#ky the croaking
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resisteverything · 1 year
Help me I washed out the brainrot from a cute gay romance webcomic turned angsty and leaving me on a cliffhanger with another webcomic that does the same thing. Why are all the funny gay people in my cellphone making me so on edge instead of being cute and blushing at everything.
Now I have to wait and hope the comic slightly rewards me for waiting while knowing it probably won’t.
I fucking hate webtoon!
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vanilla-phantoms · 2 years
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Mer!ky au for @megjgrey ‘s webcomic The Croaking!
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ruleofexception · 2 months
Ch 20: My name from your lips (is my favourite sound)
He dropped him. Straight up fucking dropped him. Let him go. Fall. If he’d been even a moment too late. If he hadn’t been able to overpower the Sally in that final moment and dive, faster than he’s ever had to before, Scra would be-
“Ky, we shou-”
“Not safe.” He repeats for what must be the third or fourth time in so many minutes, and continues to drag Scra along behind him, further into the underground labyrinth that stretches the length of the city. The measly little flashlight on his pack, doing sweet fuck all to illuminate more than a handful of feet in front of them.
“You’ve been saying that for the last 10 minutes.”
“Because it’s true and I’ll continue to say it until we’re out of this Icarus-forsaken city.”
Scra squeezes his hand, trying, again, to pull him to a stop. “It’s also true that you’re hurt.”
Read more on A03
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itgr · 2 months
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Okay but the way this author just magically knows all my favourite tropes is DERANGED. I actually love them so much. I can't wait to see more of Ky being more open to the reader about who he is. Hhh him pretending to be asleep is so. I'm wondering why he did it. Is it because he didn't want to talk about it (because he'd feel too guilty) or because he was scared that if he did talk, he'd let something slip. Either way, it's soooo. And the way he feels visibly guilty about doing it too. I feel really bad for Scra tbh. Also I like how it's implied Ky stayed up for him. Little freak
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lolabearwrites · 4 months
I am not emotionally ready for a Keelee and Ky reunion. All he wants-all he's ever wanted-was for his sister to have a good life, and he just wants her to be safe and find her again
and she lowkey kinda hates him now 😭 she used to look up to him but now she just wants to be better than him and prove she doesn't need him ajdefbehbdshjuidbhhsdja
Obviously she's really hurting after everything that happened to her, but I don't think my heart can handle anymore angst for Ky please let that poor boy rest
I really want them to salvage/restore their relationship and i really hope they can talk it out and everything will go okay
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yozzers · 1 year
also ive been watching a bunch of guilty gear videos and i ......like a lot fo these chraracters,...theyre so fun
i told my fighting game fan frnd id try and learn blazblue lore enxt btu they said dont so. idk. thumbs up help they make it sound scary bad
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hii ur writing is SOO SOO good im practically going insane over ur mbappe writings. could u pls write smth about mbappe being sick and reader having to take care of him but he's just enjoying being a brat and clinging to reader ? like imagine taking care of this manchild. imagine the HAVOC he would wreck if he didn't get a kiss from his gf
Heyy, thank you for your lovely words, means so much 🫶🏿 hope this is okay!
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“You’re leaving me here all by myself? This is your fault.” Your boyfriend sniffles, pouting as you put on your jacket, ready to leave the house.
“I warned you about kissing me last week when I was sick.”
“But your mouth was so nice and warm.”
“And now here we are.”
“So you’re going to abandon me in my hour of need?”
“Kylian, it’s just a cold. You’ll survive.” You roll your eyes.
“I hope you know those may be your last words to me. Ever! Who knows if I’ll still be alive and breathing when you get back.” He shivers dramatically and you grab your bag, placing your phone in your coat pocket.
“I spent all day yesterday playing nurse Ky, I have to go to the office.”
“And you think if nurses just left their patients before they got better, anyone would recover?”
“You are a ridiculous man Kylian Mbappe. You have a runny nose and a high temperature, just keep hydrated and take your pills. I’ll see you at 6.” You reach over to kiss his forehead and he rolls over and pulls the covers high over his head.
“You don’t deserve to kiss me.” His voice his muffled under the blankets and you laugh.
“Whatever you big baby.” You call as you shut the bedroom door behind you.
“So if we push the campaign from this angle, I think the overall engagement would-“
Your phone buzzes for the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes since you started giving your pitch to the newest clients at your firm. You reach for your phone to turn it off, apologising profusely, when it starts ringing and you see your boyfriend’s face lighting up the screen.
