monkparty · 4 years
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My cat, desperately: “Please you need to sleep”
Me, equally as desperate: “NO IT’S YAHABA’S BIRTHDAY”
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fish-wifey · 5 years
“How can I help you?”
“Hi, I saw your account online. You are KyouKen, correct?” The guest says, standing a good distance away and letting his voice rise a bit in cadence and loudness.
“The one and only.”
“Sole proprietor and artist in this establishment called The Clawed?”
“Just little me, yeah,” Kentarou says, still leaning back in his chair as if this couldn’t possibly be a client.
Hohohohooho @monkparty its me your secret santa out of anon~ I hope you like this little gift full of magic, tattoos, and these two dumb idiots I wrote for you during the @haikyuusecretsanta ! I have a little surprise for you in the End notes as well~ | Thorne-blessed : 19454 words
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interhighexchange · 5 years
Gifts are live a day early(!) because everyone’s submissions are in.
Please enjoy 28 works from 11 fandoms: Ballroom e Yokoso/Welcome to The Ballroom, Chihayafuru, Daiya no Ace, Haikyuu,  Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru/Run With The Wind, Quan Zhi Gao Shou/The King’s Avatar, Saki,  Tennis no Oujisama/Prince of Tennis,  Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu, Yowamushi Pedal, and Yuri on Ice.
Please leave a kudos/comment on your gift. We also invite you to leave kudos/comments on any other work you enjoyed.
The exchange is still open for treats.
Creators will be revealed on April 12, 2019, so please do not cross-post your work until then.
Thank you and enjoy the fanworks!
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trashytacosan · 7 years
The Alpha King & I Headcanons: Pups!
Oikawa and Iwaizumi have healthy alpha twins both male. Their names are Iwaizumi Kenta & Iwaizumi Kenshin. 
They were married after their children were born so the boys were present at their wedding; they were two years old. 
Iwaizumi and Oikawa are great parents; family vacations, heavily involved in their kids’ academics, respecting their privacy but knowing when to intervene in their lives. (At first, they were nervous wrecks but they got the hang of it) 
The eldest twin, Kenta, takes after his father. He’s athletic, popular in school, and has only been defeated in arm wrestling by his father and his “uncle” Kentarou. He’s very handsome and has the Iwa arms we all love. 
The youngest twin, Kenshin, practices magic like Oikawa. During a day trip to Sendai, when he is 15, he has a chance encounter with Mr. Clarke who shares spells with him; why the sorcerer does so is unknown.  By the time Kenshin is 17, he will be stronger than both Mr. Clarke and Oikawa, magic wise. Also, has killer arms but doesn’t flaunt them as much as his older brother. 
Kenta has a huge crush on Yahaba and Kyoutani’s daughter, Itsumi, but she doesn’t pay him the time of day because he’s too popular and has way too many fangirls. (He’s a fuckboy who doesn’t know he’s a fuckboy)
Yahaba and Kyoutani are the twin’s godparents. 
Yahaba and Kyoutani only have one daughter; Itsumi and she’s an omega. She’s pretty, dresses well and fits the typical “prep” girl stereotype but will kick your ass in any sport; thanks to Kyoutani’s influence. 
Kyoutani is overprotective as a father. And, Iwaizumi is just as bad when it comes to his goddaughter. 
Itsumi will eventually fall for Kenta when they’re older. Until then she blows him off every chance she gets. She’s best friends with Kenshin. Their relationship is strictly platonic. 
Kenshin develops a crush for one of Kuroo’s sons. The crush is returned. But they break up; still are very much in love with one another. 
Kenshin is quiet, often withdrawn because he’s always thinking about new spells. (I haven’t decided if he’ll take a dark or light path with magic) 
Overall they’re one big happy family.  
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musicprincess655 · 7 years
A gift for the lovely @harvestmoonpeoples happy birthday babe!
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“As okay as I can feel while I’m bloated to hell and back,” Shigeru sighed. Kentarou was still hovering and trying to look like he wasn’t hovering.
