#kylux pwp
lvsifer · 3 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
tagged by @seamayweed thank you so much 💕
Quick disclaimer: the tags added here are to give a general impression, pls heed the ao3 tags if you want to read them as many of these include unhealthy dynamics etc. ♡
1. true faith. (TLT: John/Alecto, John/Mercy/Augustine) character study
For almost ten thousand years Alecto dreams in her tomb.
2. Night Moth (Silmarillion: Mairon/Witchking of Angmar) slow burn, seduction
The mountains rise high and crack black into the storming sky, here in the North where winds whip the landscape into desert, where all is barren stone and blackness save the snowy crests of the mountains, one man has long since claimed his stronghold. 
3. more than blood hooks (Fantastic Beasts: Albus/Gellert, Gellert/Aurelius, Albus/Aurelius) exploration of grief, dead dove
The wind blows cold and wet, scatters snow on every surface until at last the world is white with silence.
4. lean to my wound; burn on (HOTD: Rhaenyra/Daemon, Rhaenyra/Alicent) coming of age, gender exploration
Rhaenyra is four years old and hiding behind her father’s chair, clasping her wooden sword.
5. No Sacrilege (IWTV: Lestat/Louis) pwp, Louis in a dress, love
It’s a sweltering summer night, the heat so thick it stills the world by day and now sweetens the dusk.
6. missing link (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi) pwp, kink, cnc roleplay, web cams
Yoongi opens the website, dick in hand.
7. Friction (Star Wars: Kylo Ren/General Hux) Vader survives AU, action, politics, war, classic kylux
“I killed Luke Skywalker. The last Jedi is dead.”
8. Bangtan High cowritten with Elinad ♡ (BTS: ot7 and all variations of ships) teacher!AU, mutual pining, angst, fluff, slice of life
A sheet of fog dusts the town, wetting the air with the smell of rotting leaves.
9. doubtless while we dream (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi, Taehyung/Yoongi, Jhope/Taehyung, Jhope/Taehyung/Yoongi) pwp, hurt/comfort
The sun sets dirty over the noise of Manhattan's streets, and neon streaks the city in the onset of night.
10. and this dark soil (Fantastic Beasts: Gellert/Credence (Aurelius), Gellert/Albus) unhealthy relationships, manipulation
Grindelwald takes him to the darkling forests of Austria, over the jagged ranges of the alps, through valleys shrouded in the gossamers of fog, until at last they reach Nurmengard.
Alright. I love to start with descriptions most of the time, unless I start with sword or dick in hand, it seems. Crying at myself here.
Tagging @jamlocked @fraeuleinfriedhof @cilil @saintstars @curufiin @liesmyth @crackinthecup @theskeletonprior @seebestattung @sightetsound @killpilled and whoever else might wanna do it, just feel free to tag me! 💕
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nonsensicalsoliloquy · 3 months
Ooh, please tell me more about Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux!
(from WIP FOLDER game)
Hello, my dear, thanks for the ask!! I’m both appreciative and not surprised by your interest in my ‘Kylux AU—Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux’ XD
This WIP is actually where my response to this last sentence tag game came from!
First off, and most importantly, this is a filthy, ridiculous, purely self-indulgent PWP idea, and being both me and the fact I’ve let it sit in my head for well over a year, AND like 95% of that is STILL IN MY HEAD, it took on some attempts at sense and a touch of ‘plot’. Which is why ‘bullshitting alien medical science’ became much more of a thing than just because ‘this is reeeaaalllyy straining realistic credulity’ smut.
To be, uh, short:
General Hux and a group of his men were ‘captured’ after leaving a small, secluded FO base when they accidentally entered a corner of restricted space and, for the infraction, are to become a new batch of soon to be breeding hosts for a powerful and intelligent species who need compatible beings to both bear their young, as well as assist in heat cycles where the eggs they lay are not to be fertilized but need a partner to lay them in. (Alien) Kylo is (and comes from a family line) high up in the wealthy and influential ranks, so he’s one often offered first pick of partners when new batches (in his city) are ready. He doesn’t always take them up on it, but this time he does, as he’d had his eyes on Hux since they arrived.
Thus Hux’s new life takes on a second layer. Not just an alien species’ broodmare, but that of a seemingly high-ranking member of their elite.
Aaaaand…yeah. That was pretty much the initial PWP oneshot idea. The plot growth part developed more of Kylo’s background (just a tad) as well as his interest in Hux; some of the observations, experiences, and a bit of past for Hux; the ‘medical bullshit’ background for the hows and whys this is/can happen; as well as a future beyond that evident smut-a-palooza.
To be.. a little longer:
So, Alien Kylo here is not related at all to his canonverse background. There is still the Force, though it’s not touched on much, and his family line, etc. does still exist in a sense, but if you had to apply it in some form of vague parallel with ‘canon’, it’s a little more along the lines of Naboo/Kylo Amidala au stuff.
I haven’t figured out a name for his species nor their planet yet, but they’re an old, huge, well-developed, and wealthy planet with big influence in both above and below board trades. i.e. they work with respectable people in the Core and people like the First Order. One of several reasons for this is because they’re a prominent source of and power in medical research and development fields – not only for themselves, but numerous other species. This being because, a millennia(?) or so ago, their race was facing growing infertility issues, ones that could threaten to drive them to extinction.
In Kylo’s species, both males and females are capable of impregnating and being impregnated. They also are a species that lay eggs in their partner’s’ wombs (during heat periods with no intention to fertilize, as well as when wanting to do so). While working toward figuring out the reasons for the fertility decline, plus obviously helping their own, they simultaneously searched to find compatible species to serve as surrogate wombs.
One of the few compatible species are human males.
As for the appearance of Kylo’s species, they’re Dragon-like, though still not fully ‘developed’ yet in my head. Larger than your average human for sure, but typically not so much so that it’s outlandish. Kylo, of course, is larger than his usual, in both height and breadth. Their species is humanoid in form and relatively so in features; with things like a set of horns, longer tongues and sharper teeth, retractable claws and areas with scales and a change in skin color/tone/toughness, and sometimes eyes with black sclera. Also, of course, their (male) dicks are usually on the huge side and ridged (in all the 'right' ways XD) and they don’t really have testicles so much as a smaller sac/pouch in that general area that expands somewhat with eggs when in heat and preparing to lay them in a partner.
OH, on a filthy side note to the filthy filth: all ‘breeding partners’ are arranged in rooms where the walls are lined by, essentially, fancy glory holes. For all the crew to stick their asses out of for these alien VIPs (at first) to make use of. Yuuup… There will be SOME TAGS on this thing when it’s done.
