#kyunghoon imagines
bitacrytic · 8 months
The irony is that Sangwon/Kyunghoon are probably the main couple of the game/novel. Yeowoon was said to be the side character with a sad life that dies. But we're seeing the story from the perspective of a character that is focused on him, so to us he is the main character's love interest.
But in the original story, Yeowoon is a side character.
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dropthedemiurge · 6 months
Love for Love's Sake actors perform "You like me, don't you?" confession scene :D (Myungha/Yeowoon, Sangwon/Kyunghoon, Myungha/Sangwon)
They are so adorable and we get characters admitting their feelings that never happened in the series, hehe.
I translated this segment and added quick english subtitles so I hope you enjoy this bit from LFLS fanmeeting! This was fun. And I loved how all of them used their own lines from their character's script but they mixed them up to suit this situation :D
(tumblr is acting out so i couldn't upload it here for 2 hours therefore come watch it on yt %)
I'll also add the full written transcript in read more >
(Translation by @dropthedemiurge or ametistlex on twitter) [They are acting out the scene with "You like me" line]
MC: Let's start with the first pair, Myungha and Yeowoon. TV: I'm asking him, right? MC: Yes. We'll also do the opposite scene. TV: "No, listen… You like me, don't you?" JW: "You already know it, sunbae?" JW: "Why aren't you dating me then?.." TV: "This… well… Do you wanna go eat ice cream?" JW: "Why do you like ice cream so much, sunbae?" TV: "I like it because of you, you brat!" JW: "Let's go~" WK: Come to me. Come here! MC: Shall I give you guys some popcorn? MS: After all that ice cream, you'll go to dentist! MC: You'll have to go to dentist after eating ice cream lol MC: But I really felt like I was inside the drama now. MC: Let's now act out the opposite situation, we couldn't even imagine it! JW: I was waiting for it. JW: "You like me, don't ya?" TV: "Yeowoon-ah… You're not talking politely." (the original line is in informal speech but Myungha is older than Yeowoon) JW: He's so scary~ TV: "Shall we go eat some ice cream?" JW: "Don't wanna!" MC: Let's clap for them! MC: Actor Taevin, I only asked you to say the script but suddenly you did the "informal speech" line. TV: Well, I responded to it because Yeowoon started it nicely for me~ MC: Wow… Fans are shouting that it was dope. MC: Let's have our actors Woongki and Minsu act out this scene now. WK: But Kyunghoon has a boyfriend… MC: Ah, that's right! MC: Fans are telling you to break up lol WK: No way! WK: I did my best and I'm loving him~ MC: Was he American? WK: I think he was from America… MC: I remember he was a foreigner. MS: They told us to start dating. WK: Shall we? WK: But in any case, Sangwon is difficult (?) MC: Then just pretend it's happening and show us the scene. WK: "You like me, don't you?" MS: "What do you mean?" WK: "No, but I know you like me!" MS: "You can see that I like you?" MS: Was it good? MC: I saw Cheon Sangwon right here! TV: Nice, nice~ MC: Nice-nice~ Taevin, did you like-like it? TV: It was very ni-nice, I li-li-like-liked it a lot. WK: But I (Kyunghoon) am older than you, and you spoke informally. I was a bit annoyed. MC: Let's do the opposite scene. MS: "Kyunghoon-hyung!" MS: "You like me, hyung, don't you?" WK: "How did you know?" MS: That's not the line! TV: What the? MC: This is his lines! TV: Cut! WK: Why?! It fits, so why?! MC: Taevin said he's cutting this scene. TV: I liked Kyunghoon's emotions, they were so real! MC: Director Taevin, is this a failed scene? MS: Do it once more? MC: I think it's a failure. TV: Yes, it seems like we'll have to reshoot it! MV: Director Taevin told you to do the scene again.
MS: "Kyunghoon-hyung, you like me, don't you?" WK: "Is it that obvious?" MS: "Yeah" WK: "I'll be careful from now on." MC: This drama is so fun! TV: So cute! MC: Turns out, Kyunghoon is a careful (hesitant) person… MC: Fans are all saying it's fun to watch. MC: Should we ask the last couple to perform it too? Fans: Yes! MC: Myungha and… MC: Sangwon! With Myungha will be the last pair. MS: Let me have something too! TV: Yeowoon-ah, close your ears~ MC: Yeowoon, tell them 'ready, action!'. JW: Readyaction. JW: I'll do it properly. Ready, action! TV: "Listen… you like me, don't you?" MS: "Can you see… that I like you, hyung?" TV: "Yes." MS: "Let's talk about it then?" TV: "Let's not." TV: "It's your problem, I'm gonna go~" MC: Oh no, he just went away! WK: Good job~ TV: Was it too harsh? MS: But I had more lines! JW: It sounded just like Myungha! MC: You had another line? MC: Don't go away, he has something to say! TV: You have more? TV: "What?" MS: "Hyung… I used to like girls!!!" MC: Ah, that's the line that you had. MC: Now, the opposite? MC: The opposite scene. TV: How? MC: Minsu will say "you like me" to you. TV: Ah, so I like him. MC: That kind of situation has never happened in this drama! MC: Are you jealous? TV: I got it, okay! Sits here next to me… MS: "Hyung~" MS: "Hyung, you like me, don't you?" TV: "Me? No?" TV: "Does it seem that I like him?" TV: "I don't, though?" MS: "Start looking at me too" TV: "Alright, then… what kind of ice cream do you like?"
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astralsweetness · 4 months
I had no idea about this group History, and that's awful the industry it's already bad and the company making it worse... I can't even imagine what they had to go through, but it's good to know they are doing better nowadays. In fact I'm still in disbelief at this inhumane treatment they received that's so revolting wtf
It must've been a hard time for you, it's good to know that you're doing good with it now and they were able to move on and live a happy life!!
But Luna since I really just got to know about history do you mind telling me more about 'em? and if you can I would love some music recommendation, also how did you got into them?
About Pentagon, I don't think I can consider myself an universe, but I'm def a casual listener and I like them a lot, such great artists!!! Pentagon is also very mistreated by cube they could be so much bigger!!! so many good producers in just one group, these companies stress me out, not to mention but, lately I've been completely obsessed with Navy blue by wooseok it's soooo good I keep putting on repeat lol, honestly cube is dumb how can they just waste those talents?!
I think I can understand what you mean when you say like this "i guess in a way they are both my ult" I imagine it must feel different... I guess when Svt disband I'll also feel like this, even though there's other groups I like, I don't think it'll be the same
And about Jihoon I get iiitt I totally get itt omg he's just so 😫😫😫 I've been seriously thinking if I have two ults nowadays cuz of him
Ahhh yes I will ofc talk about them! I don't really know what to say, since it's been so long since I got to ramble about them, but I'm sure I'll manage haha.
First off, I will say that if you're interested in BTS, History's maknae Yijeong is very close to BTS' Yoongi and was featured on his.. talkshow?? for the last episode. It's got some really great insight, such as Yijeong explaining that towards the end of working as a History member he had a neurological issue where he was terrified to sing and therefore he hates watching videos of himself from that time because it brings back a lot of bad memories. (Also, Yoongi said he wishes Yijeong would sing again, and.. same. He even said he'd pay for all the hospital fees LOL). Just had to mention it bcs it's one of the rare instances where we actually got to see a History member on screen again, and talking about History.
