xbsundaymatinee · 1 year
Sunday Matinee #65 on May 21th!
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On Sunday 21st of May it’s Sunday Matinee #64!
On stage from 4PM in no particular order:
Diane Electro Berlin’s favourite garage-punk act. The say about themselves: “Diane Electro (Verdun-Berlin) Punk Garage Electric distorded guitare, drum machine & microkorg solos. Delay voice wizz french accent. Play with words, sing like it's the last time. Love is dead, rock is alive. Let's share megageil Electrorock songs ! OiLala !” https://dianeelectro.bandcamp.com/album/dead-birds-never-die https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVvjrcBNjvHWlD3Emhv5XQ
The Gondors One of the first band I saw in Berlin when I first arrive. I thought they were really good. I bet you they still are. Below copied and pasted from their Bandcamp.  “the Gondors is a ‘psychedelic vibes with a touch of fun-smokey-dream’ band. Based in Berlin for the last decade. Amit Alcalai, Javi Scheiner and Omri Gondor are the members of the group. The band started in Tel Aviv in 2007 and moved to Berlin in 2010.” https://thegondors.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZge4HOvcMM&ab_channel=PeppiGuggenheimBerlinLiveConcerts
Halbtal Experimental Birkenrock, fun and mathy.  Musically homeless, Halbtal parasitically tap into genres such as postpunk, math, krautrock or electronica.  https://halbtal.de/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqE-G9cL_Syk_4Y8u6RQ9g/featured
Plus: —>>> Some DJ will show up and play music in between sets, how’s that? —>>> Vegan Küfa provided by “Eat the Reach” 
**2G rules no longer apply in Berlin, however, we would be very glad if you test yourself before coming, and if you have cold-like symptoms we suggest you having a cup of tea and stay put! thank you**
**The Sunday Matinee is smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible**
**Check out the Matinee double cassette mix tape here. Copies are still available and can be purchased at our events https://thesundaymatinee.bandcamp.com/album/the-sunday-matinee-sampler-1
To sign up for the newsletter and more info, please visit: https://xbsundaymatinee.tumblr.com/
Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße  2110367 Berlin
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nonedhudla · 5 months
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fallingforfandoms · 8 months
Kurz-vor-vier-Uhr-nachts-Memo an mich selbst:
Hey, weißt du noch, als du letzte Woche so verstört warst, als du unter der Dusche diesen einen Schlager aus den Achtzigern von Anfang bis Ende acapella singen konntest - und zwar nur weil du zu jeder Zeile quasi 'ne eigene Mini-Songfic geschrieben hast und sich das deshalb Wort für Wort in dein Gedächtnis gebrannt hat?
Überraschung - dieses Kuriosum bekommt gerade Gesellschaft. Noch so 'n Evergreen. Noch so Fanfic-Geschreibsel drumherum. Und wenn du morgen (aka heute) früh eh duschen musst ... mach dich auf was gefasst. Du hast es dir selber eingebrockt 😂
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idiotensicher · 2 years
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FIRST DATES OF OUR 2023 EVRO TOUR!!! TBC dates are being discussed/worked out! TBA: BOOK US! WE NEED HELP for the TBA dates: 10.04 mon Bayern (Regensburg/Passau last resort Nurnberg), 12.04 wed Vienna or Bratislava 18.04 tue AUSTRIA (Salzburg, Innsbruck, Villach) 20.04 thu Augsburg or Ulm, or Stuttgart (even Ingolstadt) 21.04 fri Stuttgart/Tubingen or Basel or Winthertur HELP US and we bring the best we can in your favorite hole under ground! 17.03 Fri Wroclaw, PL - OCSK Postój 18.03 Sat Brno, CZ - Sibiř 19.03 Sun Prague, CZ - Eternia 20.03 Mon Dresden, DE - TBC 01.04 Sat Berlin, DE - Køpi Teknokeller RELEASE PARTY OF OUR NEW SPLIT WITH Uraño 07.04 Fri Berlin, DE - Villa Kuriosum 08.04 Sat Leipzig, DE - Hitness Club 09.04 Sun Budweis, CZ - Svetadilna 10.04 Mon TBA 11.04 Tue Linz, AT - Tresor 12.04 Wed TBA HELP 13.04 Thu Budapest, HU - Gólya 14.04 Fri Graz, AT - FORUM STADTPARK 15.04 Sat Koper, SI - Skladišče Libertas 16.04 Sun Ljubljana, SI - PLAC 17.04 Mon Trbovlje, SI - TBC 18.04 Tue TBA 19.04 Wed Munich, DE - HALLE 6 20.04 Thu TBA 21.04 Fri TBA 22.04 Sat Zurich, CH - Umbo 23.04 Sun Lausanne, CH, TBC 24.04 Mon Geneve, CH - TBC 25.04 Tue Lyon, FR - Grrrnd Zero 26.04 Wed Belfort, FR - TBC 27.04 Thu Nancy, FR - MJC Lillebonne 28.04 Fri TBA 29.04 Sat Den Haag, NL - TBC 30.04 Sun Amsterdam, NL - TBC 13.07-16.07 Jablonica, SK - Hradby Samoty XII
