doritofalls · 2 years
Do you think that his sister persona is actually her ghost possessing him or that it is a tulpa/other personality? I know that most of the community thinks that it is a tulpa/coping mechanism on kiyo's part but I like the idea that it's her ghost possessing him more
99 percent of the time i am for the tulpa/badly done other personality reading. while i don't mind the supernatural, dr isn't really a franchise with a lot of supernatural elements thrown in as far as the occult goes (thinking ghosts specifically, unexplained bullshit be happening left and right), so i never really expected it to be. a real thing from the get go.
i have read a doujinshi recently that leaned into the possession thing and actually did it well, but in general that's not really the take i go with. it doesn't mean it holds no merit though, especially considering the afterlife segment in kiyo's execution.
my reasoning is mostly that kiyo explicitly mentions a near-death experience as a source of his possession, and it reads to me as a traumatic event that broke the camel's back - ie him inventing his sister personality to continue coping with his reality and the ongoing grief of losing his real sister. now i don't really like going with the DID reading, even if some elements of kiyo's writing and backstory could support it because if it is meant to be read as DID it is. really badly done, and we are past genocide jack here.
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mikunology · 5 years
what do you consider a crackship in the Vocaloid fandom? for me, its two Vocaloids who haven't sang together excluding group choruses and covers
That's a good question, actually. I consider a Vocaloid "crackship" to be a ship that just is heavily out of the way of the fandom's consciousness?? Like, ships like RinLen or Kaimei or Negitoro are heavily within the fandom's sight, but a ship like KyoAnon or DexSeeU or LingRin are definitely not, you see. Something like that. But it's definitely hard to judge, because the Vocaloid "shipping" scene is such a general free-for-all (in which everything or nothing could technically be considered a crack ship depending on the viewer).
I try not to judge solely on songs/song content, because people tend to pair certain Vocas up simply by virtue of design/perceived personality (like PikoMiki, which is another "common" ship).
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doritofalls · 2 years
If you told kiyo his stew "fucks severely" he'd probably take that literally and be confused, or he'd try to guess what that means and get upset when he couldn't make sense of that
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<- kiyo when you tell him his stew fucks heartily (explanation can not change this and the night is ruined)
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doritofalls · 2 years
I absolutely adore Gonta being kind to Kiyo in the comic extra. Gonta seemed so happy to spend time with Kiyo and get closer to him! Gonta is just so.....open to people. And he's naive, but not much of a pushover if he believes in something. I enjoy them as a dynamic.
gonta is wonderful! we love and respect him in this house. he opens his heart for everyone despite knowing it can get him hurt, and i think that's a lovely quality in a character. i see him (mis)characterized a lot as dumb for his naivete and it kills me because he's anything but!!! he is very intelligent, only unused to social conventions. in a different setting, he could have been what makoto was in the first game, even though i think he's one of the few characters the writers handled reasonably in v3. i certainly think kiyo could do with gonta's brand of kindness, because i doubt he's seen much of it in his life.
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doritofalls · 2 years
Idk if you already answered, but who killed who in your au and how did the trial go??
ah i didn't really flesh it out yet! kiyo definitely killed tenko in it with the seesaw trick and all, but not angie - her death was probably largely accidental on tenko's part.
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doritofalls · 2 years
I appreciate the fact that Kiyo TRULY has a passion for his talent. It feels so rare! Leon didn't want to be a baseball star, Asuhina talks more about donuts, Fuyuhiko was born into it, Nagito sees it as a curse....it's honestly so NICE to see someone passionate about their talent! The closest I can think of is Koizumi and her photography!
it is nice!! there are a lot of ultimates through the games whose talent is either a passive skill or just something they were dropped into like you said, so seeing the ones who genuenly love what they do (and there are a couple like miu, kaede or gonta for v3 off the top of my head) is just nice. it's always sad, though very interesting, to see characters who feel shackled by their ultimate talents like nagito (probably the most true for kirumi and ryoma in v3, considering maki was never a Child Care Expert due to her own volition).
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doritofalls · 2 years
This is tangencial, but what I hate the most about v3 is that after chapter 4 the most interesting characters are already dead and the game loses a lot of the pacing, do you feel the same??
haw i do agree that... post chapter 4 aside from shuichi there was not a single supporting character i cared about, which made the last chapter Quite shrug inducing. like in the first game i cared about byakuya and toko and in the second game i cared about literally everyone but soda, but for the third game it ended with shuichi and all my least favorite characters. i did love what they did with chapter 4, but aside from lore information i was pretty meh about chapter 5. to be fair though, that's kind of how dr went in the first two games as well - they tend to peak at chapter 4 and come to a slow jog in chapter 5. so in that regard it was pretty true to form.
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yowane/neru and anon/kyo pls?
who’s the cuddler: honestly Haku because she’s clingy
who makes the bed: Neru
who wakes up first: probably Neru, Haku is a very heavy sleeper so she might get up and just go ahead and make breakfast for the two of them
who has the weird taste in music: Haku I think...I don’t know what it would be though
who is more protective: NERU BY FAR she will literally fight anyone that so much as looks at Haku wrong because she’s been through enough gdi
who sings in the shower: Neru. Haku thinks that’s a little adorable but doesn’t comment on it because Neru will get embarrassed hahah
who cries during movies: Haku. she’s always crying
who spends the most while out shopping: neither of them because they’re both mildly broke
who kisses more roughly: Neru
who is more dominate: neither because. look at them?
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 7. no longer my top neru or haku ship but it’s still incredibly good content
who’s the cuddler: Kyo. his hugs are strong and warm
who makes the bed: probably both?? anon is more lazy about it though
who wakes up first: anon simply because she’s used to getting up with kanon
who has the weird taste in music: Kyo. definitely. he probably listens to extratone to go to sleep
who is more protective: Kyo?? he’s very lowkey a lot of the time but his punches will hurt if you decide to lay a finger on his gf
who sings in the shower: neither. they both just space out in the shower
who cries during movies: Kyo probably sheds a tear or two but it’s fine because anon will hold his hand afterward
who spends the most while out shopping: anon accidentally spending way too much on gifts
who kisses more roughly: you think it’d be Kyo but it’s actually anon
who is more dominate: neither really? Kyo is more forward but they’re both really spacy people so they’re usually on the same page
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 9 because I don’t focus on it as much but every time I picture it it amuses me
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