#kuzupeko fic
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hajihiko · 1 year ago
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inspired by a convo with @miggylol, some Peko loving ❤ I wouldn't call it a xmas present but maybe ... a stocking stuffer?
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pekoposting · 3 months ago
i like how peko and fuyuhiko's island mode endings each fix their side of their relationship
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Peko wants to stand with him as an equal like Fuyuhiko wants. Fuyuhiko no longer running from Peko maybe means that he'll be more clear about how he feels about their relationship (e.g. it's not that he doesn't want a tool, which is what Peko thinks is the problem, it's that he doesn't want Peko to be a tool). Either way, it might lead to Peko wondering if there's alternative ways of being by his side outside of being a tool (like we see in the ending above.) Either way, Peko is going to ask him out on a date.
Which will only result in good things down the line! Love, love!
(maybe? because soon after these endings they wake up from the NWP, and that concept is... kind of fascinating. I ramble in the tags about it)
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weirddancer14 · 1 year ago
Kuzupeko fic. Fuyuhiko wants Peko to find her own passions. But he's never been great with executing that plan without screaming. What do college students even do for fun?
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quillscales · 1 year ago
"Ugh! Would you get off me!" Kuzuryu yelled as he tried to pry the arms wrapped around his neck off.
Hajime raised a brow. He was being purposely gentle; Kuzuryu had the strength to get Souda off him if he was being serious about it.
"Goddamit!" Kuzuryu exclaimed as Souda began to nuzzle at his cheek. "Stop acting like a damn Omega in heat and get off me!"
Hajime sighed at his friends' antics and looked up from his book when he heard footsteps. "Oh? Hello, Pekoyama." He greeted, a touch of confusion in his tone. She was Kuzuryu's girlfriend, but she didn't often hang out with the three of them. She was welcome to, but apparently, she felt that Kuzuryu needed 'guy time'.
"Ah- Peko-" Kuzuryu said, his cheeks flushed. "This isn't what it looks like…" Souda wrapped one of his arms around Kuzuryu's middle as he said this. "Get off!" He yelled once more, his blush only darkening.
Peko's expression didn't change. "It looks like Souda is attempting to fluster you with affection." She said simply, ever observant. "Is that not the case?"
"Nah, it is," Souda said with a grin.
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zeravmeta · 1 year ago
it is my humble honest truest opinion that kazuichi and peko would have been the funniest character dynamic in sdr2 had peko lived past ch2
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causeitsagame · 2 years ago
Fic: Paper and Steel (12/?)
Author: @miggylol
Fic Summary: Just a few days earlier, Natsumi Kuzuryuu was nearly killed. Her survival sends a ripple effect through the campus of Hope's Peak Academy, and directs people down wildly different paths than they might otherwise have taken. (chapter 1 link)
Chapter Excerpt: The girl that had intimidated Teruteru was a different story. "Ultimate Soldier," Peko murmured in uncertain tones as she reminded herself of the finalist. She narrowed her eyes as she looked up. "Why did the administration push for these two?"
Koichi shrugged. "Never try to make sense of their logic. They command, we do."
Peko's gaze flicked momentarily to Fuyuhiko. "But do you mean to say that this deadly combatant will be walking around campus with us?"
"Yep." Koichi looked pointedly at Peko, then at the sword bag on her back. "We do that. Anyway, like I said: along with the other 'yes' profiles over there, your plans will all include Mukuro Ikusaba and Junko Enoshima. Get back to work."
Notes: The slow, Titanic-like turn away from canon continues. But there are still icebergs out there.
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pinkmarbella2050 · 5 months ago
Fuyuhiko has said this to a fucking victim before. CHANGE MY DAMN MIND.
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Just built different!
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noctiiilucaaa · 6 days ago
Could you write something post-game Kuzupeko? Prompt is up to you!
i kind of forgot to post game part.... wehjfbjhwbfjhwe I'M SO SORRY I WROTE IT AND I CAME BACK PLEASE FORGIVE ME, but i posted the fic!!! <3
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worldismyne · 2 years ago
Someone on Archiveofourown(named leogre) made a fanfic called “Because Everyobody Likes a Callback!”. In it, some infected students(Ryoma, Kaito, Tenko, and Kokichi) get the personalities of the characters they share a voice with(Gundham, Kazuichi, Ibuki, and Fuyuhiko). That made me think: “what if the first motive was that And they have to kill in order to be back to normal? And half of the students were the infected: Kaede(Kyoko), Angie(Aoi), Kaito(Kazuichi), Gonta(Yasuhiro), Kiibo(Hifumi), Miu(Akane), Shuichi(Leon), and Tsumugi(Chihiro)?” Thoughts? Also, you should read the fic. It’s really good!
I generally gravitate toward Kibo × Miu or Kokichi x Himiko fics.
