#kuusuke never change </3
transmasccofee · 1 year
dude if someone fucked with Kusuo and actually managed to hurt him I just know Kuusuke would eradicate them in an instant. Have you seen the way he talks about Kusuo and humanity. He would not be stoppable.
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
saiki k headcannons (very very long post)
-kurumi + kuusuke have weird unnaturally sharp teeth that are lowkey scary if you look at them for too long. kusuo also has it but he hides it.
-if you think at kusuo, he can hear you no matter where you are. the psychickers (+ his family) know this and use it against him.
-kusuo is an unwilling empathy crier. if someone starts crying near him, he will at least start to tear up. he finds it an extreme inconvenience and does everything he can to hide it. this only really happens with people in his direct vicinity though, so no movie characters or random people in his telepathy radius.
-too many characters have similarly colored eyes, so here’s a lightning round with some eye color changes
akechi: periwinkle. it just makes sense to me ok?? a silly color for a silly goober. it grows on me more the more i think about it.
aren: dark magenta with a hint of red. i think it represents his personality better
toritsuka: dark grey. i like it and have no explanation for it. honorable mention goes to pink because it makes him match with saiki
also aiura has neon yellow eyes not green they are not green her eyes are not gre
-kusuo gets a pretty normal amount of sleep all things considered, in fact he probably gets maybe an hour or so more than average most nights because he just loves sleeping so much. kuusuke does not even go out of his way to get a bed for himself because the only sleep he gets is when he forgets to take his bi-hourly injection of whatever he’s using in place of caffeine and passes out on top of whatever he’s working on for ≈3 minutes before jolting himself awake and going back to work. if he really has to nap for whatever reason he claims the floor is plenty comfortable.
-kusuo has sedatephobia (fear of silence). while the peaceful tranquility of putting people’s thoughts on mute with the ring is nice, if he were to somehow be put into a situation with no noise at all or even just very little noise I think he’d be pretty freaked. he’s never had a truly quiet moment before, so it’s only a natural reaction to be uncomfortable with it. he would avidly deny it if asked though, even if he gets visibly anxious from it.
-kuusuke has never used bugs against kusuo directly because he thinks phobias are a cheap and uncreative tactic. the birthday card thing doesn’t count because that was only psychometry images.
-it’s not really a psychic power but all of the pk psychics have extremely strong intuitions. like they just Know things sometimes. this is basically canon for at least kusuo but that besides the point. the jury is still out on whether akechi also has the psixth sense or if he’s just weird but he is definitely on the same page as everyone else most of the time because of his near psychic analysis of his situation and surroundings
-kusuo can use transform on other people but it never comes up bc why would he do that when hypnosis is so much easier? something something genderbend episode
-kusuo had a very bad no good week like right before he got his limiters where his hair became uncuttable and he was forced to have a mullet until it culminated in kusuo willing himself into developing heat vision and cutting his hair with it to mixed results.
-each of the saiki’s think they’re the more normal one balancing out the rest of the family’s weirdness but no. all of you are weird there is no balance
-more of an opinion than a headcanon, but being average/“normal” was never really what saiki wanted. what he’s actually after is peace, and he just happens to associate those things with it. that’s why he changed the world to perceive his unusual attributes as normal when he was younger instead of changing himself to appear normal, what he truly wants is a world that he can be himself in and be at peace at the same time. the reason he refuses to admit this, even to himself, is because of his own lack of self-acceptance. you guys don’t understand he’s such an angsty and tragic character actually ! a poor little meow meow even ! listen to me !!
-kusuo and kuusuke NEED to have a “let’s take ibuprofen together” moment i will not be explaining further
-kuusuke works above board a lot, but he is definitely doing some “under the table” stuff when it comes to selling the shit he makes because he just does not care and wants money to fund his games. he is confident he will never get caught and even if he’s wrong kusuo is reversing that shit to avoid the trouble it would cause him.
