the episode.
Pride by yeolimerent
Now the purpose of this episode is to commemorate having 100+ users in the kaisooists community discord server. Jie, upon writing out your response, you DMed me on Discord with a screenshot of how you exceeded the server’s character limit of 2000 by double… Now, you really must have a lot to say for this fic to go on for 4000 characters!  
For this particular event, i asked server members to submit their write up by sharing with us five points: 
Brief summary of the plot, character and premise. 
The impact this fic had on you.
What has this fic taught you? 
What particular scene was it in the fic that moved you? 
Why do you love this fic?
Jie, first question of the episode is: Why did you choose Pride by yeolimerent to share with us in commemoration of the 100 users in the kaisooist’s discord community server?
Pride deserves to be promoted more especially for people who love tropes similar to it. Based on my opinion, as a silent reader most of the time, it needs more recognition because it is written to perfection. I’ve been seeing people’s recommendations promoting some overrated kaisoo fanfic (though they deserve it too and they are overrated for a reason) and I haven’t found one recommending Pride so here I am! Sharing this kind of fic is new to me actually because I’m not a hundred percent fan of tropes like enemies to lovers but surprise! I loved this one and it deserves love from everyone too.
I read this fic only after your recommendation, so thank you for putting this on the discord. Without you, we would not have gone through the fic!
I’m glad to hear that though :>>
I would also like to thank you for participating in the event at that point! The discord means a lot to me, and it is nice to see people engaging in it as well!
but oh! I just remembered something. I think back in 2022, if i am not mistaken Pride was the 3rd most recommended fic when kaisooficrec on twitter did a 30 day challenge in january to celebrate their birth month! (https://kaisooficrec.tumblr.com/post/674974951042891776/kfr-challenge). 
But before we dive deeper into the episode, let’s talk about the fic, plot wise and technical aspects:
Pride by yeolimerent is a 300+ thousand-word fic. Very dramatic with tags including: angst; sexual tension; break up/make up; timeskips; miscommunication; mutual pining; enemies to lovers; rags to riches 
Warnings: dubious consent; smut (bottom soo); minor character deaths.
The author warns readers that this is not for the faint hearted, and we quote:  I just have to warn you that this has so many flaws, characters and story-wise. So if you're not into complicated things, please save yourself some time. 
The author warns readers because this is a massive work. Upon reading you see each time you think it gets better, something will freaking give you a whiplash. It is dramatic, it is emotional. 
Reading from the author's summary:
The life of being a chaebol son should be easy, except that it's hell. Do Kyungsoo has one goal—to escape and be free from this leash. So when a heartbreak from his first love gave him the reason to finally leave this hellhole for good, he grabbed the chance willingly.
Years later, he's pulled back to the place, the life, and the man he thought he already escaped. What's worse is when everything he had is taken away from him, by the very same man who just used to be his driver… but now surely isn't.
first time vs second time
Now being a three person episode, we’ll take turns going through the fic, our experience reading the fic, what we are learning from the fic, the ways the fic impacted us and we will end with us reading extracts from our favourite parts of the fic.
Since Jie started off answering the first question, maybe Yu, you’d like to take this next one: 
While getting ready for this episode, we all recently reread Pride again right? How different was it reading it for the first time versus this recent time you reread it again? 
Personally, I felt like reading it the second time around made me look at the plot and the characters in a more in-depth perspective. Of course, the first time I read it emotionally wrecked me for days (XD) that I had to stop myself and pause from reading from time to time to process the events in the fic, and it surely did not change when I reread it again, but this time, I felt like I got to feel each of the characters emotions first-hand too. Like, I understood where Kyungsoo was coming from when he was being prideful and stubborn, and also why was Jongin bad at communicating which is more frustrating!
I see, so for Yu, you were able to immerse yourself in the characters and the meanings behind the things they do. I think usually for these kinds of fics, where it is fast paced. Very action packed, where there is always something happening and you are always kept on your toes. So naturally in your first reading of the fic you would want to know what happens next. So you read as fast as you can, taking breaks when it gets too overwhelming. 
Yes, I agree. The first time I read it I never realized the simplest things in the story will make sense in the plot in the next chapters. Rereading it was an enjoyable experience.
Indeed it was an enjoyable experience.  And what about Jie, did you have a similar or different experience?