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bluejaybird12 · 1 year
ROYAL SWORD ACADEMY OCS  (*Link to Fan-Dorm Descriptions HERE)
Jude Ward - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Judy Hopps from Zootopia/2nd Year
Finnegan Tweeds - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Tweedle Dee/1st Year
Quinn Tweeds - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Tweedle Dum/1st Year
Lyonell Zira - Twisted Wonderland OC/ Twisted Kovu from Lion King 2/2nd Year 
Cornett Fenn - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Louis from Princess and the From/3rd Year
Prince Argus Ojan Thalassa - Twisted Wonderland OC/ Twisted Kida from Atlantis, The Lost Empire/3rd Year
Jensen Flash - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Lightning McQueen from Cars/1st Year
Zahir Bhattacharya - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Rajah from Aladdin/1st
Prince Brendan Hirv of Fores Plains - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from The Great Prince of the Forest from Bambi /3rd Year
Johnny Brownlow - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Oliver from Oliver & Company/1st Year
Keighan Lon - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Merida from Brave /2nd Year
Yu Ushirosada - Twisted Wonderland OC/MC
Bhakti Sinaga - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from The Jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton’s Version Mostly)/2nd Year
Valin Areo - Twisted Wonderland OC Twisted from the Flying Monkey from The Wizard of Oz/2nd Year
Dylan Coalfin Twisted Wonderland OC Twisted from Bruce from Finding Nemo/1st Year 
Russell Stilts - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Rumpelstiltskin   from Once Upon A Time/3rd Year
Landon Cacase - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from The Cursed Gold from Pirates of the Caribbean/1st Year
Anwir Baran - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Bellweather from Zootopia/1st Year
Hamid Bhattacharya - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Shere Khan from Jungle Book/3rd Year
Albert Hansen - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Prince Hans from Frozen/2nd Year
Zavis Green - Twisted Wonderland - Twisted from Zelena/Wicked Witch of the West from Once Upon a Time/2nd Year
Austin Moriarty - Twisted Wonderland - Twisted from Rattagin from The Great Mouse Detective
Alfred Oritz - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted From CLU 2 from Tron Legacy
Niel Hale - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Syndrome from The Incredibles
 Adam Novikov - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Jumba from Lilo & Stitch 
Djamel Vandezee - Twisted Wonderland OC - Twisted from Tia Dalma from Pirates of the Caribbean
Pavel Hirv - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Bambi from Bambi *Younger Brother of Brenden
Marissa Coalfin - Twisted Wonderland OC/Twisted from Daria from Finding Nemo *Younger Sister of Dylan
Tags relating to the character
MC  - Yu: Ramshakle Prefect -
Twisted Kovu  - Lyonell: The Kingscholar Bastard -
Twisted Wicked Witch of the West/Zelena  - Zavis: Green Monster -
Twisted Flying Monkey - Valin: Flying High -
Twisted Bruce - Dylan: Sharkbite
Twisted Rumpelstiltskin - Russell: Golden Smile -
Twisted Kida - Argus: Atlantian Hier -
Twisted Jabberwocky - Bhakti: Nonsense Dragon
Twisted CLU 2 - Alfred: King of The Digital Space
Twisted Bellwether - Anwir: Spiteful Prey
Twisted Judy - Jude: Speedy Rabbit
Twisted Tia - Djamel: Scorned Merman
Twisted Great Prince of the Forest - Brendan: Forest Prince
Twisted Oliver - Johnny: Cool Cat
Twisted Lightning McQueen - Jensen: Speed Demon
Twisted Merida - Keighan: Fighting Fate
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mmultiversal · 2 years
