#kyle hart
eg515 · 2 years
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I love her already 💕
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Spring Training:
Kyle Hart assigned 22 (minor league camp)
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skellyflower · 1 year
Y/N, let out a defeated sigh : The days have been so dark lately, I need some sunshine in my life.
Gaz, sits next to them : Looks like some is expected in your forecast.
Y/N, turns to look at him : Just in my forecast?
Gaz, looks back at them with a angelic smile : Yep! You’re smart, wonderful and you can achieve all your dreams! ☺���
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supakixbabe · 2 months
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The Official Dynasty card!
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rjcity1 · 2 months
Kyle O'Reilly does it Canadian Style
Hey!(EW) - New Episode Sunday
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heartsoulspiritelite · 2 months
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cosmicdemon · 2 months
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Blue is who I think will win
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Green is who I want to win
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solarsonicsoda · 2 months
Rebbie's Wrestling Reviews - AEW Dynasty 2024
Kazuchika Okada (c) def. Pac by pinfall for the AEW Continental Championship in 21:55
This match was simply awesome. Two guys who have absolutely all the tools put them to good use in this opener. Pac sold everything amazingly, he is brilliant at what he does, and there were many great sequences between the two men. Some of the specifics of this one were absolutely unreal too. Avalanche brainbuster, that brutal barricade DDT Pac took, an awesome springboard moonsault, a standing Brutaliser, a Black Arrow into the knees: so much brilliant wrestling. Of course, there was also Okada’s rug pull of the Rainmaker taunt. He had us in the palm of his hand and everything about that moment was hilarious. Loved this one. 
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House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, & Buddy Matthews) def. Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston, & Mark Briscoe by pinfall in 17:46
Super fun! Loved the energy they brought to this one, and the pace was quick which is just what I want from a trios match like this. Briscoe had a pair of great spots on the apron here, first launching himself off a chair to attack Matthews, but then being launched off into a brutal Death Valley Driver by King into the barricade. I also really enjoyed the triple Spears later in the match. Generally just great fun here all executed well, and I enjoyed Black picking up the win after never truly meeting Copeland in the ring until that final moment. That’s fun and I look forward to Black challenging for the belt in the future. Potentially at Double or Nothing? I will say though, maybe Rick Knox could have picked a better position to count that pin, he was looking directly into the misted face of Copeland…
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Willow Nightingale def. Julia Hart (c) by pinfall for the AEW TBS Championship in 6:01
This is not the most revolutionary match on the card, but it was pretty satisfactory. It was pretty short, but I didn’t realise it was quite this short! It was worked sufficiently though and it gave us a big championship win for Nightingale! That’s going to be raising the rating! Mercedes Mone slightly cramps on what’s a lovely moment but I’m excited for their match at Double or Nothing! Feels big time! 
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Roderick Strong (c) def. Kyle O’Reilly by pinfall for the AEW International Championship in 17:18
Another brilliant match. Great sells, great strikes, great technical work: what not to love? Some of the transitions and reversal in this one were simply beautiful, there was an awesome ankle lock transition by O’Reilly, there was a tiger driver that became a guillotine hold, there were sweet counters of some of their common offence: I ask again, what’s not to love?! O’Reilly has great facials for a match like this and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing! I think the finish was a tad sudden, I’m not entirely sure why Wardlow showed up, but good for him. We also see that Adam Cole can walk post-match!
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Chris Jericho def. Hook (c) by pinfall for the FTW Championship in 16:34
Please say sike right now. I will say, I was actually enjoying this one for most of its run. Hook has some awesome suplexes, he wrestles with such a unique form and stuff, he’s just very engaging. Hook sends Jericho through a table off the apron with a T-bone suplex, he suplexes him in a bin, and he kicks out of two Judas Effects! That all went so hard! I don’t particularly remember what Jericho did but oh well. Now, why the hell did he win? Jericho got to dominate, and like he overpowered Hook, in a strike exchange, which should never be happening with Jericho who is not known for anything close. Then, after all their action, Jericho is walking whilst Hook is selling his ass off for Jericho post-Judas Effect, and then he hits him with his baseball bat and wins. WHY?! I do think this “Learning Tree” character can be fun, but it should be a character where he goes in there and loses a lot, and convincingly. No one wants to see Jericho have many long matches, nor do they want to see him win titles. How does this help Hook? He does not need to reclaim the title again from the likes of Jericho, it makes him look like a dork. This should have been a feud where Hook won every encounter. Really stupid finish on a flawed but fun schmozz.