I actually relate to Yu’s response! like the first time i’ve read the pride, some of the scenes are blurred to me and didn’t make sense so I was like ‘why is jongin like this and such’ since i’ve observed that the pov heavily falls into Kyungsoo’s rather than jongin’s. And also well i’m kind of scared of what’s about to happen every time since it’s my first time reading it (it’s my default emotion when i read long fics for the first time). but when i reread it, the plot became more defined in my mind and everything just makes sense! and one thing i’ve also observed is that, the effects of each scene are still the same for me when i reread it. I still have mixed emotions and despite knowing what to happen in the next scene, i’m still not prepared for it ><
The delightful thing of reading it a second time is that we sort of know how the plot unfolds… so we are able to revisit the scenes and slowly read through the details in the beginning of the fic where yeolimerent gives tiny hints of how the plot will develop in the later parts of Pride. Moments like the carelessness of Kyungsoo leaving his blueprint in the room without much thought. As a reader, we also did not give it much thought, but that became one of the most important points of the story that pushed Kyungsoo to be off the grid, and he continues to struggle with that problem until almost the end of the fic. So when we reread it again, we are more aware of the small bits of information yeolimerent gives. That goes to show how detailed a writer yeolimerent is. 
That is so true. I really admire yeolimerent as a writer. My twitter mutuals would know how annoying I can be when it comes to this fic because it's always in my head like… Of course there are a lot of fics I love too, but Pride just really stood out because it has all the tropes I like in a fic; exes to lovers, CEO au, rags to rich, angst with happy ending, and slow burn.
I know right!! I actually love how important the small details in yeolimerent’s fic! She’s just so amazing despite knowing some of her fics late. My first fic from her is the smear campaign that i really love so much too!! But for this year, the pride just brought me the roller coaster feeling of emotions and I'm convinced that it will be the top tier fic I have encountered this year.
Omg smear campaign… I first read that one recently during my vacation. Mind you I read Pride BEFORE reading ’smear campaign’ and I was genuinely shit scared because what if yeolimeret decides to make one of them dishonest and to use the other for political gain… but thank kaisoo, that yet again we trust in the love they have for each other that we see kaisoo happy in the fic. 
Upon reading Pride, were there any thoughts that kept coming up? For one, the thoughts that kept recurring in my head were just… how is it possible for love to continue when both parties have hurt each other so much? How are they still somehow able to gravitate towards one another? It really pains me… this fic with its cruel twists and turns. When I say cruel here, it is not a slander against the author, but rather an acknowledgement of how their writing is very gripping and done wonderfully. The art of knowing when to say what happens, keeping the reader on their toes and sharing with us a beautiful story of how kaisoo’s love prevails yet again. Writing meaningfully so that readers are able to feel for the characters and love them in their imperfections.
Before I reached the ending of the pride where they mend their relationship in new zealand if i’m not mistaken, i was so so mad for like yeah i know kyungsoo is this prideful and have flaws but he didn’t deserve any of what people did to him including jongin (still completely unaware of jongin’s side here) because i know they have something stronger but it’s kind of cruel to have a love like they both have and kyungsoo needed to heal !! and honestly, i was ready to fall into the mode of “all of the forms of love sucks” hahahaha !!
I agree a hundred percent, I too was about to give up on kaisoo having their happy end… A scene that comes to me is the moment in the last few chapters when Jongin is seen on his knees and begging for Kyungsoo to stay. I couldn't help but feel so many emotions. The most glaring thought I have is what a bastard Jongin is. He is definitely not one a 100% but he has a lot of flaws and so does Kyungsoo… but i was just wondering as to how Jongin has really hurt a person who means a lot to him, and this person in turn loves him, why issit when Kyungsoo wants to set boundaries, it is very difficult for Jongin to accept that… The premise is ridiculous to me, but that is a reflection of their choices in the fic, again it is not a slander against the writer, yeolimerent really does a wonderful job and it is evident when you feel so strongly for the characters. 
So my question for the both of you, Jie you go first: What surprised you the most in this fic? 
Probably, the scene that surprised me was when kyungsoo chose to run away with Seonho. because at first i kinda expected that kyungsoo will probably leave everything with the much pressure and issues happening in his life, but the last thing i expected for kyungsoo to do is him choosing to live somewhere far away with his ex 😭. i don’t know because my first hunch is like Kyungsoo will leave but like, alone but then the author is like ✨surprise!!!✨i have this second thought that maybe jongin will go with him but it’s kind of blurry when jongin and krystal interact in other scene again ughhh.
Oooh that part! I found that scene really heartwarming in a way? I didn't expect that Kyungsoo would be running away with him too, knowing their history. Thank god they did that because I genuinely believe that Seonho, as a character, had a lot of potential, and yeolimerent took great advantage of it in the plot, which I love.