“It’s just…you were really sick a few weeks ago, and it feels like you haven’t recovered yet,” Kentarou insisted. Shigeru grimaced at the mention of the extreme nausea he hadn’t felt in a good two weeks. Though he hadn’t been throwing up, and though no one around him had been sick, it had still unnerved him. It had come out of nowhere and made his working life annoying.
“I’m mostly fine,” Shigeru assured him. “Except for a bloated belly that you could definitely be massaging right now.”
Kentarou took the dismissal for what it was, and instead sat on their couch. Shigeru sat between his legs, relishing in the warmth radiating from his mate’s chest into his back.
“Ugh, I feel huge,” he complained, swiping a hand over his stomach. It was protruding more than usual, and the fluttery feelings he’d been having probably meant he was bloated and maybe gassy. He could probably just pop a pill, but he’d rather let Kentarou massage his belly until he felt better.
“You kind of are,” Kentarou agreed, and Shigeru thought about smacking him for that comment, but then he started rubbing his fingers in, and Shigeru didn’t think expending the effort would be worth it. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? Maybe we should schedule an appointment with the doctor.”
“I’m sure the doctor is sick of seeing me,” Shigeru countered, feeling blissed out as Kentarou’s hands rubbed gentle circles into his abdomen. He let his head loll back until it was resting on Kentarou’s shoulder.
“You are kind of a doctor’s worst nightmare,” Kentarou said. “Irregular heats, and you get sick a lot. How are they supposed to know when you’re actually sick and when your body is just acting up on you?”
Shigeru hummed, too busy enjoying the massage to really answer. Kentarou’s words bounced around in his head, though. Irregular heats…irregular heats…
He’d been assured that his heats would stabilize as he got older, but nothing of the sort had happened. He’d had two last year, one in the summer and one in the winter, and that was the closest thing he’d gotten to regularity. He hadn’t had one at all this year, and it was well into autumn, approaching winter. He had just turned thirty, and his body was just as messed up as it had been when he was a teenager.
Shigeru tried to relax into the massage, sometimes giggling when Kentarou’s hands skimmed up his sides. It was calm and quiet in their living room, not much sound besides their breathing and the little hums and giggles Shigeru couldn’t keep down when he was being touched and didn’t bother trying to after all these years. If years of marriage and being mated had given him anything, it was complete comfort around Kentarou.
Then he felt the same fluttery feeling that he’d associated with gas for the past few days. It was a new feeling, and pretty annoying, but he’d mostly been ignoring it.
Kentarou, however, froze.
“Did you…” he started, and Shigeru could feel him gulp, leaning against his neck. “Did you feel that?”
“Yes?” Shigeru asked, more question than answer. “What about it?”
“I think…” Shigeru was going to punch him if he couldn’t finish a damn thought. “I think…I just felt a baby kick?”
It was Shigeru’s turn to freeze. There was no way…right?
He started counting in his head. His last heat had been in December, and it was the beginning of November now. Forget noticing a baby bump, he would’ve had the baby by now if he’d gotten pregnant during his last heat.
Last year his heat had come at the end of June. This year, he had felt what he’d thought were the symptoms of preheat around the same time, and had even thought to be happy that maybe he was finally starting to get regular. No heat had come, though. But…
But it was possible that he had gotten pregnant in a preheat. After all, it was possible for omegas to get pregnant completely out of heat, and preheat increased fertility in preparation for a full heat. He and Kentarou hadn’t bothered with birth control or condoms in a while, in a low-key effort to have a baby. Neither were ready to start trying in earnest, tracking cycles and trying to find ovulation times, but going off birth control and saying “if it happens, it happens” seemed like a good way to ease into it.
They’d had sex around the middle of June, right around when Shigeru had felt what he thought was preheat. He could’ve gotten pregnant.
He could be pregnant.
He started counting again, this time from when he thought the date they’d had sex was – hard to guess which specific day, considering they had a perfectly healthy sex life for a still-young married couple. If his math was right, he was around twenty weeks pregnant.
