#kunpimook bhuwakul scenarios
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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chowyunnafat · 2 years
le grand bleu (part 4) 💙
le grand bleu (part 4) 💙
alt. title: everyday is like friday
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When PunPun barged into Jannine’s dorm room and threw something at her, Jannine could only look up in surprise. “What the hell?”
“You are a bad person,” PunPun said. “You made me come here in the middle of the night to make sure you were okay. But then I see that you weren’t even here. Don’t ever say I never tried to help you.”
Jannine stopped messing with the dress-form and gave her friend a look that said, “You’re not serious.”
“I’m being serious!” PunPun said. “Where were you?!”
Jannine stuck a needle in the dress form, and turned around to fully face her friend. “I was at the medical bay.”
“So, you were hurt!”
Jannine sighed. “No. I did not get hurt. Wait. Now my ankle is slightly sprained. I jumped from the balcony.”
“Cring herx (Really)?”
“Chai,” Jannine replied. “But I’m okay.” She turned back around to focus on the dress she was making, but stopped when she remembered something. “Oh yeah! And Milli tried to get her girls to jump me. And she was going to chop my hair off in the process?”
“You’re kidding!”
“I wish.”
PunPun sat down on Jannine’s bed, and grabbed her sketchbook, she looked at the sketch it was turned to. “Did you draw this?” She asked. “You’re going to recreate this?”
Jannine shrugged, still trying to prep the dress. “I’m not sure. I mean, it’s definitely going to be a dress I can’t model.”
“Well, I think it’s pretty,” PunPun said. “And this dress does fit your style.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious,” PunPun said. “Costume Design is more fun than Communication Arts.”
Jannine rolled her eyes and nudged her. “I didn’t know when public speaking became this thing everybody and anyone could do…”
“Khun,” She whined. “When did drawing and sewing become so too?”
Jannine couldn’t say anything in response to that, simply because she didn’t have one. She glared at her friend before focusing on the dress form. PunPun looked through Jannine’s sketchbook.
“You seem to have an affinity for blue,” PunPun commented. “Is it your favorite color?”
Jannine smiled. “Yeah. Something like that.”
“It’s gotta be,” PunPun said. “Your hair is blue.”
“Not by choice.”
PunPun opened her mouth, ready to question Jannine. But stopped short when she saw her friend’s face. It said it all.
“Did you hear about Saint’s party?” PunPun then asked.
“What party?”
“The costume party?”
“The theme is: fairytale.”
PunPun nodded. “I might not go.”
“I don’t have a costume,” PunPun said. “My parents already gave me my monthly allowance that I immediately spent. And I don’t get paid from my other job until next week.”
Jannine nudged her friend. “Hey,” She said sitting beside her on the bed. “I’ll make our costumes.”
PunPun sighed. “You don’t have to.”
Jannine rolled her eyes. “I’m a fashion designer. I need to build my resume.”
Her friend bit her lip and looked thoughtful. Jannine smiled knowingly.
“Okay…” Her friend relented after awhile. “Thank you.”
Jannine nodded. She looked down and noticed the item PunPun threw at her. She picked it up. It was a tiny decorated baggy. “Khun.”
She opened the baggy. “What is this?”
“Oh,” PunPun said airily. “It’s a cleansing mask. I found it outside your door. It must be a gift.”
“Oh,” Jannine said. “I’ve been needing to change my make up routine.”
She closed the baggy and set it on her nightstand.
She then looked at her friend. “I’ll be busy for the next couple of days,” She told her. “I’ll be making our costumes, after all.”
PunPun bowed her head in thanks.
It was the day of Saint’s fairytale-themed party. Everyone had been talking about it. Some spoke highly of a mixer Saint threw when he was in high school and was anticipating the university follow-up of it.
Jannine had finished her school assignments (barely) on time due to all her focus being on the costumes. Despite her professors giving her unimpressed looks, and BamBam noting that she was rushing when they were cleaning up the mess hall (doing the 1-scrub-there-and-1-scrub-here method), she put all of her focus on color swatches, marked down fabric prices, poking her fingers (“Shit!”) countless times while sticking the needle into the dress form, making coffee that contained almond milk (to keep her from passing out), and making sure her measurements were correct.
Basically, she hadn’t had a life for the whole week and a half.
“So, you’re a fish princess?” PunPun said looking at Jannine’s costume. “Then what the hell am I?”
“I’m a blue goby,” Jannine corrected, handing her friend a nude colored face mask. “And you’re the princess who never smiled, hence the face mask.”
“No one’s going to know who we are.”
Jannine patted both of PunPun’s cheeks. “Who cares? It’s not like we don’t look fairy tale enough.”
PunPun rolled her eyes.
As they exited the dorms, they bumped into the girls in dorm D58.
“Zom?” PunPun said in surprise. “Zom Marie?”
The girl looked surprised. But she recovered quickly, and bowed. “Sawadee. Chuu Som. You can just call me Som.”
“You still go here?” PunPun asked. “I thought you graduated–“
“No,” Som said. “I’m just part of the dorm staff.”
“I also help out with the clubs.”
PunPun looked at Jannine. “She’s one of the coolest people here,” She said. “She speaks French, and won a scholarship to go overseas.”
Som waved away PunPun’s words. “Hello,” She said to Jannine. “Please ignore PunPun.”
Jannine laughed good heartedly. “You do seem like a really cool person, ka.” Jannine bowed. “I’m Jannine.”
“Jannine?” Som said, before her brows furrowed in sorrow. “You’re the girl that almost got jumped, weren’t you?”
Jannine blushed. She looked down at the ground. Dammit. Word spreads that fast, Huh? She thought.
PunPun sighed, and spoke. “Khun Som, it’s not really her fault.”
The dorm aid nodded. “No. I- I know that–“
The girl who stood beside Som spoke up. “Jannine,” She said. “Just be careful.”
The girl bowed with a nod as she touched her chest with her hands pressed together. “I’m Ploy Sornarin.”
Jannine’s eyes widened. “I- I’ll be careful.”
She bowed. “Khob khun.”
Som smiled and stepped back. She motioned towards their outfits. “Y’all’s outfits are fire!”
Ploy nodded in agreement. “Where’d you get them?”
Jannine blushed. PunPun nudged her in the side and readily replied with, “Jannine made them!”
Som clapped her hands. “Goals,” she said. “I’m just a girl version of Merlin.”
“I’m Tinkerbell from Peter Pan,” Ploy said.
“You both look spot-on,” Jannine said. “Where’d you find the costumes?”
“I DIY’d it from Pinterest,” Som replied with a shrug.
“Drama department,” Ploy said embarrassedly. “It’s from like two years ago.”
Jannine gave them both a thumbs up. “They’re fire.”
All 4 girls then proceeded to walk to where the party was taking place. The party was in the de-facto event hall, apparently Saint’s parents had connections; that’s why the headmaster was going easy on him. Yet, afterwards, an after-party would be taking place in the boy’s dorm. But the headmaster didn’t know that…
As all 4 girls walked into the establishment all of those who’d already arrived stopped what they were doing, and gawked at them.