Soooo… yeah. That was a lot of ‘teaser’ for what’s supposed to be a ridiculously self-indulgent, stupidly filthy PWP. Honestly, I got way too into those hows and whys with regard to the alien biology nonsense. Probably a bunch of stuff that won’t even end up in the fic whenever I get around to actually finishing it (or just writing more than a few freaking paragraphs :'C ).
Thank you again! :D
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crylohux · 1 year
less interested in how ren prime and hux could work as a ship and more interested in how ren/kylo/hux feels like a ticking timebomb. just... i have the most vivid image of hux doing mental gymnastics with himself trying to out-dom ren wrt kylo meanwhile ren thinks the whole thing is funny and kylo just encourages it because, well. it means more insane sex for him, doesn't it?
like, newly established kylux with inexperienced & overcompensating for it!hux. his meetings with kylo are clandestine, typically preceded by their usual petty bullshit. satisfying but over quickly and with not a lot of lingering. they haven't had the chance to experiment, so to speak, but hux likes little details, and he's noticed what kylo likes: the way kylo reacts to the commanding voice, the praise, the way he holds him down.
hux is not above admitting that he likes those things, too. that he wants more of it, and suspects kylo does as well. but of course the sex is too tied up with their co-commander status; there's always that competitive edge. always a power play. neither of them is quite capable of letting it go completely.
but then (for whatever reason) hux sees kylo with ren (who's alive by pwp logic), and the first thing that flares up in him is envy, because kylo submits so easily for this man. clearly hux is doing something wrong.
envy turns to petty anger, fuelled by an inferiority complex. it doesn't help that kylo is always away with the knights (with ren) doing work for snoke. hux sits on it for weeks, helplessly distracted, utterly incapable of banishing the thoughts that plague his mind. (where is kylo? what is he doing? what is ren doing to him?) (how ridiculous he is for even caring, let alone caring enough to be jealous.) (what was he thinking in the first place, getting involved with the man child?) (how could he ever hope to compare to—)
when kylo returns, the thoughts are so loud that it takes all of five seconds for him to pick up on them. he's... surprised. flattered? ...intrigued. at any rate, it's an opportunity.
when he pitches the three-way, hux agrees readily. (he's never been one to be showed up, you see...) but of course, all those messy feelings don't just disappear. he's tense with weeks' worth of frustration & desperately needs an outlet. he's petty and prickly and snobby and isn't hiding anything nearly as well as he thinks he is, and ren... ren just thinks it's funny.
naturally, that just makes it worse. hux cares less about what kylo wants and more about proving a point (read: proving himself). ren not only takes the bait, he surprisingly gets really into it. he's cocky and smug and utterly aggravating, and kylo... kylo is stuck in the middle of it.
the literal middle of it.
there's a dick down his throat and one fucking into him, and he's pretty sure they swapped at one point but he's too far gone to remember it clearly. hands are everywhere: his hair, his neck, his hips, his ass, his thighs. ren and hux start to blur together.
he gets lost in the sensation of being used, can feel their thoughts in the peripheral of his consciousness. he knows, distantly, that he isn't what they really care about, not now, not even as he's pushed to the very outskirts of his limits. that thought only makes it better.
afterwards, hux asks him who did better. he's less than thrilled when kylo can only shrug.
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kyberkills · 1 year
Five things you never get tired of writing!
Tagged by @lost-in-mind-palace, who somehow remembered of my existence (<3) on this app even if I’m barely active here anymore (considering to come back because Twitter is… ugh)
Anyways. 5 things I never get tired of writing!
1. Hurt-comfort
it just feeds something in me. I like to see sad characters finding comfort in each other after years of abuse and depression.
2. Queer Smut
I love writing queer explicit stuff, especially if it’s plot and/or character relevant. Don’t get me wrong, I love pwp as much as the next guy, but making smut scenes relevant besides their obvious original purpose gives me joy.
3. RACK Kink
Kink is a big part of my personal life and how I view interpersonal relationships (between consenting adults). Even if I’m no expert, I‘ll never get tired of using fiction to elaborate and discuss good vs bad kink practices.
(Ps: remember I’m also proship and I very much support writing unhealthy dynamics in fiction. Repeat after me: If it’s fiction it’s not hurting anybody and everyone has the right to cope as they see fit.)
4. AUs
My current OTP is Kylux, they’re the only thing I write about besides the occasional side ships. They’ve been my OTP for so long now that I think my brain got rewired around their dynamic, and now I see them EVERYWHERE. Which leads me to wanting to write AUs anytime I stumble upon something interesting.
5. Mutual pining
Especially if I can put my characters in situations where they MUST live in close contact with each other. I love to drag things out to the point they’re mad with lust & crushing HARD. Again, absolutely no apologies
There you go!
Looks like I gotta tag five people now, so: @caiminnent @notlikelybutpossible @darthastris @cosleia @pizzzazlut
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eldritchmochi · 9 months
A N T for that alphabet ask game
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
okay uuuuh i mean, obviously shadowgast i have only written like 300k of it in the past few years. im also quite the fan of ashrym/dashrym and callowmore (tho i like my callowmore on the platonic side personally). i will happily make the dirt wizards kiss ANYONE i do have a widomauk fic in the works and i have an idea for a caleb/yussa fic percolating and theres that one porny art by newt with c3 era caleb paired with ashton and orym that im just :lasereyes: yes i will one day write something for it i stg. also fun fact my First Ship for cr was beauyasha like, ep one. i got like 30 seconds into their first interaction and immediately texted cherry at like two am like PLEASE TELL ME THEYRE A SHIP and lo, they were cannon fucking incredible
outside of cr.... stucky, my beloved, especially with skinny steve because i love that sickly twink; big brother hobie creating Situations for gwen and miles (its hard being wingman to two people when you want them to kiss each other and also theyre idiots); kylux, obvs; rey/finn/poe/rose in basically any combination (i wish i didnt have One Hyperfixation Only type adhd because i would LOVE to write my rey/finn/rose idea where rey and rose are mechanics and finn is having car trouble and then they double team him in the office dont ask me why they have straps in the filing cabinet this is pwp); with hs at one point i would literally randomly generate pwp ideas. i didn't often finish them but it was a good exercise especially in characterization but i was mostly read davekat, daverose, any combo of erisolkat, and davejohn because i fukken pavlov'd myself into liking the ship lmao
shit this is gonna get long here is a read more
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
hhhh i am so sorry if this sounds mean but the bulk of why i dont read a ton of cr fic when i was constantly devouring kylux fic largely boils down to two things
1. the technical stuff is eeh and 2. there is just not a ton of nuance in characterization or plot
both results in me being perpetually frustrated whenever i try to read most of what i open. theres been some gems!! theres also been a lot of stuff with promise where i can tell in a couple years the writer will knock it out of the park!!! but theres also a god awful amount where i'm just like that is not how dicks work lmao
i am sure a lot of that is because the cr fandom skews a lot younger than kylux (where folks are like 20-30 on average instead of 35-50 kinda younger) plus cr has a LOT of esl speakers compared to kylux whereas a TON of kyluxers have degrees in literature or library science, so like, it makes sense that there's a difference, but it still drive me bonkers that i cant just open a fic and read it without closing it halfway through because its too one note :I
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
nope!! i am very ship and let ship in all regards. there are many things i enjoy (like short!essek or the idea that caleb would and probably has made out with all of his friends) that crop up repeatedly across my fic but i'm down for basically any good faith interpretation and i LOVE when someone writes a weird headcannon so well i have to steal it
there are many letters left of this ask meme if anyone else wants to send me a q!! pls enrich the mochi this is fun
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ao3feed--kylux · 1 year
Лифт, лазанья и любовь
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kTq7lZM
by WTF Kylux and Co 2023 (Our_Own_Star_Wars)
Хакс застревает в лифте с симпатичным незнакомцем.