Anyway! I honestly, legitimately don't remember how I got into History. It wasn't their debut - maybe their first comeback? I wasn't a fan of their debut song Dreamer, though it's definitely grown on me over time. I think Tell Me Love was when I fell for them. I saw Yijeong in a skirt and them trying to make Kyungil look young and went. Yea. These stupid men. I like 'em LOL. (It also helped that I knew about Dokyun bcs of the brief stint where he was lead singer for the band Buzz, in place of Min Kyunghoon).
They don't have a huge discography so it's actually fairly easy to just recommend you all their title tracks.. and it also helps that their title tracks are fucking great.
What Am I To You has a great Latin vibe to the music that, in 2013, was not happening in other kpop songs, along with great choreo and great vocals.. what else do you need lol. Psycho had great choreography and brilliant story-telling in the MV. Might Just Die.. I am so fucking conflicted on. It's probably my least favorite title track of theirs, for various reasons (the injuries sustained while being taught to do the dangerous choreography, having to starve and dehydrate themselves, etc), but it's also their most well-known bcs… shirtless lol. LOST is STILL one of my favorite songs of theirs (I love grittier sounding stuff) and I think they really nailed the vibe of a "one-recording" MV without it looking cheap even tho it.. incredibly was (I recognize everything they're wearing as actual clothes they just own lol). And Queen.. man, what can I say about that song. It's got more views than their shirtless MV and I think was exactly what the industry was looking for at the time - unfortunately, it came too late for LOEN to see any need to continue funding them. I also included a clip of the horrible Show Champion stage for Queen that was covered in water, where Jaeho falls at the very end and breaks his wrist INTO the microphone. Feel free to skip but it's.. wild.
It's hard to recommend bsides of theirs bcs they just didn't have the chance to perform many of their earlier ones, or there's no good quality videos since they're all fan-taken haha.
I'm someone who really, really loves choreography, so I've got to mention their choreography video for What Am I To You, if only because seeing the way Jaeho's hat somehow manages to stay on while Kyungil loses his is kind of hilarious lol. Also obligatory mention of their choreography video for Might Just Die that they did fully blindfolded, until the jump. It's insane, especially since only one of them had a dance background or even LIKED to dance lol. I also really like Ghost's choreo, but I included it below lol.
Personal favorite bsides for me are Blind (it feels very old, but I love it), Blue Moon, Wake Up!, and Beautiful My Girl (the latter two of which are Japanese, so we have no official audios of them online anywhere and are stuck with only performances unless you have the cd.. rip. welcome to the bad video quality from 8+ years ago lol) as well as vocalist Yijeong's... rap song.. 1Century hehe which is a fuckin bop. People also really like Ghost (tho this isn't the full version, ft. Kyungil again losing his hat) and Wild Boy is an.. interesting song lol.
I think this is probably the most iconic version of Wild Boy, simply because Kyungil acknowledged he was severely hungover during it and they were all just vibing and having a good time lol. You'll notice they're very loose with their choreography - this was how they always were unless it was a title track, a choreography video, or a big, professional stage. It's definitely different from how idol groups feel nowadays, and most likely was a product of four out of the five members not being told ahead of time they'd need to dance to be in the group & none of them really cared about it, they just cared about having a good time lol. (Yijeong and Kyungil both jump off the stage in this performance and literally just go vibe in the crowd for a while lol, which was very in-line with how they approached performances). This is not the group to look at if you want clean lines in choreography all the time lol.. a big change from Seventeen, who I know you like.
A couple of them have gone on to have solo careers - Kyungil currently goes by 1il, but his stuff is so.. hit or miss sounding to people that I'm not sure it's worth recommending anything haha. I will say though that his MV for Love It is insane. I love it, pun intended. I have been waiting to see that man get choked by a woman for years and he finally gave it to me LOL. Jaeho is currently working under the name KIMNANO, and his stuff feels very vibey with R&B or ballad roots mixed in.
As for Pentagon, you're right about that - but Cube pretty much mistreats all their artists unless they're making them a substantial amount of money, which is why they're so focused on GIDLE and only GIDLE lol. If GIDLE hadn't blown up initially with their debut we absolutely would not be seeing as much funding for them.
And yeah, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head - I can't quantify my love for History, or Pentagon, or Seventeen. They all mean different things to me and were there for me in different ways and at different times.
jihoon pls you'd make such a pretty girlfriend i love u
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kpop-imagines-247 · 7 years
Am I not enough?(Min Kyung Hoon x Reader)
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A/N: I loved this request for two reasons one is I love the song Perfect Man by Shinhwa and Min Kyung Hoon is one of my favorite people to write for.
OOH, YOU WRITE FOR MIN KYUNG HOON OOH so I'll make a request ㅋㅋ angst to fluff pls with "Promise you that I will be the man and give all that you need" thx ;)
Word count: 362
Rated: G
Type: angst and little bit of fluff at the end
Pairing: Min Kyung Hoon x Reader
My eyes widen at the articles and scandals I was seeing on my phone. ‘Actress+Idol Y/N and Andy Lee of Shinhwa are dating!!!’ I scroll down more ‘Shinhwa’s Andy dating Actress Y/N proof.” I click on the last one and see pictures of me and my cousin Andy at the coffee shop together. Shaking my head I call Andy and he picks up on the second ring.
“Hello.” I hear Andy’s voice on the other side of the line.
“Have you seen the Articles and scandals that we got thrown into?”  I ask.
“Yes, I have seen them. We are going on knowing brothers together tomorrow, we can just clarify what was actually going on yesterday.”
“Okay, oppa I will talk to you later,” I say when I heard the front door getting unlocked.
“Bye Y/N/N,” he says then hangs up the phone.
I look up to see a sad Kyung Hoon. “Hey, babe what’s up,” I ask my boyfriend.
“Am I not enough for you?” Kyung Hoon asks while not looking me in the eyes.
“Hoon, it’s not even like that.” I try to explain the articles but I get cut off.
“Not like what, because to me it looked like you were on a lovely date with Andy Lee.” He says while getting slightly angry.
“Look I may not act like a ‘tough’ guy but you could at least dump me first.” He says while looking at the ground.
“If I wanted a ‘tough’ guy don’t you think I would be with someone like my cousin Andy. Hoon I got with you because I love you and I need a man who is not only sensitive but also trusts me and will never believe rumors before actually talking to me.” I reply as I walk off to our room.
I feel a hand go around my small wrist and I gently get pulled into an all familiar chest. I relax in Kyung Hoon's  arms when I hear him whisper “I am so sorry for jumping to conclusions, I promise from now on that I will be the man and give all that you need.”
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kyungchullie · 5 years
it's cute how much they like roleplaying as if they were dating
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k-pop-imagines · 4 years
Can you please make D, J, P and X for Min Kyunghoon? Please and thank you 😊
D = Darling  (Pet names) 
He’s probably not someone who uses pet names too much. He mostly adresses you by your name or calls you sweetheart once in a while. However, you might use a bunch of cringy pet names for each other ironically.
J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?) 
He actually gets jealous quite easily. Whether you’re out to eat and the waiter starts subtly flirting with you or an old ex suddenly contacts you again. However, he’s not the type to show it. He’ll rarely talk about it, he’ll just silently brood over it but brush it off after some time. He trusts you, so there’s no need to be jealous. 
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex) 
Kyunghoon is probably fairly vanilla and not much into experimenting. 
One of the things that turn him on the most, is when you play with his hair, maybe even pull it a little during sex. 
He most likely falls asleep very quickly after finishing but will make sure you’re tight in his arms when he drifts off to sleep.
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
It really depends how they broke it off. If it was a nasty break-up, he’ll try to either ignore or avoid them, making sure they don’t notice his presence. If they parted in a friendly manner, he might even strike up a conversation but nothing that lasts longer than five minutes. In general, he’s probably not someone who’d stay friends with one his exes. 