Jannine blushed.
That was when Saint approached them. He donned an Arabian Prince costume; as though he were trying to channel the protagonist of Aladdin.
“Y’all look cool,” he said with a smirk. “There’s actually a contest for best costume. And you all are good contenders.”
All the girls bowed in thanks but PunPun. Her eyes were staring daggers at Saint who simply stared back with his same smirk.
Jannine looked between the MC and her friend. Was she missing something?
“Thanks for the invite,” PunPun said to the economics major. “But I’m not sure this fixes everything.”
Saint nodded wordlessly with a straight face. “Krup.”
He then looked at Jannine and the rest of the entourage and gave a smile. “Enjoy the party. Thanks for coming.”
Jannine looked at PunPun. “Are you okay?”
Her friend nodded. “Yeah.”
“Then let’s party!” Ploy jumped in with, grabbing PunPun’s hand.
All 4 girls ran to the dance floor.
Pooped, Jannine picked up a fruity drink from the bar and Minhyuk was the “bartender” once more and donning cat ears. She smiled at him.
“Hey,” She said. “You’re serving drinks again?”
He nodded with a smile. “Yeah.”
She smiled even wider. “What’s your major?”
“Music,” He replied. “But I might switch it to Business.”
Jannine nodded. “I see.”
He then asked, “What’s yours?”
“Fashion design. Concentration: costume design.”
He nodded. “Cool.”
She was about to ask him where he was from (she guessed South Korea) but she was interrupted when the music suddenly stopped playing. She then noticed 6 guys walk in and she recognized three out of the group of 6.
“BamBam?” She said to herself.
Minhyuk chimed in, “Ah, the cool 6”
“The Cool 6?” Jannine echoed. “Did I miss something, or….?”
Minhyuk laughed. “They’re like the king pranksters of the campus.”
Jannine raised an eyebrow as she got a better look of what BamBam’s costume was. Predictably, he was a prince.
But his prince look was a lot more fashionable and unique compared to the other “princes” on the dance floor. His colors were muted but electric tones: a gradient blue dress-top with 8 iridescent clasps adorning the front horizontally, black chino pants with a iridescent stripe running down the side of each leg, and finishing it off with a pair of custom made black Martin Valen low top sneakers. The crown he wore was a purple iridescent metal with little crystals shining off of them. He finished off the look with a pair of black Ray ban aviator sunglasses.
The rest of his friends were as follows: King Arthur, Robin Hood, a frog, The Gingerbread Man, and a duck. And admittedly, they didn’t look too bad either.
BamBam smiled and shouted out to everyone, “We’re gonna party like it’s 1999!” His 6 friends hooted and hollered behind him.
Everyone cheered and the music started up again. She then saw Saint greet them with bows and handshakes.
Jannine took her drink sitting on the island and took a big sip. She looked back out at the dance floor and she could no longer spot her friends. I wonder where they went off to, she thought.
She walked away from the bar and got back on the dance floor. Despite not being as talented as a certain someone when it came to moves on the dance floor she was pretty decent; she could attempt moves further than a normal fist pump.
“Jannine!” An individual donning a blue dress and white sleeves yelled as she ran over to the blue goby. “I finally found you!”
Jannine’s eyes widened in surprise as she finally picked up on who the person was before her. “Lisa?”
Her friend nodded happily. “I’m the heroine from Fairy Tail. Minerva Orlando.”
Lisa’s hair was as usual, but she had a small knot on each side of her head. Her dress was long, and the top of it tubed. Rather it being sleazy or voluptuous, it fit Lisa’s small frame nicely. It was more classy and cute on her than anything. Instead of ornate stilettos, Lisa had settled for ballet flats.
Jannine smiled. “I’m jealous!”
Lisa blushed. “Thank you!”
“Let’s dance!”
But before either girl could start busting a move, a guy stepped up to them. He was handsome in a way that almost reminded her of a certain prince.
“Hey ladies,” He said. “You both look awesome.”
Lisa and Jannine exchanged smiles before saying their thanks.
“The Pied Piper,” He replied.
“Is that a real flute?” Lisa asked.
He held it up and looked at it. “Hell yeah, it is.”
Jannine laughed and Lisa looked impressed.
The Pied Piper met Jannine’s eye, and Jannine put her head down to hide her blush. Lisa must’ve seen the exchange because she immediately made herself scarce. “I see another friend,” She said. “I’ll be over by refreshments.”
Lisa gone, it was just her and Pied Piper.
“What’s your major?” He asked. “Mine’s Fire Science.”
“Fire Science?” Jannine said in wonder. “Mine’s fashion design, but it’s really costume design.”
He smiled. “Hence your amazing costume.”
She laughed nervously.
“Where are you from?“ He then asked. “I know that everyone who goes here isn’t always a local.”
“I’ve lived in all parts of Thailand since I was 10,” Jannine replied. “I was in Chiang Mai for the summer.”
“That’s cool,” He said. “I was in Hong Kong.”
“Hong Kong, ka?” Jannine said in surprise. “That’s cool.”
He laughed. “I’m glad you think so.”
She laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” She said. “I’m just kinda tipsy.”
He shrugged. “Who says I’m not tipsy right now either?”
She smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Hey, would you like to—“ Pied Piper was cut off when he was bumped into from behind. He ended up toppling to the ground along with Jannine.
Her face turned warm at the close proximity. Pied Piper was hot. His eyes were big, and his smile was infectious. His lips were inviting too–
“Blue hair!” A familiar voice said. “If y’all want to do the devil’s tango, do it somewhere else, krup!”
Laughter followed, from both the speaker and a bit of the crowd. Jannine scrambled off of the guy she’d been admiring and looked up. It was none other than the Campus Prince. He looked smug, staring down at her like she was the piece of gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.
She blinked back tears.
“You’re such a dick,” Pied Piper said to BamBam.
The crowd grew silent.
BamBam hardly look fazed. Or seemingly so.
A smirk still adorned his lips.
With a shrug he said, “Oh, really?”
Pied Piper didn’t bat an eye. “Everyone knows you fucking had to grovel to attend Hnung.”
Everyone witnessing the scene didn’t say anything. Some looked confused while others just ducked their heads down in second-hand embarrassment.
A couple members in BamBam’s entourage stepped forward as though they were gonna…do something. But, BamBam put his hand up, as though he were stopping them.
Even though everyone in the room missed it, Jannine could’ve sworn she’d seen the flicker of hurt and anger in BamBam’s eyes. It was a minuscule flicker, barely there. But she saw it.
Maybe her eyes were just playing tricks on her.
Nonetheless, she stepped in front of Pied Piper and said to the prince, “BamBam, I don’t want to do this.”
She said it firmly, but it wasn’t as aggressive as Pied Piper’s tone.
Jannine put her hand on her hip to not make it so obvious that both of her hands were shaking out of nervousness.
Even though the music was still playing, blasting out of the speakers loudly, and the ambience of the party strengthening as more people started to ease into mingling, BamBam and her were making a scene.
