#kylie lockscreens
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roseskylie · 5 months ago
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• like or kyliejenlisa on twitter.
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just-saymylove · 1 year ago
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txyzfabi · 4 months ago
Oi, poderia por favor fazer locks da jennie (blackpink). obrigada 💖
Aqui meu amor, espero que goste!
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Ser for salvar, segue e curta please !
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fuckwallpapers · 6 months ago
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thewidowspaiges · 7 months ago
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kylieiconss · 8 months ago
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 3 months ago
Going into 2025 can we leave behind calling anything and everything related to Taylor an Easter egg? Thanks!
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noelledeesigner · 2 years ago
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twerkoutusa · 2 years ago
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twopoppies · 18 days ago
Just yesterday you were talking about that freddie screensaver and today I came across this tweet of kylie switching on her screen to show her and timothee's lockscreen.
This bbg has always been ticking all the boxes of the pr classics huh? And we are the evil ones for not buying into this bs lmaooo
Oh the way she’s holding her phone isn’t suspicious at ALL. 🤣 Give me a break.
Also, I truly cannot believe those two have anything to talk about. That is a coupling I do not understand.
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jeonqkooks · 2 years ago
kyoho | ksj
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You love your grape boy, and your grape boy... well, he might just love you a little too much.
pairing: seokjin x f!reader
rating: pg13
genre/warnings: established relationship, swearing bc when is there no swearing in my fics, mentions of seggs, suggestive themes, fluff, crack?? idk, my brand of fics is Unedited y'all know that's how we roll
word count: 1.8k
notes: i've been buying a lot of grapes lately (am i a grape person now??) and i've been eating them almost every day and of course i had to think about grape jinnie my beloved, my ultimate favorite seokjin and i want him to come back to me :((( idk that's how this lil thang came to me lmao it's the most crackhead shit i've ever written sOoOoOoOo please laugh or else ! 👿 jk but not really
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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"If you do this, we're done."
"I swear, if you go through with this, we are over!"
Seokjin sighs, rubbing a hand over his face, clearly not expecting you to be so passionate about the subject at hand. "The appointment is in an hour," he says.
"Cancel it. I don't care!" you cry. "Please don't do this. Don't take him away. He means the world to me."
Your boyfriend stares at you, mouth agape, then points to his head incredulously. "Him? My hair?"
"Yes!" You crawl over to his side of the couch to straddle his lap, actual tears welling in your eyes. You run your fingers through his hair, marveling at how soft and silky it feels in your hands. His gorgeous, gorgeous purple locks. The ones he's ready to sacrifice in favor of half blond, half red hair by demand of one Jeon Jungkook.
You shouldn't be this upset over him dyeing his hair, but you are, despite knowing full well that the purple will be gone soon anyway. His dark roots are starting to show already.
It's shark week, and there are not enough words in the dictionary to express how devastated you are that he's taking away your emotional support Grape Jinnie.
A couple months ago, when he told you that he'd be dyeing his hair purple, you were highly skeptical of the decision. You didn't know if he had the face to pull off purple of all colors, even though you had already seen him sport every other color of the rainbow and absolutely rocked every single one.
The whole week leading up to his salon appointment, you teased him endlessly - started calling him Grape Boy, bought him box after box of Kyoho grapes, photoshopping Kylie Jenner's purple hair onto his head and making it your lockscreen... It was mostly just grape puns, you were really milking that whole thing.
But then he came home, hair freshly bleached and colored, and your jaw dropped to the ground and stayed there for ten whole minutes.
Your eyes almost fell out of their sockets from how good he looked.
No, he didn't just look good. He was stunning, breathtaking, mindbogglingly beautiful and all the other synonyms that one could name.
The man fucking ate and left no crumbs.
That night was one of the best sex you two have ever had.
To say that you were obsessed with this shade on him is the understatement of the year.
"Don't do it," you plead. "If you really love me, you won't do it."
"You're being so dramatic. It's just hair." Seokjin puts his hands on your waist while you keep yours on his head, clutching his strands like a lifeline. "Plus, I have to honor the bet!"
Your expression turns stony then, as your eyes travel from the silky purple down to his face. You tighten your grip on his hair and tug on it sharply until your boyfriend is scowling in discomfort.