“I think I should schedule that doctor’s appointment after all,” he said weakly.
In the week that led up to the earliest available appointment, Shigeru had religiously avoided taking a pregnancy test. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, or start panicking over nothing. The store tests could be wrong. A blood test from the doctor wouldn’t be.
“You’re not upset about this, are you?” Kentarou asked. “The fact that you might be pregnant?”
“Of course not,” Shigeru assured him. “I agreed to going off birth control, this is something I wanted. I’m just surprised, if I am pregnant. It would make the nausea make more sense, but I really haven’t had any symptoms.”
“You’re starting to get a bump,” Kentarou offered helpfully. Shigeru gave him a deadpan stare. Now he was starting to get his hopes up.
The doctor came back in, and they both instantly snapped to attention. She startled a little at two pairs of eyes focused on her, but brushed it off with what looked like practiced ease.
“So, the first order of business is that you are indeed pregnant,” she said. “Congratulations.”
Shigeru couldn’t breathe. It was real. He was pregnant.
“Is it healthy?” Kentarou asked breathlessly. “Is…are they healthy?”
“As far as I can tell, yes,” the doctor said firmly. “I’m setting up the ultrasound now. If what you told me in your medical history is true, you might be far enough along for me to check primary gender.”
Shigeru was having a hard time keeping up. He hadn’t even thought he could be pregnant a week ago, and now he was going to be able to look at his baby. He took a deep, bracing breath, grabbing for Kentarou’s hand.
“You okay?”
Shigeru nodded. He lifted up his shirt when prompted, flinching when the gel was spread over his stomach.
“Sorry,” the doctor said, turning to the monitor. Shigeru watched her with bated breath, Kentarou tight as a bow string beside him. “Oh!”
“Oh?” Shigeru asked, finally speaking. What was wrong? Was there already something wrong? Had he somehow already messed up? He wracked his brain for every alcoholic beverage he had so much as glanced at in the past few months.
“It appears you won’t be having one baby,” she said softly. “I’m seeing two here.”
Shigeru gasped.
“Twins?” he asked. She nodded. “I’m pregnant with twins?”
“Look,” she said, gesturing at the monitor. “This one right here, this is a boy,” she said, pointing at something that actually resembled a human shape. “And this one, this is a girl.”
Shigeru heard Kentarou take a shuddering breath next to him, and turned to see tears rolling down his husband’s face.
“We’re having twins,” he said, reverent and barely believing. “We’re having a girl and a boy.”
“Yeah,” Shigeru agreed. He was feeling shuddery and maybe a little teary, too. “Yeah, we are.”
Four months later, Kentarou was rushing them to the hospital, trying to soothe Shigeru while he drove.
“We’re almost there,” he tried to say calmly, but Shigeru was having none of it.
“THESE BABIES NEED TO COME OUT NOW!” he shrieked. Kentarou winced, but kept driving. “Everything hurts and I’m dying.”
“You’re not dying,” Kentarou assured him, although he was looking significantly less calm.
“I won’t if you get me to the hospital now.”
“We’re in the parking lot!”
They bickered all the way in the door, Shigeru gasping as a contraction wracked his body. The closest nurse took one look at them and got Shigeru into a wheelchair.
After a few of what might have been the worst hours of Shigeru’s life, he was exhausted, but happy. His son was in his arms, and Kentarou hadn’t been able to take his eyes off their daughter’s face.
“We did good,” he sighed. Kentarou murmured an affirmative, too taken Hikaru to really respond. Shigeru absently stroked his thumb over Kazuki’s cheek. He leaned on Kentarou’s shoulder, too tired to sit up on his own.
He dozed, surrounded by his family.