“I’m so sorry, I just have to take this very quickly, I really apologise.” You hold your hands in a prayer sign before scrambling out of the office with the phone to your ear.
“Kylian, what the hell do you want.”
“Y/N…” his voices sounds strained and breathless, and you immediately begin to worry.
“Kyky? Baby what’s wrong?”
“I just…can you…” He coughs violently and you wince. He really doesn’t sound good, and you feel start to feel a little guilty for leaving him alone. “Can you…come home please? E…Emergency.” He croaks out that last part, as though he doesn’t have the energy to do anything else.
“Oh baby. I’ll be there as soon as I can okay? I’m sorry for not taking you seriously. I’m leaving the office as soon as I can.”
“Thank you,” he breathes before hanging up abruptly and you think the absolute worst. Maybe it wasn’t just a cold, maybe it was something worse, and now he’s alone and confused and deteriorating. You head back into the conference room, chewing on the inside of your cheek anxiously.
“Everything okay Y/N?” Your boss asks.
“Yes, ummm, it’s just my boyfriend is really ill right now, and he’s just called me and he doesn’t sound too good so I’m a bit worried that’s all. But we can get this pitch finished up and I’ll go and quickly see him on my lunch break-“
“Kylian is ill?” He says, shocked as if you’d just told him his own mother on was on her death bed. “Oh no, you must go to him right away. We have the PowerPoint and your notes, Lisa can finish your pitch.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes of course, I hope he makes a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you so much, and I really am sorry.” You disconnect your laptop from the hdmi cable connected to the project and slide it into your handbag.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N, please let us know how he’s doing tomorrow, you don’t have to come in if he’s still not feeling well.” He smiles. You thank him one last time before rushing out of the office and down to the elevator to the underground car park. You barely lock your seatbelt in place before hightailing it out of the building.
“Kylian!” You yell as soon as you make it back into the apartment. You drop your bag at the door and hurry up the steps, taking them two at time. It’s not long before you’re bursting into the bedroom. “Ky, baby what’s wrong? Have your symptoms gotten worse?” You sit on the bed, taking his sweaty face into your hands. “I’m sorry for leaving you baby.”
“You’re back.” He croaks.
“Of course,” you sigh leaning in to kiss him and he lets you this time. “What was so urgent?”
“I…the bistro is out of chicken soup and I really want some chicken soup, I was wondering if you could make some for me please?” You drop his head, and he falls back onto the pillow violently.
“Ouch!” He moans, rubbing his head.
“Kylian…” you close your eyes, your right hand pressing on the bridge of your nose. “Kylian, do not tell me you pulled me out of work because you want FUCKING SOUP!”
“I missed you too?” He pouts.
“Kylian! I was in an important meeting with my boss!”
“The one that’s the PSG fan? I’ll have someone send him some tickets to our next game, he’ll be fine.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course that’s why he let me leave the office without hesistation….but that’s not the point Ky!”
“Look babe, I’m sorry for making you leave work.” He doesn’t look sorry in the slightest and it pisses you off even more. “But I mean…you’re here now? So…”
He opens his arms, his eyes wide as he smiles. “Come spend the day in bed with me.” You throw a pillow at him, landing in the space his open arms created, before storming out of the room.
“Where are you going?” He calls out.
“To make YOUR FUCKING SOUP!“ you shout back. “Tu es un putain d’idiot!”
You feel someone’s arms wrap around you as you’re stirring the soup and you shrug your shoulders.
“Get off me Kylian.” You mumble.
“Are you mad at me?” He asks, holding you tighter as he presses a kiss into your neck.
“Kylian Mbappe Lottin, I’m within an arms reach of very sharp objects. Get the fuck off me.”
“No.” He insists, burying his head further into your neck. “I want to hug you. I read somewhere hugs and kisses when you’re sick are very healing.” He moves from behind you to stand by your side, his arms around your shoulders instead, leaning forward with his eyes closed and lips pursed. You shove the teaspoon you were using to taste the soup into his mouth instead and push him off you as you untie your apron and place it on the work surface.
“You can keep your kisses. I’m not trying to get sick again.”
“You kissed me earlier when you came back?”
“Yeah when I thought you were on your death bed you manipulative man child.”
