#kuroo x you fluff
mxomo · 2 years
caring again (3/3) ♡ ︎kuroo tetsurō
Kuroo comforts you after catching you having a teary moment. c/w: haikyuu, female reader, fluff, comfort. a/n: technically part 3 of care(1)(2), but can be read alone. i hope you like! ♡︎
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“.. __?”
You whipped your head round at the call of your name, wiping your eyes furiously as you plastered a cheerful smile on your face. Dammit. You were sure all the boys had gone home, and you’d felt overwhelmed all day, so you’d taken the chance to have a little cry in the store room before you locked up the gym to set off home.
It wasn’t a big deal, you thought, because everybody needed a cry every once in a while and you’d been pretty quiet so you were just getting it out of your system, that’s all. Moving was a big deal and it was only normal to feel slightly wobbly all the time.
Leaving Hyōgo had been hard, but you were quite successful in occupying your time so your sadness was limited to 5 minute slots between other commitments during the day or at bedtime. You thought it was best to keep yourself busy, because it was much better feeling slightly stressed all the time than thinking about Atsumu.
He was an idiot and your heart hurt but you also missed him. He was one of your best friends and you’d walked away from him without so much as a goodbye. You didn’t have time to consider whether it was the right choice - you had new places to see, people to befriend, assignments to catch up on.
A new volleyball team, full of rowdy teenage boys that needed wrangling because they liked to tease you and felt especially comfortable doing so, considering your relation to their setter and therefore acquaintanceship with their captain Tetsurō before you took up the mantle of managing their team. Yamamoto had been beside himself with glee when Tetsu introduced you, eyes sparkling as he cheerfully announced they could finally compete with Karasuno and their angel manager, whatever that meant. You’d developed a comfortable acquaintanceship with Kai and Yaku, both of whom were very kind and appreciative when you would look after them. Yamamoto and Inouka had taken to proposing on a regular basis, much to your chagrin. Lev made fun of you for being small, like it was abnormal to be small next to his gargantuan frame. You spent the most time with Fukunaga - who very much enjoyed how much you cackled at his jokes - and Kozume, your cousin, whom you’d grown far closer to than you ever anticipated after discovering a mutual competitiveness and interest in gaming. Your classes actually felt a little easier, you’d befriended a couple of girls who happened to manage other sports teams for Nekoma, and where you lived was nicer than before, if a little smaller. Life really was great. You had every reason to be happy.
“Can I hug you?” Tetsu said after a moment, his ever analytical gaze quickly clocking onto the red tinge on your eyes and cheeks and the damp patches on your sleeve cuffs.
His question confused you. Your first thought was that nobody had actually physically touched you since Atsumu. The thought of being touched sent an odd unnerving shiver down your spine, a hint of anxiety forming at the thought of your bubble being invaded by an outsider. Secondly, was it usual for somebody to ask for permission before a hug? You were quite picky with whom you shared hugs with, and didn’t always enjoy them, but you had been hugged and jostled around at other people’s leisure for a long time. And finally, did you want a hug? You realised within a moment that actually yes, a hug would be quite nice and probably a great remedy for your current heartbreak; this lead to thinking whether you wanted to hug Tetsurô specifically, and you began considering whether he would give good hugs (more than likely yes), or if you just wanted a comfort hug from literally anyone at this point. Everybody knew that when you’re sad, if someone gives you a hug or asks if you’re okay, that’s the global signal for your emotions to break. Did you want to crumble into a teary mess?
“Nothing weird. I can hear your brain spinning from here,” he clarified, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. “You just look sad, and I thought a hug might help.”
“Yeah, I do feel sad,” you said after a few moments. For some reason, Tetsu’s words set off the waterworks again, and tears streamed silently down your face as you avoided looking the taller boy fully in the eye. Your final concern of holding yourself together in the face of a hug was for nought; it seemed the barest of kindness was enough to coax you into meltdown. It made your next statement much easier to say, because you had nothing to lose anyway. “.. Maybe a hug would help.”
One large stride by him and you found yourself buried in his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. Your arms instinctively returned the hug, clinging tightly around his waist as your first sob escaped, and all of your pent up emotions crashed through the mediocre dam you’d built to keep it at bay as Tetsu listened quietly, stroking your hair the whole time.
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“If I was a meaner person, I’d tell you to wash this shirt for me,” Tetsu smirked, ruffling your hair as he handed you an Potari Sweat and ice lolly. He took the coins you were offering in your hand, nodding his head in thanks before placing them back into the front pocket of your bag. “My treat.”
“Give it to me then,” you said back, truly feeling bad about leaving mascara and wet patches all over his white t-shirt. You tugged at his shirt to insist on your point. “Thank you for this.”
He rolled his eyes, tapping your forehead gently in admonishment as he sat himself down next to you on the bench outside the store that you’d waited at, just to have a moment to yourself. Both of you dug into your snacks quietly.
It was getting dark. The two of you had eventually locked up the gym and wandered to the closest convenience store to grab a snack; an hour of sobbing was enough to exhaust anyone and Tetsu was insistent that you rehydrate after crying enough to flood the Pacific.
It was surprising. You felt embarrassed, having broken down like that in front of him with absolutely no warning, roping the poor boy into your emotions that, for God’s sake, was mostly about your ex. Yet, for some reason, you didn’t feel bad. You didn’t feel uncomfortable or even dislike it when he teased you, even when you felt so awful, and you didn’t feel the need to fill the silence when you were by his side, even though you could and you knew he would listen. It didn’t matter that your makeup was half gone, that your face was swollen and red and that Tetsu had learned how efficiently your body produced snot through your use of all of his tissues. Even though you didn’t feel good, you did feel lighter. Was that because of Tetsu? He’d listened to you in silence as you recounted between sobs the main bulletpoints of who Atsumu was, why you left the way you did, why it made you so sad. Tetsu had nodded at the right parts. Most importantly, he rubbed soothing circles with his big hands on your back the whole time you’d been in a state - any other time and that would’ve sent you into a state of a different kind. He then topped it all off by feeding you and promising to make sure you got home safely. Kuroo Tetsuro did all the right things, and your heart stuttered as your body relaxed and you closed your eyes. A deep, quiet breath later, you rested your head on his shoulder.
You heard a, “I’m going to put my arm around you,” before you were shifted  slightly so his arm was around you, both leaning back on the bench.
“This Atsumu sounds like an idiot,” Tetsu started after a while. Both of you had taken to looking at the sun slowly creeping down below the buildings, simply enjoying the other’s company. “Once the team has confirmation you’re single, there may very well be a bloodbath. I’m being serious!” He gently pushed you off his shoulder when you rolled your eyes and snorted at him, turning to look you straight in the face as he continued. “What’s so funny? You’re smart, funny, you love volleyball, you smell good, you always look after everyone and you’re stunning on top of it all. Why would there not be a bloodbath?”
“.. I smell good?” Your ears were tingling and you were sure you were blushing harder than you ever had in your life. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been complimented so directly, let alone with so many nice things, and Tetsu said it in a way that sounded so completely obvious that you found yourself unable to doubt his sincerity.
“Huh?” he snorted. “That’s what you picked up on?”
“Sorry. I don’t know what to say or do.” You, in a contradictory moment of shyness and boldness, hid your face in his shoulder as your cheeks continued to burn. You tried to ignore the stutter in your heartbeat as he squished you tighter against him.
“Okay. Well, I’m going to shoot my shot before everyone else does, so let’s go watch a movie this weekend.”
Oh. What? You were sure that your ears were decieving you, because who in their right mind would ask you out whilst you were in this state? You wanted to question his sanity, opening your mouth to do so, but what came out was very different. “What makes you think I want to watch a movie with you?” Internally, you facepalmed. That wasn’t even remotely close to what you meant, but your instinct to tease him took over whilst craftily buying time to gather your thoughts.
“Well, I don’t want to be too cocky, but I’ve seen the way you look at me when I wear shorts. I don’t think you could resist this booty.” He couldn’t hold back his laugh as you yelped in shock, arm flying out to slap him upside the head. He grabbed your hand in return, planting a kiss on your knuckle in an effort to soothe (but giving you a heart attack instead). You were reminded that stupid boys were stupid as you wished desperately to crawl under a rock, because you knew he wasn’t wrong and that you found his backside positively delicious to admire - not that you would ever, ever admit it.
“Enjoying the merchandise is not the same as having an uncontrollable thirst,” you sniped defensively, crossing your arms as you pouted. “But I’ll watch a movie with you. My place is free this weekend.”
“Perfect.” His smile was beaming as he untangled your arms, taking your hands in his and placing another kiss on your knuckles. “I look forward to the opportunity of wooing milady.”
You wanted to stay grumpy with him. You wanted to pout, because who was he to move your arms about as he pleased? How rude of him, making you so flustered, because he absolutely was doing it on purpose. Your body was betraying you as your heart continued to flutter gently at his attentions. You found yourslef returning a smile as you enjoyed the joy radiating from him at your agreement to spend time with him. Was it worth addressing the seed of doubt you had about everything now, when he was being so kind and understanidng about everything? Would he continue being so comforting and soothing, even if you were voicing your insecurities? You were hesitant to speak as the nasty side of your brain tried to convince you that Tetsu would stop being so lovely if you burdened him with more negativity, considering that you’d presented a front of confidence and calm in front of him until today.
But, when you moved to Tokyo, you resolved to doing new things and starting afresh. Everything he was making you feel felt new, and exciting, and you decided that you would just ask him what was on your mind now, and if he had the wrong reaction then you could simply cut bait.  Your experience was telling you that he wouldn’t want to hear it, but your gut was telling you he would. The rational side of your brain knew there was no reason to not trust him so far, but the instinct to keep things close to the chest ran deep. More importantly, you were scared that, with how you were feeling, that he would eventually resent you whilst you struggle to move forward. You didn’t want to be unfair to him, because as good as he was making you feel now, you hadn’t ever considered a relationship with Tetsu until today, and the thought brought up a lot of feelings.  “Are you sure you want to woo someone you’ve just watched crying about their ex?”
“I’m a patient man,” he responded cheerfully, taking your hand in his as he grinned at you. “Seeing you happy is worth the effort.”