-kuusuke does love robotics (specifically with making weapons but he does indulge in the gadget or two), and that is definitely his favorite to do stuff with and the thing he is most passionate about, but don’t be fooled, he does everything. any science under the sun and he is probably an expert on it. special mentions of things he knows a lot a lot about go to neuroscience, physics, biology, first aid/general medicine, pharmacology (technically canon because of that muscle relaxent from the cattank arc) and anything that you could realistically make a psi pun with.
-sometimes kuusuke randomly decides that a random ass guy is the person of the week he wants to piss off (to him it’s like being annoying to an animal, very amusing ^^). positive things about this: it’s normal a really bad person he decides to be a menace to like a rich guy or a corrupt politician. bad things about this: he has had to deal with hired hits on him before
-aiura can get a very accurate read on someone’s personality near instantly and has an encyclopedic knowledge on everyone. she knows your birthday and she knows what you want. teruhashi too but not because she’s psychic she’s just also weird.
-aiura has a very bad sleep schedule because she gets woken up in the middle of the night by visions of disaster. this is NOT THE SAME as kusuo’s visions !! kusuo is tormented in his sleep, she is kept awake. aiura also sometimes has visions of shit right before it happens and if it’s a bad thing she has to think quick on her feet to stop it.
-aiura does not stop helping people she just gets a little bit better at being discreet. eventually she goes freelance and owns her own shop for occult stuff good for her
ok that’s all i got for now. tune in whenever i decide to do this again for more bangers
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joshhere911 · 1 year
Some personal saiki headcanons !!! (Mostly stim related ! )
saiki stims . Its very minutely , but i believe his stims center mostly around his hands cus yk most of his powers come from his hands, but its also bc of that his powers come from his hands that he tries Not to stim in fear that it might accidentally active a power
I think, like kusuke , his fingers do a sort of drumming and tapping but unlike kuusuke he keeps his hands down and mostly out of sight !
he's suuper embarrassed by it, so maybe he uses a mild hypnosis on himself so it appears like his hands are prim and perfect and straight Or: his fingers drum too fast that they are perceived normal when rlly theyre just too fast to notice that theyre going too fast yk ?
I like to think that for times when he reaches his limits or his emotions are getting the best of him, he pretends to sleep and astral projects so he can safely stim Bigger . Just saiki stimming !!
I think he probably most definitely does it more around nendou . Yes this correlates with my ramble where him and nendou are like destined besties I DONT CARE THEY ARE SILLY !! He probably puts in less effort to cover up his finger drumming and maybe even gives his legs little wiggles and overly straightens his clothes too often (both from paranoia of look unkempt and a need for stimulation)
Nendou DEFinitely notices, bc hes perceptive but clueless , and he definitely gives saiki some stim toys . Some are more yk loud and attract attention, but others are more subtle for his fingers to fiddle with and get more sensory . Saiki prefers to stick with the smaller ones but in sillier moments he uses the eye catching ones (he always makes sure hes alone . Most of the time hes in the bathroom (bc yk paranoia of cameras in his room and stuff bc kusuke <3) )
Nendou also definitely unintentionally helps saiki stim !! Nendou does "partner stims" with saiki, which include grabbing his hands and moving them around or grabbing saiki and pulling him into a bone crushing hug (saiki doesnt reciprocate it at all but it doesnt stop nendo . saiki appreciates the added weight, even if it just feels like a bag of oranges on his body), fiddling with his fingers or poking st saikis face and shoulders , and just generally bothering him . Saiki doesnt bother to stop it, not only because nendo is impossibly stubborn but also bc he gets the stimulation he needs without having everyone looking at Him and instead looking st Nendou and thinking "why is this guy doing all that for ??"