The campus prince donned a smile, but he took a step back. “Whatever, Ploychompoo. Desperate is what desperate does.”
She opened her mouth to protest, but she saw each of his friends give her a facial expression as though they were disappointed in her. Like she was the one at fault. But Jinyoung gave her a small smile.
She felt a hand on her shoulder.
Jannine nearly jumped out of her skin, but when she turned around, she saw it was Pied Piper again.
She smiled brightly. “Uhm, I’m sorry for his behavior,” She said to him. “I don’t know why he acts like that.”
Pied Piper laughed. “You don’t need to apologize.”
She nodded. “Ka.”
Pied Piper nudged her playfully. “You wanna go to the snack bar?”
Jannine was on her fifth cookie when she heard Saint’s voice boom through the mic.
Pied Piper had to cut his story short. He’d been in the midst of telling her a story about when he was in China. He’d been made to participate in a survival game at a summer camp his parents had shipped him off to. The summer camp was located in China, near the Hong Kong border.
“Winners for best costume are Jannine Weigel! And…BamBam!” Clapping followed.
She looked at Pied Piper, who smiled at her. “Congratulations,” He said.
Jannine then turned her head to gawk at Saint in disbelief. “Are you…sure?” She and Pied Piper had actually been near the stage when the announcement was made.
Saint gave her his signature smirk that was as unsettling as smug. He nodded. “Chai. You and–“
“BamBam,” She finished. “We tied?”
Despite being confident of her design, she couldn’t say her costume character stood out in anyway. Ironically, if it weren’t for her blue hair she would’ve went as someone else.
“Someone told me you actually sewed your dress,” Saint said. “And your hair is fire. No joke.”
Jannine smiled. “Thank you, ka.”
Saint smiled back. “So, come up to the stage.”
Her eyes widened in alarm. “Saint, you can’t make me go up there.”
She then looked up at the platform where BamBam stood. He looked just as unimpressed to be up there.
She glared at him. He glared back.
Saint then grabbed her hand. “C’mon. You get a prize.”
“A prize?”
“Chai, krup,” He replied. “Just participate a bit, and you got it.”
Jannine hesitated. But finally relented with a nod.
When she walked onto the stage and got in position next to BamBam she heard him mutter, “I don’t want to do this either, weirdo.”
“Clown,” She shot back.
Looking out into the crowd, Jannine saw the squad she came with. PunPun held her drink up as though to say “You look great!”, Som gave her a heart, and Ploy gave her two big thumbs up.
“Sawatdee!” Saint said to the crowd. “You have the winners of the costume contest. Jannine and BamBam!”
Everyone roared with excitement and genuine admiration.
“Don’t their outfits look fire, krup?” Saint said. “They even match. Like a couple!” The crowd roared again. Whistles and affirmations were heard as well.
Jannine looked at BamBam who gave her a confused look.
She sighed. C’mon Saint, she thought annoyedly. Keep it short and sweet.
“What about a slow dance?” Saint said. “I know we have a lot of couples in the room tonight, and…I’m unconventional like that. So, grab a partner of any sex, and slow dance.”
When the MC turned around, Jannine shook her head. “Saint!” She said in a harsh whisper. “You said I’d only be up here to receive a prize and nothing else.”
Saint wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. “Jannine, relax.”
Before she could slap him, her hand was grabbed and she was being dragged to the center of the floor. “BamBam!” She whisper-yelled. “Let me go!”
Once they stopped, BamBam turned around and put his hands around her waist. “Okay, mai?”
She jumped almost at his touch. “What the hell?“ She said. “We don’t have to do this.”
“You still want your prize, luh?” He said.
She kept her mouth shut and wrapped her arms around his neck. She couldn’t look at him because she could feel his breath, and the proximity was awkward.
But when she stopped paying attention to that she found that the song playing was nice. And despite the bullshit that always followed her, her past self would’ve never bet on winning a costume contest and ending up slow dancing with a decent looking (jerkface). Maybe Past Self would have been happy.
Jannine let out a small snort thinking about her past dorky self.
“What’s so funny, krup?” BamBam asked with an eye roll. “You’ve almost stepped on my foot, y’know?”
“Mai?” She said with a raised eyebrow. “I did not almost step on your foot.”
“Yeah, krup.”
“Mai chai, ka.”
“You almost did, twice.”
She didn’t bother to respond anymore. She decided to simply imagine that it was Kunpimook who she was dancing with.
“ยังอยู่ (Still)” by Mirr continued to surround the room as every pair in the room slow danced.
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jeonstellate · 2 years
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a collection of works where different scenarios arise when juwon, seonhwa, shieun, and yuriko spend time with their same-year idol friends.
featuring bts’ jeon jungkook; got7’s kunpimook bhuwakul and kim yugyeom; seventeen’s lee seokmin, kim mingyu, and xu minghao; ikon’s kim donghyuk and koo junhoe; astro’s lee dongmin; nct’s jung yoonoh and dong sicheng; and stray kids’ bang chan
✙༄ selected 97-liner idols x original characters (ft. other idols)
✙༄ kpop addition/extra member!au (essentially)
✙༄ scenarios may use varying formats and may include different warnings
song juwon: public profile | private profile
❂*‧₊ a life built without you
✙彡 synopsis ┊ soulhi drops another video: this time, halia and vier are doing the best friend tag.
✙彡 notes ┊ installment from the present with song juwon and hua xiuwei
❂*‧₊ protagonist of the wrong movie
✙彡 synopsis ┊ song juwon risks her life and criminal record for her best partner’s project.
✙彡 notes ┊ installment from the past with song juwon, kim mingyu, and other 97-liner idols
❂*‧₊ a flower called you
❀༄ overview ┊ juwon and mingyu are strictly partners on projects — or on anything that involves their grades, really. however, as partnered work piles up during their last year of high school, they find themselves spending more and more time together — much to the interest of everyone close to them.
❀༄ genre ┊ high school!au, slice of life!au
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kwon seonhwa: public profile | private profile
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min shieun: public profile | private profile
❂*‧₊ a promise from the past
✙彡 synopsis ┊ min shieun tries not to expect when she finally goes back home.
✙彡 notes ┊ installment from the present with min shieun, kang hyunbin, and kim donghyuk
❂*‧₊ we got married: moonlight couple
✩༄ overview ┊ shieun and hanbin are paired up for the special edition of we got married, but none of them bothers to tell their friends and families about the extent of their scripted relationship.
✩༄ genre ┊ virtual relationship!au, fake marriage!au, we got married!au
❂*‧₊ extension of kindness
✙彡 synopsis ┊ min shieun befriends one of her regular customers.
✙彡 notes ┊ installment from the past with min shieun and bang chan
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wang yeonwoo: public profile | private profile
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kpop-hive · 3 years
Injured from Sex- Got7
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Jaebeom- You woke up to the soft sounds of the birds chirping. Jaebeom was sleeping soundly next to you when all of a sudden you felt a sting on your ass, you winced in pain, Jaebeom immediately woke up after the small whimpers left from your lips smiling first but then it immediately changed when he saw your expressions. “Was I too rough last night?” He asked with a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah kinda, but it’s okay.” You smiled. Jaebeom cuddled you, his hands soothing over the sore skin of your ass as you felt the warmness of his body. “I’ll try to not go harder on you next time beautiful.”