You didn’t have anything to say, choosing to squeeze his hand instead as you turned a flaming shade of tomato red. You stared at the floor, brain churning as you considered the new feeling of warmth blossoming in your chest. With Atsumu, he really had given you butterflies like in the romance novels, and when you’d lost that, you couldn’t help wondering whether that was the start of the end for you both. With Tetsu, you didn’t have butterflies - instead, it felt like you were floating, a soothing calm that filled you to your fingertips as comfort filled you to the core. It felt different.
It felt good, and you felt better.
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masterlist - part one • part two • part three
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taintedtort · 6 months
hi hi hi, LOVED YOUR HCS N FLUFFS, can we get a haikyuu hc (any characters !! hehe wouldn't mind anyone) where the reader hugs their plushies instead of like cuddling w them, and n they suddenly got jealous n pouty 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you so so so much, happy writing 🫶🏻🎀
" HUG ME! "
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summary. you hug your plushie instead of them
characters. kenma, bokuto, kuroo, akaashi
warnings. gn!reader, none!
a/n. hi, tysm!!! hope these characters are fine! (unintentionally did the duos on nekoma and fukurodani oops)
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☆ he got you the stuffed animal, so it’s partly his fault. however, that doesn’t stop him from glaring daggers at it whenever you weren’t looking. it’s a cat plushie, one that you’d been wanting for a while, so of course he ordered it for you. he surprised you with it this morning, and you haven’t let go of the damn thing.
kenma is currently sat on your bed playing his switch, and usually you’d be cuddling up to him… but no. you have that stupid cat tucked under your chin and pressed to your chest as you lay facing away from him, scrolling on your phone.
you've been practically ignoring your boyfriend all day! too focused on that plushie that he so kindly bought you. he thought you’d give him lots of thanks and praise, but no. ignored.
he knows he’s being pouty, and that you’re just excited to finally have it, but cmon! your arms should be wrapped around him, not a cheap stuffed animal.
he finally cracks and nudges you, which he’s been contemplating doing for a while.
"hm?" you hum, not even turning to face him, too occupied with the video you’re watching on your phone.
he grumbles something under his breath before he’s pulling on your arm, forcing you to turn over and face him.
"cuddle with me," he murmurs, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist. it’s not often he initiates cuddling or hugs, so you’re immediately focused on him, a big smile on your face. your attention shift causes you to forget your plushie, leaving it laying on the bed behind you. without a second thought, he sneakily snatches it up and tosses it to the floor without you noticing.
☆ you two went on a little arcade date, and he’d won you a cute stuffie. it was a small teddy bear, and you fell in love with it when you saw it. bokuto, of course, spent at least $30 trying to get it for you. he’s not the best at claw machines, but he eventually was able to grab it for you.
you practically jumped up and down, snatching up the toy from his hands when he held it out to you. he was rewarded with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and of course a couple words of praise that made his chest swell with pride.
however, as you continued the date, he noticed that instead of holding his arm, you were holding the plushie. you like to be wrapped around his bicep, which he loves, so when he saw the bear clutched to your chest like his arm should be, he started pouting.
"what’s wrong?" you ask, noticing his frown and the way he keeps glancing between you and the teddy. his brows are furrowed, like he’s upset.
"i’ll hold it for you," he suddenly offers, extending a hand and waiting for you to hand it to him. he wasn’t being nice, not really, he just wanted your attention on him.
he watches as you shake your head and protectively hug the bear even tighter, which makes him even more moody.
"you're depriving me! fuck that bear," he practically whines, glaring at it dramatically. you knew he was going to make a scene and be moody for the rest of the date if you didn’t switch your attention.
with a sigh, you hand him the plushie, and he snatches it instantly. he half hazardously dangles it by his side, putting his free arm out to you to hold, which you do.
"you’re so dramatic," you tease, though he doesn’t mind. his mood was instantly lifted when he felt your hands on his bicep.
"i don’t care, this is where you should be."
☆ similar to bokuto, you two went to a fair, and he won it for you. it was a huge husky puppy, as big as half your body. you were beyond excited, usually those games are rigged and super hard to win, especially the bigger prizes, but kuroo was determined. he was super proud of himself for making you smile so big, and you praised him while hugging the huge stuffed animal, which made his chest puff out a bit.
as you two continued to walk around the fair, you kept the stuffed animal hugged to your chest, both arms around it. you honestly couldn’t hold it any other way, so he wasn’t really upset about that. he was upset that you kept nuzzling your face into its fuzzy neck. you usually do that when you hug or cuddle with kuroo, so he got a bit pouty about it.
"you like it?" he asks, though he already knew you did. his tone was a bit salty, but you didn’t really catch it, too engrossed with the husky.
"i do! he's really soft," you smile widely, turning to lock eyes with him. he’s happy you’re happy, but he sort of wishes he waited till the end of your date to win you the prize.
"i can tell…" he murmurs, resisting the urge to glare at the poor puppy. he knows it’s not your fault, he's just feeling jealous, which is stupid.
he finally just wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side as you walk. this is the best he can get for now, he’d hate to spoil your fun. he can have you all to himself when you get to his house.
"you ready to go?" he asks, secretly trying to leave quicker so he can have you in his arms, like you should be. once you’re cuddled up with him, you’ll forget all about the stuffed husky, which is exactly what he wants.
"i think it’s about time you showed me the same attention you’ve been showing that plushie."
☆ he isn’t usually a very jealous person, but cmon. how can he not get a little petty when you’ve been cuddled up with that stupid squishmellow all day? he got it for you the other day when he was out, knowing you like those things. it was a medium sized one, and it was supposed to be a turtle. he thinks they look kind of funny, but he will admit they’re soft and squishy. but even so, you should be cuddling with him, not a stuffed animal. he’s here for a reason!
you're on the couch watching a movie, that fucking squishmellow sitting in your lap, with akaashi next to you. he usually isn’t one to get angry, especially over trivial things like this, but when it comes to you, he feels all sorts of things he usually wouldn’t.
he knows you like it, which is why you’ve been carrying it around, and he can’t blame you for that. he really has no reason to be upset, which is why he doesn’t necessarily voice it, just waiting patiently for the moment you come crawling back into his arms.
he does give you a little motivation though, which isn’t technically cheating! but how can anyone resist when the akaashi keji drapes his arm over their shoulder and kisses their temple?!
it worked like a charm, and you're immediately turning your head to claim a kiss on the lips, which he gives to you. it’s not a normal peck though, it’s long and deep, and it leaves you a bit dazed when he pulls away. this is all part of his plan, get you so distracted that you don’t notice when the plushie falls to the ground, out of sight and out of mind.
he brings his other hand up to your jaw, keeping your eyes on his. he never fails to make you blush, even after being together for quite some time.
"i'm feeling tired, do you want to cuddle?" he smiles, putting on an innocent façade. just as expected, you eagerly nod and follow his lead when he lays down on the couch. the turtle falls to the floor, and you don’t even bat an eye. he wins.
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heartkaji · 1 month
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thinking about husband ! kuroo who wants nothing more than to look like superman in the eyes of his pretty little wife <3
it’s not like kuroo loves helping out around the house, but the awestruck look you give him when he fixes the loose floorboard in the upstairs attic is its own reward. it’s not like kuroo loves helping out around the house, but the way you gasp and clutch his bicep when you wake up to find your microwave is suddenly fixed is quite literally its own reward. kuroo thinks you’re so damn cute; truth be told, all he needed was to hammer some floorboard nails and switch out a few wires on the microwave but who said his pretty little wife needed to know that ?
you get especially amazed when kuroo faces anything that has to do with electricity. when the power went out while you were cooking in the kitchen, you yelped like you had just seen a ghost. kuroo was by your side only a minute later, phone flashlight in hand. he kisses your head with soft lips & tells you to stay right there because ‘dont worry baby, your husband’s got it covered.’
minutes later he’s in the basement with a toolbox & you’re waiting for him at the top of the stairs, too scared to go down to the dim lit basement. more sooner than later the power comes back on, and excitedly you’re running down to join your husband who stands beside the power box, a smug grin plastered across his face.
“tetsuu, you’re amazing ! how did you do that ?!”
tetsurou kisses your forehead. “didn’t i tell you not to worry, sweetheart ? it’s a bit complicated so don’t stress about it, alright ?”
truth be told, the circuit breaker had simply tripped off so all he had to do was flip a couple switches—but once again, his pretty little wife didn’t have to know that.
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this is you and kuroo btw
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© ─ heartkaji ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
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lysatoru · 3 months
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haikyu characters hitting you with the ball accidentally!
oikawa, suna, atsumu, akaashi, bokuto, kageyama, osamu, kuroo <3
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the haikyu requests are open! idea from @nycteis17 <3 (we’re gonna see the haikyu movie tonight, feel like we’re 16 again🥹)
if you want a part2, tell me with who!
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euphoricimagination · 10 months
𝓗𝓪𝓲𝓴𝔂𝓾𝓾 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴-𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵
Feat. Nekoma & Inarizaki -> Part 2 [Aoba Johsai & Fukurodani]
Premise: You had to do something else for a week and a half, leaving the boys alone for that period. Although they told the coaches that they could survive without you, the coaches ask a girl to help them out instead. They weren’t particularly excited, which got worse the more they spent time with her
You arrived later than you expected, just on time for the club, So you didn’t get to see your dear team until much later
When you enter the gym, you see a…strange view
No one in the team was happy
Yaku and Kai didn’t have any expressions on them, Lev was pouting aggressively, Fukunaga had a frown, Yamamoto was mumbling words and Kenma was nowhere to be seen.
The girl that was supposed to replace you for the week was walking besides a very annoyed Kuroo, who was pushing the cart with the balls
Weird, considering that doing that was the basics for being a manager
They were so out of it that none notice the sound of your shoes, weird considering how attentive they are
“Ah Kuroo senpai, thank God you helped me! I’m so small and weak that I wasn’t able to push it over” you heard her say, making you cringe at the sentence
“Yeah, whatever” said a disinteresting Kuroo
And that’s when you confirm that something was really wrong, Kuroo was never this dismissive
“What’s happening? Everything ok?” you asked making Kuroo turn around with a relief smile on
“Oh hi, Kuroo senpai was just helping me since you know, I’m so small and weak” says fluttering her eyes at him
“It’s just pushing the cart. It has wheels on it…” You gave a disbelief look to Kuroo, who just rolls his eyes “it’s not that hard”
“Maybe for someone as big as you it wouldn’t be so difficult!”