“Oh Y/N, come on!” He whines, stomping his feet. “I’m not a baby.” You look at his stomping foot and raise an eyebrow. He stops and his lips turn up in a little smile. “Okay fine, maybe I am a baby. But I’m your baby. And your baby is sick and needs you. He needs your kisses. Desperately or he might drop to the floor right now.”
“Drop. I don’t care, I’m not kissing you.”
“But I said I’m sorry!” He groans.
“And you’re forgiven. But I’m not kissing you. I don’t want to get sick again.”
“Actually,” he says, coming up to you as you reach into a cabinet above the sink to grab two bowls. “Since I caught this cold from you, it’s the same strain, and you can’t catch a cold twice with the same strain of virus. So you can kiss me as much as you want.”
“And since when did you become Dr. Mbappe.”
“I did some reading in the 3 hours you abandoned me.” You slide past him and start serving up the soup in the bowls.
“Good for you.”
He takes the bowls from you and sets them on the island before backing you up against the counter. The blanket around his shoulders falls to the floor as he rests his arms either side of you on the granite worktop, trapping your body between his.
“Just one kiss.” He whispers against your lips, his face barely an inch from yours. “Please. Just one.”
“Fine.” You press your lips against his lightly, ready to pull away but his hands cage your face, and he presses his lips harder against yours, deepening the kiss. You both pull away eventually breathless, your hand around his neck.
“Better?” You ask in a low voice.
“I’m cured.” He murmurs, before he suddenly recoils and sneezes all over your face.
“DUDE!” You shout, pushing him away as you reach for a tissue.
“Well, almost cured.” He laughs, stopping when he sees your stone cold expression, your eyes shooting daggers at him. You shove his bowl of soup into his chest and go to sit on the sofa with yours. You soon feel Kylian snuggle up next to you, lying down dramatically with his hand over his forehead.
“I suddenly feel weak and dizzy, I don’t think I can hold myself up Y/N.”
“What? You want me to feed you the soup now?”
“If you insist.” He smirks.
“You are unbelievable,” You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling too as you pick up the bowl and hold a spoonful to his lips.
“I also think a kiss in between each spoonful will really help speed up my recovery process.” He nods as he slurps the soup from the spoon.
“You know what, you should legally change your name to Mbaby.”
“Haha funny.” He retorts. He points to the soup, then his lips before opening his mouth wide. You intentionally put the bowl down and pull out your phone, flipping the camera to selfie mode and holding it up so both you and Kylian are in the frame simultaneously.
“Look at this big baby here,” You start, as you press the live option on your instagram. “Big boy Kylian Mbappe lying here while I feed him soup because he’s got a little cold he can’t handle.” Kylian reaches up to grab your phone but you leap from the sofa to the other side of the coffee table.
“Y/N, turn it off.”
“Oh look,” you say into the camera. “Suddenly he has the energy to get up. You should’ve seen him merely a few seconds ago guys, acting as though he had the plague.”
“Y/N, I’m warning you.”
You laugh as you read some of the comments from the fans on your live, getting louder as you see one from his teammate.
“Ky, Achraf said stop being such a pussy!”
“That’s it!” Kylian says before leaping over the table, but you’re a tad quicker than he is, dodging his lunge and making a break for it into the kitchen. “Cut the live Y/N, or I swear-“
“Or what?” You taunt, flipping the camera so it’s facing him as he stares you down from the other end of the island in the middle of the kitchen. You quickly slip through the door and up the steps before he can reach you, but Kylian proves himself to be one of the fastest men in the world once again because he’s grabbing onto your shirt just as you reach the top of the steps pulling you to the floor, his full weight on top of you as you raise your arm as high as you can out of his reach.
“Okay guys, I have to go, it’s time to feed baby Kyky his cough syrup.” You say just as Kylian grabs the phone out of your hand and turns it off.
“Looks like you’re suddenly feeling better hmm?” You tease, laughing.
“You…” He starts but his sentence trails and he pulls the blanket over his mouth before sneezing into it loudly. He sniffs, rolling over so he’s lying next to you, wheezing and breathless. “You’re so lucky I’m ill. Once this cold is gone, you’re dead.”