Words: 5391, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Series: Part 15 of Winter 2023 Тексты M-E
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Enric Pryde
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Resolved Sexual Tension, Sexual Fantasy, Masturbation, Object Insertion, Rimming, Soft Kylux, PWP, WTF Kombat 2023, Don’t copy to another site, Not for vote
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/kTq7lZM
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elmidol · 3 years
Good Work (NSFW)
Kylux (Kylo x Hux) PWP
Originally written in 2016
Word count: 2.7k
 It was the fact that he was aware of what lay concealed under that helmet that so infuriated him. General Hux had before seen the face of Kylo Ren. Such uncontrolled expressions that bespoke of poor self-control. And yet Supreme Leader praised the boy. At twenty-nine years old, Kylo Ren—in General Hux’s opinion—was simply that: a boy. Others saw him a creature, something to be feared. On some level, the redhead did house a minute amount of fear of the Force user. Yet it was just that—he feared the Force, especially when it was wielded by an unruly whelp like the darkly robed man sitting across from him in the Command Shuttle.
 The insufferable Master of the Knights of Ren appeared to be rather relaxed despite the poor outcome of their recent mission. A political affair, one that had ended in Ren stopping blaster fire before it could strike down General Hux and then killing those who had chosen to betray the First Order. General Hux felt little gratitude towards the Force user; Snoke had commanded that his apprentice protect the general, and thus the actions were to be expected. In the absence of gratitude, General Hux instead felt a growing contempt. He could sense it, the amusement Kylo Ren was brought in the wake of Hux’s failure. A minor hitch in his plans when it came to the big picture; yet Ren was often too blinded by his own personal interests to see the bigger picture.
 The moment they arrived onboard the Finalizer, General Hux stood with the intentions to leave behind the annoyance that was Kylo Ren. He instead walked shoulder to shoulder with the other, whose robes brushed and rustled against Hux’s uniform. That he would have to report his failure to Supreme Leader Snoke was frustrating enough. Kylo Ren seemed to take pleasure in watching it all unfold. The general of the First Order found it to be somewhat consoling that Snoke was capable of seeing the larger picture. He brushed off the politician’s death as an inevitability whilst questioning Hux on how the general planned to proceed. Having rehearsed his response in his mind during the return trip, he quickly rattled off the outline.
 Kylo Ren stared up at Supreme Leader Snoke the entire time General was speaking, however the redhead was not fooled. The Force user did not always use his eyes to watch. A muscle in Hux’s jaw twitched, and he then gnashed his teeth as the hologram of Snoke faded away. Ren had slowly turned his head, staring at him from behind that mask. General Hux lifted his chin as he turned on his heel and started to walk away as though he was not perturbed in the least. Unsurprisingly, the robed man followed after him—much like a dog, Hux thought.
 “If you are expecting gratitude, Ren, you will be kept waiting,” General Hux drawled when, nearly two minutes later, the other had still not left. There was a hesitation in Kylo Ren’s next step that caused the redhead’s lips to twitch as the urge to smirk arose.
 “Perhaps your life means so little,” rumbled out the modulated voice that was filtered through Ren’s vocoder.
 General Hux scoffed then released a strangled noise. He was ultimately unable to bite back his response, which he believed to be quite appropriate. “I will not praise a dog for rolling over and exposing its belly, Ren. You did what was expected of you. I would have been, perhaps, impressed had you been of any use outside of your standard skills. Aiding in preventing such actions from occurring to begin with.” He could feel Kylo Ren bristling with anger beside him. Or perhaps it was frustration.
 The redhead paused in his steps only when Kylo Ren picked up his pace and stepped before him, turning so that they were facing one another. Hux pressed his lips together to keep from reacting; normally he was the one who was forced to complete such a series of motions in order to address the Knight. “Or perhaps you should have been more capable. Failing to do what was expected of you. Your useless actions—“
 He did not doubt that Ren spoke beyond those words, and yet his mind seemed to stop. General Hux stared blankly ahead, the word useless running on repeat in his head. The glaze that clouded his eyes lifted when Kylo Ren stepped back around him. Hux remained standing perfectly still. He raised his eyes so that rather than staring at the ground he was watching the hallway, which was emptied of any other personnel. Kylo Ren was standing behind him; the redhead could feel the other man’s presence.
 Since when was Ren a man?
 Even the gloved hand that cupped the side of his ass was not sure like a man’s. General Hux stiffened at the contact all the same, inhaling deeply through his nose. The unsure manner in which Kylo Ren was pawing at his posterior was not unpleasant. If anything, it reminded him of his youth, of his time in the Academy. He closed his eyes, dipped his chin, and allowed the man behind him to explore. As though encouraged by his passivity, Kylo Ren took a step closer to General Hux. Even through the layers of clothing, Hux could feel the bulge in Ren’s pants against his ass. His lips parted at the sensation. It was solely because Hux had once observed the Force user training that he had never believed him to be gangly despite his height. And now the feel of his hardening cock, which was in proportion to the rest of him, had him realizing the assessment would have been in poor taste had he ever deigned to entertain it. Kylo Ren, though on occasion awkward, moved with a certain sense of purpose. A forcefulness, which was shown in the way that second leather hand landed on his body. His hips seized up, General Hux allowed himself to be brought backwards a step so that his ass was pressed more tightly to Ren’s front.
 He could hear the sharp breathing coming from the mask, and it nearly sounded like static in certain respects. The cool metal met the back of his neck, Kylo practically nuzzling him the very first time he snapped his hips forward to rock against him. General Hux scanned the area ahead of himself. No officers, technicians, or stormtroopers still—and yet that would change, of that he was entirely certain.