That was it for Kuroo, who quickly move to your side giving you a hug
“Well, guess you can leave now that our manager is back. Bye”
"Kuroo-senpai!! Stooop! I can stay here too!” says stomping her feet
The whole commotion cause everyone to look at you, and you swear you heard a collective sigh full of relief
Quickly enough you felt a bunch of arms around you, a bunch of head pats and a ton of screams of your name
Which quickly was interrupted by a loud scream by the girl “KYANMA!!”
You look at the stairs where Kenma was standing shaking slightly with big eyes. The girl tried to get close to him, yelling “They are being mean, Kyanma!” but he just runs away towards you
Yes. Run. He hated her, she was so loud and desperate, Kenma literally couldn’t stand her.
“You’re back” says Kenma hiding behind you, showing more happiness that you ever have seen from him
So happy that he went to hug you tightly, he really missed you
“Anyways, now that our team is finally complete you can leave. Please go out” says Kuroo
“Agh! Fine! I’m way too good for you anyways!”
She sends you a look full of venom, but you didn’t really notice it
After all, you had a clingy Kenma hugging you tightly and the rest of the team waiting for one
After your small break reached an end you finally were ready to go back to your boys
They were having a small hangout in the Miya household
They tried to be sneaky about it, not wanting to invite the girl that was replacing you
But sadly for them, she somehow knew and crash into them before you could arrive
She’s the first person you see when you enter their house with the spare key they gave you
“Who are you?” she asks with her eyebrow raising
“Ehh…I’m Yn, their manager. You helped them while i was out?” You ask back, confused at her sudden presence
“Yes…I actually think I should be the new manager! After all I play like 17 sports and definitely know more than you about sports. What do you think this is? Cheer? Not like it’s a sport, but whatever” she says with a overconfident smirk
In the meantime the guys that were already in the house starting to appear into the hall, confused at how loud her voice was being
“Anyways! Why don’t you leave? A girl like you probably doesn’t even know a thing about sports! We’re gonna play videogames while you probably just want to paint your nails or whatever!”
“Who says you’re staying?” Atsumu says, frowning
“Ha Ha, you’re so funny Atsumu! Of course I’m staying” she says nervous
“No, you’re not” Osamu adds
“I’m sure we can all hang out tog-” you try to say
“You shut it! I bet you don’t know anything about the sport!” She says to you despite you trying to help her
“Really? You barely even know what we play, you just join because you wanted to see hot guys” a voice behind you says, Suna entering the house as he passes his arm through your shoulders
The girl immediately went pale, stammering the next sentence “well…well, I mean, of course I know!”
“Sure, that's why you asked 'if we knew' the rules of basketball yesterday. Just leave, nobody wants you here anyway”
She scoffs annoyed, looking at the rest of the team as if asking for help, which she doesn’t receive. She scoffs one more time, walking towards the door and leaving as she shoots a glare towards you
“You guys are so mean” you say, receiving a chuckle
“She deserved it, if anything she just hinder our practice” Osamu adds
“Besides, nobody talks about our beautiful manager like that” Atsumu hugs you along side Suna
The rest of the team also comes to hug you, and while they were a bit rude, you knew that they only had good intentions
You love this foxes too much
Note: a little something about my boys, also, I cringed way too much while writing this
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tsukimirecs · 1 month
nekoma // fic recommendations
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note: remember to read the tags! + i do not own any of these works + the synopsis for each fic belongs to the author who wrote the fic
kuroo tetsuro
taste test - kaientai
synopsis: when you taste the same thing as your soulmate, things get interesting
red all over - meldve
synopsis: you are trapped in an elevator with your work rival, kuroo. what else could go wrong?
your name - tsukisemi
synopsis: kuroo finds you really cute, too bad you keep giving him a fake name every time you come into the coffee shop he works at
public transit - orphan_account
synopsis: your heart pounded, knowing you were being touched, and he was watching you.
but when he loves me - sweetcandyliar
synopsis: there are so many ways that kuroo tells you he loves you.
somewhere only we know - wanderwithme (wanderlustt)
synopsis: four times kuroo proposes to you - and the last time he does
meeting the boys - orphan_account
synopsis: in which no one really believes kuroo could get a girlfriend as incredible as you
落葉 | rakuyou - deltachye
synopsis: maple leaves are most beautiful in which they have died, falling slowly, waiting patiently to be reborn
riverbank - itsleese
synopsis: you're reminded of the little boy you loved way back then, the riverbank you played at together. maybe you should go see it?
caring cats - haikyuu_philia
synopsis: nekoma is family
disrupted meetings - sansos
synopsis: dr. tetsurou kuroo’s research group has transitioned to hosting meetings online. what could go wrong?
cat ears - just__j
synopsis: kuroo approaches you, captain of the girls club, with a proposition of a bet for the losing captain
kozume kenma
change the channel - alkale
synopsis: "i want to buy your game from you"
kodzuken does not have a girlfriend - bunnytime
synopsis: it has been a running joke that kodzuken lies about having a girlfriend for years now. needless to say, his fanbase is convinced he doesn’t really have a girlfriend
second place - yourqueenhasarrived
synopsis: kenma forgets your anniversary and once again pushes you aside for his gaming career. how much can you take?
an inconvenient crush - the_only_iris
synopsis: kenma has had the biggest crush on twitch streamer, (y/n). what happens when their paths cross?
learning process - nomazee
synopsis: you and kenma always had an interesting dynamic. kuroo found it nice for everyone involved
thank you for being a friend! - heichoe
synopsis: ”if it helps: when you gave kuroo head in high school, he said it was great"
yaku morisuke
who dares speak aloud these words (intended for the heart to speak) - sunmoonstarsrain
synopsis: yaku bursts into her life like a hurricane, even whilst akaashi lingers on like the memory of a summer breeze
artists eyes - teapots_and_teacups
synopsis: yaku was used to being ignored on the court
if only i were selfish - this noodle writes
synopsis: yaku was anything but a selfish man, but being selfless had cost him you once before. so, when he gets the chance to see you again, will he finally be selfish enough to try?
note: as you can tell, i'm trying a different recommendations style- what do you think? do you think i should switch back to the first one or is this one better? would love to know your thoughts
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romaevelizz · 5 months
Never let them know your next move˖ ࣪⊹
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Summary: them kissing up on you then they do the unspeakable
Characters; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka
Warnings: chaos, cursing, play fighting, kissing, little hot n sweaty. Not proofread! Touchy grabby boys what can I say.. fem!reader
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
☆ “your being mean baby..” he whined, ko had been loving up on you for the past fifteen minutes. You’ve only been ignoring him because you were working on school work. “I’ll give you attention in a minute ko.” You hummed.
His dramatic sighs causing you to laugh. It wasn’t like you never payed attention to him it just happens to be kniw when wants it the most. Acting like a puppy who’s deprived. He watched his head resting on your shoulder his eyes wondering your fingers that typed on the keyboard.
How could you ignore him he thought, “you hate me..” he muttered his lips kissing your shoulder. “With everything in my body.” You smiled, feeling his lips travel up your shoulder. His large hands squeezing your hips. “Jus’ want you to love on me.. wanna feel you on me..” he whispered, his tone seductive.
You bit your lip a tingle forming in the pit of your stomach “Ko-“
“AHH!” You yelled, feeling the wettest of his tongue like the side of your face. It wasn’t even small teasing he licked the whole side of your face, quickly pushing himself back knowing your were about to fight.
“You’re fucking kidding me” you laughed discarding your lap top going after him, a fat smile on his face as he grabed your arms pining you down. “Koutaro! Let go of me..” you groaned his big arms holding you against him.
“Nope! I’ve got you now!”
☆ His eyes watched you as you wondered around your room, your body pacing impatiently. Kuroo had come over as you were cleaning your room, bad timing yes but he wanted to see you. He wanted a danm nap but you just had to be set on cleaning your room. “UGH!! we can clean it later baby! For the love of god come over to me.” He fake cried sprawling out on you bed.
He watched as you rolled your eyes in the mirror of your vanity, you focused going back on organizing the drawers. He huffed pushing off your bed you watched as he walked up behind you.
“Let me finish I don’t even have that much to do..” you whined feeling his cold hands go under your shirt. “Tetsu my parents are home.” He nodded taking in what you said.
His hands cupping your Boobs over your bra fondling them you felt him smile on the nape of your neck, him enjoying himself. Yet when he looked in the mirror you practically ignored him, though the heat radiating of your face spoke other wise. “Just come lay down with me.” He squeezed a bit tighter.
A pleasant little groan leaving your lips caused him to chuckle mischievously. His lips starting kissing your face a small smile appeared on your face as he did so. But the moment was to nice..
“YOU DID NOT!” You yelled the feeling of your boyfriend letting go of you quickly.
Turning around he was laughing, laughing his ass off. He had licked you!
“AHH BABY PLEASE I WAS JUST JOSHING!”he yelled as you ran at him.
A fit of giggles coming from him as you whipped your wet face against his, “no!” He cried out.
“That what you get motherfucker,” you spoke quickly licking him back after.
“What going on?” The sound of your fathers voice spoke, him witnessing you beating your boyfriend your body on top of him.
“Never mind.. I don’t even wanna know..” he groaned.
☆ Let’s be honest you’d kind be used to it with him. But in this case you were not!
You two where out with his family at dinenr his family sitting around you, two talking amongst themselves. Tanaka was not afraid to kiss up on you in front of his family as nervous as it made you he loved doing it. His lips kissing your hand as you told him to stop “Ryu your grandmother is staring at us.” You whined.
His grandma was in fact staring a smile on her face as she watched her grandson love on you, “you’re so beautiful, I can’t keep to myself.” He said his head falling on your shoulder his lips still kissing on your fingers.
He was normaly very lovey dovey on you but there was just this feeling, you knew something was about to happen you could feel it. And it did happen.
Ryu licking the back of you hand. The back of you hand quickly meeting his mouth popping him. “Ryu! Fu- nasty!”
A heavy laugh left him as you beat on him, his family watching in amusement as you beat on him, “Licking me really! And I knew it was gonna happen!” You spoke is a hushed yell.
“Ahh! Please mercy, baby mercy!!” He yelled dramatically falling into his sisters side for protection just for her to gang up on him as-well.
“Please guys I couldn’t help myself.”he spoke putting a fake frown on his face.