Mark- You woke up with soreness spread across your hips when you woke up from a deep sleep, you tried to turn on your other side but it was the same affect. Curious, you got up and walked to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, with heavy eyes, you lifted the oversized shirt of your boyfriend to see the prominent bruises on both of your hips, fingerprint shaped and slightly sore. You felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist, and like clockwork Mark saw the bruises on your skin. “I’m sorry I did that to you, you just make me go crazy.” He said before kissing your neck making you smile. “You look good in my shirt too.” He smirked before dragging you back to bed with him.
Jackson- In your mind, Jackson has a switch implanted in him that he can turn on or off when it comes to roughness in the bed, so it wasn’t an unknown circumstance when you woke up to sore legs the morning after. You used to be very flexible, but when you stopped stretching and doing yoga like you used to you lost that slight edge in yourself, but you still did it, along with the compromising positions and the overstimulation you received you knew how your legs would feel in the morning. Hopping out of bed, you wobbled to the bathroom while Jackson let out a small chuckle before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom to start a warm bath for you. “You need to stretch a little more babe.” He sighed.
Jinyoung- You swore your hair felt like it was caught in a vacuum cleaner when you woke up from your sleep. Jinyoung went a little too rough last night as he gripped your hair as he thrusted into you from behind, he is usually rough with you, and you are able to take it, but you guess your hair was just extra sensitive last night so you knew when you attempted to detangle your hair that your scalp would be too sore, and you didn’t want to cause breakage to your strands from all the unnecessary tension. You walked back into the bedroom with your hair in a bun, Jinyoung looking a little confused. “I thought you leaving your hair down?” “I was until a certain someone decided to pull my hair a little too hard last night.” You replied. He chuckled before walking up to you to kiss you before issuing you an apology.
Youngjae- One thing about Youngjae is that he is very passionate about you and your body. He takes time knowing all of your sweet and sensitive spots so it was no surprise to you when you walked to the bathroom to see the red-purple marks that grazed your neck all over, many near each other in the same spots as well as a few on the back of your neck. You loved how territorial Youngjae was over you, but you hated how much they hurt to the touch and the covering them up with concealer for work method as well. You slightly jumped when you felt a warm damp towel on the back of your neck, Youngjae stood proudly holding the towel to your neck before kissing your lips. “Sorry I was too rough on you, I only wanted people to know that you’re mine.” He smiled.
BamBam- You woke up and looked at the heating pad sitting in the chair from across the room. You woke up with an aching pain in your back from last night. When BamBam said he would fuck you into the mattress he was not joking at all. The throbbing pain got worse as you thought about it. Finally, you got up reaching for the heating pad and took it to your bed. Ready to plug it in, BamBam woke up quickly enough to see you getting back to bed as you waited for the pad to heat up, placing underneath your back. “Back still hurt?” He asked slightly awake. “Yeah.” You sighed. “Well instead of a heating pad, how about a nice hot bath?” “Do you plan on making my back hurt more?” You asked. “I wasn’t planning to, but if you insist…” He replied. “Fuck it, it’s worth it.” You said ready to start the bath.
Yugyeom- It was one thing to have sex with Yugyeom, it was another thing to challenge his skills and stamina. You knew this boy was a dancer, and that he was incredibly awesome in bed because of that, but due to your proudness, you challenged him to a stamina battle which you completely failed at, but what was worse was the aching pain you felt between your legs the morning after. You could barely keep your legs closed because it was causing to much friction. You slowly sat up, ready to walk to the bath, but your legs had faltered. Yugyeom saw the intense state you were in felt bad. He quickly came to you, picked you up, and laid you back in bed. “Yugyeom what are you-” “Shh, let me take care of you.” He said moving his mouth lower to your sore core.
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little-miss-kpop · 7 years
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Going to the airport with your boyfriend Bambam in couples outfits ❤️
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got7paradisejust4u · 2 years
GOT7 Reaction - You (Their GF) Having A Tattoo On Your Breast
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Hey! Thanks for the request and I hope you like it! <3
Youngjae - *He’d respectfully look at ask you questions about it, being a genuienly curious baby that he is*
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JB - *Finds it pretty awesome but would try be respectful about it, teasing you about getting your other breast tattooed as well as it looks good*
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BamBam - *Don’t expect him to give you a genuine reaction. He’d probably try and be funny and giggle at the fact it’s on your breast, but he would genuinely think it was cool*
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Jinyoung - *Looks briefly to be respectful considering the area it’s in. Comments on how nice it looks and ask if you’re thinking about anymore*
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Yugyeom - *He’d get shy and blushy, he doesn’t want to look and gets giggly, however would mention that it’s pretty cool whilst trying to be respectful, covering his eyes a little*
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Mark - *Probably would try to act unphased, but would blush as he’s shy. He would then continue to talk to you about tattoos and how well you pull them off*
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Jackson - *No issue here, he’d compliment you on your tattoo and most likely make a complimentary comment about your breasts*
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Mobile masterlists -
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sillytaetime · 2 years
Long story~ 97 Liners
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This was a flash decision to do, I was watching the ocean and thought to do a 97 line series since I love them sm! I hope you enjoy!
1. Jeon Jungkook ~ Just a spark ♡
Desc:// Your very first boyfriend, first kiss, the one who took your virginity. You thought it was more... apparently not. After all, it was just a spark. Not a flame.
2. Kim Yugyeom ~ Died out ♡
Desc:// Maybe things would have worked out... as long as the flame hadn't died out.
3. Xu Minghao ~ one night ♡
Desc:// After you dropped everything for him, you woke up alone in bed the next day... only to wonder... why?
4. Kunpimook Bhuwakul ~ Stripper ♡
Desc:// Did you think going to the club with your friends was stupid? Yes. Are you glad you went? Absolutely. However, he is just a Stripper.
5. Lee Seokmin ~ Camp crush ♡
Desc:// You never expected to see him again. Your first crush... is your old camp crush your new fuck buddy or potentially more?
6. Kim Mingyu ~ Puzzle piece ♡
Desc:// After all these years, you've finally settled down. Walking down the aisle is easy, right? Maybe for most. But it got significantly harder when you saw all of your ex's sitting together on the grooms side of the ceremony room. Will they get in the way of you sealing the deal with your missing puzzle piece?
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam (GOT7 / Solo) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam
Stage Name: BamBam
Group: GOT7 / Solo
Masterpost: Got7
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Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam
BamBam (GOT7 / Solo)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - VIII Strength
BamBam is likely to take a dominant role in a relationship but he’s a kind hearted and sensitive kind of a dom. He’s open to discussions and always listens to his partner’s opinions and seeks for compromise. He’s a bit motherly in a relationship, BamBam is likely to show understanding and have patience when his lover gets stubborn or difficult. He’s not really the kind to come up with punishments, it simply isn’t his style.