Right?! But i haven’t look deeper into seonho’s character there because i’m getting whiplash from kyungsoo’s feelings TT
I understand Jie’s point on it being surprising! You usually wont find exes spending time with each other… what more traveling and staying together…But interestingly enough it feels like a natural progression to have Seonho travel and stay with Kyungsoo. Yes they were romantically involved, but they are able to put the past behind and be genuine best friends without romantic feelings. And I also agree with Yu that Seonho was the best person Kyungsoo could have ran away with. They already knew and understood each other deeply because of their family backgrounds and I find their relationship to be very endearing… something very nice to read. 
Yu, were you surprised at that point too? Or what other moments of the fic made you feel surprised? 
When I first read this fic, I was convinced that Jongin had feelings for Kyungsoo the first time they met each other. I also feel kind of skeptical with my hunch since he always seemed like he's siding with Soojung and setting Kyungsoo aside? (Probably because he lacked boundaries huhu) However, I was genuinely surprised and CRUSHED when I found out that Jongin was in LOVE with Kyungsoo during his POV chapters. Jongin LOVED Kyungsoo way more than I imagined and probably more than Kyungsoo could ever love him back. For Jongin, all he did, especially during the 8 years they were apart, will always be FOR Kyungsoo. So, to answer the question, I know that Jongin had the hots for Kyungsoo from the start, but I wasn't aware that he was in DEEP.
I relate to what Yu said at her first statement. Like I was sooo convinced too! But keep getting sidetracked whenever there’s Jongin and Krystal interactions. But you know, i have half thought in my mind that i kinda expected that between kaisoo, one from them will be inlove hahaha my mind is like ‘come on! Someone should be whipped between them coz if i’m not mistaken i read a kaisoo fic and not kaistal or am raging lol’
HAHA, I too would be fustrated if it was a kaistal endgame… Okay so hopping onto that statement, that element of surprise of the fic yu, you mentioned being genuinely surprised and crushed upon finding out that Jongin was deeply in love with Kyungsoo. So how, upon going back to reading the fic for the second time, how did reading it impact you? 
Well, rereading this fic already knowing the twist or the surprising part in mind, it made me analyze every interaction they have before leading to that point. I always pay attention to how Jongin will react whenever Kyungsoo does something and I felt frustrated why this man sucks at communicating his feelings and lacks boundaries to the point where Kyungsoo got badly hurt by the woman he was trying to protect. But then again, I realized that they were young and immature. When they reunited again after years of being apart, I actually saw how they both grew and matured, making more rational choices and not giving in to their impulses or defense mechanisms immediately unlike when they were young.
Wahh!! I love hearing yu’s insight regarding the fic ><
Yu, when you mentioned kaisoo upon being apart then reuniting again, how they both grew and matured, i agree with you to a certain extent. I think it is also a common thing with life. In general when we go through something traumatic or difficult, we pull ourselves away from the situation. Which Kyungsoo does. 
Kyungsoo is soooo real for running away though like, that makes him a human and not like a true fictional character, if y’all know what i mean. Because it is human nature to run away when something inconvenient happens in our lives. And i do that too, but not like kyungsoo running away in other country, (i don’t have the money for that yet HAHA) to be honest, the scene where kyungsoo’s life was already fucked up (due to his dad) and no one believing him when his project got stolen, it is the maximum peak of pain tbh i’m GLAD he did ran away but i’m not glad that he got dragged back. Life sucks (with personal sentiments haha). 
Yes exactly, so he left, but then a cruel twist of fate forces them to meet again. And the almost 10 years apart really has them thinking they have grown out of each other. But very evidently so, within the 8 years, we see the both of them yearning for each other despite being apart even after they hurt each other so much. 
I agree! Despite lying to themselves that they only want revenge (in Jongin's case) and they moved on (in Kyungsoo's case), it is undeniable that did not stop thinking about each other for almost a decade they were apart. They are each other's greatest and true love.
Even in life, fate has this thing where it will test you. It will see if you have learnt from your past, learnt from your mistakes and sometimes if we do not actively practice how to train ourselves to be better, when put in the same position as before, that is the test. Will we make the same mistake again? Will we consciously and cautiously make a more informed decision? Will we learn from the past? Or will we make a worse decision? 
And I think for Kyungsoo, after the intense shock he got from learning that Jongin is his superior, he slowly eases into the idea. Then he is reminded of his younger days where they were young college students. And because of the reminiscing, he falls into the same head space, the same habits that he had previously… 
I think Kyungsoo going back to his toxic ways is a proof that he was not able to properly heal at all and was just repressing everything all this time. 
and this time i found it to be worse? It is a very bad coping mechanism where both kaisoo are terrible at communication, so they resort to a very toxic cycle of sex… slowly overtime it does get better, but even when you believe everything is getting better, there comes a bigger whiplash that pushes kaisoo away from each other… i keep finding myself thinking wow, they really cant catch a break… and when they do it is very measured, you can feel the oncoming doom and it feels like a game. 