Ensemble fics get pretty bloated quickly. The only one I've read all the way through was a black mirror inspired Kuzupeko fic (it made me cry).
If it's finished and is notp free I'll take a gander. But I've tried searching for it multiple ways and nothing comes up.
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pekoposting · 3 months ago
peko pekoyama fic recs (part 1 maybe?)
want to read more about our favourite shitty self-image swordswoman? i have scoured the peko tag a lot, but if i gave all of my recs we'd be here all day, so i mournfully cut it down to ten fics (mostly character studies)
(note: fuyuhiko is also here for a lot of them because their characters are so entwined)
mason jars by thewildwilds (6k words, canon compliant character study, hurt/comfort. comprehensive)
You are seven and a half when the strange men come and shove you and Peko into the back of a van.
She’s always been there for you when they tried to take you away.
notes: if you are going to read only one fic on this list, let it be this. one of my favourite dr fics ever, it is so comprehensive yet so beautifully written that it's a single, poignant one shot
absolute zero by thewildwilds (9k words, canon compliant character study, angsty coming of age. pre-canon)
She swears she is nothing but a sword, a shield, a cog in a machine.
Peko Pekoyama. The name of the girl who became a tool.
notes: second part of the series containing mason jars, honing in on a specific yet pivotal off-screen event in it. notable for being one of the few fics which depicts pekoyama as choosing to become a tool because of her care for fuyuhiko rather than purely being abused into it (a depiction which kodaka's own tweets agree with)
blossom in the dark by venusiancarbondioxide (3.6k words, character study, hurt/comfort. pre-canon)
Thirteen-year-old girls were not meant to be assassins.
Chen Shi knew this.
The problem was that nobody else seemed to get the memo, least of all the assassin herself.
note: has probably one of my favourite HCs for what yakuza tattoo pekoyama would get
brace for recoil by mithrigil (20k with 5 chapters, dark. canon hope's peak)
Peko didn’t fall into despair: she descended, one blind step at a time.
notes: the best pekoyama despair descent fic i've seen. it was written years before dr3. a minor consequence of that is that natsumi's actual name wasn't known, and so she's referred to as nabiki
absolute lithops effect by venusiancarbondioxide (5k, character study, existentialism with a happy ending. non-despair hope's peak)
In which Peko goes on a shopping trip and tries to grow into who she always was.
notes: finally, something more happy. another great character study
woven by sunbrights (3.7k, character study. pre-canon)
On the thirtieth of June, she is thirteen, and her hair is past her collarbone.
notes: examines peko's relationship to her hair. so good that i had to cite it when trying to do analysis of the symbolism of peko's ribbons
brick by brick by sunbrights (30k, 5/10 chapters, UNFINISHED AND DORMANT. character study, bleak recovery with pinpricks of light. post-canon)
They meet again, after the Neo World Program has torn them to their foundations: hope, despair, and the yawning debt of their history, waiting to be answered. It's up to them to rebuild, from the ground up, no matter how difficult the work or unfamiliar the tools.
No one can lay the mortar of your recovery but yourself.
notes: best post-canon peko (and fuyuhiko) recovery fic i've seen. still absolutely worth it for the fascinating questions it raises about fuyuhiko and peko's relationship. how does the inflection shift when peko realises that something she wants is something fuyuhiko wants? especially if what they both want is a romantic relationship? heads up, this is tagged 'unhealthy relationships'.
Takeo Pekoyama by PekoIsBaby (3.8k, some angst but overall fluffy. non-despair but backstories the same and they're roommates)
It's Peko Pekoyama's birthday, and Fuyuhiko's set up some plans.
notes: one of the greatest looks into the gap in fuyuhiko and peko's relationship where they know they're romantically interested in each other, but they have to improve themselves before they can have a healthy romantic relationship. also they get a cat :D
growing pains. by alighting (3.9k, 2 chapters. angst with a happy ending. post-canon)
Peko has never had a mother of her own, and so when the time comes for her to raise her own daughter, she's not sure what to do.
Companion fic of sorts to such great heights.
notes: summary applies to the first chapter. the second chapter focuses on the pov of a grown kuzupeko fanchild, who has to figure out why older kuzuryuu clan members keep using such a weird and specific insult for her mother.
Cupboard Children by shsldespair (1.8k, angst-tipped retrospective character study. right after natsumi's murder.)
Natsumi Kuzuryuu is not technically Pekoyama's charge, but the grief hits just as hard. It's unbefitting of a tool.
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weirddancer14 · 1 year ago
Chapter 3 of post-game fic. Fuyuhiko faces the consequences of his short temper.