Libido - 3 of Cups
BamBam is such a sensitive, cheerful and fun lover. He’s taking the passion lightly, it’s such a core part of him that he’s very natural about it. BamBam will bring fun and excitement into the bedroom and all the other rooms for sure. Play chasing or wrestling are likely to be his favourite foreplays. When in public, he’s likely to get turned on while dancing with his lover.
Turn On - Ace of Swords
BamBam is likely to feel attracted to someone intelligent, curious and quick thinking. He’s likely to fall for a person who can discuss any topic and is constantly hungry for more knowledge. They have a matching sense of humour and sharp tongue to tease BamBam.
Kink - 2 of Wands
Costumes and role playing is likely to be BamBam’s favourite kink. It combines playfulness with humour through scripted sexy-comedic scenes. He’s likely to have as much fun coming up with the scenarios to play as he has actually playing them with his lover.
Dirtiest Secret* - XI Justice
The corruption kink is likely BamBam’s darkest secret. He might want his lover to talk dirty or to participate on semi-public sex. He’s not super serious about it, though. He takes it lightly as everything. When it comes to a vacation, BamBam might suggest going to nudist beach. I’m afraid that BamBam isn’t exactly dirty, he’s more like sexy and cheerful.
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Thank you for reading!
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pesiko · 3 years
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Bambam as Your Boyfriend - teampandawang
Bambam as Your Boyfriend - illumose
Boyfriend Bambam
College AU Bambam
Dating Bambam
Dating Kunpimook Bhuwakul Includes
Fortune Teller!Bambam
Friends to Lovers!Bambam
Game Show Host!Bambam
Last Minute Christmas Shopping w Bambam
Meet on a Plane AU Bambam
Neighbor AU - oatmeal ziploc bags and parties
Rival Actors AU with Bambam
Top shop Worker!Bambam
[main masterlist] [got7 masterlist] updated 8-2-21
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blu-joons · 3 years
DAD GOT7 A⇴Z HEADCANON ⇴ Kunpimook Bhuwakul
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BamBam would love to be affectionate with you, especially when you were in pain or restless. It would be the perfect distraction for you, and also enough movement around your bump to try and encourage your baby to settle for a while too.
He loved everything that came with your growing bump, shopping for new clothes, how much of you there was to cuddle, and of course, the little movements of your baby too. The first signs of your baby bump were what really started to get BamBam excited, when he could physically see your baby growing and be able to have little moments of communication too.
You had a whole cupboard in the kitchen dedicated to your craving snacks that was strictly off limits for BamBam. Even if he tried to steal something whilst you were eating, you’d instantly slap him away and warn him to go and get his own. When you were craving, you were harsh, and honestly, you scared BamBam a little bit too.
Getting close to your due date would be incredibly overwhelming for you especially as BamBam organised most things. Watching him stress only made you stress more, no matter how much he tried to organise things so that they were perfect, they never truly were. With both of you growing more and more impatient too, it led to an incredibly nervy and stressful few days for you both as you counted down the days.
It was only when your bump began to show, could BamBam really connect the dots as to what was happening. Straight away you noticed a change in his mood and how much more excited he was about things. As your bump got bigger, his excitement only got bigger too, the more there was to admire and let sink in, the more he couldn’t wait to be a dad and finally be able to hold his child in his arms too.
With both of your families living abroad, pregnancy was very much a thing for the two of you to enjoy. From afar, your families tried to offer you both advice and reassure you, but for the most part, you were in it together. The intimacy of having to rely on each other was something you both enjoyed more than you thought, with the whole experience only bringing the two of you even closer together as a couple, and parents.
You weren’t surprised when BamBam showed you just how overboard he had gone when it came to packing your baby bag to take to the hospital. He was always packing too much, and it was no different packing for you and the baby, with enough luggage to probably keep you at the hospital for at least a month comfortably.
BamBam loved to lay beside your bump late at night and remember the thuds that he heard at your appointments. Knowing that his child was so close to him was almost teasing for him, but the sound of your baby’s heartbeat certainly brought him a lot of comfort to keep him patient for now until your baby would arrive.
He was one to shower you in affection anyway, but even more so now that you were pregnant. BamBam was always surprising you with gifts to let you know that he loved you and to try and put a smile on your face when you were running low on energy. He was always making sure you knew he loved you and appreciated you.
If anything, BamBam was only jealous of you and that you always got to spend time with the bump. He hated having to go to work and leave your bump, even if it was only for a couple of hours, as soon as he came home, he’d be back around it again. Even though he knew carrying the bump had plenty of difficult moments for you too, his only wish was that he could always be with the two of you and never have to be separated.
BamBam loved to search up what kicks in different parts of your bump meant from various different websites. Whilst you didn’t tend to believe too much into what they had to say, BamBam would always point out that when they kicked your left side it meant strength, and that light kicks meant that they were feeling tired too.
He knew going into your labour that he was going to be scared, but he could never prepare himself for just how scared he really was. Hospitals scared Bam anyway, and although you were there for a good thing, he still couldn’t help but worry. As calm as he tried to be for your sake, you knew that he was struggling too, especially when there was nothing that he could do to try and make the situation any more comfortable for you.
The morning sickness was probably BamBam’s least favourite part about pregnancy, no matter how much he tried to pretend that he was fine about it to you, you could tell he hated it. Once he’d taken care of you, he would always be straight into the bathroom to tidy it up too, not wanting the smell to linger for any longer than it needed to.
BamBam made sure that your baby had the nursery of dreams, no expense was spared when it came to designing the room and filling it too, only the best would do for his child, regardless of how many figures it came to.
He was obsessed with the bond that pregnancy gave him with you, the two of you had always been close, but BamBam loved you in a way that he never thought would be possible whilst he watched you pregnant.
The first few days BamBam was very careful, he hardly slept a wink out of fear of leaving your little one alone. For you, on the other hand, he tried to get you to rest as possible, taking all of the night feeds and changing many nappies despite how many protests you tried to put up that you were alright and able to do things.
BamBam would always ask you if you were happy, he knew that pregnancy could take its toll on you, and that bad days were bound to occur, but as long as he knew about them, he was determined to do whatever he could to cheer you up.
Your baby was spoilt rotten by BamBam, as soon as he found out that you were pregnant, he was researching all of the things that you’d need. He was only interested in buying the best, for your baby, and for you too, with the nursery and your baby’s wardrobe filled with many branded names and labels to show off.
The scans were one of BamBam’s favourite bits about pregnancy, he could sit for hours if he could and watch your baby on the screen. You would always be able to hear audible gasps coming from him when the sonographer picked up on little movements, perhaps a wave of the hand of a small kick of their leg too.
There were plenty of tears from you both when the test you took came back pregnant. It had been something you’d talked about for quite some time, but neither of you could believe that it was about to come true.
Your appointments were always BamBam’s priority, with several alarms set on his phone to make sure that you never missed a single one.
Neither of you welcomed any visitors to come and see you until your families were able to come and see you. There were no people more important than them, and therefore no one deserved to see your little one before them.