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stunie · 2 months
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HAIKYUU + ACCIDENTALLY HURTING YOU. ft. hinata shoyo, kuroo tetsurou, & tsukishima kei x f!reader
filled request : “Since you said you write for haikyuu, can you imagine how sweet those tall (Hinata is tall in spirit) and strong green flag boys would be all very sorry and remourseful for harming their baby in accident? I think even Tsukishima (my fave asshole) would try to make it up even if it wasnt that serious.”
note : added kuroo ^ ^ <33 thank u for sending this in nonnie !!!
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You don’t know when the brilliant idea of jump-scaring Tsukishima Kei first popped into your mind. Maybe it was because he’s been egging you on lately, resting a heavy arm on your head, then on your shoulders— snickering when you start huffing and puffing about how “You’re not a damn armrest.”
Cute- to him, probably. But today would be your turn to mess with him, show him a little taste of his own medicine, or something like that. You just think it’d be funny to hear him scream for once.
You’re as quiet as can be when you tiptoe behind him from where he’s pouring himself a bowl of cereal, your fluffiest socks already on to ensure maximum silence with the extra cushioning. All it would take was one singular hug around his middle— and then you’d squeeze, force the scream right out of his body.
You’re so close to him that you can hear his breathing now, each soft breath making your heart race a little faster, and you’re suddenly reminded of just how big your boyfriend is. You have to glance upwards to check how he’s doing, and you confirm the fact that he’s indeed.. still focused on perfecting his cereal to milk ratio.
Too much to notice you right behind him, at least.
It all happened too quickly for either of you to have reacted differently. You’re pouncing forward, arms reaching to circle around his waist, and you just barely register the sound of a loud gasp before there’s an impact directly to your nose, your body recoiling back as your vision flashes white.
“F-fuck!” You wince, staggering a couple steps back before you crouch down, hands flying to your nose to clutch it tightly as soon as the throbbing pain sets in.
“What the hell?” He sputters, eyes flickering from his elbow to your face a couple times before he’s rushing to crouch beside you. His hands are awkwardly hovering over your body as he tries to get a better look at you. “What were you doing there? Let me see.”
“Kei,” you sniffle, letting him pry your hands away from your face with a pained hiccup, “Was just gonna scare you….ouch…”
“You’re an idiot,” he snaps, but his eyes are full of worry when he leans in to examine your face. His finger comes to gently trace over your nose, other hand tilting your head up. “..At least it’s not bleeding.”
“Mhm,” you give him a nod, “..So did i get you?”
His eyes narrow at you, but he shifts, leaning forward and nodding for you to climb onto his back. “Idiot,” he’s grumbling to himself, “Do you even have to ask?”
The way you pout at the nickname has his eyes softening ever so slightly before he’s tearing his gaze away from you. “Get on already. There’s enough cereal for both of us.”
“Hm? But you only got one spoon,” you wrap your arms around him, letting him lift you up onto his back.
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“Look at this one,” Kuroo laughs, tightening the arm around your frame to pull you closer against his side. “He looks like Garfield, doesn’t he? What a neat cat.”
“Mhm,” you hum, nuzzling your nose into his chest as you scroll through your own socials. It was a routine the two of you had, to scroll absentmindedly while tangled in each other’s limbs until someone falls asleep first— except Kuroo’s been laughing uncontrollably for the last ten minutes.
You shoot him a nervous glare each time his phone threatens to slip from his grasp, the scare he gives you always accompanied with an “Oops! That was close.”
“Tetsu…” you warn when he suddenly jolts again, frantically adjusting his grip with a shaky chuckle. Your head was right below his phone, after all. “Don’t worry, don’t worry,” he smiles, free hand rubbing your head. “I’d never let it fall on you.”
“You’d better not..” your voice trails off into a sleepy mumble, and you switch your phone off, letting it plop onto the mattress as you wrap your arms tightly around his middle. “I’m starting to feel a lil tired..”
“Hmm? I’ll be joining you soon, sleepy girl,” he soothes, hand moving to rub your upper back as you melt into his touch. “Ah! That Garfield-looking cat is back,” he gasps, followed by a hushed whisper when you stir, “Oops. Inside voice, inside voice… hm? What’s this?”
You start to fidget, awkwardly adjusting your position against his side when he suddenly falls eerily silent. maybe too silent. You count the seconds of silence— ten seconds, then fifteen. You perk up a bit, one eye opening to check on your boyfriend, but he’s suddenly jerking back and yelping the moment after, phone slipping from his hands and landing right on your head with a loud thud. “Ah-!”
“Oh— sorry, sorry!” His large hand is covering your head instantly, the other tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. “Didn’t mean to drop that on you. Just scared the living daylights out of me. That garfield, damned jumpscare… you okay?”
You glare at him, but it doesn’t come off threatening with the tears filling your eyes. “Tetsu…” you growl, and he flinches. “I know, I know! I’m so sorry,” he says, pulling you closer to pepper kisses over the top of your head. “I told you…” you pout, “I’m gonna get a bump on my head now.”
His lips tug into a sheepish smile at the thought of a lump forming on your head. “That’s my bad…”
“You’re laughing!”
“I’m not!” He protests, his hands rising up in defensive as you angrily puff your cheeks out. “Nope. No way. This is no time for laughing.”
He pulls you into a hug, chuckling as you weakly push at his chest with a whine. “There, there. You can be mad at me all you want. I deserve it.”
“Although, I think you’d be cute with a bump on your head too.”
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If you ask him, Hinata would still swear on everything that his intention back then was nothing more than to squish you in a suffocating bear hug. He definitely did not mean to knock you onto the floor your very first day back from vacation or anything like that.
You just looked so pretty waiting for him at the airport, soft smile tugging at your lips as you checked on his location through your phone one last time before tucking it away into your pocket. The way you shifted between your toes and the balls of your feet was just so cute, too cute that he couldn’t help but start running towards you, arms stretching out to give you the biggest hug of your life.
His eyes were slammed shut the moment he leapt towards you, so he didn’t catch the way your mouth fell open in a gasp or the way your eyes widened as your weight suddenly shifted backwards. “S-Shoyo?!”
The sound of your voice has his eyes shooting open, a surprised “E-eh?” coming out when he realizes the two of you are falling— and fast. He’s barely able to snake a hand underneath your head before the two of you crash onto the floor with a loud thud.
“Ouch— oops,” he grumbles, eyes slowly blinking open as he shifts onto his elbow. There’s a sigh of relief from him when he sees that your fall was at least partially cushioned by his hand, and you seem unhurt with the way you’re blinking up at the passerby before shying away from their gaze when you realize they’d stopped to stare at the two of you sprawled out on the floor.
“Sorry— are you okay?” Hinata’s looming over you now, carefully setting your head on his lap. “You didn’t hit your head, did you?”
“N-no…” you mumble, eyes narrowing into a glare as he freezes in place. “Shoyo,” your voice falls to a whisper, “They’re all looking at us now. really closely too…”
“What?” Hinata laughs, “Shy again?”
You tear your gaze to the side, cheek puffing out a bit. “A little…”
“Want me to carry you?”
your eyes widen. “H-huh?”
“Mhm,” he’s smiling brightly, arms snaking around your body to lift you up in bridal style as you yelp, scrambling to hold onto your bag, “I gotcha. Let’s go home now!”
“..Shoyo!” Your cheeks burn when you notice the onlookers now giving you a soft smile— and the elderly couple behind them are exchanging looks before they’re whispering something to each other- you recognize it as an ‘aww’ by the way their lips move.
“This is more embarrassing!”
“Hm, is it?” He looks confused by your shyness, but his hands are tightening around you anyways, giving you a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry! I’ll get us back fast.”
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lumiinix · 1 year
Whenever he went to the store, ladies will stop on their tracks and look at him with heart on their eyes, they would gossip to eachother about how there’s this handsome man who always came into this store, some even build enough courage to went up to him and strike up a conversation, only to be severely disappointed when they saw the wedding band on his ring finger. It gets awkward for them when they see him again, this time with you by his side, your husband’s hand around your waist and what’s more? A 5 year old child sitting on his shoulder. Yeah, they’re too late, he’s off the market now.
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tetsumie · 3 months
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read part 1 here!
pairing: kuroo x reader & bokuto x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: the boys call you clingy but they don’t mean it
a/n: hello ahhh it's been awhile since i've posted but i'm trying to get back into the habit of writing again! someone in my inbox had requested me to add bokuto to this list so i tried my best but i hope you all enjoyed this and feel free to stop by my inbox to leave a comment, tell me your thoughts, or just lmk how it's going hehe :,)
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kuroo tetsuro
"i'm home," a mumble echoed out into the empty living room.
at the sound of the door opening, you make your way out of your shared bedroom to greet your overworked boyfriend, kuroo.
"hi baby," you replied with a tired smile on your features.
the door closes and kuroo slides off his slacks, loosens his tie, runs his fingers through his hair, and sighs in exhaustion.
"have you eaten dinner yet?" you start to ramble. " i can warm up dinner and we could maybe share a meal together?"
"we haven't spent much time together in a while so you know.. i was just thinking... we could do something small together?"
you continue to ramble about how you spent all evening trying a new recipe you saw on tiktok that really fascinated you.
but kuroo is not having it.
all he wants to do is just go to bed and forget the past couple shitty days he's had at work. today, especially, was stressful considering how nothing had gone his way and the higher ups just wouldn’t stop giving him a hard time.
he kept his frustration, tiredness, anger all bottled up for the past couple days and they were all about to boil out.
on top of that, your constant rambling isn't helping. you keep talking and talking and talking and his mind is beginning to get cloudy and his anger is about to boil over.
his voice rises and he finally speaks, "god y/n.. can you just shut the fuck up and stop being all up in my space? you're so fucking clingy just leave me alone."
you mouth shuts up mid sentence and you're looking down at your feet, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye after hearing his true feelings.
"sorry, i just wanted to spend some time and talk and relax with you..." your voice goes quiet. "you've been out really late for the past couple days so i was just hoping-"
however, kuroo's outburst isn't over yet. if anything, your little comment voicing your concerns seems to have make him a bit more upset.
"yeah, i've been out late because of how suffocating it is here at home with you. god, it's like you just can't take a fucking hint! just leave me the fuck alone!" he says and your eyes go a bit glassy.
"r-right," you say as you're turning around so he doesn't see the tears forming in your eyes. "sorry, i'll respect your wishes and give you your space."
seeing your hunched figure walking away brought him back to his senses.
what the fuck did i just say to them? oh my god.
"y/n wait i'm sorry-" he begins but is cut off.