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thedinosaurstudent · 8 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Shirabu Kenjirou/Terushima Yuuji, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru Characters: Shirabu Kenjirou, Futakuchi Kenji, Yahaba Shigeru, Ennoshita Chikara, Terushima Yuuji, Akaashi Keiji, Yamamoto Taketora Additional Tags: chatfic, other characters will show up as well, will update relationship tags as story progresses, Chatting & Messaging, 2nd gen captains, mostly humor but will have some angst too, next gen captains Summary:
The 2nd gen. captains create a chat group as sort of an outlet to the stress of their captaincy. Chaos will ensue. Friends will be made. Relationships may grow. Shit may hit the fan. They might not always get along, but at least they'll have one place to turn to when things go awry.
//HQ!! 2nd generation captains
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moshikiii · 4 years
Im so fuckin sick of reading seijoh fics and Oikawa being only the annoying matchmaker for 1st and 2nd years like its so ingrained in the fandom to pair kinkuni and kyouyaha matsuhana and make the iwaoi resident married couple thats i now hate seijoh fics
So im just hear to say yet again that Kunimi loves topping Oikawa-san after practice and taunting him like "maybe you are being easy on me so ill still have energy to fuck you whike you just lay hmm Oikawa-san?"
Next day Oikawa makes Kunimi sweat like hell and everyone is suprised that Kunimi is not saying anything and accpeting just cause he knows only for today he deserved this one lmao that day they just kiss and lay while being angry at eachother
"we could have so much fun rn Oikawa"
"well guess who is at fault?"
"??? YOU!!"
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tsukishima-tadashi · 5 years
How many children my hq ships would have: TsukkiYama: Three. MAYBE four, but only after the eldest two leave home.  KageHina: One. Kageyama did not like being pregnant at ALL.  EnnoTanaNoya: Three. Ennoshita is quite fine with stopping there, thank you. 
BokuAkaKuroKen: Five. Guess who the “I want a big family” members of the polycule are. (One for kuroken, two for bokuaka, one for bokuken, annnd they aren’t sure who the father for Akaashi’s oldest is but don’t particularly care.) 
YakuShiba: One. They’re undecided on if they’ll have more in the future.
KyouYaha: Two, but the second of them is waaaaaaaaay after the first, to his dismay (he wants to be a big brother!).
KinKuni: One. They’ll have more later, but Kunimi needs time, he’s still worn out from the first. AoMoni: Two. They’d have more, but carrying Aone’s babies can... be a bit of a strain on poor Moniwa. 
TenSemi: One... for now. Tendou is good with the kid but he’s secretly worried he’s not and has trouble telling Semi he isn’t confident as a father.
AtsuKita: Three. Kita was very motivated by the idea of his grandmother meeting her great-grandchildren. 
Gonna be a filthy multishipper under the cut
OiYama: Four. Oikawa can’t help himself. KuroYama: Five. Believe it or not Kuroo is holding back when he’s with BokuAkaKen. 
IwaYama: Four. Look me in the eyes and tell me Iwaizumi wouldn’t want a big family.
UshiYama: Two. Quality over quantity. 
ShimaYama: Two. Not too crazy, maybe a third down the line.
KageTada: Two, about five years apart. If they have anymore it will probably be a ways off.
EnnoYama: Three. It just sort of happens. 
DaiYama: Five. Daichi is the worst of the “big family” gang.
FutaMoni: Two. Futakuchi already has his hands full with just them. KamaMoni: Four. Kamasaki is also in the “big family” gang.
SasaMoni: One. Sasaya strikes me as a fairly moderate guy. Maybe two, but only once the first is old enough that they can take care of themselves.
OiKage: Three. Just because Oikawa likes seeing Kageyama struggling to get about once he’s really far along. 
OiKuni: Two. Kunimi looks cute pregnant. 
MatsuHanaKuni: Four. Kunimi looks REALLY cute pregnant. Save him.
ToraKen: Two or three. I think Tora has more restraint on such matters than he might first seem. 
AkaEnno: One or two. They’re trying to be responsible. 
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crazygaze · 8 years
Who are your favorite characters from Haikyuu? Do you have any favorite ships?