Tried to make it a bit fluffy, I feel like it probably wasn’t that fluffy aksjsksk enjoy ! <3
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donatellosmuse · 7 months
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Only a little bit... | Kylian Mbappe: 🌶️ wc⤷ 607
︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦‧ ₊˚・︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦‧ ₊˚・
“I won’t keep it in long, okay baby?” Kylian's shaky breath wavered against the back of your hair as he slowly dipped his precum covered tip into you. Tomorrow was the 2nd leg of Champions league against Real Sociedad. Usually he’d sleep in a separate room to keep himself focused, but it's been a tough week at practice, so he convinced himself he’d only keep just enough in for both of you to be satisfied. But not before making you promise no movements, no kissing, and no excess touching.
Yet here he was fingers nervously hovering over the helm of your night gown, only leaving a faint touch when you suddenly relaxed your back onto him. Kylian croaked a groan into your frizzy hair, when he felt the head of his cock move up your walls. You were trying to uphold the agreement, but the forepart of his cock kept grazing your exposed nub, applying pressure that had you aching for more. You bent your back again moving closer to him, his throbbing tip slid a little deeper than before. "Fuck, stay right there" he swallowed some saliva closing his gaping mouth for a moment. You accidentally tensed around his shaft when the rough sensation of his veiny cock twitched, sending Kylian into a panic. "chérie please don't" he held onto your hips to keep you from moving.
"Just once, please baby", you begged. Those filthy words ignited an animalistic spur in his mind. "Only one?" he questioned feeling you nod in response. "Just one pump... my baby wants one pump..." he repeated almost as if he was trying to persuade himself. You could hear his unsteady breathing behind you as he kept quiet battling your dangerous invitation. He bit into your shoulder in an attempt to still his quivering mouth, finally gliding his swelled cock through your wet cunt. You let out a sultry moan causing Kylian to bite even harder onto your flesh in an attempt to compose himself. Your hand that were once obedient to the promise moved to his thigh, in need to hold onto something. This was too much for him: your pretty sounds, your hands, the squeezing your pussy was doing around him. "fuck" he groaned into your ear. You then felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly as he slowly withdrew his dick. Thinking it was over your hand eased off his skin.
Kylian frantically started thrusting back into you. His once low groans turned into grunts with each piercing charge he made. "you.knew.what.you.were.doing." he let out in periodic growls while he penetrated your wet walls. His fingers dug into your sides with such possession you knew it'd be evident tomorrow. "ky you knew we wouldn't be abl-" you bit your lip when the head of his cock scraped your sensitive spot. It didn't take long for you to feel the warm feeling in your stomach, as he continued to fuck you from that angle. "Kyl- kylian" you cried out, "I'm gonna cum." Your words falling on deaf ears of the man who's mind was fogged with pure pleasure. He showed no signs of slowing down his sweaty skin colliding against yours with relentless urgency. You let out a moan as you gushed down his shaft. "Oh fuck" kylian croaked feeling you coat him with your slick. He was close to his own release, you felt him twitch even harder against your walls. His arms grabbing you even harder. "chérie chérie fuck fuck" his hot seed filled you as he nuzzled his nose into the back of your head.
He steadied his breathing,"we better not lose tomorrow" he jokingly whispered.
╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴╴╴╴
A/N: MY BELATED BIRTHDAY SPECIAL here’s a treat from me to y’all, shout out to all the leap year babies!!!! 🍰 ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ also I need Kylian to win CL with psg this year please and thank you.
Manga: Toire no Jimi-ko to omukae no gokusotsu
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megjgrey · 8 months
Who is your favorite character to draw ? And how many seasons are planning for the croaking?
Ky honestly he’s such a beefcake with some fun expressions lol. Hoping for 4!
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centipede-anon · 4 months
AA Gui///lty Ge///ar vore jumpscare!!
Full fanfic under the cut
The past few weeks had been grueling for Zappa as he has managed to start attracting spirits on accident again. However, unlike that of S-Ko and the other spirits he had been possessed with before, this one was actively malicious towards him. The other spirits did hurt him, yes, but they seemed to only hurt him by accident, taking control of his body to annihilate those they deemed as dangerous or a threat to the host. This new spirit that’s been following him actively attacks. It’s been on and off however, the spirit wanting to keep him on his toes. Zappa’s quite literally been around the world now and yet, this beastly spirit has tried to kill him again and again. He can’t keep running forever, eventually, he’d run out of energy. 