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Toni Storm (c) (w/ Mariah May & Luther) def. Thunder Rosa by pinfall for the AEW Women’s World Championship in 15:08
First off, Team Timeless were absolutely slaying with the looks here. Yes, of course that includes you Luther. This was a pretty good match overall. Rosa hits a great Tornillo, Nigel McGuiness is a hoot on commentary as usual, and the Death Valley Driver on the apron was awesome. Some sweet sequences and combos in there too, like a cool tornado DDT into a Northern Lights suplex from Storm. I don’t particularly care for the Storm Zero kickout as it was done, I feel like it was a bit early for something like that for me. Rosa also had a real smooth transition into a backbreaker late on before Storm rightfully got the win. As I say, good match, just not the best. I feel I’ve never particularly gotten into Thunder Rosa’s work. Like, she’s a good wrestler, but I just don’t feel much about her in-ring skill, and I don’t like her promos. Regardless, they had a decent showing here.
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Will Ospreay def. Bryan Danielson by pinfall in 32:40
I’m going to start by mentioning how brilliant the atmosphere was with this St. Louis crowd. They were awesome the whole night but here was their peak. Everyone was just having a blast it seemed. Now, there’s a lot of hubbub about this one, and I’ll start with this now: No, this isn’t the best match ever. What it is though is really quite great. So many unreal spots here and a solid bit of story throughout. There’s the likes of Danielson fully tying up Ospreay, the tiger suplex off the top rope, the series of counters from an Oscutter to a Lebell Lock, and the staredown with the elbow pad removal. I want to mention the dodging of a Hidden Blade to hit a running knee from Danielson, loved that. All of these moments were great. In my notes though, I did eventually end up writing three things down in all caps. First, “TRIANGLE HOLD STYLES CLASH”. Yeah, that’s awesome. There was also the finishing stretch with “HE JUST HIT A TIGER DRIVER 91 ON DANIELSON”. I think that speaks for itself as something wild. Thankfully he took it as safely as he could, that is to say “I bet his shoulder hurts like hell”. Then, the best of them all: “KNEE OSCUTTER REVERSAL”. This was simply perfect, what a reversal for the Oscutter, and what a running knee it was. Beautiful. Overall, it was a really nice match that pulled me round into loving it, even if Ospreay can be a bit much with some of his style for me. It works for a big match! I don’t love the finish really with the doctors, but it’s not super egregious. It was probably a Danielson idea, but I’d prefer a clean finish here. Maybe there’s a sequel on the horizon. Anyway, on a first watch, I’m concluding that “the greatest match in US history” is not quite that (some people just love a man’s particular style and that’s ok!), but is still pretty stellar.
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The Young Bucks (Nicholas Jackson & Matthew Jackson) def. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) in a ladder match for the AEW Tag Team Championships in 21:34
Now, something completely different! There’s plenty of ladder-based fun here, like some fun dropkick spots and one of the Bucks heading up for the belts off of a rope run. A ladder bridge was a large part of this one, first with a moonsault by Wheeler and an EVP Trigger by the Bucks atop it. Wheeler had a great performance here, and he hit a tope onto Matthew that sent him through a table, which I loved. Shortly after, Harwood would take a hurricanrana through one too, which I did like but it was a tad awkward. I really loved the Power and Glory off the ladders, that was super awesome, and the Wheeler tope through a table at the end was wild! He went so fast! There was a scary moment, as Nicholas would 450 Wheeler through a table, but as Harwood tried to piledriver Matthew through the ladder bridge, it would give way. Fortunately, it seems everyone is ok. This was a pretty fun match all-in-all, and I really enjoyed the finish with big shit-eating grin Jack Perry helping the Young Bucks. 