To be honest, if kaisoo has good communication here the pride will be just two shot fic LOL. 
Ok that is very true. That tension for conflict will always force the plot to move. 
I agree with the toxic cycle they have especially when one of them has a view of sex can be casual too omg. I can remember I had a phase while reading Pride: I was like talking, throwing side comments as if Kyungsoo or Jongin from Pride could hear me. That's similar to when you’re watching a great movie and trying to talk with the main lead HAHAHAAHA. But i sorta think that kaisoo should have like longer periods of healing time before they go back as lovers :< 
And for Jie, how did reading Pride the second time impact you?  
I'm gonna be honest here because I don’t count myself as a huge fan of heavy angst stories because I know the effect they have on me. Yes yes I kinda expect that i’ll be asked why i decided to read when pride has complete tags. Sometimes, I have this mood where I want to read something beyond my comfort zone (tags like similar to pride, top soo fics and such) and I have that when I decided to save the pride in my bookmarks. My emotions during the first time reading Pride versus rereading it, didn't change at all, despite knowing what to happen anymore. I felt like I absorbed kyungsoo’s emotions and I feel the pain too when everything is not falling to his plans. My mood shifts perfectly depending on the scenes and the feeling of being scared despite already knowing what’s about to happen in the next scenes never left me even reading it in the second time 😭. I’ve always been anxious of intense emotions and it’s like a default emotion for me. The intense scenes just always give me the thrum of a different adrenaline rush every time. 
I can relate to the adrenaline rush oh my! It is interesting that we are here today because Jie, you very passionately recommended this fic yet you are not a huge fan of heavy angst. So what are your favorite tropes to read if not heavy angst?
I believe I have a huge imaginative mind, because I love reading a lot of sci-fi and falling into the fantasy category. There’s always angst in every story, I don’t mind it as long as the story has an ending I’m satisfied with. Strangers to lovers is also an interesting trope for me hehe.
Your favorite tropes are almost the total opposite of Pride haha, so why Pride? What made you read this fic?
I’m gonna answer this with a different view of mine, the tags that the Pride have didn’t interest me a lot because as you said, it's the total opposite of what the tropes I love. I think I have taken the risk to read it because I’m actually trying to explore different tropes now compared to before. This fic totally stood out a lot to me this year (from all the fanfic I've read this year) . I pretty much regret not choosing it to read earlier than necessary because it has been sitting in my bookmarks for a year before I read it. And also I want to read something beyond the capabilities of my emotions (this sounds like i’m applying for a job LOL) . But for real, I opted to be more open minded in the tropes that I didn't quite like before and here I am! I loved it but probably it will take some time before I read something heavy like pride hehe. 
That is quite stimulating to explore different tropes, making the choice to be more open minded. Eventually what gave you the push to finally read it? Was it from the summary or the taggings or someone else recommending it…?          
I decided to read it amidst the stress I was having earlier this year. Maybe the stress or the will I have to be distracted at that time pushed me to reading pride. I’ve started reading the pride during my board exam (that’s like a national exam in the philippines that requires us to be a registered professional) but i managed to finish the pride after my board exam and got the results HAHA. Because I realized that I added more nerve wrecking emotions upon reading the few first chapters of pride. And I’m glad I did that instead of distracting myself during my review season. 
What about Yu, are you a heavy angst reader? 
I can't say I'm a heavy angst reader but I CAN say I'm a fan of it. Like if I'm going to rank it, it'll be in my top 5 fave fic trope, but I can never just casually read angst fics in my free time like it’s the morning newspaper, you know? I can only read angst fics when I'm in the right headspace for it, like reading angst that makes me sob on my bed at 3am haha.
Understand, understand.., reading angst when you are not in the proper headspace… may make your day suddenly gloomy.,,
Going back to the 5 questions that was asked for the discord submissions: 
We have covered the first question on, a brief summary of the plot, character and premise. And just a few minutes ago the question on the impact this fic had on you.
Lesson Learnt, Fav Scenes, Why
The next three questions will be on: What has this fic taught you? And what particular scene was it in the fic that moved you? And why do you love this fic?
Let’s start with yu. Yu, what has this fic taught you? 
Pride has taught me that pushing people away on purpose will not serve us any good and will just lead to more regrets in the future. Communicating what you truly feel to the one you love is really the key to resolve any issues or insecurities you have. I have also learned that what you think about other people or whatever their intentions are, may not be necessarily true and concluding things without properly talking it out will just result in more problems and as I have mentioned, regret and guilt. 