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bravemccalll · 6 years ago
rock and you, baby
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) tweeted: thanks for a great concert tonight guys! my thanks to everyone who was there, we love you!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) retweeted: you forgot to mention the stage light that burst into flames
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) retweeted: it didn’t feel important
Chiaki Nanami to Hajime Hinata: so r u actually a guitar or
Hajime: i will break up with you
Hajime: without remorse
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu to are we as cool as the beatles yet???: as the lead singer I feel that I must ask why chiaki is in our BAND chat considering that she isn’t IN our band
Kazuichi: she’s in our band in spirit
Nagito: our band would be ten times better if she was in it lets be real
Hajime: can u stop prefacing everything u say with ‘as the lead singer’
Fuyuhiko: as the lead singer, no
Kazuichi Souda to Peko Pekoyama: ill give u three bucks to tweet about how u and fuyuhiko met
Peko Pekoyama (@pek.peks) tweeted: Hello everyone! In this thread I will tell the entire story of how Fuyuhiko and I met which includes all of the following: three dogs, brownie mix, spilled coffee and a broken nose. Enjoy!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuyruu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) tweeted: in unrelated news, kaz is dead so we need a new back-up guitarist
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar): ‘back-up guitarist’??? excuse me, me and hajime are on equal playing ground and I have never been more offended in my entire life and I will be seeki
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar): love how he was more offended by being called a back-up guitarist than being blatantly murdered
Chiaki Nanami to manage a trois: should I leak my new album
Nagito: 100%
Hajime: absolutely not
Chiaki: who do I trust,,,,who is right,,,,,
Hajime: me
Hajime: im right
Hajime: don’t leak your album
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) tweeted: just saw that the group chat for hajime, nagito and chiaki is called ‘manage a trois’ so ive decided to destroy the French language thx 4 the support guys
Nagito Komaeda (@ko_drummer) retweeted: ;))))
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu to Peko Pekoyama: im about to go on stage can u give me some encouragement
Peko: I love you no matter what happens out there. Even if you split your trousers down the butt like you did a few years ago. I’ll love you still.
Hajime Hinata to Peko Pekoyama: fuyuhiko has locked himself in his dressing room bc his tears are ruining his eyeliner, can u not be on tour and come and deal with this because I know its ur fault
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) tweeted: another great performance tonight! thanks to all our fans in the audience, especially the woman who threw her bra at kaz. great stuff!
Chiaki Nanami (@chiaki.nans) retweeted: yeah @kazplaysguitar can u mail that bra to me, I meant to throw it at hajime ://///
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) retweeted: im wearing it rn, do u still want it???
Chiaki Nanami (@chiaki.nans) retweeted: duh
Chiaki Nanami (@chaiki.nans) tweeted: can some1 pls tell me why my boyfriend’s band is called ‘Blue Cherry Blossoms’??? best response gets backstage passes
Mukuro Ikusaba (@mukuro) retweeted: It is because your boyfriend and his boyfriend and their two friends are all morons
Chiaki Nanami (@chiaki.nans) retweeted: im coming over to urs w/ the passes
Kazuichi Souda (kazplaysguitar) retweeted: shes ur sound technician this competition is rigged
Mukuro Ikusaba (@mukuro) retweeted: :)
Kazuichi Souda to Chiaki Nanami: is ur sound tech gonna kill me
Kazuichi: nans im shaking please respond
Kazuichi: who did she kill to get her @, she didn’t even need to add a number
Kazuichi: nans pls call me
Peko Pekoyama (@pek.peks) tweeted: The new album is out on spotify!! My extra special thanks to everyone who helped me work on it!!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) retweeted: !!! everyone go listen to UltraViolet For You, it’s excellent. God I love my wife
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) retweeted: WIFE??!!!???!?!
Pop News (@POPNews) tweeted: Lead Singer of Rock Band ‘Blue Cherry Blossoms’, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu Accidentally Admitted on Twitter that He is Married to Indie Singer, Peko Pekoyama. Oops!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) retweeted: god damnit
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) retweeted: so u really just sat there and let my write a hypothetical best mans speech last week huh
Peko Pekoyama to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu: You’re very stupid.
Peko: But I still love you.
Fuyuhiko: well really it’s the public whos dumb because you’ve been wearing a ring for the past six months
Fuyuhiko: but I love you too
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) tweeted: if this tweet gets 1,000 retweets then I will replace hajime in our band with an actual guitar named hajime, which is what we all want tbh
Chiaki Nanami (@chiaki.nans) retweeted: i support this
Nagito Komaeda (@ko_drummer) retweeted: me too
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) retweeted: guitarist felt too long ok!! ive had enough!!
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) tweeted: thinking of you both <3
Nagito Komaeda (@ko_drummer) retweeted: bit creepy but ok
Chiaki Nanami (@chaiki.nans) retweeted: yeah, we’ve only gone out 2 get some ice cream cones
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) retweeted: yeah, I was actually thinking about the ice cream cones so if u could both hurry up that’d be nice
Chiaki Nanami to we are all do music: should I dye my hair pink
Kazuichi: a better question is why haven’t you done that already
Chiaki: u got me there
Chiaki Nanami (@chiaki.nans) tweeted: just dyed my hair baby pink!!