"kuroo, i think you've said enough tonight."
the sound of his last name coming out of your mouth leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and he knows he's fucked up immensely. the door to the bedroom closes, indicating that you're clocking out for the night and you can't deal with this conversation any bit longer.
kuroo sits himself on the couch with his head in his hands, shaking his head.
what the hell did i just say to them? it's not even their fault... i just... how the hell do i make it up to them?
kuroo walks to the door and places three subtle knocks on the door, begging for permission to enter. he's greeted with no acknowledgement or response.
he turns the knob and to his surprise it opens. there, he sees you fast alseep in your comforter in a fetal-like position. he goes into the closet, changes into his pajamas, and immediately climbs into bed.
he brings you close to his side of the bed, specifically putting your head on his chest. he begins to stroke your hair and places gentle kisses on your head, mumbling soft "i'm sorry's" and "i love you's."
he's praying to whatever deity out there that this would blow over by tomorrow morning or something.
but kuroo wakes up the next morning to his worst nightmare: you're not in bed with him. he feels his blood run cold and he's running the worst case scenarios in his head.
he rushes out of the bedroom to see that you're nowhere in the apartment. he sees a bright colored post-it note stuck on to the fridge with a note scribbled in your handwriting.
"i'm staying at a friend's house for the next couple of days. i just need time to think for a bit. there's some leftovers from last night in the fridge so make sure you eat those.
love u always, y/n"
kuroo's hands shake as he's holding your post-it note.
of course, they'd leave. i treated them like shit and hurt them so badly of course they want to leave. but even after everything, they still love me… i don’t deserve them.
kuroo begins to spiral and the next couple of days aren't any easy for him.
every attempt at texting or calling you has lead to no response. he goes to sleep without you next to him, holding back tears every time. every morning without fail, he pats the vacancy next to him in hopes that you'll be there but to his demise, every time, you're not. work feels even more lethargic than usual. before, he used to look forward to coming home to you but now you're not even at home so what's the point in even trying. counting down the hours until he gets to leave his cubicle has become futile.
i just really want them back. please come back home.
but when he comes home from a pain achingly long day of work, he doesn't find you and his mood plummets even more.
that is until one day, kuroo is able to leave work early where he comes home and hears the familiar noise of the coffee maker brewing. his eyes shoot up from his slacks to look over at the kitchen where he sees you in all your beauty, fidgeting with the knobs on the coffee machine. your eyes both lock and you immediately look away.
kuroo thought you were gone for good. and the fact that you were only a couple feet away from him made his heart swell and his eyes water. there's so much to say but his not a single word is escaping his mouth.
"you want some coffee? i just started a new batch," you finally say to fill up the silence of the room.
he gulps, "sure yeah."
you grab a coffee cup and pour him a fresh cup of coffee and slide it to him across the kitchen counter, avoiding getting too close to him.
too nervous to even touch his drink, he begins to address the elephant in the room, "y/n, i'm so sorry for what i said that night. i had no right to speak to you in the manner."
"it's okay," you say in a curt manner. "i get it."
he shakes his head and tries to get closer to you to convey his feelings but is stopped when he sees you take a step back. his heart cracks.
"no it's not okay sweetheart. i've been so busy with work and i just got super overwhelmed with everything and-"
"kuroo, you know you don't have to make any excuses right?" you interrupt his train of thought.
he's confused now. "excuses? y/n what are you even talking about- "
"just end it with me already... i know you want to," you say, looking down at the fresh cup of coffee in your hands. "you made that very clear."
his world freezes.
the world becomes completely silent.
his mouth is slightly open, caught off guard. he doesn't know what to say.
however, you interpret his silence as him putting down the excuses finally and admitting that he doesn't want to put effort into this relationship with you anymore.
hell, he doesn’t even want this relationship with you anymore.
"right, if you won't i will so it's easier for the both of us. i think we should-"
"don't you dare finish that fucking sentence," he moves close to you all of a sudden and his familiar lingering cheap cologne smell takes up your senses. the gears begin to click in his head before you can respond to him.
kuroo's arms envelop you in his embrace. "i want you. only you. i'm sorry i made you think otherwise."
the tears you've been holding back for the past couple minutes standing in front of him overflow and you feel like the world is about to end.
you push kuroo off you slightly. "i know you've been busy with work and i just wanted to spend some time with you. i never meant to come off as clingy but clearly you thought so so-"
"i'm just a complete douche,” he interrupts. “you were trying to help me out and make me feel better and i was so caught up with work, i couldn't appreciate that."
"i never want to ever make you feel that way again. you never deserved to hear any of that from me and everything i said couldn't be far from the truth. your presence has never been a bother and if anything, coming home to you is the best part of my day.”
“i shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me and i'm so sorry that it did and that i hurt you in the process. i hate that i’m the reason behind your tears and i’ll do everything to make it up to you to show you how much i love you."
the tears from your eyes continue to flow and he delicately wipes every single one from your eyes kissing your cheek every time without fail.
"are you sure you don’t find me suffocating? you said that you hated being home with me though so i just thought-" you start to say.
"i will spend my entire life reassuring you that it isn’t true. i promise you are never suffocating me and your presence never fails to make me feel better on a shitty day. i will do anything to regain your trust and faith in me,” he adamantly speaks with his hands in yours.
hearing his determined resolve, the tears flow even more.
"i love you so much, tetsu."
"i love you too baby," he smiles and delicately kisses your lips. "now let's go out. how do you feel about going out for dinner? i’ve got a lot of making up to you to do."
"i'll never say no to that."
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bokuto koutaro
the msby jackals lost 2-0 sets and the entire team was taking the loss hard but no one as hard as bokuto.
"bokuto-san, what do you think went wrong today's game?" an interviewer asks with his notepad out, scribbling notes.
"er, uh, well, today was just a rough day and i had a tough time keeping up with the opponent's plays today... it just was not a good day."
"i have one more question," the interviewer asks.
"go ahead," he gruffs out.
"you are known for your infamous line shots especially during deciding moments of the game. you missed multiple of these shots during today's game. were you distracted during this game? is it because of your new relationship status or were-"
bokuto is now riled up. who the hell does this interviewer think he is to corner me and bring in my personal life???
"i'm leaving, fuck this shit," he spits out, trying his best to maintain his composure.
in frustration, bokuto storms out of the press conference room, slamming the double doors, heading towards the locker room to grab his stuff but is stopped by you, running after him.
"kou! wait up!" you say from a distance and he stops in his tracks to look at you. he's still internally raging from the provocative behavior of that interviewer and he feels like he just might lose it.
"what do you want," he says in an aggressive manner that catches you off guard.
you’re aware of the recent loss of the msby jackals. you know that's probably taking a toll on his confidence as a player so you're trying to be as supportive as you can.
"you wanna come back to my place? i was thinking we could watch that one disney movie you like and we could bake something together too? what do you think?"
"why do you always want to fucking hang out?" he says in the lowest tone of voice you've ever heard from him.
it sends shivers down your spine.
"huh?" you're just confused at this point.
"why are you so fucking clingy all the time? it's always 'kou come over!' or 'kou let's watch a movie!' or 'kou let's take a nap together!' like don't you fucking get that i have a genuine career that i'm working really hard to be successful in?"
so that's what he thinks of me.
"i know you want to be a pro volleyball player and i want to support you the entire way. i was just trying to be there for you and help you relax..." you trail. "i get today was really rough for you.."
"that's the thing you don't get it, y/n!" he says exasperatedly. "if you did want to be supportive for me and my career, then you would stop being so all up on me and give my space!"
he walks into the locker room, slamming the door, shaking you up.
in defeat, you begin to leave the stadium with tears brimming your eyes. as you get in your car, you put your head on the steering wheel and suddenly, the tears start to stream out.
"i'll give him his space. i'll just stop everything. i'm nothing of importance to him or his life so it's best if i just stop." you convince yourself.
bokuto, on the other hand, is in the locker room, holding back tears of frustration as he punched one of the lockers.
fuck, what am i even doing right now...
"bokuto-san! let's head out for the night," shoyo's voice can be heard before he can be seen in the locker room. "we're gonna go get drinks and dinner at that new barbecue place that opened up."
he looks up from the bench and smiles at shoyo along with the rest of his teammates that are nodding along in support.
"yeah, sure. fine with me," kou responds with a small smile on his face.
as bokuto and the rest of the jackals are out and about, he keeps looking at his phone in hopes of getting a message or something from you but you're completely radio silent after the spat between the two of you.
he knows you both had a disagreement but he thought you knew that he was just frustrated and upset with the game. he didn't think it was a reason to just go silent on him.
he sends a text to test the waters.
kou <3: babe, we're good right?
he puts his phone down and engages back in the dinner with the rest of the jackals.
an hour has passed yet still no response. it's starting to make him fidgety so he decides to spam you.
kou <3: hello?
kou <3: baby wya???
kou <3: where is the loml at :((
y/n is typing...
y/n: sry i was getting ready for bed.
you sounded distant. you clearly were upset but was it still about the argument? c'mon you knew he didn't mean what he said... right?
kou <3: ITS OKAY BABY! can i come over? i wanna spend the night with u :,)
kou <3: i miss you
y/n: maybe not tonight... i think it's best if we're by ourselves for a bit
bokuto's hair significantly drooped down, seeing as how he got rejected to hang out with you for the night.
as bokuto heads over to his apartment for the night, he stares at the bedroom ceiling with his thoughts. he misses laying next to his baby. that's when he starts to replay everything that went down between the two of you.
he genuinely can't figure out what went wrong.
he prays that this whole thing will just blow over by tomorrow because he misses you incredibly and just wants to spend time with you.
unfortunately to his demise, you kept shutting down all of kou's efforts to come over. you refused to pick up his calls, resorting to half assed texts.
this whole argument was festering and bokuto had to fix it immediately.
you, however, want nothing more than to spend time with your boyfriend but his words kept running through your mind on loop. anytime you would be sitting alone with yourself, his words kept playing themselves on loop in your brain, making you overthink the post couple months you’ve spent together.
has he always thought of me as clingy? have i always been a bother to him? have i always been super annoying in his eyes?
that was until you heard a knock on the door.
you open the door and see kou standing there in a hoodie and a pair of khakis with a large bouquet of assorted flowers in his hands. his eyes lock with yours while yours widen in surprise.
"k-kou! what are you doing here?" you say in surprise.
