clockworkcheetah · 10 months
number 19 on wrapped and bart curlish my babygirl pretty pls? 🙏
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Say what you wanna say, show what you never show Let's be honest here and say what we already know
19. i don't wanna be in love - dark waves
not the most bart song but i tried (i guess there are kurlish hints?)
send a character/ship and a number between 1-100 and i'll draw based on the song from wrapped
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Art for the DGHDA Mini Bang 2023
As a part of the @dghdabigbang I've made a sculpture based on the wonderfull @urlocallesbiab's lovely fanfic of which they've posted a sneak peak here:
(link tho the complete fic coming soon)
My sculpture is under the cut as there is a fair bit of fake blood, as is to be expected with anything depicting Bart.
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Thought it would fun to see it in some different lighting so you get two versions of it
[Image description:
Two photos of a polymer clay sculpture of characters from the "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" 2016 TV show: Ken Adams, a Black man with a short haircut, and Bart Curlish, a white feminine person with matted hair. They're both stylized as figurines with round features, and situated in a diorama of a service stairwell.
Ken sits on the ground, legs outstretched, supporting his balance with one hand on the floor, raising another to meet Bart; she stands before him, leaning forward to give him a hand. Both hands are dirty with blood, and Bart's front is splattered with it head to toe. There are prominent bloody splats on the double door behind them, and more of it pools under them, trickling down the stairs and out of the frame.
That door forms the background of the diorama, and the second double door behind Bart forms the side, both of them large and square. The first one is sectioned into four blue panels, with a big red "5" in one of them denoting the floor. The second one is fully, brightly red. The floor, stairs and doorframes are grey.
Both photos are done from the same angle, but the first one has neutral, diffused lighting that clearly showcases the colors, while the second one is lit strongly and warmly from above, casting deep dramatic shadows, making the second door bright orange and the whole scene golden.
/End image description.]
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icekirbys · 6 years
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Part 1 of my @dghdabigbang for @shortterror‘s fic The Best Laid Plans...!! [Part 2]
it’s been so long since I’ve drawn kurlish but my love for one homicidal dirt muppet has not weakened a drop
[image description: two panel drawing of ken adams and bart curlish. they’re both freerunning on a roof. in the first, ken looks startled, and is reaching out a hand forward and yelling “BART”). in the second, bart hauls herself over a wall, to holistically collide foot first with a stranger’s neck with a kRK.]
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Bart and Ken singing Backstreet Boys!!
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God the thing I'm most mad about not getting a 3rd season is them. They just turned their entire dynamic around and I'll never know what happens next
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lesbianwakti · 7 years
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hey everyone, i know we're all upset that bbca cancelled dirk, but theres still a way to potentially get a s3!!! please please reblog this!! and if you havent watched dirk gently at all, please do so! its such an incredible, well written, diverse, creative show!
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holisticdetectives · 7 years
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kurlish week day 8: creators choice (favourite quote)
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zombaeliv · 7 years
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Kurlish s01 finale/Kurlish s02 finale
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dirkly · 7 years
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carlyraebrotzman · 7 years
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in honour of @kurlishweek and all the new promos here’s a quick cosplay of my favourite dirt muppet and ½ of americas power couple
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kurlishweek · 7 years
COMING SOON: Kurlish Week
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Greetings, Dirktectives- we have a little project on the horizon you might be interested in!
With all the love in this fandom for Brotzly and Faranda, we thought it about time our Murder Bros get a little niche to themselves too. Introducing KURLISH WEEK- your hub for all your Bart/Ken needs! Whether you ship them romantically or platonically, all interpretations are welcome!
But before we get this show on the road, we’re going to need your help!
With the exception of Day 8, which will be a Free Day, we’d like each day to have its own theme. So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to send us one-word prompts! Our inbox is open, so if you can think of a word (or several- don’t be shy!) that could be a good starter/source of inspiration to anyone who wants to contribute, send it on in! We’ll choose seven of these words (or they might choose themselves if the same words get multiple suggestions) to become our daily themes!
We’re hoping to get this show on the road on October 1st to gear up for season 2- if you want more details on dates and submission guidelines (including our policy on NS/FW contributions), please visit our INFO PAGE- all your questions will be answered within! And if you have a question that isn’t answered, send it our way! In the meantime if you could reblog this/tell your friends that’d be great, we want as many people taking part as possible and the more prompt submissions, the better!
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Later, chums!
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
so many more people used to ship bart/ken in the immediate aftermath of s1, but then he went evil in s2 and everyone dropped that pairing like a hot potato (and its not even like with faranda being replaced by farina, neither bart nor ken got any new fanon love interests after their ship sank) :( and i think it's a shame, because imo them being horrible and codependent and desperately needing each other and having this enormous capability to hurt each other that stems from deep intimacy and understanding and lack of understanding - the ability which they actively excercise - i think it makes them more fun! cmonn they used to make each other better but now they make each other Worse, i think it's interesting! i think it's romantic! have some room in your heart for toxic ships between fucked up people!