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mkhrockin · 6 years
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Part 2/? of the infamous photo shoots Kyunghoon did for Star Brand Shop back in 2006(?).  
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girlfanswan · 6 years
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Situation: You are a director/producer. After a long day of filming with an idol group, you got home exhausted. While you were asleep, your lovely boyfriend, Min Kyung-hoon, comes home.
Filming days were long, filming days with BTS were longer. Those seven rascals were tough to handle and can be quite a handful if not pleased or reprimanded. The exhausted faces of the crew on set indicate their dying patience and itch to go home. You were no exception.
What started out as a well planned day turned disastrous. It was supposed to be the final day of filming for their upcoming music video. There were only two shots left to film but not all the boys were available for the day since the production coincided with album preparations. This further extended your day for three more hours. 
When a staff member accidentally corrupted a file, you and your crew had no choice but to reshoot the three shots you lost. Then, as the day came to an end, the boys grew impatient and started rebelling. Out of boredom, they began to play tricks on everyone which led to a few damages to both the set and a camera. Then, they just refused to shoot, which led to you and their manager spending an hour trying to change their mind. But, you just could not take it anymore. You rescheduled the whole shoot for another day, much to the relief of everyone.
You went home to an empty apartment. The lights were dark and there was no sign of your boyfriend anywhere. You looked up at the clock hanging above your couch in the living room. It was 3 am. 
“Jagi must be working late tonight”, you said to yourself. 
The couch looked inviting so you let your body collapse into it. Your eyes grew heavy as you sat there, still in your work clothes and heavy coat. Eventually, sleep overtook you and you were out like the light - just as Kyung-hoon entered the apartment himself.
“Jagiya! I’m home! Did you have a good day?” He called out as he removed his shoes. When you didn’t reply, he just assumed that you were probably working on something important.
He hung his coat up and got a cup of water in the kitchen. As he scrolled through his phone, your loud snoring echoed through your home. 
“Jagi, must have had another long day.” He said to himself.
He followed your snoring to the living room where he found you sound asleep in an awkward position. Kyung-hoon left his cup on the table and rushed to your side. He carefully took off your coat and untied your hair. Then, he put your tired self into his arms, careful not to wake you, and carried you to the bedroom. He couldn’t help but admire your innocent face. Signs of exhaustion was evident but it didn’t take a way the natural glow you had. He gave your cheek a quick peck just as he reached the door.
Kyung-hoon laid your body on the bed and placed a blanket over you. He moved away some strands of hair that blocked your face before he tiptoed his way to the bathroom and got ready for bed. 
Just as the morning light began to seep through your curtains, he lied down next you. He reached across your small body and cuddled you close. He took in the scent of your sweet perfume and the warmth of the embrace. A smile crept up on his face as he thought about how lucky he was to have you by his side. He kissed your head before falling asleep as well.
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blu-joons · 3 years
You Appear On Knowing Bros Together ~ BamBam
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Your head shook yet again as BamBam continued to bounce around your dressing room in excitement. Your eyes turned between him and your outfit in the reflection of the mirror, straightening your tie so that it was perfect.
“I just want to get on with it,” he chuckled as his eyes met yours, quickly calming himself down. “I finally get to be on this show with you, it’s what I’ve wanted to happen all along.”
BamBam had spent the entire morning telling you all about his two previous experiences appearing on Knowing Bros, letting you know all the things you had to prepare for. You could only listen with a smile as BamBam seemingly forgot that you’d nearly watched every episode before.
Despite it being your first appearance on the show, you already felt like you knew the place pretty well. You knew all about the show, the segments, and all of the members of the classroom and who you’d want to target.
But most of all, you knew that BamBam was definitely going to be the star of the show. You were more than happy to stand back and let him do his thing, if you were honest, you much preferred for more of the attention to be on him anyway.
“Shall we head down to the classroom?” He asked as he glanced across at the clock.
You looked across too, nodding your head. “Let’s go and get it done,” you responded to him.
His hand reached out for yours, pulling you down the corridor until you reached the sliding door. “I’m so excited to do this with you.”
You smiled across at him, unable to find the time to speak before you were told to open the door and reveal yourselves. A sudden wave of fear hit you as you walked in and saw everyone looking across at the two of you, lagging behind BamBam who walked in confidently.
“I’m BamBam,” he immediately spoke up, “and I come from the school of I can definitely out sass all of you today, just wait and see.”
“And I’m Y/N, and I come from the school of, I’ll definitely be living in my boyfriend’s shadow for the class today.”
You were more than happy to stand back as BamBam quickly began to answer all of their questions, giving you plenty of time to settle into the new environment. As much as you didn’t want to show it, BamBam could definitely tell how nervous the two of you were.
“There’s a lot I want to find out about the two of you today,” Heechul spoke up, “but most of all, I want to know how on earth Y/N puts up with you all of the time BamBam?”
You chuckled gently, as BamBam waved him aside. “I’m the perfect boyfriend, I treat her nicely, buy her all the best things, it definitely helps.”
“I would still be with you without your money, thank you,” you quickly pointed out.
You nudged him to the side, resting your hands across the desk to start taking control. The whole room chuckled at the surprised expression on BamBam’s face as you moved him out of the way so that you could start talking too.
After Soogeun had read through your profiles together, you pushed BamBam away to go and sit down at the front desk, pulling out the queue cards that had been left out for you, reading through the first question, unable to hide the smile on your face.
“BamBam and I have been together for three years now, but what was the reason that I initially declined when he asked me out on a date?” You asked the group.
You sniggered as BamBam’s eyes widened as soon as he listened to what you read out, kicking his feet up on the desk, trying to play it as cool as he possibly could in front of all the others.
“Did he ask you to sleep with him on the first date?” Heechul asked immediately, much to your surprise. “I bet he bragged about himself a lot.”
“He does brag a lot,” you laughed, “but he didn’t ask me to sleep with him on the first date.”
“BamBam gave you a limit on how much he’d spend on you for your first date,” Youngcheol called out next, “he didn’t want to waste money on you.”
Your head shook with a giggle, “he actually didn’t care how much he spent, he spent a fortune on me.”
A couple more ideas were called out from around the group, but all of them missed the mark. The conversation reached a new low when Kyunghoon suggested that BamBam had shown you the digits in his bank, which you quickly dismissed, leaving BamBam red faced.
“It was like an initial stage before our date,” you spoke up, giving them a clue. “There was something that he wanted from me before he agreed to go on a date.”
“Was it like a questionnaire?” Hodong suggested, “did you have to get so many questions right before the two of you were able to go out on a date?”
You stopped for a moment, thinking before shaking your head. “It wasn’t a questionnaire, but it was a question, there was something that he wanted from me, which made me say no to a date with him.”
“Was it anything to do with money?” Janghoon asked, “I imagine it must have done.”
The moment of silence from you yet again let the group know that they were on the right tracks. “Did he make you pick something for your first date that he needed to spend his money on?” Sangmin asked.
“Yes!” You cheered, hitting the toy hammer on the desk. “He said that I had to help him do an online shop, so he had the perfect outfit for our date, and I found that so weird, so I said no.”
BamBam’s cheeks were bright red as you continued to exploit all of the things he’d done at the start of your relationship. The sound of you reading out the next question came as a great relief to him.
“Alright, what did BamBam buy for my last birthday?” You questioned, smirking yet again as his head shook across at you for answering such a shameful question.
“Did he buy you jewellery?” Heechul asked, starting off nice and basic, only for your head to shake straight away.