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) retweeted: im in love with you
Nagito Komaeda (@ko_drummer) retweeted: u are the platonic love of my life
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) tweeted: welcome to the club newbie, we all look great all the time
Peko Pekoyama (@pek.peks) retweeted: You look amazing!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (@fuyuhiko_kuz) retweeted: you owe me ten bucks for the hair dye
Peko Pekoyama to we are all do music: The title of this chat isn’t grammatically correct, can I change it?
Kazuichi: but peks that’s y its FUNNY
Peko Pekoyama changed the group name to We all do music.
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) tweeted: me n @pek.peks aren’t speaking anymore bc she doesn’t understand my memes
Peko Pekoyama (@pek.peks) retweeted: :(
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) retweeted: im sorry take me back
Hajime Hinata (@hajimetheguitar) tweeted: oh by the way, I married nagito and chiaki last year lol
Kazuichi Souda (@kazplaysguitar) retweeted: r u fucking kidding me
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aceredshirt13 · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 
Fandom: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Super Dangan Ronpa 2 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko 
Characters: Pekoyama Peko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Mioda Ibuki, Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Ishimaru Kiyotaka 
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), I read some fic where Peko was inexplicably suave and flirtatious and this was my counter-response, she’s about as smooth as sandpaper, Peko trying to flirt is like that attempted seduction scene from the new Jumanji movie 
Summary: Peko is coerced into attempting to flirt with Fuyuhiko. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
I figured since I plan to start posting all my fics on Tumblr when (if) they come out, that I might as well post my old ones (queued over several days so I don’t flood anyone’s timeline) that I think still hold up, for the sake of posterity. This one’s two years old, but I think it’s still entertaining, and since I posted zero fics for the entirety of my high school experience, it’s the first fic I’d published since I was fourteen. (I will not be posting the ones before this because dear god you don’t want to read them.)
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causeitsagame · 2 years ago
Fic: Paper and Steel (11/?)
Author: @miggylol
Fic Summary: Just a few days earlier, Natsumi Kuzuryuu was nearly killed. Her survival sends a ripple effect through the campus of Hope's Peak Academy, and directs people down wildly different paths than they might otherwise have taken. (chapter 1 link)
Chapter Excerpt: "You're damn lucky you don't have to deal with this bullshit," Fuyuhiko spat that afternoon, after he'd escaped campus and made it back home.
Hajime and Natsumi exchanged a long look. "Yeah," Natsumi drawled, as dry as a salt flat. "It must be so hard over there in the Main Course."
Notes: More than eight thousand goddamn words for their practical exams. This is why Nagito blew things sky-high in canon! (He still makes an... interesting decision here.)
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kimium · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Summary:
One shot. Modern AU. No Despair AU. Soulmate AU: You fold a certain number of origami whatever (cranes, hearts, etc.) and once you fold enough you'll meet your soulmate.
“I know, but you don’t have to repeat the same argument. I don’t mind if you try folding origami.”
Fuyuhiko grunted eyes widening, as though Peko had slapped him across the face. He scrambled towards her, closing the distance and touched Peko’s hand. Peko swallowed but turned her palm so they could lace their fingers together. Fuyuhiko softly sighed and tightened his grip.
“I’ve been saying this since I was six,” he slowly said. “I don’t need to fold origami to find my soulmate. You’re my soulmate. I know this with all my heart. Everyone says I’m childish, I’m misguided, or I’ll come around, but they’re wrong. My father is just too stubborn to see the truth.”
Fuyuhiko has gone through life confidently knowing and proclaiming Peko is his soulmate. Peko and the rest of the family (read: Fuyuhiko's parents) aren't as confident. Don't worry, Fuyuhiko shows them he's right. (Which of course he is.)
Hello everyone! Originally I was trying to find inspiration for a Komahina fic but instead I felt this soulmate prompt fit KuzuPeko better. It’s been a year since I wrote a KuzuPeko focus fic and that needed to change. Also I wrote them soft and sweet because that’s the only way my brain wants to comprehend KuzuPeko. 
As for this AU I am in love with the idea that Character A is So Confident they’re going to be with Character B that they refuse to believe other wise (and are right). I think that’s a delightful source of comedy (and is a honest to goodness Power Move).
I hope you like this fic. Please let me know!!!
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thewildwilds · 4 years ago
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Title: Trust, and a little courage Fandom: Danganronpa Characters/Pairings: Kuzupeko Rating: Explicit
Perhaps what she feels is an aberration. But no matter how many times she plays it over in her head, at every different angle, she cannot conclude her feelings are wrong.
(Peko Kuzuryuu wants. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu does his best to provide.)
[Read on AO3]
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