Eventually, his friends catch on and stsrt doing it as well!! Maybe its a little miscommunication because yk saiki never talks and nendou is an idiot, so some think its stimming(peobably psykickers and whoever akechi rambles to) while others believe its saiki accepting more touch (everyone else)
Kaidou starts with fiddling with one or two of saikis fingers, and when hes in JBW mode he squeezes saikis shoulder but typically keeps his hands off him because hes worried the black best power in his arm might hurt saiki . Or something
Hairo tries to get saiki into more critical thinking games or more physical activities, he doesn't necessarily touch him other than his usual go to (hand on shoulder) but he believes saiki has energy thst needs an output . Saiki reluctantly obliges .
Teruhashi seems like the type to become more touchy with saiki, but she is actually the one who recognizes that its a more stim behavior . Shes the most perfect pretty girl, she Has to know why her classmate is more accepting of stimulating motions lately !! In the end, nothing really changes, but she does recognize that her horde of fans and the noise they bring bother saiki, so she tries to keep them away as much as possible when she goes up to him
Aren starts roughousing with him, bc he Also has a lot of energy that needs an output . Saiki doesnt mind, he could easily overpower him, so he tries his best to be gentle with him . And Try he does LMAO but that just makes Kubo' more riled up until theyre both limp on the ground. Saiki hasnt broken a sweat . His face is towards the ground though, legs tangled with Kubo's whose face is also facing the ground and panting and exhausted . Theyre both smiling idiots .
Saiko brings him shiny stuff , stuff visually appealing to the eye that is easy to mess around with to look at . Chiyo brings in snacks for him to try that are similar to coffee jelly, trying to get him to "branch out" of his safe food . Mera, at the cafe, makes sure hes more secluded so he feels safe to stim more in public places .
The psikickers treat him normally ! Akechi goes on his long rambles, sometimes choosing to do topics relating to saikis stimming, toritsuka is still a perv but makes sure no ghosts are harmed when saiki astral peojects (they never are, he just likes making sure that the ghosts he gets info from are still okay), and aiura still calls him babe and looks at the future . They are the same compared to everyone else adjusting to saikis needs of stimulation, and that provides saiki comfort and even helps him when he gets overwhelmed with everyones change .
(He never admits it, but the adjustment in his friends truly does loosen him up and lower his gaurd . Not as good as an electric shock i bet, but infinitely better than calling kusuke to have him shock saiki . )
Finally moving away from stimming !! My bad i wasnt expecting my brain to run away from me :D
Saiki definitely has a couple beauty marks . Due to his mind control making him appear normal nobody notices for a Hot Minute, but the moment his gaurd goes Slightly lower, there they are . Theres one near his lip and his cheek , and probably 2 on his neck.
Beauty marks are SO pretty he deserves it
I think he also deserves a bit of pudge too, just a softness to his arms belly and thigh area . Especially after the volcano, when he no longer has to train so much to stop it and with all the coffee jelly he ests on a regular
His friends have a kuniharu hate club . Send tweet
Saiki is a Very avid listener when it comes to his friends . This is technically canon, considering the whole dark reunion thing with kaido and saiki following the storyline, but still ! Sometimes they find it a little freaky that he remembers conversations from a yesr or two prior from when they were letting their mouth run out of boredom and saiki at the time seemed a little annoyed but not walking away, but overall find it endearing . Its just saiki being a tsundere as usual <3
(Its mainly cause his friends stories and useless rambling are better to focus his telepathy on rather than the gajillion other voices in his 200m radius. He doesnt really want to listen to then, but sometimes everyone else is So annoying and if Kaidou starts rambling to him about the dark reunion rules or where they are in the storyline , then he will gladly listen to him intently and try to block out everyone not important) (and if that helps him choose gifts, then so be it)
Saiki hates spending the night at other peoples houses !! He tries to avoid it as much as possible, because sleeping in an unfamiliar neighborhood and unfamiliar voices in his head, is not as comforting as one thinks . He would rather be wary of cameras he Knows are there, than be wary of cameras he Doesnt know are there . If there are any . He cant risk it !!
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phantasper · 1 year
Saikimon Timeline
Okay so… I’m still debating on whether or not to make a Saikimon fic since I’m a lot better at getting my thoughts across through writing, but I decided it wouldn’t hurt to make a timeline to get everything organized. So! Here are some key events with vaguer descriptions that I’ll try to keep updated.