You could feel BamBam’s eyes on you as you went around the room and listened to a couple more guesses, only to call them all as wrong.
“Did he take you on holiday?” Sangmin asked, “that was the last thing I did for my ex-wife before she ended up divorcing me.”
BamBam spun around, quickly shaking his head straight away. “You’ve put some sort of curse on us now bro if I end up taking her away.”
You chuckled loudly as you returned to the front desk. “Think of something BamBam would do specifically.”
“Did he buy you something of him?” Janghoon asked, noticing how your eyes lit up. “Was it a photograph or something just of him.”
You moved across and sat on BamBam’s desk, hitting his head with the hammer. “This guy brought me a statue of him to keep so that I had something to represent him when he went on tour.”
“I thought it was a nice present,” he quickly protested, “anyone would miss this face if I went away, so I wanted to make sure that I was always on her mind, and that she didn’t forget just how good looking I was.”
For the rest of the episode, you happily exposed many of BamBam’s secrets, making sure he left the set red faced when the shoot was finally called to an end.
As soon as it was, his arms wrapped around you and began to tickle your sides. “I can’t believe you were the savage of the two of us today.”
“Someone had to steal your crown at some point,” you teased, “it’s fun being the one to constantly make fun of you for a change.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, even at my expense.”
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kpop-imagines-247 · 7 years
You’re Dating HIM (Min Kyunghoon requested)
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A/N: I really did try on this one, however I have never seen a full episode of knowing brother I know I know I am terrible it’s just I have almost no way to watch a full episode, however, I do watch some of the funny moment competitions on youtube,   so I am very sorry if I got anyone's personality wrong and if this imagine sucked but again I did try. This was requested by @wishangewls  and I am so sorry this was in my drafts for a while and I just forgot about it because of the heat so I am really sorry. Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling errors. ~Zero
Rated: G
Reading time:10 to 15 minutes it really depends.
Word count:987
Y/B/N= your band's name
I guess being a recently debuted Idol has its perks, like going on variety shows, doing live performances and fan meets. It’s terrible when you get put into scandals though, once I was hanging out with my brother and some people have seen us and the next day I am in a dating scandal that is never fun especially when you are dating another Idol. Who you ask? Well, that is a secret, for the time being, I can give you a hint though Y/B/N we are going on the same variety show with them this week. I know it doesn’t really help but we will be going public.
* Time Skip to the day we are going to film*
“Unnie, are you so excited to be on Ask Us Anything? I know that I am!” Our maknae Yuna asked while jumping up and down.
“I guess, I more nervous than anything.” I tell the younger girl honestly.
“What about you Oppa are you excited?” The younger girl asks while getting excited again.
“Yah Yuna-ah, you need to calm down because we have a long day ahead of us.” Our leader Dongwoo states in a serious tone.
“Sorry, Dongwoo Oppa.” Yuna says with her head slightly down.
I was about to say something when we see one of the directors come up to us and hand over our uniforms for to day. Saying a quick thank you, Yuna and I go towards our dressing room while Dongwoo goes to his. Once we got into our uniforms we met outside the door of the set, getting into order by age the line goes Dongwoo up front, me in the middle then Yuna behind me.
I can hear the loud voices of Heechul and Ho-Dong arguing over something but it stopped as soon as Dongwoo opened the door walking in with me and Yuna trailing not far behind.
“Oh, it is Y/B/N, a male/female Idol group that debuted recently.” Heechul says looking at us, I know he recognizes me personally because I am dating one of his friends and because I know him personally.
We get up to the podium the leader starts the group introduction. “Annyeonghaseyo, we are Y/B/N, we are as Heechul stated a male/female Idol that is under JYP Entertainment I am the Lee Dongwoo I am the Leader and main rapper out of us three.”
“Annyeong my name is Park Y/N and I am the second oldest in the group I am the main dancer and visual.” I say while bowing.
“Annyeonghaseyo. I am the cute maknae Lee Yuna  I am the lead vocalist.” Yuna says while bowing, of course, Yuna being Yuna made the hosts laugh.
It is now question time and I am going first oh joy.  “Before you start Y/N tell me about the dating ban, that your group is facing.” Ho-Dong requested.
“There is a dating ban on Dongwoo Oppa and on Yuna, I was already dating when I joined JYP as a trainee, me and my boyfriend have been dating for so long that JYP is letting us continue to date, We plan to go public on a variety show, that is all I can tell you as of right now so let’s get on with my questions.” I state while everyone but Heechul and Kyunghoon looks awestruck. I will accept it is very unusual for an entertainment company to let their idols openly date however the CEO thought it would be good publically for my group if we went public.
“Okay I know you guys probably won’t know this but I thought it would be fun to ask, so how did my boyfriend and I meet?” I ask while nodding at Kyung-hoon this is part of the plan on how we were going to go public.
I hear a chorus of ‘That’s impossible no one is going to get that correct.” and ‘That’s not fair you can’t ask that if no one knows it.”
They all stop talking when they see KyungHoon stand up and start walking towards me. “We met through Heechul, it was mid winter and we met up at a cafe when I went to pass you the coffee that you got it slipped out of my hands and the coffee spilled all over you because I felt so bad I gave you my jacket and the rest is history.” He says while smiling.
“Wait wait wait, you're telling me that you’re dating this guy the one that you would think could never get a girlfriend? No offense but have you standers dropped?” Jang-hoon asks.
“Ya, you take that back.” Kyunghoon says while walking toward the giant.
“Hey, Kyunghoon how many coffees did you have to spill on the poor girl before she said yes to going out with you?” Sang Min asks while laughing.
I can’t tell if Kyunghoon is angry or embarrassed, however, I am over here laughing my butt off. “Y/N I am curious now how many times did he spill coffee on you?” Heechul asked grabbing everyone’s attention.
“Twice once when we first met and on our first date.” I reply honestly.
“Even though that happened you still stayed with him, why?” Youngchul asks
“I stayed because I thought he was nice, mature and to top it all off he was cute.” I say looking at Kyunghoon with a smile.
I thought that would shut up their teasing but boy was I wrong that only brought up a whole another round of teasing. This continued until the end of filming, let’s just say that it was an interesting experience and I will definitely be coming on the show again sometime soon either with my group or with other Idols. Let’s just say when the episode came out the fanbase was very supportive and even shipped Kyunghoon and I.
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neonwizardheehee · 4 years
Universe Hipsters Fanmeet
210114 (pics and captions from twt)
First of all: I never imagined that the MV would get THIS many views and we’d make it for the goal for 1mio in 24h!!!! It still feels unreal and I stg I never streamed this hard (EFLs are known for being bad at streaming) 
>>>> Fast forward we actually got a date for an online fanmeet!!!!!
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Our dearest Universe Hipsters/Cowards actually sang their 2 others songs - and made everyone cry out of feels!
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They looked THIS good. Both of them T.T
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“a reminder that when heechul went to the police station to sue malicious commenters, he kinda looked like this“
Hanryang has a strong lyrics and seeing that reminded me of what a tough year 2020 was for him and Petals! We didn’t get to see him for a long time and had to hear the nastiest things from other fandoms (I actually lost a friend bc we fought so much bc of that oof). I clearly remember the live when he went to the police station and I was SO proud of him! He’s so strong and didn’t let the haters get to him. Over the year I learned so much about how to deal with haters - from himself. And I’m so grateful for that bc I clearly live a more peaceful life now and don’t get frustrated anymore!
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DINDIN IS DINDIN!!!! This so is sooo my jam and I lost it when he came in and performed it T.T (my friends had to tell me to stop singing with him hahha!)