"what, i can't see my partnet now?" he retorts lightheartedly. "let me in."
too stunned to even reject him, your hand inherently finds its way to the knob, widening the door so bokuto can fit through into your apartment.
he tries to hand you the flowers but you stand there, hands refusing to move from their sides. "c'mon babe, i got them for you! do you not like them? man, i knew i should've gotten the roses instead."
"no no! thank you so much kou.. i'm just surprised that you even got this for me..." you trail off looking away from him.
he sets the flowers on the kitchen counter and tilts his head in confusion. "what do you mean, y/n?"
"listen, i know you don't really like spending time with me and that you feel obligated to but honestly, we really don't have to hang out or anything like that," you begin to say. "i know i can be a lot sometimes and i'm really working on trying to give you space."
that's when it all clicks in his head for him.
"baby, is this about what i said that day in the gym?" he questions.
you turn away, refusing to even look him in the eye because you know the moment your eyes lock with his, the tears will start streaming down your face.
"baby, no, please," he goes over to you to give you the warmest yet tightest hug possible. "i’m also a very clingy person so i should've known how much my words must have hurt you. i've been so stupid to not see how badly my words must have impacted you, my love. i'm so so sorry for saying and acting the way i did. it's unexcusable."
"no kou it's fine i just-" you say but are interrupted midsentence.
"no, y/n it's not," he says, tears brimming his eyes ever since coming to terms with how hurt you must've been feeling this entire time. "i'll do anything to get your forgiveness and for us to just... be close again. i'll do anything, i mean it."
tears are streaming down both your faces and you can't help but form a wobbly smile on your lips. "pinky promise?"
"pinky promise," kou says as he locks pinkies with you and kisses the top of your head. "now let's cuddle because i've missed being near the love of my life."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved 
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
—headcanons ft. kuroo tetsurou
Kuroo is an utter simp when it comes to you - not that he'd ever admit it aloud. But his Nekoma teammates constantly tease him for the borderline worshipful way he dotes and gushes about you to anyone who will listen.
He always saves you the best seat whenever you come to watch his volleyball games. Kuroo plays with even more flashy bravado, determined to impress you with his skills and game-winning plays. Whenever he pulls off something particularly impressive, he shoots you a sly wink and cocky grin.
After victories, Kuroo sweeps you into a bone-crushing bear hug, lifting you clean off your feet and peppering your face with sloppy victory kisses. He'll murmur what a good luck charm you are amid the jubilant celebratory chaos.
While the rest of the team heads to parties or out to eat after games, Kuroo insists on treating just you to a private celebration dinner - just the two of you, candlelight dancing in those mischievous hazel eyes as he gazes at you in unrestrained adoration.
Despite his cocky, borderline childish public antics, Kuroo shows an extraordinarily soft and attentive side when you're alone together. He loves cradling you in his lap, playing idly with strands of your hair while stealing countless gentle kisses and serenading you with whispered affirmations.
Kuroo never hesitates to flaunt his claim over you in front of his teammates or rivals. He'll sling a possessive arm around your shoulders, nuzzling into you while recounting some intimate moment with a salacious wink that has you blushing furiously. His favorite pastime is prompting that pretty blush.
At the same time, even his confidence can waver when it comes to you. Behind that impish smirk, there lurks a vulnerability - a nagging fear you'll one day realize you're too good for his teasing, overconfident ways. On those rare occasions, Kuroo clings to you tightly, peppering your palms with soft, reverent kisses.
More than anything, what Kuroo values most is the sacred space you've carved out together amid his chaotic life. Where he can let his walls down and simply exist as a lovesick fool, basking in your warmth, patience, and steadfast acceptance of him - flaws, quirks, and all.
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
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“couple tiktok trends” | hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: haikyuu boys x reader doing tiktok trends
warnings: disgustingly cute
characters: iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto
a/n: had this idea for a while and these were the first three i just wanted to write <3 (uppercase intended…revising other works soon)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Iwaizumi + leaving lipstick all over his face
(reference video link)
He could never say no to you. That’s why when you sent him a video of a trend going around social media, all he could do was sigh and ask, “Could I at least pick the color?”
He chose a deep wine shade, his favorite lipstick that he loved to see on you. The rich hue always brought out the warmth in your complexion, making you look even more alluring.
It took you only one take as you applied the lipstick meticulously, your eyes meeting his in the mirror. He watched, entranced, as you carefully painted your lips, the smooth motions captivating him. Then, with deliberate intent, you smeared it slightly onto your chin.
Without a word, he moved closer, the roughness of his hand a stark contrast to the softness of your skin. His fingers wrapped firmly around your chin, thumb sweeping across the smeared lipstick to erase the mistake. The touch was gentle but assertive, his eyes never leaving yours. The intimacy of the moment caused your lips to part slightly, a slight smile tugging up, as his thumb lingered just a moment longer than necessary.
Right after, the camera panned to the seemingly nonchalant Iwaizumi, but the glint in his eyes betrayed him. His focus was entirely on you. The lipstick marks scattered across his face and neck were evidence of your small pecks. He looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. He had only agreed to this because it meant he got to feel your lips on him repeatedly.
He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Oikawa once it was posted.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
Kuroo + ribbon on bicep
(reference video link)
Kuroo saw it on TikTok and wanted to recreate the video. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Let's do it," you agreed, deciding to be the one recording.
You both went to the store to buy baby pink ribbon specifically for this. To be honest, you knew he only wanted to show off how much his muscles had grown, but you found his excitement endearing.
Now, in the comfort of the bathroom, you carefully tied a pretty bow on each side of his chiseled arms. The contrast between the delicate ribbon and his defined muscles made the sight even more striking.
“You’re so cute with that look on your face,” he smirked, tilting his head to the side. He was enjoying this a little too much.
“Shut up,” you retorted playfully, your finger lightly nudging his forehead.
Standing in front of your black-haired boyfriend, you held your phone in one hand. The bathroom mirror reflected the two of you, capturing the intimate moment. As Lana Del Rey's dreamy voice filled the room, the video started recording.
Kuroo chuckled softly, the sound reverberating in the small space. With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised both arms and flexed. The ribbons snapped off easily, falling to the floor as his muscles bulged.
“Wow, you’re so strong, Kuroo,” you teased, emphasizing the word "strong" with a sarcastic tone.
“Shut up,” he shot back, mirroring your earlier words with a grin.
Before you could react, his arms reached out, gently but firmly lowering your phone. The camera caught a glimpse of his lips pressing a tender kiss to yours just before the video cut out.
In that fleeting moment, the warmth of his kiss lingered on your skin, the sweetness of his gesture making your heart flutter.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
Bokuto + ‘alphabet kiss count’ prank
(reference video link)
You loved to prank your boyfriend here and there because his reactions were so cute.
One day, you decided to ask him if he wanted to film a video with you; the idea was to step out of frame if you hadn't kissed someone whose name started with the letter being called out.
“I’m literally gonna be out of frame 'til your initial pops up, babe,” he laughed, eyes crinkling with amusement.
He agreed anyway, and the two of you stood in the kitchen with your phone propped up on your paper towel roll holder. You started the timer on your phone, and Bokuto immediately leaped out of frame, his frosted tips barely peeking in view, ready to pop back in when your letter was called.
You, however, stayed in the frame with no intention of leaving. As the letters were called, Bokuto side-eyed you, suspicion brewing in his mind.
‘Bokuto starts with a B, and my last name doesn’t start with an A,’ he squinted at you harder, the gears turning in his head.
“A, B, C, D, E—”
“Y/N!” Bokuto jumped back into the frame, his face flabbergasted, eyes wide with disbelief.
“There’s an A, C, D, E, that I don’t know about?!” he interrupted, not even letting you finish the sequence. You burst out laughing at his incredulous expression.
He always got so pouty and whiny whenever you pranked him.
“Baby, I’m just kidding! Baby? Bokuto!” you called out as he walked away with his arms crossed, feigning offense.
The video was long forgotten as you chased after him, showering him with kisses and back hugs, trying to win back his affection. He pretended to be dramatically upset, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing soft kisses to his neck and whispering sweet apologies. "I'm sorry, love. You know I can't resist teasing you."
He turned around, unable to keep up the act any longer, and pulled you into a tight hug. “You’re lucky you’re so—” he suddenly grabbed your arms and laid you on the bed before tickling you, “cute!”
You squealed with laughter, trying to squirm away from his relentless tickling. “Stop, stop!” you gasped between giggles, tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard.
“Not until you admit you love pranking me because you love my reactions,” he teased, his fingers dancing along your sides.
“Okay, okay! I love your reactions!” you confessed, breathless and laughing.
And in the end, he always won, leaving you both wrapped in laughter and love.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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gam3ov3r · 4 months
★. *. ⋆ 𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐒𝟓?
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﹥ˏ kenma's too addicted to something that isn’t you. 📄 ; just pure fluff, some jealousy (both sides)
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kenma's gaming skills were good, there’s no doubt about that. it made you glad that he had a hobby other than volleyball that he loved, and (although less important) it gave you some style points with your friends. but sometimes, you wished that he’d indulge in you rather than that gaming console after a long day.
“kenmaa.” you, rather bored, called. he didn’t even look up. you rolled your eyes. “hey, answer me at least. you’re not deaf.”
he shrugged you off with an “i’m busy,” and continued playing, the sounds of his enemies in game getting obliterated by his character.
you dramatically sighed, getting up off his bed. “and to think i came over just to spend some time with you. i’m never doubting kuroo again when he says that you care more about that console than me,” you put on a pout.
“you know that’s not true.” he replied, albeit contradicting as he kept his focus on the screen. it’s like he didn’t even care.
“whatever, i’m just… gonna go over to kuroo’s.” you mumbled mostly to yourself. he perked up, snapping his head to look at you.
“you’re not actually—?” he stopped when he saw you on your phone, most likely texting. “hey, (y/n)!—”
after finishing up your message, you began to walk out. before your foot stepped out the bedroom door, you felt kenma’s arms wrap around you.
“please don’t leave.”
those were all the words he said. and yet it struck some chord deep inside you like he really, truly meant it.
“but you don’t wanna hang out,” you countered.
“i do,” he said back, “and i don’t want you going over to kuroo’s.”
“why not? he’s my friend.”
instead of answering, he tugged you over to the bed and brought you to a lying position as he tucked himself into you. “just stay,” he whispered, “please.”
you hugged him back, a bit confused at his newfound… needy? clingy? state. it was cute, you’d have to admit. he gripped you harder.