I like your points. I want to expand on it a bit more, but before that upon identifying the two learning points for this fic, what is your favorite scene from Pride? Or what is a prominent scene that you always find yourself  thinking about?
For me, my favorite scene in Pride was when Jongin went after Kyungsoo at the bar and he saw that Kyungsoo was kissing Seonho. Then their confrontation happened and Kyungsoo said a lot of hurtful things to Jongin and the latter was begging for him to talk this out. For me it was the turning point for Jongin to completely change his life and prove to Kyungsoo what he lost (which absolutely backfired because he's still whipped as hell with Kyungsoo).
Yes and this scene happens in chapter 11 titled ‘Escape Plan’ right? Could you do grace us by reading an extract from the chapter? 
Jongin shuts his eyes, obviously bothered by the idea but chose not to acknowledge it. With pleading gaze, he takes Kyungsoo's hand again.
"Soo..." he mumbles shakily, "What's the problem? If I did something wrong... then I'm sorry. Let's go now, please?"
"Get off!"
Something pierces his chest when Jongin's eyes begin to glisten. But no, Soo's far from done. He'll end this once and for all.
"What? Still don't get it? Fine, I'll elaborate." he exhales a deep breath and flashes his casual smile, "You're an experiment. Get it? Flavor of the month, whatever the fuck you want to call it! And now I realize I actually prefer rich, fun assholes who can give me thrill—you're not it.”
End of scene.
So, what I really love about this scene is the intensity of both the characters’ emotions. I love how Jongin was mad at Kyungsoo for almost making out with his ex, it then turned into him begging for Kyungsoo to stop hurting him. On the other hand, Kyungsoo is blinded by his anger and pain with what happened with his father and Soojung that he resorted to hurting Jongin and proving him “wrong”. For others, it might seem that this part is all just for the sake of drama, but I genuinely believe this was Jongin’s turning point into reaching for his dreams and taking Kyungsoo back in the next chapters. He may have had different intentions (revenge) in the beginning, but at the end of the day, Jongin cannot resist his first love.
Thank you for sharing that scene. Intense emotions indeed. And with that it forces kaisoo apart.
A point i have after Yu mentioned having learnt that pushing people away does us no good, the scene that comes to me is a while after Kyungsoo goes back to Korea. To set the context a bit more, I think it was a few days after Seonho went back to Korea. After the scene in the carpark, Jongin brought Kyungsoo to his mansion. Seonho purposely made it seem as though Kyungsoo still had feelings for him, so Jongin got mad. In the car it really is very heartbreaking to see Kyungsoo cry and cry and cry… The moment that gets to me is the following day. Jongin takes Kyungsoo on a ride of nostalgia… Brings him to the furniture shop and then the diner… the diner where his last memories of the place were just so terrible… let me read an extract from the scene.
These are two bits from chapter 24 titled Not Allowed. Extract goes like this:
Soo keeps his silence and the hope falters on the other's face as he finally takes notice.
"Soo." he calls, "What's wrong?"
The designer shuts his eyes and firmly shakes his head again, "Nothing. Just tired."
Even the familiar noise around brings him a headache. Do you know that nostalgia that pierces right through you?
This is more than that. When he left this country and this life so many years ago, this place is one of the things he buried. He marked his own words not to step foot here again but here he is now, with Jongin right in front of him as if his whole life is a big joke.
Do you remember that? Soo asks himself as bitterness begins to stand out among the other glaring emotions, the last time you were here, do you remember?
End of scene. 
You best believe i fucking CRIED! This moment, although short, you can feel the pulling of Kyungsoo’s heart. It is very distressing to read… 
Yoooo this scene is actually painful and all, like I wonder how disappointed Kyungsoo is in himself for going back to the past he’s trying to run away and forget omg!!!
The next moment I will be sharing is the point on what Yu shared on communicating what you truly feel to resolve any issues or insecurities.
This moment is slightly after the scene I read a minute ago, and the extract goes like this:
Soo grits his teeth hard before looking at him.
"Why did you bring me here?" he asks between heavy breaths, "Of all places, why here, Jongin? Huh? Why Kare?"
Kyungsoo finally takes courage this time. He gains the guts to look at Jongin and ask. He watches how the other man's face completely softens. It's like he never thought he would have to answer this question soon.
"Because..." Jongin sighs in defeat, sounding calmer this time, "because this place is special to us."
Soo's eyes begin to glisten. He swallows hard before weakly looking at Jongin.
"You're being so unfair." he mutters pleadingly, "You're unfair. I don't need this. Please... just stop."
Jongin steps closer to him and Soo takes a step back by instinct.