*wheezes* HOO BOY LET’S DO THIS (it’s gonna be long)
A few of my favorite characters are:
-Oikawa because of how realistic he is. Idk if you’ve experienced it before but that churning fear and anger when someone younger, more talented, and better than you is replacing you, it drives you nuts, (ofc there’s Suga on the other hand that teaches you how to take that in a more healthier way but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) He’s just so frustrated and angry and I didn’t like him at first but I grew to love him, he’s a great antagonist and character!
-Yamaguchi ‘cause this kid is so precious and I’m so glad he got a character development and didn’t remain as a BG character. He’s insecure about himself, he grows confident in his abilities, he can light a fire in others, he’s the first one to run and get first aid, he’s kind and pushed Tsukishima to tutor KageHina but he’s also a lil snarky and more recently, we’ve seen little builds of friendship between him and Hinata (any YamaHina shippers??) I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH MY SON
-Ennoshita is a fav I grew to love as well after a year or two into the fandom, he’s so deadpan, he directs movies, got some MAD networking skills bc he’s got ppl from other schools??? participating in them??? wholeheartedly?? And he also ran away when things got tough but ultimately, decided to come back to the club. I think that’s really admirable!!     
Some honorable mentions bc I REALLY don’t wanna make this too long
I’ll spare you with any of the typical ships and present to you,some of my rarepair ships along with fic rec links bc I’m trash and I need more to suffer with me
-HanaMatsu I think I was into this pairing when it first started out with like 20 fics in the AO3 tag (there’s almost 1,000 fics in the tag now tho bless). I would’ve wrote for them sooner but I was NOT confident in my skills to write banter for them at the time. Who doesn’t love the Dream Meme Team?? 
-EnnoAka They’re still a p obscure pair but god I love it. They’re both artistic assholes, in the extra’s, it’s been translated that while Ennoshita’s directing the movie, Akaashi does cameras!! I consider them a Shitty Hipster Couple
-KuroYaku C’MON THEY ARE TECHNICALLY THE MOM AND DAD OF NEKOMA WHERE’S MY SHIP’S CONTENT, DAISUGA HAS IT?? WHERE’S KUROYAKU?? I think a lot of ppl ship them as Ex’s bc YakuLev is a popular ship and Lev is usually the fumbling one and Yaku is portrayed as mature and experienced, hence, Kuroo. But idk man they can be cute, they had a rivalry goin on as 1st years too!     
-TenSemi A good pairing with a balance of playfulness and grounding. I’ve read a few fics where Tendou ends up comforting Semi about the loss of his position to Shirabu and it’s sweet, I just really love them both plz give them some love oh my god
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chromotps · 7 years
everyone... is so mean to yahaba.... in kyouyaha fics....
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monkparty · 5 years
Hello Monk~ Here's your very mysterious creator for the HQ!! secret santa, hohohoho~ Just checking in to let you know that I am looking forward to creating for you C: I'm gonna go with KyouYaha and tattoos, and if I have time, maaaybeee BokuAka and a fantasy setting (I love mermaid/any myth creature prompts ;o;). Regarding the tattoo idea, you weren't too vague! I would just like to ask; do you like modern magic/magical tattoos? I got an idea for it already. Anyway!! Looking forward to writing!!
omg KyouHaba tattoos QoQ I’m in love already! I’ve read one fic before where Kyou had magic tattoos and it was pretty interesting, so yeah the idea seems pretty cool to me! I’m always down for magic stuff, friend. Sorry my reply is a few days late >.
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hqrarepairs-ao3feed · 6 years
by ThatOneAwkwardFangirl_Liz_Cecil
This fic was borne of the idea I had talking to my girlfriend when I said, "Hey, I bet Watari could do a surprisingly accurate Iwazumi impression. But like, to everyone's surprise, it's Kyoutani who can impersonate Oikawa." And then my creative mind ran wild~ with the possibilities. (and a full plot)
Yahaba and Kyoutani never seemed to get along, but when their senpais graduate and it's their turn to lead the club, something shifts. They don't know what (even if everyone else does), but luckily, Watari can nudge them in the right direction. (God bless Watari Shinji; everyone would be lost without him.)