 “You have no more control over yourself than a touch-starved adolescent,” he drawled out, turning in Ren’s hands so that they were facing one another again. His eyes were on the visor, meeting the man’s gaze though he could not see those brown orbs. Kylo Ren lowered his hands so that they were no longer touching. It was then that General Hux felt a sort of nudge, a pressure, on his hip that urged him to turn around and start walking. He silently cursed the Force, yet all the same he complied. The high-ranking officer of the First Order allowed Ren to shepherd him.
 Upon entering the Knight’s living quarters, General Hux could hardly say he was surprised by the sight of Darth Vader’s helmet. He ignored it, however, and looked to the bed. Immaculate, as though the man behind him had never slept in it. For a moment, Hux entertained the notion of Ren sleeping curled up on the floor.
 “Take off your helmet,” General Hux said when the Force user ventured to trace a hand along his hip. Kylo Ren did not immediately oblige, opting to trail his hand from Hux’s hip to his ass, groping, nearly massaging. The redhead felt a stirring in his loins when he realized that Ren’s awkward movements were in no way due to inexperience. He was aiming to please Hux, seeking praise.
 To General Hux, Kylo Ren was acting in accordance with his current level of lust. There was nothing to praise. It was when that leather-clad limb left him and he could hear the telltale hissing of air that indicated the removal of the helmet that had Hux turning to regard Ren with something other than his usual contempt. He allowed a smirk to cross his features, his eyes roaming the younger man’s face.
 “Following an order without a witty retort,” General Hux began—he could see the way Kylo Ren almost flinched, his eyebrows drawing together and mouth twitching—“Good job.” The man’s pupils dilated, his posture straightening at the praise. Kylo’s eyes were on his lips. Noticing this, Hux lowered his gaze to the other’s mouth. He ran his tongue along his lips and watched the way Kylo Ren’s jaw nearly dropped. He could not help but imagine what those lips would look like around his cock.
 General Hux brought his arms behind his back, clasping one hand in the other. He spread his legs a little so that his stance was more in line with a posture he often used while giving speeches. Kylo Ren stepped forward, his mouth pressed against Hux’s. The redhead hardly responded, though he did encourage the behavior by puckering up then opening his mouth and allowing Ren’s tongue to dart inside. The dark haired man kissed lower, on Hux’s chin. His neck. Teeth nipping at his clothed collarbone. Lower and lower as the man sank to his knees. Those brown orbs were directed upwards, watching General Hux observing him. Kylo Ren mouthed the general’s cock through his pants.
 He could feel blood rushing towards his dick. Could feel his cock twitching to life. “Go on, Ren,” he said, an order though spoken softly, encouragingly. Kylo Ren opened the front of his pants, his tongue running along the material of the general’s boxers. Impatient, the Knight wasted little time with this teasing and withdrew the redhead’s cock. He began jerking the man. General Hux locked his knees to stop himself from thrusting forward, from bucking up into the touch. He grunted, however, when that wet, hot tongue traced along his slit before Ren engulfed him. “Mm… Such talent,” Hux hissed without a trace of mocking when his cock hit the back of Kylo’s throat and the Knight did not gag. Ren was eagerly bobbing his head.
 General Hux found that he could hardly keep his hands behind his back, one flying to the back of Ren’s head, urging him to continue; while the other he set on Kylo’s shoulder to help keep his balance as the dark haired man slipped a finger between his ass cheeks, prodding teasingly though not penetrating him. He rubbed circles around Hux’s rim, and the redhead found it increasingly difficult to breathe.
 Hux stared down at Ren’s plump lips around his cock, despising the moment the Knight drew backwards—the redhead’s grip on the back of the Force user’s head did nothing to prevent this. With the hand that was not groping Hux’s ass, Kylo stroked the general’s cock, lapping at the head and smirking up at the man. Kylo Ren’s expression promised much; and General Hux was growing more eager with every passing second.
 “Good boy,” he murmured, and the dark-haired man shuddered. General Hux broke away from Ren, walking over to the bed. “Do you have—“
 “Yes,” Kylo said, his voice a little hoarse given his previous activities. He moved over to his bedside table, opened the drawer, and removed a bottle of lube. General Hux nodded his approval before starting to strip. He folded each article of clothing, setting it neatly on the piece of furniture from which Ren had procured the bottle. Once naked, he climbed onto the bed, lying on his stomach with his arms crossed atop Ren’s pillow. The Force user placed the bottle onto the bedside table long enough to strip. He then straddled Hux’s thighs, uncapping the bottle and pouring lubricant into his hand.
 General Hux closed his eyes as Ren started to prepare him. The finger worming its way into him was doing wonders to help diminish the agitation and sense of disappointment he had been holding onto since the morning’s failure. A second finger slipped into him, and he sighed at the way Kylo stroked him. “Don’t dawdle, Ren,” he said all the same, wanting to feel the man pounding into him with no restraint. It was how Hux had always imagined sex would be like with Ren—and imagine he had, though he was often loath to admit to it. Kylo withdrew his fingers long enough to lather them with more lube. A third finger joined the first two, and Hux began to rock back into the thrusting digits. He groaned at the feel of Ren stretching him, swore when he could hear Kylo slicking up his cock with even more lube.
 He looked over his shoulder to watch as Kylo Ren seized hold of his cock in one hand, cupping Hux’s ass with the other and using his thumb to spread the mans’ cheeks. General Hux set one of his hands on the other side, opening himself up further. Kylo prodded his entrance with the head of his cock, teasing until Hux grit his teeth and pressed backwards. It was then that the younger man pushed up into Hux, sliding inch by inch into him. “Kriff,” Hux said breathlessly, grasping at the plush of the pillow underneath him as he was filled completely. Kylo Ren groaned, though he paused as though unsure if— “Mm. Maker, Ren.”
 At the sound of such praise, the other was encouraged to begin moving. Ren rolled his hips again, his hands running up and down Hux’s sides, as though worshipping the body underneath his own. Hux reveled in the attention, in the adoration, in the fact that the powerful man inside of him was so desperate for his approval.
 Perhaps Ren had noticed that things would not be running smoothly that morning. Perhaps he had been so eager to be praised for saving Hux’s life.
 General Hux felt his cock throbbing at the thought of it, and he raised himself onto his knees. Kylo Ren kissed the back of his neck, his tongue swirling circles on his flesh as they both reached for the redhead’s cock. At the new angle, Ren was able to stroke Hux’s prostrate, which had the man throwing his head back, allowing it to rest on Kylo’s shoulder. Kylo turned to the side, his mouth claiming the smaller man’s.
 Breaking away from the kiss, General Hux pushed at Ren. The man obliged, pulling away and obeying without question when Hux gestured for him to lie down. The redhead straddled the Knight, gripping the man’s cock and impaling himself. He stared down at those approval-seeking eyes the entire time. “Good boy,” he said heavily, riding the man with vigor. The sight of Kylo Ren biting his bottom lip was worth the death of a replicable politician, Hux decided. “Hmm…mmm…good work, Ren.” Kylo arched up off the bed, his hands gripping General Hux tightly enough that the redhead knew he would have finger-shaped bruises on him. He could not have cared less; it felt amazing having the man cumming inside him. Namely when he knew it was because of his words, the realization that he had such power over the younger male.