Day by day, BamBam’s mood varied, if your baby was particularly wriggly then he definitely would struggle to keep himself patient a little more.
He would make sure that he kissed both you and your bump as often as he possibly could. Although you were the one carrying your baby, Bambam wanted to make sure that they knew exactly who he was too with his affection.
You stole BamBam’s heart, seeing you pregnant made him fall for you all over again.
BamBam was used to being disturbed through the night by the cats, so waking with you wasn’t too much of a bother for him. As long as you were comfortable, then he didn’t mind at all staying awake for as long as you needed him too.
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Bambam ✧ What We Do [M]
✧ Got7 Bambam x fem!reader ✧ words: ~2.4k ✧ genre: smut, domestic AU
Desc.: Self-quarantine can get boring, even when you’re basically living with your boyfriend. So it’s good that you’ve still got each other to fight the boredom and pass the time by doing what lovers do…
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Your half-lidded eyes are watching the TV in front of you when you let out a yawn. You feel your boyfriend’s body, who you’re sitting next to shoulder to shoulder, vibrate from laughter. You’re not tired though, as you suspect he might think, and you feel the need to clear that up.
“I’m bored,” you say, talking over the voices coming out of the TV. You’ve been spacing out for quite a while now, focusing on just the patterns he keeps mindlessly drawing on your upper arm through your clothes, so you’re not sure what the show you’re watching is really about.
“Me too, actually.” He reaches for the remote. “Wanna watch something else then? There’s not much we can do anyway.” You sigh in agreement. Ever since the virus got worse again, people are only going out for the most pressing necessities, and since you already went grocery shopping for a whole week in the morning, there’s not really an excuse you’d have to get out. But you’re not feeling like going on a walk anyway.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you mumble, putting your hand on his thigh to start mimicking the patterns he keeps drawing with his fingers there. “Isn’t there something else we can do?” Bambam tilts his head to the side and when you take a look at his face you see that his eyes are focused on some spot on the ceiling of his flat.
“Not really? We’re better off staying inside so… we can play with the kitties?” he suggests. You look around, finding each of his feline companions rolled up at a different narrow space somewhere on his furniture. You like that about being at his place - the silent and mostly subtle presence of cats feels somewhat calming. It’s like you’re coming home to a loving family, without all the trouble of having to interact with them if you’re not up for it. Watching their little torsos moving up and down slowly and peacefully, you figure that they’re all sleeping.
“I’d feel bad for waking them up,” you state, and you earn an adoring smile from your boyfriend. He looks a bit smug, but you know he appreciates you being thoughtful about his felines. You glance over at him, thoroughly scanning his face, before your eyes drop down to the jogging suit he’s wearing. You know he bought the jacket and the pants as a set for money you’d think twice about spending on casual clothes, so the two pieces match in color, and over time you took a liking to the outfit as well, because it feels incredibly soft on the skin not just inside, but outside as well. That’s why you’ve come to appreciate whenever he’s wearing this particular choice of clothes to just laze around at home, because cuddles become infinitely more comfortable like this. You push your back off the backrest of his sofa and with your arms over your head, you stretch your body properly. “That feels better,” you mutter, and you notice Bambam’s curious eyes resting on your figure. You don’t look quite as fancy as he does when you’re just at home - you’re wearing a pair of comfortable pants that you’ve had for an eternity, and a simple white T-shirt. You give him a foxy smile before crawling onto his lap.
“I know something to do,” you say, resting your wrists loosely on his shoulders and entwining your fingers behind his neck. You watch your boyfriend raise his eyebrows at you, as if to ask what you’re doing. However, at the same time the corners of his mouth are curling up, so you know he’s not objecting to your sudden approach. You lean in and bring your lips together, softly at first, and he quickly joins your rhythm when you move them against his. His big hands find your hips, with his thumbs continuously caressing your sides, as if to tell you he likes what you’re doing. You eventually break the kiss with a proud but cheeky smile, and you let your eyes do the talking instead of asking if he wants more. As if understanding the question hiding behind your expression, he nods, eyeing your slightly parted lips. You go in for another slow kiss. You let the kiss grow deeper and slip your tongue past your boyfriend’s plump lips, as one of your hands finds its way up into his short hair, tugging at what strands are just long enough to grab. You can feel him letting loose as some tension leaves his shoulders, and you lead the kiss as he loses himself in your touch. Eventually you part, resigning slowly as you watch even the slightest change in his expression. You know you have him at your mercy, even after just two kisses, when his eyelids open and he looks up at you with darkened pupils.
“So this is what we’re doing today, huh?” he asks. His voice sounds like it usually does - cheerful but confident - even though his overall stance is different from just a few minutes ago. You give him a nod.
“If we’re this bored we might as well… have some fun,” you purr at him, and you receive a soft, encouraging squeeze from his palms, that are still resting on your hips. 
“Then show me what you got, baby,” he whispers back, and you gain yet another bit of confidence from his words. You lean in again, but pass by his lips to find the crook of his neck instead, where you scatter little kisses all over the place and your boyfriend leans back, enjoying the tingly sensations you send through his body everytime your soft lips meet his skin. One of his hands wanders up your back and he places it at the back of your head to keep you close. “Feels nice…” he mumbles through a content smile, prompting you to keep going. Your mouth eventually ceases to wander all over the area on his neck and you focus on just one spot, right next to where the hem of his jacket ends. As you start sucking on his skin, hoping to leave your mark, you hear a groan escape his throat.
“Not where it’s visible, babe…” Bambam whispers, while stroking your hair slowly.
“Who’s gonna see?” you question. “We’re not supposed to go out anyway…”
“Right…” He gives up rather quickly, and you get right back to work, biting and sucking on his skin that’s already starting to change color. Focused on your mark, he sends a shiver down your spine when you feel his hand wandering the side of your body back down to your hip, and he pulls you down onto him. Taking the hint, you start grinding your core against the soft fabric of his sweatpants, and you feel him getting hard underneath you. You chuckle into his neck, letting out a breath to cool down the reddened spot on his skin. A bruise is already starting to form, and feeling proud of your work, you pull back your head to look at his eyes. Watching him, you keep slowly rocking your hips against his.
“You like that, babe?” you ask teasingly, bringing your lips up to his before he can answer, but you merely brush them against his mouth, not kissing him yet.
“Such a tease…” he comments under his breath and brings one hand up to your chin, running his index finger over your bottom lip. You kiss the tip of his finger instead of his lips, and you wrap your smaller hand around his wrist, taking his digit into your mouth. Then you bring some distance between your faces to make sure he can watch you comfortably as you start sucking on it. You only release him when you suddenly feel him squeeze your ass with his other hand, and you suck in a breath in surprise. 
“I know how to tease you as well, though,” he says, getting cocky from having caught you off-guard. You relax your muscles that had tensed up from the unexpected touch, and letting go of his wrist, you now cup his face with both your hands. 
“What do you want?” you ask, a sultry look in your eyes as you stare into his. Your boyfriend runs his fingertips over your chest and your belly, before putting both hands on your ass, squeezing your buttcheeks again, this time a little softer, and more predictable. Still, it makes you move your pelvis forward again, rubbing against his dick through layers of cloth.