Note: events titled with “N/A” are ones that I haven’t yet shared with you guys, so those won’t have as much information in their descriptions.
1. Abduction
Kusuo is born into a family of mews, with a single parent and two siblings. One day, when hes still young, he gets distracted by a ditto and gets lost, and after the sun sets, he’s tranquilized and abducted by corrupt scientists. Mini comics: pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3
2. Lab Incident / Power Breakthrough
After spending months at the lab being experimented on, Kusuo’s distress hits a breaking point after he’s given his enhancers. His new powers uncontrollably explode, destroying the entire lab, most of the occupants, and a lot of the surrounding area. Kusuo escapes in panic.
3. Unsuccessful Search for Family
A few days after fleeing the area, Kusuo sets out on a search for his family, but he now has an almost debilitating fear of the world and being exposed. He is unable to find them and eventually loses hope after a few weeks.
4. Reintroducing: Touma Akechi
Kusuo realizes that he’s being followed and tries to hide himself, but all of his attempts fail. He eventually gives in and confronts young Touma, a small chatot that previously belonged to one of the lab’s workers before the area was destroyed. After some coaxing, Kusuo agrees to travel with him, and they gradually develop a close bond.
5. N/A
Kusuo mysteriously dissapears for three days and then returns with no memory of where he was. He begins finding rare candies very often.
6. Battle with Kuusuke
After some time, after Kusuo and Touma have grown a small amount, Kusuo encounters Kuusuke after the latter finds him sleeping in a bush on his own. Kuusuke demands to battle him because he’s in his territory, and he attacks Kusuo before he ever agrees. Kusuo, in an act of pure defense, beats him in the battle immediately, giving Kuusuke his first loss.
7. Spontaneous Adoption
Kuusuke brings Kusuo to his mother with Touma secretly lurking closely behind, having slept in the trees. Kusuo meets Kurumi and Kunihari. Kurumi takes a liking to him and feeds him an egg because he appears weak, which results in Kusuo instantly growing attached to her. She offers to take him in and offers to take Touma in as well after he makes himself known. Kusuo hesitantly agrees, and Touma politely declines but still sticks close.
8. Meeting New Acquaintances
After adjusting to life with his new family somewhat, Kusuo gradually comes to meet several others that live nearby, albeit unwillingly. He struggles to feel completely comfortable with them, but eventually warms up to them (though he never expresses this aloud). He does, however, keep most of his life a secret from everyone.
9. N/A
Kusuo discovers that he has more in common with Aiura and Toritsuka than he previously realized, and for a very particular reason. They develop a closer bond and spend more time together along with Touma.
10. Growth Period
Kusuo grows up with the others a considerable amount and is now a ‘teenager.’ During the growth period, he becomes a bit more secure and confident in regards to exploring the wild. However, he still prefers to avoid being seen and avoids humanity as much as possible. He also gradually develops a little more control over his powers as his body becomes more capable of containing them, but he still struggles at times.
During this period, Kuusuke leaves the family to live an independent life in hopes of growing stronger to beat Kusuo, but he still visits from time to time. Aiura evolves into a Honchkrow after she and Kusuo collaborate to locate a dark stone.
11. Growing Pains
Kusuo takes notice of some irregular changes in his physical appearance, which makes him feel alienated in a way that he can’t even begin to explain. His powers become a little easier to control throughout the slow process, but he feels conflicted about it.
Unsorted Events
Kusuo meets an unexpected ally while searching for berries— one that is incredibly powerful but also very, very young.
• N/A
Kusuo is forced into a battle with Kuusuke after one of his friends is kidnapped. Toritsuka evolves.
Kusuo and his main friend group begin to question his ‘rare candy situation,’ and they go on a quest to solve the mystery with the help of two unlikely individuals.