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“dindin in his classroom waiting with his dads for the parents-teacher conference“
At this point I was just buffering in happy! Even tho I didn’t understand a thing it was the best thing I’ve seen - plus all the jokes about Dindin looking like their kid!
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“bibi ma’am how can you be this gorgeous“
me and the whole tl were simping over her YET AGAIN - bibi we already adopted you <3<3<3 you’re so cool and precious
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“elfs collecting babies”
And the family jokes kept coming XDDD
fun fact: Bibi is 1cm taller than Dindin
Heechul 83liner, Bibi 98liner, Dindin 91liner, Kyunghoon 84liner
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“why was i thinking super junior’s gonna appear and perform burn the floor bc of the light“
Suddenly a black screen!!!! AND THEN ATEEZ SHOWED UP! Their performances were so cool T.T Afterwards Kyungchul cared so much for them - MY HEART. The way they adopted Ateez - Elfs found new friends in Atinys who made this possible. With their streaming this was only possible and I am so so thankful for them!
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The Hanryang Stage was just everything! Ateez were soooooo hyped and happy to be there!!!! Kyunghoon was so so comfortable (usually he can be quite awkward), Bibi was being the queen we deserved and Dindin was so cool T.T
Heechul tho.. as a petal I couldn’t stop smiling. This felt so good and so right! Seeing him happy singing and rapping - smth we didn’t get to see last year to this extent! Also he said he remembered loads of things from when he wrote raps and rapped for Suju and was once again reminded how much he likes making music (Sir, we’re waiting for that Flower Petal album hihihi).
Esp for me who’s not initally sold on ballads this was even more a win for me and I’d be lying if Heechul’s deep voice doesn’t send shivers down my spine!
Seeing him being a natural and effortless MC, making sure everyone is comfortable and looking THIS good - this felt like heaven. Maybe I am so overwhelmed bc I witnessed friends seeing concerts and their ults last year while I couldn’t - so now I KNEW this was even more special and the closest and most center Heechul I’d ever get. It truly felt like more than a livestream bc of all the surroundings!
It was made even better bc in contrary to a year ago I wasn’t alone! Our squad today was quite fun tho: 
My girl who loves Bibi so much,
a friend who ults Ateez
and me who fell for Dindin a year ago
and we all simped so much for Heechul here! It was smth I experienced for the first time and BOI it felt great - I am so grateful.
Another thing: Kyunghoon. Oh boi I was so intrigued and crossing my fingers for him during the show - he is a ballad singer who hadn’t done hiphop before. He was struggling a lot but WOW the way he improved SO much and made smth so so beautiful??? My mind is blown! I can’t even comprehend what a win this is for Rockins’!!!! You guys rock and Buzz ist truly a great band T.T
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So in the end it was THAT experience for me I’d never thought I’d get. I even had my Suju bong with Chullie’s name on it! When I got it and put his name on it I was so sad bc I’d never though I could wave it to him singing his own song. That changed now and I can’t believe I was THAT lucky T.T 
Thanks to everyone involved and everyone who helped to make this possible! I think we’re over 5 fandoms who got together through this and I am once again reminded how great Kpop can be - sharing the loves for our favs!
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k-pop-imagines · 7 years
Set Up | Min Kyunghoon x Reader
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Requested by: anonymous
OKAY! Imagine request: Reader is long-time friends with Heechul and she's single and always says to him that she wants to date. So Heechul gets annoyed and then jokingly sets her up with Min Kyunghoon. But, it's like love at first sight and they are being all cute from the start. Then Heechul is like "omg I was joking", but he still takes all the credit when reader and Kyunghoon get together. I hope that isn't too much. Thank you!! <3
Word Count: 1252
A/N: God, I love Kyunghoon so much, thank you for requesting him! We started it a few days ago but it took some time to finish because Admin Soomi is still sick. Anyway, here it is! We hope you enjoy!
You shoved your hands into the pockets of your coat as you walked down the busy streets of Seoul. It was cold, the temperatures were below freezing, and you could see your breath form a small cloud right in front of you as you walked. The sidewalk was crowded, most of the people must have recently gotten off work. Just like you. But unlike them, you weren’t headed home or to the grocery store. No, your destination was completely different.
Heechul had told you to meet him at a secluded café in a part of Seoul you’d never been to so it was quite a hassle to find the place. Even though you had been friends for many years now, he was still an unpredictable human being to you so you had absolutely no idea what he had planned for today. The whole situation seemed weird. He wasn’t someone who met up with friends in cafés in the middle of the day. No, he deemed stuff like that boring, he preferred spending time with you differently, in more exciting ways like playing video games together or coming up with weird recipes as you cooked dinner together. So what exactly was going on?
You rounded the corner, turning into a very small alleyway. Heechul might have been unpredictable but at least he was reliable. His directions finally led you to your destination, you had to blame yourself for taking so long to find it due to your messed up sense of direction. Your friend was already waiting outside, tapping his foot impatiently. “I never thought I’d actually see you today,” he teased as he laid his eyes on you. You just gave a huff of annoyance in return. “Nice seeing you too. So, why did you order me here? I’m sure you didn’t want to grab a coffee together and have some small talk.” You raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.
“That is correct, my dear friend. So, you know that you’ve been single for quite a while, right?” How could you forget? It’s been almost eight years now. The last relationship hadn’t made you very eager to seek out another one for a while.   “And how you’ve been bugging me about finally wanting a boyfriend for ages?” Well, at some point, the desire to date returned. It just turned out to be a lot more difficult than you had expected. Everything that could go wrong…well, did go wrong. You kept running into assholes, guys who weren’t into serious relationships and only cared about one thing, and your fair share of plain weirdos. It was a mess and to be quite honest, you were getting frustrated and a little desperate. “And how it’s been really annoying me?” You stared at the floor in embarrassment, not having realized that you have been getting on his nerves. “I’m just kidding, cheer up! Because I have a surprise!”
When Kim Heechul had a plan, things were meant to get interesting. You looked at him expectantly while he just grinned like an idiot. “Okay, I want you to go into this café and head to the table at the far left. There’s a friend of mine and I want you to have an amazing day. I’ll pick you up in three hours or earlier, just text me!” And with that, he had shoved you into the building, closing the door behind you and leaving you on your own.
You let out a small gulp, suddenly growing nervous. If this was a friend of Heechul…there was a high possibility you were about to have a date with a celebrity. You weren’t prepared for this! Was your hair looking alright? Was your make-up smudged? Was your outfit pretty enough? The worries kept swirling through your head as you slowly made your way over to the table Heechul had mentioned. A man sat there, his back turned to you.
You took a deep breath before walking around the table so you could see his face as you addressed him. You shortly introduced yourself, trying not to stutter, before taking a good look at his face. As you recognized the person before you, a breath hitched in your throat. Being a loyal viewer of Knowing Brothers – Heechul forced you to watch every single episode – there was no way you could have not recognized him. Min Kyunghoon. He looked up at you with a small smile before standing up to properly greet you with a bow.
You were weak, right from the start. He was a bit shy and flustered, obviously having been a bit taken aback by Heechul’s plan as well, but that damn smile made your heart melt. After your failed dating attempts, this encounter was a pleasant surprise to you. The two of you clicked immediately, it was actually strange. All your worries were washed away by his gentle personality and great sense of humor. Hell, you were completely smitten, you would have even laughed at one of his famous poop jokes, which he spared you with. It was perfect, you dared to say. So perfect, that neither of you noticed how time flew.