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https://www.facebook.com/events/5818577071567634 Multiversal #127 on 21.03 at 19:00 at Villa Kuriosum with P≡B l0r3tt4 - Voice, electronics Ilia Gorovitz - Drums, electronics https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm6Ya9ltcJn/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D ELSTERN https://elstern.bandcamp.com/ SOAP TONGUES Samuel Hall - Drums, electronics Lorena Izquierdo - Voice, performance https://samuelhall.bandcamp.com/album/live-loophole-berlin-2019 VANDEWEYER x KÜRVERS Els Vandeweyer - Trash guitar Klaus Kürvers - D. Bass SANCHEZ x TAVIL Paula Sanchez - Cello Utku Tavil - Drums https://mme-sanchez.bandcamp.com/ http://soundcloud.com/utkutavil
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korrektheiten · 9 months
Die Power der Bauern
Manova: »Proteste sind ein Kuriosum der Demokratie. Eigentlich. Denn wenn Demokratie im Kern darin besteht, dass gewählte Interessenvertreter nur das Beste für ihre Wähler wollen, braucht es sie im Grunde nicht. Es gibt ja Wahlen. Doch dieser Gleichklang zwischen Regierenden und Regierten, zwischen dem Souverän und seinem Repräsentanten funktioniert nicht mehr. Vielleicht funktionierte er nie, war immer ein frommer, naiver Wunsch. Und in Deutschland, so der Eindruck vieler, funktioniert vieles gerade besonders schlecht bis gar nicht. Spätestens dann ist Protest der letzte Ausweg. Die Bauernproteste ab dem 8. Januar 2024 können den Beginn einer politischen Wende bedeuten, wie sie das Land seit 1989 nicht mehr gesehen hat und tatsächlich dringend braucht. http://dlvr.it/T18CZh «
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Einsatz für das „große Ganze“: Bürgermeister ehrte verdiente Mitarbeitende
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Moers. (pst) Einen rundum gelungenen Vormittag erlebten Jubilare und Neu-Pensionäre der Stadt Moers. Bei der traditionellen Feierstunde am Freitag, 22. September, im Kammermusiksaal der Moerser Musikschule ehrte Bürgermeister Christoph Fleischhauer insgesamt 42 Frauen und Männer für 40 oder 25 Jahre im Dienst bzw. ‚entließ‘ sie in den Ruhestand. Kleines Kuriosum am Rande: Einige, die die Altersgrenze erreichten und verabschiedet wurden, verlängern ihre Arbeitszeit, um den akuten Arbeitskräftemangel auszugleichen oder neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen einzuarbeiten. Ihnen allen wurde das Lob ihres ‚Dienstherrn‘ zuteil. „Die Feierstunde ist für mich ein willkommener Anlass, einmal laut und deutlich ‚Danke‘ zu sagen, was im Arbeitsalltag leider oft zu kurz kommt. Ich möchte mich bedanken für die enge und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit sowie das große Engagement. Die Stadt Moers kann und konnte nur so gut funktionieren, weil Sie alle sich für das große Ganze verantwortlich gezeigt haben“, sagte Fleischhauer in seiner Rede. Einsatz und Kollegialität Dem Dank schloss sich die Personalratsvorsitzende Nira Rusch an. Sie erinnerte humorvoll beispielsweise an damalige Kleidungsgewohnheiten. Auch sie lobte den Einsatz für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie die Kollegialität, was sich z. B. an der freiwilligen Verlängerung zeige. Joanne Gläsel und Schauspieler Leonardo Lukanow vom Schlosstheater Moers und von der Moerser Musikschule die Querflötistin Luise von Hoffmann und die stellvertretende Leiterin Ulrike Schweinfurth sorgten für den kulturellen Rahmen. Einen zweiten musikalischen Beitrag gestaltete ein ‚Pausenchor‘ der Musikschule, Teil des Projekts ‚Singoffensive‘.   Bildzeile: 42 der insgesamt 45 zu Ehrenden kamen zur Feierstunde mit Bürgermeister Christoph Fleischhauer (1. v. l./Foto: pst) Read the full article
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2013/09/29 Amorphq #6 LFZ / JD ZAZIE MI HO / DANIEL CRAIG SEKI / SON GETÖSEFÖHN CATE HOPS KARL8 Villa Kuriosum Berlin - DE
amorphq is a monthly series held in Berlin, presenting diverse experimental music acts, where "Experimental" refers to an approach that doesn't aim for a predetermined outcome or a predictable audience response. The focus is in the performance itself, an exploration of noises and gestures. It is not a predetermined form that defines the performance but the performance itself that defines the form. Informal music with non-commercial propositions, unconventional techniques, unique instrumentation, undefined structures, within a collaborative, egalitarian atmosphere, firmly rejecting any discrimination, violence and any type of hierarchies among organizers or artists.