Can be read alone, but I would recommend reading this for more clarity on what's going on here.
(Title from Hold Me Tight or Don't)
Words: 4655, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Valentine's Shorts 2019
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji, Yachi Hitoka, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, and others - Character
Relationships: Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kyoutani Kentarou & Watari Shinji & Yahaba Shigeru, Kyoutani Kentarou & Yachi Hitoka, Kyoutani Kentarou & Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara & Yahaba Shigeru
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, (you know the kyouyaha drill), Gay Disaster Kyoutani Kentarou, Aromantic Asexual Watari Shinji, Fluff and Angst, Wingman Watari Shinji, (watari is a good friend), Minor Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa is a nosy senpai, Yahaba doesn't know what he's doing, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, (because this is just the first chapter), Kyoutani does a great Oikawa impression, Team Mom Watari
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 6 years
Were We Ever Friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BNdusz
by ThatOneAwkwardFangirl_Liz_Cecil
This fic was borne of the idea I had talking to my girlfriend when I said, "Hey, I bet Watari could do a surprisingly accurate Iwazumi impression. But like, to everyone's surprise, it's Kyoutani who can impersonate Oikawa." And then my creative mind ran wild~ with the possibilities. (and a full plot)
Yahaba and Kyoutani never seemed to get along, but when their senpais graduate and it's their turn to lead the club, something shifts. They don't know what (even if everyone else does), but luckily, Watari can nudge them in the right direction. (God bless Watari Shinji; everyone would be lost without him.)
Can be read alone, but I would recommend reading this for more clarity on what's going on here.
(Title from Hold Me Tight or Don't)
Words: 4655, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Valentine's Shorts 2019
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji, Yachi Hitoka, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, and others - Character
Relationships: Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kyoutani Kentarou & Watari Shinji & Yahaba Shigeru, Kyoutani Kentarou & Yachi Hitoka, Kyoutani Kentarou & Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara & Yahaba Shigeru
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, (you know the kyouyaha drill), Gay Disaster Kyoutani Kentarou, Aromantic Asexual Watari Shinji, Fluff and Angst, Wingman Watari Shinji, (watari is a good friend), Minor Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa is a nosy senpai, Yahaba doesn't know what he's doing, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, (because this is just the first chapter), Kyoutani does a great Oikawa impression, Team Mom Watari
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BNdusz
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ao3feed-hqrarepairs · 7 years
Sin cadenas
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DthTjI
by Layla_Redfox
Yahaba pasa un año encerrando y cuidado a su novio que resulta ser un hombre lobo, y espera que un día encuentre una forma de poder vivir a su lado donde no incluya una cadena alrededor de su cuello. Sin embargo, no tiene idea de que ese día es hoy.
Dedicado a MoonyStark, KyouYaha, AU de hombres lobo
Words: 3765, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro
Relationships: Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru
Additional Tags: Werewolves, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Romance
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2DthTjI
0 notes
tsukishima-tadashi · 5 years
My doc,,, of HQ Lovechildren...
TsukkiYama, AoMoni, KyouYaha BokuAkaKuroKen, EnnoTanaYama, KageHina, and I staaaaarted YakuShiba but. I only have names rn.
I should make lovechildren for my other Yama ships...
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aceatlandys · 6 years
I saw requests were open so could you please write Yahaba and Kyoutani ship headcanons?
KyouYaha Headcanons
I like to think that these two try to keep each other from falling into bad habits or making bad decisions
like, Kyoutani makes sure that Yahaba has eaten and the latter helps Kyoutani control his temper at times
Yahaba also helps him learn new things, like cooking
Kyoutani will never admit it, but thinks Yahaba is actually really cute
He tries to spoil him whenever he can, usually with dates here and there
Every now and again, Kyoutani has to pry Yahaba away from his book
Yahaba is the little spoon because Kyoutani just wants to do everything he can for him, even if it’s something little
their relationship alternates between OTP and BroTP???
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