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Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) def. Samoa Joe (c) by pinfall for the AEW World Championship in 17:59
This is the moment I was waiting for! This was a pretty good match, Joe looked like an absolute beast in this one and I loved him for it. Swerve did his part too, selling very well for the big man. I especially loved his sell off the leg sweep, that was great. I do think the kickout from the Muscle Buster came a bit early in this match, it felt a tad flat for me, but it was soon followed by the House Call whilst Joe was in the ropes and the 450 Splash to the back of the head. I absolutely loved that spot. Those final moments were also great though, with Swerve doing whatever he has to do and with a great leap over Joe. That Swerve Stomp had me on my feet! The right man won here and it was absolutely essential here. What a great run from Samoa Joe though. Unfortunately, it is, indeed, Swerve’s House.
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Overall, this was a pretty good show! Not quite as good or as consistent as Revolution 2024, but another great PPV! This one is getting 4 STARS OUT OF 5 from me!
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0iam0 · 1 year
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Young Ventriloquist
The puppies of beyblade
Ken is literally precious. Actually, all of them are. But Ken literally makes me smile, dude's just got the happy energy.
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westofessos · 2 months
Happy Dynasty day! Here are my predictions.
Green = who I want to win
Red = who I think will win
Also once again manifesting that Jamie Hayter comes back.
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eg515 · 2 years
Kyle trying to use her usual tactics aka her boobs to convince Jude before he reminds her just how gay he is. amazing. a comedic besties duo for the ages. can't wait to see more of them in the future
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allbruvwrestling · 3 months
It’s Kyle Fletcher (Skye Blue bf) vs Lee Johnson (Julia Hart Husband) at ROH Supercard of Honor
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Dynasty thoughts so far:
Did not care for the preshow matches, but at least the Trios champions are unified
Okada and Pac so far have stolen the show
Finally giving Malakai a win, now put the TNT champion on our man
I'm glad Willow won, but apart of me wishes Julia kept the TBS title, feel like she needed it to keep the HOB momentum going
Roddy and Kyle killed it and the tease with Adam and Wardlow was magnificent
I am not gonna be held responsible for what I'm going to do to Tony if Jericovid wins
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heartsoulrocknroll · 2 months
AEW Dynamite 3/27/24
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Will Ospreay -- Shibata lands a big running boot to Ospreay outside! Ospreay comes back with a forearm off the barricade, then another springboard forearm into the ring. Shibata no-sells a series of elbows from Ospreay, then drops Ospreay to the mat with one hard elbow shot!!!! Damn!! Shibata with a running boot in the corner, repeated elbows to the face, alternating chops to the throat and jabs to the face, then a running dropkick!! Ospreay turns it around with a boot of his own! They trade abdominal stretch attempts, until Shibata catches Ospreay in the Flying Octopus, but Ospreay grabs the rope! Shibata slaps the arm to break his grip on the rope and goes for a German suplex, but Ospreay lands on his feet!! Ospreay lands a German suplex of his own! Shibata rolls to his feet and lands a German suplex!!! Ospreay ducks a boot and lands a back kick to the face! Ospreay springboards off the ropes for a flipping kick, but Shibata catches his foot and locks in an STF!! Ospreay gets to the rope. Shibata with closed fist shots, and while he is being admonished by the ref, Ospreay lands a big open right hand to the face!! Shibata with a big overhand palm strike to the face, then a kick to take Ospreay down! Shibata runs for the PK to the chest, Ospreay ducks, Shibata comes back with a PK to the back!!! Shibata goes for another, but Ospreay blocks it and grabs the foot!!! They trade elbows!!! Shibata takes multiple shots from Ospreay, then staggers Ospreay with just one elbow!!! Shibata with a big round kick to the chest! Ospreay falls back, but kips back up with an enziguri!!!! Shibata ducks a Hidden Blade attempt and locks in a sleeper!!! Shibata dumps Ospreay on his head with a sleeper suplex!! Geez!! Shibata locks the sleeper back in! Ospreay runs toward the ropes and sends Shibata to the apron!! Shibata hangs over the second rope, and Ospreay lands a stomp to the head, then a springboard dropkick!!!! Ospreay lands an OsCutter and covers, but Shibata kicks out at one!!!! Shibata with a huge lariat!!! Cover, but Ospreay kicks out at one!!! They collide with lariats at the same time!! Ospreay lands a hook kick to the face!! Ospreay calls for another OsCutter, but Shibata stops it with a sleeper! But Ospreay drops Shibata with a back suplex to escape!! Ospreay nails Shibata with the Hidden Blade!!! Cover, but Shibata kicks out at two!!! Ospreay lands the Tiger Driver 91, and Shibata just sits right back up!!!!! Aaaahhh!!!! Ospreay lands another vicious Hidden Blade!! Cover!! 1, 2, 3!!