 General Hux dropped his hand to his cock, starting to pump himself as Ren rode out his orgasm. The brown-eyed man panted whilst regaining control over himself. His hand wrapped around Hux’s, both of them working the other until the general ejaculated on Ren’s stomach and chest. “Good work,” Hux murmured at the sight of Ren eagerly scooping up his cum without needing to be ordered to do so then shoving his fingers into his mouth. Their eyes locked, and General Hux nodded as he said, “That was a good job, Ren.”
 “General…” A whisper. His cheeks tinged pink. General Hux dragged the tips of his fingers up the length of Kylo’s chest to his lips, which puckered in a kiss then parted so that the digits could dip inside. He eagerly sucked the fingers, which Hux was thrusting in and out at a leisurely pace.
 “You wanted my attention, Ren…” The Knight blinked in mock innocence. Rather than feel anger, there was a stirring inside General Hux. That thirst for power. “Good work,” he said again, and once more Kylo Ren basked in the praise.
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lucifel-lurks · 6 years
Temptation’s End Pt 3 (end)
Kylux, humor,  this part PWP, ~1300 words, sort of Dub-Con because Hux consents enthusiastically but he doesn’t realize he’s consenting to more than just tab A in slot B until it happens. First Part Here (And now: porn.)
Hux wants to ask “What Plan?” but Kylo strips away Hux’s towel so he can settle his atrociously large hands onto Hux’s ass. He’s still using the force to pin Hux down but between the heavy press of his body and the savage nips he’s laying across Hux’s jaw Hux honestly doesn’t notice. Hux is too busy wondering how Ren managed to get even this wrong. Hara is right outside and exactly Ren’s type.
Working his way down Hux’s chest, Ren gets his mouth around a dusty pink nipple and tugs on it like a feral beast with a new toy. Pausing, for some reason, to make eye contact with Hux halfway between letting go and moving to give Hux’s other nipple the same treatment.
 Hux doesn’t know what to do. The logical part of his brain is focused on Kylo’s accusations of assassination and what that means for Hux’s continued survival. The General wants to discuss what appear to be a major security leak and several stowaways on his ship. The rest of him is trying to remind that he hasn’t gotten dicked in almost two years and Ren - with his big hands and his muscular body and his hopefully proportionate dick - is right here and apparently offering. Ren is also, Hux realizes when the force hold on his throat eases minutely and the hands clutching his ass relax from a tight grab down to a firm grasp, waiting for permission. Ren’s eyes, Hux realizes are terribly vulnerable in this moment and when he swallows, adam’s apple bobbing, Hux finds that the decision has been made for him.
 Not wanting to speak, Hux does the only thing he can think of: he uses his feet to pull Kylo’s towel off his body and his hands (which he suddenly realize have been free this whole time) to grab Kylo’s hair and tug the supreme leader down into a kiss.
 To his surprise, Kylo breaks into a smug grins and mutters a “Finally!” Before diving in for all he’s worth. His hands resume their kneading of Hux’s ass. (Now accompanied by what feels like an indeed very proportionate cock sliding against his stomach alongside his own.)
 “I thought” Kylo pants between kisses, “that you were going”, and here he lifts Hux up a bit so the man can grind his erection against Kylo’s stomach, “to pull a Mitaka,” Hux groaned at the friction, “and make me wait forever like poor Jobbson.”
 “Poor Jobbson.” Hux agrees.
 Kylo plasters himself against Hux, rubbing as much of his skin against his General as he can. He slobbers against Hux’s mouth like a dog. It should be revolting, but it really, really isn’t.
 In the heat of the sauna, they’ve both begun to sweat profusely, the moisture easing the slide of their cock between them. Hux is embarrassed to admit to himself that he’s about to come just from this. When he whimpers, helplessly, with a small kittenish sound that he will forever deny, Kylo seems to realize this too.
 “No!” He practically orders, “Not yet!” Pulling away and sitting up, Kylo holds Hux in place by his ass and - in what feels like it must be a complicated maneuver - slides away until he’s kneeling on the floor between Hux’s legs. “You,” he says darkly, “are not getting off that easily”.
 Hux barely has a second to wonder what he means before Kylo’s mouth is around him and swallowing him down. Hux swears up a blue streak and is only prevented from coming by some kind of… force hold squeezing too tightly at the root of his dick. For an anti-social former-monk with no charm and few people skills, Kylo Ren is a remarkably talented slut.
 He is also, apparently, capable of prying Hux’s long neglected hole open with the force. (Because his hands seem to be stuck against the globes of Hux’s ass.) It’s a strange feeling, not like being opened by someone’s hands at all. It’s the sense of a dozen little tendrils massaging each individual fold of skin until the muscle underneath relaxes. There’s no friction, no burn, just gentle, gentle, easing. And a soft tease against his prostate. Hux isn’t sure if he’s going to melt into the bench or tense up into a scream but after too many minutes of this treatment he’s writhing too hard to think and far too hard to speak. And all the while, Kylo just sucks and sucks and watches him move, eyes tracing individual drops of sweat.
 Hux needs to come before he looses his mind.
 “Please.” He begs, “Please. Ren. Please. Just. I. Please. Anything.” But Ren doesn’t let up, doesn’t change what he’s doing until Hux’s begging has devolved from words down to gibberish. Only then does he let go Hux’s dick and stand up. (Hux is too far gone to notice that Ren is slightly wobbly by this point.)
 Hux isn’t entirely certain what’s happening, can’t track what’s going on, just feels Ren settle over him once again, pressing him down down down into the bench. And then – and then Ren is pressing in with no lube and no anything and he’s just pounding into Hux so very hard and fast and that tendril of force that’s been rubbing against his prostate this entire time is rubbing even harder and he’s licking back into Hux’s mouth and it’s all just too, too much. Too much pleasure, too much friction, too much unrelenting physicality. When Hux comes, he whites out for long enough that he misses the Supreme Leader’s own orgasm.  
 It is through force of will alone that Hux doesn’t pass out. Every nerve is on fire, every inch of skin is too sensitive. And Kylo, who has finally let go of Hux’s ass, seems intent on caressing every inch of skin he can reach. Every touch sets Hux to shivering.
 He still isn’t able to think.
 “That,” Ren finally says when he can pull his mouth away from Hux’s collarbone for long enough, “was not a sufficient apology.”
 Hux has no idea what he’s talking about.