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simkjrs · 3 years
How about Kusuke for that ask meme? Would love to hear more of your thoughts on that little freak 😊
favorite thing about them
im kind of obsessed with his misanthropic mad scientist ways. theres nothing funnier about kuusuke than his complete lack of consideration for the happiness or quality of life for the rest of the human race. just look at him <3
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least favorite thing about them
i hate all the incest jokes baked into his character. asou shuuichi had a perfectly interesting and compelling guy without that so why did he have to ruin it.
aside from that i think its really sad when he regularly invades saiki's privacy & bodily autonomy (such as adding a trigger to saiki's second limiter device without telling him. someone introduce kuusuke to the concept of informed consent please). i do think that this is one of the most interesting points of conflict between him and saiki tho so i wish asou shuuichi did something more with it where saiki gets a character arc learning how to assert his boundaries after living his whole life unable to respect others boundaries (due to x ray and mindreading) and without others respecting his (see: his dad and kuusuke)
favorite line
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i <3 saiki and kuusukes fucked beyond all repair brothers relationship i love how they care about each other but this fixes nothing and makes everything worse. its so interesting how they shaped each other growing up, and how despite resenting each other they also give each other things they cant get from anyone else -- kuusuke finding a "playmate" who can challenge him and stimulate his creativity, kusuo having someone he can rely on when it comes down to a crisis (such as his limiter breaking or needing to find a way to stop japan from being destroyed by a super volcano explosion).
of course, the fact that kuusuke cant be relied on in any other circumstance is also what makes the relationship interesting i think. like if kuusuke isn't helping saiki fix a problem, then he's the one causing all of saiki's problems. i really wish that we got more exploring their relationship.
that said it's really hard to enjoy them whole heartedly when all the incest jokes keep sneaking in. sorry i keep bringing this up but i really do hate them so much. like either commit to the incest/harrassment plotline and do your best to thoughtfully & respectfully portray the consequences of that trauma, or just leave it out. dont make it into a joke LOL ... literally why does anyone ever think this is funny
kuusuke x his pure & innocent disregard for humanity <3
i see people shipping him with teruhashi makoto sometimes and its like ... why ... would you think that putting two creeps together would fix anything about them. they wouldnt make each other worse in a fun or interesting way. and they wouldnt even be funny
random headcanon
i think that kuusuke stopped resenting saiki shortly after he left home to go to cambridge because suddenly he was the smartest most genius most admired person in the room again but it was so boring because no one could challenge him and there was nothing to surpass. since life felt very boring & meaningless like this, i think that made him reevaluate his relationship with his brother and he realized that as much as it frustrated him to lose it made him happy to have a goal to always strive for. so i think after that, his ill will towards saiki mostly disappeared ... though he still has deadly serious competitive intent.
that said i think saiki never realized kuusuke's change of heart because kuusuke invented the telepathy canceler. and i think kuusuke wasnt interested in correcting saiki about how he felt now, and i think kuusuke didnt give much (if any) consideration to how it would make saiki feel to keep living under the misconception that his brother still hated him but had simply found a way to hide his plotting, forever. in conclusion: kuusuke is kind of the worst. LOL
unpopular opinion
ive already said all my unpopular opinions. my extremely niche opinion is that if saiki kuusuke and enoshima junko were born into the same world they would perfectly cancel each other out because what they both wanted was to fulfill their boredom and what they both did to do that was raise the stakes on other people until they managed to stop them (or didnt). kuusuke and junko would become perfect rivals. they would be like bbc sherlock and moriarty if they were high schoolers. they would be like L and light if L was completely amoral and just devote to winning the case for the sake of winning, and light was also completely amoral and just killing people to see what would happen. and they would be exactly like this post
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song i associate with them
HMM i don't really have one. if i had to pick one... primadonna by marina. LOL
favorite picture of them
i cant pick one so you get three.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Hi dear, how are you? Hope you are having a good day/ night.
I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. Who is your favourite character to write for? And what is your favourite thing to write? And what is the thing you wish someone would request but still no one had yet?