"How am I being unfair, Soo?" he hates how hurt Jongin looks. Because this isn't the image he needs to guilt him every night when it's his right to move on, "You're the one I want. If I need to prove it in any way, then I will."
It feels like a strong blow for Soo. But more than anything else, he refuses to believe he's hearing it, too.
End of scene. 
Here we find that Jongin does not understand why Kyungsoo is feeling and acting in a slight offensive manner. Kyungsoo actively and purposefully makes it very difficult for Jongin and builds up his walls so that he is unreadable… but these bursts of heavy and difficult emotions that bubble through the walls makes it very confusing for Jongin. Kyungsoo definitely does not share his true, honest and vulnerable thoughts. And as a reader the miscommunication part hurts.
Jie, how about your learning point of Pride? What did this fic teach you about life? 
This fic actually helped me to understand more and give me deeper insights about the flaws of each person, the differences we have and what we need to work out for ourselves when we’re making bonds to other people. And also adding that no matter what happens to your life, you only have yourself as your best pal because even the most trusted person you have, will not understand you and can be the reason for your downfall. BUT then no matter how painful we went through, moving on and forgiveness is important. 
I agree, moving on and forgiveness is indeed important in life.
And jie, share with us, what is your favourite scene from Pride? Or what is a scene that you think about when you think of this fic?
I think in all of the scenes in Pride, my favourite scene of all time will be the part where kyungsoo and baekhyun mend their broken friendship. I really love the part where despite being hurt, kyungsoo still cares for baekhyun and tries to help him in any way possible and all while protecting himself too. I can’t really put much into words but I do find it beautiful that they both still managed to fix their bond together and in the end, it’s baekhyun’s turn to help kyungsoo in a way for him to finally settle on the person that makes him happy. They both want happiness for each other and it’s just so genuine.
Ah, chapter 26 titled Make It Up To You… with that, Jie, Could you do us the honor of reading an extract from that chapter? 
"You can never lie to me, Baekhyun.” Soo looks in front, pausing to drink, “We could stop being friends and I’d still know you better than anyone.”
The other man’s expression is hard, obviously tugged in his most fragile spot. But then, his lips begin to quiver. Baekhyun bites it hard before looking away.
“Just tell me.” Soo tells him without any display of emotion once again. He doesn’t know what Baekhyun wants to get from him so he keeps it neutral.
“I thought we’re not friends?” Baekhyun grins again but the pain is slowly resurfacing on his face now, “I don’t really need your sympathy right now, Soo.”
“I’m not giving you sympathy. I want to hear it and by the end, I can decide if you’ve been an idiot or not. I can even make you feel worse if you’d like me to.” Kyungsoo says without batting an eye and the other boy is speechless again, “Just tell me everything and stop keeping it in, dumbass.”
End of scene.
I just love how Kyungsoo is not giving Baekhyun sympathy for what's happening to his old friend’s life. But because it’s only Kyungsoo who knows him since day one, it’s also him who can only understand what’s happening to Baekhyun. Friendships are falling into platonic relationships already, so what Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have in this scene is a huge factor that helped them both heal from their personal issues. Friendships deserve closures too just like romantic relationships, and this scene gave them the closure they both need. I think it’s beautiful that when Kyungsoo managed to mend his bond with Baekhyun, his bond with Jongin came after. 
Thank you for sharing that scene. I really like the point that friendships need closure too. The people you meet in life, friends and family… Relationships and generally life as well, it is a journey. There are moments we may not necessarily get along and our relationship with them may not be the best, which we see from this fic that it is perfectly fine. Because who knows? 
Yes you may have a difficult friendship, but after the wound from the friendship has mellowed down a bit, there are opportunities, as Jie mentioned, to mend the friendship. As long as both parties are still well and alive, nothing is set in stone, there is always a choice to build that burnt bridge. 
Now ladies and gays and kaisoo listeners of the podcast, we have come to the end of the last segment. This segment we looked at three different points of learning from Pride and each of us read a moment in the fic that holds a special place in our hearts. 
We have reached the end of the episode, so yu and jie, do you have any other running thoughts that you have that we did not cover today, be it thoughts on the fic or your experience in the podcast today?
First of all, If I could, I would like to send a huge love for yeolimerent for writing such a masterpiece. She has put me on a thrilling roller coaster of emotions that I’m so torn from crying or loving her story. But as always, love wins!! She wrote the characters to perfection with their flaws and I think that’s just so amazing because I could never do that huhu. But anyway, I’m so glad that I took the risk of reading Pride because I got to learn a lot of things that I could put into real life. And I’m sooo happy that I get to share this experience with Yu and my dear Alexio. I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to make this podcast but then, I’m so glad that you made the discord, and meeting you is one of the main highlights of my year. Sending forever love to kaisoo and kaisooists < 333 
Aw, you are so sweet. I am also very grateful. Thank you for joining the discord, thank you for coming on the show with Yu and I. 