For the 6th editon amorph will host tree duos and tree solos. The line up there will have LFZ +JD Zazie Mi Ho + Daniel Craig Seki + Son Getöseföhn Cate Hops Karl8
Doors will open at 20:00 and concerts will start at 21:00 at Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 21, 10367 Berlin
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miatamme111 · 1 year
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xbsundaymatinee · 5 months
The Sunday Matinee #75
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Hi there! Exactly 20 days after April’s fool it’s Sunday Matinee #74! Yeah, on Sunday 21st of April -also known as this coming weekend, from 4PM come and singalong to endless radical underground reverberations offered to you -in no particular order, by: Felix-Florian Tödtloff https://felixfloriantodtloff.com/ Wizard Ashdod - Cybernetic Shamanism https://fullbodymassagerecords1.bandcamp.com/album/wizard-ashdod-nussbaum
A girl name Psycho Plus: —>>> SÅM DJ —>>> Taqueria Vegana Los Nopales
The Sunday Matinee is smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible
**Check out the Matinee double cassette mix tape here. Copies are still available and can be purchased at our events https://thesundaymatinee.bandcamp.com/album/the-sunday-matinee-sampler-1 **Read more about our event here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/xbsundaymatinee Find us at: Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 21 10367 Berlin —————— Coming up Matinees at Villa: #76 on 26.05 - Ostseetraum, Volcano Victims, Einkauf Aktuell #77 on 16.06 - Halfsilks, Beritan, Sale Vale (tbc)
—————— Here a few events happening in Berlin these days worth checking out: - Fri 19.04 Blues Bumps presents: Nodarling + Ultrabonus + Sector 76 @ BLO Ateliers - Fri 19.04 Delikassetten presents: Adventure Team – "In Giraffe" Listening Party / DJ Adventurous Juan + DJ Cool in the Pool at Wowsville, 9pm - Tue 23.04 Brighter Agency presents: Matching Outfits + Smol Fish @ Loophole 
- Fri 26.04 Delikassetten presents: Adventure Team – "In Giraffe" Album Release + Slipper at Loge, 7pm 
- Fri 26.04 Diane Electro + Concrete Lipstick @ Schokoladen 
- Sat 27.04 DuChamp @ Orange Ear 
- Wed 15.05 Delikassetten presents:  Adventure Team + Jejeje at Loophole, 8pm 
- Wed 12.06 Thirsty and Miserable presents: nunofyrbeeswax + Top Down 7” single split release @Schokoladen - 8pm 
- Sat 15.06 Tavare @ the church in Herrfurthplatz - 8pm
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kitchenlegrecords · 2 years
KLr news, 27.01.23
[#] Finally some time for news!
[#] First show of 2023 for Halfsilks is tonight, at Schokoladen, with Emperor X. Show is presented by M Soundtrack and as usual, will start very early (doors 7, show at 8 sharp). New songs!!
[#] Also Matching Outfits do their first night out this week end Sat 27.01, at Backereck (Ockerstr.35) for Ceiling Rat Shakedown concert series. They will share the stage with Slipper!
[#] Finally, this coming Sunday long awaited live show for The Shna at Sunday Matinee @xbsundaymatinee in Villa Kuriosum, with Raving Mad Carlos sci-fi, and Sestra. As usual, topped with vegan food, a tasteful dj set...children friendly, wheelchair accessible and full of amazing vibes <3 !
[#] Keep yourself free Feb 18: we will release the second album of 2023, the debut tape of the wonderful Vorsicht Kinder. Opening act will be the Mumbles, so one reason more to come out!