But he doesn’t wanna give up just yet, so he’s seeking out the person who helped him in his time of need last time when he was having some ghost problems, Faust. He hasn’t heard much from the man despite quite literally helping save the world with him last time. It’s only been a little over a month though, so it’s not like he hasn’t seen him in years or anything. Still, he’s heard from or about everyone else he worked with. Apparently Sol and Ky were near immediately back on the whole killing ultra powerful beings that were near godlike again- though this time it was The Original, now apparently calling himself “Happy Chaos”. A bunch of the others from last time were also helping them out as well, but Faust was mysteriously missing from it all. There was something about a girl named Delilah that he helped out in, but not much else after.
He doesn’t really know where Faust would be, since he likes to wander the world, so now Zappa’s just hoping that he’ll find him somewhere. So now, he was in the middle of some desert, super dehydrated, and with no idea where the next town will be. He had the smarts to bring a jug of water before he came to the literal desert, but he ended up drinking all of it within the first 2 days. The sand was getting into his shoes and really irritating him, but if he took off his shoes to get it out, then he’d burn his feet from the rest of the sand that was constantly in direct sight of the burning hot Sun. It’s been about 4 days now, he’s absolutely exhausted, near death with the dehydration and starvation combination. Wobbling a little he starts to feel his legs give out, walking for 4 straight days has given him a good workout but also the threat of snapping his legs in half. Nothing should have broken his fall but the sand, and yet, when he collapsed and looked up at the hands holding him up by the shoulders, it was none other than the very same spirit he’d been running from.
Zappa tried to scream, but his throat had become so hoarse that all that came out was a small croak. He tried struggling with the little energy he had left as the spirit opened its large mouth, taking up its whole face and filled with rows and rows of teeth, seemingly wanting to chop his head off and grind it down to a thin paste with them. He closes his eyes as he starts to accept his fate, knowing that there would be no escape from the horrors that awaited him in a few seconds. Suddenly though he heard something along the lines of bones cracking and popping and the feeling of a different, much larger, spider-like set of hands grabbing him. Suddenly he was being pulled in 2 different directions. Eventually the new set of hands won over. He slowly opened his eyes, scared of what he would see when he did only to see… Faust? He looked odd, almost like a corpse. Before where he had on very colorful yet formal attire, clad with striped patterns on his pants and crosses on his arms, he now simply wore some surgeon scrubs with some very nice sneakers and belts on his forearms. His limbs were also cause for concern as they seem to be much thinner than usual, almost like he hasn’t been eating for about a week or 2, not only that but his fingers seem to be incredibly exaggerated, going far past what the normal human should have. That explained why it felt like they were 2 massive spiders.
“Faust?” Zappa asked, cautiously, “Is that really you?” The change in his appearance was so drastic, Zappa didn’t even know if this was Faust anymore. For a second, he had the terrifying thought that maybe Faust had gotten lost in this desert as well and was also on the brink of death, at least until he realized they somehow weren’t even in the desert anymore, instead being near a lake somehow. Faust most likely used his spacial deformation technique to teleport them there. He also noticed he was now sitting on Faust’s lap as Faust was sitting on his own legs. “Original focus…” Faust choked out, “... Needed to, save someone.” That was enough for Zappa, he immediately crashed his head onto Faust’s chest, just happy he could rest for a minute and that his possible savior had arrived. His feet ached and the soles of his shoes were coming apart.
“I was actually looking for you all over, I’m really glad you came, especially at that exact time! You saw that spirit, do you have any idea how to get it off my tail! You were able to “cure” me from most of them last time so…”, he kinda trailed off at the end, seemingly getting embarrassed of his own speech and request. Faust looked upwards and squinted lightly with his one eye, like he was thinking before saying, “Yesss, I know cure…”, Faust nodded weakly. “Alright, let's get going, we need to get your medical supplies right? I mean you don’t have your case of medical supplies you usually have”, Zappa said, excited that he was finally able to leave this malicious spirit behind hopefully.
Zappa stood up, or at least tried to. Faust’s hands were wrapped around him firmly as he pulled him back down to his knees. “Wha- Faust, do you have your supplies here?” Zappa was confused, but he wouldn’t doubt he could use his spacial deformation to pull out random stuff. Still, he squirmed lightly in his grasp, a little uncomfortable. “Have cure, stay still…” Faust started pulling Zappa closer again, though this was less so the tight grasp he had on Zappa earlier to pull him away from the spirit and more like a weird sort of hug. “Huh- I-I don’t understand, don’t you need me to be at least a little further away so you could actually see me?” Zappa said, a little bit of panic seeping into his voice.