For Pride, I really want to say thank you to yeolimerent for creating this masterpiece. Reading it every time is always an experience. The way the plot unfolded, the characters and their flaws were curated, and the emotions were unveiled is just chef's kiss. As for the podcast, it has been an honor to be a part of this episode and the fact that I get to talk about something I'm really passionate about. I hope I get to do things outside of my comfort zone more often and I wanted to say thank you to you and Jie for having me here.
Yu and Jie, you are both most welcome, and it is a joy to have hosted kaisoo readers today. I will relay your sentiments to yeolimerent. This is the end of the podcast episode, but this is not the end of our journey together as kaisooists, and as kaisooists in the discord, because there are many things to engage in, in the server. I do hope to see the both of you, and our dear listener for this episode, coming in on the discord!
Dear listener, the link to the ao3 for Pride will be given below in the notes section. 
With that, as I mentioned earlier in the episode, we will get a chance to have a chat with the author of the fic. So tomorrow’s tomorrows’s episode will be with yeolimerent!
New episodes either every 13th of the month, in commemoration of kaisoo day in january, or 12th and 14th of the month. 
To reach me, i am kaisooficdrunk on twitter and if you want you can drop me questions on my curious cat you can do so with the same username. There will also be another link that brings you to my tumblr blog with the transcription for today's episode. There you can also find the other scripts for other episodes as well.
Thank you for listening, have a good day, dear kaisooist, and we look forward to the next episode. Stay tuned.
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eomayas · 1 year
Can you do when exo is angry? Like they and their s/o's arguments. I wonder what do you think. Who is the heartbreaker when he is angry? 😶😶
ok.. let’s see! thank you for the request 🩷 (hopefully this is what you were imagining)
exo when angry [req]
minseok: he would lose his patience fast, but he would never try to say anything that would hurt you or your relationship. he would definitely be using “i” language in order to keep your relationship from ending, but when he gets really angry it’s best to leave him alone. when it gets extremely heated, one of you always ends up leaving to give each other space, and when you reconvene you’re able to fully dissect the argument and talk about what went wrong. i think he understands that words have meaning, and he’d be aware of that even when he’s extremely mad.
junmyeon: he would try to stay level headed the entire time, and you would be the one to explode. he would retaliate and yell back, but you’re still the heartbreaker. junmy hates arguing, especially with you, and is more of a mediator but when you get mad he gets mad. he feels what you feel, but when you argue he knows at least one person needs to keep the peace, and it’s always gonna be him. but you hurt him :( and always apologize immediately.
baekhyun: baekhyun is naturally loud, so when you’re arguing he is more prone to yelling. this really upsets you because you don’t appreciate being yelled at, especially by your lover. with baekhyun, it’s really easy to get into screaming matches because you are both essentially trying to be heard but aren’t listening, which makes your arguments very tiring. i think you’d both say hurtful things due to the fact that you’re yelling over each other, and then it would kind of be a game to see who could say the worst thing until the other person gets very upset.
jongdae: this is a man who likes to be right, no matter what and that is typically the cause of your arguments. he’s kind of a “my way or the highway” guy when you’re arguing, and it’s not the words that he says that hurt you but his attitude towards the whole situation. he’s super stubborn when he’s angry, which makes your arguments frustrating and basically pointless. after you both finish arguing (cough cough you give up), he typically apologizes the next day, but it still stings knowing that he’s so hardheaded.
chanyeol: mutual heartbreak i fear.. you’d both be yelling and by the end, you’d both be crying and begging the other for forgiveness. it would start with you saying something about him, and then he would say something about you and it would just pile up until one of you starts crying, thus making both of you cry.
kyungsoo: when he gets angry, he gets scary. it’s never on purpose, of course, but he just gets mad and starts to yell, and his voice is already full of bass so it’s a bit much to see him like that. he would be a heartbreaker :( but would immediately freak out when he sees that dejected look on your face or tears in your eyes. by that point, he’s practically on his knees begging for you to forgive him.
jongin: YOU would be the heartbreaker in this situation! we know our boy is a crybaby (we love u kai), so arguing with you is already emotionally draining for him but any time you seem extremely upset with him and are yelling, it breaks his heart. don’t let you say anything mildly criticizing about him, because he’s in tears on the floor, his head in between his knees. jongin just loves you so much and puts up a front about how “strong” he is, but he’s a mess when it comes to you. you always apologize and hold him until he’s done crying, feeling very guilty to make him this way because he already struggles with crying as it is (y’all know the videos😭😭)
sehun: isn’t a yeller, but he definitely says things that hurt and what makes it worse is that he has an idgaf attitude about it. like, he’ll criticize you mid argument, his voice not even at a yelling volume, and say the most out of pocket thing about you, like he’s purposefully trying to hurt you. but he’d feel bad about it internally!!! but then it would be like a word vomit thing where he kind of keeps going as long as you’re still arguing.