That was great!! It was obvious that Shibata was going to lose this match, with Ospreay facing Danielson in a few weeks and Shibata being the most selfless man in pro wrestling, but that doesn't make me hate watching Ospreay pin Shibata any less. It was an excellent match with a great contrast of styles though. And it did take a hell of a lot to put Shibata away, which is good. This match really shows how much Ospreay has improved since they last wrestled each other. Rating: 4
The Bucks are with Renee. Matt says they had three goals: to retire Sting's old ass, to reinvent the Elite with Okada, and to win back their AEW tag titles. They have just one of those goals left to accomplish.
The Young Bucks vs. Private Party (AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament Match) -- Nick lands a German suplex on Marq on the apron! The Bucks set up for a Meltzer Driver variation from the top on Marq, but Marq reverses into a victory roll on Matt for two, while Isiah holds Nick's foot on the top! Private Party land the jumping rana off the ropes into the neckbreaker combo on Nick, then More Bang for Your Buck on Matt, but Nick breaks up the pin! Matt low blows Isiah, but Marq comes back with a belt to Matt's face and covers! Nick puts Matt's foot on the rope to break the count! Marq misses a 630 attempt off the top! The Bucks land the most awkward BTE trigger ever on Marq, as Nick slips and lands the knee two seconds after Matt. Lmaooooo. This gets the pinfall for the Bucks.
This was a good, solid match without a whole lot of suspense to it. It was entertaining though. I liked the cheating spots, and I loved Nick almost falling on the BTE trigger. Hilarious stuff. Rating: 3.25
Jericho and Hook with Renee. Jericho says Hook far exceeded his expectations in their match last week. He says he is proud of Hook for beating him. He says if Hook wants any advice, he is there for him. Hook says of course, he will take Jericho's advice, he's Chris Jericho. But also, he's Chris Jericho. Hook knows who he is. Jericho: "I know who you are. But more importantly, I know who you can be."
Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue (Number One Contender Match for the TBS Championship) -- Jay lands a superplex on Statlander. Willow with a nice missile dropkick off the top. Willow lands a DVD on Blue on the apron! Willow gets the pinfall on Jay with a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb. Solid match, but nothing special. Rating: 2.75
Mercedes is on commentary. There is a staredown between Julia and Mercedes after the match. Julia holds up her title.
Dustin is with Renee backstage. Butcher challenges him to a match on Rampage.
Toni Storm interview. The interviewer congratulates her on her title reign. She congratulates him on "whatever it is he does around here." She tells him to "crispen his enunciation," and repeat after her. Chin up. Tits out. And watch for the shoe. Lmao, ridiculous but great.
Swerve video promo. He talks about facing Takeshita tonight to determine who is ranked number one. He says their motivations are vastly different. His are for something bigger than him, and that's history. When he finally gets Joe one on one for the world championship, Joe will never forget what he does to him.
Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy vs. The Kingdom (AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Match) -- Bennett piledrives Trent on the apron while Taven distracts the ref! Good double teams by the Kingdom. Spinebuster by Bennett, then Taven goes for the springboard moonsault, but Trent gets his knees up. Taven wipes out Orange with a running knee, and the Kingdom land Proton Pack on Orange for two! Top rope double stomp-assisted Beach Break by Trent and Orange on Bennett for two! Kingdom go for the assisted piledriver, but Cassidy takes Taven off the ropes, and Trent gets a jacknife on Bennett for the pinfall.
Really enjoyed this match. Great tag team offense by both teams. Rating: 3.25
Best Friends go for the hug after the match, but the Bucks interrupt it to stare at them from the top of the ramp for a moment.
Renee with O'Reilly. She asks him about his return to the ring on Collision and about the Undisputed Kingdom celebrating with him afterward. He says there is no way to prepare for getting back in the ring in front of the live crowd, and it felt good to rip the bandaid off. He loves the Undisputed Kingdom, but he isn't having second thoughts about doing this on his own.
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Swerve Strickland -- Takeshita with a beautiful flying elbow. Swerve lands a hanging neckbreaker over the middle rope and covers Takeshita with a knee for two. Swerve lands a backbreaker on the knee and holds on for a suplex, but Takeshita reverses into a beautiful brainbuster! Swerve with a nice snap German suplex. Takeshita lands a huge elbow thag drops Swerve!!!!!! Hot damn!!!!! Takeshita lands a boot in the corner, a senton off the second rope, and neck crank with the legs! Huge elbow again by Takeshita!!!! Swerve handsprings over the ropes, off the apron, and into a rana on floor!! Swerve lands a cross body off the top for only one! Swerve swings, but stops and holds his neck. Takeshita lands a DISGUSTING ELBOW STRIKE!!!! Swerve goes for a rolling flatliner, but Takeshita catches him in a fireman's carry and drops him into facebuster! Takeshita lands a sliding dropkick to send Swerve outside, then a topé con giro! Takeshita goes for the top turnbucke brainbuster, but Swerve lands a headbutt and plants Takeshita off the top with a DDT!!!! Swerve lands a corkscrew senton off the top for two! Takeshita lands a jumping poison rana and Blue Thunder bomb for two! Takeshita with a huge elbow! Swerve lands a big right hand that drops Takeshita! Swerve goes for the rolling flatliner again, but Takeshita stops it with a jumping knee!! But then Swerve finally lands the rolling flatliner for two! Swerve with a double stomp off the top on the apron!!! Swerve comes off the top again, but Takeshita catches him with a powerbomb!! Swerve goes for something, but Takeshita reverses and lands that beautiful wheelbarrow German, then the running knee from hell!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Takeshita covers, and Swerve kicks out at two! Ugh. Swerve reverses a Blue Thunder bomb attempt and sends Takeshita into the turnbuckle! Swerve lands the House Call and a double stomp off the top and covers, but Takeshita kicks out at 2.5!!! Wow!!! Takeshita swings, Swerve ducks, Swerve lands a headbutt, Takeshita lands nice jumping knee!!!! Swerve reverses a pop-up powerbomb attempt into a double stomp!!!!!!! Swerve lands a nasty looking JML Driver for the pinfall!!!
Oh my god, that was excellent!!! Takeshita was a complete rockstar, what's new!!!! Would have loved to see him get the win here. At least, would have loved to NOT see Swerve kick out of that nasty knee strike. But the result was obvious, and Takeshita did come out looking fine, kicking out of that House Call/Swerve Stomp combo. Fantastic match. Rating: 4.25
Renee interviews Joe backstage after the match. Joe says he will make sure that when Swerve signs on the dotted line for their title match, he understands what he is asking for. Swerve thinks he is ready? Joe says no, he's not that man. Heck yeah!!!!!
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discocandles · 11 months
Ok that was definitely supposed to be the most fruity episode of Henry Danger, and that's a show I can barely seen as remotely heterosexual.
Like Ray and Henry basically downloaded Grindr i mean Rumblr, a fighting app and go to a gay fighting bar on a double "fight".
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