#kurt kramer
allevils · 9 months
@camptw1nk said: I dont think god put kurt here. I think god is just as annoyed and dumbfounded as everyone else who endures him
god and lucy discussing who's responsible for kurt while kurt just stands there like
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gregorio-loves-tiff · 2 years
Uncle Billy Part 5
Uncle Billy: you can stop at the end of the street Mr. Kunkle, we can walk the rest of the way. We don’t want to affect Mrs. Tilly’s image.
Kurt Kunkle: what ever you say Mr. Uncle Billy.
*Kurt parks the car at the end of the street. Glen and Glenda exit the car. Glenda grabs the bags and glen picks up Uncle Billy.*
Glen: bye Kurt, see you soon.
Kurt Kunkle: bye Glen. Bye Glenda-
Glenda: oh Kurt, I would restock on water when you have a chance. *wink*
*Kurt looks behind the set to see a missing bottle on the left side.*
Kurt Kunkle: will do my sneaky friend.
*Kurt quickly drives away*
Uncle Billy: what is the deal with the water?
Glen: yeah Glenda? What are you doing with the “funky” water?
Glenda: oh nothing, I just like to experiment… you know with chemistry.
Glen: …sure.
Uncle Billy: can we hurry, we are going to be late to dinner.
*we transition to Chucky and Tiffany at the Tilly mansion. Tiffany is struggling to finish cooking and preparing dinner. Tiffany is cooking Swedish Meatballs, baking cookies, setting the table, preparing the table, filling glasses with ice, and putting on makeup. Chucky is struggling to reach a bottle of wine.*
Tiffany: what is taking you so long Chucky! I need help over hear! God you can be so useless!
Chucky: you try reaching the good wine when you are two fucking feet tall!
Tiffany: don’t you even play that card! We could have been in our human bodies but no, we had to be the killer fucking dolls!
*Chucky finally grabs the wine.*
Chucky: here is your stupid bottle of wine, miss alcoholic.
Tiffany: one more word out of you and I’m gonna shove you in the pot of meat-
*”DING DONG” the Doorbell rings. Tiffany and Chucky immediately stop fighting and rush to the door. Chucky jumps up and opens the door.*
Glenda: hi dad!
Glen: hi mom!
Uncle Billy: is the food ready?
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mychameleondays · 1 year
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Element Of Crime: Weißes Papier
Vertigo/Universal Music Group 477 913-7, 2018
Originally released: February 1993
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heckcareoxytwit · 9 months
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Director Vulture is preparing an execution of Kurt Wagner (a.k.a Spinnenmann, formerly Nightcrawler) so that he could have his body dissected for study. Silver Sable calls it quits but one of Orchis agents would not let her leave. Silver Sable’s team depart, apart from Kramer and Sable and the mind control device is mentioned. Kramer removes his helmet to reveal....Kurt! Wait, if the real Kurt is disguised as an Orchis agent, then that means the captive "Kurt" is actually Mystique in disguise. It turns out that Mystique can alter her appearance down to the genetic level, as revealed in Xmen Blue: Origins one-shot as well as she is also concealing weapons. Silver Sable and Mystique go on their happy rampage while Kurt goes looking for Warlock, who is the resource Orchis and Director Vulture are using to enslave mutants and turn them into hounds.
Kurt Wagner accesses through the computer system but Ghost Bamf has another idea; the Orchis operative reduced to a braindead zombie when he tried to access Mystique's mind. Mystique and Silver Sable flirt in the middle of the battle. Ghost Bamf enters the mind of the Orchis guy and pilots him to get through the computer firewall, which frees Warlock. The Technarch reabsorbs his code, stolen and used on the Orchis Hounds, freeing them from Orchis influence too. However, Warlock he could not absorb Director Vulture’s as he has the source code for too long. Director Vulture attacks Warlock, Silver Sable and Mystique by charging in and knocking them down. Kurt Wagner fights Director Vulture by using his agility and teleporting around him until he stabs him with the Hope Sword. With Director Vulture down, this allows Warlock to absorb his source code from him.
Uncanny Spider-Man #5, 2023
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kindergrrl · 1 year
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Courtney & Frances backstage at the Orpheum Theatre. Boston, MA.
December 4th, 1994. To Courtney's left is Kurt St. Thomas, and to Frances right is Julie Kramer. Both WFNX employees.
I came across this beauty last night. I just somewhat recently did a post (on instagram) on the rest of the photos from backstage this night, Check that post over on my Instagram out if you haven't seen it already!
Photo belongs to Kurt St. Thomas.
(Originally posted to my Instagram on 09/03/23. Caption is copied from there.)