The bet. The stupid fucking bet he made with Jungkook.
You had explicitly told him there no chance in hell that he could win, but Seokjin could be an overly confident asshole sometimes.
He was in way over his head, and now you're the one suffering.
"You idiot," you hiss, pulling on his hair again, "why the fuck did you think you could do more pushups than Jungkook?"
"I don't know! We were tipsy and it seemed possible at the time!"
Releasing his hair, you tuck your face into the crook of his neck and inhale deeply.
"Why am I being punished for your actions?" you mumble against his skin, then you ask, voice full of futile hope. "What if you just... don't do it?"
"Then I have to buy him a new mattress. He cut his mattress with scissors to make it fit into his bed frame and now it's all fucked up."
You give yourself a minute to think. There has to be a solution to your distress. You just gotta think. Think, brain, think!
And then you remember. Seokjin is still a man.
You lean back to look at him properly, straightening your position on his lap. You give him your biggest puppy dog eyes before you say, "I promise I will blow you every day from now on if you keep the hair."
If he was drinking water, you're fairly certain that he would've choked. Your boyfriend's eyes widen in surprise, his skin turning a dozen shades warmer, blushing from his cheeks all the way to the top of his ears.
"What?" he asks, like this is something so scandalous.
You lean forward to pepper kisses all over his face, putting more weight on your offer. "I promise," you say, pecking his cute cheek, "to blow you," then his forehead, "every single day," then his nose, "from now on," and finally his lips.
You linger near his mouth, not pulling away just yet. Your lips brush against his once more until you feel his hands tighten on your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck to hold him closer as you press forward, giving him a proper kiss to seal the deal.
Seokjin practically melts underneath you. Victory is so close that you can taste it. You're doing this for the greater good of mankind, for Grape Jinnie. Jungkook can fuck off with his half seasoned, half fried bullshit.
But then, Seokjin abruptly rips away from you to shriek, nearly blowing your eardrums out. The suddenness of his movements almost make you tumble off the couch.
"No, don't try to tempt me! Mattresses are expensive as fuck!"
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It's been a few hours. He should be back any minute now.
Ever since Seokjin left to go to his hair appointment after having to peel you off of him because you were clinging to his body like a goddamn koala, you've been wallowing in your misery. You even busted out the big guns - Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream (with real peanut butter cups!) - to help you through this difficult time.
You're in full grieving mode now. Goddamnit. Fate is a cruel mistress.
Or in this case, Jungkook. Jungkook is a cruel mistress. That fucking guy.
When you hear the door open and the subsequent clanging of Seokjin's keys as he hangs them on one of the hooks in the entryway, you prepare to give him the biggest pout you can manage.
But then, he comes into view a few seconds later, and you gasp. You actually gasp. Before he knows what's happening, you're rising from the couch and sprinting toward him, launching into his arms with the biggest smile on your face like a kid on Christmas morning.
"You're still a grape!" you squeal joyously.
Seokjin lets out a surprise Oof! at the sudden force of your body knocking the breath out of him.
"What a warm welcome," he mutters. "I don't think you've ever been this happy to see me."
"What happened?!" you ask, eyes wide, grin even wider. "Did you change your mind because you love me so much?"
You run your hands through his hair to make sure that it's real, that you're not hallucinating this because you just love the purple so goddamn much.
And it is! It's still here! His hair is still that luscious shade of purple that you adore with your entire being.
Seokjin eyes you for a moment before he says, "I compromised with Jungkook. Did something else instead."
"What did you do?"
"I got a tattoo."
"You what?!"
"He said I wouldn't have to dye my hair if I got a tattoo of his choosing."
"Oh, no," you try to sound sympathetic but fail miserably. You cover your mouth with your hand to hide your smile, already sensing the absolute crackhead chaos that will ensue in a matter of minutes. Having been friends with Jungkook for years, you know that dude comes up with the craziest shit sometimes.
Seokjin turns around and pulls up his shirt, and you almost die from the fit of ugly snorting laughter that immediately rips itself free from your mouth. His skin underneath the transparent cling film is still slightly red, but the letters adorning the expanse of his lower back is clear as day.
You cannot find it in yourself to blink, not when the black ink is just staring at you like that. The font, so formal and classic, and yet the content of it... what a contrast.