Faust looked down at him, “Know how to cure, don’t need to see… get host away from spirit, not other way…” This made sense to Zappa but it was just the same thing he’s been trying to do for the past few days. “I’ve been doing that, I wouldn’t have been in the desert if I wasn’t trying to get away”, Zappa was really panicked, but he knew he was in good hands. Still, Faust’s methods always made him anxious. “No, you trying to get ghost away, not host away…” Faust pulls him upwards a little, “Let me show you, cure…” Faust opened up his mouth wide and stuck Zappa’s head inside. He starts struggling immediately, but Faust manages to swallow him down incredibly quickly. He could hear Faust’s heart beating very faintly and his esophagus pulsating around him. All Zappa could think about was why Faust would do this, he helped him get rid of the spirits the first time and helped save the world when the Japanese were turning into antimatter gears. He had said something about “curing” Zappa so maybe he wasn’t thinking straight, which wouldn’t be too crazy considering his physical state. Yet, it still didn’t make sense to Zappa…
He feels an intense pressure before being released into what was presumably Faust’s stomach. He started struggling but felt too weak to really do much of anything. So, Zappa just broke down. All this time he spent running from his demise and he ended up dying to someone he had considered a friend. He knew that nothing could save him now. He suddenly felt a slight pressure on the outside and it rubbing slightly. He had assumed it was simply just his hand rubbing. “Safe now… host away from spirit”, Faust said. He felt Faust standing up and start to move. Zappa didn’t say anything, at this point he just accepted his fate and tried to fall asleep so he hopefully didn’t have to feel any of the painful digestion.
Except, Zappa woke up, not in pain, but quite comfortable actually. “What..? I’m still… alive?” Zappa’s voice was hoarse since he just woke up. He heard the heartbeat still along with now the gurgling of a stomach and the popping of bones. “Told you, safe, away from spirit now”, Faust said quietly. He seemed to be tired himself. Zappa was confused, “But- how- what? I’m not dead? How? I’m literally in your stomach.” “Moved hazards out of stomach, safe to sleep in now…” Faust replied. Well now he was even more confused, with the amount of weird magic Faust knows though, he doesn’t even bother to question it anymore. He probably should’ve expected this outcome if anything. “Here, food…” Faust said, before he heard a few gulping sounds. Out of his esophagus came a bagged sandwich and a thermos of water. Zappa had gladly gulped down almost all of the water immediately, thirsty from not just the desert, but also because he had just woken up from quite the nap. After he started chowing down on the sandwich he was given. It tasted like the best meal he’d ever had, that was most likely just because he was terribly hungry though.
“So, I understand I’m apparently safe in here but what about after. I can’t exactly stay here forever… at least I hope I don’t have to”, Zappa said between bites of his sandwich. Faust stopped for a moment before he spoke, “Going to remove spirit, like last time… find cure, be quick”. No other words were spoken as Zappa was just glad he was able to go back to his normal life, well as normal as it will get, after all, S-Ko was quite keen on staying with him so he still has her with him. Although she isn’t nearly as possessive in both literal and figurative ways, she still exists. Hopefully though, this spirit is less inclined to him. There’s never any guarantee, though he trusts in Faust since all of the other spirits that were haunting him had left his body after Faust’s treatment. So, with knowledge that he will hopefully be safe, he decided to simply go back to sleep.
He woke up abruptly to the feeling of him falling. When he opened his eyes he saw he was in the woods with Faust standing over top of him and what looked like a portal closing. “Spirit cleansed…” Faust rasped. Zappa simply looked up at him wearily and stood up a little. “I want back in.. I’m tired”, Zappa awkwardly grasped at Faust’s bag, trying to pull his head down so he could climb in his mouth again. Faust obliged, seeming lightly annoyed that he had to swallow him back down again immediately after spitting him out, yet also kinda content with it, he was quite hungry since he didn’t actually eat any food. Faust really needed to work on the whole taking care of himself thing. So he gulped Zappa down again like how he does to those donuts he likes so much and Zappa goes back to sleep, content with his newfound safe space.
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resisteverything · 1 year
I must have some webtoon curse because yet another gay webtoon appears to be going to shit and angst.
Why is this happening on pride month of all times?
At least the croaking seems to be going somewhere decent plot-wise. I bought early access and Ky told Scra everything! At least one couple gets to be happy-ish this pride month.
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lady-ofmidnight · 9 months
For the tag game, Murder Queen?