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clockworkcheetah · 11 months
i'd ship you with todd but in a delightful crash-and-burn kind of way, like kurlish but worse; i have a feeling you'd run him into the ground, and i mean that with respect. also i think u & tina would get along great!
we would be peak dysfunction ✌️ and id love to hang out with tina tbh shes fun id take a weed gummy from her
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dorkgauntly · 7 years
Bart Curlish's Holistic Assassin Agency
You won't take care of us, we'll take care of you
Walk-ins preferred
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icekirbys · 6 years
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Part 2 of my @dghdabigbang for @shortterror‘s fic The Best Laid Plans...!! [Part 1]
I’m so blessed with this fic I love it so much
[image description: drawing of ken adams and bart curlish. they’re playing a video game in a dark room, lit by the screen. bart is leaning over ken, elbowing him slightly with enthusiasm from the game. ken looks at her fondly.]
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@kurlishweek Day 1: Touch
Well, here we go! I was really hoping to have a bit of art AND a bit of fic to post for each day, but we’ll have to see how we go ‘cuz productivity’s been a bit rough lately. Managed it today, though! Enjoy! <3
“When was the last time you combed this?”
Bart shrugs, smirking. He doing the teacher voice again. He uses that voice a lot, when she doesn’t eat or doesn’t look where she’s going or gets blood on his shoes. She used to find it annoying, but she’s kinda used to it now. Sometimes she does those things on purpose, just to wind him up. He’s super easy to wind up. “I dunno. When’s the last time you did it for me?”
Ken chuckles in that way he does sometimes. It’s real soft, and kinda high-pitched. He did it that time he sat outside the bathroom while she showered, so quiet she almost didn’t hear it over the water. She loves that laugh. It’s soft, like him. Kinda feels like a long time since she had anything soft in her life. People aren't soft with her, they're just- just loud, and rude and they scream and fight and beg. Sorta nice not to have to deal with that with Ken. He talks normal to her. "I don't know how you even washed it," he says, tugging at a knot in her hair. "You probably should've done this first."
"Eh, shoulda-woulda-coulda," she snorts. "It's hair. It don't care."
"Oh, it really does," he says, making a little yeesh sound as he finds another clump. "You need to take better care of it, then it wouldn't get so tangled."
She shrugs again. "I don't mind."
"You're not the one who has to untangle it."
"You don't have to, either."
His hands still in her hair a moment. "...True."
A few seconds tick by, and he doesn't move again. She grunts, reaching back to nudge his knee. "I mean... You can. If you want."
It's weird. Even when she's not looking at him, she knows when he's smiling. It's like she can feel it in her back of her neck, like sunlight. He gets back to the untangling, and Bart gets back to picking the sand from under her toenails. She thinks it's sand. But there's some other stuff in there, too. Stuff the shower couldn't get to.
Some time passes. She's not sure how much, she never really got time. Never really got the concept of it- if she always ends up where she needs to be, when she needs to be there, where does time fit in? Why keep track of it? It's just hassle. A thing people with no real purpose in life use to tell 'em when they should and shouldn't do things 'cause they don't know any better. But some time passes, and Ken stops picking at knots and starts running his fingers through her damp hair like a comb, parting the strands right up to her scalp. It’s nice. She leans into it.
"We should tie it up," he says quietly. "So it gets less... Bloody."
"You did that before," she says, smiling. She remembers those lil’ pigtail things he did. She kept those in for months while he was... Away.
"You want me to-?"
She nods, taking her hands off her feet for now. Her fingernails are too short to dig any deeper, anyway. She unfolds her legs, kicking them out straight in front of her as she flops back with a satisfied grunt. Her head lands, just like she was kinda hoping it would, on Ken's thigh, pretty high up, bouncing off his stomach a little.
"Oof. Okay." He lifts her head a little, just to scoop her hair out from under it, before setting it down a lot more gently than she just did. She feels him comb it out a few more times, kinda slow and thoughtful, before he really starts doing anything. "How about..."
He doesn't just bunch it up, again. Instead he picks up a way smaller chunk, and divides that into even more small ones. "Whatchu doin'?"
"Figured we could try something new," he says, doing something a little tricky with the three little strands in his hands. "You ever had braids before?"
Bart thinks about it. She knows what braids are, she's seen them. May have even tried to do one in her hair once, before giving up because it was too matted and she didn't really know how to make them, anyway. She grunts in a more negative way.
"'Kay, just stay still," he says, and she can feel the smile again. "Might take a while. Man, your hair is really messed up."
"It's good that you're here, then," she says, a little slower. It's nice, the sun through the cracked motel window, Ken's soft leg pillowing her head. His fingers, twisting and weaving her hair like he does with those crazy confusingly wires in his whatchamacallits. He always looks so careful with those things. Feels like he's being pretty careful now, too. Soft and careful. Nice. Nice place to just kinda lay awhile. "You can fix it for me."
He separates out some more strands, and she thinks he rubs her scalp a little more than he needs to while he's there. "You know I'm not actually a hairdresser, right?"
"Yeah," she says, closing her eyes. "But you'll fix it. You fix everything."
His hands pause again. The room falls quiet. But the moment - is it a moment? How long is a moment? She really doesn't get time- passes, and he gets back to it.
Not before she feels something warm and squishy press against her forehead real quick, though. So she wrinkles it. "'Chu just kiss me?"
She snorts. He still can't lie for shit. Not to her, anyway. She isn't mad, though. It was nice. Nice and soft and sweet. 
Just like him.
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holistichay · 7 years
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Kurlish week- day 2: AUs An Alternate universe where Bart “Killer Angel” Curlish is a literal angel. (Here's a mood board/ aesthetic because I’m too lazy to draw)
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