“i never knew you were jealous of me and kuroo.” you somewhat teased.
he buried his head into your neck to avoid answering.
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maruflix · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: One of the perks of dating a volleyball captain: you get free access to their jackets.
FEATURING: Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kita Shinsuke, Oikawa Tooru, & Ushijima Wakatoshi x f!reader
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You felt a cold wind blow through your body and immediately shivered in response. It was early November and you had forgotten to bring your school jacket with you. You looked around, seeing Fukurodani students walking home with their friends, laughing and chatting.
The distance between Fukurodani and your house was pretty far. If you decided to suck it up and keep walking home in this temperature, you were certain you would go down with a cold tomorrow. You couldn’t have that, not when exams were coming up.
You turned on your heel and decided to head to the gym.
As you approached the gym, you heard the loud voices of the boys’ volleyball club. Taking a deep breath, you peeked from behind the doors, trying to find your boyfriend. From the distance you saw your spiky haired boyfriend spiking a volleyball so hard that the sound echoed off the room. The ball made contact with someone’s hand but instantly went flying wildly in a random direction… your direction.
You yelped when the ball hit the door, almost hitting you in the face. Everyone turned to look towards the door as you sheepishly waved.
“Oi, Horned Owl Head! You nearly smashed your girlfriend in the face!”
Bokuto Koutarou zoomed to your direction, yelling your name happily. “(Name)-chaaan! You’re here!” He crushed you in a bear hug before you could say anything. “I thought you went home already? Weren’t you going to study or something?”
“Oh, thank heavens. With you around he’ll play well.” Akaashi Keiji appeared next to the two of you, giving you a thumbs up.
“No, actually…” You stuttered out, unable to breathe in your boyfriend’s tight embrace, “Koutarou-kun… can’t breathe…”
“Oops, sorry.” Bokuto grinned unapologetically, finally releasing you, “You’re not gonna watch me practice?” He then pouted, “You’ve been so busy lately! With exams and stuff!”
“That’s why she’s at the top of the class and you’re at rock bottom, Bokuto-san.”
“MEANIE! Anyway, why are you here, (Name)-chan?” Bokuto shamelessly interlaced your fingers with his’, surprised when he felt how cold they were. “Whoa, you sick or something?” He rubbed circles on your hand with his thumbs, gripping your hands tighter.
“About that… umm… it’s really cold outside, and…” You fumbled with your words, feeling yourself grow warmer. You and Bokuto had been dating for months now, but you still felt shy around him. He was just so handsome, confident, and not shy to show his affections, not at all.
Bokuto blinked owlishly. “I’ll give you my jacket! Wait here!” He ran to the other side of the room, grabbed a jacket that was thrown on a chair (presumably his’) and ran back to you, draping it over your body.
You immediately felt warmth. As he tightened the white and black Fukurodani volleyball team jacket around your shoulders, you could smell the faint smell of his cologne, turning you two shades redder. You’ve always liked how he smells like pine trees.
Oblivious, Bokuto put a hand to your forehead. “Your face is red! You should go home soon before you get sick! I’ll visit your house later with snacks, okay?”
This made you even more flustered, managing to squeak out a “T-thank you, Koutarou-kun..”. Your boyfriend ruffled your hair in response, something he often did. “T-then I’ll be off!” At that you ran away, your body now hot and sweating.
“Damn, you’re a lady killer, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi commented when Bokuto finally rejoined his team on the court.
Bokuto smiled. “Really? I can’t help but to tease her since she’s so cute.”
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Walking home with Kuroo Tetsurou and Kenma Kozume was always relaxing. The three of you had fallen into the habit of walking home together everyday after school. It lasted even after you and Kuroo started going out because your blond friend didn’t give a damn even if he was a third wheel.
Today was no different. Breathing in the crisp autumn air, you linked arms with Kuroo while Kenma walked closely behind the two of you, invested in his video game. “Kenma, we’re approaching stairs.” You called back, earning yourself a grunt from the setter.
“Hey, don’t you ever get cold? You only wear jackets during winter.” Kuroo tilted his head while the three of you walked down the stairs.
Kuroo and Kenma had worn their red Nekoma team jackets while you were comfortable just donning your school uniform. You shook your head at the question. “Nah, my defense is good.” (Kenma snorted at that.) “Besides, I can snuggle up to you, Tetsu-kun!” You smirked, leaning closer to the black-haired boy, who replied with a smirk of his own.
“Damn right.”
After a few more minutes of walking, Kuroo suddenly stopped. “Hey, isn’t that a cat?” He pointed up a tree near the three of you. Looking up the tree, you spotted an orange cat on one of the tree’s branches, looking down at the ground. It seemed to be stuck.
“Oh no, poor cat. I think it wants to come down!” You tried to lure the cat, but it stood rooted to its spot.
“Nope, I’m not going to climb any more trees. I learned my lesson when Lev tried to save a cat and ended up almost killing me.” Kenma huffed, the sounds from his video game not even pausing.
“I’ll save the poor guy.” Kuroo decided, taking off his jacket. “(Name), hold on to this. Wouldn’t want to get it dirty.” He handed you the crimson jacket and turned to the tree, grinning. “Okay, time for you to come down, kitty cat.”
To your amazement, Kuroo climbed the tree with the litheness of a tiger, arriving at the branch faster than you could count to ten. He smoothly picked up the cat, climbed down, and set it free on the ground. “There we go, the day is saved.” He announced to no one in particular, stopping when he caught sight of you.
You stood, enveloped in the captain’s red jacket, zipped up all the way to the top. It was way too big on you, stopping almost under your skirt. You waved at him, the sleeves hiding your hand. “Since you gracefully handed it to me, I’m stealing your jacket~”
“It’s too big, (Name). I think I’m closer to your size.” Kenma paused his game to glance at you before looking at Kuroo, who had his mouth hung open. Kuroo Tetsurou was a snarky, intelligent guy, with a comeback for everything, but right now he is dumbstruck.
“Woah.” Was all he could get out. His body reacted faster than his mouth as his hands went to your cheeks and squeezed them. “Woah. You look cute in that. You should wear my jacket more often, okay?”
Kenma’s video game noises continued.
“Oh, r-really?”
Kuroo offered out an arm for you to take. “Damn, I’ll lend it to you again tomorrow. You better wear it, pretty girl.” He said and gently pulled your arm, linking it with his’, as the three of you continued walking home, your face now a little redder.
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“Sorry for making you do this, (Name).”
You paused from picking up a ball to look at your boyfriend’s guilty face. Reassuring him for the umpteenth time that day, you smiled. “It’s okay Shinsuke-kun, I had nothing to do anyways.” At this, Kita Shinsuke gave you a rare smile he would only show you. 
The Interhigh was steadily approaching. That means your boyfriend and his team would practice a lot more on the days leading up to the competition. Unfortunately, the manager of the Inarizaki boys’ volleyball team had been sick for almost a week. Thus, you offered to be a substitute, acting as a ballboy to help the team. 
At first you were a bit scared of the second years, especially the infamous Miya Twins who could be a little… scary on court. You were relieved to find out that the Inarizaki team was actually a group of friendly guys. The twins in particular were almost like a comedy duo. The rest of the second years also got close to you surprisingly quickly.
“(Name)-senpai! Here’s the ball!” As if on cue, Miya Atsumu jogged to your direction, handing you one of the balls.
“Huh? Atsumu-kun, I should be the one to give the ball to you.” Chuckling, you took the ball from his hand and placed it on his hand again. “You’re practicing your serves, right?” You had begun calling the Miyas by their first names to differentiate between the two of them.
“Oh, right!” Atsumu grinned before walking away with his twin elbowing him in the stomach.
Kita stood frigidly, his hands crossed in front of his arms.
“Shinsuke-kun? Aren’t you going to continue practicing?”
Your words broke his train of thoughts. “Mm, right. Well, don’t tire yourself out.” He squeezed your hand before walking away. Sighing dreamily, you watched as Kita’s teammates instantly flocked around him like baby birds. As a boyfriend, Kita was very dependable and calm. You felt lucky to be able to date someone as cool as the Inarizaki team captain.
The practice finished with no problems. As usual, the Miya Twins hung out around you and Suna Rintarou helped you pick up the balls. They were cute underclassmen, you couldn’t help but to dote on them.
“(Name)-senpai, I think that’s the rest of them.” Suna nodded, dropping the last ball into the basket.
“Thank you, Suna-kun.” You handed him a water bottle, “Now sit down here.”
“Ahh, it’s so relaxing with (Name)-senpai around.” Atsumu commented, to which Osamu agreed. The four of you sat together, relaxing. “(Name)-senpai, wanna walk home together?”
“She’s walking home with her boyfriend, idiot.” Osamu bonked his twin brother in the head, making you laugh.
“I know, idiot. I mean walk home together, all of us!” Atsumu protested, shoving Osamu to the side until the boy nearly toppled.
“Is (Name)-senpai okay with that?” Suna asked.
You hummed. “Sure! Let me go get Shinsuke.”
Kita raised an eyebrow at your proposition, but agreed nonetheless. Excited, you dragged your boyfriend by his arm while the Inarizaki captain let himself be led by you.
“Yay! Okay, let’s go!” Atsumu was the first to step out into the cold evening air. “Whoa, okay, that’s cold.”
“I think it’s going to rain.” Suna pointed towards the cloudy sky.
Atsumu glanced at you and saw that you were only wearing your uniform. “(Name)-senpai, do you want to borrow my jacket?” He was already unzipping his jacket when Kita stopped him. His face was as calm as always, but there was an unmistakable glint in his eye.
Kita took off his jacket and quietly helped you to wear them, making sure that your arms were covered. You blushed, your faces inches away from each other. Realizing your flustered state, your boyfriend stared at you and smirked. He then turned towards a stunned Atsumu. “You act like a puppy near my girlfriend, Atsumu. I don’t like it.”
Suna and Osamu stared at each other in shock before the younger Miya twin broke into hysterical laughter. “Oooh, you’ve done it now, Tsumu!” He shoved his brother, who could only gape in response.
“I-I didn’t- it’s not like that! I was just!!”
Kita smoothly laced his fingers in yours, smiling, while next to him, you almost melted to the ground. Even when he gets jealous, your boyfriend is still so cool.
