#kward no one cares you fool! Feel awkward I hate it xd)
keepermcge · 5 years
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So it’s my Birthday the day before my Birthday whatcanisaynopatience and I wanna thank some peeps! For sticking around and supporting me and my Lann! This list won’t be super long! Cuz I’m not a popular blog and I’ve never been ashamed to admit that. I always think yeah, it’d be cool, but at the same time I’d rather have just a small group who support me than people who don’t. And anyone that just sticks around in my eyes is supporting me. Cuz I know I’m not a good RPer lol. Also I am not afraid to admit that, but! I have a lot of fun when I do get the chance every once in a while to write! And I love nothing more than screaming about my kid, Lann! Cuz I really care about him. It might seem a little wack to some people, but he’s just my fave fictional char of all time! And I’ve been establishing my Lann for almost three years now! We’re getting there at least at the end of February! Which isn’t that far away. I feel I’m probs not alone in the loving a fictional character! As much as I do that is! Maybe! But even if I am! I won’t ever stop loving my kid! Cuz someone has to! And that will always be me! I am the unofficial leader of his protection club, fight me I will fight for him. 
So I genuinely appreciate anyone who sticks around and especially those who like my posts and sends asks and do things even tho I suck. I really appreciate it and I wish I could be one of those; I envy you people who can write and work and do all their other hobbies on top of it, but I can’t. Most the time I’m sleeping kinda sad lol, I get annoyed at myself tbh cuz I have so much I wanna do here and games I wanna play, a thousand anime’s too watch and I don’t get shit done.
 Anyway, I was debating doing one of these, cuz lots of the times things happen, but! 
Imma! Do it! Anyway! 
I really appreciate everyone that is still here! A big big thank you to the people who support me and Lann a whole whole lot! Thank you for tagging me in things, or sending me asks, or just acknowledging I exist by liking my posts! 🥰 
@outcastredhair (Thank you so much for always showing me support, Alice, you’ve been with me a really long time with some of your past blogs and now Karin, and I always wanted to thank you so much. Sometimes when I feel pretty all alone in the world I think of you and how nice and just, lot’s of good things you are, and it helps, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.) 
@hatake (Lala! Mogrich! The same goes for you! Thank you so much for always being just! I really appreciate you! I’m gonna start crying like a lameo but thank you! For being my friend! And sticking with me despite all my annoyingness and depression and mood shifts and everything, thanks for letting me be fully me around you and not running away, it means more to me than I can say in words! And you’re just one of the kindest people always trying to help others and I hope you get some cute pink crocs you deserve them! 
A special shoutout! To J! He’s no longer on tumbles, heck idk if he’ll see this! But thank you too for so much while you were here and now on my Twitter! Also thank you so much for being part of the protect Lann squad, and loving my kid too! It really made me so happy when I found out you love him a lot too! If you ever come back! I’ll welcome you with open arms! But! I’m glad you did what was best for you cuz you’re really an awesome guy! 
And thank you! Don’t think I’d forget you guys! For sticking around for so long and showing me support! 🥰 Whether that be in asks or rebooping my promos or just being here for so gosh dang long! Or just! Acknowledging my Lann! Thank you so much for all your support and for sticking around, it means more than these dumb words are conveying. 
@theamazingchickenman​ @rollinggirlrunahika @mizuiropearl @runexxknight @sakuraari @bondedbythesoul (I wasn’t sure which blog of yours to put!) @thewisekitsune @reynndiant (I’d give you your own section Sis, but! You know! Use your twin telepathy powers that are totally real xd) @memoryorus @vernades @bloodfcst @sunny-explosions @1stclasszackfair @fixryambiticn @stellafate​​ 
And I haven’t forgotten about you either! Nope! Thank you so much for following me and sticking around! And for showing me support! Again! Be it asks or reading my things or simply just sticking around, thank you legit from the bottom of my heart. 🥰 
@abxndonedd​ @floofiisms​ @cast-r​ @mottospewingmeerkat @fabulumn @blxe-skys-of-coxrage @dreadlymad @nirvanarth @jxsticeprxvailed @curvispugnator @ansem-riku @ardentpentatonicdevilry @adventurouswind​ @miracleofnorende @lunaesqua @gokucooper @dawnblxde @akumeis-hiatus @gxntil @infinemxndi @unoraptormon @universalcrossover @flava-proelium @theworldofmuses @unspokenchansons @armagem @gaiavowed @psychotheory @museofsolaris​​ @eyesofparoxysm​​ @floralcetra​​ @thanalanmonk​​ @maskedmuses​
It’s hard not to sound biased in these things, and hard to also list everyone as some people have been gone for a while, and for others I’m not sure if they would be uncomfortable cuz I don’t know ‘em that well, but I legit am so thankful for anyone that is still here, and thank you for all the support ❤️. 
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