Follow me on Instagram @kindergrrl for more!
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insoc-now · 8 months
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Information Society, around the time of the self titled release. 1988.
Photo credits to Isabel Snyder and Dorothy Low, respectively.
Information Society formed in 1982. The lineup you see here is as follows: Amanda Kramer, James Cassidy, Kurt Harland Valaquen, and Paul Robb. If you're unfamiliar with the group, well, that won't be the case for long. I will be sharing photos, clips, gifs, and links to various media related to InSoc, as they're called by super fans, as well as the band itself. There was a website and forum devoted to Information Society but it has not been updated since 2008, last I checked and that was just a few days ago (as of today, being Feb. 4, 2024).
Thank you for stopping by, my name is Kristin, and you can find me most places as spasmspector and loves-in-vogue - or some variation of that.
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months
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Storia di Musica #311 - Weezer, Weezer (The Blue Album), 1994
Nella classifica di artisti che hanno intitolato i loro lavori con il proprio nome, vincono a mani basse per quantità: in 17 anni di carriere ne hanno pubblicati 6 (che poi spiegherò come si distinguono). E questa decisione rientra nel loro modo alternativo e irriverente di fare musica, in un momento di passaggio che grazie a loro diviene quasi spartiacque. Rivers Cuomo è un ragazzo a cui piace tanto fare musica: ha 18 anni quando fonda il primo gruppo, gli Avant Gard, che era anche un modo per trovare nuovi amici dopo essersi trasferito da Los Angeles al Connecticut. Dopo un po', Cuomo incontra il batterista Patrick Wilson, che gli presenta il suo amico Matt Sharp, anch'egli musicista. Si trasferiscono a Santa Monica dove Sharp incita Cuomo a scrivere, e proprio in questo periodo, siamo a fine 1991, nascono le prime idee che confluiranno nella loro prima band insieme: Weezer (dal nomignolo che il padre di Cuomo gli aveva dato da ragazzino) insieme a Jason Cropper, che va alla chitarra. Il primo concerto come Weezer è a supporto della band di un giovane attore cantante destinato al successo mondiale, i Dogstar di Keanu Reeves. Diventano ben presto un gruppo con la nomea di grandi live, e se ne accorge anche Todd Sullivan, che li segnala alla Geffen che dopo aver ascoltato dei demo li mette sotto contratto nel 1993. C'è solo un problema: il loro stile, un power pop con echi punk, irriverenti e testi molto ironici era un bel po' diverso dal nichilismo grunge imperante. La Geffen li mette sotto le cure di Rick Ocasek, ex membro de The Car, una delle band più importanti della scena New Wave Americana, che li porta agli Electric Lady Studios, di New York, il leggendario studio di registrazione fondato da Eddie Kramer per Jimi Hendrix. Ocasek ha una intuizione geniale: decide di far cantare Sharp come coro di Cuomo, secondo un particolare stile a cappella (che negli Stati Uniti ha il nome curioso di barbeshop style), un'ottava più alto, così da riuscire meglio a integrare il suono di basso e chitarra, straniando ma allo stesso tempo enfatizzando la caratteristica "simaptica" della loro musica sin dagli esordii. Nel Frattempo licenziano Cooper, sostituito da Brian Bell, e registrano una quindicina di canzoni, di cui 10 faranno parte del loro primo lavoro. Che intitolano Weezer, uscito il 10 maggio del 1994 perchè, disse Cuomo, non "ci veniva niente di meglio da proporre". Verrà ricordato come The Blue Album per la copertina perchè succederà qualcosa in seguito che lo renderà "difficile" da ricordare come "Weezer". Cinque settimane prima, come una bomba atomica, era arrivata la notizia del suicidio di Kurt Cobain, e questo disco segna il passaggio, straniante e traumatico, da un'estetica all'altra.