“You are still here with him?” Heechul’s voice interrupted your conversation. You looked up at him in surprise. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked, your voice dripping with confusion and suspicion. “Well, how do I explain it…I wasn’t actually serious about this. I didn’t think you’d actually get along.” From the corner of your eyes, you saw Kyunghoon huff in annoyance before a pout found its way to his lips. Adorable. “Usually I would be extremely mad at your right now, Kim Heechul, but I have to say that I’m thankful. I had a wonderful time.” The last sentence was directed at your date as you threw him a gentle smile, which he instantly returned.
You turned towards Heechul again. “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re an absolute idiot, though.” Your best friend only replied with a coy smile. Even if it was a joke, he was glad that it turned out well. It was unexpected but as long as it made you happy, he was fine with it. Either way, your date seemed to be over, sadly. You had already exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet here again next week, of course, which Heechul couldn’t believe at first.
“You’re really going for Ssamja, huh? Oh well, if he ever hurts you, just call me and I will beat him up on Knowing Brother for you!” “Do you remember that time when I almost kicked Hodong in the face?” Kyunghoon threatened his older friend all of a sudden but Heechul wasn’t fazed. “I’m not scared of you. I will fight back!” You snickered at their bickering. You strode over to Kyunghoon to bid goodbye to him for today, first opting for a bow, but deciding to go on for a hug in the last second. He seemed a bit stiff at first, obviously surprised, but soon returned the gesture. You parted, each of you with a faint blush on your cheeks. You were about to start staring but Heechul pulled you away, reminding you that you still had to watch a movie with him.
Before you went your own ways, he addressed one last thing. “Hey, if this really works out, I’m taking full credit for this. I want to be your groomsman and I want you to name your first-born child after me. Only if it’s handsome enough, of course!”
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hongugu · 4 years
Best Kpop Songs of 2020
My rules for this were very loose like these are supposed to be title tracks but I’m pretty sure there are like, digital singles on this list, or just songs that had a music video...? Some of them don’t even have a video but they were promoted still IIIiiI don’t fucking know whatever. I also wasn’t sure if I should count songs like Dynamite, Ice Cream, or 100 Ways? Because they’re in all English but they’re from kpop artists??? But then I did anyway so whatever it’s not that deep.
>> Listen to it on Spotify << 
(the spotify list is backwards) (or i guess this list is backwards) (so like this one ends with the best song) (the spotify playlist starts with the best song) (because logic)
250 Kang Daniel: 2U 249 Sechskies: All For You 248 VAV: Made For Two 247 Demian: Karma 246 E’Last: Tears of Chaos 245 woo!ah!: Bad Girl 244 Momoland: Starry Night 243 EXO-SC: 1 Billion Views 242 Baekhyun: Candy 241 VOISPER: Keep GOing 240 PinkFantasy: Shadow Play 239 D1CE: Draw You 238 BoA: Better 237 Zico: Summer Hate 236 Miso: Blessed 235 MCND: Top Gang 234 TST: Count Down 233 IZ: The Day 232 Onewe: Q 231 DIA: Hug U 230 UNVS: Sand Castle 229 NCT U: Work It 228 Taeyeon: Happy 227 WJSN: Butterfly 226 Saturday: DBDBDIB 225 Dongkiz: Lupin 224 3YE: Yessir 223 Kang Daniel: Who U Are 222 DKB: Still 221 Dawn: Dawndididawn 220 Natty: Teddy Bear 219 Moonbin & Sanha: Bad Idea 218 Weeekly: Zig Zag 217 Rocket Punch: Juicy 216 Super Junior: 2YA2YAO! 215 Blackswan: Tonight 214 Cravity: Break All the Rules 213 Hyolyn: Say My Name 212 Bling Bling: G.G.B 211 SF9: Good Guy 210 DKB: Sorry Mama 209 DKB: Work Hard 208 BerryGood: Accio 207 Kai: Mmmh 206 Wonho: Open Mind 205 Mamamoo: Wanna Be Myself 204 Huh Chanmi: Lights 203 Ryu Sujeong: Tiger Eyes 202 WJSN Chocome: Hmph! 201 Botopass: Flamingo
200 Lunarsolar: Oh Ya Ya Ya 199 Jamie: Apollo 11 198 Nature: Bing Bing 197 DreamNote: Wish 196 Elris: Jackpot 195 Cherry Bullet: Aloha Oe 194 P1Harmony: Siren 193 Momoland: Ready or Not 192 NCT U: 90′s Love 191 Golden Child: Pump It Up 190 Zico: Any Song 189 Victon: Mayday 188 Jeong Sewoon: Say Yes 187 Cravity: Flame 186 MCND: nanana 185 Lee Daehwi: Rose, Scent, Kiss 184 Taeyeon: #GirlsSpkOut 183 Refund Sisters: Don’t Touch Me 182 CNBlue: Then, Now and Forever 181 Super Junior: The Melody 180 1TEAM: Ullaeli Kkollaeli 179 K/DA: More 178 TOO: Count 1, 2 177 Gfriend: Mago 176 AleXa: Villain
175 fromis_9: Feel Good (Secret Code) 174 Drippin: Nostalgia 173 1THE9: Bad Guy 172 KNK: Ride 171 Rocket Punch: Bouncy 170 ANS: Say My Name 169 Nature: Girls 168 MCND: Spring 167 Momoland: Thumbs Up 166 Dongkiz: All I Need Is You 165 Hyolyn: 9Lives 164 TOO: Magnolia 163 J.Y.Park & Sunmi: When We Disco 162 Xum: Ddalala 161 Youngha: Dark Cloud 160 Ong Seongwu: Gravity  159 Verivery: Thunder 158 Oneus: Bbusyeo 157 HA:TFELT: La Luna 156 Ong Seongwu: We Belong 155 Gfriend: Crossroads 154 Park Jihoon: Wing 153 WEi: Twilight 152 YooA: Bon Voyage 151 SuperM: Tiger Inside
150 April: Now or Never 149 Ha Sungwoon: Forbidden Island 148 Lovelyz: Obliviate 147 Secret Number: Who Dis? 146 ENOi: Cheeky 145 AleXa: Do or Die 144 HYO: Dessert 143 Victon: Howling 142 æspa: Black Mamba 141 Soyou: Gotta Go 140 MCND: Ice Age 139 Kim Kyunghoon, Kim Heechul, BIBI: Hanryang 138 Moonbyul: Eclipse 137 Secret Number: Got That Boom 136 WayV: Bad Alive (the Korean one thank u) 135 GOT7: Not By the Moon 134 NCT127: Punch 133 XRO: Welcome to My Jungle 132 Donkiz: Beautiful 131 Kim Wooseok: Red Moon 130 Han Seungwoo: Sacrifice 129 Blackpink: Ice Cream 128 Gfriend: Apple 127 UP10TION: Light 126 Blackpink: Lovesick Girls 125 GOT7: Breath 124 Verivery: G.B.T.B. 123 CL: +HWA+ 122 Irene & Seulgi: Monster 121 K/DA: The Baddest 120 Cherry Bullet: Hands Up 119 Lucy: Jogging 118 Twice: More & More 117 AleXa: Revolution 116 LeeHi: Holo 115 Day6 (Even of Day): Where the Sea Sleeps 114 B1A4: Like a Movie 113 Park Jihoon: Gotcha 112 Ghost9: W.ALL 111 Enhypen: Given-Taken 110 BAE173: Crush On U 109 SuperM: One (Monster & Infinity) 108 Max Changmin: Chocolate 107 Pentagon: Dr. Bebe 106 NCT Dream: Ridin’ 105 Verivery: Lay Back 104 Mino: Run Away 103 Ghost9: Think of Dawn 102 SuperM: 100 101 Weeekly: Tag Me (@Me)
100 Natty: Nineteen 099 Somi: What You Waiting For 098 Jessi: Nunu Nana 097 CLC: Helicopter 096 TxT: Blue Hour 095 (G)I-DLE: Dumdi Dumdi 094 Oh My Girl: Nonstop 093 Solar: Spit It Out 092 Monsta X: Love Killa 091 HA:TFELT: Life Sucks 090 AKMU: Happening 089 Lee Suhyun: Alien 088 Kard: Red Moon 087 Treasure: Mmm 086 Golden Child: Without You 085 AB6IX: The Answer 084 Hwasa: Maria 083 Sunmi: pporappippam 081 Jamie: Numbers 080 Yook Sungjae: Come With the Wind 079 Jackson Wang: 100 Ways 078 The Boyz: The Stealer 077 Dreamcatcher: Boca 076 The Boyz: Reveal