 “If you expect me to forgive you your treason.” He continues, lapping up Hux’s neck towards his ear, “You’re going to have to do more than just lie there.”
 Hux manages a half inquiring noise this time.
 A dry, un-amused laugh rumbles up through Kylo’s chest.  
 “Surely you didn’t expect one fuck to wipe your slate clean?”
 And suddenly Hux realizes what’s going on. His enemy – whoever he or she is – is about to win. He’s about to die. Hux’s sense of survival forces him to marshal together enough of his brain cells to form words. “Supreme Leader,” he gasps, “those women. We - .” but he isn’t allowed to finish his sentence. Kylo seizes Hux’s tounge between his teeth and grinds down on Hux’s over sensitive cock before Hux can speak. The feel of it – combined with the searing too-much-feeling that is every place Kylo is touching him, is such a confusing chimera of pleasure and pain that Hux wonders if he’ll even feel his death coming. He supposes there are worse ways to die and Kylo keeps at it until Hux is moaning again.
 “Don’t worry,” Ren murmers in his ear when he’s finally kissed Hux’s mouth sore and swollen, “you’ll have plenty of time to learn.”
 That beta shift, Hux doesn’t make his mi- cycle meetings.
 That gamma shift, Hux begins his exhausting daily routine of getting fucked within an inch of his life before being allowed to sleep.
 He still doesn’t know who his invisible enemy is.
 He also can’t decide which of them’s won.
~ Fini
EDIT: Ok I lied there’s more porn HERE ... but you should stop here if you were mostly in this for the humor.
(When I’m done with kbb and noir fics, I may come back and develop this into the longfic it was originally concieved as. Believe it or not, the original idea behind this was sort of a slow burn political drama... ooopps.)
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d0wnright-ic0nic · 3 years
Sweater Weather | Explicit
Summary: Ben has known Armie for twenty-two years, and yet…
Alternately: Armie wears one of Ben’s old sweaters, and not much else, and Ben has a lot of… feelings. Mostly the tingly kind.
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ashenpages · 4 years
Remember how I said I was rewarding myself by letting myself edit some old Kylux fics? Well, here’s the first one.
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darlingofdathomir · 5 years
Kylo gets Rey involved to deal with his Sith ghost issue, but it could cost him more than he knows.. . Chapters: 13/15 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars- The Last Jedi Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux & Kylo Ren Characters: Armitage Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Original Female Sith Character(s), Original Sith Character(s) Additional Tags: Kylux - Freeform, Alternate Canon, Blood and Gore, Rough Oral Sex, Sith Hux, Force-Sensitive Hux, Inappropriate Use of the Force, Rape/Non-con Elements, Hux is Not Nice, Dominant Armitage Hux, Possession, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Blood and Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Light Bondage, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst Summary:
Without Snoke to keep him in check, Kylo Ren runs rough-shod over the First Order, and too often Hux finds himself bearing the brunt of his anger. Insult to injury is the Supreme Leader’s waste of resources spent chasing mystical force lore across the galaxy.
Kylo drags him to Korriban to search tombs for an artifact, and Hux finds himself near the breaking point. On the precipice of crumbling, he finds something that will shift that power dynamic, and change his life forever.
Kylo finds himself fighting to save Hux from the monster he created, not just because he wants to hold onto his title as Supreme Leader- but because he doesn't want to lose the enemy he's come to love
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betareadernetwork · 6 years
Point of contact: mcusekat@Tumblr, from there I can give you my email or we can communicate through google docs. 
Languages I’m comfortable reading: English (British and American)
Strengths: plot, characterization, sentence structure, spelling. 
Weaknesses: Really long works with a lot of lore, poetry
Fandoms: Star Wars Universe (current canon), Rooster Teeth, Achievement Hunter, Cow Chop, Funhaus, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hellblazer (all media types), Life is Strange
Original fiction? Sure. 
Relationship types I’m down to beta read: Any
Specific ships I’d like to beta read: Kylux, chastantine, thorki, and gtaverse freewood are my most read and written but anything is fine. 
PWP? Yes. 
Will not read Rape/noncon/dubcon, major character death (for any of the above ships at least), tentacle porn, feces porn. 
Writing samples
My works
Some Works I’ve Beta-ed (each word is a separate link.) This is just a sampling, I’ve done more. 
Notes: I’ve not beta-ed in some time so I may be rusty but I’ve been beta-ing fic for probably near to five years and I’d love to dive into the game again. I prefer fics between 1k-50k, but if your fic is longer or shorter than that it’s not an issue, it’s just a minor preference. I’d love repeat authors as well, authors that, if pleased with my work, will continue to let me have a go at their future fics! I know it can be a pain to find a beta and I do not mind being contacted again with more work!
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kyberkills · 2 years
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One month late, but I did it!
It should have been an easy PWP one-shot for Kylux Secret Santa 2021, but it’s a 4 chapter long 20k TLJ fix it fic instead, with ritual sex and a lot of discourse about the Force.
Mind the tags on AO3, Happy (belated) Holidays to my prompter, and see you around on AO3!
(All chapters will be updated by the end of the week, they’re either in revision or already finished.)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
And I did the stats! I'm absurdly proud of my little digital fanfic library but it's basically a history of the fanfic I've been reading since I discovered fandom, so I'm putting the graph and more explanations under the readmore, in case you don't care/don't want to see which weird ships I like/used to like (since I won't be tagging the post because I don't want that in the general tags). Proceed at your own risk!
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Okay! So. First off, I've had that collection for almost five years now I'd say, I don't have the oldest dates but that's when I started discovering fandom. I started downloading fics to be able to read on my phone even when I didn't have an internet connection (and downloading fics from FFNet wasn't the easiest), and then when I started using AO3 I thought I'd get the fics I liked in case they disappeared or something. They're all epubs and I can make annotations in my ereader app, which is also pretty cool (my 'copies' of Cambiare Podentes or Pacify are full of notes from multiple rereadings throughout the years and that's very fun) In total I have 1311, which is a respectable number I think.
All the smaller folders - anything 15 fics or less - are mostly old fandoms for which I never read a lot of fic. There are separate Harry Potter and Star Wars folders because those are for gen fics and the ship folders are for, well, ship fics. Fandoms like Sherlock, OFMD or Gravity Falls don't have separate ship folders because they're either 90% ship or gen fics, and a folder for a few gen/ship fics would be useless. The 'originales' folders are original fic, with a PWP variant because sometimes you want to peruse the SFW folder and not the smut one or vice-versa. The older folders are probably the Drarry or Snarry ones, as well as the Sherlock and the Originales ones, because they're the ones with fics in french in them and I stopped reading fic in french years ago to pivot entirely to english.