[#] Other releases that will come out in the coming months: Brabrabra drummer Saiko Ryusui solo tape, Novatron second album and a tape from Jejeje!
[#] The album of Adrie is sold out! You can actually find still some copies from the artist page https://adriemusic.bandcamp.com/album/blind-spot or from Anagram Space in Berlin.
[#] Next show of Pieuvre will be Feb 09 opening for Greenhouse in Urban Spree!
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idiotensicher · 2 years
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Some tours coming your way! Gordon Zola with Joke Lanz - Turntables Runen Tenenbaum - Violin, fx Louis Freres - E. bass, objects Utku Tavil - drums 25.01 Ghent - Hot Club 26.01 Liege - l'An Vert 27.01 Rouen, Diable au Corps 28.01 Lille, CCL 29.01 Amsterdam, De peper/OT301 Then with Haram in Italy 16.02 Bologna, Circolo Dev 17.02 Roma, Bencivenga 18.02 Napoli, Scugnizzo 19.02 Bari, Caserma Liberata Then BNSU & BUSS Evro Tour'23 17.03 Fri Wroclaw, PL - TBC 18.03 Sat Brno, CZ - Sibiř 19.03 Sun Prague, CZ - Eternia 25.03 Sat Berlin, DE - Køpi Teknokeller RELEASE PARTY OF OUR NEW SPLIT WITH Uraño 07.04 Fri Berlin, DE - Villa Kuriosum 08.04 Sat Leipzig, DE - Hitness Club 09.04 Sun TBA (Pilsen / Nurnberg??) 10.04 Mon TBA (Budweis / Regensburg??) 11.04 Tue Linz, AT - Tresor 12.04 Wed TBA (bratislava? otherwise we gonna push for Vienna) 13.04 Thu Budapest, HU - Gólya 14.04 Fri Graz, AT - Forum Stadtpark 15.04 Sat Koper, SI - Libertas 16.04 Sun Ljubljana, SI - TBC 17.04 Mon Trbovlje, SI - TBC 18.04 Tue TBA (salzburg?) 19.04 Wed Munich, DE - Halle 6 20.04 Thu TBA ( Ulm / Augsburg ???? ) 21.04 Fri TBA (stuttgart??) 22.04 Sat Zurich, CH - TBC 23.04 Sun TBA (somewhere in swiss?) 24.04 Mon Geneve, CH - TBC 25.04 Tue Lyon, FR - TBC 26.04 Wed Belfort, FR - TBC 27.04 Thu Nancy, FR - MJC Lillebonne 28.04 Fri TBA (Belgium???) 29.04 Sat TBA (Netherlands???) 30.04 Sun Amsterdam, TBC any takers for the way in and out to this festival? 13.07-16.07 Jablonica, SK - Hradby Samoty XII
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bl4ckadamx · 2 years
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{Das Sith-Relikt} [🌟🌟🌟/5] 📍 "Ich hoffe für euch, dass ihr nicht noch mehr meiner Zeit verschwendet. Sie ist mein kostbarster Besitz." - Dok-Ondar 📍 Der Ithorianer Dok-Ondar betreibt im Black-Spire-Außenposten auf Batuu ein Geschäft für allerlei Artefakte und Memorabilia, darunter auch ein einmaliges Sith-Artefakt. In "Das Sith-Relikt" von Ethan Sacks erlebt der Leser auf circa 112 Seiten, wie eine Gruppe von Gesetzlosen versucht, dieses seltene Kuriosum an sich zu bringen. Doch als erfahrener Händler mit allerhand Legalem und Halblegalem ist Dok-Ondar keineswegs so unbedarft, wie die Bande denkt... 📍 + - kurzweilige Geschichtensammlung - für Galaxy's Edge-Fans - wunderschöne Zeichnungen - bekannte Figuren an Bord - von Han über Greedo bis Aphra 📍 - - ziemlich Durchschnitt, wenig wirkliche Spannung 📍 #bookphotography#currentlyreading#books#bookaddict#bookworm#booknerd#bookshelf#bookreview#bookgraphics#starwars#lukeskywalker#darthvader#aphracomics#starwarscomics#blackkrrsantan#triplezero#beetee#doctoraphra#paninicomics#comic#graphicnovel#starwarsday#maythe4thbewithyou#palpatine#galaxysedge (hier: Galaxy’s Edge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8OlGAMfS3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmultiversal · 2 years