075 Treasure: Boy 074 (G)I-DLE: Oh My God 073 BTS: Dynamite 072 Woodz: Bump Bump 071 Itzy: Not Shy 070 Twice: I Can’t Stop Me 069 Chungha: Stay Tonight 068 Astro: Knock 067 Onewe: End of Spring 066 Iz*One: Panorama 065 NCT U: Make A Wish (Birthday Song) 064 Everglow: Dun Dun 063 Kard: Gunshot 062 AB6IX: Salute 061 GWSN: Bazooka! 060 Winner: Hold 059 Nu’est: I’m In Trouble 058 NCT 127: Kick It 057 Zico: Refresh 056 SF9: Summer Breeze 055 E’Last: Swear 054 Kim Namjoo: Bird 053 CIX: Jungle 052 IU: eight 051 Mamamoo: Dingga
050 Stella Jang: Villain 049 Heize: Midnight 048 Monsta X: Fantasia 047 BTS: ON (feat. Sia)--I’m just kidding lmao but could u imagine 046 Itzy: Wannabe 045 cignature: Nun Nu Nan Na 044 Taemin: Criminal 043 Agust D: Daechwita 042 Blackpink: How You Like That 041 Dreamcatcher: Scream 040 Woodz: Love Me Harder 039 ONF: Sukhumvit Swimming 038 Oneus: To Be Or Not To Be 037 Loona: So What 036 April: LaLaLiLaLa 035 Everglow: La Di Da 034 Pentagon: Daisy 033 Stray Kids: Back Door 032 Treasure: I Love You 031 cignature: Assa 030 Eric Nam: Paradise 029 Mamamoo: Aya 028 Weki Meki: Cool 027 cignature: Arisong 026 BTS: Life Goes On
025 Eric Nam: How You Been 024 Oneus: A Song Written Easily 023 A.C.E: Goblin (Favorite Boys) 022 Loona: Why Not? 021 Golden Child: One (Lucid Dream) 020 StayC: So Bad 019 Taemin: Idea (理想) 018 Iz*One: Fiesta 017 Weki Meki: Oopsy 016 Bvndit: Jungle 015 Ateez: Inception 014 Seventeen: Left & Run 013 Apink: Dumhdurum 012 Weki Meki: Dazzle Dazzle 011 Loona: Voice
010 Iz*One: Secret Story of the Swan 009 Ateez: Thanxx 008 TxT: Can’t You See Me? 007 Seventeen: Home;Run 006 Chungha: Play 005 N.Flying: Oh really. 004 Ateez: Answer 003 Day6: Zombie 002 BTS: Black Swan 001 Stray Kids: God’s Menu
Remember when I used to link all of these to their youtube videos? Hahhha yeah, that’s not happening this year :”D
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rktaeyong · 4 years
             ━━━━━━━━━━ 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 ( 𝐜𝐯𝐱*𝐬𝐜𝐡 : 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 ) ࿐ ࿔*:・
                                                ( 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 * 𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟸𝟸 )
taeyong is especially excited about being on knowing bros -- knowing brothers? knowing bros? he’s still not entirely sure which one it is, if it’s the english title or the korean title. the details don’t matter that much -- he’s still extremely excited to be going on one of his personal favorites. it’s the one variety show that he’s constantly watching clips of, the one where he follows the activities of basically all the panel members ( classmates? brothers? ) -- don’t tell running man that, though.
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upon walking into the classroom ( see: set ), taeyong gets to see everything, everyone up close -- the first thing he notes is that kyunghoon is definitely more handsome in person, and that janghoon is definitely more taller in person. he doesn’t know why, but thinking about the fact that he’s over two meters tall is spinning his head around -- it’s intimidating, but he’ll manage, nonetheless. taeyong’s sure he’s lovely and is a great person.
also, rich -- which, admittedly, is even more intimidating for him.
it comes around to his turn to try and trick the brothers -- he’s not sure if this will make the final edit, but he’s come up with an introduction so stupefying that it’ll stump the entire room.
( maybe -- he doesn’t know who knows who in the room, but he likes to think all these seniors and famous people know them at least decently well. )
“ah, hello,” waving his hand, taeyong smiles as he continues to introduce himself, “i’m convex’s cotton candy-nim,” he almost breaks character ( what character he’s playing, he doesn’t quite know ) and sputters out laughing, but recovers -- of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed by the panel before them. why is he laughing, he hears youngchul say as he claps once in amusement, cotton candy-nim, hey he’s funny, he hears soogeun utter in the back.
this is going well, he thinks -- and he’s having fun. everything’s going well and there’s no foreseeable bad thing that’s going to happen anytime soon? amazing.
“who’s the youngest member?” a question that taeyong has planned to raise his hand for in efforts to stump the brothers -- he thinks of himself as the fake maknae of the group, given how youthful he tends to act. or at least, he thinks he does so. it falls on him to prove himself -- he hasn’t prepared that much, so he decides to cop out with a quick ( and awkward ) gwiyomi, which has him actually burst out laughing into his hands in embarrassment. we know it’s not him, he got embarrassed, he hears one of them say. he doesn’t know, his head is in his hands as he tries to recover from such a cringe moment.
later, during the star golden bell portion ( another show that is one of taeyong’s personal faves -- he’s more than just an avid fan of variety shows, he thinks ), the main vocals get a chance to showcase a duet. it’s still surreal to him, being a main vocal now. he’s worked hard to try and live up to the standard, upgrade his abilities from lead potential to main potential. if he’s reached that point, taeyong doesn’t yet know, but at least woohyun is with him to guide him silently along the way -- he has the low, woohyun has the high, it’s a perfect sounding balance to him. once they’re finished, he pats a hand on the older’s back and bows, clapping softly against the now silent microphone in his hands.
the later and finishing segments are some of the most fun taeyong’s had in the past few weeks -- the hip hop skill test comes somewhat easy to him, given his previous training way before debut as a rapper. how the tables have turned, he thinks, if only i could only see myself now. the karaoke segment also goes decently well -- by decently well, he means that he just knows a lot of osts and girl group songs that fit the prompts, and as long as he could think of one of those songs in time, he was in the clear.
musical chairs ends it all -- and taeyong gets eliminated from the competition the very first round for not being aggressive and competitive enough to push people out of chairs. it’s a good thing he’s not much of a competitive person, or else he’d imagine he’d be silently fuming. he’s just here for the laughs and good times, honestly.
and because he’s obligated to be there. but of course, even if he wasn’t, he would still be here if he were allowed to be.