Se ne volete una prova, il primo singolo, e successivamente canzone mito, era titolata semplicemente Undone, ma siccome è stata una delle prime scritte da cuomo e portata sul palco sin dai primi concerti, i primi fan la iniziarono a chiamare come The Sweater Song, perchè appunto parla di un maglione: If you want to destroy my sweater\Hold this thread as I walk away (Undone - The Sweather Song in verità è una metafora di tristezza rispetto al rapporto con le altre persone spesso prevaricatrici). Un muro di chitarra, echi di punk, i coretti che a volte sembrano quasi fuori posto, una musica che verrà definita "emo" ma che si rifà anche al periodo d'oro del rock. Come non citare in questo senso Buddy Holly, canzone diventata famosissima anche grazie al meraviglioso video di Spike Jonze (che vincerà decine di premi per il mondo) in cui la band è trasportata sul palco del Drive In di Arnold di Happy Days a cantare "Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly\Oh-oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore"; Buddy Holly è stato uno dei primi grandi cantanti del rock, tragicamente scomparso in un incidente aereo, insieme a Ritchie Valens, quello che scrisse La Bamba e ai The Big Bopper (a questo tragico incidente Don Mclean scriverà American Pie, "the day the music died"); Mary Tyler Moore è stata invece una attrice di cinema teatro e Tv tra le più famose degli anni '60 e '70 negli Stati Uniti. Il disco è ricco di canzoni stupende: Say It Ain't So (altro classico), nato nella testa di Cuomo quando si "autoconvinse" che il matrimonio dei suoi stava finendo per colpa dell'alcool, My Name In Jonas, ariosa e fresca, dedicata al fratello di Cuomo non risarcito dall'assicurazione dopo un incidente in auto, Only In Dreams, su un ragazzo che non riesce a dischiararsi alla ragazza che adora e così continua a vivere la loro storia d'amore "solo nei sogni". Manifesto del loro modo scanzonato e irriverente di fare musica è In The Garage: I've got an electric guitar\I play my stupid songs\I write these stupid words\And I love every one\Waiting there for me, yes, I do\I do\In the garage, I feel safe\No one cares about my ways\In the garage where I belong\No one hears me sing this song.
Il disco all'inizio è abbastanza incompreso, ma con il passare del tempo acquista sempre più rilevanza sia commerciale (venderà quasi 10 milioni di copie) che critica, stabilmente nelle liste dei dischi più importanti degli ultimi 30 anni. Sharp lascia dopo il secondo disco, Pinkerton (che mostra una evoluzione musicale ma perde un po' di slancio ironico rispetto all'esordio) dedicandosi ad un progetto particolare, i Rentals, con cui suona musica molto retrò dal gusto a volte kitsch. I Weezer lo rimpiazzano con Mikey Welsch. Ci metteranno 4 anni per ritornare ai dischi, con un nuovo album Weezer, conosciuto come The Green Album, perchè in una foto simile a quella del Blue c'è uno sfondo verde, e così succederà con Weezer (The Red Album, nel 2008), Weezer (The White Album 2016), Weezer (The Teal Album, 2019) e Weezer (The Black Album, 2019, dove almeno hanno delle tute orribili di latex su sfondo gotico di luci viola). Anche per questo vanno ricordati.
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missyourflight · 9 months
some stuff i read and watched in december:
the buccanneers: never really hit the heights i wanted it to and most of the cast was not great! but kristine froseth is always watchable and kate winslet's daughter is darling, most importantly scotland doubling for cornwall was beaut. as ever god bless apple for spending money on nonsense
slow horses (s3): i don't know when river cartwright became my shit friend i'm unreasonably fond of but here we are! jack lowden v funny this season and i don't think it's just because i've decided he should be lymond in the billion dollar apple tv series that isn't happening and probably shouldn't bc who else is even blonde (harris dickinson?? i haven't seen the iron claw yet)
monarch: legacy of monsters: i started this and then due to my bad personality decided i had to watch all of the ~monsterverse for context, therefore godzilla december. strong threesome energy in the flashbacks, can't argue with wyatt and kurt russell playing the same character decades apart etc, love a disaster lesbian in crisis etc
~monsterverse interlude: most of these were silly, godzilla: king of the monsters was actively bad, godzilla vs. kong somehow my favourite due to the askars/rebecca hall (long beloved) combo plus all the neon. hollow earth let's go baby!
tokyo godfathers: loved this! love miracles in the city during the holiday season, love to listen to three different podcasts talking about the nuances of trans rep in subtitle translation etc
godzilla minus one: godzilla december! this one made me cryyy, the godzilla theme goes so unbelievably hard, cutest sweetest baby in the world, was incredibly happy to be emotionally manipulated by the endings etc
not going to get into all the christmas film rewatches but: coward's edit of the family stone (repeat the sounding joy!), crying at both little women 94 and little women 19 as per, moonstruck forever, bridget jones' diary colin firth the most sexually appealing colin firth 2 me etc
the wind rises: catching up with miyazaki before the boy and the heron and straight into my ghibli top 3, the love story stuff absolutely floored me
how to have sex: absolutely devastating god
the boy and the heron: very weird and beautiful and sad - saw the dub (robert pattinson you wonderful freak), seeing again with subs this week
jon krakauer, into thin air: a personal account of the everest disaster: i got about halfway through the first chapter and had to stop and ask my dad what the hell he was up to trekking to base camp on his own in the seventies. gripping, chilling, tragic
rose lerner, sailor's delight: rose lerner one of my favourite romance authors (true pretenses i love you forever etc), m/m age of sail romance set around the jewish high holidays with SO much longing and yearning my god
lizzie huxley-jones, make you mine this christmas: fun christmas romance - fake dating but she falls in love with the guy's sister! - that made me burst into tears like five pages in for reasons entirely unrelated to romance or christmas. a 2024 project for soph etc
barbra streisand, my name is barbra: did the audio version so even sped up i reckon i spent at least a full day and a half with barbra. as ever the parts about making things and artistic choices were the best parts, i respect her energy re: including every nice letter or compliment she ever received (my version of this would be reproducing nice ao3 comments etc). wild to me that she spent like 3 decades beefing with larry kramer trying to adapt the normal heart (with bradley cooper at one point lol) but i have to disagree with her impulse to tone down the gay sex to avoid alienating straight people!!