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itstheoneshot · 11 months
Kinktober Day 25
Sixty-Nine - D.O.
!sub D.O.
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Kyungsoo was antsy, pulling and tugging at your clothes from the first second that you get home from work. It had been a few days since you had any quality time together, mostly working different shifts, but tonight your work had lined up and you had an evening to yourselves.
“Please, jagi,” He begs, “I need to taste you, let me go down on you, please?”
He was so needy, but you know his skills well enough that you are practically dripping in anticipation, happily following him down the hallway to your bedroom, clothes being removed one by one and scattered behind you like a trail to remind you of your way home. You are both naked by the time you stumble through the bedroom doorway, bodies intertwined in a passionate embrace, grateful to know your house so well, there is no risk of falling except for down onto the mattress which was intentional. 
Kyungsoo is on top of you, but not for long, as he kisses along your jawline and then down your neck, next across your chest, moaning around your breasts as he makes sure to give them both equal attention. He soon moves down your stomach, and pays close attention as he kisses your hips, while you spread your legs to give him room to fit between them. He stares at you hungrily, kissing further down, wanting to give the sensitive skin of the insides of your thighs some attention before ending up exactly where he wants to be.
He licks a stripe up the length of your slit, moaning as he tastes the beginnings of your arousal, and once he reaches your clit, settles there only occasionally moving back down. He loves the way that your thighs shake when he focuses on those sensitive nerves, loves the way that you cry out his name, begging for mercy, for reprieve, though he does not let up, not until your first orgasm comes over you. Your back arches and you grind up into his face, chasing the pleasure that he is so clearly enjoying giving you, that you can tell as you watch him stroke his cock in time with your moans.
“Soo,” You cry out, “I’m gonna blow you too.”
Kyungsoo slows down only to answer you, “But, I’m not done…”
He is cute and pouty, lips shining with your wet, he looks so hot like this, and you definitely don’t want him to stop, not for a second.
“That’s okay,” You nod, “Just lay down, let me get on top of you, you don’t have to stop.”
Kyungsoo’s mind races as he realises what you’re offering, a position that excites him so much, one that you don’t do often enough, really, he scrambles to reposition, and so do you. Once straddling his waist, you turn around and shuffle back, at just the right angle that now he can continue to go down on you, and you are able to blow him easily. You close your mouth over the tip just as he reconnects his tongue to your core. The pleasure shocks you, throwing you forward to take him deeper into your mouth, but Kyungsoo’s grip on your hips keeps you steady, so he can continue too. You make pace quickly, with one hand wrapped around the base of his cock while your mouth works the rest, too much for you to take in even with hollowed cheeks to take him deeper. 
You moan around his cock as he works your body, this new angle making you feel some kind of way, Kyungsoo’s deeper moans sending additional stimulation through you, making your mind hazy, though you try to focus and do well, it is increasingly difficult as another high comes closer to breaking in. You gag each time you lower your head down, but Kyungsoo likes it that way, likes it when you get messy, spit pooling over your hand and down onto the base of his cock, it gets him there quicker than he had planned, wanting to enjoy this for a while longer.
You grind back down onto his face as your orgasm comes to peak, pulling off his cock momentarily and resorting to just stroking him instead, resting your head on his thigh as you cry out, eyes watering from the stimulation, it feels so fucking good you can barely breathe. When the intensity begins to subside, you resume giving him head, closing your mouth over the tip and forcing yourself down. Kyungsoo thrusts up into your mouth involuntarily, hips jerking with his own desperation now, knowing that you will get him there, but so turned on, needing it now.
It doesn’t take much more, with your hand massaging his balls, and his cock halfway down your throat, with a particularly dirty moan, his cock twitches and he releases hard and fast. You desperately swallow, not wanting to miss a single drop, savouring the taste before it slides down your throat, moaning around his cock while you suck him dry. Overstimulation comes for him quickly, he is so much more sensitive than you, whimpering and pleading for you to give him mercy, I’m done, jagi, enough!
You pull off him with a pop, his cock softening before it even leaves your lips, and you move to lay down beside him. Catching your breath as he does his, a hand on his chest to feel his heart, you are content, and so is he, at least for the moment.
kinktober masterlist
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