As for analysing this: I knew what the results would look like, because 1) it's my collection I know what I read and download and 2) I regularly sort the fics I download in those folders, and every time I check the numbers just as a curiosity, but there still was a surprise or two. Notably, the OFMD folder compared to the Obikin folder, because I started reading OFMD fics literally less than a month ago (may 11 to be precise) but I've been reading Obikin fics for close to a year now. Also now that I'm thinking about it my numbers are wrong I know I put a gen fic in the Obikin folder and I didn't go back to put it in its proper folder yet, so it really is the same number of fics, which I wasn't expecting. I also keep thinking the Gravity Falls and Drarry folders are going to be bigger, but no, they're not (especially not the Drarry one, I stopped shipping that and reading fic for it years ago when I got into Snarry) Obviously this makes my OTPs clear, they're the ones I have more fics for (the Sherlock folder is mostly Johnlock and the OFMD one is mostly Blackbonnet, of course). I do find it funny I have more original smut fics than Tomarry and Harrymort combined, but that makes sense too. I gotta say, I have no idea what all the HP gen fics are, because that's a fandom I read mostly ship fics for and almost nothing else, so I don't know where those came from, as opposed to the SW ones (it's because I like fluffy Jedi bonding stuff). The Snarry folder wins - well, everything, but more specifically on top of having the most fics in it, I know without needing to check that it's the one with the most words in it, because it's the one with the most longfics in it: if you just count Pacify and Cambiare Podentes that's already a good million two hundred words, and then there's the fics I have doubles of, all the longfics...
By the way this is the wrong place to put it but I find it fascinating how different fandoms write different formats: I can give you like, 2-3 Obikin long chaptered fics, same with Kylux (most of which I didn't read because they weren't my style, sorry that one aviator Kylux and Lex Talionis I just can't) but for Johnlock or Snarry I could give you a list and still forget some I've read. I don't know if it's the size of the fandom or the age or something but that's fascinating. If that wasn't so long a process and it was useful, I'd write down all the fics I have, their titles and wordcount and fandom, that could be really interesting... but only for me because that would be pretty biased. I mean, I tend to gravitate towards longfics and that's the fics I'm more likely to download, so yeah.
Anyway I think that was a nice ramble, if someone read all this I love you, when's the marriage?
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Regarding what you should write next... 😈
I'm partial to the pwp predator/prey, however I've got additional suggestions:
- love a trope where they have to survive a crash on a remote planet
- Sendak as a competitor in the Arena/Lotor as an admirer/patron
- sucker for Lotor as a diplomat and Sendak a commander (maybe Lotor is ruling under Altea and Sendak is Galran? I dunno. Yea this is a common kylux trope, yes i have humble space smut roots)
- Sendak and Lotor as fugitives-of-the-galran-empire-turned-rebels and having to navigate relationships/alliances as moral ambiguous darlings 😂
I can probably think up some more but i didn't want to leave you hanging!
I have great news! One of those things already exists!
I was hoping for a suggestion on which WIP I should continue working on, but what’s 4 new fic ideas between friends 😅
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lucifel-lurks · 6 years
Temptation’s End Pt 4 (Epilogue? IDK.)
This thing accidentally started to grow a plot so I nipped that in the bud with some more porn and some angst. As with everything else in this series, it’s unbeta-d and typed on my phone so I apologize.  I SWEAR I WILL GET BACK TO THE THINGS I’M ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE WRITING.
(PWP, Unintentional Dub-Con, Hux and Kylo are Trash. ~1800 words. Part 1 Here) 
General Armitage Hux wakes to the newly familiar sensation of lying on stiff, cum crusted sheets. To a man who has been fastidious since childhood, it is a thoroughly unpleasant feeling and, given a choice, one he would never subject himself to again. Unfortunately, his recent change in sleeping arrangements has stripped Hux of many choices he’d previously taken for granted and the rhythmic rise and fall of the Supreme Leader’s monstrous chest at his back has become as familiar as his own heartbeat. 
“Awake already?” Ren asks, reaching around to squeeze Hux’s morning wood with his customary casualness. Without looking, Hux knows that the supreme leader is likely not just hard, but already leaking. The man’s libido is literally inhuman and -coupled with the athleticism of his preferred forms of sex - Hux doesn’t understand how Ren has any energy for anything else at all. Hux himself is so exhausted he wants to cry like a child.
 In the last ten days, Hux has had more sex than he’s had in the last four years and as much as he’d like to say no – to beg for a night alone so he can rest his sore ass and chafed dick, his greedy body and his logical mind never seem to be on the same page. Even now, as Hux is working up the courage to ask for a reprieve, he’s parting his legs and rubbing his balls against Ren’s open hand. Maybe Ren will be quick. Maybe Ren will be satisfied with a morning quickie today and leave Hux be until he’s done with the fiscal planning.
 Maybe Hux will spontaneously learn how to breathe in the vacuum of space.
 Against his shoulder, Ren chuckles warmly, “Poor baby,” he mocks, “didn’t I let you come enough last night?” and for all that there’s something smug and self satisfied in Ren’s voice, there’s also something tender there, as if he knows that the kisses he’s peppering down Hux’s back are more soothing than distressing. Hux knows better than to snap at him by now. He knows to conserve his energy.
 As Hux has learned the hard way, Ren loves fucking him two, three, sometimes four times in succession. He loves making Hux ride him after he’s licked the general open; loves watching his own cum drip out of Hux before using it to lubricate their next fuck; loves it when Hux is little more than a whimpering, fucked out mess, too shattered from too many orgasms to do more than lay there and take Kylo’s slow strokes in and out of him. He makes a habit of getting Hux too distracted to object when Kylo uses force lightening - of all things - to bring Hux’s dick back to hardness when he can’t get it up anymore. He loves it best of all when Hux is too exhausted to do more than acquiesce to Kylo’s petting and his long, indulgent kisses.
 Hux, too, would love these marathon sex sessions if they didn’t happen at least once each cycle - leaving him wrung out and exhausted and so sore he can’t move a hairsbreadth without thinking of Ren’s dick pumping ceaselessly inside of him. Hux’s whole body flushes hot then cold each time he remembers that his fresher is now supplied with bacta suppositories and supplement patches of the sort only utilized by the most popular of whores at the busiest of the republic’s brothels
 Hux wonders, frequently, what disgusting thing Ren’s ancestors must’ve lain with to contaminate his humanity with such an alien ability to constantly fuck.
 Ren’s kisses turn to bites when he gets to Hux’s ass – and Ren’s left so many love bites there by now Hux doesn’t understand how it isn’t one massive violet bruise. When Ren’s satisfied that he’s left enough new marks, Ren shifts his attention to Hux’s hole. Hux is reasonably certain he doesn’t want this but with the first brush of a tongue against his rim, Hux moans and his dick twitches with interest. Ren hums with pleasure at the sound.
