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rsclolopezi · 1 year ago
This would definitely happen! Will you be my boyfriend goes straight to husband…
@ensignsimp @deepspacedukat
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wifeofspock · 3 years ago
i just read Kittens, Chocolate, Vulcans, and Romance today and i think it's my favourite thing you've written! i love it all! love sanura, love ny, love the way you've written everyone and their interactions! i hate kuvok, what an ass
Omg thank you!! It’s a fun story, and I hope I get the time to update it after I’ve settled into my new house. I’m so glad you like it,😭
and yeah, screw Kuvok!
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444names · 2 years ago
spanish forenames + a dictionary generated in vulgarlang
Abal Abriz Abust Acquise Acul Adamady Adey Admula Adrang Adren Adriber Adroy Agend Agict Agre Agus Alang Alion Alivisa Aliz Alotent Altria Amacia Amilo Anat Anef Anew Anors Anto Apse Arave Ardo Aris Aritina Arlay Arlogra Arra Arrat Ashai Ashuben Astata Asuel Ater Atin Audi Aulz Azatiff Azuce Babrice Bana Baro Barto Bartulz Bashave Behi Belia Belizo Beno Bepcia Bepcida Bepiela Berceta Berept Berva Bith Bleon Bonsue Bore Bran Brane Breappy Bria Bril Brito Cacia Cael Caele Calosap Calz Carol Cart Catezku Catimu Catra Catse Cena Cenard Chap Char Chavia Chertur Clac Clas Clooto Clow Cono Cousel Crafhay Crai Craitio Cria Crult Cutm Dantse Deariss Deboy Demi Derat Devel Dfan Dfanas Dial Dida Ding Diols Dion Direne Dity Dlassus Dlenia Dleof Dlet Dolga Dreia Drel Drena Dver Dvolan Ecifi Econ Edrenta Elorge Emant Emem Empur Endal Enida Ente Esaarta Esal Espriz Essi Essims Estebot Estez Esthis Estrid Evaz Evedn Excises Exismor Ezkuk Fabsaz Fach Factork Fadilia Faela Faeldon Fafacto Fafhang Faflo Falz Fatran Fatuna Feksane Fell Felt Fezeque Fino Flay Flenser Florese Folia Frale Frisez Fula Gand Gardo Garismo Gary Gelixto Gert Glalmat Glent Glomi Goniba Gragrey Grear Gren Grest Grey Grool Grur Gundo Harr Hata Hiss Horoba Hought Huble Hublith Hunter Ilisa Imerra Impan Inegin Inegu Inge Isitio Isosue Issur Jacanto Jacco Jacelia Javell Javia Jesel Jimeleo Jororo Josecon Joser Jual Julazd Julz Kabast Kahre Kaso Kezt Kilao Kolda Kuvok Kvical Kviel Kvuf Kvught Lara Layagda Ledana Lelar Lenza Leof Lermill Lesteon Letabur Lorr Lous Lovev Lroolv Lutm Main Mang Mano Mara Marb Marruz Masg Matia Maxe Maydes Mbecto Mbego Mbleal Mblenef Mboriga Mbotta Mbus Menido Menz Mern Migh Mina Miranta Miree Mlixter Mlocate Mlort Mlot Monia Mpul Mudy Muncas Murs Musia Musio Nagdan Nagreg Nasia Nastro Neturta Nibento Nigue Nion Nirnego Nitia Nteona Ntimon Nulk Oflip Onta Orogra Ougus Pabak Pabruz Pacio Parcio Pario Parro Parturo Patia Paur Pectio Photiff Pionist Plar Plio Pluth Polz Ponek Pons Porat Poren Poswaxi Prelia Prepon Pris Prisi Prog Progin Pros Prov Psote Pupva Purics Puthi Raime Rair Raittle Ramung Ratad Reatice Recha Rechar Redn Refight Reigna Renin Rentia Resteze Ribign Rica Rion Rita Rizd Robow Rohint Rosana Rous Rumalia Sale Sall Sana Sando Sandown Sangel Sant Sard Sardon Scarair Scure Seas Sebale Selana Selia Sembers Serb Sermag Sern Shoalk Shono Silval Singo Skir Slose Sond Sonzak Spef Sralis Srang Sria Sribego Sriscon Stera Stern Talz Tederna Temodon Teon Thill Thina Timpard Tion Tiona Tobelev Tonst Torta Touniga Town Traires Trinica Triplo Triters Truz Ught Ugors Unda Unina Ursund Uvok Vantse Vatea Vers Vical Vicuan Vire Voil Voksuse Volda Vrut Whedio Whena Wifa Wite Wora Wore Woriba Worn Wria Yous Zmar Zmasta Znuela Zratio Zrovica Zuce
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Enter the Second Act || Closed with treaclyoptimist ||
T’Pol and her two boys wandered in here completely at random. She’d needed to get Avarak and Kuvok something to eat after picking them up from daycare and on her way out of the shop she’d run into someone. Looking up to apologize after making sure her oldest, Avarak, is alright she freezes. 