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Watching your boyfriend practice was now a habit for you. You blended into the crowd of girls who were also watching, unbothered as they swooned over him.
Oikawa Tooru was undeniably handsome after all.
After practice ended, most of the crowd dispersed. You still sat and played with your phone as you usually did, waiting for your boyfriend to come and get you. To your surprise, a group of girls still sat next to you, giggling.
Finally, after a few minutes you saw Oikawa walk towards you, a smile etched on his face. Behind him was Iwaizumi Hajime, his teammate. Before you could say anything, the girls next to you stood up and swarmed the Aoba Johsai captain.
Amused, you watched as your boyfriend’s expression slowly twisted awkwardly. Ever since the two of you began dating, he had tried very hard to avoid his fangirls. He didn’t want to upset you in any way, and he had been very careful with it. You could tell that he was trying to get away, but the girls were just oblivious.
You faintly heard him say “Aah, sorry. I’m trying to go to my girlfriend, you know~?” as he finally managed to slip away from the disappointed girls. He beelined straight to you. “(Name)-chan!”
“Oh, so you finally noticed me?” You weren’t actually angry, but it was still fun to tease him and watch your handsome boyfriend’s face twist into a fearful expression.
“(Name)-chaan! You’re the only one I focus on! Isn’t that right, Iwa-chan?” He gripped your hands, kneeling down in front of you.
Oikawa Tooru was undeniably handsome. But he was undeniably yours.
“Eehh? Don’t rope me into your fight.” Iwaizumi deadpanned, “But it’s true. Even during practice, he kept glancing in your direction.”
“Reeeally?” You weren’t going to stop teasing him just yet. “But you took too long. Don’t you see that I’m cold?” You jerked your hands away from his, crossing them in front of your arms. Even when you were being difficult, Oikawa was always patient with you.
“Oh no, really?” Unbothered by Iwaizumi who was already walking away, Oikawa gently caressed your arms, trying to heat them. “What should I do? Should I hug you, (Name)-chan?”
You snapped your head to look at your smirking boyfriend and immediately looked away, cursing inwardly. “Hmph, you’re always like this, Tooru-kun.” 
“(Name)-chan won’t look at me, I’m so sad~”
You refused to look at him because of the heat that was creeping up your cheeks. You didn’t want him to know that he never failed to make you feel like your heart was doing somersaults. He, on the other hand, was always calm and composed around you no matter what you did. It was just unfair.
A few seconds passed until you felt something warm around your shoulders. You slowly turned towards your boyfriend who was now putting his jacket around you. “W-what are you doing?”
“Hmm? You said you were cold~” Oikawa straightened the jacket’s position around your shoulders and nodded, “Yup! As I expected, you look great! Now let’s go eat~ I bet Iwa-chan’s waiting for us.” He held out a hand, smiling.
You took his hand, trying to ignore how his jacket smells exactly like him. When the two of you walked, Oikawa draped an arm over your shoulders, leaning down to look at you. “See? I only want to look at you, (Name)-chan. Don’t pout again, okay?”
“What, you think I’m ugly when I pout?” Flustered, you could only challenge him again.
Oikawa grinned at your stubbornness. “Not at all! It just makes me want to kiss you~”
Sputtering, you could only watch helplessly as your boyfriend’s smirk grew wider. Defeated, you tightened his jacket around your body and snuggled closer to him. Yeah, there was no way you were going to win in a teasing game against Oikawa Tooru.
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“So, you know that this gym is haunted, right?”
That was how it started. Soon after that, the team flocked to hear Goshiki and Shirabu’s (“REAL!”) story about how the Shiratorizawa gym is actually haunted, especially after 4PM.
It was 6PM.
“You’re lying~ someone probably saw a moth and freaked out, thinking it was a ghost.” Tendou waved his hand dismissively.
You weren’t fond of horror stories. Especially ‘real’ ones. Even though you knew it was probably made up, something about the setting being a place you frequent unsettled you. But you could only laugh along with Ohira and Semi, listening as Goshiki and Shirabu babbled on and on about the various ghosts that their friends (“totally!!”) spotted.
“What are you all talking about?”
Your boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi, suddenly popped up from behind you, almost making you scream bloody murder. Sighing in relief, you leaned back into his broad chest, his warmth providing you some comfort.
“Apparently this gym is haunted, Toshi-kun.
“Ghosts are not real.” Ushijima stated nonchalantly.
“Well…. I guess Ushijima-san isn’t scared of ghosts…”
“How can I be scared of something that is not real?” Your boyfriend asked questioningly as his team ‘ooh’ed.
“Damn, that’s hella cool.”
“We need to head home soon, or the coach will scold me again.” Ushijima gently pulled you up from your seating position. You were just glad to head out. The stories were seriously messing with your head.
The team picked up their bags, preparing to leave. But just as everyone was going to walk, Tendou yelled, “LAST ONE TO REACH THE DOOR WILL BE CURSED BY THE GHOST!”
At this, everyone ran for their lives, leaving you and Ushijima behind in the dark. Ushijima looked unfazed while you were just too terrified to move. Everyone was now standing at the doors, huffing and puffing.
“I won! And you’re the last to arrive, Goshiki!”
“Not fair! Wait, Ushijima-san’s not here yet! He’s the one to be cursed!”
“(Name)-chan, come over here! There’s a ghost behind you!” Tendou called out teasingly, fully expecting you to wave him off.
To everyone’s surprise, you screamed in pure terror and zipped in lightning speed. When you reached the door, you were already so panicked that you tripped on the door frame and fell on your face. It all happened so quickly, no one had the time to process what was happening.
“O-ouch..” You moved to a sitting position, rubbing your forehead. You were honestly too frightened to be embarrassed. “Don’t… don’t tease me like that.. I’m scared of ghosts..”
Behind you, an intimidating figure emerged. You felt yourself being pulled up. “Thanks, Toshi-kun..” Your boyfriend dusted your knees before taking his jacket off and wrapping it around you protectively.
“Tendou, are you a child?” Ushijima’s chilly voice took everyone by surprise, “You will stay back tomorrow for extra practice with me.” His tone left no room for complaints, and so the spiky haired boy could only gulp and nod, knowing that the ‘extra practice’ would be tiring. The Shiratorizawa team gave him pitiful looks.
“(Name), are you okay?” Ushijima leaned down to inspect you, and you could only nod, the embarrassment finally catching up with you. “Tendou, aren’t you going to apologize?” Ushijima was a man of few words, but today he had no qualms chiding Tendou.
“S-Sorry, (Name)-chan..” Tendou put his hands together, feeling guilty at your shivering figure.
“It’s okay!” You replied, just glad that everyone was outside now.
“Hold my hand.” Ushijima took your hand and held it tightly before walking like nothing happened. You stared at the team who were grinning at the two of you, hid your blush under Ushijima’s large jacket, and walked next to him with your heart beating out of your chest.
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semifilms · 1 year
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ATSUMU, BOKUTO, HINATA, oikawa, tendou, KUROO, aran, kenma, KAGEYAMA, SUNA, hoshiumi, kunimi, SUGAWARA
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215-luv · 1 year
OIKAWA: “aww~ oh my god” he coos, walking closer to the mattress where you’re already laid down on as his eyes were quick to find their way upon your figure. he lays next to you, arms immediately finding place around your waist as he softly nuzzles his nose against yours with a grin on his face. “tell me why didn’t i get the idea of draping you in my clothes? this is absolutely adorable.”
AKAASHI: as soon as your boyfriend opens the door to your shared bedroom he swears he almost falls to his knees. he stands by the door bewildered for a moment, and then a soft chuckle escapes from his lips, shaking his head as he slowly makes his way to your side of the bed with light footsteps, making sure not to wake you up. the bed dips when he sits next to you, a loving smile appearing over his features as his eyes find themselves gazing upon the fabric of his hoodie that you’re currently wearing. “this is what i come home to? i’m absolutely not complaining.”
KUROO: “my god.” he breathes out, giving himself a few moments to compose himself because he swears he saw glimpse of his hoodie on your body. his steps on the floor were on a fast pace and he’s immediately standing next to the bed to confirm his sight. and when he does confirm them right, he couldn’t stop the huge smile forming over his face as he heaves a low chuckle, looking down at your sleeping figure, “you really have me speechless over here pretty. it’s unfair.”
KAGEYAMA: he only realizes it after he lays down next to your sleeping figure on bed, sprawling the sheets over him and you as his arms immediately find place around you, and wait—why is this fabric so familiar? is this- oh my god. it’s his sweater! and he freezes, immediately looking down through the sheets just to make sure he’s not assuming anything. and yet there it is flawlessly showing itself right infront of his eyes. his own sweater, on you. oh my god, he thinks. oh my god oh my god oh my god, he rambles in his mind. he didn’t know what to do, however his only option was to sleep, but how could he when you’re like this? he didn’t get a good night’s sleep at all, all that’s in his mind was how extremely adorable you were in his hoodie that he beats himself up for not realizing it much sooner. he simply can’t control himself when it comes to you.
SAKUSA: it has been a long day, the only thing he’s been wanting to do as he gets home is to melt in your arms & forget about everything in the world. when he does get a glimpse of your figure the moment he enters the bedroom, he swears he could feel the hard thump on his chest as his eyes basically zooms in on his hoodie draped over your figure—all the more desperation that gives him as he stands there taking in the sight, then slowly making his way towards you, his stare never faltering away as if he’s praying in his head that this isn’t one of his delusions. but then again, when he does slowly, but surely, takes his place next to you, fingers carefully stroking itself against the fabric of his hoodie while he admires all of you in your glory—he just couldn’t stop himself around you, trapping you tightly in his arms as he nuzzles his nose against the side of your head. he lets out the deepest exhale, and finally, here he is, basking upon your presence, completely forgetting about everything in the world.
ATSUMU: the man is extremely, disgustingly in love with you. as soon as his eyes fall over the hoodie you’re currently wearing, he recognizes it faster than the speed of light and he swears he nearly drops down the floor. he curses out a “shit” in a whisper while sitting on the bedside with wide eyes. he couldn’t believe this is happening, and he probably thinks this has been the best sight he’s seen his whole life—better than seeing osamu upset over a loss or whatever. despite his heart banging against his ribcage that he could practically feel it from his ears, his gentle hands runs against the sides of your body while he pulls you impossibly closer to him so that his large figure is all over you. and god, he’s obsessed with the way you look in his hoodie.
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