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First draft of the Multiversal 10 years program, subjkect to change due to everchanging conditions of life. Save the dates, and help us spread the news; no media partners, no stars, no hype... 17/11 Thu 19h - AUSLAND HURE no mercy https://hure.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100031883486971 Ilia Gorovitz drums, electronics https://www.iliagorovitz.com/ https://iliagorovitz.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/iliagorovitzmusic M.P.C. Seht Z - Electronics, synths Damn J - Electronics, synths https://pataphors.bandcamp.com/album/m-p-c-beware-the Handmade Music Ann Antidote - Objects, Electronics Lun Ário - Objects, electronics https://youtu.be/hAHOk4KKslQ https://youtu.be/dhmlQgFKiSs Isabel & Vittoria action sonorè https://soundcloud.com/amand-leyvraz-projects https://soundcloud.com/brainpussyfication2bpf/beeatsz-v30333-live-at-labert-oppmote-festival-aug2017 10000V k angboly - noise https://reactionpowertrio.bandcamp.com/track/10000v Lucien Hawat piano https://soundcloud.com/lucien-hawat 18.11 Fri 19h - In den Räumen des SUBVERSIV e.V Laju x Williams Vincent Laju - Cello Ed WIlliams - Guitar https://soundcloud.com/vincent-laju/afrauxlaju Naked in the Zoo Teresa Riemann - Drums, Voice Ruben Tenenbaum - Violin, FX, Voice https://soundcloud.com/nakedinthezoo FLUT Christopher Kunz - Tenor Saxophone Isabel Rößler - Double bass https://www.christopherkunz.net/flut Nathan L. x Sad Ed drums, electronics, flutes https://nathanl.bandcamp.com/album/why-so-much-hate Python vs Cobra K - Drums T - Guitar https://pythonvscobra.bandcamp.com/album/python-vs-cobra-live-at-multiversal-100 https://brainpussyfication.bandcamp.com/album/bitte-nicht-f-ttern-ep Fezaya Firar https://soundcloud.com/fezayafirar 19.11 Sat 20h RauxxxauS Hops x Possidente Cate Hops - Turntables, electronics Paolo Possidente - Drums, electroniocs https://soundcloud.com/cate_hops https://soundcloud.com/paolo-possidente Jugendwerkhof berlin harsh noise unit https://lowlifehighvolume.bandcamp.com/ Ring Dog Duo Markus Krispel - Saxophone Marcello Busato - Drums https://busato-krispel-duo.bandcamp.com/album/objektmagnipulationen Royal Spaceporn no mercy https://www.instagram.com/trinekrogst/ Flerpsnes no http://listen.irenegellein.com/ Angboly x Morti x Stammberger Kevin Angboly - Drums Isabel Morti - Electronics Norbert Stammberger - Baritone Sax https://www.gnurecords.com/ https://reactionpowertrio.bandcamp.com/ Keller x Imm Beat Keller - Feedbacker guitar Thiebault Imm - Electric guitar https://beatkeller.com/en/news/ https://soundcloud.com/thiebault-imm 20.11 Sun 19h ANAGRAM SPACE Cum Filled Coke Boyz Irene & Trine no success in googling an appropriate link Salgar x Eraslan Merve Salgar - tanbur Anil Eraslan - cello https://soundcloud.com/anilthecellist/ikidebir Aaakzt solo for voice, electronics https://youtu.be/PKzaoGdbtCY https://aaakzt.bandcamp.com/album/here TBA 21.11 Mon 20h Koma F Pleasure Force Dr. Nexus - Voice, FX Kriss Kuldepp - E. Bass, FX, Objects https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075760912127 https://drnexus.bandcamp.com/ https://kris-kuldkepp.bandcamp.com/ BRÅK Wolfie - Guitar, Vocals Sofia - Guitar, Vocals Marta - Bass, Vocals Carolina - Drums https://br4k.bandcamp.com/album/dopamine Izquierda x Craig Lorena Izquierda - Voice, Body Daniel Craig - Electronics https://archive.org/details/lorena-izquierdo-daniel-craig-live-dienstbar-2022 Amand Leyvraz solo for electronics https://soundcloud.com/amand-leyvraz-projects Harald