i am not here really but i was proud i managed to keep these little roundups going through the year so. happy new year friends
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licncourt · 1 year
The act of leaving reading list like you did for begin again? Please..?
Omg yeah, sure!! I always get so happy and excited when people care about this fic, it's very special to me.
the act of leaving reading list
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
A Day and A Night at the Baths by Michael Rumaker
The Unabridged Journals by Sylvia Plath
The Charioteer by Mary Renault
Slaughter House-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion
City of Night by John Rechy
Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg
The Responsibility of Intellectuals by Noam Chomsky
Strangers by Graham Robb
Faggots by Larry Kramer
Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
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mctives · 7 months
ROLEPLAY HISTORY — the rules are simple! post characters you'd like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same (if you can't think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people).
current muses :
Stu Macher (@mctives)
Sidney Prescott (@killcdhim)
Richie Tozier (@ycwza)
Mike Schmidt/Afton (@goodjobsport)
Kaz Brekker (@averrse - hiatus)
Inej Ghafa (@withaknife - hiatus)
Teddy Monrose (OC - @lessluck)
Mouse Woltjer (OC - @lessluck)
Remy Lennox (OC - @lessluck)
Nora Monrose (OC - @lessluck)
Randy Meeks (@aranostra)
Dewey Riliey (@aranostra)
Ash Williams (@aranostra)
Cheryl Williams (@aranostra)
Dennis Rafikin (@aranostra)
Brian Green (@aranostra)
Armand (@aranostra)
Louis de Pointe du Lac (@aranostra)
Jesse Walsh (@aranostra)
Daniel Matthews (@aranostra)
John Kramer (@aranostra)
William Afton (@aranostra)
Henry Emily (@aranostra)
Brian Thomas (@aranostra)
Tim Wright (@aranostra)
Alex Kralie (@aranostra)
Jessica Locke (@aranostra)
Evan Meyers (@aranostra)
Beverly Marsh (@aranostra)
Stan Uris (@aranostra)
Bill Denbrough (@aranostra)
Eddie Kasprack (@aranostra)
Mike Hanlon (@aranostra)
Audra Denbrough (@aranostra)
a few private muses
want to write :
I feel like I have enough probably.
have written :
Sam Kirk
S'chn T'gai Sarek
A bunch of other Star Trek muses
Daniel Jackson
Rodney McKay
A bunch of other Stargate muses
A bunch of Grishaverse muses
Kefka Palazzo
Cid Highwind
A few other Final Fantasy Muses
Norman Bates (Psycho 1-4)
Mary Loomis (Psycho 2)
Scott Summers
Kurt Wagner
Remy LeBeau
A few other X-Men muses
Steff McKee
would write again :
I definitely want to write Steff again but idk who i would write him with
Norman and Mary... I keep thinking of adding them to my multi.
Might consider my Final Fantasy or X-Men muses again someday
tagged by : stolen from @fawnworked
tagging : whoever would like to
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itssquash · 1 year
thanks to @goodlookingforagirl for tagging me!