“A kiss from my princess,” he states and you chuckle.
“That name again?” you ask, keeping your voice low, and then you lean in to fulfill his wish. You kiss him like you did earlier - slowly and filled with passion. Still, the touches of your lips and your tongues burn more than they did just a while ago, as both your desire for the other is rising and slowly taking the better of you. 
“You don’t like it?” he whispers when you part for a second, only to keep kissing immediately after, all while still slowly but continuously rocking your hips against his. You remember how he started calling you by that pet name a while back when you were having sex with him, and since then he did it time and time again, always watching your reaction to it closely, but never actually asking how you felt about it since you didn’t say anything either. The next time you part, you move back a little further.
“I’ve just never been called that is all,” you say, as you’re still not sure how to feel about the name. 
“If you don’t like it, I’ll find something else. Or do you like ‘queen’ better?” he jokes and you feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“That’s weird…” you comment and your boyfriend sends you an understanding smile. You stop moving your hips at his question, but instead of encouraging you to keep going, he slips one of his hands past the waistband of your pants, and he starts giving you light touches through the fabric of your soaked panties. You sigh at the sensation and push your core towards him, wordlessly asking for him to touch you properly. He smiles at your reaction, and he pushes aside your underwear to dip his fingers into your wet pussy. Sliding in and out of you painfully slowly like this, you feel your frustrations grow, until you let out a groan through gritted teeth.
“Faster, Bam,” you whisper with your eyes closed, so you don’t see the smug grin he gives you, but you know him well enough to be able to imagine it in your head. You hear rustling of clothes as he pulls down his pants with his free hand and he grabs one of your wrists to lead you to his hard member.
“I wanna do this together,” he says, and when you wrap your fingers around his length and you start stroking him, he too adds a finger inside you and starts curling them against your walls faster. You grind down on him slightly, until he hits that perfect spot inside of you.
“Right there…” you breathe, and you throw your head back.
“Don’t stop, princess.” There it is again. You feel like you’re starting to take a liking to that nickname. Or is it because you’re beginning to associate it with sex? Your brain isn’t working well enough right now to dwell on that question for longer than the second it appeared in your head, as the pleasure is slowly taking over you and you feel a familiar heat building up in your lower stomach. You do your best to focus on pleasing your boyfriend as well, instead of getting caught up in your own feelings only, and you seek to make eye contact with him. From the way his head is leaned back against the backrest of his sofa as well you can tell that he’s coming close too, and so you pick up the pace, coating his length in his own precum. 
“I’m close, babe,” you manage to mutter as your thighs are starting to shake, and you get him to look at you properly, wanting to watch your every reaction as he rubs his thumb against your clit, giving you additional stimulation that he knows will throw your over the edge soon enough.
“Me too,” he whispers. You can feel him starting to twitch in your hand, and your breaths are getting shorter and more frequent with every movement of his fingers inside you. And then eventually your high crashes down on you, and you let out soft moans in between calling his name while he lets you ride it out. Allowing yourself only a few seconds to catch your breath, you go back to tending to your boyfriend, and with a few more controlled strokes, he reaches his orgasm as well, spilling his load into the palm of your hand and all over himself. You give him a soothing kiss, as you know what he’s about to say. And so, when you part and you get up while announcing that you’ll bring a towel, he frowns at the mess you two created.
“This is why you take off your clothes when things start going down…” he mutters, half pissed and half still in a daze your sweet touches put him in. You find some tissues on a shelf and return to Bambam quickly to clean yourselves, though you can’t dry off the stains on his pants and jacket completely.
“Be glad that it didn’t get on the sofa,” you say, wearing a smile. 
“Yeah, that would be a problem…” he states, and from the short laugh he lets out you can see that he isn’t seriously angry. You place another peck to his lips once you’re both dressed properly again and as clean as possible. Taking his hand into yours, you pull him off the sofa.
“Let’s go throw your precious jumpsuit in the laundry,” you say, “and then we kill some more time in the bathtub?” Walking closely behind you, your boyfriend’s hands are already back on your hips and he purrs his answer into your ear.
“Sounds good to me,” he says. “At least in the bathtub we can’t make a mess.”
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fandomnovella-blog · 3 years
Your best friend: Kim Yugyeom
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“Is that them?” Yugyeom asked you curiously. You were both in the lunch hall looking at your crush from Biology class. You didn’t respond, you didn’t have to. Your eyes lit up when they landed on him, and your blush was as obvious as the nose on your face. At this point in your friendship, you wouldn’t be surprised if Yugyeom could read your thoughts. He wiggled his eyebrows at you teasingly, “Well that makes a change from your usual type; you’ve liked stupider people!”
“Gyeom!” You choked in shock!
“Well, it’s true!” he said laughing, “Your type has always been a bit…weird”
You shook your head to yourself. Of course, Yugyeom would say that, but he had his reasons; you tended to like a wide variety of people. Like a VERY wide variety!
“So,” Said Yugyeom suddenly, leaning in and smirking “What does he know about you?
“Oh, nothing too interesting. We chat a bit, but we don’t have deep talks. It’s a crush not anything serious yet so... yeah just basic stuff.”
“So, he knows that you sometimes wear your socks inside out, so you don’t have to wash them right away? That’s good!”
Blushing furiously, you shot your hand out and covered his mouth, silencing him “Why would I tell him that?!”
“You did say basics” said Yugyeom muffled from under your hand. You leaned forward on the table and sunk your face into your hands.
“Name, age, study subjects, music taste, that’s basic! Not what I do with my socks!” You said in a strained voice “And he will never find out about it ok?”
There was no response. “Gyeom?” You said cautiously, still no response. You looked up from your hands and saw that Yugyeom wasn’t sat opposite you anymore. You scanned the hall and saw him talking to THEM!
“Ohhh…no.” You said under you breath. Your heart plummeted to the ground; what was Yugyeom saying to them? Oh God, you said to yourself please don’t say that he mentioned the sock situation to him; but by the way they were talking and laughing and the smirk on Yugyeom’s face…you sunk down under the table and started whacking your head. Yugyeom why? You started hearing their voices getting nearer. Quickly, you scrambled under the table.
“Yeah so, that’s the basics!” said Yugyeom
“Oh…that’s kinda… weird.” Said your crush “Anyways... I’ll be heading to class now. Catch you later?”
“Sure!” Said Yugyeom and you heard your crush walk away. Slowly you rose from under the table and saw a satisfied looking Yugyeom staring down at you.
“Gyeom… what…did…you…say?” you asked him slowly as you took your place at the table again.
“Don’t worry about it” said Yugyeom smirking.
“I swear Yugyeom, if you don’t tell me I’ll post that video of you singing in the shower on YouTube.” He wasn’t the only one who knew too much about their best friend. “What did he think was weird?”