"Kim Seokjin!" you wheeze, wiping tears from your eyes and struggling to catch your breath. "How could you possibly think that this is a better idea than to just dye your hair!"
"You begged me to keep the hair!"
"I did," you agree, clutching your stomach as giggles continue wracking through your whole body. It's almost painful at this point. "But I don't want my boyfriend to have a tramp stamp that says fucking Chicken in Times New Roman!"
"It was either this," he says, turning back to face you, "or a sketch of his head on a chicken's body."
"What is up with him and chickens? Is that his new thing now?"
"I don't fucking know!"
"Well, thank you for doing that for me," you say appreciatively as you pull him in for a kiss, which isn't very graceful because you're still tittering the whole time. "But please tell me that's not permanent."
Seokjin stays quiet, his eyes dropping to the floor, and you stop laughing immediately.
"Oh my god," you say. "Is the Chicken tramp stamp permanent?!"
"No," he finally admits after a moment of hanging it over your head. As funny as the whole thing is, you do not want the love of your life to walk around sporting the most ridiculous tattoo in human history. "It's supposed to fade after a month."
You lean into him again, heaving a giant sigh of relief and wrapping your arms around his neck. One of your hands go for his hair again, weaving through the soft locks with your fingers because how could you not? "I love you, Grape," you say, pecking his cheek with a grin.
Seokjin rolls his eyes affectionately, but returns a peck to your own cheek. "I have a tramp stamp of the word Chicken and my parents might disown me for that, but at least you get to keep your Grape Boy," he says, making you giggle again.
"Because you love me so much, right?"
"Hmm. You're lucky I do."
You give him another kiss, one full of gratitude, for indulging your antics. When you move to return to the couch, Seokjin tugs on your wrist, pulling you back into him.
"Now correct me if I'm wrong," he says, acting all coy and shit, "but I recall you making me a promise earlier, no? What was it again?"
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 16.04.2023]
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roseskylie · 8 months ago
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• like or kyliejenlisa on twitter.
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wouldvecouldveshouldve · 10 months ago
are kylie and timothee still together?
the last i heard of them, they may be on and off. around early may, there was a anonymous source saying that they had broken up 100% - but then a week or two later, kylie was spotted at a beach club in las vegas and people saw a glimpse of her phone, which had the famous kylie + timothee lockscreen.
it's unknown as of this point, but they may have gotten back together in this time?
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silvyysthings · 10 months ago
Can you share a link where people have proved the kylie lock screen is photoshopped?
K lockscreen was absolutely dark or in any case not easily recognizable, they invented all
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kylieiconss · 10 months ago
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like or rebog if u use
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bubbleonice · 1 year ago
I'm late but could you plz read how timmy felt toward kylie leaking that lock screen to the public?
Energitically I think they are already done. The lockscreen incident was just the marking of the end. Remember when I drew cards for them, I said this about the timeframe of their relationship. I don’t know when the lockscreen incident was, was it around the 19th or 26th? We are nearing the 10th October. I feel the time is there. I might be wrong and it actually won’t be over before July. But I think they’re over and done. But we might not hear about it just yet. Pay attention to the clues. I don’t think we will see them again together. Just maybe a minor chance we still will until July, but I don’t think so.
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Five of wands: The Five of Wands is the card of conflict, tension, competition, and clashes of ego. The card depicts five men all armed with wands fighting each other in a competitive battle. This is how Timothee and Kylie are now, in a constant battle. Him trying to shake her off and her trying to hold on to him for dear life. They are giving contadicting stories. We will be facing from one part: all is glourious, love and long term commitments, while from the other, almost nothing, solo pap walks, solo attendants to events and social gatherings. They are serving contradicting narratives.
Page of wands reversed: this has taken a toll with someone’s energy level. It could either be that someone is highly hyped because of pent-up energy and want a source of relief. Or this can also indicate that someone is lacking energy and don't feel any enthusiasm at all. Someone needs a timeout.
This person may also be feeling bored and lacking momentum. They are unsure of what they need right now. Rather than feeling like they can move forward, they are feeling stuck and uninspired. Their fiery personality has gotten them burned more than once, and they are hesitant to be themselves. Something is not aligned within them.
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