Fetveit solo for electronics https://soundcloud.com/user-438589218 BNSU Self Toxication - Voice, Noise BEEATSZ - Drums, Electronics https://bnsu.bandcamp.com/ 22.11 Tue 20h VILLA KURIOSUM Project VO Rieko Okuda - Violin, Objects Antti Virtaranta - Double Bass https://project-vo.tumblr.com/ Pitch Shifting Grgur Savic -  reeds, electronics, objects Daniel Craig - real to real, laptop Sanja Star - visuals http://grgursavic.com/pitch-shifting/ Kris Limbach electronics, visuals https://krislimbach.com/ Xorgett Julian Fernandez - electronics https://soundcloud.com/user-79123897 Au Revoir Ears Isabel Rößler - Double Bass TBC https://youtu.be/mSbKBbef2gc Fetveit x Seki Harald Fetveit - Electronics Kazehito Seki - Voice, Electronics https://soundcloud.com/user-438589218 https://kazehitoseki.com/ 23.11 Wed 20h KIRCHE VON UNTEN Adam Goodwin amplified double bass solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9xgnEzqn_w&t=121s Bilwa William Bilwa Costa - electronics https://soundcloud.com/bilwa Cock & Roach knifeloop - electronics stØrfan sender - electronics https://archive.org/details/cocknroach-stubnitz Shake The Train Lucas H - Trumpet, Voice, Action Damn J - Electronics Teresa Riemann - Drums, Voice Phallucipher https://phallucipher.bandcamp.com/ Secrétariat Maxime Hänsenberger : Drums/Objects Shuyue MiaoZhao: Cl/Basscl/mics Emre Sarigöl: Modular Synth/Bass Tokar Krzysztof Tokarczyk: Sax ts/sopran/rec/mic https://thesecretariatband.bandcamp.com/album/sect-rariat Bomi x Fetveit x Leyviraz trio ultranoise 24.11 thu 18h - Villa Kuriosum Garden / Circus Charivari Tent Dora Bleu https://soundcloud.com/dora-bleu Ido Bukelman http://www.idobukelmanmusic.com/ Obligado x Salvatore Gustavo Obligado - sax, electronics Emiliano Salvatore, Guitar, fx, objects https://soundcloud.com/emiliano-salvatore-378327720/salvatore-obligado-untergrun-festival Notorische Ruhestoerung x Lun Ário drums, electronics https://soundcloud.com/lun_ario/2022-09-20-yyurirui-02-multiversal TBA 25.11 Fri 20h - TRxxxTR Cuntroaches Martian - Voice, Guitar Davin - Bass Claire - Drums https://cuntroaches.bandcamp.com/ ThreadedDreams chill https://soundcloud.com/romain-bertheau-620265082/nextxntxrx Zad Kokar on tour https://youtu.be/SHllqb4E-tM Säkkikangas + VJ JV noise, analog feedback visuals nolink sitbQ bomi - electronics https://soundcloud.com/sitbq 26.11 Sat 20h - SUPAMOLLY Izquierdo x Schneider x Salvatore Lorena Izquierdo Aparicio - voice Marie-Louise Schneider - violin, voice Emiliano Salvatore - guitar https://youtu.be/Cudl9EJhL-Y KIME Sofia Borges – percussion Fyodor Stepanov – bass & electronics Andreas Voccia – electronics https://sofiaborges.com/kime-2/ Pitsiakos x Lienhard x Fakuč Chris Pitsakos - Reeds Pablo Lienhard - Reeds Marek Fakuč - Drums http://chrispitsiokos.com/ https://pablolienhard.com/ f https://www.discogs.com/artist/2986617-Marek-Faku%C4%8D KALATA Dirar Kalash - Electronics Joke Lanz - Voice Utku Tavil - Drums https://brainpussyfication.bandcamp.com/album/hot-glue .PK. selektorin https://soundcloud.com/ipekodabasi?_pxhc=1611939600257
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gnadlib · 4 years
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Bullauge (3) Das Bullauge von neulich nochmal. Mittlerweile haben sie das Haus gestrichen und dabei das Farbschema geändert. Die Bepflanzung ist auch anders. Nur die Treppe und das Geländer sind noch genauso gammlig wie damals.
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