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shownuslaugh · 5 years
I imagine Shinee at knowing bros, the cast teasing Minho for his passion for winning at him being like “onew is a gossip!!! He and SJ know everything and use it!!” Meanwhile Heechul jumps in with some witty story about how their gossiping affected whatever 😅
“Everyone talks about me but no one mentions how SJ and Onew just sit around and gossip all day!” Minho points an accusatory finger at Onew, eyes wide with irritation. “It’s like sitting next to Varys and Tyrion from Game of Thrones!”
Heechul nods, face breaking out into a beautifully impish grin. “It’s true. If there’s one table besides Siwon, Yunho, and Minho our boss tries to avoid, it’s a table with SJ and Onew. It’s scary. They’re just sitting there watching everyone like-“ Heechul pretends to hold a glass of wine and crosses his legs. His eyes narrow into an all knowing look that sends a shiver down everyone’s spine. Every so often he’ll grin or giggle and lean over to the pretend person next to him and whisper behind his hand.
Dropping back into his usual carefree attitude he says, “I made the mistake of asking them what they were talking about once and I will never do it again.”
Kyunghoon laughs because he knows SJ. He knows his friend and what smart ass remark she likely had for Heechul. He just wants to hear it out loud. “What did she say?”
Heechul gets the scary look back on his face and pretends to flick long hair off his shoulder. “Oh, nothing. Just what you did last summer. How’s the rash, by the way?”
Onew hides his pleases grin by ducking his head. “Sorry, hyung.”
“No you aren’t you little punk! You just laughed and said ‘Don’t worry, we won’t tell Minnie’!”
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blu-joons · 3 years
You Appear On Knowing Bros Together ~ Park Jimin
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Your eyes widened as you took your first glimpse of the school set, squeezing tightly onto Jimin’s hand in excitement. He let go of a loud chuckle at your thrill, tightening his own grip against your hand.
“Calm down,” he laughed, pulling gently against your tie. “You’re going to end up scaring everyone in that classroom by the end of the day unless you just take a moment to breathe.”
As soon as Jimin mentioned that you’d been invited to go on Knowing Bros together, you snapped his hand off. It was one of the few programmes you watched every week without fail, you were convinced you’d managed to make your way through every episode at least twice.
Throughout the whole journey to the set, you’d barely been able to sit still. You’d watched and admired the programme for so long, and now your chance to finally be on the show had presented it, fulfilling one of your biggest dreams.
Several apologies came from Jimin as he led you down to the corridor on the other side of the classroom. Most of the staff probably thought you were crazy for being as excited as you were, but you were metaphorically on the edge of your seat to get in the classroom and start shooting.
“We’re ready when you are,” one of the producers called out as the cameras started rolling.
Jimin nodded back at them, “we’ll go now before she loses her mind.”
You took a step back as Jimin took the handle of the door and pushed it across, hearing a chorus of cheers greet the two of you as you stepped in.
Despite your thrill, you tried your hardest to keep yourself as calm as possible, only smiling and bowing in the direction of the seven men who looked back at you. Jimin looked back and smirked across at you as you hid behind his figure.
“I’m Jimin,” he smiled, waving briefly, “and I come from the school of my girlfriend hasn’t shut up about being here all week.”
“And I’m Y/N, and I come from the school of the girlfriend who can’t believe she’s actually here.”
Hodong applauded loudly, the first to see the shine in your eye that was full of excitement. You smiled shyly across at him, struggling to believe that the same Hodong who you’d spent hours watching on the television was in front of you.
“It’s nice to see you both,” Heechul grinned, the first to speak up. “Y/N looks like she’s just been told she’s about to experience the happiest day of her life. You’re only at Knowing Bros, it’s nothing special.”
Your head shook immediately in response, “you have no idea of how big a fan I am of all of you guys, I keep trying to get Jimin to pinch me because I don’t believe it.”
“If you’d rather date one of us than Jimin, just let us know,” Soogeun teased.
Your eyes widened, picking up the hammer straight away to go over and hit the top of his head, making sure any jokes were squashed instantly. You’d learnt from watching Knowing Bros over the years that it was important to stand your ground early.
After your profiles were read out, Jimin invited you to sit down whilst he picked up the cue cards that had been left on the desk for you both. As he read through the first one, he couldn’t help but chuckle, glancing across at everyone.
“Y/N loves this programme, but what event did she once miss out on with me because she wanted to stay at home and watch Knowing Bros instead?” He questioned.
Your eyes widened as you recalled the occasion. Jimin quickly spotted you sinking down in your seat, hitting the palm of your hand against your forehead. Heechul sniggered beside you, whilst Hodong knocked your seat with his foot.
“Was it a concert?” Kyunghoon questioned, raising his arm in the air. “I would pick one of your concerts over us any day of the week.”
“It’s not to do with the group,” Jimin clarified, “something a bit more important than a concert.”
“Have we ever aired on Christmas day?” Janghoon asked, trying to figure out the answer.
Jimin’s head shook, “it wasn’t Christmas, but if you were on, Y/N would watch it.”
You paid close attention as guesses continued to be yelled, most of them completely off the mark. You only hoped that the guesses would continue for long enough that the answer wouldn’t be read out, but as time was of the essence, a member of crew soon asked Jimin to give out a hint to help.
“Here’s something that will make it easier to guess,” he spoke up, walking back to the front of the classroom. “It was something to do with my family.”
“Answer!” Sangmin yelled from the back of the classroom, “did you miss maybe a family birthday? Was it a special occasion that you decided to skip for us?”
Jimin’s head shook, spinning around the room. “It was a special occasion, but not a birthday. Think of special occasions within a relationship.”
“If it was a special occasion, was it maybe when you were meeting his family?” Youngcheol asked.
Jimin’s smirk grew, as Hodong yelled out to add something to the end of it. “Did she forget about meeting your family because she was too busy watching Knowing Bros at home?”
“That’s it,” Jimin chuckled, throwing his arms up into the air. “I waited for an hour at my parent’s before having to ring her and see whereabouts she’d got to.”
“That is proper dedication,” Soogeun cheered, “you really are a huge fan of all of us. I bet his family weren’t too pleased though?”
Jimin’s head shook, as he turned the card over to read over the next one. His eyes rolled as he read through it, meeting your eyes with a smile.
“Not many people know I made a cameo in Y/N’s latest music video, but what was my cameo?” He asked, “and when I say no one knew about it, I mean no one knew.”
“Were you a love interest?” Kyunghoon asked, earning groans from everyone for his obvious answer.
Even Jimin scoffed at his poor answer, trying to encourage them into the right direction better. “It was something very discrete, I don’t think you would have been able to see my face in the music video unless you knew it was me you were looking for.”
Janghoon called out next, “were you a part of the set, maybe something stupid like an animal or a plant in a costume?”
Jimin’s shoulders shrugged, “you’re not far off the mark with the costume part.”
“I think I watched this video,” Heechul grumbled, trying to remember it all. “I remember that there was a guy who had prosthetics on his face.”
The sudden squeal from you pretty much gave the answer to the rest of the room. “Did you play the guy that tore the mask off at the end of the video?”
“That’s it,” Jimin laughed, as a photo came up on the monitor by the cameras. “The guy who was supposed to do it dropped out, and after a lot of convincing from Y/N, I agreed to put the prosthetics on and be the guy.”
The two of you ran through the rest of the segments, participating in a game with Shindong before the shoot was finally brought to the end, and the two of you led off the set.
“So, did Knowing Bros live up to your expectations?” Jimin asked as you walked back into the room.
You smiled back at him, “it was everything I imagined and more. I really don’t think I’ve laughed that much in a very long time.”
“I’m glad you had a good time jagi.”
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