“You’ll kill me!” Said Yugyeom sniggering behind his hands; but then, going by the look on your face, he said “Well, if you really want to know, I just mentioned that Miss H in bio planned to show her ultrasound pictures in class.” And before you could process, he shot up from his seat and ran out of the lunch hall yelling, “I TOLD YOU YOU’D KILL ME!”
You gaped. He’d tricked you but were you surprised? No. This is typical Yugyeom behaviour and before you could process your actions, you were up and following Yugyeom planning all the ways you could get back at him!
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chowyunnafat · 2 years
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you got me (2021)
Title is taken from BamBam’s song “Ribbon”, and the fact that he’s in GOT7. I also think it’s because Jannine’s the only one who can see him and see through his facade (eventually). It’s a play-on on so much things.
Currently an on-going story.
(And I keep making graphics of this. I dream too much).
read this post for clarity
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bearseokie · 4 years
you're being clingy | GOT7 Reaction
request: got7 reaction to the reader being clingy?
[warnings]: mentions of nervousness
A/N: bam's is kind of more about holding on to him during an anxiety attack than being clingy? i was told it still fits, so sorry lol
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got7 m.list | navi.
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You were temperamental, everything seeming to upset you. Going about your day, you stomped around the house doing chores. The cord of the vacuum trapped your leg and made you trip, your dryer wouldn't dry loads of laundry properly, and you were fed up.
Finding Mark sat on the couch in the living room scrolling on his phone, you fell into his lap, your body wrapping tightly around him.
"Bad day?" he asked, a pout on his lips as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
With a short nod, you fidgeted, finding comfort in his hold. Settling against him, he sighed, shuffling to slide you onto the couch. Whining, you clung to his neck, forcing him to place his hands under your thighs and clutch you to him. Carrying you, he went into the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush to brush his teeth.
"Are you going to hold on the entire time?" he questioned with a laugh, your legs tightening around his waist with a nod. "Alright then, I guess."
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Trailing him around the kitchen, he finally stood in place to stir the meal cooking on the stove. He laughed at your following pace, smiling as your arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Laying your head against the middle of his shoulder blades, he hummed, the vibrations rattling your head.
"You could wait until dinner is finished to hug me? You know, for safety." he chuckled, lifting his apron up and over your arms in order to keep from the hot food splashing on them.
Shaking your head, he let out another laugh while proceeding to cook the meal. Setting your plates, he carried them over to the table as you held on to him.
"Let me guess, you want to sit in my lap and have me feed you too?" he jokes, the laughter growing as you instinctively sat in his lap and nodded. "Well, I'm in for a long and fun night, aren't I?"
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Opposite of Jackson, you were the one sending chain messages of single words that could have been put into one message. He was running late getting home from work, overtime killer. You laid on your bed wishing he was already beside you. Your texts had delivered but had yet to be read. Huffing, you threw your phone beside your head, a ding echoing in the dimly lit bedroom as you sat up. The bright light of the screen made you squint as you tapped the voice message.
"I'm on my way home, had to make a pit stop," he said, a slight lift in the pitch of his voice at the end. He was up to something.
Laying flat on your back, he overheard the door to the apartment open, sounds of struggling coming down the hallway. Swinging his body sideways, he stepped into the doorframe within your view, a container in his hands.
"I brought dessert for us to share in bed," he said, handing you a plastic spoon as he sat beside you.
Nose scrunched, your arm wrapped around his, head on his shoulder as you got a bite of the sweet inside the container. Pulling your legs up to sit on your knees, you kissed his cheek, pushing him back onto the bed with a hug.
"Did you really miss me that much?" he asked, you nod answering him. "Okay, but like how much?"
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The distance between his side and your own was too much, rolling your body closer to his. Enclosing your arm around him, he stiffened for a second, your warm body startling him awake in the middle of the night.
"I don't like being the little spoon," he said calmly, lifting your hand from over him as he gently let it fall between your bodies.
Whining, you threw it back over, his sigh loud in your ear. Flipping to his back, he gave you a hard side-eye. Watching your cheeks blush, his lips rose into a small smile knowing he couldn't be annoyed with you. Turning to face you, his arm delved underneath your body, pulling you into his chest.
"Now I'm suffocating you. Is this what you wanted?" your giggling against his chest making him vibrate out a chuckle.
Pulling away from you slightly, his head tilted down for his eyes to meet your own, a smirk on your lips. He was always wrapped tightly around your finger.
"You better be glad I love you," he said, pulling you against him even tighter as your arms wrapped around him. "We can't do this long. My arm is already falling asleep under you.
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The day was freezing outside, Youngjae's return from work early making you hop to your feet and press your cold body against his warm one.
"Jeez, you're freezing," he said, watching you lift up his overly-large sweatshirt, which was still on his body, and crawl into it.
Standing in the entrance of your shared home, he stood idle, watching you curiously as you slithered against him within his hoodie.
"Is this necessary?" he laughed at you, your hold around his bare waist making him jump from the temperature difference of his body versus yours.
You held him close to you, making him shuffle to walk into the home more to set his bag down. Making your feet move before him, he huffed from the difficulty, lifting you from the ground as your toes stood on his. Laughing with a nod against his hot chest, you both worked in tandem, pacing like the tin man's stiff legs to get over to the couch.
"You're," he laughed loudly. "So ridiculous sometimes."
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Parties weren't your thing, and BamBam knew this, but he insisted you that join him at a business gathering. You didn't know a single person, so your hand stayed in his out of sheer nervousness.
"Hold on to me tighter." he smiled at you, the pad of his thumb running along the back of your hand. "I've got you. We won't stay long."
Trailing behind him in some areas, the main hall was filled with his coworkers, the entire place packed. Pulling you along, you met some of his friends, others gifting you a smile as you passed. Worry gathering on your face, BamBam took notice, finally excusing both of you to leave respectfully.
Your hand was tightly around his, tugging him along before you finally made it outside into the cold, dark night. Able to breathe, you turned, arms folding around his neck to pull him close to you.
"Wow, you really hated that. It's okay, sweetheart. It's over with now." he said, your grasp only growing tighter, people passing sending concerned glances.
"Why don't we head home? I'll stop and get us hot chocolate so we can cuddle in front of the fireplace."
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You and Yugyeom's confidence had grown in the relationship tremendously. You gained a regular pattern of sending each other pictures and videos hourly when you were separated, but the conversation had fallen silent one day for no clear reason. Checking your phone every five minutes, your brows were creased in confusion as your notifications sat empty.
You sent a video of your outfit to him, no response. Sent a picture of your food, nothing. Even went as far as going outside to get a picture of a passing dog just to pique his interest, still no response.
Sat at your desk at home with your eyes fixed on the small screen, Yugyeom snuck up behind you, trapping you in his hold.
"Don't be mad at me." he laughed, watching you jump from the chair into his arms, tackling him backward onto the bed.
"I'm sorry! I knew I should have answered you, but I wanted to surprise you," he whined, watching your eyes grow glossy from the silence you suffered that entire day. "Extra hugs and kisses today as an apology for making you worried." he grinned.
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little-miss-kpop · 7 years
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Bambam: Being a model and getting to do a photo shoot with your boyfriend ❤️
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