She hasn’t seen Trip since her wedding, and she didn’t expect to run into him here. San Francisco was the most likely place but she assumed that he’d be out on a ship somewhere. After several years with no contact she hadn’t contacted him now - though it certainly did play on her mind now that she was back on Earth. She blinks at him for a moment and manages to say;
“I’m sorry, we should’ve looked where we were going.” She tell if he recognizes her or not, but regardless the boys are likely to be a point of confusion. They’d been born after loosing touch with her old crew mates, none of them would know about them.
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defectiveclone-blog1 · 8 years ago
Killing Time|| regretful-commander
The Blade headquarters was generally calm. Everyone was assigned to infiltration missions or training, and there was little overlap to keep things safe.
The clone (or Kuvok, as he had been dubbed by the Blade) was a bit more anxious. He had yet to get used to be calm and using time to himself. He was like a puppy - needing either orders or affection to be quiet.
Which is how he wound up in Sendak’s room, stretched over his bunk. Sendak was nice and fluffy. He would give him affection or he would steal said affection.
Kuvok whined loudly for the fluffy Galran, literally kicking up a fuss in the bed.
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trekfm · 8 years ago
211: It's a Maelstrom
Favorite Kes/Tuvok Moments.  Considering that Kes and Tuvok are perhaps the calmest, coolest, and most collected characters in Star Trek: Voyager, the moments they share together onscreen are remarkably volatile and intense! But despite this intensity, their friendship and working relationship are characterized by sincere trust, mutual respect, and admiration. Tuvok frequently serves as a mentor for Kes, guiding her as she explores and develops her unique mental abilities. And Kes, in turn, helps Tuvok balance his logic, his emotions, and his relationships with the rest of the Voyager crew. In this episode of To The Journey, hosts Zachary Fruhling, Suzanne Williamson, and Kay Shaw peer beyond the subatomic to share their favorite Kes/Tuvok moments in Star Trek: Voyager.  Chapters Intro (00:00:00) Kuvok or Tes? (00:01:30) Kathryn, Are You Out There? (00:05:29) Dark Impulses (00:06:55) I Have Never Desired Kes (00:08:42) Those Of Us Who Feel Things Deeply (00:10:54) There's Nothing Beyond the Subatomic (00:14:14) For You, That Might Be a Lifetime (00:17:59) My Student, My Protégée (00:21:05) It Is Three O'Clock in the Morning, Kes (00:23:49) Closing (00:26:49)  Hosts Zachary Fruhling, Suzanne Williamson, and Kay Shaw  Production Kay Shaw (Editor) Suzanne Williamson (Producer) Zachary Fruhling (Producer) C. Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Kenneth Tripp (Executive Producer) Bruce Lish (Associate Producer) Joo Kim (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)
New podcast episode!
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ulxz-blog1 · 8 years ago
Two Alone Ʊ Closed RP
Ʊ     The base was generally quiet. Being one of the two on it     made for a still environment, and Ulaz would be lying if he     said he didn’t enjoy it. The still of the air, while unsettling     to some, made him feel more at ease than anything had     in ages. Doing his best to make sure anything that was     out of place was taken care of quickly.
    Ʊ         When he came to the other’s quarters he sighed and knocked         on his door. “Kuvok. It’s nearly time for our meal.” He let         out a sigh and waited at the door thinking to himself. “You are         welcome to help make it if you’d like.”
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ravstarr-archieve · 9 years ago
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A tiny ugly Chihuahua vs a Medium sized Who will win I Double belongs to @itsjustbeek Kuvok is mine
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cxmmandertpxl-blog · 8 years ago
Are any of your children more well-behaved than the other? How do you typically discipline them?
“Oh certainly, Avarak is the best behaved.” T’Pol explains. “Elizabeth is more then a little wild, Kuvok can be a trouble maker and Mestral likes to think he gets away with things but he doesn’t, Discipline is usually meditation to quell which ever emotions caused the outburst and then we discuss it with them and tell them what punishment they shall receive.”
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defectiveclone-blog1 · 8 years ago
@ulxz continued from here
Kuvok scratched his cheek, watching his superior and his puppy play. He was so sweet when he was like this and it made it easy to forget how strong Ulaz was. 
“I dunno when he’s supposed t’ speak. I picked him up in a black market a few cycles ago.” He sat down on the floor to watch the pair play. “He’s an Earth dog, yeah? I think that’s what the records show ‘im as.”
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defectiveclone-blog1 · 8 years ago
-;verse update
Because of the nature of his existence, Kuro has different names in different timelines.
Pre-Rescue/Zarkon: 32
Voltron: Kuro
Blade of Marmora: Kuvok
Modern: Kuro/Akira/Kurosplay/Midnight Ace
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ulxz-blog1 · 8 years ago
🐶 he's letting you play with his puppy he found and who is named Cobalt
Give Him a Baby Animal // Ω
Ʊ    He looks down at the tiny tiny creature and crouches    to reach out a tentative hand before looking back up    at the other almost questioningly. Swallowing, he turns    his gaze to the puppy and scritches behind his ears as    his own start to twitch. With a little chittering noise he    pulled the puppy into his arms and started to nuzzle    against the tiny canine’s nose.
    Ʊ        As Cobalt began to grow tired from excitement, he looked        back up with wide eyes. “Your child is quite precious,        Kuvok. When will they learn to speak? Have you had        them long?” He rubbed the puppy’s tummy with a happy        purr. “They are quite sweet.”
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