Not exactly little but I am so happy that you asked about my metaphorical baby. And again, thank you for tagging me!
So Murder Queen kind of started when I was watering my vegetables. I noticed that my neighbors on one side had painted their door and wondered if my neighbors from the other side had gotten a dog recently cause I saw their teen son walking a dog. But like, it could have been a side business and not a permanent pet. 
But that got me thinking. We know that on one side of Wayne Manor is Drake Manor. But what about the other side. Is there another neighbor? Or are the Wayne’s the house at the end of the (several mile long) street?
I searched google but found nothing except a Reddit thread where the Drakes were on one side, the Waynes in the middle and the Addams Family on the other. I’ll admit that it was hilarious. 
I put the neighbor question down after that until I saw a prompt by @stealingyourbones . Now, @stealingyourbones writes DC and Danny Phantom crossovers. One of those crossovers was if some batfamily member had an injury/scar soulbond with one of the bats. 
That got me cackling because of the angst and the drama that would come from gaining fighting scars from your soulmate, who to the best of your knowledge was not part of the cape community. 
I had learned in some odd ao3 fic that The Court Of Owls took the children of rich Gothamites and turned them into semi-immortal assassins using experimentation.
So I combined the neighbor, scar bond, and experiment of the Court Of Owls ideas. I also decided that the bat for the job would be Damian because he used to be an assassin. Then I turned the mess of ideas into my first title. Zodiac. Not sure why I chose that name, but I think that I was half asleep from a 추석 food coma when I chose the name.(추석 is like the Korean version of the American Thanksgiving. It’s known to actually cause major traffic jams in South Korea as families travel to the houses of their grandparents. There’s so much good food but my favorite is definitely the 송편, or colorful rice cakes.)
Rant over my favorite Korean Holiday aside, Zodiac eventually turned into A Queen With Wilted Wings, which focused more on the “recovery from the influence of The Court Of Owls”.
A Queen With Wilted Wings eventually turned into I’m Not A Noble Lady (I’m The Queen In Charge). That iteration turned into the draft that focused on the relationship between the main character (then given the name Sophie) and Damian as they navigated Gotham upper society.
I’m Not A Noble Lady (I’m The Queen In Charge) became Murder Queen. Murder Queen added onto the “experiment” aspect and gave the main character feathery Owl wings because I found and binged The Croaking on Webtoon. The Croaking is amazing and I adore the drama in the story but I wish Ky and Scra would communicate! Oh! And the creator is on Tumblr as well as @megjgrey!
Murder Queen also made The Court Of Owls more like the backstory of the main character so it (the court) isn’t really a big part of the story. The reason for that is because the main character (now known as Phoebe) became more of a Red Hood Style Mob Queen but for the ex Court Of Owls.
Reading back on this I’m questioning my life choices because it’s longer than some of my short essays but that’s a problem for future me.
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ruleofexception · 5 months
Ch 10: My name from your lips (is my favourite sound)
Scra jolts. Shies away from the pain and inhales sharply between his teeth. 
Ky grimaces. Breathes, “Sorry.”
He’s being gentle as he can be, but the stitches are still a week shy of being a month old and he was never very good at sutures. Cleaning the haphazard lacing he’s woven up Scra’s leg isn’t the easiest thing to do without the cloth occasionally pulling—tugging—at a stitch here and there. Especially when it’s taking every last brain cell he has to stay on task and not let himself fall prey to distraction.
Read more on A03
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itgr · 2 months
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Not Ky having suicidal ideation jesus christ. ALSO DO THE THREE STARS REPRESENT SCRA, REE AND KEELEE? Or just the main trio? I've been trying to figure it out but I think they're supposed to represent his friendship with the trio and how much he loves them while the picture represents how he loves Keelee. Also 🎉 Yes realise Reamer's been playing you 😭 Get his ass
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ravnlghtft · 1 year
Sen. Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze momentarily at an event in Covington, Ky., after having been asked by a reporter about running for reelection in 2026.
It's the second time that the 81-year-old Republican seemed briefly unable to speak in public in a little over a month.
At Wednesday's press conference in Northern Kentucky, McConnell trailed off and paused after he was asked whether he would run for reelection. A staffer then joined McConnell at the podium and repeated the question for him.
In all, the six-term senator silently held on to the podium silently for about 30 seconds and failed to answer the posed question.
If he croaked he’d finally do something worthwhile
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