I love your writing, keep up the good work.
Hello sweet anon, I’m doing well, it’s very sunny today where I live, so I am relaxing outside with my dogs at the current moment, and I hope you are doing just as well!
As for the questions, they are quite tricky ones, but I will do my best to answer them!
1. Who is my favourite character to write for?
This is difficult to say, as it often depends on my mood. However, there are definitely characters that I find harder/easier to write, although that doesn’t necessarily correlate to how much I enjoy writing them.
I find Bakugou, Sai, Gaara, Kusuo Saiki, Kuusuke Saiki, L, Jumin, Muriel etc. to be the hardest to write.
I do tend to enjoy writing Itachi a lot, along with Izuku, Asra and Asmo and Simeon. I also find writing Sasuke interesting and Kiba is always surprisingly easy to write.
However, it really depends on my mood and the type of request haha and also there are many characters that I’ve never tried writing for, so I’m not sure about them. Also, I've definitely forgotten some people from those lists 😅
2. What is your favourite thing to write?
Again, this depends a lot on my mood. I think my favourite would probably have to be hurt/comfort, but I prefer those requests with a small number of characters so that their reactions don’t get too similar. I’ve been struggling to write a Naruto boys reaction to their mate almost dying for a while now because it’s difficult to think up original ideas when I think they would primarily act quite similarly.
I also really like some good pregnancy fluff, but I try to stagger them a little as that makes up about 40% ish of my inbox.
But honestly, there are requests that I adore that I have had for ages, but they take me a lot longer to write because I feel the pressure of writing them well, not necessarily for others, but for myself. So, how much I like writing something rarely relates to what gets written first. I find so many of the requests in my inbox so interesting, it just takes me a long while to write them.
3. What is the thing you wish someone would request but still no one had yet?
Haha, well if I really want to write something, I normally just write it regardless of whether there’s a request or not. Normally, the only times I hope for certain requests is when I only have a very vague idea about what I want to write.
For example, I’ve been kinda interested in writing something for Minato in a no Kyuubi attack on the village AU, but I’m not sure what, so I’ve been waiting for someone to request something haha.
I also really, really love the world building asks, some of them are so creative, and they are low effort but super fun to write, so more of those is always appreciated. I particularly would like some more world building asks that are targeted to individual characters, sort of expanding on how the A/B/O dynamics would have impacted or changed their story from canon, that kind of thing.
Other than that, if I really want to write something, I normally just go for it!
Thank you for sending these questions in and I hope my answers are satisfactory!! Have a lovely day/night!!
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akirameta84 · 11 months
Nendou having inert leftover Rot Cysts on him acting as his chin definitely makes sense. ...that and it being so close to his face also works with this one idea I have. Aka, Toritsuka intentionally dampened his pain receptors (so Nendou would know something is attacking him, but won't waste precious seconds cringing in pain but instead being able to do something about it), and through use of anesthesia to get rid of any pain completely, after he noticed some Rot Cysts on his back, unlike the ones on Nendou's face which can potentially damage his jaw if taken off, Toritsuka was able to RIP THE ONES ON HIS BACK OFF WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Sure he could've been more careful at the moment in time, but it gave room to graft on some back plates of armor that can also carry more weapons if Nendou angles them correctly.
And, well, he was just so angry in the moment that after ensuring Nendou couldn't feel any pain or discomfort, he needed to do SOMETHING. And it even gives him easier access to Nendou's genome to rework it! So really, who can blame him for his, violent, methods of getting rid of those Rot Cysts? The Ancients? They LEFT THEM. So really, why should he care about what they think?
...also on a less angsty note Saiki, despite his limited memory, managed to remember Aren, because he's Saiki's creation, when he woke up. Which Aren greatly appreciates because EMOTIONS.