three ships: i'm not super big into shipping culture (not a judgement on anyone's interests, just not really my thing) but if i had to pick three: dale cooper + sheriff truman, macdennis and george costanza + kramer (i don't care to engage in these ships critically, if you have thoughts on these you can keep them to yourself)
first ship: ehh probably like aziraphale + crowely from when i first read good omens in like middle school but i was never really obsessed with them or anything
last song: currently listening to the way young lovers do by van morrison - i love his astral weeks album so so much
last movie: watched the original friday the 13th in theaters last night - sort of a mid movie but i love the theater experience and i saw it on a first date that i think went well, so overall good experience even for a meh movie
currently reading: american psycho by bret easton ellis and breakfast of champions by kurt vonnegut - i've watched the american psycho movie like twice now so it's interesting to read the book which i can already tell i like better. and i've been on a bit of a vonnegut kick lately i love his prose so much, i recently finished slaughterhouse-five and i immediately had to read something else by him
currently watching: just finished breaking bad so that left sort of a void in my tv experience (although hopefully i'll start better call saul soon). but i'm still watching always sunny and i'm tearing my way through the bear bc it is so damn good (just watched the xmas party episode, genuinely i think that's one of the best episodes of tv i've ever seen)
currently consuming: nothing rn but i just finished a really good coffee
currently craving: feeling pretty content rn but i could go for a nice hot tea later. or maybe just one non-busy week
thanks again for tagging me! i'm tagging @blackberryjambaby @u-f-o-friend @you2018 and anyone else who wants to play! (but no pressure obv)
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kevinames · 6 years
Photographer of the Week: June 4 ~ 8, 2018
Photographer of the Week: June 4 ~ 8, 2018
Weekdays, Monday through Friday, Photofocus curators share a great photograph in the categories of Travel, Beauty, Outdoor, Sports, and Street, respectively. Each selected picture earns its maker the title “Photofocus Photographer of the Day.” Their work has impressed us and we hope, it touches, inspires & invigorates you as well. Our curators explain what they love about the image they have…
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gregorio-loves-tiff · 2 years
Uncle Billy: part 4
October 12, 2021
Uncle Billy:all right kids grab your stuff, we are meeting your parents for dinner and we need to get going.
Glen: almost ready.
Glenda: glen always takes forever. hurry it up will you.
Glen: I’m ready I’m ready.
Uncle Billy:perfect timing, I think Kurt just pulled up.
(As the three exit the door, billy notices a small tape on the porch with a small note. The note reads-
“Let’s play a game”
Billy grabs the tape before the twins see it.)
Uncle Billy:you guys get in the car, I just need to run in a get something that I forgot.
Glenda: ok but be quick, I don’t want to be late to dinner.
Glen: yeah uncle billy, I haven’t seen mom and day in a while. I’m super excited!
Uncle Billy: will do kiddos.
(Billy steps in side and shuts the door. He runs to a drawer and quickly grabs a tape player. Without hesitation, Billy puts the tape in the player.)
Jigsaw(on tape): hello John Kramer… or should I say “uncle Billy.” You have spent the past 15 years hiding… hiding behind children and dolls. You thought that you could escape your game, but you were wrong. I will have my game… and you will play. You will tell no one about this tape, if you do, I will kill the kids that you have been tasked with protecting. You lost your own child… can you protect someone else’s. Remember, you are only a small piece of a bigger puzzle. Will you risk the life of two kids or will you do your job… the choice is yours.
Uncle Billy: god damnit Amanda!
(In side the Uber car.)
Glenda: hi Kurt, how has the driveling game been?
Kurt kunkle: Been way better since I opened this Uber service for killers. Who knew that slashers needed an Uber so muc- STOP!
Glen: what!
Kurt Kunkle: only drink water from the right side!
Glenda:(wide eyed)why, what wrong with the left side?
Kurt Kunkle: The left side is… um… funky.
Glen: what the hell does that mean!?!
Kurt Kunkle: don’t worry about, just DO. NOT. DRINK. IT.
(Glenda grabs a water bottle for the left side and puts it in their purse. Glen rolls their eyes at Glenda. They both notice Uncle Billy on his way to the car.)
Glen: here comes uncle Billy:
Kurt Kunkle: perfect.
(Uncle Billy jumps up to open the car door. Glen picks up billy and sits him in the middle of them and Glenda.)
Kurt Kunkle: ready mister uncle Billy?
Uncle Billy: (annoyed) hit it Kunkle.
Note form author(happy Halloween!)
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kindergrrl · 2 years
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Newly Surfaced Photo!
Kurt & Dave at Axis Nightclub in Boston, MA.
WFNX’s 8th Birthday Bash.
September 23rd, 1991.
Photo by Julie Kramer (kramerstudios on Instagram)
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silverjkramer · 4 years
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[INSTAGRAM: @silverjkramer uploaded a new photo]
❤️ 2,604
silverjkramer: when we’re supposed to be getting last minute things for Pear’s birthday, but my mom decides she has to try on a bunch of sunglasses like the rockstar she is. i’m 26 still wondering when i’ll reach her level of cool... ich möchte, dass es passiert 😎🖤
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rainingmusic · 5 years
Information Society - What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)
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