 Ren is slow and attentive this morning, gentle in the way that he is when he’s working himself up for an hours long session. The realization sets Hux to shaking. “No,” he begs, “No, Ren, please don’t.” And Hux doesn’t mean to flinch away but he does.
 Growling, Ren grabs him by his hips and flips Hux over in a quick, painful movement that Hux is certain was designed for combat, not bed.  Propped over him, using the force to pin his chest, Ren stares down at Hux for many long heartbeats. Hux thinks he must be cataloguing the bruises and bites he’s left, the way that Hux is counting the many long scratches he can see down Ren’s sides and the crescent marks left by his own nails on Ren’s muscular biceps.
 “You really can’t take any more can you?” Ren marvels,  one finger tracing the dark puffy circle beneath Hux’s left eye.
 Hux nods, silently hoping that Ren will actually relent this time. If he speaks, he might spill the tears welling up in his eyes. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if Ren takes this as a challenge to wring pleasure and passion from his exhausted body instead.  Ren’s cock hasn’t softened any and it rests angry and red against his thigh.
 “All right,” Ren relents, “Never mind then.”  He climbs over Hux to get out of the bed, “We’ll continue this later.” With a firm hand, he grabs Hux by a forearm and pulls him along to the refresher.
 Ren, Hux has learned, is painfully indulgent about his grooming. Hux had always felt that his own daily use of pomade was an extravagant luxury, but Ren is many times worse.  He doesn’t just shower, he luxuriates under the water using three or four men’s allocation of hot water each day. It’s a dreadful waste but one that Hux secretly enjoys.
 While Hux shampoos his hair, Ren leans close and jerks off onto Hux’s stomach. It’s efficient, perfunctory, and so different from what Hux is used to from the Supreme Leader that he forgets to complain about the copious mess of cum Ren leaves on him. (Hux wonders, sometimes, if Ren realizes that the size of his load - frequently more than twice as much by volume as Hux’s own – is abnormal and alien). After that, Hux washes quickly and retreats back into his quarters as soon as he can.
 Hux doesn’t understand why Ren is giving him a break, but he takes it eagerly, dressing at a speed that leaves him clumsy with his desire to cover up. He isn’t just eager to get to work, he’s eager for a chance to speak to Ren fully dressed; to have a conversation that doesn’t begin and end with Ren’s tongue or his fingers or his cock shoved deep into Hux’s mouth.
 Ren, on the other hand, comes back from the fresher naked and dripping water. For all that he doesn’t want any more sex, Hux can’t help looking at the body Ren is so unashamed of.  It really is gorgeous.
 When Ren catches him looking, he grins wolfishly and stalks towards Hux as if he’s changed his mind about granting him that reprieve after all. Hux clears his throat and steps back.
 “Supreme Leader,” Hux begins, “we really do need to discuss that egregious security breach you brought to my attention the other week.”
 Ren looks puzzled, but he stops advancing and lets Hux remain out of arms reach.
 “What security breach?” Ren asks.
 “These women.” Hux explains, reaching for his data pad and projecting the profiles of the four women who had attempted to seduce Ren into the air between them. Straightening his shoulders and narrowing his stance into an almost-at-attention posture, Hux falls back into the role of an officer reporting to his superior.  
 Ren, although still naked, concentrates for once on the information before him.
 “We captured two and followed the other two back to the Eponymos. The captured operatives were unfortunately able to kill themselves before an interrogation could be arranged and Intelligence Officer Lotik hasn’t identified who sent them yet. He reports, however, that both immediately left the Eponymos after exchanging their shuttle and reported in to Admirals Uriz and Ablin.  Lotik failed to obtain the content of their reports and we’ve yet to learn their identities but if, as you said, they were sent to assassinate you we may be best served to simply salt the earth.”  And eliminating Uriz and Ablin would indubitably re-enforce Hux’s own power. “Your thoughts Supreme Leader?”
 Ren, who has grown tense while Hux speaks, doesn’t say anything. He opts instead to scroll through the profiles before him, reading with an intensity Hux has never before seen.  “So they really weren’t yours.” He concludes at last.
 “No, Sir.” Hux confirms.
 “So what were you up to with Hara and that Storm Trooper?” Ren asks, turning away to pull his own clothes from where he’d discarded them on the floor. Hux attempts to dodge the question. Ren’s a prideful thing. He won’t like knowing Hux was attempting to manipulate him.
 “I – uh -.” Hux clears his throat. “I’m afraid I must confess to having mis-identified the threat Supreme Leader.”
 “Meaning?” Ren presses.
 Hux crosses his arms behind him, clenching one fist in the other and coming fully to attention. “I didn’t know the women were assassins Sir. I concluded – mistakenly - that they were trying to seduce you to, um, distract you from your duties. I thought that Captain Hara or the storm trooper might be – um – more productive alternatives if you wanted to um – that is, they’re – uh – very loyal to the cause. Sir.” Hux is glad Ren isn’t  looking at his face. “I uh - I didn’t realize you’d prefer my um - my own services. Sir.”
Hux knows he’s blathering. Knows he should’ve said something more like I thought you might enjoy a willing hole to fuck since Ren enjoys that sort of filth. But Ren’s turned back - the tight muscles of his neck and the continued lack of eye contact tell Hux that something’s changed in the room’s atmosphere. There’s a tension here, and it’s a dangerous one.
 "I see.” Is all Ren says after a pregnant pause “And what,” Ren asks quietly, tense, as he laces his tunic closed, “led you to believe that I would want Hara or that trooper.”
 Frightened now, Hux blurts, “Jobbson sir. You were, uh, staring at his ass on the bridge. Hara and the trooper share physical attributes with him that I thought you might um... enjoy.”
“I see.” Ren says again.
Hux’s heart hammers in his chest and he remains at attention while Ren finishes dressing and walks to the door. Hux knows, with certainty, that he’s severely misplayed his hand some how.
 “I wasn’t, you know.” Kylo says quietly to the closed door before him.
 “Wasn’t what?” Hux asks.
 “Admiring Jobbson on the bridge that day.” And what Hux can see of his lips seem to quiver, as if they’re unable to contain the words behind them. “Jobbson isn’t entirely force null and he sometimes projects his thoughts. I was listening to him wonder why everyone made fun of him for courting Mitaka when a blind man could see how badly I’ve wanted at you since Snoke died.” Ren pauses, as if waiting for Hux to react. Hux is too frightened to react - too cold with shock. “He was thinking that I should be grateful since - for all your ambition - you aren’t the type who’d whore himself for power. And that meant you wouldn’t mislead me the way Mitaka’s always confusing him. Not when it would involved actually whoring yourself.” Ren laughs. “I guess he forgot to account for your over developed survival instinct.”
 And then Ren is gone and Hux is left once again occupying the liminal space between victory and utter defeat.
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