And on a different note, the reason Aren even has a name is two reasons. The logical one (an ID number wouldn't work if he can glitch out whilst saying it, confusing his creation, so a name will lead to less confusion in the long run), and the emotional one (hard not to get attached to the being your creating to act as your savior, and harder still to not grow to care for them when through his Overseers he saw how hard Aren worked to complete the tasks given to him).
aren was at the main communications array at the sky islands when kusuo collasped. he was heading back to the superstructure through the Precipice bridge between kusuo and kuusukes structure...but when he reached the end of kuusukes side, it just ended. it dropped into nothing but collasped ruins. that was a horrifying moment. aren had noticed that his creators overseers weren't following him anymore, and he heard the earth shattering sounds of the superstructures collapse...but seeing it in front of his face hit the hardest
just like SRS and Spearmaster, kusuo never gave his creation the mark of communication, as they used sign language so that their conversations could be two way instead of one way
aren wasn't supposed to be mouthless, unlike SM who was. kusuo just messed up and he regrets it. he wanted aren to be capable of eating through the tethers from his spears so that he could ALWAYS find food, as there would always be at least some creature to feed on, and he didn't even have to stop to eat. but he was also supposed to have a mouth like a normal slugcat. kusuo was badly damaged from lack of water already and hadn't realized the changes to his organisms digestive system to allow for the new way of gaining nutrients had completely deleted the normal one until he was finished, and there was absolutely no way or time to make a new messenger.
post revival and pre rarefaction cell...kusuo probably can't remember much of it. the common spoken language is hard enough to grasp, let alone a secondary one. its a miracle he remembers aren at all, but thankfully he does, and he remembers a decent amount of the local group too. at least kuusuke got fed up with kusuos messenger ignoring him after kusuos collaspse and forced a mark of communication on him, so at least he can understand kusuo again
iterators are partially robotic so i imagine theyre very physically strong tbh, so that makes sense. mily angst and comedy bundled into one there huh
tyty for the ask anon <3 i can never have too many aus haha. this has been a lovely one to add to my collection
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akirameta84 · 3 years
okay so. some of this might be a stretch to fully work but. has anyone written or drawn a thing where kusuo is actually profoundly deaf but the thing is nobody, not even himself, realizes until he puts in the power remover
it would be a very hard thing to miss, yes, but im gonna try and make this work and some canon things might be changed a tiny bit but not badly
i have a lot to say on this mini au so its under the cut
also this idea is 100% free real estate if anyone feels like writing or drawing something go ahead
1. he never finds the germanium ring and kuusuke never makes the telepathy canceller. i prefer kuusuke to be a good older brother so he has no reason to. maybe he made it as a concept but doesnt wear it around kusuo because he knows his brother prefers speaking with telepathy
2. since he's always had his telepathy, im running with what kusuo says early in the volume 0 manga that people's spoken words are thought milliseconds before they actually leave their mouths. and so he hears the thought of what they were going to say, and sees their mouth moving, ergo thinks hes hearing it out loud
3. he was born deaf, and has never heard anything with his ears. he has no way to tell the difference between telepathy and not telepathy, and so here he believes both his mental and physical ears hear the exact same way
4. okay yeah stuff like music....birds chirping...lawn mowers...this is hard to pass off okay. but. uh. maybe cause hes always been a mild drama queen he just assumes he cant hear what other people hear because his telepathy is too loud? for the sake of this scenario lets just gloss over this one
so everythings normal kuusuke is a better brother yada yada, his brother and parents are with him and he puts on the power remover...and blissful silence. complete, utter silence, and hes happy
and then he sees kuusuke moving his lips, with nothing coming out. he tries to ask kuusuke whats up but nothing comes out and now kuusuke is confused. kuusuke assumes its because kusuo has never spoken verbally before and so thats why hes having trouble and asks kusuo to say something slowly
kusuo just...sits there. his brother is moving his lips but nothing is coming out. he knows his voice failed to work and so he tries again. nothing for him
for his family, all that came out was a few words that werent possible to make out without context
kuusuke probably gets a hint at what the problem might be then
yeah. i might write something like a oneshot for this but who knows
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